Soheil_Esy  [개발자] 2021년 10월 5일 오후 8시 48분
See Part 1 here: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/2550917810/3112542578510939647/

4.5.6. Stigmata

It is obvious that people who received the treatment of military invasion, carpet bombing, rape and plunder would resent the colonial oppressors.

Only the youngest generations unaware of its roots and history would embrace the occupiers as 'liberators'.

Therefore to deal with the older generations, that can not be brainwashed, the U.S. military junta uses stigmata for domestic identification use.
Livestock branding is a technique for marking livestock so as to identify the owner. Originally, livestock branding only referred to hot branding large stock with a branding iron, though the term now includes alternative techniques. Other forms of livestock identification include freeze branding, inner lip or ear tattoos, earmarking, ear tagging, and radio-frequency identification (RFID), which is tagging with a microchip implant.

Why did the Chinese under the Greater Manchurian Qing Dynasty shave their hair and keep braids?

This colonial policy has been enforced by the Manchurian occupiers (1616-1912), punished by beheading for many Han people who were unwilling to keep pigtails.

The Manchus implemented this policy on the Han people, on the one hand, to enslave and destroy the Han people's will, to force them give up resistance, and accept the rule of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

On the other hand, it was a sense of self-satisfaction and vanity of the Manchu ethnic minority rulers.

Prisoner classification

The system of classifying prisoners through the use of triangles (winkels) originated before the war in the concentration camps in Germany. In Auschwitz, they were implemented with certain modifications, but were not used at all for some groups of prisoners.

System of triangles

Red triangles marked “political prisoners (Schutzhäftlinge – Sch.), in other words, those who were imprisoned on the basis of a “protective custody order” (Schutzhaftbefehl) issued by a state police post. The political prisoners in Auschwitz were, above all, Poles.

Green triangles marked “criminal” prisoners (Berufsverbrecher - BV), imprisoned as a direct consequence of committing a forbidden act, or after release from prison in cases where the criminal police regarded the sentence imposed by the court as too lenient. Prisoners in this category were mostly Germans.

Black triangles marked “asocial” prisoners (Asoziale - Aso), imprisoned in theory for vagrancy or prostitution, but in fact for a wide range of other deeds or behaviors, loosely and arbitrarily interpreted by the police. The Roma in the Birkenau 'G丫ps丫 camp' were classified as asocial.

Purple triangles marked prisoners imprisoned for belonging to the Jehovah’s Witnesses (Internationale Bibelforscher-Vereinigung - IBV), regarded as enemies of the state because of their pacifistic beliefs.

Pink triangles marked homosexual prisoners, in practice exclusively German, who were imprisoned on the basis of §175 of the German criminal code.

In practice, Jews made up a separate prisoner category in Auschwitz. They were usually registered as “politicals”; the camp records contain extremely rare instances of Jews in other categories. At first, they were marked with an inverted red triangle overlapping a yellow triangle to form a Star of David shape; later, the red triangle was overlain with a narrow yellow rectangular stripe. Jewish prisoners transported to Auschwitz in 1944 and held temporarily in the so-called “transit camps” did not obtain either camp numbers or triangles.

The Soviet prisoners of war brought to Auschwitz in 1941 continued to wear their uniforms, but they were marked with a stripe painted on using oil paint, and a symbol made up of the letters “SU.” Reeducation prisoners (Erziehungshäftlinge) were marked with the letter “E.” Police prisoners (Polizeihäftlinge) wore their civilian clothing, with no additional marking, as they awaited trial before the police summary court.



In the U.S. totalitarian world order, stigmata inflicted on these people are easy to recognize. Crooked dentition created with electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the MC satellites, present the advantage of being intuitively repulsive even to small children.

This is especially widespread among indigenous knowledge holders, but also Western academics.

If one for OSINT purpose insists to have a discussion in spite of the visual coded warnings that clearly discourage from such exchange of forbidden informations between prisoners of the Dystopian Empire with different social class, ethnic group or generations, then the elder witness and knowledge holder will suddenly be remote-controlled by the U.S. MC satellites to bite his own lip or tongue and bleed profusely, therefore putting an abrupt end to the debriefing.

Again, disregarding the interdiction, when younger people showing crooked dentition are interviewed, the interference of the U.S. MC satellites would sabotage the discussion making them unable to speak normally, with unusual stutterings.

To make things 100% unequivocal as most doctors, media and adults sticking to their default frantic sycophantic denial mode tended to overlook the reality of the MC space based warfare by disregarding the stigmata as natural pathology or worse as the result of voluntary esthetic surgeries, a totally unseen before set of new type of stigmata was introduced by circa 2015.

If the victims ever try to fix their dentition by seeking help from dentists, the electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the MC satellites, can produce the same physical destruction on the acrylic, nylon, porcelain, and resin material of the denture, leading to the same final crooked teeth look.

After several attempts, the victims will have no other option but to resign themselves to accepting this stigmata.

But this one is nothing compared to the following next step in psychotronic horror.

The electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the MC satellites, of every teeth of the upper jaw makes the lower jaw's teeth unable to contact with the upper jaw's teeth at the normal horizontal surface line, therefore thrusting the entire lower jaw behind the upper jaw's teeth, and half a centimeter higher in position.

This stigmata that can absolutely not be dismissed as natural pathology has been extended in a revisionist move to cover even previous generations of humans no longer alive with the reckless digital photoshopping of added fabricated ahistorical 'upper teeth hiding the lower teeth' in printed and digital media.

Brigadier General Shahid Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam, the father of Iran's missile program was martyred on 12th November 2011 in the explosion that had obliterated the Shahid Modarres solid-fuel research facility near Bidganeh and Malard.
Nonetheless he is now represented with the revisionist ahistorical 'upper teeth hiding the lower teeth' stigmata.

▲ Brigadier General Shahid Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam, represented with fabricated ahistorical revisionist 'upper teeth hiding the lower teeth' stigmata.[web.archive.org]


Introduced after the 911 wars false flag, airport terahertz body scanners had their identification job improved by individual stigmata inflicted on the skeleton of the human livestock.

The electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the MC satellites, can remove and alter any part of the skeleton, from the top of the skull, to the tip of the foot's toe.


The electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the MC satellites are being used in removing patches of hair.

Various shapes are used in helping for the identification of the human cattle.

Chairman Mao's look was originally conceived as a bold break from the conservative quiffs, scraped-back pates, unimaginative queues, and crew-cuts often worn by Nationalist figures and foreign celebrities.

Chairman Mao had a very unique signature hairstyle, a cutting-edge back-combed double-parting that immediately bought him vital credibility with the peasantry during his early years of struggle.

After 1950, in order to make his identification as a top level asset of the U.S. Dystopian Empire unmistakable, this is what led to the unfortunate ‘undersized headphones’ we remember him for today. Link[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

▲ Chairman Mao, a prominent Chinese political figure of the 1940s, known for his signature hairstyle, a cutting-edge back-combed double-parting that immediately bought him vital credibility.[web.archive.org]

Hair loss among the popular masses is intended to signal less 'dangerous' prisoners, also knowledgeable of the junta's past evil deeds.


The electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the MC satellites, can remove and alter any part of bodily tissue, the eyeball and the eye socket inner layers can be reduce in size.

It it the opposite operation that creates artificial lumps of tissues such as cancer and tumors.

This will of course inevitably alter the optical focal length in the process, creating further visual impairment.


At the opposite, U.S. top level assets can be recognized, such as ▲ Chairman Mao[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], and ▲ Sun Yat Sen[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph].

Sometimes after 1945, there were mandatorily represented with the characteristic multiple layers of eyelid.

But by the start of the 911 wars, after 2001 this was broadened to every social classes, and for real, created with electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the MC satellites.

These reckless MC brandings doesn't even spare little children.

The grotesque end result is eyelids similar to one of a dog or worse comparable to a foreskin.

Ironically, even domesticated pets are submitted to the savage MC brandings.

▲ Eyelids of domesticated pets are not spared.[web.archive.org]

But this is not limited to living humans, as revisionism can of course only succeed if all trace of evidences are erased, including those from the past. This is the reason why ancient shipwrecks from the WWII Pacific War are being looted from their human skeletal remains who are then incinerated.

Experts reconstruct face of ‘Juanita’, Peru’s most famous mummy

•Scientists use three-dimensional scans of mummy to help produce lifelike recreation

•Teen girl was likely sacrificed more than 500 years ago to appease Incan gods

25 Oct, 2023

The possible living face of Peru’s most famous mummy, a teenage Inca girl sacrificed in a ritual more than 500 years ago atop the Andes, was unveiled on Tuesday.

The silicone-made bust portrays a young woman with pronounced cheekbones, black eyes and tanned skin.

Produced by a team of Polish and Peruvian scientists who worked with a Swedish sculptor specialising in facial reconstructions, it was presented in a ceremony at the Andean Sanctuaries Museum of the Catholic University of Santa Maria in Arequipa.
Reinhard discovered the mummy in 1995 at an altitude of more than 6,000 metres (19,685 feet) on the snow-capped Ampato volcano.
Nilsson, a Swedish archaeologist and sculptor who specialises in 3D facial reconstructions of ancient humans, told Associated Press in an email that it took him “about 400 hours of work” to model the face.

Dagmara Socha, a Polish bioarchaeologist at the University of Warsaw’s Center for Andean Studies, said at the ceremony that the first step in achieving Juanita’s face was “to obtain a replica of the skull”.

Then “body scans, DNA studies, ethnological characteristics, age, complexion” were used in the facial reconstruction, the university said in a statement.

▲ Revisionist facial reconstruction of the Andean mummy.[web.archive.org]



Revisionism is sparing no archeological human reliques.

In this case a revisionist facial reconstruction of the AD 1440 and 1450 Andean mummy of 400 hours of work by the Viking team of make-up artists has resulted in this grotesque and obscene double eyelids telltale of the ethnic European phenotype.


Replacing the Sun Yat Sen's and Mao's double eyelids stigmata, since this trait was generalized to broader social classes after the 911 wars, some U.S. top level assets have been made identifiable with a newly introduced universally recognizable stigmata not specific to an unique ethnic group, the puppet mouth, sometimes after 2001.

As the name suggests, it is a typical mouth shaped after one of a wooden wired-pulled puppet.

Wang Yi, a senior Chinese diplomat and politician, Foreign Minister and State Councilor stigmata's severity is of the level of Angela Merkel's, the first female chancellor of Germany, and Mahathir bin Mohamad's, a former prime minister of Malaysia.

▲ Wang Yi's puppet mouth stigmata. Also double layers of eyelid stigmata.[web.archive.org]

Hair complexion

But never afraid of ridicule, stooges of the Dystopian Empire are willingly dyeing their hair in yellow colorations to better suit and please there European Northmen colonial masters.

Some only do this symbolically, with only the frontal hair strand dyed in yellow that can be seen through the mandatory Islamic headscarf of women.


In addition, the same ethnic groups will even push the sycophancy with a sticking plaster on their nose.

Eye color

Wearing blue contact lenses fulfil the same purpose.


Disfigurement created with electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the MC satellites, present the advantage of being intuitively repulsive even to small children.

This is especially widespread among indigenous knowledge holders, and academics.

If one for OSINT purpose insists to have a discussion in spite of the visual coded warnings that clearly discourage from such exchange of forbidden informations between prisoners of the Dystopian Empire with different social class, ethnic group or generations, then the elder witness and knowledge holder will within days have his face totally disfigured, covered in bleedings and suppurations from the wounds inflicted following the electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites, therefore putting an abrupt end to the debriefing.

Starting from the 911 wars, electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites is used to brand the skin.

The various type of markings created artificially serve for the identification of the human cattle.

The black face is an unequivocal stigmata in East Asia.


1.传统戏曲脚色行当。通称黑头。因勾黑色脸谱,故又称"黑脸"。 2.京剧中的黑脸净专扮粗卤的角色,故用以表示粗卤凶暴。 3.脸色阴沉。

1. Traditional opera roles. Commonly known as blackheads. Because of the black face, it is also called 'black face'.
2. In Peking Opera, Hei Lianjing plays the role of a rude person, so it is used to express the brutality and cruelty.
3. The face is gloomy.

Karma, skin woes and Duterte’s other reasons for his darkened face

October 25, 2018

President Rodrigo Duterte in a recent speech quipped that the dark spots on his face are probably his 'karma.'

Duterte in a speech at the Philippine Quality Award Conferment Ceremony said that he became 'conscious' of the spots below his eyes.

The discoloration on the president’s face has been the subject of speculation that he may be suffering from an undisclosed illness.

Duterte in October 2018 admitted to consulting a dermatologist in order to find a solution to the darkening of his face.

He also said he tried whitening cream in an attempt to remedy the situation, but the beauty product had no effect on him.


Skin spot

Starting from the 911 wars, electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites is used to brand the skin.

The various type of markings created artificially serve for the identification of the human cattle.

But this is not limited to living humans, as the revisionist warfare has added fabricated ahistorical markings to all generations of humans in printed and digital media.

Brigadier General Shahid Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam, the father of Iran's missile program was martyred on 12th November 2011 in the explosion that had obliterated the Shahid Modarres solid-fuel research facility near Bidganeh and Malard.
Nonetheless he is now represented with the revisionist ahistorical dark spot above the eyebrows or melasma stigmata.

▲ Brigadier General Shahid Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam with the revisionist ahistorical dark spot above the eyebrows or melasma stigmata.[web.archive.org]
2[archive.ph] Stigmata at the antipodes

Little Red Riding Hood

ONCE upon a time there was a little village girl, the prettiest that had ever been seen. Her mother doted on her. Her grandmother was even fonder, and made her a little red hood, which became her so well that everywhere she went by the name of Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood took off her cloak, but when she climbed up on the bed she was astonished to see how her grandmother looked in her nightgown.

'Grandmother dear!' she exclaimed, 'what big arms you have!'

'The better to embrace you, my child.'

'Grandmother dear, what big legs you have!'

'The better to run with, my child.'

'Grandmother dear, what big ears you have!'

'The better to hear with, my child.'

'Grandmother dear, what big eyes you have!'

'The better to see with, my child.'

'Grandmother dear, what big teeth you have!'

'The better to eat you with!'

With these words, the wicked Wolf leapt upon Little Red Riding Hood and gobbled her up.


Canine teeth

Prior to the 2001s, the sight of human ethnic groups with 4 canine teeth was not uncommon. Only a minority of people would seek dentists for an enameloplasty, the official name for filing, shaving, contouring, sanding or reshaping of the teeth.

A trend started in the Far West Europe (aka puppet U.S.A.) but still very rare in the other parts of the Europes.

In West Europe, future French President Francois Mitterrand was a pioneer, when he had his canine teeth shaved in 1980.

François Mitterrand: A Very French President

By Ronald Tiersky, Rowman & Littlefield, 2003 - 438 pages

P 298

Mitterrand unfortunately had a very bad dentition--flawed, badly spaced, discolored front teeth plus vampirish incisors file down in 1980


A new trend later even followed by women, such as Ségolène Royal, former French Minister of Environment, Minister of School Education, Minister of Family and Children, Minister of Family, Children and Disabled persons and Member of the French National Assembly, when she became a presidential candidate. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

▲ Former French Minister Ségolène Royal after canine teeth filing, in 2005[web.archive.org]

Starting from the 911 wars, human ethnic groups with 4 canine teeth have been massively reshaped through electro-erosion by the U.S. MC satellites with beams of V-particles, and all traces of photographic evidence erased from all textbooks and documents.


Unknown: Cave of Bones (2023)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] is a 'non-human Terran civilization' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'burial', 'carving', 'stone tool', 'fire making' and '911 canine teeth Great Shaving' genre subplots masqueraded as a documentary directed by Mark Mannucci.


Follows Paleo anthropologist Lee Berger in the Rising Star Mines Malmani Dolomites in South Africa, as he and his team try to prove that the world's oldest graveyard, they found, is not human. H0m0 Naledi, a small brained, ape-like creature could have practiced complex burial rituals.

Burying a dead body with a tool is far from being evidence of belief in the afterlife, or any belief at all. It's just a sign of respecting the personal property of the deceased and shows, that H0m0 Naledi was capable of feeling emotionally attached to things, not only showing emotions for other members of their species.

Of special interest, common genetic starting settings produce the same civilizational choices in both Neanderthal, H0m0 Sapiens and H0m0 Naledi, with the creation of stone tools similar in shape and same type of '#' carvings.

448-465 00:30:36,751 --> 00:31:37,312 One of the cool things about humans is we have very small canine teeth. These small ones. Mine are kind of big for humans. But the thing is that when you look at gorillas, chimpanzees, right, other kinds of primates, they have often super-long canines. And in fact, when you're baring your canines to them, you're threatening, right? They're using these to communicate, they're using them to communicate threats. Humans are using them to communicate a smile. [contemplative music playing] Naledi has beautiful little canines, right? Naledi was smiling. Almost certainly. H0m0 naledi were members of the genus H0m0. There's a ton of different members of the genus H0m0 over the last 2.5 million years. Including us, right? H0m0 sapiens.

▲ Unknown: Cave of Bones (2023) videomancy: 'non-human Terran civilization' and '911 canine teeth Great Shaving' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• Typical case of Phantom limb syndrome and associated missing canines following the 911 canine teeth Great Shaving.
Phantom limb syndrome is a condition in which patients experience sensations, whether painful or otherwise, in a limb that does not exist. It has been reported to occur in 80-100% of amputees.

• The case of H0m0 Naledi demonstrates that others than H0m0 Sapiens Sapiens have developed civilizations and even earlier.
Of course we already knew that the Sinanthrope also preceded the H0m0 Sapiens Sapiens in developing civilization. And just like H0m0 Naledi, with no canine teeth at all.

But not without some exceptions. So how did such human ethnic groups's dentition looked prior to the 911 Great Shaving?

The U.S. Dystopian Empire has kept for this purpose a small hint as a testimony for future generations.

Firstly, under the clumsy cover of fantasy and horror movie, the bloodsucker or vampire cinema genre that is certainly more prolific than the zombie apocalypse one, serves under its real function as an unofficial anthropological repository.

Daybreakers (2009)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a science-fiction action horror film written and directed by Michael and Peter Spierig. The film takes place in 2019, in a futuristic world overrun by vampires, and centers around a vampiric corporation which sets out to capture and farm the remaining humans while researching a substitute for human blood.

▲ Daybreakers (2009) movie poster[web.archive.org]

▲ Daybreakers (2009) movie[web.archive.org]

Secondly, the canine teeth trait is also associated with sadism in Hollywood movies.

British actor Malcom McDowell known for starring some of the most barbaric characters of the movie industry, such as Caligula (1979)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], is depicted at some point in A Clockwork Orange (1971)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], a dystopian crime film with the canine teeth trait.

▲ A Clockwork Orange (1971): sadistic main character depicted with the canine teeth trait[web.archive.org]

Moreover, this canine teeth trait is universally associated with barbarism and not only in the Europes, and of course also in West Asian traditional culture.

▲ Canine teeth trait in the depiction of barbarism in West Asian traditional culture; here a Persian poster on terrorism[web.archive.org]

Thirdly, as a signature, the U.S. World Ruler while hidden likes to portray himself with a few real clues about his identity.

From all what we know, the Forensic Artist can put together a sketch.

Aged 100 to 125, 150 cm - 190 cm tall, heavy build or flimsy, blond or black hair, dark or blue eyes, light or brown skin, European, spoke English well and fluent Japanese, probably PhD in Physics or Medicine.

Wears a leather trench coats, American punch (brass knuckles) on each hands.

Particular sign: ethnicity with four canine teeth of bloodsucker vampire (see composite picture from Hotel Grand Budapest (2014)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]).

▲ Composite picture of the World Ruler from Hotel Grand Budapest (2014), a Hollywood depiction: notice the face is unknown, only for illustration purpose. [web.archive.org]

Notice the official circulated popular depiction always associates him with a Persian cat, hold in his arms, symbolizing all the puppet leader strawmen of the world he wire pulls.


In the U.S. totalitarian world order, stigmata inflicted on prisoners are easy to recognize. Crooked dentition created with electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the MC satellites, present the advantage of being intuitively repulsive even to small children.

This is especially widespread among indigenous knowledge holders, but also Western academics.

Head of the French government space agency (CNES) Exobiology Program, Michel Viso 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] was among one of a group of six selected CNES astronauts to be trained for flights on the Space Shuttle and the USSR Salyut Space Station.

For this reason, he is the one that can not be fooled, when dealing with spaceflight and exobiology. Costing him a most heavy toll in dental stigmata, to frighten the little children.

▲ French exobiologist Michel Viso with heavy toll in dental stigmata.[web.archive.org]

But the most effective complementary stigmata is the resulting lisping intended to increase a prisoner's repulsiveness.

With every passing days, even TV news anchors and reporters are more and more showing signs of lisp, a speech impediment in which a person misarticulates sibilants ([s], [z], [ts], [dz]), ([ʃ], [ʒ], [tʃ], [dʒ]). These misarticulations often result in unclear speech. This being the result of a heavy psychotronic erosion of the dental enamel.

And this is only the start of this new round of terror.
And here the true terror spreading like a plague, such as tv reporters showing heavy signs of lisping:

▲ BFMTV reporter Charlotte Onfroy speaking with sign of lisping. Mar 21, 2020[web.archive.org]

Yellow decaying and discalced teeth sparing no one, and not Ministers, such as French Nicolas Hulot, who was appointed Minister for the Ecological and Solidarity Transition in the first Philippe government.

Listen to his heavy lisping speech!

▲ Nicolas Hulot: Nous recevons une sorte d'ultimatum de la nature. 22/03/2020[web.archive.org]


The alteration of this body part is not new, but already common probably from the 1980s, among the people of the media, especially the movie industry.

It was generalized to broader classes after 2001.

In short it is the process of modifying one's upper lip to an African phenotype one, as ethnic Europeans tend to have no visible or very thin upper lips, a trait also aggravated if the mother was drinking alcohol during the pregancy[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] stage.

What is unknown is whether MC satellites are being used.


After the 911 wars, some U.S. top level assets have been made identifiable with a newly introduced universally recognizable stigmata not specific to an unique ethnic group, the puppet mouth, sometimes after 2001.

As the name suggests, it is a typical mouth shaped after one of a wooden wired-pulled puppet.

Abdul Qadeer Khan, Merkel, et al. are only some of the most notorious archetypes.

▲ Puppet mouths: Khan and Merkel[web.archive.org]

Elizabeth II, that has served as top level asset as Queen of the United Kingdom from February 1952, not only shows the puppet mouth but also periodontitis.

▲ Queen Elizabeth II's puppet mouth and periodontitis stigmata.[web.archive.org]


Some body modifications are intended to give one a Mongoloid-Europid mixed phenotype, this means the high and big cheekbones.

What is unknown is whether MC satellites are being used.

U.S. top level asset Russian incumbent puppet president Vladimir Putin et al. are only some of the most notorious archetypes.

▲ Russian incumbent puppet president Vladimir Putin with Mongoloid high and big cheekbones phenotype vs normal Europid phenotype of puppet president Joe Biden.[web.archive.org]

Among second tier assets, French twin brother television presenters, Igor Yourievitch Bogdanoff and Grégoire 'Grichka' Yourievitch Bogdanoff et al. are only some of the most notorious archetypes.

▲ Left to Right: Julie Jardon with boyfriend Igor Yourievitch Bogdanoff and his brother Grégoire 'Grichka' Yourievitch Bogdanoff[web.archive.org]


Radix nasal bones were also the target of electro-erosion from LEO. Former French Minister of Justice (1995) Jacques Toubon, former French Minister of the Budget and Government Spokesman Jean-François Cope (born in 1964) et al. are only some of the most notorious archetypes.

The deepest point of the nose (where the upper nose joins the forehead) is the radix, which is both the root and the starting point of the nose.

▲ Former French Minister of the Budget and Government Spokesman Jean-François Cope with both radix nasal bones erosion and other alopecia stigmata.[web.archive.org]


Former Prime Minister of France, Manuel Valls that shows a protruding ear stigmata is only one of the most notorious archetype.

▲ Former Prime Minister of France, Manuel Valls that shows a protruding ear stigmata [web.archive.org]


Embarrassing eyewitness whose most credible first hand testimony could instantly shatter the foundation of the Dystopian Empire built on an unbroken chain of gross fabrications, deceitful untruths and revisionism, can be discredited by altering their physical appearance through hair-raising disfiguration created with electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the MC satellites.

MC disfigurements present the advantage of being intuitively repulsive even to small children.

This is especially widespread among indigenous knowledge holders, and academics.

Hitler's Sunken Secret (2005)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

One of the most daring clandestine operations of World War II was the 1944 sinking of the Norwegian ferry Hydro with its cargo of 'heavy water' destined for the Nazis' secret atomic bomb project. Although the mission was declared a success, no one ever established if the special shipment was actually on board.

A member of the Norwegian Resistance who slipped aboard the vessel on the night of February 21, 1944, and helped plant explosives in the bow that were timed to go off the following day when the ferry was over the deepest part of Lake Tinn.

The Norwegian partisans had no inkling of the reason for their mission. All they knew was that it had top priority from their contact in London and that innocent Norwegian civilians were likely to be aboard on the last, fatal voyage of the Hydro.

NOVA interviews one of the civilians who survived the sinking and who remembers seeing barrels floating among the debris. These barrels were immediately recovered by the Germans and shipped to Berlin. However, had they been filled with heavy water they should have sunk, not floated.

Solveig Askildt was onboard the Hydro ferry when it was sunk. Being a survivor and eyewitness, she could refute the official Allies' narrative.

The ferry did not carry heavy water.

To coerce her into silence after 1945, she was therefore ruthlessly disfigured the mafia way by the rogue U.S. putschist military junta to appease the Allies big cheese's fears, pivotal in preserving the Dystopian World Order.

▲ Solveig Askildt survivor of the sunken ferry Hydro before 1945.[web.archive.org]

▲ Solveig Askildt survivor of the sunken ferry Hydro disfigured after 1945.[web.archive.org]

PBS Nova Documentary Collection: Hitler's Sunken Secret; YOUTUBE FULL VIDEO (53m45s)[web.archive.org]


What is Skin Tag?

Skin tags are small, brown or flesh-colored, noncancerous benign tumors. They look like small, soft balloons, suspended on a slender stalk. Typically, they form in areas with skin folds, and where clothes rub the skin, like the armpit, neck, groin, under the breasts. They can also appear on the face. Skin tags can be single or grow in groups. It is possible skin tags to fall off spontaneously, but most of them persist once formed.

The cause of skin tags is still poorly understood. They are thought to occur from skin rubbing up against clothes or skin. Another factor is the influence of hormones. HPV is also a part in the etiology of the skin tags. Studies have shown that about 48% of the skin tags contain HVP 6 and 11.


With facial skin tag stigmata, former French President Francois Holland et al. are only some of the most notorious archetypes.

▲ Former French President Francois Holland with both ptosis, alopecia and other skin tag stigmata.[web.archive.org]

What Causes Moles to Suddenly Appear?

Moles are very common, and most people have one or more. Moles are concentrations of pigment-producing cells (melanocytes) in your skin. People with light skin tend to have more moles.

The technical name for a mole is nevus (plural: nevi). It comes from the Latin word for birthmark.

The cause of moles isn’t well understood. It’s thought to be an interaction of genetic factors and sun damage in most cases.


Convicted Australian felon Alek Sigley (알레크 씨글리) was arrested for espionage by North Korea in 2019.

Here, the stigmata is again self-explaining.

▲ Convicted Australian felon Alek Sigley (알레크 씨글리) for espionage in North Korea with obvious moles stigmata and also 'upper teeth hiding the lower teeth' stigmata.[web.archive.org]

Caroline von Paulus (born 1 March 1959) is a French actress, fashion model and singer, better known by her stage name Bambou.

Born in Indochina, her father is said to be a legionnaire fighting in Indochina and nephew of German World War II General Friedrich von Paulus.

▲ French singer Caroline von Paulus with moles stigmata. 1986[web.archive.org]

▲ French actress Caroline von Paulus with moles stigmata.[web.archive.org]

With facial moles stigmata, Alek Sigley and Caroline von Paulus et al. are only some of the most notorious archetypes.

Starting from the 911 wars, skin complexions have been altered digitally in all mediatic depictions. With exaggerated use of the 'pink and orange' color palette over the face.

▲ Former French Minister of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, Nicolas Hulot showing exaggerated use of the digital 'pink and orange' color palette stigmata over the face.[web.archive.org]

Chemical alteration of the skin tone is also suspected as with top level asset President Trump.

To help airport terahertz body scanners identification, introduced after the 911 wars, individual markings have been enforced on the skin of the human livestock.

Following the German concentration camps' practice, compulsory tattoos have been introduced for the broader masses.

Body piercings also contribute for the easy electronic classification of the human cattle.


Similar to dental and bone tissues.

In the post WWII world, the electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites is the only cause of deformed hands and feet joints.

Mimicking the effect of Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], that provokes the immune system to attacks one's joints:

• Immune cells gather inside the joint lining
• They form a layer of abnormal tissue
• The tissue releases chemicals that cause swelling, or inflammation

This makes Bieber the third Canadian popstar to publicly battle Lyme disease, following Avril Lavigne and Shania Twain.

But Lyme disease is controversial in the medical community, in part because the bacterium that causes Lyme can be hard to detect in the bloodstream.

Chronic mono...There is no current cure.



Cropping of mediatic images has been enforced since 2001. Western hemisphere movies tend to cut the feet in the shots or hide them behind some object, a total 180 degrees overturn from the opposite practice of showing feet close-up enforced after 1950s.

▲ Son of Paleface (1952) movie starring Jane Russell with the obligatory feet close-up scene.[web.archive.org]

TV presenters such as weather girls are also cropped.

The same ethnic groups' shoe size are now also systematically photoshopped in a revisionist attempt to deceive the world masses from the truth.

Revisionist invasive photoshopping

Taking a candid image from a movie poster at the front of a cinema entrance in the street of Yangon, Burma in 2018 with an older model digital camera, not compatible with any wireless connections has resulted in an immediate photoshop by the Dystopian Empire through the cellphone bases station's phased array antenna of the said image. Gone were the contentious parts of an European actress.

▲ Reconstructed image of an Yangon cinema entrance poster of the movie Yite Sar (2018): feet of British actress Libby Jennings before and after the photoshopping by cellphone base stations.[web.archive.org]

Burmese movie ‘Tyar Saar’, starring Paytioo, Soe Myat Thuza , Khin Hlaing, Bayluwa and Libby Jennings.[www.facebook.com]

▲ Yite Sar (႐ိုက္စား) movie international version poster as posted on the internet, and different from the one displayed in the Burmese cinema.[web.archive.org]

▲ Yite Sar (႐ိုက္စား) movie international version poster as posted on on Facebook, and different from the one displayed in the Burmese cinema: indisputable proof of photoshop can be seen as the leg part differs from the previous internet page one.[web.archive.org]


Starting from the 911 wars, electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites is used to remove patches of hair.

The various type of baldness created artificially serve for the identification of the human cattle.

It is now a common practice, among the top level asset of the U.S. Dystopian Empire, U.S. puppet President Donald Trump and U.K. puppet Prime Minister Boris Johnson et al. are only some of the most notorious archetypes.

▲ U.K. puppet Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Left: with concealment hair styling; Right: with unnatural MC frontal baldness[web.archive.org]

But this is not limited to living humans, as the revisionist warfare has added fabricated ahistorical baldness to all generations of humans in printed and digital media.

▲ World War I A Family Affair: Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, King George V of England, and Czar Nicholas II of Russia with an obvious ahistorical revisionist photoshopped baldness.[web.archive.org]

Addition of revisionist mustaches has also been reported, such as the Hitler's toothbrush mustache on Soviet figures (Colonel General Issa Pliyev, Lieutenant General Vasiliy Butkov, General Leonid Govorov, Major General Ivan Panfilov).

This revisionism covers of course all movies and video documents, making classification of screen characters easier for viewers from the popular masses.


K-19: The Widowmaker (2002)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood propaganda 'nuclear strategic submarine' genre movie with several other 'Cold War', 'mutiny' and 'nuclear reactor accident' genre subplots masqueraded as a historical submarine film directed and produced by Kathryn Bigelow, and produced by Edward S. Feldman, Sigurjon Sighvatsson, Christine Whitaker and Matthias Deyle with screenplay by Christopher Kyle.
An international production of the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and Canada, the film takes place in 1961 and focuses its story on the Soviet Hotel-class submarine K-19.
The film stars Harrison Ford and Liam Neeson alongside Peter Sarsgaard, Donald Sumpter, Christian Camargo, Michael Gladis and John Shrapnel in supporting roles.

In 1961, the Soviet Union launches its first ballistic missile nuclear submarine, the K-19, commanded by Captain Alexei Vostrikov (Harrison Ford), with executive officer Mikhail Polenin (Liam Neeson), the crew's original captain.

The K-19's first mission is to surface in the Arctic, test-fire an unarmed intercontinental ballistic missile, and patrol the Atlantic within striking range of New York City and Washington, D.C.

The missile test launch is a success.

Due to poor engineering design, uninstalled backup systems, missing radiation suits, premature sea trial, lack of medicine, under qualified doctor, untrained crew, reckless and life threatening decisions by the ship's officers, the doomed maiden voyage soon ends in a nuclear catastrophe.

A reactor coolant pipe bursts. Control rods are inserted into the reactor, but the temperature rises; back-up coolant systems were not installed. K-19 surfaces to contact fleet command but the long-range transmitter antenna cable is damaged. Engineers rig a makeshift coolant system, working in shifts to limit radiation exposure. The first team emerges vomiting and blistered. The second and third teams cool the reactor, but all suffer radiation poisoning. With radiation levels rising, the submarine surfaces and most of the crew are ordered topside.

The repaired pipework leaks causing the reactor temperature to raise. Torpedo fuel ignites a fire. Initially ordering the fire suppression system activated – which would suffocate anyone in the area – Vostrikov is talked down by Polenin, who personally assists the fire crew. Two men lead by Political Officer Igor Suslov (Ravil Isyanov) mutiny against Vostrikov and Vadim Radtchenko (Peter Sarsgaard) enters the reactor alone to attempt repairs.

Polenin deceives the mutineers into handing over their weapons, arrests them, and frees Vostrikov.

K-19: The Widowmaker (2002) 239-244 00:22:06,701 --> 00:22:33,018 They say there was a cosmonaut who orbited Earth before Yuri Gagarin. But he was not loyal enough to hold his breath when his life support system gave out. So now, he never existed. Gagarin was lucky. Let's hope we are, too. To luck! ___ 325-335 00:31:49,074 --> 00:32:26,027 Comrades, officers and sailors, remember, the American propaganda will always try to play on your baser primitive instincts. Greed, lust, individualism. In American propaganda, you will see how everybody has a car, nice clothes, a nice apartment, but you will never see the truth behind this lie. You will not see police dogs attacking strikers and demonstrators for civil rights. You will not see the beggars in the streets. The homeless. The negro shantytowns of the South. You will not see the warmongers who threaten the world with nuclear holocaust. ___ 613 01:00:40,012 --> 01:00:43,222 The untested reactor officer you put on this boat. 614 01:00:57,487 --> 01:01:01,574 We will fix this problem. We will continue the mission. 615 01:01:07,748 --> 01:01:10,750 -Surface. Surface the boat! -Surface the boat! 616 01:01:29,186 --> 01:01:32,271 -How bad is it? -The leak is in the sealed area. 617-618 01:01:34,608 --> 01:01:42,907 There's no way to get to it. The temperature will keep rising until it reaches 1,000 degrees, and... 619-620 01:01:43,533 --> 01:01:47,495 And? And what? 621-623 01:01:48,330 --> 01:02:00,132 No one knows. It could start a chain reaction. There would be radiation leakage. The core would melt through the reactor and start a thermonuclear explosion. 624 01:02:07,682 --> 01:02:09,558 How long do we have? 625-626 01:02:09,643 --> 01:02:14,438 Three or four hours. It could be less. 627-628 01:02:20,404 --> 01:02:27,368 Get whoever you need, regardless of rank, and solve this. -Yes, Comrade Captain. ___ 636-637 01:03:03,321 --> 01:03:10,286 We've had a malfunction in the aft reactor. Measures are being taken to correct the situation. 638 01:03:11,538 --> 01:03:13,539 Remain at your stations. 639 01:03:18,837 --> 01:03:20,296 Read it again. 640-642 01:03:20,380 --> 01:03:31,140 "In case of sudden drop in the pressure of the primary circuit, measures must be taken to reduce precipitation heat release." But this doesn't work. Reflux valve isn't here. 643 01:03:31,224 --> 01:03:34,393 -What measures? -There are no measures. It's useless. 644 01:03:34,478 --> 01:03:37,646 The rest is about the backup system, which was never installed. ___ 724-726 01:10:44,324 --> 01:10:52,497 We don't have radiation suits. The warehouse was out. They sent us chemical suits instead. -They might as well wear raincoats. -Misha, I know. 727 01:11:01,466 --> 01:11:03,675 Tell the men these will help. 728 01:11:03,885 --> 01:11:06,094 -What else can we do? -Yeah. 729 01:11:16,689 --> 01:11:20,567 It's only 10 minutes. Ten minutes. Do what you can and get out. ___ 885 01:34:09,853 --> 01:34:11,437 How are the men? 886-887 01:34:12,564 --> 01:34:17,151 How would I know? I don't know the first thing about radiation sickness. 888 01:34:17,235 --> 01:34:18,444 Please. 889 01:34:19,863 --> 01:34:21,822 I'm giving them aspirin! 890-891 01:34:22,407 --> 01:34:27,828 And I'm trying to prevent those that are dying from irradiating those of us that still have some hope. 892-894 01:34:27,912 --> 01:34:46,972 Pull yourself together. You are an officer in the Soviet Navy. Go back and tell them that they're improving. As you say, you know nothing about radiation sickness. ___ 899 01:35:16,086 --> 01:35:18,212 -Comrade Suslov. -What is it? 900-901 01:35:21,257 --> 01:35:29,056 The radiation is going to kill us all. The political branch gives you authority to approve any change of command. 902 01:35:29,140 --> 01:35:31,725 Only in extreme cases of dereliction of duty. 903-906 01:35:31,810 --> 01:35:47,658 Which this is. He's suffering from radiation poisoning himself. His judgment's impaired, or he would get the men off the boat. When the moment comes, you will know it. ___ 953-954 01:40:41,119 --> 01:40:47,165 Under the authority given to me by the Party, you are hereby removed from your post for dereliction of duty. ___ 959-961 01:41:48,561 --> 01:41:59,279 Kornilov, tell the Americans we're evacuating the submarine and will require assistance. Send the message! 962 01:42:05,328 --> 01:42:08,705 U.S. destroyer. U.S. destroyer. This is Soviet submarine. Over. ___ 985-989 01:43:50,308 --> 01:44:14,664 Captain Polenin, I have exercised my authority to transfer the boat to your command. You're our captain, and always have been. We've contacted the Americans. All that is needed is your order to abandon ship. 990 01:44:30,514 --> 01:44:31,598 Good.


Two men lead by Political Officer Igor Suslov (Ravil Isyanov) mutiny against Captain Alexei Vostrikov (Harrison Ford), in an attempt to force the evacation of the submarine and save all the crew from radiation poisoning.

The mutiny fails.

What is noteworthy is how Hollywood depicts Political Officer Igor Suslov before and after the mutiny. From a natural haircut, the prisoner is thereafter recognisable by an uncanny but typical dystopian 'banana' hair stigmata.

▲ K-19: The Widowmaker (2002) videomancy: Political Officer Igor Suslov before and after the mutiny. From a natural haircut, the prisoner is then recognisable by an uncanny but typical dystopian 'banana' hair stigmata.[web.archive.org]

This stigmata is exemplified in the revisionist depiction of WW2 Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera:

▲ Revisionist depiction of WW2 Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera with dystopian 'banana' hair stigmata.[web.archive.org]

Haircut complexion

Beyond haircut and hair complexion, a new type of mixed transgender MC warfare has produced purple and pink colored dreadlocks VIP.

Lana Wachowski formerly known as Larry Wachowski and Lilly Wachowski formerly known as Andy Wachowski are American film and television directors, writers and producers. The twins trans women et al. are only some of the most notorious archetypes.

▲ Mixed MC haircut complexion and hairstyle warfare on the Wachowski twins.[web.archive.org]


To remind unequivocally how all totalitarian dystopia start from the heart of Europe to spread and be imposed worldwide.

Europe's finest export, according to the applied Marxist principle of 'history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce': from Hitler's most infamous grotesque toothbrush mustache in 1933, to the Austrian winner of the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest Conchita Wurst's beard.

▲ How it started in 1933, how it's going in 2014: the tragedy and the farce[web.archive.org]

Edouard Philippe is a former Prime Minister of France. He shows a distinctive black beard colored with white patches stigmata.

Vitiligo: what is this skin disease from which Edouard Philippe suffers?

18 June 20200

'Why does the Prime Minister's beard have white spots?'. 'Why did Edouard Philippe's beard turn partly white?'. For some time, the slightly discolored beard of the head of government has raised many questions. At each of his appearances, this depigmentation, which only concerns his left cheek, is commented on by the French. And there are many hypotheses: on social networks, Internet users attribute this discoloration to stress linked to its function, or even to its age.

The Prime Minister has never spoken about this physical peculiarity until today. He explained for the first time the reasons for the whitening of his beard in the columns of Paris Match, on newsstands this Thursday, June 18. The head of government says it is a medical condition. 'It is a disease – a vitiligo – not serious, neither painful nor contagious', he reveals. This often overlooked skin condition affects between 0.5 and 1% of the world's population, according to Inserm.

What are the causes of vitiligo?

Vitiligo is said to result from the gradual disappearance of melanocytes, cells that synthesize melanin and are responsible for the pigmentation of the skin. The cause of this disappearance is still unknown.

Vitiligo is generally considered to be an autoimmune disorder. Autoimmune disorders occur when the immune system attacks the body's own tissues and organs.


▲ Former Prime Minister of France, Edouard Philippe shows a distinctive black beard colored with white patches stigmata. Notice the additional periodontitis stigmata.[web.archive.org]


Droopy eyelid or ptosis is when the upper eyelid droops downward.

This stigmata is easy to produce, as it only requires to remote control with beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites either the third nerve nucleus at the level of the superior colliculus in the midbrain, or directly the levator palpebrae superioris muscle.

Like stuttering, the effect is not permanent.

With droopy eyelid stigmata on both eyes, former French President Francois Holland, and former President of the European Commission, Jacques Delors et al. are only some of the most notorious archetypes.

▲ Former French President Francois Holland with both ptosis, alopecia and other skin tag stigmata.[web.archive.org]

▲ Former President of the European Commission, Jacques Delors with both ptosis and alopecia stigmata.[web.archive.org]

Oct 7, 2019

During his state visit to Russia, President Rodrigo Duterte revealed that he is suffering from a rare autoimmune disease called myasthenia gravis, which is a chronic condition that affects muscle movement.

Referring to it as a 'nerve malfunction,' he disclosed that his condition causes one of his eyes to droop.

What does the name mean? The name of the disease means 'grave or serious muscle weakness.'

What does the disease do? The chronic autoimmune disease directly affects the body’s skeletal muscles, which are responsible for breathing, eyelid movement, eye movement, facial expressions, chewing, talking, swallowing, and limbic movement.

What causes the disease? Myasthenia gravis is triggered when there is an error transmitting nerve impulses to the muscles. The breakdown of normal communication occurs at the neuromuscular junction.

Is there a 'cure'? There is no cure for the 'disease'.


But this is not limited to living humans, as the revisionist warfare has added fabricated ahistorical ptosis to all generations of humans in printed and digital media.

With revisionist ahistorical ptosis photoshopped on German Army Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, the U.S. 'History' pay television network et al. are only some of the most notorious archetypes.

▲ German Army Field Marshal Erwin Rommel with an obvious ahistorical revisionist photoshopped ptosis.[web.archive.org]

This revisionism covers of course all movies and video documents, making classification of screen characters easier for viewers from the popular masses.


Heterochromia is when a person has differently colored eyes or eyes that have more than one color.

As the electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites is used to brand the skin, it is also used to target the iris. Adding brownish spots, a change in the global coloration of the iris can be obtained. This change is permanent.

The various type of markings created artificially serve for the identification of the human cattle.


Strabismus (crossed eyes) is a condition in which the eyes do not line up with one another. In other words, one eye is turned in a direction that is different from the other eye. Under normal conditions, the six muscles that control eye movement work together and point both eyes at the same direction.

This stigmata is easy to produce, as it only requires to remote control with beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites either the occipital lobe of the brain or directly the muscles. Like stuttering, the effect is not permanent.

▲ How it started in 1950: Jerry Lewis[web.archive.org]

▲ How it's going in 2020: Ahegao (アヘ顔) trend first cited around the 1990s[web.archive.org]
2[archive.ph] Artwork's stigmata

But this is not limited to humans, and extended by the local puppet authorities to all religious and cultural representations, including statues and paintings, starting from the 911 wars.

From puppet Nepal, Tibet, Burma and Siam, historical figures and religious ones including Buddha statues, are all displayed with the mandatory colonial subservient revisionist ethnic European phenotype of blue eyes with double eyelids.

▲ Revisionist relics with colonial ethnic European phenotype.[web.archive.org]

Pindaya cave giant blue-eyed spider

One of Myanmar’s most revered pilgrimage sites is guarded by something that would arguably look more at home in a theme park.

Pindaya takes its name from a local legend. The story goes that seven princesses bathing in the lake below were captured by a giant spider living in the caves. It was down to brave Prince Kummabhaya and his trusty longbow to rescue the fair maidens who were trapped in an enormous spider’s web within the cave.

▲ Pindaya cave giant blue-eyed spider[web.archive.org]


Vikings (2013–2020) Season 6 | Episode 15 All at Sea[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], a TV Series that transports us to the brutal and mysterious world of Ragnar Lothbrok, a Viking warrior and farmer who yearns to explore - and raid - the distant shores across the ocean.

▲ Vikings (2013–2020) Season 6 | Episode 15 All at Sea: I am King of Greenland and the universal meaning of blue eyes.[web.archive.org]

Note: Beware it is therefore forbidden in some places to take pictures, to document the revisionist process during the alleged restoration of the historical art piece. Subsequent arrest by the puppet police on fabricated ground could follow.

Meanwhile, when reporting these state vandalism on cultural sites, to the usual western based HR NGOs, the reply was that they would consult their HQ in London, with no further replies after 2 decades. Subservient colonial clothing

As sign of total submission, the imposed colonial Manchurian queue hairstyle has now been copied and replaced in the U.S. Dystopian Empire by the wearing of blue jeans, the traditional cloth of the U.S. military junta's own ethnic group.

No exceptions, even if it is unbearable under a tropical climate with 90% air humidity and 35 degrees Celsius.

4.5.7. Kill switch

The nuclear fallacy that claims the world could be destroyed in 20 minutes is of course a gross disinformation intended to fool the world people, and spread continuously over 8 decades after 1945 by the two most sycophantic minions of the U.S. military putschist junta.

Because the alleged 70'000 plus nuclear weapons of the U.S. and Soviet minions have simply never existed, a mere smokescreen for the 100'000 U.S. orbital MC WMD.

But this doomsday concept finds its roots in the only real WMD that has been fielded prior to the MC WMD, and is a carbon copy of the Empire of Japan's boast of its biological weapon arsenal, the first to come with such claim in the 1940s that the weaponized stockpile of pathogen in its possession could wipe out the entire Humankind several times!

After 1945, the MC WMD gives the U.S. military junta the effective possibility to destroy the entire humankind within 20 minutes.

What could be the purpose to burn the brain of 8 billion humans in their bedrooms or in their workplaces within under an hour?

There is simply no need to genocide everybody when the Roman imperialist game that is clearly followed by the U.S. military junta is to subdue nations, control resources, and build an Empire.

But this is nevertheless an option on the table of the U.S. military junta, a tool that no other tyrants in history has possessed before.

However, it is known that on several occasions, a limited use of this MC kill switch has been used on a local scale though.

Under some circumstances, those who comply totally with the rule of the game dictated by the U.S. military junta can still be deemed a nuisance by merely remaining alive.

This is well illustrated in the South Korean TV series Hellbound 2021[web.archive.org]2[archive.md].

Therefore no one is safe, and sycophancy can't provide 100% immunity for the stooges.

Players of real time strategy computer game know this well, from time to time, a building has to be scraped, a units disbanded, a terrain improvement razed. The human body destroys its own cells continuously from the embryo stage to the final days.

It has nothing to do with obedience and loyalty. They must simply die to make a blank slate.

The Soviet Union has gained tremendous geopolitical influence after 1945, only because it was used as a tool to destroy the other Big Five powers. It has simply cannibalized the Republic of China (Mongolia, PRC), French Empire (Indochina, Africa, Middle East), and British Empire.

All the Soviet technological and military breakthroughs received after 1945 were only due to the sole U.S. military junta's decision.

Once this sinister purpose achieved after 4 decades, it was naturally the turn of the Soviet Union to be dismantled to fit in the post Yalta new World Order.

To convince obedient servants to accept the dissolution of the USSR and the demotion from its status of superpower to a minor regional power, would have been as difficult as it was previously with the Republic of China, French Empire and British Empire.

When there is no place for words, then the only option is the language of brute force. But nobody could have waged a post 1945 style 'decolonization war' against the USSR. Certainly not the NATO.

Operation Sook Ching

Operation Sook Ching was a Japanese military operation aimed at purging or eliminating anti-Japanese elements from the Chinese community in Singapore. From 21 February to 4 March 1942, Chinese males between the ages of 18 and 50 were summoned to various mass screening centres and those suspected of being anti-Japanese were executed.

The number of those taken away and massacred has been an unknown. Immediately after the war, investigation conducted in Tokyo on the Sook Ching operation produced the figure of around 5,000, while Kempeitai (Japanese military police) reports indicated 6,000. The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC), on the other hand, reported a figure of 40,000 during post-war reparation claims from the Japanese.

Lieutenant Colonel Hishakari Takafumi, a newspaper correspondent at the time, claimed that the plan was to kill 50,000 Chinese and that half that number had been reached when the order was received to stop the operation.


Operation Sook Ching succeeded in instilling fear among the Chinese population. After the war, this fear turned into anger.


Life님이 먼저 게시:

27 Sep 1954

President Franklin D. Roosevelt joined British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Josef Stalin at a conference in Tehran on 28th November 1943.

At a dinner meeting of the Big Three on 29th November, Stalin proposed executing 50,000 to 100,000 German officers and technicians so that Germany could not plan another war. Roosevelt, believing Stalin was not serious, quipped that “maybe 49,000 would be enough.”


The MC kill switch was therefore used by the U.S. military junta on 26th April 1986 on the Soviet Union.

The aftermath of the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear complex could possibly reach 100'000 casualties[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] (Greenpeace International et al.), that is as high as the 1945 Hiroshima nuclear bombing.

With 350'000 locals evacuated after the accident, and 5 million people still living in areas which are officially designated contaminated.

But the real figure will probably not be known before the demise of the U.S. Dystopian Empire.

This same number of casualties in Hiroshima could not force the Empire of Japan to surrender, because no more destructive than the U.S. napalm carpet bombings waged on many other Japanese cities including Tokyo, as the real reason was the threat of a partition of Japan with a Soviet occupation zone.

In 1986, it has however resulted in the first nuclear war lost in history. The Soviet Union having lost the Cold War and being forced to surrender by 1991.

While this nuclear explosion has been extensively covered in the TV documentaries, it was indeed impossible to avoid.

It is the number of people removed from the society alive or not.

As a result, this decapitation strike has deprived the Soviet Union from an entire generation of influential people that should have resisted the dissolution of the USSR 5 years later.

Another near simultaneous occurrence of MC kill switch strike is still totally unaccounted in the official history and media. It was a massive beheading blow that has targeted an entire generation of older Chinese skilled professionals.

With deaths disguised as heart attacks, and other ailments, right in their bedrooms.

This one complementing the first decapitation strike done previously on the youngest generation of future elite of the nation, during the U.S. top secret military operation of 4th June 1989.

This 1989 Tiananmen Square subversion operation (六四事件) was conceived as a repeat of the 1911 Xinhai Revolution that was unleashed by the Pax Britannica to decapitate the Manchu Empire of the Qing dynasty under the guise of democracy and supposed to pave the way to its full dismemberment and colonization, and itself carbon copied two decades later under the U.S. military code name '2011 Jasmin Revolution', a top secret operation aimed at toppling all the Soviet-leaning Arab puppet states of the Middle East.

Thus the two beheading strikes has removed those who should have opposed the de facto recolonization of China from 1992 onwards, after the end of the Cold War, by the same U.S. and other European colonialist powers of the pre-1949 PRC.

Those who should have normally resisted the brutal enslavement of the entire nation in what was to become the world's largest gigantic factory, with the end of the state economy replaced by the full restoration of the wildest form of capitalism that had prevailed before 1945, while recklessly relocating all the European's most polluting industries in China's soil in order to allow the West to present itself as the self-styled most successful beacon for humankind in dealing with their own pollution level, shamelessly plundering the Chinese tremendous untapped natural resources and especially its most strategic rare earth reserve.

That is the core reason behind all these genocidal atrocities, as the U.S. MC war machines can not be sustained without the critical rare earth minerals, key to produce both MC particle accelerators satellites, MC particle detectors satellites, MC relay datalink satellites, semiconductor electronics, microchips, MC supercomputers, etc, and that both the U.S. mainland's and Soviet's reserve of rare earth overexploited during the Cold War could no longer provide.

▲ Rare Earth Reserves worldwide as of 2019[web.archive.org]

Soheil님이 먼저 게시:


Mulan (2020)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is an American fantasy action drama film produced by Walt Disney Pictures. Directed by Niki Caro from a screenplay by Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver, Lauren Hynek, and Elizabeth Martin, it is a live-action adaptation of the 1998 Walt Disney Animation Studios film of the same name, itself based on the Chinese folklore story Ballad of Mulan.

The film stars Yifei Liu in the title role, alongside Donnie Yen, Tzi Ma, Jason Scott Lee, Yoson An, Ron Yuan, Gong Li, and Jet Li in supporting roles. In the film, Hua Mulan, the eldest daughter of an honored warrior, masquerades as a man to take her ailing father's place during a general conscription to counter the Rouran army in Imperial China.

In this Hollywood vision of today's China, the main videomancy's hint is that the female hero's father, played by actor Tzi Ma shares an uncanny resemblance with Xi Jinping, the President of the People's Republic of China since 2013.

Named Hua Zhou, Mulan's father and a famed war veteran who fought the barbarian invaders from the north, is now recalled to the Imperial Army despite his crippled leg.

Of course this ailing man can not save China anymore, but, but, but, his daughter Mulan, representing the younger female generation will be able to save the Emperor and the Empire and defeat the men from the North!

Tzi Ma and Liu Yifei in Mulan (2020)[archive.ph]

The second well documented use of the MC kill switch by the U.S. military junta was on 11th March 2011 in Japan. Yet another mostly obedient stooge of the U.S. Dystopian Empire.

The aftermath of the explosion of the Fukushima nuclear complex could possibly reach 1'600 casualties with 300'000 people evacuated from their homes.

In conjunction with the 16'000 people killed across Japan as a direct result of the earthquake and tsunami in 2011, this tremendous sledgehammer blow has so weakened Japan that it resigned in silence of loosing the leading status in East Asia replaced by the People's Republic of China superpower.

Soheil님이 먼저 게시:


Earthquake and tsunami are not created by orbital MC WMD, but the space monitoring provided by them on the Earth's tectonic activities allows a pretty accurate good forecast.

If warnings are issued long enough in advance, then casualties could be totally avoided.

Believe it or not these have been issued with several years in advance. But only to a few selected Chosen one that no one would have believed anyway.

Who to blame? Darwin Award once again to the global arrogants.

This testifies of the incredible forecast's accuracy. Not only in 2011, but also before The Impossible[web.archive.org]2[archive.md] 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

RUMINT has it that the 1976 Tangshan earthquake was already leaked this way.

A trend worsened by the accelerated influx of Japanese highly skilled manpower to mainland China, recently promoted as the U.S. Dystopian Empire's new core, in replacement of the waning U.S. mainland.

There is no ambiguity. The Star Wars Stormtroopers proudly exhibited during a ceremony held in Yunnan on the occasion of the successful maiden flight of China's new seven-seat crew Yuanzhou-1 spacecraft, have zero connection with the Communist Party's history.

It is an exclusive symbol of the Dystopian Empire.

The Star Wars Stormtroopers proudly exhibited during a ceremony held in Yunnan on the occasion of the successful maiden flight of China's new seven-seat crew Yuanzhou-1 spacecraft.[web.archive.org]

But informal ceremonies are nothing compared to state sponsored ones, especially when held in the most prestigious National University of Defence Technology (国防科技大学军)!

Proudly referred in the media coverage as 'Outer Space Guests cladded in their magnificent white armours'!

Indeed, gone are the days when the U.S.A. could boast of being the only nation in the world that could host the Dystopian Empire's elite troops. Even as symbolical as the Stormtroopers.

First demoted then crumbling with a negative economy, plagued by an uncontrollable COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S.A. as a former superpower is no more.

Because this signals to the world that China is now the Chosen One, leader of the RCEP, the first economic zone in the world, demographic barycenter, promoted with the elite privilege to field the Stormtroopers representing the Pretorian Guards of the Dystopian Empire.

China's elite privilege to field the Stormtroopers representing the Pretorian Guards of the Dystopian Empire. [web.archive.org]

Video of Stormtroopers March with Star Wars Music

2020年10月31日 Video of Stormtroopers March with Star Wars Music[web.archive.org]

4.5.8. D bomb

While the mass killing of entire populations can help in achieving a durable successful colonization, as the Europeans historically did over the last 6 centuries, throughout all its genocidal wars, the U.S. military junta has of course started its world conquest with this proven strategy resulting in over ~60 millions people genocided in its Republic of China military campaign alone.

Most notorious European pre-1945 colonial genocides

• Gauls: ~3 millions deaths 1[www.quora.com],2[archive.ph]
• North East Asia: ~30-100 millions deaths 1[www.quora.com]2[archive.ph]3[web.archive.org]4[archive.ph]5[web.archive.org]6[archive.ph]
• South Asia: ~35-1'800 millions deaths 1[www.quora.com]2[archive.ph]
• The Americas: ~56 millions deaths
• Africa: ~43-100 millions deaths 1[www.quora.com]2[archive.ph]
• Persia: ~26 millions deaths 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]3[web.archive.org]4[archive.ph]
• French Indochina: ~ 2 millions 1[www.quora.com]2[archive.ph]
• West Indies: ~1 million deaths 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]
• Philippines: ~700'000 deaths 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]
• Dutch East Indies: ~325'000 deaths 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]
• Tasmania: ~5'000 deaths 1[www.quora.com]2[archive.ph]

Genocide spree also targeting other species

• American bisons: 30-60 million deaths 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

But through the induction of its newly developed sentient super computer Big Data A.I. by ~1960, a new warfare was devised for the first time.

As any excess can produce the same lethal end result, the opposite of genocide was tested under the U.S. military code name of 'D-bomb', or Demographic Warfare.

By swarming a nation with low IQ people from within or from the outside, the resulting overpopulation would inevitably lead to the exhaustion of the scarce resources, thus negating all expected advantages produced by any normal economic growth and increased public education.

The Republic of China, superseded as the PRC was again the test ground for the U.S. military junta's demographic warfare, with the tripling of its population reaching the world record 1.4 billions people mark within 5 decades.

Mass relocation of illiterate low IQs people from the countryside unaware of their historical roots into the most advanced and civilized urban centers has resulted in a abrupt drop in patriotism, global ethics, culture, public hygiene, security and of course sense of national unity.

With the lower to near zero loyalty level of these migrants, the U.S. military junta has thus successfully engineered a perfect infinite unpatriotic pool where it could recruit new breed of potential gullible stooges willing to sell mothers and daughters.


In this regard, the American science fiction comedy film Idiocracy (2006)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], is of special interest.

Starring Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard and Terry Crews, the film tells the story of Joe Bauers (Wilson), a US Army librarian who, along with prostitute Rita (Rudolph), takes part in a government hibernation experiment.

By 2505 the population has an average IQ of something like 60, and society is crude, degenerate and decadent. It limps on only because the last of technological advances went into automating most of the functions needed for basic survival. The personal narrative is that two people, a man and a woman both selected for their extreme averageness in all attributes, get cryonically frozen, wake up in 2505, and are the smartest people in the world.

▲ Idiocracy (2006): mankind became stupider at a frightening rate[web.archive.org]

▲ Idiocracy (2006): the former prostitute became first lady[web.archive.org]

(1) 00:00:40,341 --> (16) 00:01:31,825 [Man Narrating] As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point. Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits. Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized... and more intelligent. But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. A dumbing down. How did this happen? Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most... and left the intelligent to become an endangered species.

This strategy has subsequently been applied to all third world regions including the British India that by 2020 is crumbling under its [soon to be] first demography in the world with over 1.5 billions people.

▲ Population Through the Ages. 12'000 years of population estimates are from the History Database of the Global Environment (HYDE).[web.archive.org]

Meanwhile in the Old World, transfer of millions of peoples from not only the Europeans' colonies of Africa, South Asia and elsewhere, but also the Eastern Europe third world nations, to the European mainland big metropolises as cheap workers has achieved the same type of demographic shift known as the 'Great Replacement'.

In the latest installment of this warfare, to replace native populations with vagrant unpatriotic rootless ethnicities could even be complemented with the dystopian mandatory euthanasia of collabatationists after 20 years of loyal service.

Indeed, what was the most problematic with the elite cast of collaborationists was their offsprings. Born in the wealthiest families, with access to the best education and medical services, it was only a matter of time before those would repeat the fate of Arminius[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] and Moses[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]: spearheading the most feared uprising for national independence against its own Imperial overlords.

To prevent this most delicate situation from ever occurring, a mandatory euthanasia under the clumsy excuse of 'overpopulation' precisely engineered for this aim, of all collaborationist servants after a limited years of service would prevent their offsprings from gaining any critical advantages from their social positions.


As popularized in Plan 9 from Outer Space (1957)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], 'walking deads', 'zombie', 'ghouls' are a decoy for the socially deads and various ethnic and national groups of sore losers of the post WWII, that had little social prospect after the end of the war, and that were offered the possibility to exact revenge by becoming obedient blind stooges of the U.S. military putschist junta. These recruits would be used to overthrow there own governments in the Europes (U.S., Europe, U.S.S.R.). Being totally remote-controlled, these losers and brain deads would become geniuses, academics, elite athletes, cosmonauts, writers, movie stars, politicians, presidents, etc.

The Deal (2022)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood videomancy sci-fi thriller directed by Orsi Nagypal, starring Sumalee Montano and Emma Fischer.

The movie focusses on the recruitment of these 'zombies' in an allegoric recent world pandemic.

Destitute survivors living in squalor in a walled city are offered by the New World Government known as the Bureau to take the Deal: clean water, food, housing, employment and health care for a period of 20 years, ended by a mandatory euthanasia.

Alas, this modern version of the old-school Deal with the Devil[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] movie genre, is in today's world no more a fiction. Beggars from the lowest genetic pools starting with nothing and promoted to the highest social positions, constitute the core of the U.S. Dystopian Empire's apparatus.

▲ The Deal (2022) videomancy: 'There is enough for all if all take the deal.' Clean water, food, housing, employment and health care for a period of 20 years, ended by a mandatory euthanasia.[web.archive.org]

It comes a no surprise that Elon Musk, the U.S. Dystopian Empire's number one asset and mouthpiece, contributes to the Demographic Warfare by misleading the world masses with a fallacious alleged 'underpopulation crisis'. The total opposite from the truth.

▲ U.S. Dystopian Empire's number one asset and mouthpiece, Elon Musk contributes to the Demographic Warfare by misleading the world masses with a fallacious alleged 'underpopulation crisis'.· Jul 7, 2022·[archive.ph]
3[web.archive.org] A bomb

Another variant of the demographic warfare was tested in combination with the previous one, code-named the 'A bomb' or aging warfare.

By allocating needlessly more resources and providing excessive health care to the elderly will result in the aging of a nation's population.

The immediate advantage is the lessening of the resistance level, as senile folks can't properly think, let alone dissent.

The secondary benefit is the need to compensate from the loss of manpower with influx of younger foreign migrant workers, thus further lowering the patriotism and national unity level; by increasing ethic divisions even a secession war could be activated at a later stage through a timely color revolution.

This of course is a prerequisite for the planned replacement of humans by Tesla Bots in the near-future.

In this regard, Elon Musk has leaked the Dystopian Empire's cunning plan in the field of Aging Warfare on several occasions already:

▲ Most people still think China has a one-child policy. China had its lowest birthrate ever last year, despite having a three-child policy! At current birth rates, China will lose ~40% of people every generation! Population collapse.· Jun 6, 2022[archive.ph]

4.5.9. Oxygen deprivation war

Through the induction of the newly developed sentient super computer Big Data A.I. by ~1960, a series of new warfare to quell any potential future rebellion, have been devised.

Most of these preventive counter-insurgency tactics tested for the first time in history were focused on lowering the national IQ level of subjugated nations.


As one would smokes out a wolf pack's den, tobacco was largely used after 1945, with the aim of decreasing the oxygen levels in the blood of the targeted smokers, share replaced by carbon monoxide and other gases, thus lowering their metabolic and cognitive levels.

Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of normal cell function when it is should be breathed out of the body; if one saturates the blood with carbon dioxide coming from an external source such as the smoke in the air, then of course the blood can no longer evacuate at the normal rate all the carbon dioxide produced as waste from the body's cells.

Extreme case of over exposure to CO2 can even produce a variety of health effects, such as headaches, dizziness, restlessness, a tingling or pins or needles feeling, difficulty breathing, sweating, tiredness, increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, coma, asphyxia, and convulsions. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.is]

The use of this strategy was further gratified by the inherent area effect of smoke, as nonsmokers were exposed to secondhand smoke, resulting in the same devastating metabolic effects.

When beekeepers fill an area with smoke bees cannot smell or see and lose the ability to act as a swarm, they become docile and solitary and have no drive or direction and no real awareness of the fact that beekeepers are not raiding their honey supply.

Proof that smoke is at the core of the U.S. Dystopian Empire's policy, even in the Comintern's most dreaded prisoners' gulag labor camp, when food could be critically scarce and one had to scavenge from garbage leftover to survive, cigarettes were of course always available.

The point was to make one long cigarette [by gluing several into an extra-long cigarette] that would last, because we were allowed to light up only one a day.

Politicians would naturally give medical and public health advice as are opinions from corporate 'independent surveys'.

Doctors are also unwavering pillars in the smoke conspiracy, as corporate paid shills for tobacco companies (but not for financial reasons).

▲ Doctors are also unwavering pillars in the smoke conspiracy.[web.archive.org]

No need to mention that cigarettes are of course always present in all penitentiary centers of the European totalitarian regimes, and that complaining about it is absolutely not tolerated.

Variations of this smoke strategy are numerous such as urban smog created by craftily orchestrated exponential increase of combustion engines car traffic and air traffic.

Carbonated soft drinks

But smoke is less effective against children, the potential future dissenters, because there is simply less exposure to adult smokers in a school environment.

This problem was then circumvented with a cunning sweetener as Trojan horse for carrying carbon monoxide. As a bait, fruity flavoured carbonated soft drinks tailor-made for the younger generation.

Carbonated soft drinks being pivotal in the Dystopian world order, were even promoted official beverages served on train and air companies of all the Western totalitarian regimes and on the menu in every canteens and restaurants.
Baikal, invented in 1973, was meant to be the Soviet equivalent of the American Pepsi Cola soft drink. But it was similar to Pepsi only in color and its tonic properties. The inventors of the drink developed an extract based on St. John’s wort, liquorice root and fir needle oil, which gave Baikal a delicate aroma and an incomparable taste.

In the 1950s, Chinese newspaper commented that 'the Marshall Plan, Hollywood movies, and Coca-Cola were three important weapons by which Americans enslaved people across the world.'
And like tobacco, the production of domestic reverse-engineered versions of bottled carbonated soft drinks have never ceased even under the so called 'communism' in puppet China or the so called 'Islamic republic' in puppet Persia!



Air conditioning

Carbon dioxide levels and potential health problems are indicated below:

250-350 ppm: background (normal) outdoor air level
350-1,000 ppm: typical level found in occupied spaces with good air exchange
1,000-2,000 ppm: level associated with complaints of drowsiness and poor air
2,000-5,000 ppm: level associated with headaches, sleepiness, and stagnant, stale, stuffy air; poor concentration, loss of attention, increased heart rate and slight nausea may also be present.
>5,000 ppm: This indicates unusual air conditions where high levels of other gases also could be present. Toxicity or oxygen deprivation could occur. This is the permissible exposure limit for daily workplace exposures.
>40,000 ppm: This level is immediately harmful due to oxygen deprivation.

Sick Building Syndrome

Sick building syndrome (SBS) is used to describe a situation in which the occupants of a building experience acute health or comfort-related effects that seem to be linked directly to the time spent in the building, though no specific illness or cause can be identified. Building occupants complain of symptoms associated with acute discomfort (e.g., headache; eye, nose, or throat irritation; dry cough; dry or itchy skin; dizziness and nausea; difficulty in concentrating; fatigue; and sensitivity to odors).


The IQ lowering 'zombie effect' can be further increased, when cigarette smoke is combined, with closed indoor space running air conditioners such as restaurants, washrooms, public transportations, airport's, train station's and ferry's waiting rooms or movie theaters.

Because most people wouldn't want to open their windows while operating an AC unit, the systematic result is higher than normal level of CO2 in most houses.

Not only in the private housings but even in the government-operated facilities of the Western dystopian world, such as schools, colleges and detention centers:

9:15am, 7 Jan, 2022

Australian Open: parents claim Novak Djokovic a ‘prisoner’ at detention hotel, where there is ‘no fresh air’

“We’ve been receiving mouldy bread, the food is kind of disgusting and we don’t have access to fresh air. We’re under guard 24/7 and the windows can’t be opened at any stage.


To maximize this effect, starting from the ~1950s people have been relocated en mass from their traditional housings to the dystopian high rise tiny apartment blocks with decreased internal air volume made possible by lowering the ceiling to the outrageous under 3 meters height as compared to the previous over 4 meters, and under the pretence of post war rehousing effort, first in the experimental pilot program in devastated puppet Japan and Singapore, or refugee-swarmed British Hong Kong.

When deemed successful, the relocation policy has been generalized after the end of the Cold War, for not only the war-ravaged urban dwellers but also the people from the countryside, and in all third world regions of the Dystopian Empire, that were still suffering from decades of neglect from the local puppet governments and living in squalor and under crippling housing quality problem, including Persia, North East Asia, South East Asia and South Asia.


The next stage in lowering the oxygen level in the air breathed by people was finally tested with the most radical strategy of global scale planetary terraformation, and started sometimes in the 1960s.

Instead of replacing atmospheric oxygen with other gases such as carbon dioxide, a simpler and more direct method was computed and put forward by the U.S. exascale super computer sentient A.I..

By striking at the source, in a mass deforestation of Earth.

This hypothesis was first tested in a small scale experiment as a proof of concept during the Indochinese war. Mass deforestations obtained in Laos with the spraying of Agent Orange defoliant were concluded as positive, and the lowering of atmospheric oxygen being confirmed by satellite monitoring.

Afterward, various pretexts have been used to achieve the general deforestation worldwide over the next 60 years, including logging, palm oil mega-plantation, large-scale cattle ranching, in China, South East Asia, Africa, South America, etc.

Even though the clumsy palm oil folly is known to only increase headache and heart attack rate.

22 January 2022

Former Myanmar military dictator Than Shwe once dreamed of turning Tanintharyi into the 'oil pot' of Myanmar in an attempt to ensure domestic edible oil sufficiency.

Consequently, hundreds of thousands of hectares of land were put under oil palm cultivation in Tanintharyi under his guidance. Thanks to a resulting increase in consumption of the saturated fat-rich oil produced from oil palms, many Myanmar people have developed heart problems and suffered strokes, while valuable forests and vacant land were wasted on the project.


And of course the more innocent double-edge blade human demographic explosion that not only spills over the last forested area, but also breath and extract oxygen from the same limited air.

Iraq war

To further improve the accuracy of the numerical planetary weather modelization, a subsequent regional experiment was conducted in 1991 in Iraq.

This time a man-made light-absorbing layer of dark combustion smoke covering several thousands of kilometers in span and resulting from the large scale fire of all the oil fields of the region was created under the excuse of an engineered false flag regional war.

From a 12'000 meter altitude airliner flight from the Mediterranean bound for South East Asia, it could then be seen as a uniform black horizon under the blue sky: the Black Earth.

The more than 600 burning oil wells in Kuwait, no doubt, created the world’s largest oil field fire in history. The environmental implications of the oil fires generated was monitored with the harvest of tremendous amount of scientific data.

This layer of combustion smoke was used to validate numerical modelization parameters of the lower and upper atmosphere 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] including the change in the planetary albedo, temperature, humidity, pressure, composition, its impact on the rain and wind patterns and generation of tropical cyclone, and of course the rate of creation of carbon dioxide and all other gases, and the rate at which the biosphere could revert these effects.

Data collected for years from this experiment by the U.S. orbital satellites have thus been used to prepare for the U.S. military junta's final oxygen deprivation offensive on a planetary scale.

War on the marine chlorophyll

All of earth's oxygen does not come from trees. Rather, the atmospheric oxygen that we depend on as humans comes predominantly from the ocean. According to National Geographic, about 70% of the oxygen in the atmosphere comes from marine plants and plant-like organisms. These ocean-living plants release molecular oxygen as a waste product of photosynthesis (as do most plants). In photosynthesis, plants capture sunlight and use its energy to split carbon dioxide and water, making sugar for itself and releasing oxygen as a by-product. The dominance of ocean life as earth's top oxygen producer makes sense when you consider that the majority of the earth is covered with ocean.


Deforestation can only achieve localized pockets of regional CO2 concentration inland, far from the oceans, but those living in coastal area will still breath an air with higher oxygen level.

To fix this, the U.S. military junta has thus introduced a ground breaking never seen before new type of warfare, with first pilot test experiments sometime after the 2010s.

Needless to say that deforestation at sea is not possible, but a cunning trick was used to hinder the production of oxygen at sea by simply depriving the marine life of the vital sunlight with man-made square-kilometer size black layer screens.

This time, the U.S. Trojan horse came under the reskin of massive floating photovoltaic farms. A true Dyson Sphere of Death at sea.

Cunningly it is the usual 2.5 petabytes idiotic brainless puppets of the 'green' political movements of the western hemisphere, that were used to support this ecocidal warfare, baited by the clumsy but most effective green energy label.

Since the first successful pilot program, the warfare is now in full swing, as floating solar farms have proliferated faster than the COVID virus and grown more than a hundredfold in the past five years, reaching 2.6 gigawatts of installed capacity across 35 countries. Link[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

That is 20 square kilometers lost as CO2 absorber and for the production of atmospheric oxygen. Oxygen deprivation war in the pop culture

Mediatic depiction of oxygen deprivation war since 1945 are not as numerous as the zombie outbreak genre. Because the oxygen deprivation apocalypse comes chronologically only next.

Once again videomancy, the science of finding hints pertaining to the sentient Big Data A.I. SKYNET Matrix, intentionally leaked by the U.S. putschists military junta in movie and other video media, will provide indisputable evidences that this warfare was not only started after 1945, but that the current phase is meant to bring humankind to to its near extinction.

Air (2015)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is an American post-apocalyptic film starring Norman Reedus, Djimon Hounsou and Sandrine Holt, the film depicts a dystopian future following a biochemical weapons disaster which has wiped out most of mankind and rendered the air unbreathable.

10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is an American science fiction psychological thriller film directed by Dan Trachtenberg. The film stars Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Goodman, and John Gallagher Jr. It is the second installment in the Cloverfield franchise. The story follows a young woman who, wakes up in an underground bunker with two men who insist that an event has left the surface of Earth uninhabitable. They cannot leave for one or two years because the air is poisoned and everyone outside is dead.

IO (2019)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a American science fiction film directed by Jonathan Helpert. It stars Margaret Qualley, Anthony Mackie and Danny Huston. The film is set in a post-apocalyptic present, where Earth's atmosphere has become toxic. Most humans have fled the planet, to live on a space station near Io, a moon of Jupiter.

The Art of Video-ludomancy first introduced by Soheil a decade ago, that has since revolutionized the science of OSINT, has made possible the prediction of future major world events through the identification of purportedly leaked hints hidden in computer games, as we live in a world codified in a numeric Matrix.

Video-ludomancy is not replacing but complementing older techniques that have been practiced historically since ancient times, like astrology, pyromancy and other form of ancient divinations, because it is using newer medium offered by the development of the computer game industry.

╔══════════════════════╦════════════════════════════════╦═══════════════════════════╗ ║ Name of the game ║ Arcticfox ║ ║ ╠══════════════════════╬════════════════════════════════╬═══════════════════════════╣ ║ Release date ║ 1986 ║ ║ ╠══════════════════════╬════════════════════════════════╬═══════════════════════════╣ ║ Genre ║ Action, Simulation ║ ║ ╠══════════════════════╬════════════════════════════════╬═══════════════════════════╣ ║ Developer ║ Dynamix ║ ║ ╠══════════════════════╬════════════════════════════════╬═══════════════════════════╣ ║ Leaked hints ║ Alien atmosphere converters ║ Earth's atmosphere ║ ║ ║ ║ changing to dark purple ║ ╠══════════════════════╬════════════════════════════════╬═══════════════════════════╣ ║ World event type ║ Global atmospheric destruction ║ Urban horizon turning ║ ║ ║ ║ from blue to brown color ║ ╠══════════════════════╬════════════════════════════════╬═══════════════════════════╣ ║ World event date ║ Worsening since ~1945 ║ Increased brown coloration║ ║ ║ ║ from 1960s ║ ╠══════════════════════╬════════════════════════════════╬═══════════════════════════╣ ║ World event location ║ Global scale ║ ║ ╠══════════════════════╬════════════════════════════════╬═══════════════════════════╣ ║ Status ║ Ongoing process confirmed ║ ║ ╚══════════════════════╩════════════════════════════════╩═══════════════════════════╝
Arcticfox (1986)

About The Game

Arcticfox is a 1986 science fiction tank simulation video game developed by Dynamix and published by Electronic Arts. It was published in Europe by Ariolasoft. A sequel to Dynamix's Stellar 7, Arcticfox was developed for the Amiga as one of the platform's first titles but was quickly ported to other platforms including the Atari ST, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, DOS and Apple IIe. It was one of the first video games rendered from a 3-D first-person perspective and is considered a pioneer of the first person shooter genre. A third game was released in the series in 1991 titled Nova 9: The Return of Gir Draxon. Arcticfox's design team at Dynamix also went on to produce The Incredible Machine and Red Baron.


The game is set in a fictional 2005 where imperialist invaders from space have taken over Antarctica in an attempt to terraform the Earth to suit them. Their atmosphere converters will destroy the atmosphere by removing its oxygen and replacing it with toxic gas for Terrans (chlorine). The player is sent to eradicate the intruders using a new super tank codenamed Arcticfox.
Arcticfox is a futuristic-based 3D tank simulation game where your overall goal is to destroy the invaders' main fortress before Arcticfox is destroyed.

Enemy targets come in all sorts of shapes and sizes: planes, tanks, recon sleds and other important targets such as communication towers, atmosphere converters, etc. Your state-of-the-art killing machine is equipped with a cannon, guided missiles and mines at your disposal in addition to radar and forward/aft view-screens to detect your enemy advances.

▲ Enemy Preview: Fighter[web.archive.org]
Link [web.archive.org]

Wikipedia Link[web.archive.org]

Mobygames Link[web.archive.org]

4.5.10. Sleep deprivation war

Sleep deprivation behind the zombie effect is the secret warfare waged by the U.S. putschist military junta to engineer and unleash hordes of braindeads. The Science of Sleep

Circadian Rhythms

What are circadian rhythms?

Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. These natural processes respond primarily to light and dark and affect most living things, including animals, plants, and microbes. Chronobiology is the study of circadian rhythms. One example of a light-related circadian rhythm is sleeping at night and being awake during the day.

What are biological clocks?

Biological clocks are organisms’ natural timing devices, regulating the cycle of circadian rhythms. They’re composed of specific molecules (proteins) that interact with cells throughout the body. Nearly every tissue and organ contains biological clocks. Researchers have identified similar genes in people, fruit flies, mice, plants, fungi, and several other organisms that make the clocks’ molecular components.

What is the master clock?

A master clock in the brain coordinates all the biological clocks in a living thing, keeping the clocks in sync. In vertebrate animals, including humans, the master clock is a group of about 20,000 nerve cells (neurons) that form a structure called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or SCN. The SCN is in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus and receives direct input from the eyes.

Does the body make and keep its own circadian rhythms?

Yes, natural factors in your body produce circadian rhythms. For humans, some of the most important genes in this process are the Period and Cryptochrome genes. These genes code for proteins that build up in the cell’s nucleus at night and lessen during the day. Studies in fruit flies suggest that these proteins help activate feelings of wakefulness, alertness, and sleepiness. However, signals from the environment also affect circadian rhythms. For instance, exposure to light at a different time of day can reset when the body turns on Period and Cryptochrome genes.

How do circadian rhythms affect health?

Circadian rhythms can influence important functions in our bodies, such as:

• Hormone release
• Eating habits and digestion
• Body temperature

However, most people notice the effect of circadian rhythms on their sleep patterns. The SCN controls the production of melatonin, a hormone that makes you sleepy. It receives information about incoming light from the optic nerves, which relay information from the eyes to the brain. When there is less light—for example, at night—the SCN tells the brain to make more melatonin so you get drowsy.

What factors can change circadian rhythms?

Changes in our body and environmental factors can cause our circadian rhythms and the natural light-dark cycle to be out of sync. For example:
• Mutations or changes in certain genes can affect our biological clocks.
• Jet lag or shift work causes changes in the light-dark cycle.
• Light from electronic devices at night can confuse our biological clocks.

These changes can cause sleep disorders, and may lead to other chronic health conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, depression, bipolar disorder, and seasonal affective disorder.


Your Body’s Built-In Sleep Controls

According to Wu, there are two main processes that regulate sleep: circadian rhythms and sleep drive.

Circadian rhythms are controlled by a biological clock located in the brain. One key function of this clock is responding to light cues, ramping up production of the hormone melatonin at night, then switching it off when it senses light. People with total blindness often have trouble sleeping because they are unable to detect and respond to these light cues.

Sleep drive also plays a key role: Your body craves sleep, much like it hungers for food. Throughout the day, your desire for sleep builds, and when it reaches a certain point, you need to sleep. A major difference between sleep and hunger: Your body can’t force you to eat when you’re hungry, but when you’re tired, it can put you to sleep, even if you’re in a meeting or behind the wheel of a car. When you’re exhausted, your body is even able to engage in microsleep episodes of one or two seconds while your eyes are open. Napping for more than 30 minutes later in the day can throw off your night’s sleep by decreasing your body’s sleep drive.

Why You Need Sleep

If you have ever felt foggy after a poor night’s sleep, it won’t surprise you that sleep significantly impacts brain function. First, a healthy amount of sleep is vital for “brain plasticity,” or the brain’s ability to adapt to input. If we sleep too little, we become unable to process what we’ve learned during the day and we have more trouble remembering it in the future. Researchers also believe that sleep may promote the removal of waste products from brain cells—something that seems to occur less efficiently when the brain is awake.

Sleep is vital to the rest of the body too. When people don’t get enough sleep, their health risks rise. Symptoms of depression, seizures, high blood pressure and migraines worsen. Immunity is compromised, increasing the likelihood of illness and infection. Sleep also plays a role in metabolism: Even one night of missed sleep can create a prediabetic state in an otherwise healthy person. “There are many important connections between health and sleep,” says Wu.


The Glymphatic System

Published online 2015 May 7


The glymphatic system is a recently discovered macroscopic waste clearance system that utilizes a unique system of perivascular channels, formed by astroglial cells, to promote efficient elimination of soluble proteins and metabolites from the central nervous system.

Besides waste elimination, the glymphatic system may also function to help distribute non-waste compounds, such as glucose, lipids, amino acids, and neurotransmitters related to volume transmission, in the brain.

Intriguingly, the glymphatic system function mainly during sleep and is largely disengaged during wakefulness.

The biological need for sleep across all species may therefore reflect that the brain must enter a state of activity that enables elimination of potentially neurotoxic waste products, including β-amyloid.

Since the concept of the glymphatic system is relatively new, we will here review its basic structural elements, organization, regulation, and functions.

We will also discuss recent studies indicating that glymphatic function is suppressed in various diseases and that failure of glymphatic function in turn might contribute to pathology in neurodegenerative disorders, traumatic brain injury and stroke.

▲ During sleep, the brain exhibits waves of blood oxygenation (red) followed by waves of cerebrospinal fluid (blue). October 31, 2019[archive.ph]


Sleep and memory

The relationship between sleep and memory has been clearly established. Memory, the cognitive process of storing and retrieving past experiences, learning and recognition, is a product of brain plasticity, the structural changes within synapses that create associations between stimuli. Stimuli are encoded within milliseconds; however, the long-term maintenance of memories can take additional minutes, days, or even years to fully consolidate and become a stable memory that is accessible (more resistant to change or interference). Therefore, the formation of a specific memory occurs rapidly, but the evolution of a memory is often an ongoing process.

Memory processes have been shown to be stabilized and enhanced (sped up and/or integrated) and memories better consolidated by nocturnal sleep and daytime naps. Certain sleep stages have been demonstrated as improving an individual's memory, though this is task-specific. Generally, declarative memories are believed to be enhanced by slow-wave sleep, while non-declarative memories are enhanced by rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, although there are some inconsistencies among experimental results.


National Sleep Foundation’s sleep time duration recommendations: methodology and results summary

Published:January 14, 2015


The panel agreed that, for healthy individuals with normal sleep, the appropriate sleep duration for newborns is between 14 and 17 hours, infants between 12 and 15 hours, toddlers between 11 and 14 hours, preschoolers between 10 and 13 hours, and school-aged children between 9 and 11 hours. For teenagers, 8 to 10 hours was considered appropriate, 7 to 9 hours for young adults and adults, and 7 to 8 hours of sleep for older adults.


Eight hours of sleep not enough to stay healthy: sleep scientist

June 12, 2018

The question of how many hours of sleep are necessary to stay healthy is one that has for decades left researchers and sleepers tossing and turning.

But some scientists believe they have arrived at the magic number.

Daniel Gartenberg, a sleep scientist and assistant adjunct professor in biobehavioural health at Penn State University, told CTV News Channel that the optimal amount of sleep is 8.5 hours per night.


As routine maintenance of a computer mass storage system is necessary to allow an optimal processing speed, intuitively it appears that the human brain should need similar regular maintenance works.
Failing to keep the maintenance work will only result in slower speed for a computer, but for humans it means inability to memorize and learn properly, progressive loss of neurons in the brain due to the accumulation of neurotoxic waste. In a nutshell the brain is turned into a cesspool.

We see clearly why and how the U.S. Dystopian Empire is waging an unrestricted war of sleep deprivation on humankind to achieved an effective zombie effect.

Not only through its MC satellites, but even through non space-based means for targeting even a larger number of populations, including an ever exponential urban light pollution, nocturnal noise pollution, nobody can properly consolidate its memory anymore, with as a result a global and dramatic decrease of IQ in the Europes.

As a consequence, unable to even figure out what is causing their torments, the sheeples have fallen into the vicious trap of the U.S. Dystopian Empire, turning to the aggravating consumption of alcohol, addiction to high caffeine beverages such as coffee, soda, and worse dependence to all sorts of drugs and narcotics. Institutionalized sleep deprivation

Even before WWII, during both peace time and wartime, sleep deprivation was a common institutionalized practice used by state security apparatus, police forces and the military to coerce and obtain information or even forced fabricated confession from prisoners and POWs.

This is still true as of 2022:

17 Nov 2022 at 03:45

The men told Stotsky they knew he had been in custody but said he had not been questioned properly.

'Now you are going to tell us everything, who you know and where your weapons are,' he said he was told.

'For the first five or six days they would beat me,' he recounted.

'At night they would not let me sleep. Every two hours they would come into my cell and force me to get up and say my name.'

He had to sit handcuffed to a pipe and could not lie down.

2[archive.ph] Sleep-deprived zombie leaders

From the National Sleep Foundation’s sleep time duration recommendations, of 7 to 9 hours for young adults and adults, and 7 to 8 hours of sleep for older adults, we see clearly that all the world's puppet leaders are nothing short of insane, totally unable to consolidate any memory.

And this zombification process is completed by remote-controlling the sycophantic stooges, by telling via the 20'000 orbital U.S. MC satellites in real time what to parrots and how to behave, like little brainless mechanical robots.

In this regard, former Paris Mayor Jacques Chirac was well known for talking faster than he could think. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Elon Musk, currently the number one straw man of the U.S. Dystopian Empire, CEO and chief engineer of SpaceX; CEO and product architect of Tesla, Inc.; founder of The Boring Company; co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI; president of Musk Foundation; owner of Twitter, Inc., with an estimated net worth of around $210 billion as of October 27, 2022, making him the wealthiest person in the world, says he is 'fairly nocturnal,' goes to bed about 3 a.m. and only sleeps for 6 hours a day. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Barack Obama, the 12th U.S. puppet President sleeps only 6 hours per night 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; but only 5 hours per night, according to the New York Times. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Bill Clinton, the 10th U.S. puppet President sleeps only 5 to 6 hours per night. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Theresa May, the 15th puppet prime ministers of the U.K. sleeps only 5 to 6 hours per night. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Boris Johnson, former Mayor of London and 16th puppet prime ministers of the U.K. sleeps only 5 hours per night. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Ma Ying Jiu, the 6th puppet President of the R.O.C. sleeps only 5 hours per night. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Vladimir Putin, the 4th puppet President of the Russian Federation sleeps only 5.5 to 6 hours per night, which he sees as a sufficient amount of time; but only four to five hours by December 2019, which was not enough for him. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Rodrigo Roa Duterte, the 13th puppet President of the Philippines sleeps only 4 to 5 hours per night. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Ronald Reagan, the 8th U.S. puppet President sleeps only 4-5 hours per night. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Donald J. Trump, the 13th U.S. puppet President sleeps only 4-5 hours per night, according to Ronny Jackson the Physician to the President. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]
And only three to four hours each night, according to The Daily News. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

▲ Thursday 4th October 2018: Sleep deprived U.S. puppet President Donald Trump boarded Air Force One at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport with what appeared to be toilet tissue or a napkin stuck to his left shoe.[archive.ph]

Margaret Thatcher, the 10th puppet prime ministers of the U.K. sleeps only 4 hours per night. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

▲ 24th Septmember 1982: Sleep deprived UK puppet Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher falling down on the steps of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, during a 1982 visit with Chairman Deng Xiaoping.[archive.ph]

Angela Merkel, the 8th puppet Chancellor of the F.R.G. sleeps only 4 hours per night. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Stanley McChrystal, the former General of all U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, eats one meal per day and sleeps only four hours a night. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Emmanuel Macron, the 17th puppet President of the French Republic sleeps only 3 to 4 hours per night. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Narendra Modi, the 18th puppet Prime Ministers of India sleeps only 3.5 hours per night. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Silvio Berlusconi, the 31st puppet Prime Minister of Italy sleeps only 2 to 4 hours per night. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Volodymyr Zelensky, the 6th puppet President of Ukraine sleeps only 4-5 hours a day, according to Chief of Staff Andriy Yermak. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]
And only three hours of sleep a night, according to The New York Times. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Boris Yeltsin, the 1st puppet President of the Russian Federation sleeps only 2 hours per night, according to The Washington Post. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]
And even went with several sleepless nights in a row, according to other source. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

▲ 12th Oct 1998: Sleep deprived Russian puppet President Boris Yeltsin swayed and nearly fell over during a military ceremony in Uzbekistan.[archive.ph]

In conclusion, sleep deprivation is certainly one of the reasons why they have been so demented, absolutely incapable to distinguish right from wrong, and ending consumed by neurodegenerative diseases. Sleep deprivation in the pop culture

Sleep deprivation warfare is known to be waged extensively worldwide, not limited to the initial 1945 Big Five powers, but over all major nations in Asia and the Europes (U.S., U.S.S.R., Europe and colonies) as well.

The P.R.C. has also depicted sleep deprivation warfare in its pop culture as early as the 1960s.


Le c0q chante a minuit (1964)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], 半夜鸡叫(1964)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Chinese animated short film of the 'sleep deprivation warfare' genre produced by the Shanghai Animation Studio in 1964. The film depicts the conflict between a landowner who went so far as to imitate the crowing of a rooster in the middle of the night, to force his farmworkers to wear themselves out and leave without pay, and the struggle of the oppressed to free themselves from his yoke.

It is noteworthy that in order to keep its sheeple as long as possible unaware of the nature and extent of the sleep deprivation warfare, this movie has never been translated nor its existence even acknowledged in the Anglosphere (search: 'The Rooster Crows at Midnight'), unlike in the Francosphere where it was highly praised and awarded the 1965 Technical Grand Prize of the Cannes Film Festival. 1[web.archive.org]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

This, in light of Chairman Mao's and de Gaulle's Sino-French Normalization that was aimed at breaking the U.S.-U.S.S.R. imperialistic bipolar hegemonic world order. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Consequently, to cope with this global major health crisis, unlike the plutocratic Europes where profits over human's lives is paramount, and sticking to their denial mode, thus violating the most basic fundamental requirements for human life of their sheeples, the P.R.C. only guided by its priority to ensure the health of all its citizens went quickly to recognize the reality of sleep deprivation issue, and to institutionalize noon nap in schools as a basic fundamental requirement for human life.

Therefore pushing nap in school to a new form of art, ensuring that all primary school children get the recommended 10 hours of sleep per day. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

It is however only an imperfect and temporary countermeasure, as short naps will only restore some physical strength, enough to continue basic menial task activities, the catch being that the brain's maintenance cleaning operation and consolidation of memory can't be done in such a short time.

Failing to listen to science, by taking immediate corrective actions, after decades of inaction, the Europes have sunk slowly but surely into the abyss of mass zombification, general abuse and addiction to coffee, drugs and narcotics. And ensuing lower IQ due to the mass loss of cerebral tissue.

▲ P.R.C.'s institutionalized noon nap in schools as a basic fundamental requirement for human life. Sep 19, 2022[archive.ph]

▲ P.R.C.'s institutionalized noon nap in schools as a basic fundamental requirement for human life.· Oct 23, 2021[archive.ph]

The Soviet Union has also depicted sleep deprivation warfare in its pop culture as early as the 1970s.


Solaris (1972)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Soviet science fiction drama film based on Stanislaw Lem's 1961 novel of the same title. The film was co-written and directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, and stars Donatas Banionis and Natalya Bondarchuk.

The plot centers on a space station orbiting the fictional planet Solaris, harboring a planet-size sentient being in its ocean, where a scientific mission has stalled because the skeleton crew of three scientists have been faced with humanoid copies or 'matrixes' they called 'guests', created by the Solaris sentient being inside the orbital space station with neutrino particles stabilized by Solaris' force field.

Dr. Snaut explains that the 'visitors' or 'guests' began appearing after the scientists conducted radiation experiments, directing X-rays at the swirling surface of the planet.

They theorize that the Solaris sentient being creates 'matrixes' after mind-reading the astronauts memories.

Of special interest is the 'sleep deprivation warfare' genre subplot.

It is noteworthy that in order to break further the Anglosphere imperialistic hegemonic world order, by looking East, France awarded this film with the Grand Prix Special du Jury at the 1972 Cannes Film Festival and nominated it for the Palme d'Or. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Solaris (1972) 603 01:35:34,938 --> 01:35:36,980 This is my wife. 607-613 01:35:57,961 --> 01:36:29,366 So, as far as I can tell, they are constructed... Let's just call them "guests." - Fine. While our structure is made of atoms, theirs consists of neutrinos. But neutrino systems are unstable. They seem to be stabilized by Solaris' force field. You've got a superb specimen. ___ 781-793 01:57:38,427 --> 01:58:45,576 "They come at night. But one must sleep sometime." That's the problem. Mankind has lost the ability to sleep. You'd better read. I'm a little excited. "I know only one thing, señor. When I... When I sleep, I know no fear, no hope, no trouble, no bliss. Blessings on him who invented sleep. The common coin that purchases all things, the balance that levels shepherd and king, fool and wise man. There is only one bad thing about sound sleep. They say it closely resembles death."

▲ Solaris (1972) videomancy: 'sleep deprivation warfare' genre subplot.[web.archive.org]


The Men's Club (1986)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] is a 'sleep deprivation warfare' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with an 'sleep brainwashing', 'debauchery' and 'marriage with hooker' genre subplots masqueraded as a drama film directed by Peter Medak, based on the novel of the same name by Leonard Michaels. It stars Roy Scheider, Harvey Keitel, Frank Langella, Treat Williams, David Dukes, Richard Jordan, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Claudia Cron and Penny Baker.

A band of friends go on a drunken, all-night spree, spending a night in a high-class San Francisco brothel.

A group of men in Berkley form a men's club. Former baseball star Cavanaugh (Roy Scheider) is a hound dog cheating on his wife Sarah. He brings his family-man friend Berkley professor Phillip (David Dukes) into the group. Kramer (Richard Jordan) is a psychotherapist. Solly Berliner (Harvey Keitel) is a real estate broker cheating on his wife. Harold Canterbury (Frank Langella) is a senior partner in his law firm and his wife left him after finding herself. Paul (Craig Wasson) is a manager at an auto parts company. Terry (Treat Williams) is a single doctor. Kramer's wife Nancy (Stockard Channing) comes home to find the group trashing the place. She kicks the men out and they decide to go to a high class gentlemen's club.

Cavanaugh rents out a brothel to vent out their frustrations.

The club is run by Jo with her puppet. She introduces Harold to Teensy (Jennifer Jason Leigh).

Solly Berliner (Harvey Keitel) falls in love with his hooker, setting up a wedding finale.

The Men's Club (1986) 1107-1109 01:14:09,785 --> 01:14:23,215 Well, in this dream, people speak to me in Chinese. And I understand them. Not only that, I answer them in Chinese. 1110 01:14:24,300 --> 01:14:25,342 So? 1111-1113 01:14:26,927 --> 01:14:38,022 So, I don't speak Chinese. What's it all about? It means you're not really you. 1114 01:14:39,231 --> 01:14:40,899 You're a lost soul. 1115-1117 01:14:42,526 --> 01:14:51,410 You mean I'm really Chinese? But I'm walking around like this? Like I'm me, but not really me? 1118 01:14:53,287 --> 01:14:54,830 You got it. 1119-1120 01:14:55,039 --> 01:15:00,753 Wow. I'm gonna have cards printed up. 1121-1122 01:15:01,754 --> 01:15:09,720 They're gonna say, "Lost Soul." With your phone number underneath.

▲ The Men's Club (1986) videomancy: 'sleep brainwashing' genre subplot.[web.archive.org]


Fake dreams could simply be video files, audio files and may even be including other type of sensory files such as tactile, olfactive, enteric, thermal and equilibrioception kinematic-positioning files, that the 20'000 orbital U.S. MC satellites upload directly into the brain of a human target during sleep time, thus effectively achieving a sleep deprivation, ending up in the long term in a complete zombification.
The content of the fake dreams are a brainwashing, when repeated over months and years this will make the target so confused that it would believe its false implanted memories are the reality. Meanwhile real past memories will fade into oblivion, replaced by the new fakeries.
Note that fools often confuse brainwashing with the fallacious so-called 'sleep-teaching'.
As a result, sleep deprived men become so demented that they could even end up marrying hookers or worse, doubt about their own gender identity.


Radio Free Albemuth (2010)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood propaganda movie of the mind control genre.

Masqueraded as a film adaptation of the dystopian novel Radio Free Albemuth by author Philip K. D|ck, which was written in 1976 and published posthumously in 1985. The film is written, directed, and produced by John Alan Simon and stars Katheryn Winnick, Jonathan Scarfe and Shea Whigham.

Nick Brady receives messages from space and joins conspiracy to overthrow authoritarian U.S. regime.


Radio Free Albemuth (2010) 108-112 00:08:26,073 --> 00:08:38,085 Maybe they're just ordinary dreams. Night after night? The images always appears between 3:00 and 4:00 in the morning. I think I'm being programmed in my sleep. ____ 115-118 00:08:41,254 --> 00:08:55,736 I don't even think flying saucers are real. I think a higher intelligence has seen my needs and is directing me towards something important, some extraordinary goal. ____ 136-138 00:09:49,189 --> 00:09:57,130 Just for the sake of argument, let's suppose it's something evil like the voices that told Mark Chapman to shoot Mick Jagger. ____ 143-144 00:10:06,807 --> 00:10:12,545 Maybe it's a precognition. Knowing what you're going to do before you do it. ____ 368-373 00:23:37,183 --> 00:23:50,396 It's genius. The government declares war on a terrorist organization that doesn't even exist. No one can destroy it. No one's safe from it. No one knows when it'll turn up again. ____ 1013-1024 01:04:06,410 --> 01:04:38,275 According to the official Russian news agency, a respected Moscow astrophysicist has reported the discovery of unexplained radio signals from what he believes may be an extraterrestrial source. Professor Georgi Moyashki has detected short, information-rich signals as the source passes over Earth's night side. The U.S. Space Agency has already gone on record stating that the signals most likely originate from an abandoned and forgotten earth satellite. Russian authorities have announced plans to deploy a space probe to photograph the mysterious transmitter. ____ 1026-1037 01:04:46,350 --> 01:05:14,444 Intense high-frequency bursts; always at night. Don't you receive your images, your voices, at 3:00 a.m.? It fits! You're not crazy. I never thought I was. You and Phil were talking that it could be a satellite orbiting Earth. Right? I remember you saying that. That was months ago. You know how I am with theories. Like planes landing at LAX, a new one every few minutes. ____ 1087-1088 01:08:21,531 --> 01:08:30,474 Look, I'm glad you're allright, but how is it possible? The satellite healed me. ____ 1157-1162 01:11:48,638 --> 01:12:07,624 So what is Aramchek? It's the people contacted by the satellite, which in turn receives instructions from a star system called Albemuth. Life on this planet came from there originally. So whenever we fall into overwhelming difficulties, the satellite serves as our link back to Albemuth. ____ 1164-1168 01:12:10,494 --> 01:12:25,509 Yeah, Aramchek includes hundreds, maybe thousands of people, mostly here and in the former Soviet Union. We're each contacted individually, so only the satellite knows who, and how many, where and exactly what we're supposed to do. ____ 1517-1520 01:36:01,756 --> 01:36:21,877 It's called "The Mind-Screwers." You should give it a try. It's about an invasion of hideous space worms who work their way into people's heads and rape their minds. ____ 1584-1595 01:40:11,606 --> 01:40:48,443 That sounds like a religious idea. I always thought Aramchek was a revolutionary organization. It's both. A subversive organization guided by a supreme higher power. They think our loyalty should be to the values of that higher entity alone. You believe that, too? I didn't at first. But now, maybe. So this, supreme being, does it tell the Aramchek people what to do? They called it VALIS. ____ 1613-1614 01:41:51,339 --> 01:41:56,644 I've never heard any voices. Your own voice might be the voice.

▲ Radio Free Albemuth (2010) videomancy: Alien satellite in Earth orbit beaming and MC Beam hitting human brain; Note the contradictory angle with the previous space cam view, as the satellite elevation is near 90 degrees i.e over the zenith of the human target. But correct depiction of an orbital targeting, as the elevation of the emitting satellite must have a low elevation, possibly the nearer to the horizon![web.archive.org]


• VALIS is an artistic allegory for the real world's U.S. Mind-Control weapon system made of 20'000 orbital MC satellites plus the 20'000 associated airborne platforms, ground data centers, relay stations, processing center, and personnel.
• Aramchek is an artistic allegory for the real world's thousands of conspirators in the Europes (U.S.A., U.S.S.R., Europe and colonies), recruited mainly among some chosen ethnic groups, each contacted individually by the U.S. MC satellites through 'voice hearing' that collaborated with the U.S. military coup after ~1950s to overthrow there respective governments.
• The word albemuth[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] was derived by D|ck from the Arabic word Al Behemoth, 'the whale', itself an oblique reference to Fomalhaut, the star D|ck at one time believed VALIS came from in real life.
'Life on this planet came from there originally' according to Sylvia, an Aramchek conspirator. In the real life, this can be better reinterpreted as 'peoples in the Europes came originally from the Western Middle East'. Indeed, hordes of Roman legions recruited from today's Western Middle East (Judea, Syria, Galatia, Aegyptus, etc) provinces of the Roman Empire had invaded the European continent and replaced most of the natives after their genocide, following the infamous Gallic Wars waged between 58 and 50 BC by the Roman general Julius Caesar against the peoples of Gaul, Gallic, Germanic, and British tribes.
• Mind control worms is a fallacy that came after the flying saucers and popularized by Hollywood.
Other noteworthy subplots:
• Orbital mindcontrol satellite, with daily mindcontrol session at 3-4 a.m. made of visions and voice hearings
• Orbital mindcontrol satellite destroyed accidentally need time to be replaced
• Alien fallacy: Orbital mindcontrol satellite is friendly
• America's war on subversion
• Detention camp for subversives


Asteroid City (2023)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] is a 'FUGO sighting' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'sleep deprivation warfare', 'U.S. military censorship', 'atomic WMD hoax', 'Cold War mentality', 'space race', 'cosmic radiation' and 'death ray' genre subplots masqueraded as a comedy-drama film written, directed, and produced by Wes Anderson, from a story he wrote with Roman Coppola. The film features an ensemble cast that includes Jason Schwartzman, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Hanks, Jeffrey Wright, Tilda Swinton, Bryan Cranston, Edward Norton, Adrien Brody, Liev Schreiber, Hope Davis, Steve Park, Rupert Friend, Maya Hawke, Steve Carell, Matt Dillon, Hong Chau, Willem Dafoe, Margot Robbie, Tony Revolori, Jake Ryan, and Jeff Goldblum.

Its metatextual plot simultaneously depicts the events of a Junior Stargazer convention in a retrofuturistic version of 1955, staged as a play, and the creation of the play.

It is Anderson's homage to popular memory and mythology about extraterrestrials and UFOs witnessed in the Southwestern desert in close proximity to atomic test sites during the postwar period of the American 20th century.


Set in a retro-futuristic version of the 1950s, a TV host introduces a televised production of (the in-universe fictional) Asteroid City, a play by famed playwright Conrad Earp. In it, a youth astronomy convention is held in a fictional desert town of the same name. The play's events are depicted in widescreen and stylized color, while the television special is seen in black-and-white Academy ratio.

Asteroid City (2023) 65 00:04:01,241 --> 00:04:04,661 The action of the play takes place in September of 1955. ___ 532-533 00:28:30,667 --> 00:28:36,423 If you wanted to live a nice, quiet, peaceful life, you picked the wrong time to get born. ___ 539-549 00:28:55,233 --> 00:29:18,298 To Ricky Cho, for his work in the field of aeronautical induction: the Collapsing Star Ribbon of Success. To Clifford Kellogg, for his work in the study of particle disintegration: the Black Hole Badge of Triumph. To Dinah Campbell... It's fueled by cosmic radiation instead of sunlight. GIBSON: ...for her work in the area of botanical acceleration... Unfortunately, it makes all vegetables toxic. ___ 589-592 00:30:51,224 --> 00:30:59,274 -Dwight? Dwight? -J.J.: Less than 0.0000% chance exists -of extraterrestrial life in the entire universe. -Dwight! It's a scientific fact. Other than space bugs and microscopic worms. 593 00:30:59,274 --> 00:31:00,942 -I assertively disagree. -So do I. 594 00:31:00,942 --> 00:31:03,070 -It's not a scientific fact. -It's not even a number. 597-599 00:31:06,656 --> 00:31:12,037 -MAN: Sparkler? -Consider the constants: endless space and immeasurable time. The likelihood is increased by a factor of infinity. ___ 636 00:32:49,050 --> 00:32:51,136 -Brainiac, huh? -Yeah, brainiac. 637 00:32:51,136 --> 00:32:52,929 It sort of goes without saying, doesn't it? 638 00:32:52,929 --> 00:32:55,390 Everybody already knows we're abnormally intelligent. ___ 753-760 00:37:47,724 --> 00:38:01,112 Your son's project might very well have killed us all today, by the way. Coming from the family that brought us -the electromagnetic death ray. -It's a weapon. -Of course it's lethal. -So you admit it. Not to mention Brainiac's flag. I mean, is he trying to provoke World War Three or something? The jet propulsion belt is eminently safe. ___ 1110-1126 00:56:22,713 --> 00:56:53,035 "Three, identify and detain all possible witnesses "and place them under group arrest "for a period of no less than one week-- "defined as seven calendar days-- "during which time they be subjected "to a prescribed battery of medical and psychological examinations and cross-examinations." Standard procedure. Already in the works. "Four, secure the site, "cease the dissemination of information, "collect and transport the totality of evidence "to a hermetically enclosed, "deep-underground secret storage facility "and publicly deny all aspects of the event, "including its existence, for a period of no less than 100 years-- defined as 36,500 days." End of directive. ___ 1554-1563 01:14:48,025 --> 01:15:09,171 Sleep-- it's not death. The body keeps busy, breathing air, pumping blood, thinking. Maybe you pay a visit to your dead mother. Maybe you go to bed with your ex-wife or husband. Maybe you climb the Matterhorn. Connie, you wake up with a new scene three-quarters written in your head already. Schubert, you wake up with a hangover. Important things happen. ___ 1961-1970 01:32:48,146 --> 01:33:10,585 a catastrophic automobile accident. Conrad Earp, American playwright unequaled in passion and imagination, dead at 50. CONRAD: I'd like to make a scene where all my characters privately seduced into the deepest, dreamiest slumber of their lives as a result of their shared experience of a bewildering and bedazzling celestial mystery, -but I don't know how to write it. -(snoring) 1971 01:33:11,503 --> 01:33:14,088 You can't wake up if you don't fall asleep.

▲ Asteroid City (2023) videomancy: 'atomic weapon hoax', 'cosmic ray' and 'precocious prodigy' subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Asteroid City (2023) videomancy: 'π', 'spacecraft sighting' and 'death ray' subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Asteroid City (2023) videomancy: 'sleep deprivation warfare' subplot.[web.archive.org]


• Very rare are the mediatic mentions of V-particles. Asteroid City (2023) follows the steps of Torn Curtain (1966)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph].

With mentions of the MC warfare ingredients, while beating around the bush, including 'π', 'botanical acceleration fueled by cosmic radiation', 'particle disintegration', 'death ray', 'rocketry', 'sleep deprivation', 'catastrophic automobile accident' and 'World War Three'.
And of course the obligatory FUGO sightings.

π symbol of pi-meson particle is nonetheless masqueraded in this movie as one among many symbols to be projected on the Moon by a celestial advertising machine.

• The movie is set in 1955, that is before what is still presented as the official first artificial satellite launch of Sputnik I in October 1957, and obviously a smokescreen.

• The movie features prominently the atomic weapon hoax of the Cold War that was used as a decoy to cover up the real MC WMD build up, and before the Moon hoax.

• Abnormal intelligence of brainiac children, or precocious prodigy a miracle only possible as a result of MC satellite warfare.

• Military censorship imposed on 'spacecraft sighting' reports for 100 years, modeled after the U.S. 1944 censorship imposed on transcontinental stratospheric Nipponese FUGO sighting.

• Brainwashing during sleep: 'Connie, you wake up with a new scene three-quarters written in your head already.' Sleep deprived genius writers that will end up with a mass loss of cerebral tissue.

• 'You can't wake up if you don't fall asleep.': Sleep deprivation warfare behind the zombie effect.

• 'Alien invasion', the public designation invented and promoted by the military propaganda apparatus, used as smokescreen to hide its MC warfare.

• Untimely death at age 50 in a catastrophic automobile accident of American playwright Conrad Earp: An obvious parody of all the victims fallen to the MC car death warfare.


Original War[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a real-time strategy video game developed by Czech company Altar Interactive and released by Virgin Interactive on June 15, 2001.

It is an RTS resembling Red Alert 2 on the first sight. Player builds a base, finds resources, builds vehicles, and destroys the enemy. There are 2 campaigns - American and Soviet.

In the game the Soviet Union fights the American supremacy. Soviet scientists find traces of American settlement and mineral Alaskite (called Siberite by the Americans), the source of the Americans' power plants, in remote Siberia of the Outer Manchurian territories that were historically Chinese.

The Alien time machine called EON (called TAWAR by the U.S.S.R.) sends them some two million years back in time to the Pleistocene.

Racist European supremacist slurs targeting ethnic Chinese are therefore being used in the game, when designating the Pleistocene hominid natives, the H0m0 Erectus and direct ancestors of the modern Chinese. Called heinously 'Apeman' by the European colonizers, the natives are being exploited as slave workers, cannon folders and even suicide bombers. For that reason and worse, the game received a PEGI 18 rating, for racial discrimination. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Siberite/Alaskite is an obvious reference to the Rare Earth minerals - with large deposits mostly found in Inner Mongolia and the source behind the Chinese modern hightechs in real life.

The Cleansing[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is an alternative twelfth mission in Soviet Campaign. It isn't a mission in a normal sense as it includes only a Cutscene showing Burlak's trial during which David Nikitovich Platonov sentences Burlak to death with assistance of Oleg Kazimirovich Gleb and Burlak is then executed which leads to Game Over.

A totally swollen disfigured Yuri Ivanovich Gorky[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] (AKA Burlak) accuses himself of treason against the people of the Soviet Union and begs for the death penalty.

It is an obvious reference to the 1936-1938 sham trials[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] where forced confessions could be obtained through sleep deprivation torture.

• Effects of a prolonged MC sleep deprivation can force a target to behave so erratically that he will be manipulated to act against his own interest; basically he will be coerced to 'take the deal' by 'selling his soul to the devil' and pledge unquestioned subservience to the U.S. Dystopian Empire.


Awake (2021)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood propaganda 'sleep deprivation' genre movie with several other 'survivor' and 'narcotics' genre subplots masqueraded as a science fiction thriller film, directed by Mark Raso, from a screenplay he wrote alongside Joseph Raso.
It stars Jennifer Jason Leigh, Gina Rodriguez, Ariana Greenblatt.

After a devastating global event wiped out all electronics and eliminated people's ability to sleep, a former soldier may have found a solution with her daughter.

The devastating global event is identified as either an enemy's nation EMP strike or a natural solar coronal mass ejection.

It seems that satellites orbiting the Earth could have an involvement in these sleep deprivations, but Dr. Murphy (Jennifer Jason Leigh) theorized that a solar flare could have caused the sleeplessness by changing the humans (and chimpanzees that are closest to humans) electromagnetic wiring, affecting the glymphatic system and internal biological clock.

Only those who had suffered a comatose near-death accident prior or after the extinction event, such as Matilda (Ariana Greenblatt), Jill's young daughter who was revived after losing consciousness in a drowning and Noah (Lucius Hoyos), Jill's son who was revived after an accidental electrocution can find sleep.
And also the Pastor (Barry Pepper), a former drug addict who survived an overdose after being revived in time.

Everyone else is doomed to perish from sleep deprivation.

This correlation is first discovered by the obligatory 'smart little female kid' (aka 'savior of mankind' also known as 'Supergirl') Matilda after remembering the Pastor's confession, and validated by experimenting on her own mother Jill (Gina Rodriguez), a former U.S. Army Medic and recovering drug addict who now works as a college security guard.

With her brother, the two kids drown Jill in a lake, before applying resuscitation cardio-pulmonary massage with success.

A give away of the U.S. MC satellites' warfare is the dream witnessed by the 'cured' victims during their sleep such as Noah. Indeed, sleep is a Trojan horse for the MC brainwashing, fake dreams generated by the powerful U.S. supercomputers and uploaded via satellites into the brains of the targets.


The stooges' lives are rebooted (read born again, second chance, revived, started over, etc) only after the 'near-death' clumsy blackmail staged to snatch by force under the threat of certain death, a pledge of unwavering servitude to the U.S. Dystopian Empire.

Awake (2021) 37 00:08:38,666 --> 00:08:40,416 It's a terrorist attack, for sure. 138 00:08:41,791 --> 00:08:42,625 What? 139 00:08:43,125 --> 00:08:45,750 Terrorists? Able to shut off all the power... 140-141 00:08:46,333 --> 00:08:51,166 -to cars? -Maybe it was the Chinese, right? They built all this sh|t so maybe they just turned it all off. 142-143 00:08:51,250 --> 00:08:55,500 [man 2] And maybe we're at war. Maybe they blew up New York and LA, and we're next. ___ 198 00:13:10,458 --> 00:13:12,416 [woman 1] Why don't you get some sleep? 199-200 00:13:13,125 --> 00:13:23,125 [Noah] I'm not tired. Look at all the shooting stars. 201 00:13:29,208 --> 00:13:30,708 Those are satellites, Noah. ___ 207-209 00:14:03,416 --> 00:14:13,833 -Hey, hey, hey, I need more stuff. -Relax, okay? Downers, benzos, phennies, tooies, red jackets, people are crazy right now, amped up. That sh|t'll be, like, gold. I'll double the price. 214 00:14:22,875 --> 00:14:25,833 I'll double the price on all types of zombie pills. Come on. ___ 235 00:16:05,250 --> 00:16:07,000 Was that an EMP yesterday? Are we at war? 236 00:16:07,083 --> 00:16:10,375 People are saying it's been happening all over. Who would we even attack? 237 00:16:12,375 --> 00:16:13,291 [Jill] Major Murphy? 238 00:16:13,375 --> 00:16:16,500 Hard drives are useless. Anything with a microchip is fried. ___ 256-263 00:17:01,125 --> 00:17:23,708 [man 3] It's not about the power. There are contingencies for that. Replace enough wires and fuses... It's about the people. Nobody can sleep. [exhaling] After 48 hours of no sleep, there's a loss of critical thinking. Ninety-six hours, hallucinations, motor failure. But what about after that? Organs will fail but then what? Days of lying in paralysis until the heart shuts off? ___ 270 00:17:38,666 --> 00:17:40,291 We're not all going to die. 271 00:17:43,541 --> 00:17:46,916 -Well, this is not happening to everyone. -Yes, it is. 272 00:17:48,166 --> 00:17:50,958 Well, there is this one woman who can sleep. ___ 316-338 00:20:09,166 --> 00:21:35,541 [pastor sighing] Not everyone... asked to be called to God, you know. Some people just are. I know that more than most because before I was a pastor... I was a drug addict. [chuckling] Covered up the evidence with a tattoo. I overdosed. I mean, I should've died within hours, but I didn't. I had built up such an immunity to narcotics over the years, I just... laid there for three days in rest.. 'til eventually I passed. But I was only gone for a minute when they found me. So, like Jesus, I... returned from the dead. [chuckling] Now, I'm not comparing myself to Jesus. I just... [inhales deeply] I'm saying that... since that day, I dedicated my life to serving him. And to me... it was a miracle that I survived, you know? And I think people really need a miracle right now. ___ 417-419 00:25:28,250 --> 00:25:34,500 If we don't sleep... Your mind will bend and bend until it breaks. -[Noah sighing] -You snap. ___ 462-469 00:27:21,083 --> 00:27:42,958 Now, we're all gonna die if we don't solve this. Right now, your brains are slowly swelling. Our cranial walls are impressing on the brain, and it's affecting critical thinking. It's what happens when we don't sleep. Now, the more excited we get, the more blood flows to the brain, the worse we are. ___ 700-705 00:40:57,333 --> 00:41:26,958 Sleep expert. In the desert, she would... help set parameters for interrogation. Sleep deprivation, it was torture. They killed people. The kind of things that we would do to try to find answers, it's not human. ___ 772-773 00:45:22,166 --> 00:45:28,041 It looks like... it... it's 1,500 miles away? 774 00:45:28,125 --> 00:45:33,166 I think it's 150 miles. I don't know. We haven't slept in four days. ___ 867-870 00:50:54,458 --> 00:51:11,625 You guys are trying to find a cure? You know, the funny thing is, I usually sleep, like, two to three hours tops at night, but now, you know... ___ 1122-1123 01:05:41,500 --> 01:05:46,041 we're gonna get is... that none of us are gonna survive. ___ 1231-1237 01:12:10,833 --> 01:12:25,666 It was, um... some sort of a... a solar flare, we think. It... changed our electromagnetic wiring. It affected our glymphatic system. Messed with our... our clocks. ___ 1361 01:17:42,541 --> 01:17:44,083 This is an extinction event. ___ 1514-1516 01:25:50,416 --> 01:25:56,875 You died, Noah. You died. Your heart wasn't beating, I listened to it. And then when I got the defibrillator, I brought you back. 1517-1518 01:25:57,291 --> 01:26:01,791 Yeah, I owe you, okay? We don't have lots of time to discuss it. Mom's not gonna make it. 1519-1524 01:26:01,875 --> 01:26:17,083 [Matilda] Did I die? Did I die, too? -What? -In the water, when the sheriff saved me. I mean, there was nothing, absolutely nothing, and then the sheriff was pushing on my chest, he was hurting me. Maybe I started over?

▲ Awake (2021) videomancy: Hollywood propaganda 'sleep deprivation' genre movie, extinction event with death for anyone who has not been 'restarted over'.[web.archive.org]

• Effects of a prolonged MC sleep deprivation can force a target to behave so erratically that he will be manipulated to act against his own interest; only after would the sleep deprivation stop:


The Machinist (2004)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood propaganda 'sleep deprivation' genre movie masqueraded as psychological thriller film directed by Brad Anderson and written by Scott Kosar.

It stars Jennifer Jason Leigh, Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, John Sharian, and Michael Ironside appear in supporting roles.

Christian Bale as the title character, is a machinist struggling with guilt, paranoia, and delusion after being unable to sleep for an entire year.

At the end of the film it is revealed that one year prior, a then-healthy Trevor (Christian Bale) ran over and killed a boy after taking his eyes off the road to use the car's cigarette lighter, which was witnessed by the boy's mother.

Trevor fled the scene in his car, and the resulting guilt became the root of his insomnia, emaciation and repressed memories.

He briefly considers going to the airport to escape, but instead drives to police headquarters.

Two police officers escort Trevor to a cell, where after stating that he only wants to sleep, he does, for the first time in a year.

18+: 限制級(限) PG-18 warning
▲ The Machinist (2004) videomancy: Hollywood 'sleep deprivation' genre propaganda movie, extreme case of paranoia and delusion resulting in unpredictable erratic behavior.[web.archive.org]


ARQ (2016)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood propaganda 'reload saved game/restart game' (technically a 'closed-time loop') genre movie masqueraded as a science fiction action film directed by Tony Elliott.

Robbie Amell plays an engineer whose invention causes a closed-time loop during a home invasion. He attempts to save his former lover, played by Rachael Taylor, while learning who has targeted him and why.

Hannah (Rachael Taylor), the former lover of Renton (Robbie Amell) is now the leader of a small team of BLOC operatives sent to capture a hyper-efficient energy turbine, seemingly an unlimited energy generator known as the Arcing Recursive Quine (ARQ), and stolen by Renton.

The Bloc is a resistance army fighting the powerful Torus Corporation in the so-called Energy Wars.

Hannah joined up with the Bloc after passing five months in Torus custody.

To force her to join the adverse side of rebel forces, Torus Corporation used the whole gamut of the rebel/traitor engineering, including deprivation of freedom, citizenship and house, internment in a refugee camp, plus torture sessions with sleep deprivation.

This especially efficient and cunning trick is necessary to allow Torus Corporation to locate Renton and the stolen ARQ.

Among the BLOC operatives sent with Hannah are two Torus Corporation's mercenaries masquerading as rebels, tasked to retrieve the ARQ and kill all the rebels.

ARQ (2016) 246 00:21:36,680 --> 00:21:39,893 And Torus let you go? Just like that? 247-250 00:21:41,394 --> 00:21:57,660,686 Not just like that. They took away my citizenship, our home. They put me in a refugee camp for six months. I didn't know if you were dead, or if you had just left me for dead. ___ 294-297 00:25:23,616 --> 00:25:43,969 They kept the lights on while I tried to sleep. Kept me in darkness while I was awake. They played the same Christmas song over and over. It never stopped. 300 00:25:49,933 --> 00:25:52,436 - You're too late for sorry.

▲ ARQ (2016) videomancy: whole gamut of rebel/traitor engineering through refugee camp to create a 'rebel'.[web.archive.org]

• Effects of a prolonged MC sleep deprivation when no countermeasure can be found in time, will result in a fatal outcome:


Masking Threshold (2021)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Austrian propaganda 'sleep deprivation with hearing impairment' genre movie masqueraded as a horror film directed by and starring Johannes Grenzfurthner.

A college physics student is forced to dropout after the sudden apparition of a harrowing hearing impairment during a lab experiment.

After having wasted all the savings left by his deceased father in fruitless but expensive medical consultations, he finds a temporary job as an IT worker.

Soon, he abandons his job to investigate the cause of his hearing ailments by conducting a series of experiments in his makeshift home lab.

Alas, contrary to what the screenwriter tries to make us believe, this can not be the work of a physics student, at best a prank of a high school schoolboy.

Indeed, his experimental settings failed miserably to even respect the most basic scientific protocols: he failed to ensure that not external causes would be the source of the infamous 'noise hearing impairment'.

Worse, the lack of dedicated medical equipments doesn't allow him to monitor the condition and activities of his auditory organs, nervous wiring connecting to the brain, and finally the neocortex parts involved in the auditory perceptions.

A more systematic approach in the first step alone would have solved this mystery, and exposed the U.S. MC warfare's V particle beam as the root cause.

Should he have properly isolated the laboratory from most external interferences, by providing enough shielding from any possible EMF and radiological interferences, thus eliminating the possibility of any mobile phone tower and MC satellites as cause of the problem, he would have stopped on the spot not only his 'noise hearing impairment' but also his associated sleep deprivation.

That is by setting a lab in a ultra deep level mine underground, similar to the neutrino high energy particle detectors buried deep at no less than 1 km below sea level.

Consequently, his 2 hours of sleep per night are then reduced to no sleep at all per night, with the expected inevitable fatal ending.

Note that the ringing sounds are found to be correlated with the killings of small animals and even humans.

18+: 限制級(限) Graphic warning
▲ Masking Threshold (2021) videomancy: 'sleep deprivation' and 'hearing impairment' genre movie[web.archive.org]


Awoken (2019)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a 2019 videomancy Australian horror film, of the sleep paralysis/deprivation/demons/night terrors genre.

Especially worthy to be noticed, is the mention of an unlawful personal enrichment in the Javanese 'Babi Ngepet' mythology, that can sometimes by accident trap the practitioner forever.

The movie depicts the Fatal Familial Insomnia (FFI), where the patient is unable to reach any REM sleep. In its final stages, the brain atrophies, the patient becomes catatonic, followed by organs failures and then death.

It is stated that: '1 in 3 people have some form of sleep disorder. People who experience sleeplessness longer than 18 days rarely survive. The one who past this point do not need doctors, they need priests.'

▲ Awoken (2019) videomancy: unlawful personal enrichment in the Javanese 'Babi Ngepet' mythology and fatal sleeplessness.[web.archive.org]

But the weight of all the bloodshed [of Viking Rus'] will with each passing days, causes on a man such uneasiness and unbearable sense of guilt, that the return of every single sleepless night will be dreaded as worse than a visit to hell.

▲ Elon Musk:'For improved quality of sleep, raise head of your bed by about 3” or 5cm and don’t eat 3 hours before bedtime.' 3:34 PM · Jul 11, 2022[web.archive.org]

Therefore the record 9 days of unexplained mediatic silence on twitter 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], finally broken with a pious picture of Elon Musk's pilgrimage to the Holy See in the pursuit of a spiritual healing through the absolution and blessing of the Defender of the Faith.

▲ Elon Musk's pilgrimage to the Holy See in the pursuit of a spiritual healing through the absolution and blessing of the Defender of the Faith. 2nd July 2022.[web.archive.org]

What shall it profit a man, if he should gain the largest fortune in the whole world and lose his own soul.

Too bad that indulgences are no longer available.

4.5.11. Noise pollution

To achieve a global zombie effect on the popular masses, sleep deprivation is further combined with several warfare highly disruptive to the attention span.

Introduced from the 1945s onward these have contributed to the intensified noise pollution warfare.


Fireworks and firecracker chains exploding in the middle of the night yearlong and not limited to the national day and new year's period will have a tremendous effect over an entire community.

Soon the entire village will turn into sleep deprived zombies.

Propaganda loudspeakers

Depending on the political regime of the puppet states, propaganda loudspeakers are very effective in ensuring that daylong sheeple can't have a single second to think for themselves. Thus only thinking what the loudspeakers tells. This technique of brainwashing of course is the modern electric version of the mandatory daily religious multi-sessions.

Louspeakers can even continue to broadcast their program throughout the nighttime, thus strengthening the sleep deprivation effect in an entire neighborhood.

Unplugging a loudspeaker is therefore severely prosecuted by the law.

A sleepy tourist unplugged a loudspeaker playing religious music in Burma — now he’s headed to prison

October 6, 2016

“I was really tired that night and woke up to the noise,” he told the court last week, according to the New York Times. “I was very angry and assumed that children were playing music. I told them to lower the volume of the loudspeakers before I unplugged the amplifier, and they didn’t understand me. That’s why I unplugged it.”
“He was found guilty under Section 296 of the Penal Code and sentenced to three months in prison,” Haytema's lawyer, Hla Ko, told Reuters. He said Haytema was also fined about $80 for violating visa regulations requiring cultural respect.
In countries across Asia, loudspeakers are frequently used to broadcast religious messages from mosques, Buddhist temples and Christian churches, often at high decibel and during the early-morning or late-night hours. To the uninitiated, reactions to the broadcasts can range from viewing them as a minor irritation to an invasive form of noise pollution.


Propaganda loudspeakers can be found in several variety, from the traditional fixed one, on mast in public places like park, square, plaza and official buildings.

With variant found in houses.

Then after 1945, for a better cover over an even larger area, mobile propaganda loudspeakers on vehicles have been introduced roaming in the streets of larger cities.

These broadcast their pollution noise during day time, under the clumsy excuse of publicity in some puppet states, and as promotion of political parties, and during elections campaign as in Japan.

Mobile propaganda loudspeaker trucks have first been introduced in the WWII. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.is] 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.fo]

Following the Empire of Japan, the U.S. occupied Korea is still blasting propaganda on the northern border. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]

TV Commercials

Since this strategy can't be generalized in all parts of the world, TV commercials have been introduced to fulfill the same purpose on the advanced industrialized nation's masses.

The content of the TV Commercial doesn't matter at all, whether it is annoying, inane, absurd, or downright stupid, as long as the sudden unwanted interruptions every 10 minutes in the middle of a movie, or more serious intellectual program can disrupt the attention span of the viewers.

At the end, the brainwashed zombie will have only absorbed a salad of mixed images and quotes, overlooking the deeper meanings and subplots. Reducing the entire one hour and a half movie to a few memes.

Mobile phone calls

Meanwhile, for those who don't watch tv, such as people in an office or shop during working hours, mobile phones have been introduced massively as the latest cutting edge high tech warfare after the end of the Cold War false flag, before becoming mandatory by law after the COVID false flag.

Surpassing TV commercials, the efficiency is similar to the propaganda loudspeakers as they operate day and night.

Tasks and discussions can be interrupted with the zombies not being able to remember what they were doing before the calls. Zombies fall to their death while walking in the street and get hit and crushed by cars while being distracted by calls.

Mobile phone towers

Surpassing mobile phone calls, there is not even the need of having any receiver device to be disturbed by the audible hissing white noise generated by cellular microwave.

Microwave electromagnetic hearing is used by the cell phone network, exploiting the ability of the human brain to perceive sound other than that of an acoustic sound wave entering the ear. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]

Unlike mobile phone calls, this type of ultimate noise pollution disturbances can last continuously without any interruptions, 24/7/365.


Surpassing mobile phone towers, the Starlink satellite megaconstellation can generate the ultimate noise pollution disturbances even in the most remote places, far from any cities and land mobile phone network. Noise pollution in the pop culture


Siberian Sniper Рядовой Чээрин (2021)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a 'sniper' propaganda genre movie with a 'WWII', 'air superiority', 'rifle versus aircraft', 'trench warfare', 'loudspeaker propaganda', 'POW', 'collaboration with enemy', 'hunger', 'illiteracy', 'defection', 'escape from detention', 'infiltration', 'partisan warfare', 'recon', 'sabotage', 'interrogation', 'armored vehicle', 'mortar' and 'machine gun nest' genre subplots masqueraded as a history war movie written by Dmitriy Koltzov and directed by Dmitriy Koltzov and Sergey Zverev. It stars Aytal Stepanov, Aleksandr Kazantsev, Dmitriy Koltzov, Daniil Zhuravlev, Pavel Pogodaev, Vyacheslav Yugov.


In 1942, after months of exhausting trench warfare in the western front, most of Soviet Army Major Belyaev’s battalion was destroyed. The area is ruled by German aces snipers. Hope for replenishment collapses when the convoy, in which the Soviet snipers were traveling, falls under a German airstrike. A handful of soldiers and a young hunter from Yakutia, Yegor Cheerin, survive.

Indeed, Cheerin damages the Messerschmitt with a single rifle bullet forcing it to crash land nearby.

Later, he saves a Soviet soldier driven crazy by the German propaganda loudspeakers, who ran toward the German trenches, by taking out with his rifle 3 enemy soldiers in a row manning a machine gun position.

For these exploits, private Cheerin is subsequently promoted to a sniper. During his first assigned recon mission, Cheerin overpowers a German soldier and brings him back to the Soviet trenches. Interrogation of the POW reveals an imminent German offensive supported by air and armored reinforcements.

As the last surviving Soviet sniper unit, Cheerin is sent on a highly risky special operation behind enemy lines to break the German stronghold in order to save his fellow soldiers.

All the men of his group are killed, and Cheerin is captured by the Germans. He is offered to speak in the propaganda radio of the Wehrmacht in exchange of food. The message urges the Soviet soldiers to surrender with food and clothes as reward.

Instead of calling his fellow Yakut conscipts not to fight for the Soviet Union, Cheerin manages to transmit a message in Yakut warning of the presence of a strategic bridge on the river.

Later, Cheerin escapes and discovers the German rear airfield with many aircrafts and tanks, but is captured by Soviet partisans.

With the aid of the partisans' radio, he transmits the vital information in Yakut song to the Soviet Army.

Assisted by the partisans, Cheerin places an improvised demolition charge made of a scavenged mortar round below the planks of the wooden bridge, then manages to eliminate the lurking lead German sniper in a counter sniper strike.

As the Wehrmacht launches its long awaited offensive, Cheerin blows the bridge when the German tanks proceed to cross the river.

Deprived from its armored reinforcements, the German land offensive is thwarted and the Soviet Army overuns the last German trenches in the ensuing counter-offensive.


Siberian Sniper Рядовой Чээрин (2021) 215-218 00:17:45,833 --> 00:18:02,666 Comrades! You can end this pointless bloodshed. The Germans are your allies, not enemies. Surrender! You will be treated nicely. You will get hot delicious food and warm clothes. ___ 602-604 00:57:45,333 --> 00:57:56,083 Well, Mr. Cherin, it's my pleasure to meet you. I'm Lieutenant Colonel Von Rulich. How are you feeling? 605 00:57:58,375 --> 00:58:01,208 I don't speak Russian well. 606-609 00:58:01,958 --> 00:58:13,916 Me neither, but I'm sure we will understand each other. As both representatives of Nordic race, who are used to cold. Besides, you're my guest. 610-611 00:58:14,333 --> 00:58:17,916 Guest? Looks like German captivity is not that bad after all. 612 00:58:19,875 --> 00:58:21,916 You got it right. 613 00:58:27,291 --> 00:58:28,750 Where is my watch? 614 00:58:39,833 --> 00:58:41,250 Please! 615 00:58:46,333 --> 00:58:49,375 Would you like something to eat? 616 00:58:49,750 --> 00:58:51,166 I can do that? 617-618 00:58:51,250 --> 00:58:57,416 Sure you can, you're my guest! Schnitzel? Beef? Eggplants? 619-622 00:58:57,708 --> 00:59:11,000 Uh, do you have Albert cookies? Sure we do! But first, do me a favor. Read aloud this text on the radio. 623-625 00:59:13,458 --> 00:59:19,458 Me? On the radio? I would, but I can't read. 626-629 00:59:20,375 --> 00:59:34,583 Oh, ok, it's alright. Then just tell how lucky you are to be our guest here. That you were suffering back in USSR. And the only way to have a good life, is to join Germany. 630-632 00:59:35,083 --> 00:59:41,333 That's it? May I mention the food? That you are feeding nice food here? 633 00:59:44,041 --> 00:59:45,541 Sure, go ahead. 634-641 00:59:58,625 --> 01:00:28,916 Dear soldiers, my friends, I've been treated like a guest here. ...they will feed me really nice here, ...I'm gonna have Albert cookies... ...anchovies... ...artichokes, eggplants, Lamb chops, steaks... And even veal chops. 642 01:00:29,000 --> 01:00:30,750 Ugh, it's porridge there too. 643-646 01:00:33,041 --> 01:00:44,916 Back there I never get to eat meat. Because of the greedy Bychkov! You should come visit me here. ...they will feed you too! 647 01:00:45,125 --> 01:00:46,750 Yeah, Sanya, go join him! 648 01:00:47,958 --> 01:00:49,375 Nah. 649-651 01:00:51,666 --> 01:01:00,416 Allow me to say something to my Yakut brothers, I'll ask them not to fight for Russians. I'll speak Yakut. 652 01:01:02,333 --> 01:01:04,000 Please, suit yourself! 653-654 01:01:06,875 --> 01:01:14,166 Now listen carefully. There's a bridge on the river! ___ 679-680 01:04:36,875 --> 01:04:44,208 Congratulations, Schultz! You've confirmed your reputation again. What's with your face though? 681 01:04:46,333 --> 01:04:51,375 I've made a mistake and got detected by a sniper. 682-688 01:04:53,166 --> 01:05:21,458 That doesn't seem like you, Schultz. Anyway, you can relax now. That Russian Ivan won't bother you anymore. Although they say he didn't look like an Ivan at all. I believe it was a hunter, Asian from Siberia.

▲ Siberian Sniper Рядовой Чээрин (2021) videomancy: 'WWII', 'sniper', 'air superiority', 'rifle versus aircraft', 'trench warfare' and 'loudspeaker propaganda' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Siberian Sniper Рядовой Чээрин (2021) videomancy: 'POW', 'collaboration with enemy', 'illiteracy', 'defection' and 'loudspeaker propaganda' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Siberian Sniper Рядовой Чээрин (2021) videomancy: 'POW', 'collaboration with enemy', 'defection', 'loudspeaker propaganda' and 'hunger' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Siberian Sniper Рядовой Чээрин (2021) videomancy: 'POW', 'loudspeaker propaganda', 'sniper', 'escape from detention', 'partisan warfare', 'recon', 'sabotage' and 'armored vehicle' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• Rifle versus aircraft scene. Very rare in Hollywood, but frequent in the Comintern movies.

• Snipers ruling in the ground battlefield.

• Propaganda loudspeaker efficient enough to drive enemy soldiers crazy, to the point of running into the no man's land in despair.

• Propaganda loudspeaker is of course a complement to the older WWI leaflets propaganda.

• Obligatory 'temporary loss of hearing and high pitch ringing after mortar shell' with much lower frequency tone than in Hollywood movies counterparts.

• POW and interrogation obviously toned down, as violence and torture would make the war much less glamorous to the target audience, that is the future Russian conscripts of the coming 2022 Ukraine Escalation War.

• Escape from German captivity is farcical, again to make it glamorous to the target audience, that is the future Russian conscripts of the coming 2022 Ukraine Escalation War.

• Defection to and collaboration with the enemy presented as farce when it could be among the most terrible unforgiving choices any POW would have to face, leading to court martial and death sentence.

4.5.12. Mental illness

Driving a targeted political opponent (read patriot) to insanity in 'stealth mode' is the best way to get rid of a hurdle with the benefit of no grievances from the relatives and friends against the U.S. military junta's perpetrators.

Indeed, sheeples are so easy to fool, and would rather blame 'back luck' or 'poor mental health' instead.

Mental illnesses

Mental illnesses are common in the United States. Nearly one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness (52.9 million in 2020).

An estimated 49.5% of adolescents had any mental disorder.

Of adolescents with any mental disorder, an estimated 22.2% had severe impairment.


David Charles Hahn (October 30, 1976 – September 27, 2016), sometimes called the "Radioactive Boy Scout" or the "Nuclear Boy Scout", was an American nuclear radiation enthusiast who built a homemade neutron source at the age of seventeen. Obvious that he was in pole position among those born in the 1975s to correctly assess the nature of the U.S. military junta's MC warfare. Thus sealing his fate.

Again, only the low IQs are allowed to access higher education and end up in the higher academic and professional positions. Provided their blind loyalty and obedience to the junta, the U.S. 20'000 orbital MC satellites will pull some strings for them and compensate for all the required cognitive skills they naturally lack.

He was subsequently treated for 'mental illness', and his death at age 39 was related to drug and alcohol use.

13 of 16


Date of transcription 04/23/2007

On April 23, 2007, at approximately 5:30 P.M. Special Agents (SA) ▄ and ▄ interviewed SSN:▄ DOB:▄ DLN:▄ at the Toledo FBI RA office in reference to electronic communication (EC) ▄ was advised of the official identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview, then ▄ provided the following information.
▄ confirmed the details provided in the above mentioned EC, and accompanying lead. He also stated that David HAHN is using cocaine heavily, and is not taking his prescribed medication for a mental illness.
▄ described HAHN as paranoid; HAHN believes the people have the ability to "shock" his genitalis with their minds, and that they are doing so on a regular basis.

▄ stated he has study witchcraft and knows that this is not possible and has tried to reassure HAHN of this fact. HAHN may also be visiting prostitutes on a regularly.
▄ believes he is still trying to build a nuclear reactor, and is accumulating anything with radium in it, mainly used watches or alarm clocks.
HAHN also conducted an experiment in his home using electrical transformers from telephone poles, and caused a fire in his home.
▄ does not believes that HAHN intended to hurt anyone, but is concerned about his unstable mental state.


4.5.13. Hospitalization

Hospitalization is a convenient trap broadly used by the U.S. Dystopian Empire to eliminate unwanted people with an unbroken chain of treatments. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]

The trick is to create complications and we end up treating the treatment for decades.

The first step is to create symptoms serious enough to force a visit to the Emergency Room.

It must look as natural, with deniability of the U.S. MC satellites role in it.

The most frequents are accidents resulting from dangerous sport and hobby, aftermath from the use of narcotic and alcohol, combined with driving a vehicle aircraft or any machine.

Heart and cerebral strokes can also be induced easily by MC satellite, while looking natural.

Pathogens can be contracted by favoring unhealthy behavior and habit. Lack of preventive hygiene, high risk sexual habits are the most frequents.

Dr Adlène Hicheur 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.md], a particle physicist at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has proposed to use meson particle accelerators for a clean and definitive kill of all pathogens and tumors:

This solution was envisioned and disclosed to the public by a particle physicist, from the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN) who specialized in Meson theory, and that underwent surgery in a hospital only to catch a nosocomial infection in 2009.

An textbook MC removal of VIP asset, with an escalating ordeal that sent him to prison, then stripped of his European passport, deportation to North Africa. Hospitalization in the pop culture


Grace (2009)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] is an 'bloodthirsty' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with an 'veganism', 'hospitalization', 'living dead', 'breast milk' and 'cannibal' genre subplots masqueraded as a horror film written and directed by Paul Solet. It is based on the 2006 short film of the same name. The short film was used to obtain funding for the feature version.

Michael Matheson (Stephen Park) and his pregnant wife Madeline (Jordan Ladd) are involved in a car accident. Michael dies, and doctors tell Madeline that her unborn child is dead, too. Madeline, desperate after trying to have a child for years, decides to carry her baby to term anyway. The child, a girl, initially appears stillborn. After a while, though, she seems to revive, and Madeline names her "Grace". It soon becomes clear something is wrong with the baby. She develops unhealthy smells, attracts flies, and craves blood.


After two unsuccessful attempts to have a child, vegan couple Michael and Madeline Matheson succeed the third time. They consult Madeline's midwife ex-girlfriend, Patricia, to perform an unorthodox delivery.

One night, Michael and the unborn baby are killed in a car accident . Madeline refuses to begin induction of labor, so Patricia allows Madeline to carry to term. Although initially stillborn, the baby is miraculously alive. Madeline names the baby Grace.

Back at Madeline's home, Grace is attracting flies due to her putrid scent. Madeline also realizes that Grace is unable to digest breast milk as she keeps vomiting. Whilst Madeline is nursing a crying Grace, she realizes that the child is feeding from her bleeding breast.

Meanwhile, Vivian, Michael's domineering mother, wants to visit Grace, but Madeline refuses to answer her calls. She visits Dr. Richard Sohn, an obstetrician she recommended. She convinces him to visit Madeline while looking to collect proof that she is an unfit mother.

Madeline continues to nurse Grace with her blood, which weakens her to the point that she allows Dr. Sohn into her home. He hears Grace cry weakly and starts to her crib. Fearing that he will take Grace away, Madeline kills Dr. Sohn.

Vivian arrives just as Madeline finishes draining Dr. Sohn's blood into a baby bottle. After exploring the house, Vivian agrees to leave, but instead finds Grace in her crib, and the bottle of blood broken on the floor. Madeline tries to pursue her, but Vivian is able to grab Grace and flee, discovering Dr. Sohn's body in the process. Vivian arms herself with a hammer; Madeline confronts her, and Vivian beats Madeline unconscious, but not before Madeline rips out part of Vivian's throat with her teeth. They are discovered by Patricia, who sees Grace drinking from Vivian's blood.

Some time later, Patricia is driving a motor home through the desert. She pulls over and goes to the back to check on Madeline, who's nursing Grace. She asserts that as long as Madeline keeps eating the proper diet, they can continue feeding and raising Grace. Madeline informs her that Grace has begun teething, revealing her mutilated breast.

Grace (2009) 86-95 00:07:41,628 --> 00:08:09,738 Just no reason to medicalize a perfect process. See, if I break my leg, I'm not going to get a chiropractor to set it. But with pregnancy, there's nothing broken. But things do get broken in the process. Mostly at hospitals. Here. All the stats are all in there. The studies are all state-funded. Nothing is private. Medical interventions can be miraculous, but not everybody needs a miracle. Most of the time they just create complications and we end up treating the treatment. 96-98 00:08:09,823 --> 00:08:18,205 Madeline: "Mothers are three to six times more likely to die delivering in a hospital than a midwife-supervised clinic or home birth." It's on page 14.

▲ Grace (2009) videomancy: 'veganism', 'hospitalization' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• 'Medical interventions can be miraculous, but not everybody needs a miracle. Most of the time they just create complications and we end up treating the treatment.': hospitalization is a convenient trap broadly used by the U.S. Dystopian Empire to eliminate unwanted people with an unbroken chain of treatments. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]


Mercy (2023)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] is a 'hospitalization' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'hostage in hospital', 'gang rampage' and 'woman superhero' genre subplots masqueraded as an action film written by Alex Wright, directed by Tony Dean Smith and starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Jon Voight and Leah Gibson.


Military doctor Michelle (Leah Gibson) survives a dangerous explosion while treating her husband in the Middle East theater.

It's two years later back in the U.S. and Dr. Michelle Miller works at the Mercy Hospital as a single mom supporting her son Bobby (Anthony Bolognese) who loves soccer, or football as he insists.

Ryan Quinn (Anthony Konechny) a member of the Irish mafia Quinn family is taken into custody by the FBI. The family attempts a "rescue." Ryan and an agent get shot and are taken to said hospital. The whole Quinn family shows up to see their son lead by Patrick Quinn (Jon Voight) the patriarch of the family.

He left Ireland so his family could have a clean legitimate start. His oldest son Sean (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) has different ideas on how to run the family business. It isn't long before gunplay is involved and the film moves into a hostage situation with a cat-and-mouse game with our ex-special forces lady doctor.

Mercy (2023) 377-378 00:18:46,037 --> 00:18:50,520 I never liked hospitals. Too many people die in them. Let's go.

▲ Mercy (2023) videomancy: 'hospitalization', 'hostage in hospital', 'gang rampage' and 'woman superhero' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• 'I never liked hospitals. Too many people die in them.': This statement is a warning, as people are being taken hostage by organized criminals while seeking medical treatment in hospitals for minor ailments, and end up dead instead.
This movie is an obvious allegory to the COVID-19 pandemic and a reminder of the nefarious role of hospitals in the global death toll.

• Two generations after Bruce Willis' Die Hard (1988) |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph], a female superhero fight hardened gangsters like a commando.

• Back in 1988 it was Semitic good guy against Germanic bad guys. Replaced in 2023 by Semitic good guy against Celtic bad guys.


Disquiet (2023)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] is a 'death and life dilemma' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'lethal mobile phone accident', 'road accident', 'hospitalization', 'Intensive Care Unit', 'plastic surgery', 'hospital death trap' and 'call from the afterlife' genre subplots masqueraded as a thriller horror film written and directed by Michael Winnick starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Rachelle Goulding.


After a near-fatal car accident caused by a mobile phone call, Sam (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) wakes to discover he is trapped in an abandoned hospital by mysterious and sinister forces that have no intention of letting him leave.

Sam wakes up in a hospital with nobody answering the call button. Even worse, the patient in the next bed tries to strangle him, then chases him into the hall where Sam stabs him repeatedly with a scalpel, only for the body to vanish.

When a nurse does arrive she vanishes as soon as he looks away. And then the psycho guy returns, even ripping open the roof of the elevator trying to get at Sam. After escaping once again he has flashbacks to the accident that put him in the hospital.

Due to his comatose state, perceptions have nearly nothing to do with the reality.

He finally comes to his senses and acknowledges he has lost everything. He no longer resists and finally exits the hospital from the roof.


Disquiet (2023) 144-145 00:19:58,284 --> 00:20:03,027 Sh|t. The phones are dead. It'’s a zombie apocalypse, isn'’t it? ___ 759 01:01:05,009 --> 01:01:06,140 This is hell. 760-761 01:01:06,314 --> 01:01:12,364 No. It isn'’t hell or heaven or anywhere in between. 762 01:01:15,889 --> 01:01:17,021 What is it then? 763 01:01:17,195 --> 01:01:18,370 It's just a hospital. ___ 798 01:05:00,331 --> 01:05:01,419 Why are you? 799-800 01:05:04,857 --> 01:05:20,220 Car crash. I'm dead, aren't I? ___ 882 01:13:09,515 --> 01:13:13,084 Comatose. Brain-dead. Life support. ___ 892 01:14:25,417 --> 01:14:27,288 How long have I been here? 893-895 01:14:27,463 --> 01:14:35,209 Oh, well, that's up to you. The faceless ones want you to stay. "Life at any cost." 896 01:14:36,994 --> 01:14:38,299 I have a choice? 897-898 01:14:38,474 --> 01:14:41,999 Always. Now make it, and get out of here. ___ 915-922 01:16:11,871 --> 01:17:02,530 Your wife, your work, your future child have been taken from you. That fear you feel, rage against it. Rage with me. Let go. Monica chose it. The cop chose it. And now you will choose it. 923 01:17:04,750 --> 01:17:06,447 I choose the roof.

▲ Disquiet (2023) videomancy: 'lethal mobile phone accident', 'road accident', 'hospitalization', 'plastic surgery', 'hospital death trap' and 'zombie apocalypse' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Disquiet (2023) videomancy: 'ICU', 'death and life dilemma' and 'call from the afterlife' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• This movie's central plot is about the 'death and life dilemma' when ending in ICU depending on artificial life support as one is already nearly brain dead.
As long as the nearly brain dead decides to cling to his life, he will remain in an irreversible vegetative comatose state in the ICU. Depending on the individual, it can take from days to years before the patient finally decides that there is no way out, and finally accepts his doomed situation by taking the ultimate decision to end the artificial life support.
This choice will cause his electroencephalogram (EEG) becoming flat, with the death of his brain.
This of course begs the question of who is communicating with and serving the coup de grace to the patient, since he can not perceive the hospital environment, being nearly brain dead. Only the U.S. MC satellites could do the trick.
Furthermore, once dead at 12:45, his final mobile phone message 'I love you too' was sent at 10:45 to his wife in reply to her previous 'I love you' message. And this despite the absence of any mobile phone signal received in the hospital, and Sam being unable to move lying in his bed. This gross and clumsy impersonation can only be done by the U.S. MC satellites, and reminds one of the many farcical calls from the afterlife.

• Mobile phone have been introduced with among many other use, as a new convenient 'deniable' weapon; since the 1990s, it has allowed the U.S. Dystopian Empire to get rid of millions of unwanted people, in this joining the other cars, motorbikes, cigarettes, narcotics, etc...
Reckless targets fall to their death while taking selfies, get crushed by bus and trains distracted when shooting TikTok video, and of course die in car accidents when making phone calls while driving.

• In the era of COVID world pandemic, hospitals have been notorious for being centers of propagation of the deadly pathogen, hundreds of millions have so far either lost their lives or left permanently brain damaged by long-covid, that is turned into zombies.

• Reference to 'zombie apocalypse' confirms it is related to COVID-19. Hospitals are hell.

• Numerous imprudent plastic surgery patients end up dead due to the highly contagious hospital environment.

4.6. Fishhead tactics

The old antic tactics of attacking a nation starting from the top level, is known as fishhead tactics in East Asia, as one aristocratic gentleman would always start a meal of fish by eating the heads first.

In warfare it means to subdue first the head of states, head of governments, then their close ministers and advisers, before continuing with the state apparatus, the administrations, the academic circles, religious institutions and military leaders.

Like a virus attack, these are the most critical organs to control if the remaining 90% of the entire body is to fall without much fuss.

Then comes the economic sector with the most important private companies or state companies in the case of the Soviet world.

This tactics works best because it does not require to subdue billions of citizens, but only a few thousands world leaders. That is at the start of the U.S. military coup after 1945, when MC weapons were certainly limited in number.

By 1955, a decade after the start of the U.S. military coup, as the number of MC weapons placed into space had soared exponentially, the MC warfare could even start to target ever broader layers, and the popular working classes as well.

Unlike mass killings such as the previously discussed, civil wars, invasion wars and other form of genocides, the stealthy removal of selected high-value VIP targets among the Big Five sovereign powers is similar to a marksman's work.

4.6.1. Puppet leaders in the pop culture


In the movie Manifesto (2015)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], the last screen capture image indicates that these puppets VIPs are indeed playing in the Golden Age of the Japanese Cinema!

▲ Manifesto (2015) movie depicting world leaders as wooden puppets[web.archive.org]

▲ In the Manifesto (2015) movie, the last screen capture image indicates that these puppets are indeed playing in the Golden Age of the Japanese Cinema![web.archive.org]

The largest collection of puppet leaders ever in the history of humankind.


Distorted (2018)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a 'brainwashing' propaganda genre movie with an 'subliminal conditioning', 'AI house', and 'CCTV' genre subplots masqueraded as a thriller film starring Christina Ricci and John Cusack.

Russell Curran (Brendan Fletcher) is a successful businessman living in Portland, Oregon. His 32-year-old wife Lauren (Christina Ricci) suffers from bipolar disorder after a home invasion left her injured and her baby drowned in the bathtub.

Craving for a safe home, Russell and Lauren decide to move into a luxurious high-tech smart apartment an hour away from Portland.

Lauren notices strange noises coming from the apartment's sound system and occasionally sees the TV flashing up strange pictures and words. She tries to speak to Russell, but he blames her bipolar disorder and accuses her of paranoia. Later, Russell secretly installs CCTV cameras to observe Lauren's behavior.

Through research on the internet, Lauren gets in touch with Vernon Sarsfield (John Cusack), a hacker and journalist. Vernon affirms to Lauren that she is not paranoid and that she needs to help him to prove that the residents of her home are being used as involuntary experimental subjects for subliminal stimuli by the building's owners. Vernon believes Lauren is the only one to notice the subliminal messaging because of her bipolar disorder.

Distorted (2018) 31-34 00:07:27,517 --> 00:07:52,453 All suites have access to our 24-hour surveillance of all key venues. Okay. Please follow me. Wireless lighting, QED window shades with sun control fabric...and a fully integrated telecommunications cabling package. ___ 154-156 00:25:05,669 --> 00:25:18,239 Have you noticed anything, uh, unusual about your apartment? I just... I keep hearing this strange hissing sound, like...like something's been left on. ___ 166 00:27:31,517 --> 00:27:34,934 And either way that wouldn't explain the electronic hiss...the voices, the images. 168 00:27:37,652 --> 00:27:39,577 So, what are you trying to say? 169-173 00:27:41,617 --> 00:28:01,538 I know how this is gonna sound, but...what if someone is using this building as, um...kind of an experiment? The Pinnacle is owned by a man named Henning Dallquist. He has extensive holdings in... 174-179 00:28:05,972 --> 00:28:40,719 I wish you wouldn't look at me like that. With respect to subliminal imagery, Vicary was interesting. He had been using a high-speed projector...to flash the slogans "drink Coke" and "eat popcorn..." at one three-thousandths of a second, at five second intervals. Now, according to Mr. Vicary, popcorn sales went up about 60%... 180 00:28:40,799 --> 00:28:44,270 - ...and Coke sales about 20%. - So it's been proven effective? 181-184 00:28:44,350 --> 00:28:55,217 Well, that particular study was never subjected to a, um...proper scientific review...and from what I gather the evidence of success has been greatly exaggerated. Makes for good copy more than anything. 185 00:28:55,297 --> 00:28:59,903 Did your father ever use subliminal advertising in any of his early campaigns? 186-188 00:28:59,983 --> 00:29:09,507 From what I understand, a few of his competitors did test the waters...but the FCC quickly stepped in. Ruling due process contrary to public interest, effectively outlawing it. 189-195 00:29:09,587 --> 00:29:33,110 - And that law's enforced? - As far as I understand. Although, as urban myth would have it, you still have your odd department store...slipping anti-theft warning through their muzak systems, or...or a heavy metal band masking satanic messages. And of course, nowadays with your buzz agents, product feeders, viral marketers...everyone plugged in 24/7...the Federal Communications Commission need hardly have bothered. ___ 237-238 00:38:00,623 --> 00:38:08,191 Have you heard of, uh...pulsed electromagnetic fields, or, uh, covert hypnosis? 239-241 00:38:12,112 --> 00:38:21,568 Okay. Let me ask you this. Why... why you? Why can't I hear any of these sounds? Why can't I see any of these images? 242-243 00:38:21,648 --> 00:38:27,731 I think it has something to do with my medication. I think it acts as some sort of buffer. 244 00:38:27,811 --> 00:38:30,777 Or it could be the manic depression itself. 245 00:38:30,857 --> 00:38:33,150 I'm wired differently than you. ___ 251-252 00:38:49,216 --> 00:38:55,907 Conspiracy theories, delusions of persecution...messages being sent through the TV. ___ 268-269 00:42:41,629 --> 00:42:47,320 The CIA caught up...in a mind control arms race with the Russians and the Chinese. 270-271 00:42:47,400 --> 00:42:52,886 But, uh, what does that...well, isn't that ancient history? 272-274 00:42:52,966 --> 00:43:03,435 Well, it's by definition an idea ahead of its time. The digital technologies advance, so theory and practice finally and tragically meet. What are you experiencing? 275-276 00:43:05,418 --> 00:43:11,892 Coercive flash images, I think, and, uh...some kind of binaural sounds. 277 00:43:15,302 --> 00:43:18,355 - I'll send you more documents. - Okay. 278 00:43:21,713 --> 00:43:23,249 You're not paranoid. ___ 300 00:49:06,294 --> 00:49:08,178 Who are you? 301-302 00:49:08,786 --> 00:49:14,886 Nobody. Hacker, journalist. I spend my time writing a book about all this dark tech sh|t. ___ 314-316 00:49:56,163 --> 00:50:05,876 You watch procedurals? Common motif, everything is conjecture or hearsay or straight-up paranoia...until you get physical evidence. ___ 319-327 00:50:15,722 --> 00:50:46,828 The new tech has revolutionized the world. Everything's moving at quantum speeds. Politics, commerce, and coordinated criminal activity. You can walk into any coffee shop in the civilized world and you can see...our virtual consumption has us ripe for a psychotronic takeover. So it's not that much of a stretch...to think of competing multinationals putting up smart buildings in Tokyo...London, Chicago. There's a whole world of wealthy...cybernated marionettes just waiting for their strings to get pulled. ___ 475-476 01:18:07,399 --> 01:18:12,374 You do understand that, when everything is brought to light...you'll be charged with first degree murder. 477 01:18:12,454 --> 01:18:14,348 Does this concern you? 478 01:18:15,594 --> 01:18:18,224 I've done exactly what was asked of me. 479-490 01:18:28,202 --> 01:19:06,404 You cannot begin to fathom the...extraordinary contribution you have made here today. Psychotechnology...the battle for the mind. It's the new arms race. The holy grail of global sovereignty. And with your help...we've just managed to leave our competitors in the proverbial dust. As with any war...victory can only be achieved with certain sacrifices. And history will bear out that none of this...none of this has been done in vain.


Here, the usual smoke screens:
• 'The CIA caught up in a mind control arms race with the Russians and the Chinese.'
• 'Psychotechnology the battle for the mind. It's the new arms race. The holy grail of global sovereignty.'
To mislead the science illiterates, unaware that the mind control race was already over by 1953, and fought between some U.S. military putschists junta and their own government.

▲ Distorted (2018) videomancy: There's a whole world of wealthy cybernated marionettes just waiting for their strings to get pulled.[web.archive.org]


Blackout (2022)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a 'puppet governments' propaganda genre movie with a 'killer with memory loss', 'drug induced amnesia', and 'satellite phone' genre subplots masqueraded as an action crime thriller film directed by Sam Macaroni and starring Josh Duhamel, Abbie Cornish, Nick Nolte and Omar Chaparro.
An undercover DEA agent (Josh Duhamel) wakes up with amnesia in a Mexican mental institution. While several drug cartels are looking for him, he gradually remembers his identity, though he's skeptical about some aspects.

Blackout (2022) 806-807 01:13:17,810 --> 01:13:25,192 -I'm CIA. You know I'm CIA. I work with people you thought were rumors. 808 01:13:25,276 --> 01:13:26,944 -Who? 809 01:13:28,070 --> 01:13:32,199 -Like deep state? Illuminati? 810-812 01:13:33,200 --> 01:13:43,461 -It's a 3-D chess game, John. The DEA, they play checkers. But you know all this. ___ 954 01:25:14,693 --> 01:25:17,404 -What's in this case that's got everybody so excited? 955-959 01:25:18,405 --> 01:25:31,710 -What's in the case? The whos, the what's, and the wheres. The puppeteers and the puppets. The leaders and the members. The avatars and the aviators. 960 01:25:31,793 --> 01:25:33,587 -What the f∪ck is he talking about? 961-963 01:25:33,670 --> 01:25:43,180 -Presidents, dictators, elections. Broadway theater. It's all f∪cking rigged. It's all placed. 964-967 01:25:43,263 --> 01:25:55,275 -So let me get this straight. You're telling me that the names and addresses of the Illuminati and Moses' tablets are in this case? Are you f∪cking serious? 968-972 01:25:55,359 --> 01:26:14,086 -Well, I don't know about the tablets. But from where I'm sitting, son, you are a true hero that deserves an honorable death. Perception. That's what we manage.

▲ Blackout (2022) videomancy: 'Presidents, dictators, elections. It's all rigged. It's all placed.'[web.archive.org]

4.6.2. Regency

Indeed the Big Data A.I. sentient Matrix SKYNET of the current Dystopian Empire rules the world according to the Marxist principle of 'history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.'

But this gross clumsy trick can only work because it was previously historically preceded by a most tragic occurrence, therefore making its repeat likely credible.

And in the previous Pax Britannica World Order that prevailed from 1815 to 1945, puppeting leaders was developed into a form of Art.

The first step was to remove such as with the use of arsenic poisoning 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], the legitimate leader of a targeted independent nation, then the second step was to replace it with a child monarch. The third and final step being to supervise the puppet children monarch by conniving traitor stooges known as regents.

I. The tragedies

▲ British imperialists' asset: the Manchu Qing Dynasty Xuantong puppet Emperor. 兒時的溥儀,三歲登基,那會兒啥都不懂呢,莫名其妙就坐上了皇位[web.archive.org]

▲ British imperialists' asset: the puppet Dalai Lama of Tibet Lhamo Thondup.[web.archive.org]

The 19th century was just another century of humiliation for the sick man of the Middle East, with Ahmad Shah Qajar as the puppet leader of the British imperialists.

▲ British imperialists' asset: the puppet Shah (King) of Persia Ahmad Shah Qajar.[web.archive.org]

II. The farces

As a signature, the U.S. World Ruler while hidden likes to portray himself with a few real clues about his identity.

From all what we know, the Forensic Artist can put together a sketch.

Aged 100 to 125, 150 cm - 190 cm tall, heavy build or flimsy, blond or black hair, dark or blue eyes, light or brown skin, European, spoke English well and fluent Japanese, probably PhD in Physics or Medicine.

Wears a leather trench coats, American punch (brass knuckles) on each hands.

Particular sign: ethnicity with four canine teeth of bloodsucker vampire (see composite picture from Hotel Grand Budapest (2014)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]).

▲ Composite picture of the World Ruler from Hotel Grand Budapest (2014), a Hollywood depiction: notice the face is unknown, only for illustration purpose. [web.archive.org]

Notice the official circulated popular depiction always associates him with a Persian cat, hold in his arms, symbolizing all the puppet leader strawmen of the world he wire pulls.


Pronunciation: /ʃɑ:/

1. A king of Persia or Iran.
2. A supreme ruler in some Middle Eastern or South Asian nations.


Meanwhile, by the 17th century, French was known as the language of diplomacy and international relations throughout the Europes.

The Persian word 'Shah' is pronounced like 'chat' in French, meaning cat. Thus, Persian King means Persian cat.


Pronunciation: \ʃa\

1. Mammifère carnivore félin de taille moyenne, au museau court et arrondi, domestiqué, apprivoisé ou encore à l’état sauvage.


As a cute little obedient child, the puppet Persian leader is similar to a small cat. Therefore the Persian cat in the arms of the World Ruler symbolizes all the puppet leaders of the worlds under his Mind Control.

A signature broadly associated to the Dystopian Empire, similar to the Stormtroopers.

▲ Top level asset Elon Musk in his twitter account on 18th April 2012. Notice the cheap phony 'Persian cat' because he is not the real World Ruler, but only a high ranking servant.[web.archive.org]

And today the puppets are no longer that young because of their record life expectancy, reaching very advanced age and even becoming centenarians.

▲ U.S.' imperialists asset: the puppet heir of North Korea Kim Han Sol.[web.archive.org]
2[archive.ph] Regency in the pop culture

Once the legitimate head of state of a targeted nation to be colonized has been dealt with either poisoning or a subversive conspiracy plot, the process of brainwashing through 'colonial filial imprinting' of the next underage heir to the throne shall start immediately.

The best results obtained this way allows to harvest entire generation of brainwashed crops in future adult monarchs.

Filial imprinting is a process, readily observed in precocial animals, whereby a social attachment is established between a young animal and an object that is typically (although not necessarily) a parent.

Practically, it means that the targeted young heir to the throne of the nation to be colonized will receive a mandatory education from the colonial power where he will be taught to value his new colonial master more than his own people.


The Last Emperor (1987)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood propaganda 'puppet leader' genre movie with several other 'regency', 'turncoat' and 'brainwashing' genre subplots masqueraded as an epic biographical drama film about the life of Puyi, the final Emperor of the Great Qing Manchu Empire. It is directed by Bernardo Bertolucci from a screenplay he co-wrote with Mark Peploe, which was adapted from Puyi's 1964 autobiography, and independently produced by Jeremy Thomas.

The film depicts the Xuantong Emperor Aisin-Gioro Puyi's tragic life as the eternal convenient puppet used by a succession of three foreign invading imperialist powers, first from his 'ascent to the throne' as a young British puppet heir of the throne of the Great Manchu Qing Dynasty, to his crowning as puppet Emperor of the Japanese Manchukuo, to his final fall as prisoner of the Soviet invaders and political rehabilitation as U.S. puppet 'ordinary commoner' in the People's Republic of China.

It stars John Lone in the eponymous role, with Peter O'Toole, Joan Chen, Ruocheng Ying, Victor Wong, Dennis Dun, Vivian Wu, Lisa Lu, and Ryuichi Sakamoto; who also composed the film score with David Byrne and Cong Su. It was the first Western feature film authorized by the People's Republic of China to film in the Forbidden City in Beijing.

In 1919, the British diplomat Reginald Johnston is mandatorily appointed as Puyi's 'tutor' and gives him a full Western-style brainwashing under the pretence of 'education', and Puyi becomes increasingly desirous to leave the Forbidden City. Johnston, wary of the courtiers' expensive lifestyle, 'convinces' Puyi that the best way of achieving this is through marriage; Puyi subsequently weds Wanrong, with Wenxiu as a secondary consort.

However, in 1924, he is expelled from the Forbidden City palace and exiled to Tientsin following the Beijing Coup. He leads a decadent life as a playboy and Anglophile now called Henry Pu Yi, and sides with Japan after the Mukden Incident.

Seeking the help of his British colonial masters, due to years of brainwashing resulting in the pipe dream of going to the West, he expresses the wish to migrate to the U.K. by seeking asylum there but is rebuffed.

After this unexpected and cruel backstabbing he is left so vulnerable as to fall to the praying Japanese invaders, who seize the opportunity to crown him 'Emperor' of their puppet state of Manchukuo in 1934, a satellite state which lacks both legitimacy and international recognition.

4.6.3. Royal marriage

Heir of VIPs are of special concern, because of the economic endowment, social and professional connexions, and even political backdoors, all inherent advantages resulting from one's family's social privileged position. Higher education is of course associated with the status of VIP.

This means the highest possibility of the U.S. military junta being overthrown in case of any future dissent.

With time, a VIP's house status would only increase in power following each generation of successful marriage.

For this reason, the Führerbefehle or instructions and strategic plans issued by the U.S. military junta's high command, put into effect to impose spouse from the movie world was common norm during the early years of the military coup, by the 1950s, or the Korean War false flag.

These War directives pertaining to the marriage of VIPs, where made known to the public and highly hyped in the news.

Rita Hayworth who married Prince Aly Khan in 1949, Grace Kelly who tied the knot in 1956 with Prince Rainier of Monaco are only the most emblematic ones.

This allowed not only to weakening the house's global power by half but also to dissolve the genetic strength of the whole lineage.

By the 1960s, or the Vietnam War false flag, with the successful devolution of the traditional Judeo-Christian family value, divorce being more and more accepted, the multiplication of successive marriages in alternance with divorces with an unbroken chain of different spouse was enforced as a policy.

The list of example is too long to be cited.

Former French President Francois Holland with 3 partners, et al. are only some of the most notorious archetypes.

The third step, introduced after 2001s, or 911 Wars false flag, was to replace traditional couple with both spouse of the same gender.

5 Jan, 2022

The United States’ top envoy to Hong Kong and his husband have announced the birth of a son, drawing congratulations online and prompting renewed calls from the city’s LGBT community for the government to introduce policies friendlier towards 'rainbow families'.

Smith made headlines in 2016 – when he was serving as consul general in Shanghai – after photos of his wedding in San Francisco to Taiwan native Ying-tsung Lu, who also goes by Eric, generated widespread interest in China.


The speculated 4th step, that would be introduced after 2030s, or ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Wars false flag, could be to replace traditional human couple with one robotic spouse.

4.6.4. Non-cancerous tumor

As a medieval European Inquisition torturer will try to break the will of a political VIP prisoner, by inflicting not only unbearable physical pain but also horrendous crippling injuries that almost always lead to death, in a bid to force the victim to betray his fellow countrymen and turn him into a traitor, the threat of death through the display of supposedly cancerous tumor can be done with the MC satellites.

Most of the time, this procedure alone will suffice on the feeble younger VIP heirs.

Similar to fake Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites of other dental and bone tissues that cause deformities of the skeleton, hands and feet joints can be used directly on other soft tissues of the body.

Starting from the ~1950, beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites are used to produce various tumors in 4 steps:

• Beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites produce electro-erosion of selected bodily tissue
• Immune cells gather inside the electro-eroded wounds
• They form a layer of abnormal tissue
• The tissue releases chemicals that cause swelling, or inflammation

Facing death, Bangkok Post Group chairman's son realises family comes first

12 Dec 2021

Patsarakorn "Pok" Chirathivat has shared the moment when he faced death and realised that his family is the most precious part of his life.

The son of Bangkok Post Group chairman Suthikiati Chirathivat and former Miss Universe Apasra Hongsakula on Saturday appeared on YouTube with his wife Rasri "Margie" Balenciaga to clarify concerns among the public - and even his own relatives - after online pictures showed he had been hospitalised with a wound in his head.

He told the 2.49 million followers of his Mindset TV channel that he suffered a severe headache on Nov 20 and had to undergo emergency brain surgery on Nov 23. The surgery - to remove a brain tumour - was successful.

"To be honest... what happened to me has shocked me, Margie and my family... I've never thought something like this would happen to me so early in my life. I have just turned 35," Mr Patsarakorn said.

He said he had suffered hearing difficulties every 3-4 days and a suspicious headache for about a month. He had seen doctors for examination of his ears, eyes, throat and nose but received no answers about the cause of the problems.

Later the hearing difficulties occurred daily, along with an ache in the back of the head and pain in both temples. These symptoms would appear 4-5 times a day, Mr Patsarakorn said.

"At the peak of the pain, all I could do was close my eyes, stop moving and try to breathe through it. I felt I could collapse," he said.

Finally he asked his father to recommend a brain specialist or neurologist.

Subsequent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a tumour in his brain.

"I never thought I would have a tumour. I thought it was something to do with veins, blood circulation and stuff caused from working too much, stress and lack of sleep," Mr Patsarakorn said.

"What shocked me even more was that the doctor told me that if he were in my position, he would not wait any longer. He recommended I have surgery today or tomorrow if possible," he said.

Mr Patsarakorn said that he was scared because one of his family members had undergone brain surgery and never woken up.

"The things that came into my head after I became aware of the situation were my kids' faces and my family... When I heard everything I was speechless and tears were streaming down my face," he said.

"I wished I could have had more time for my family."

He said that it was a major brain operation and the tumour was not the size of a ping pong ball, as earlier estimated, but almost as big as a tennis ball. During the operation, surgeons were also concerned because the brain had been bleeding.

"One thing I heard from the nurse was that the doctor would like to set up a family meeting. A family meeting didn't sound so good to me," Mr Patsarakorn said.

The family meeting was later cancelled.

The doctor told him he had expected him to live no longer than another two years because he was suspected to have terminal cancer.

However, the result of the examination of the tumour surprised even the doctor because it showed that it was not malignant. It was a type of tumour (pilocytic astrocytoma) that mostly occurred in children aged 5-10, and the doctor said he would not need any subsequent treatment.

"That was a final signal for me to change my lifestyle. I thought I needed a second chance for me to be able to make it up to my family."

"It made me realise that everything that I have done means nothing if I don't get to stay alive and be with them," Mr Patsarakorn said.

"The reason why I'm sharing this with you guys is because I hope this helps you realise or see what actually matters in your life."


And this is how a successful, powerful VIP asset is flipped like a pancake, to join the rank and serve the U.S. Dystopian Empire, with the infamous second chance fallacy.


Too numerous are the Hollywood's 'non-cancerous tumor' genre movies to be all cited here.

Like the zombie apocalypse genre movies, an unbroken chain of new installments have been released on a yearly basis, similar to the COVID-19 booster shots, continuing even half a century later, such as First Man (2018)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph].

This fantasy sci-fi film directed by Damien Chazelle is nonetheless masqueraded as a biographical drama film.

It stars Ryan Gosling as Neil Armstrong.

Especially worthy to be mentioned is the central nonfictional subplot depicting how the tumor warfare was used to trick NASA test pilot Neil Armstrong into joining the Apolhoax conspiracy.

Indeed, his 2-year-old daughter, Karen, is seen undergoing treatment for a brain tumor. Desperate to save her, Armstrong keeps a detailed log of her symptoms and researches possible treatments, but she dies soon afterward. Grief-stricken and suspecting he has been grounded, Armstrong applies for Project Gemini and is accepted to NASA Astronaut Group 2.

4.6.5. Survivor

The Dystopian Empire at it again here:

December 8, 2011

When Eric L. Ding, an epidemiologist, nutrition researcher and faculty member at Harvard Medical School, was 17, doctors made a startling discovery on a routine chest X-ray. Behind his breastbone, the then high school junior had a tumor the size of a tennis ball.

His doctors believed it was malignant and that the young man had only five years to live. It wasn’t until a few weeks later, after an operation that removed his tumor, thymus, part of the lining of his heart and part of his right lung, that he and his family learned that the mass was in fact benign.

“I felt like I was given a second chance at life,” Dr. Ding recalled recently.


For coercing younger VIP heir, one of the clumsy trick used by the Dystopian Empire is the Near-death experience strategy.

Plots are craftily engineered through the use beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites where the VIP target will be manipulated and subsequently caught in a once in a lifetime extremely traumatic situation.

10 January 2022

4) Notably, when I was in middle & high school, I walked home over train tracks daily. Once, a train was parked on the track, and as we went under the train —it started moving over us. We dodged out from under the train just in time before the wheels moved too fast to jump thru.

5) my friends and I had crossed under parked trains dozens of times, and didn’t think much of it. But that harrowing time—it was a sudden jolt of movement that shook the train above us, as it then proceeded to move. We froze at first…

6) But two of us had to decide quickly whether to stay under the train and lay down or whether to jump between the wheels. The trains cars carried coal and had space under—but we were worried about a rear engine train (no clearance under the train). So we decided to jump for it—

7) …we luckily jumped between the wheels before they were rolling too fast. We stood to the side of the train watching it pass…. And indeed there was a rear train engine in the caboose. So, our split second decision to jump out early was thankfully the correct decision. Whew


And this is how VIP assets are successfully harvested continuously since ~1950s to join the rank and serve the U.S. Dystopian Empire, through the display of the infamous near-death experience.

If extreme life threatening situation is not even enough to break the toughest VIPs, then the next level of simulated death including a comatose state, with no heartbeat nor breathing can also be envisaged using beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites.

The aim is to ensure the victim 100% believes he can not be saved anymore. He has to be ready to beg for his resurrection, and most importantly, at the price of selling his soul to the devil.

This blackmail is highly effective when the full gamut of MC hallucination and MC flashback of important past memories is uploaded into the brain of the target, during this window of total physical paralysis.

Student nearly died from flesh-eating infection by not cleaning insulin pump

17 Nov 2020

A woman who did not clean her insulin pump as advised contracted a fungus that put her in a coma for a month and even killed her temporarily.

Carolina Bowen, 20, from South Carolina, has type one diabetes and did not wipe her insulin pump with an alcohol swab. She was taken to hospital with Rhizopus oryzae infection – a deadly fungus typically found in dirt and decaying matter.

She spent September last year in a medically induced coma, endured five surgeries and even died during one of them. 

She has lost most function in her arm and her muscles to atrophy after her nerves in her armpit and shoulder down to her elbow were cut out. 

Carolina said: ‘Doctors told me I’m the only living survivor of this fungal infection in the US that did not have to have an amputation.

‘I had an amazing team of doctors and surgeons who pulled together and saved my life because it was a race against the clock.’

The College of Charleston Sociology major insists the infection was her fault, for not cleaning her pump properly, as opposed to an issue with the pump.

When she was admitted to hospital she was suffering from septic shock, organ failure and flesh-eating Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) that was developing in her left arm.

‘Doctors really didn’t think I was going to pull through because they hadn’t seen this before,’ she said.

She did in fact die during one of her five surgeries and said she ‘very much’ remembers it bringing her a new appreciation for life and her health. 

She said: ‘I remember a door in front of me and a full moon illuminating it with water on the ground. 

‘Death was speaking to me and it was empathetic and telling me there was no shame in giving up.

‘At first I was like “I’m done” but then I saw my life flash by all at once and I backed out of it.’

The infection got so bad that doctors seriously considered amputating Carolina’s arm at her shoulder.

But they were able to save her arm with debridement surgeries, in which chunks of the infected flesh are removed.

‘The doctor started irrigating the wound with anti-fungal because the I.V. anti-fungals weren’t working for me. Somehow it worked. But the recovery was really rough,’ said Carolina. 

When she got out of hospital she took medical leave from her studies to heal and ‘relearn how to do a lot of things’ as she was dominant on her left side and did not use her right arm often. 

Carolina refused skin grafts and decided to let her wound close without them because she did not want to have more surgery. 

She said: ‘I opted to have no skin grafts because I did die during one of my surgeries, so I really didn’t want anymore surgical intervention.

‘I’ve had this wound for about a year and three months and it’s almost closed up all the way.’

After just over a year Carolina said that her kidneys and respiratory system has healed with her left arm being the only remaining issue. 

She said: ‘I was kind of on a destructive path before this I didn’t care that much about my health.

‘Dying really does remind you of your own mortality that was a major takeaway for me and learning to appreciate the small things.’



She said: ‘I remember a door in front of me and a full moon illuminating it with water on the ground. ‘Death was speaking to me and it was empathetic and telling me there was no shame in giving up. ‘At first I was like “I’m done” but then I saw my life flash by all at once and I backed out of it.’ She said: ‘I opted to have no skin grafts because I did die during one of my surgeries, so I really didn’t want anymore surgical intervention.
Fallacious claim in violation of the First Soheil's Principle or Principle of continuity, and the uniqueness of the self, that forbids more than one death per life.

Indeed, this patient didn't die at all. But the account of what she experienced as death proves that her brain was not only functional at that time but that it was a formulaic template application of the classic U.S. MC satellite survivor trick to blackmail a target and enslave through scare tactics yet another obedient servant.

Of course death has neither mouth nor vocal cords, let alone the ability to speak, while the U.S. MC satellites do, through the auditory channel datalink.

The 'life flash before someone's eye' is another unequivocal stunt of the psychotronic warfare done through visual channel datalink and well known to the OSINT community.

This clumsy trick can of course only work on the lower IQ science illiterates, those precisely who are allowed to receive a college education to later better serve the U.S. Dystopian Empire.


Elvis and Anabelle (2007)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood propaganda movie masqueraded as a romantic drama film. Written and directed by Will Geiger, it stars Blake Lively, Max Minghella, Joe Mantegna, Mary Steenburgen, and Keith Carradine.

Teen Elvis Moreau cares for his father Charlie and runs their funeral home. Charlie has been mentally handicapped for years, so Elvis took over operating the home. However, he doesn't have his embalming license, so Charlie officially performs the services. Elvis keeps photos of the finished corpses in a scrapbook.

Nearby, Anabelle Leigh is a pageant girl, living with her mother Geneva and alcoholic stepfather Jimmy. She has bulimia and Jimmy likely sexually abuses her. Geneva put her into beauty pageants very young, hoping they could have financial independence from men.

Moments after qualifying for the nationals, Anabelle's heart stops on stage. Sent to the Moreaus' Funeral Home, Elvis begins working on her. Entranced, he kisses her and he accidentally captures it on camera. A gust of wind bursts open the window, as he shuts it, Anabelle suddenly gasps awake. Shocked, he calls the police and wakes Charlie, reminding him he was working on Anabelle.

Anabelle is returned to Geneva and Jimmy very changed. She neither has an eating disorder nor is she interested in pageants, but Geneva still pressures her to continue.

• The first subplot is of the death by cardiac arrest genre. Easy to produce through the use beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites.

Once out of the mortuary cold room, just before the mortician proceeds with embalming the 'deceased', MC hallucination and MC flashback of important past memories are uploaded into the brain of the target, then beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites restart the heartbeats and the breathing of the targeted victim.

• The second and third subplots are both of the self-inflicted death or suicide genre, stopped at the last moment by the MC satellites.

Returning home from jail, Elvis finds Charlie dead outside. With no will to live, he decides to hang himself. Just before, a gust of wind blows the house doors open, showing him Anabelle's miracle: a sunflower field. He barely saves himself 'by miracle' through the remote control of the U.S. MC satellites.

Meanwhile, Anabelle is also setting up her own suicide. Nudging a running TV towards her bath, right before she can electrocute herself, she sees Elvis tricked by the U.S. MC satellites painting 'I love you Anabelle' on his house on TV.

Anabelle abort her suicidal move and joins Elvis in the sunflower field.

• Conclusion, yet another textbook case of Beauty and the Beast[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] clumsy trick, known to be a blend of The Frog Prince[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], Snow White[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], Sleeping Beauty[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph].

Applied successfully with the goal to pair 2 targeted individuals from different ethnic backgrounds (WASP-West Asian), tasked to produce the most craved half-breed offsprings, deemed the fittest to serve the regime in the U.S. Dystopian Empire's apparatus.

▲ Elvis and Anabelle (2007) videomancy: 'Beauty and the Beast' clumsy trick, through MC simulated death.[web.archive.org]


After.Life (2009)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood propaganda 'buried alive' genre movie masqueraded as a psychological horror-thriller film directed by Agnieszka Wójtowicz-Vosloo from her original screenplay. It stars Liam Neeson, Christina Ricci, and Justin Long.

The propaganda movie is intended to instill terror among the U.S. viewers, by pushing one step further the narrative of being 'buried alive', this time trough the use of hydronium bromide drug, for anyone not willing to make the pledge of servitude to the U.S. Dystopian Empire.

The title in two words, indicates without ambiguity that life (read born again, second chance, etc) comes only after the 'buried alive' clumsy blackmail performed on the victim by the U.S. Dystopian Empire.

Indeed, in this movie, Eliot Deacon (Liam Neeson) owns a funeral home and talks softly to the corpses he prepares for burial.

Middle school teacher Anna Taylor (Christina Ricci) attends the funeral of her piano teacher where she meets Eliot. That night Anna argues with her boyfriend Paul (Justin Long) at a restaurant. She drives off in a state of distress, and has a traffic accident. She awakens on an embalming table in the funeral home to find the funeral director, Eliot, cutting off her clothes and telling her she has died. He tells Anna he has a gift and that he can hear the dead. Eliot has a collection of photographs of corpses whom he has helped 'make the transition'. Eliot injects Anna regularly with a fictional drug called hydronium bromide and lie to her that it is to 'relax the muscles and keep rigor mortis from setting in.'

Indeed, later in the movie, this hydronium bromide is revealed by a police officer to produce instead a simulated death, with 'total paralysis within seconds, while slowing the heartbeat to almost nothing'.

The final nails in the coffin of this deceitful imposture that could have worked on some slow-brain viewers and who could have confused Eliot Deacon as just an innocent mortician embalming corpses professionally, are hammered when Deacon is seen maniacally changing the room's air conditioning thermostat; furthermore, on several occasions, photographs of the victims with their eyes opened are taken and collected by Deacon, therefore disproving his fallacious claim that only a gift allows him to talk to the dead, since even chemical films can show the victims alive and not as dead corpses; another scene near the end of the movie depicts Anna Taylor buried alive and crying for help, with her finger nails covered in blood after trying to rip the fabric and wooden cap of the coffin; in the final scene, Deacon thrusts a long metallic mortician's tool (trocars are used near the end of the embalming process to provide drainage of bodily fluids and organs after the vascular replacement of blood with embalming chemicals) into the chest of the boyfriend Paul, who was laid on the embalming table following a car accident, thus causing him to close his eyes, implying a coup de grace.

Key hint in the transcript is what the U.S. Dystopian Empire says through its mouthpiece Eliot Deacon about those not pledging loyalty and subservience to it.

After.Life (2009) 404 00:40:13,078 --> 00:40:15,956 You're here so I can bury you. Come. 405 00:40:16,123 --> 00:40:17,958 No, please, I don't want-- 406 00:40:18,125 --> 00:40:20,460 You're a corpse, Anna. Your opinion doesn't count anymore. 407 00:40:20,627 --> 00:40:24,256 But I'm breathing. I must still be alive. 408-418 00:40:24,423 --> 00:41:06,631 Oh, you people! You think because you breathe, piss, sh|t you're alive? You clutch onto life as if your life was worth clutching onto. Was your life worth clutching onto, Anna? Was it? Maybe you died a long time ago. I'm surprised you're still arguing with me. You don't have much time left. Your funeral's in two days. Soon you're going to be enclosed in a coffin and buried in the ground. No one can hear you then. No one can speak to you there. ___ 484 00:49:40,019 --> 00:49:42,981 I'm not ready to die. Not yet. 485 00:49:46,484 --> 00:49:49,112 There's nothing out there for you anymore. ___ 758 01:15:04,751 --> 01:15:06,878 He won't let me see her. He's keeping her. She's not dead. 759 01:15:07,045 --> 01:15:09,297 She was in a car accident, Paul. Her car was wrecked, remember? 760 01:15:09,464 --> 01:15:11,674 – It's downstairs. – She's not dead. 761 01:15:11,841 --> 01:15:14,427 Tom, she's not dead! 762 01:15:15,762 --> 01:15:18,223 Here's the coroner's report. 763 01:15:20,433 --> 01:15:21,976 The paramedics phoned it in. 764 01:15:22,143 --> 01:15:24,145 They only checked for eye dilation and pulse. 765 01:15:24,312 --> 01:15:27,190 The doctor signed the death certificate without seeing the body. 766 01:15:27,357 --> 01:15:29,401 – So? – So there was no EEG, nothing. 767 01:15:29,567 --> 01:15:31,653 – He could have drugged her and-- – Drugged her? 768-769 01:15:31,820 --> 01:15:35,448 – Yes! – Cop: Actually, Chief, um, there are drugs like that. 770 01:15:35,615 --> 01:15:37,367 Yes. 771-772 01:15:37,534 --> 01:15:42,372 Hydronium bromide, total paralysis within seconds, heartbeat slows to almost nothing. ___ 849 01:20:00,171 --> 01:20:03,591 What would you do if you had another chance? ___ 873-879 01:23:19,871 --> 01:23:46,898 I'm the only one that can see all these corpses wandering around aimlessly. All they do is piss and sh|t, suffocating us with their stench, doing nothing with their lives, taking the air away from those that actually want to live. I have to bury them all. I have no choice.

▲ After.Life (2009) videomancy: 'buried alive' clumsy trick for coercing targeted people into pledging loyalty and subservience.[web.archive.org]


The Babysitter (2017)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a film trilogy, consisting of teen black comedy horror films directed by Joseph McGinty Nichol and written by Brian Duffield. It stars Samara Weaving, Judah Lewis, Hana Mae Lee, Robbie Amell and Bella Thorne. The film follows a lonely 12-year-old boy (Lewis) who discovers that his babysitter (Weaving) is part of a satanic cult that wants to kill him.

The second installment of the film series, The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a 'Deal with the Devil' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'Devil cult', 'saving a life at the cost of one's soul', 'medication junkies', 'alopecia', 'autoimmune condition', 'manchild parent', 'satellite phone', 'Falcon-9' and 'drinking human blood' genre subplots masqueraded as a black comedy horror film directed and produced by Joseph McGinty Nichol, from a screenplay he wrote with Dan Lagana, Brad Morris, and Jimmy Warden.
It is a sequel to the 2017 film The Babysitter and stars Judah Lewis, Emily Alyn Lind, Jenna Ortega, Robbie Amell, Andrew Bachelor, Leslie Bibb, Hana Mae Lee, Bella Thorne, Samara Weaving, and Ken Marino.
The film continues the story of Cole Johnson, two years after the events of the first film, who must again fight to ensure his survival after a secret is unburied, as he is hunted by demonic enemies, both old and new.


Two years after a satanic cult led by his former babysitter, Bee (Samara Weaving), tried to kill him, Cole Johnson (Judah Lewis) is a junior in high school. He is unable to convince anyone, except for his best friend Melanie (Emily Alyn Lind), of Bee's life-threatening plot; his parents and most others think he had a psychotic break. After he discovers that his parents have enrolled him in a psychiatric school, he escapes with Melanie, her new boyfriend, Jimmy (Maximilian Acevedo), and their friends Boom-Boom (Jennifer Foster) and Diego (Juliocesar Chavez) to join a lake party.

At the party, Cole witnesses the arrival of new student Phoebe Atwell (Jenna Ortega) at the lake after finding a stuffed toy and directions to the lake. Later, Cole's friends play a party game on a boat when Melanie suddenly kills Boom-Boom with a boathook and saves her blood. Melanie, Jimmy and Diego are revealed as cult members. With Boom-Boom's blood as a sacrifice, they need Cole's blood as an offering of an "innocent" (virgin) to make their wishes come true. Original cultists Sonya (Hana Mae Lee), Allison (Bella Thorne), Max (Robbie Amell), and John (Andrew Bachelor) also appear, having been resurrected so they could partake in the ritual by sunrise. However, Phoebe suddenly appears, looking for gas for her jet ski, and provides Cole with some time to evade the cult members and escape with Phoebe on her jet ski.

Once on land, Cole explains everything to Phoebe, who believes him, while the cultists give chase. Sonya makes the first attempt to kill them, but they end up running her over with a car left by a stranger and decapitate her with a surfboard. The cult gets into an argument after finding Sonya's body, and split up into two groups, (Allison, Max and John and Melanie, Jimmy and Diego). Max and John leave while Allison takes a break. She finds them, but the two trap her between a narrow wedge of rocks and rip her head off. The two board a boat and drive off, but Max catches the raft attached to the back of the boat and is able to pull himself onto the boat. However, Phoebe sets him on fire with a can of silly string and a lighter, then Cole shreds him with the boat's propeller. Diego and Jimmy supernaturally disintegrate when they attempt to back off from their pursuit of Cole.

Cole and Phoebe arrive at Phoebe's old family cabin, where they take refuge and hope to wait out the night. In the cabin bunker, Phoebe reveals to Cole that her parents died because she crashed into them in a fatal car accident. Cole comforts her, and the two have sex. Melanie calls Cole's father Archie (Ken Marino), who has been searching for him alongside Melanie's father Juan (Chris Wylde), and fakes being drunk so that he can pick them up, hoping to lure Cole out. Cole and Phoebe come out of the bunker armed with crossbows and John accidentally kills himself when a chandelier crashes on him. Archie gives Cole a sleeping drug so he can take him to his car as Melanie kills Juan with a machete and captures Phoebe.

While stopping for gas, Cole regains consciousness, locks Archie out of the car, and drives back to the lake to save Phoebe. In a cove, Melanie holds Phoebe hostage before Cole shows up and volunteers to be sacrificed. Bee emerges from the water and is revealed to be Phoebe's babysitter who was responsible for the car accident that killed her parents. She made a deal with the devil to save Phoebe's life in exchange for her soul. Sonya, Allison, Max, and John are resurrected again, and the four and Melanie drink the blood of Cole mixed with Boom-Boom's blood. However, since Cole has had sex with Phoebe, the ritual backfires and the five melt and disintegrate. Bee, who did not drink the blood, reveals that she orchestrated everything so that Phoebe and Cole could unite and defeat the cult, having had a change of heart after Cole's love confession after her initial defeat. However, since Bee is still technically a demon, she drinks the blood and disintegrates to save the two. Archie shows up and, having witnessed Bee's death, now believes what Cole said was true. As the sun comes up, Cole and Phoebe embrace in a kiss, while Archie looks on proudly.

The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020) 270-273 00:12:50,583 --> 00:12:57,083 [Cole] Uh... They're to make me less anxious, but they just kinda make me feel like somebody else. And I pass out. 274 00:12:57,916 --> 00:13:02,666 It's no big deal. I mean, everyone is on some sh|t. 275 00:13:03,041 --> 00:13:04,000 -Really? -Yeah. 276-279 00:13:04,375 --> 00:13:15,541 We're all just kids doing little hacks to try and live our best life. Like, look, Brian Pankauskas. The kid with the pubey Zorro 'stache. Adderall. Gets distracted while sleeping. 280 00:13:15,625 --> 00:13:17,083 -[boy] Brian, we're late. -Oh. 281-286 00:13:18,500 --> 00:13:30,583 And then over there, Mia Hughes. AKA, Mia "Howard" Hughes. [Mia] No cracks. [Melanie] Her OCD is so bad, if she steps on a crack, she thinks her uterus is gonna explode. 287 00:13:30,666 --> 00:13:33,125 No! 288 00:13:33,458 --> 00:13:34,708 Damn. 289 00:13:38,916 --> 00:13:41,166 What about the new girl? What's she on? 290 00:13:41,583 --> 00:13:44,166 Hey, girl. You going to the lake this weekend? 291 00:13:44,250 --> 00:13:46,541 Oh yeah. I can't wait to finger you. 292-293 00:13:48,708 --> 00:13:52,791 [Melanie] Unclear, but...I heard she killed her parents. ___ 571 00:26:35,583 --> 00:26:38,375 -[Boom Boom] You have alopecia. -[Diego] Had, OK? 572 00:26:38,458 --> 00:26:39,583 My hair grew back. 573 00:26:40,458 --> 00:26:41,958 It's an autoimmune condition. ___ 1643 01:23:09,666 --> 01:23:11,750 I was the only survivor, by some miracle. 1644 01:23:13,333 --> 01:23:14,250 "Miracle..." 1645 01:23:15,708 --> 01:23:16,708 Deal with the Devil. 1646 01:23:19,208 --> 01:23:20,500 [growling] 1647 01:23:21,375 --> 01:23:23,541 Or a Faustian bargain. 1648 01:23:24,291 --> 01:23:26,875 And now, Mephistopheles is here to collect the debt. ___ 1730-1731 01:28:23,833 --> 01:28:29,291 [nurse] If she could be saved... [in demonic voice] what would you give? 1732 01:28:29,375 --> 01:28:30,583 I would give anything. 1733 01:28:31,416 --> 01:28:33,041 And I swore to always protect you.

▲ The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020) videomancy: 'medication junkies' and 'mobile phone junky' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020) videomancy: 'alopecia', 'autoimmune condition' and 'manchild parent' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020) videomancy: 'Falcon-9', 'Deal with the Devil', 'saving a life at the cost of one's soul' and 'drinking human blood' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• The Devil cultists are willing to kill innocent fellow citizens (here of Euro-Semitic ethnicity), in exchange of professional fame as TV journalist and singer. They come from all ethnic backgrounds: European, African and Asian.
This Deal with the Devil or Faustian bargain, is of course an allegory, targeting the younger U.S. and Western audience that will soon be faced in real life with the Deal.
Less selfish is Bee's motivation who chooses to save Phoebe's life but at the cost of her 'soul'.
The Devil doesn't exist of course but it represents the U.S. military putschist junta.
The soul doesn't exist of course but it means that after having made the Deal be it coerced through the 'survivor's racket', the new 'cultist' will have to obey its U.S. military putschist junta puppet master and commit a lifelong of horrendous evil deeds against its fellow innocent citizens, in serving the U.S. Dystopian Empire. Here symbolized by the killing of sacrificed victim and the drinking of human blood.

• 'medication junkies' as the sad reality of today's U.S. Dystopian Empire youth. This means that everybody is basically dumbed down chemically and zombified exactly as depicted in Brave New World (2020)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] with its mandatory addiction to "soma" pills.

• Youth alopecia presented as autoimmune condition, but telltale evidence of U.S. MC warfare.

• Gratuitous gore and sexual language reminding one of of the now defunct liveleak and r/eyeblech subreddit are the habitual Hollywood trick also extensively encountered in every internet forums plagues by professional troll farms, to 'geofence' underaged viewers thus preventing them from watching this most sensitive topic.

• 'manchild parent' the sad reality of today's U.S. Dystopian Empire, epitomized by Elon Musk.

• Obligatory 'satellite phone', in preparing the masses for the Starlink satellite to phone connectivity. And first movie to include footage of a Falcon-9 space launch.

• Effects of a prolonged MC sleep deprivation can force a target to behave so erratically that he will be manipulated to act against his own interest; basically he will be coerced to 'take the deal' by 'selling his soul to the devil' and pledge unquestioned subservience to the U.S. Dystopian Empire.


Awake (2021)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood propaganda 'sleep deprivation' genre movie with several other 'survivor' and 'narcotics' genre subplots masqueraded as a science fiction thriller film, directed by Mark Raso, from a screenplay he wrote alongside Joseph Raso.
It stars Jennifer Jason Leigh, Gina Rodriguez, Ariana Greenblatt.

After a devastating global event wiped out all electronics and eliminated people's ability to sleep, a former soldier may have found a solution with her daughter.

The devastating global event is identified as either an enemy's nation EMP strike or a natural solar coronal mass ejection.

It seems that satellites orbiting the Earth could have an involvement in these sleep deprivations, but Dr. Murphy (Jennifer Jason Leigh) theorized that a solar flare could have caused the sleeplessness by changing the humans (and chimpanzees that are closest to humans) electromagnetic wiring, affecting the glymphatic system and internal biological clock.

Only those who had suffered a comatose near-death accident prior or after the extinction event, such as Matilda (Ariana Greenblatt), Jill's young daughter who was revived after losing consciousness in a drowning and Noah (Lucius Hoyos), Jill's son who was revived after an accidental electrocution can find sleep.
And also the Pastor (Barry Pepper), a former drug addict who survived an overdose after being revived in time.

Everyone else is doomed to perish from sleep deprivation.

This correlation is first discovered by the obligatory 'smart little female kid' (aka 'savior of mankind' also known as 'Supergirl') Matilda after remembering the Pastor's confession, and validated by experimenting on her own mother Jill (Gina Rodriguez), a former U.S. Army Medic and recovering drug addict who now works as a college security guard.

With her brother, the two kids drown Jill in a lake, before applying resuscitation cardio-pulmonary massage with success.

A give away of the U.S. MC satellites' warfare is the dream witnessed by the 'cured' victims during their sleep such as Noah. Indeed, sleep is a Trojan horse for the MC brainwashing, fake dreams generated by the powerful U.S. supercomputers and uploaded via satellites into the brains of the targets.


The stooges' lives are rebooted (read born again, second chance, revived, started over, etc) only after the 'near-death' clumsy blackmail staged to snatch by force under the theat of certain death, a pledge of unwavering servitude to the U.S. Dystopian Empire.

The clear reference to the early Christian mythology with both the little girld Matilda and Jill the mother being restarted over after drowning, indicates that this propaganda movie is primarily intended to target a Catholic audience of Roman ethnicities living in the Americas; the phenotype of the lead cast further supports this analysis.
This means that currently the U.S. Dystopian Empire seems hell-bent recruiting newer servants among different ethic groups than previously done (i.e. Germanic, Viking, et al.), consistent with the Great Replacement by Roman ethnic groups.

Awake (2021) 37 00:08:38,666 --> 00:08:40,416 It's a terrorist attack, for sure. 138 00:08:41,791 --> 00:08:42,625 What? 139 00:08:43,125 --> 00:08:45,750 Terrorists? Able to shut off all the power... 140-141 00:08:46,333 --> 00:08:51,166 -to cars? -Maybe it was the Chinese, right? They built all this sh|t so maybe they just turned it all off. 142-143 00:08:51,250 --> 00:08:55,500 [man 2] And maybe we're at war. Maybe they blew up New York and LA, and we're next. ___ 198 00:13:10,458 --> 00:13:12,416 [woman 1] Why don't you get some sleep? 199-200 00:13:13,125 --> 00:13:23,125 [Noah] I'm not tired. Look at all the shooting stars. 201 00:13:29,208 --> 00:13:30,708 Those are satellites, Noah. ___ 207-209 00:14:03,416 --> 00:14:13,833 -Hey, hey, hey, I need more stuff. -Relax, okay? Downers, benzos, phennies, tooies, red jackets, people are crazy right now, amped up. That sh|t'll be, like, gold. I'll double the price. 214 00:14:22,875 --> 00:14:25,833 I'll double the price on all types of zombie pills. Come on. ___ 235 00:16:05,250 --> 00:16:07,000 Was that an EMP yesterday? Are we at war? 236 00:16:07,083 --> 00:16:10,375 People are saying it's been happening all over. Who would we even attack? 237 00:16:12,375 --> 00:16:13,291 [Jill] Major Murphy? 238 00:16:13,375 --> 00:16:16,500 Hard drives are useless. Anything with a microchip is fried. ___ 256-263 00:17:01,125 --> 00:17:23,708 [man 3] It's not about the power. There are contingencies for that. Replace enough wires and fuses... It's about the people. Nobody can sleep. [exhaling] After 48 hours of no sleep, there's a loss of critical thinking. Ninety-six hours, hallucinations, motor failure. But what about after that? Organs will fail but then what? Days of lying in paralysis until the heart shuts off? ___ 270 00:17:38,666 --> 00:17:40,291 We're not all going to die. 271 00:17:43,541 --> 00:17:46,916 -Well, this is not happening to everyone. -Yes, it is. 272 00:17:48,166 --> 00:17:50,958 Well, there is this one woman who can sleep. ___ 316-338 00:20:09,166 --> 00:21:35,541 [pastor sighing] Not everyone... asked to be called to God, you know. Some people just are. I know that more than most because before I was a pastor... I was a drug addict. [chuckling] Covered up the evidence with a tattoo. I overdosed. I mean, I should've died within hours, but I didn't. I had built up such an immunity to narcotics over the years, I just... laid there for three days in rest.. 'til eventually I passed. But I was only gone for a minute when they found me. So, like Jesus, I... returned from the dead. [chuckling] Now, I'm not comparing myself to Jesus. I just... [inhales deeply] I'm saying that... since that day, I dedicated my life to serving him. And to me... it was a miracle that I survived, you know? And I think people really need a miracle right now. ___ 417-419 00:25:28,250 --> 00:25:34,500 If we don't sleep... Your mind will bend and bend until it breaks. -[Noah sighing] -You snap. ___ 462-469 00:27:21,083 --> 00:27:42,958 Now, we're all gonna die if we don't solve this. Right now, your brains are slowly swelling. Our cranial walls are impressing on the brain, and it's affecting critical thinking. It's what happens when we don't sleep. Now, the more excited we get, the more blood flows to the brain, the worse we are. ___ 700-705 00:40:57,333 --> 00:41:26,958 Sleep expert. In the desert, she would... help set parameters for interrogation. Sleep deprivation, it was torture. They killed people. The kind of things that we would do to try to find answers, it's not human. ___ 772-773 00:45:22,166 --> 00:45:28,041 It looks like... it... it's 1,500 miles away? 774 00:45:28,125 --> 00:45:33,166 I think it's 150 miles. I don't know. We haven't slept in four days. ___ 867-870 00:50:54,458 --> 00:51:11,625 You guys are trying to find a cure? You know, the funny thing is, I usually sleep, like, two to three hours tops at night, but now, you know... ___ 1122-1123 01:05:41,500 --> 01:05:46,041 we're gonna get is... that none of us are gonna survive. ___ 1231-1237 01:12:10,833 --> 01:12:25,666 It was, um... some sort of a... a solar flare, we think. It... changed our electromagnetic wiring. It affected our glymphatic system. Messed with our... our clocks. ___ 1361 01:17:42,541 --> 01:17:44,083 This is an extinction event. ___ 1514-1516 01:25:50,416 --> 01:25:56,875 You died, Noah. You died. Your heart wasn't beating, I listened to it. And then when I got the defibrillator, I brought you back. 1517-1518 01:25:57,291 --> 01:26:01,791 Yeah, I owe you, okay? We don't have lots of time to discuss it. Mom's not gonna make it. 1519-1524 01:26:01,875 --> 01:26:17,083 [Matilda] Did I die? Did I die, too? -What? -In the water, when the sheriff saved me. I mean, there was nothing, absolutely nothing, and then the sheriff was pushing on my chest, he was hurting me. Maybe I started over?

▲ Awake (2021) videomancy: Hollywood propaganda 'sleep deprivation' genre movie, extinction event with death for anyone who has not been 'restarted over'.[web.archive.org]


Adrift (2018)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood survival drama film, and among the first non-military 'poor communications' genre movie produced in the U.S.
The film is based on the 2002 book Red Sky at Mourning by Tami Oldham Ashcraft, a true story set during the events of Hurricane Raymond in 1983.

Produced and directed by Baltasar Kormakur, the film stars Shailene Woodley and Sam Claflin as a couple who are adrift in the middle of the Pacific Ocean after a hurricane, and must find their way to Hawaii with a damaged boat and no radio.

The couple depart from Tahiti aboard Hazaña, and after many uneventful days at sea, Tami and Richard receive news of an approaching cyclone, Hurricane Raymond, but decide to continue to San Diego anyway. As the storm hits, Tami tries to radio for help, with no response.

Tami the empowered woman, finds that the engine will not start, and no one hears her radioed distress calls.

It is revealed in the credits that Richard Sharp was swept overboard and never found; Tami Oldham Ashcraft survived alone aboard Hazaña for a total of 41 days before she was rescued.

During the credits, a series of news articles reveal that Tami was mind-controlled from outer space, with the A.I. voice ordering her to survive, write a book on her story, so that a Starlink V3.0 promotion film series based on her ordeal could finally be produced 35 years later.

▲ Adrift (2018) videomancy: non-military 'poor communications' genre movie, with a mind-control A.I. voice from outer space ordering Tami the empowered woman to survive, write a book on her story, so that a Starlink V3.0 promotion film series could finally be produced 35 years later.[web.archive.org]


Breath (2022)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is the first survival film produced by the Italian puppet state, of the non-military 'poor communications' movie genre, starring Rachel Daigh and James Cosmo.

It is an obvious application of the U.S. old template and a revisited adaptation from the 2010 U.S. biographical survival drama 127 Hours (2010)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph].

Lara Winslet (Rachel Daigh) may be an expert geologist in volcanology, but when an accident at work leads to her falling inside a volcanic crevasse where no one can neither see nor hear her, she'll need more than her intelligence to survive.

Of course she carries a laptop and a cellphone, and even enjoys an unobstructed clear zenithal line of sight - source of unpleasant overheating by the sun. Too bad Starlink V3.0 that could have established a connection within seconds in this situation, doesn't orbit the Earth's LEO yet. You get the message.

▲ Breath (2022) videomancy: non-military 'poor communications' genre movie with cellphone signal not available down the bottom of a crevasse with clear zenithal line of sight. [web.archive.org]

This obligatory 'strong empowered woman' is therefore (again) mind-controlled from outer space, with repeated flashbacks to give her the strength she needs to survive at any cost.

Indeed, undisputable give away of external U.S. mind-control satellites' interference is the systematic ~15'000 Hz high pitched ringing noise[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] that can only be heard when the 'strong empowered woman' gets her flashbacks, a phenomenon first depicted in The Gladiators - Gladiatorerna (1969)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] a videomancy Swedish drama/science fiction film directed by Peter Watkins.

As for the title, Lara Winslet's escape is a textbook case of puppet mind-controlling.

After about 5 days trapped at the bottom of the crevasse, the weather finally turns from sunny to rainy.

The crevasse is soon submerged. The saving move can only be attributed to the U.S. 20'000 orbital Mind-Control satellites.

Lara Winslet is remote-controlled to first stop breathing, thus preventing her from drowning. She then falls at the bottom unconscious until the water level reaches the top of the crevasse.

Regaining consciousness following another psychotronic flashback, she is then directed toward the surface by swimming, where she is finally allowed to breath again.

4.6.6. Air accident

Being an obstacle to the U.S. military junta's grand plan, because they can not be subdued, or because of conflicting interests, VIPs could be removed physically.

Indeed as the Big data A.I. sentient Matrix SKYNET of the current Dystopian Empire rules the world according to the Marxist principle of 'history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.'

But this gross clumsy trick can only work because it was previously historically preceded by a most tragic occurrence, therefore making its repeat likely credible.

I. The tragedies

First a brief review of some pre-1945 most notourious historical case of air accident tragedies.

Assassinating Chiang Kai Shek

September 3, 2015

During World War II, it was sometimes hard to know who hated the Chinese Nationalist commander Chiang Kai Shek more: his sworn enemy, the Chinese Communist Party, and its leader Mao Zedong — or the Americans. It is a little known fact that at least twice during the long course of the war, senior officials of the United States considered assassinating Chiang, who was fighting the Japanese on the side of the Americans. During the Cairo Conference in November 1943, attended by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Chiang, Roosevelt met privately with his senior commander in China, Maj. Gen. Joseph Stilwell. “Big boy,” Stilwell said when he got back to China’s wartime capital Chongqing, quoting Roosevelt to his chief of staff, Gen. Frank “Pinky” Dorn, “if you can’t get along with Chiang and can’t replace him, get rid of him once and for all. You know what I mean. Put in someone you can manage.”

Stilwell, who made no secret of his contempt for Chiang, told Dorn to “cook up a workable scheme and await orders.” Dorn did just that, devising a plan that would have been worthy of a mass-market thriller. Stillwell would take Chiang on a flight to Ramgarh in northeast India to inspect Chinese troops being trained there, as part of the effort to improve the Nationalists’ backward army. The pilot would pretend to have engine trouble and order his crew and passengers to bail out. Chiang would be escorted to the door of the plane wearing a faulty parachute and told to jump. “I believe it would work,” Stilwell told Dorn.

Even before the Cairo Conference, Stilwell had told Carl F. Eifler, the senior American intelligence officer in China, that to fight the war successfully there, “it would be necessary to get Chiang out of the way.” Eifler determined that a botulinum toxin, which would have been undetectable in an autopsy, would be an effective weapon. In a May 1944 meeting at his headquarters in Burma, however, Stilwell told Eifler that he’d changed his mind about eliminating Chiang. Nothing further was done.


The Strange Death Of Air Marshal Italo Balbo

On November 6, 1926, Il Duce appointed Balbo undersecretary to the Aeronautica. Mussolini himself held the secretary’s portfolio in the government.

Unnerved by Balbo’s increasing popularity, the jealous Duce exiled him to the less glamorous post of governor-general of Italian Libya, where by all accounts, even those of the Libyans to this day, he was an excellent administrator. Thus, once again, the handsome, urbane, swashbuckling Balbo had managed to upstage his Duce—at least in Mussolini’s eyes.

The cause of the final rupture between the two men, however, was Il Duce’s growing admiration for the Nazi Germany of Hitler after 1937, when he had made a state visit to the Third Reich. Despite a certain affection for German Luftwaffe Field Marshal Hermann Göring as a fellow airman, Balbo was not impressed by the Nazi leaders. Göring, pilot Rudolf Hess, and Heinrich Himmler all came to visit Balbo in Libya, and he met Hitler and Goebbels as well. He was opposed to any political and military alliance with the Nazis, and told Mussolini so to his face, believing that, in the end, they would betray Italy, as indeed they did.

Thus, Balbo greeted the news of Mussolini’s decision to go to war at the Nazis’ side with great sadness. He believed that the war would destroy Fascist Italy, his career, and his very life, and he would be proved right on all three counts. He thought the war would last six months and that he would die in action. “As for the rest of you,” he told his colleagues on the Fascist Grand Council, “there won’t be enough lampposts in Piazza Venezia to hang you all.” By the war’s end, they would all be either executed by die-hard Fascists after Mussolini’s 1943 fall or killed by the Red Partisans without trial, thus obviating the need for an Italian version of either the Nuremberg or Tokyo war crimes trials.

As for Balbo, he returned to his military command in Libya apparently resigned to his fate and believing his situation there was “practically hopeless, caught between the British in Egypt and the French in Tunisia ‘like a slice of ham in a sandwich.’” Nevertheless, as a theater commander-in-chief of an army that included Italian infantry and Air Force units as well as native Spahi foot soldiers and colorful cavalry, Marshal Balbo was obliged to put a good face on it for appearances’ sake and was preparing for an active war against the British when his personal aircraft was suddenly shot down on June 28, 1940. All aboard—including Balbo—were killed.


How did General Sikorski die?


The answer seems to be easy: on the 4th July 1943, a liberator of the Royal Air Force crashed into the sea almost immediately after its takeoff from Gibraltar airport. The crash happened after a stopover. Among its passengers were the Prime-minister of the Polish government-in-exile, General Władysław Sikorski, his daughter Zofia as well as Victor Cazalet, British liaison officer to the Polish forces. Sikorski was on his way back from Egypt and Iraq where he inspected the Polish forces. All eleven passengers died, the only survivor of the accident being Czech pilot flight lieutenant Eduard Prchal.

In April 1943, the Nazi regime published the discovery and exhumination of thousands of Polish soldiers and officers in a forest near by Katyń. About 22.000 Polish had been executed by members of the Russian NKVD (People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs). Goebbels tried to use this information (which was soon confirmed to be true) as part of German propaganda to weaken the alliance between the Great Britain, the Polish exile-government and the Soviet Union. Sikorski demanded an independent investigation of the massacre by a Committee of the International Red Cross. Stalin, on his part, tried to blame Germany for the massacre and denounced Sikorski as a Nazi collaborator, calling on Iwan Maisky, the Soviet ambassador in London, to end relations to the Polish exile-government.


I think its much more likely the Soviets were involved. It was established by the court of Inquiry that the crash was caused by a jammed elevator. A Soviet plane had been parked close to the Polish B24 Liberator overnight. It had brought the Soviet ambassador Ivan Maisky to Gibralter. The head of the British MI6 in Gibralter was Kim Philby - later found to be a Soviet agent. Before 1941, Philby had served as an instructor with the Special Operations Executive, an organization specializing in sabotage and diversion behind enemy lines. Prchal could have been involved. He was the only person to survive the crash.

British documents about the crash have been sealed until 2050. This certainly looks suspicious, but could have been done to avoid a rift with the Soviets.


TV documentary

Notice that a TV documentary has claimed that Sikorski's travel to the Middle East was in fact aimed at obtaining evidences on the Katyn massacre, via a German agent based in Turkey.

II. The farces

Now some of the most notorious cases of farcical repeats, under the post-1945 U.S. Dystopian World Order.

The mysterious death of Lin Biao

In June-July 1971 the six-month screening effort was formally completed and the 19 astronauts were ordered to report for temporary duty near Beijing. In August 1971 Xue Lun and Xu Peigen went to Xichang to survey possible sites for a training base. It was necessary to develop a training syllabus from the ground up - and obtain university-level instructors in physics, space science, astronautics, rocket engineering, and English. Getting the astronauts housed and started by November did not seem to be a problem, but getting their training organized and completed within 18 months was going to be a challenge. Plans were made to obtain and convert a Trident business jet for use as a zero-G training aircraft.

On September 13, 1971, Mao's heir apparent, Minister of Defense Lin Biao, was killed in the crash of a Trident jet in Mongolia. The real background of the '913 Event' was obscure to this day, but Mao accused Lin Biao and his circle of planning a coup d'etat. The plot had supposedly been formalized as 'Project 571' six months earlier. '571' was a homonym in Chinese for 'armed uprising'. The response was a witch hunt of Stalinist proportions. Over 1,000 senior officials at or above the rank of army commander were purged from the military. Investigative cadres placed everyone under suspicion.

The day after Lin Biao's death, Li Zhengjun and Xu Peigen were at Mount Zijinshan Observatory, Nanjing, to discuss construction of a special astronaut-training machine. Immediately thereafter, Unit 714 came under special scrutiny. '714' was a homonym for 'armed revolt'. The investigators concluded that it must be connected to the plotters in some way. Even though equipped with only one telephone, the security special case team decided that Unit 714 was the headquarters for the alleged coup d'etat.


This is an obvious case of grotesque repeat of a past historical tragedy.

A political successor dying in an air accident is certainly a convenient way to get rid of an ex-VIP asset that has grown too powerful in influence as to become dangerous for the U.S. military junta's world order.

The case of the death of Lin Biao surpasses even the best science fiction movie.

A pale Hollywood version has been released as The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph].

In the movie Bond and Amasova board an American submarine to examine the Liparus, but the submarine is captured by the tanker, which is revealed to be a floating submarine dock. Stromberg sets his plan in motion: the simultaneous launching of nuclear missiles from the captured British and Soviet submarines to obliterate Moscow and New York City. This would trigger a global nuclear war, which Stromberg would survive in Atlantis, and subsequently a new civilization would be established underwater.

Meanwhile other TV documentaries have associated the sinking of the Soviet Project 629A submarine K-129 (1960) diesel-electric-powered ballistic-missile submarine that served in the Pacific Fleet of the Soviet Navy, to the Lin Biao case, in a plot that shares similarities with the 1977 James Bond movie.

Around these facts the authors of Red Star Rogue (2005)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] have fashioned a book that claims that K-129's mission was to launch a nuclear guided missile attack on the United States. But there is more. Sewell and Richmond go on to entertain the hypothesis that the submarine was masquerading as a Chinese vessel, with the intent of starting a war between the U.S. and China.

Not only a nuclear war between the two Chinese and US superpowers would have prematurely ended the 1000-year Reich of the U.S. dystopian junta, but a Chinese astronaut launched into space would have also allowed the Chinese masses to question the reality of space radiations effect on the human health and the nature and role of artificial satellites.

2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154 airliner


The crash of a Polish Air Force Tu-154 airliner near the Russian city of Smolensk on April 10, 2010 stands as the most momentous air disaster in modern times. Although other crashes have claimed more victims—the death toll at Smolensk came to 96, all those aboard the doomed ship plus seven crew—those lost were the elite of Poland’s government. Among the dead were President Lech Kaczynski and his wife, much of the president’s staff, 18 parliamentarians, 10 generals and admirals representing Poland’s top military leadership, and many other political notables. The disaster decapitated Warsaw.

To make matters even more painful, President Kaczynski and his entourage died en route to a commemoration at Katyn, the forest in western Russia where, in the spring of 1940, Stalin’s secret police murdered 22,000 Polish military officers captured by the Soviets when they carved up Poland with Adolf Hitler the previous September. Here Moscow murdered Poland’s elite. Covered up by the Kremlin until after the Cold War (with help from the incurious West), Katyn lingers as an unhealed wound in the Polish psyche;


This is an obvious case of grotesque repeat of a past historical tragedy.

The decapitation of the Warsaw puppet regime could be predicted as it was the only way the U.S. putschist military junta could get out of this once in a lifetime most critical rut.

Indeed, by allowing the commemoration of the Katyn massacre to take place, and broadcasted worldwide, this would have heavily tarnished the reputation of not only the British Empire and its Russian Empire's accomplice, but even its top level asset, the group of VIPs collaborationists of the occupation apparatus and administration in the Europes, that is precisely in charge of both puppet Russia and the puppet Anglo-Saxons colonies.

Three top level assets, including 2 UNSC permanent members with nuclear power status, versus the insignificant whole Polish puppet government, a minor region ranking only 24th economy in the world, a political dwarf eternally backward culturally and technologically.

To appease the concerns of those diehard supporters of the U.S. Dystopian Empire, more than a public show of force, this most murderous antic bloody tribal ritual of mass immolation has instead only increased the sentiment of reliance by the 3 stooges, further cementing their forced loyalty toward the U.S. military junta overlord, knowing that following this latest heart-wrenching atrocity, their fate was ever more sealed with the Dystopian Empire's own survival.

4.6.7. Road accident

When only a single VIP must be eliminated, there is no need to waste an entire plane's passengers.

In this situation, instead of provoking an air accident, a simpler road accident can be envisaged, limiting unnecessary collateral casualties.

When needed, road accidents can be executed upon notice mainly in developed nations.

Famed mathematician John Nash, a Princeton University mathematics professor, won the Nobel Prize for economics in 1994 for his work in game theory, specifically the "Nash equilibrium." Nash's battle with paranoid schizophrenia was documented in Sylvia Nasar's bestselling 1998 biography of Nash titled A Beautiful Mind (2001)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], and the 2001 Academy Award best picture winning film of the same name.

The couple lived in Princeton, New Jersey, and were returning home from a trip to Norway, NJ.com reports, where Nash received the Abel Prize for mathematics for his work on nonlinear partial differential equations. Their taxi driver lost control of the car while trying to pass a vehicle in the center lane of the New Jersey turnpike and crashed into a guardrail, ejecting the Nashes from the car.


When only a single VIP must be eliminated, there is not even the need to waste an entire car.

Fender-bender can be minimized.

January 25, 2022

Take for example, Dr. Waraluck 'Kratai' Supawatjariyakul. She was a gifted ophthalmologist who was in the top 5 percentile of all ophthalmologists in the country specializing in uveitis and retina knowledge.

Her death is a tremendous loss.

Her case is another sad example of how often the good die young in this country, while the corrupt continue to get away with their crimes with impunity. She was a model citizen. Then one reckless cop killed her.


4.6.8. Heart attack

When a VIP can't be eliminated in an innocent road accident, because of the high security measures, such as the closing of all roads to civilian traffic minutes before the VIP's passage, and of the slow speed of the official convoy, then the MC silver bullet must be used.

The 2049 Great Replacement: China As New Core Of The Empire

Note the pattern of territorial pressure and incursions from China’s north by nomadic groups, who are attracted by the wealth of the settled, agricultural civilization of China. The most illustrative examples are those of the Mongols, who conquer China and establish the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368 CE), and of the Manchus, who again conquer China and establish the last dynasty, the Qing, that rules for 300 years (1644-1911 CE). Each of these invaders rules through the Chinese bureaucracy, leading to the expression that China 'sinicizes its conquerors.'

Just as China has always 'sinicized' or absorb all its conquerors, China itself is composed of and enriched by the integration of many different peoples and cultures with which it interacts throughout its history and which form part of China today. See in particular the Tang dynasty.

Even before the handovers in 1997, both Hong Kong and Macau were already fully sinicized in less than a century of foreign occupations, and according to the rule that dictates weaker culture to be absorbed by stronger civilizations.

The transfer of the U.S. Dystopian Empire's core from the U.S. mainland to China is a process that started even before the mass decapitation of Chinese leaders of 1976.

Zhou Enlai was the first Premier of the People's Republic of China, and died of blade cancer in January 1976.

Marshal Zhu De, one of the Ten Marshals of the People's Liberation Army, was also the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress from 1975 to 1976, Zhu was the head of state of the People's Republic of China.
His passing on 6 July 1976, due to a combination of colds, heart failure, and diabetes, came only six months after the death of Zhou Enlai.

Chairman Mao ruled as the chairman of the Communist Party of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death on 9 September 1976, following three major heart attacks.

Then it took half a century to develop the infrastructures, industrial bases and economy of China, before it could replace the U.S.

But not before two more additional major operations of VIPs mass removal.

The already discussed in previous chapter of the 1989 Tiananmen Square subversion operation (六四事件) and the massive beheading blow that has targeted an entire generation of older Chinese skilled professionals by the end of the Cold War, with deaths disguised as heart attacks, and other ailments, right in their bedrooms.


Similar to fake Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the electro-erosion by beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites of other dental and bone tissues that cause deformities of the skeleton, hands and feet joints can be used directly on other soft tissues of the body.

Starting from the 1945s, beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites are used to produce various symptoms mimicking heart and cerebral ailments in 5 steps:

• Beams of V-particle from the orbital U.S. MC satellites depose low intensity electrically charged electron particles after decay, thus effectively interfering with any normal muscular cardiac activity
• The abnormal heart rhythm can rapidly lead to loss of consciousness then death if unchecked
• Beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites produce electro-erosion on selected cardiac or circulatory system's tissue
• The ensuing rupture of the tissue can be mistaken for one of an innocent aneurism
• The immediate massive loss of blood in the cardiac or the brain region leads to permanent debilitating cerebral infirmities in the best case, and more likely to the death of the VIP within minutes

Today, MC heart attack is the most widely used method by the U.S. military junta in disposing of no longer useful expired VIPs.

According to some internet source, there are 11 cases of heart attack reported for having caused the death of an incumbent world leader since the first case in the 19th century until the 1945 period, but an epidemic rise after 1945 with more than 41 cases. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

4.6.9. Cancer

MC cancer is special type of warfare, as it is meant to increase the dread factor through lengthy torment inflicted on a VIP captive sentenced to death, and conversely to appease the concerns of the diehard supporters of the U.S. Dystopian Empire.

MC cancer warfare can target any lone single VIP, that is well secured inside its presidential palace with the protection of a powerful military.

Former French Minister of City Affairs, Bernard Tapie went through 4 years long of calvary because many French people resented him as a corrupted businessman. But foremost because internationally symbolizing 'a winning France' through cheatings. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Born the son of a plumber in a rough neighbourhood of Paris in 1943, Tapie become one of France’s most successful and high-profile businessmen, buying and reviving dozens of failing companies and revelling in his wealth with American-style flair.

The death through a horrendous display of slow agony of the VIP captive, with visual depiction of hair turning white before total baldness, overall physical degradation, and loss of voice, is only what the popular masses expected.

Mar 6, 2013,03:38pm EST

The announcement of Chavez's death came hours after vice president, and now interim president Nicolas Maduro, met with Venezuela's top political leaders and military brass to discuss the president's ever-worsening health condition. At the time, Maduro apparently suggested that someone may have deliberately infected Chavez with cancer or some other agent that made him deteriorate, according to CNN. Maduro went so far as to call Chavez's death an assassination, according to The Washington Post.

Stories of Chavez being essentially poisoned by the CIA have been around since his first tumor was reported back in 2011. Even controversial drama-loving Chavez himself wondered out loud if it were possible. To which the U.S State Department public affairs staff responded with a 'that's reprehensible'.


The case of former Venezuelian president Hugo Chavez could be expected, as the list of more powerful enemies included a superpower, permanent member of the UNSC, the puppet U.S.A., and 2 other UNSC permanent members in the G-7 nations of puppet European Union, and probably foremost the Dystopian Empire top level asset, the group of VIPs collaborationists of the occupation apparatus and administration in the Europes.

Indeed, as two oil industry superpowers, Venezuela was cooperating closely with Iran under the presidency of president Hugo Chavez.

Caracas, Monday July 31 , 2006

'If the US empire succeeds in consolidating its dominance, then the humankind has no future. Therefore, we have to save the humankind and put an end to the US empire,' Chávez told a crowd at the Tehran University, as quoted by Reuters.


But the fatal and turning point was the deterioration of the relations with the puppet Token State after 2006.

More than a public show of force, this most horrendous antic tribal ritual of immolation has instead only increased the sentiment of reliance by the main stooge, further cementing its forced loyalty toward the U.S. military junta overlord, knowing that following this latest heart-wrenching murder, its fate was ever more sealed with the Dystopian Empire's own survival.

4.6.10. Lone Wolf

When the message is clearly intended to scare an entire nation, instead of dispatching a professional hitman to remove a single VIP, that would inevitably compromise his handler's identity, be it agency or nation, the use of a lone wolf comes in handy.

In the eyes of the world masses, no one else to blame, outside of the Dystopian Empire itself.

No security measure in the world can of course thwart the mighty Dystopian Empire, that will always find the weak point in the security apparatus and guide the lone wolf without fail from outer space via its 20'000 mind-control satellites.

No high tech will ever be required, with only a shoestring budget to ensure the success of the operation.

Case study: the removal of Japan's former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

Published: 12:03pm, 10 Jul, 2022

The man who fatally shot former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has told police he had attempted to make a bomb, investigative sources said on Sunday.
Tetsuya Yamagami has also said he “made multiple guns,” according to the sources. The police have searched his home in the western city of Nara, confiscating guns similar to the apparently home-made one found at the scene after Abe was shot Friday while delivering a stump speech on a street in the city.

Yamagami, 41, was sent to prosecutors Sunday on suspicion of murder.
As for his motive, Yamagami has said his mother made a “huge donation” to a religious organisation and he harboured a grudge against the group, which he believed was associated with Abe, sources have said.

One of the sources also quoted Yamagami as saying something to the effect of “initially, I intended to attack an executive of the group” but decided to target Abe instead.
Yamagami’s former colleagues are in disbelief that such a “totally ordinary” person could be behind the horrific attack that sent shock waves across the country and the world.

A former coworker from the Kyoto Prefecture factory, where he was recently assigned for over a year and a half, described how he had “seemed earnest” before arguments and unauthorised absences that started this year precipitated his leaving the company.
At a press conference Saturday, a senior employee at the factory said Yamagami was hired through a dispatch agency in October 2020 and assigned to the freight department. As a holder of a forklift driving licence, he was tasked with conveying goods.
Despite no previous issues with punctuality or attendance, he began taking unauthorised time off starting in March and complained of “heart issues” and other physical problems. He used all his paid leave, and his employment ended on May 15.
Less than two months later, Yamagami, who previously served for about three years in the Maritime Self-Defence Force, was arrested for allegedly murdering Japan’s longest-serving prime minister by shooting him in the back with a home-made gun as he spoke in support of a candidate for Sunday’s House of Councillors election.


Indeed, it is a classical case of applying the old lone wolf template.


Taxi Driver (1976)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a videomancy American film directed by Martin Scorsese, starring Robert De Niro and Jodie Foster.

Set in a decaying and morally bankrupt New York City following the Vietnam War, the film follows Travis Bickle (De Niro), a taxi driver and veteran, and his deteriorating mental state as he works nights in the city.

As Travis cuts his hair into a mohawk, he attends a public rally where he plans to assassinate senator and presidential candidate Charles Palantine.

Later, Taxi Driver generated controversy for its role in John Hinckley Jr.'s motive to attempt to assassinate then-President Ronald Reagan.


I. Modus Operandi

Any psyops that aims at turning a target into a deadly hitman while retaining sufficient rational thinking to succeed in its designated mission, is a delicate balance of manipulation and deceit.

An art perfected only by the mind-control puppet masters of the U.S. military putschist junta.

It consists through successive minor actions, covering several decades, to push the target ever closer to the point of no return.

Starting with family collapse, college drop out, financial ruin, social isolation, and finally professional failure, the target will have ever fewer options but to accomplish its preprogrammed task set even before he was born by the Dystopian Empire.
Yamagami’s mother continued donating smaller amounts even after going bankrupt in 2002, said the man’s 77-year-old uncle, who has continued to support her financially for many years. “I believe She was under mind control,” he said.
The man accused of killing Shinzo Abe said his mother’s huge donations to the church bankrupted his family.

“It’s no exaggeration to say that my experience with it during that time continues to distort my whole life,” he wrote.

While Ms. Kayoda condemned Mr. Abe’s shooting, she said she hoped it would draw attention to the “many cases of families that have been destroyed.”

An ardent Korean nationalist, Mr. Moon was educated in Japan while his own country lived under its colonial rule. His theology reflected his ambivalence toward Japan, describing it in his sermons as both a potential savior and a satanic power.

During visits, Mr. Moon warned his Japanese followers that they were steeped in sin and exhorted them to sacrifice everything for the church.

“Each of you needs to restore, through paying indemnity, the sins committed by your ancestors in history,” he told a group of believers in 1973, instructing them to “shed blood, sweat and tears.”

Mr. Yamagami, however, never lost sight of the Unification Church. His mother’s actions had “plunged my brother, my sister and me into hell,” he wrote on a Twitter account.

..the account — which has been suspended — describes a painful childhood and a seething fury at his mother’s allegiance to the Unification Church. He blamed the relationship for his own failings in life.

Mr. Yamagami was born into a wealthy family, but when he was 4, his father killed himself. A decade later, his grandfather died suddenly, leaving no one to stop “my mother who had been channeling money to the Unification Church,” Mr. Yamagami wrote on Twitter.

She “wrapped our whole family up in it and self-destructed,” he wrote.

But, he added, “I no longer have the luxury to think about the political meaning or consequences that Abe’s death will bring.”


II. Indictment

The difficult part now. The motivation leading to the violent mediatic removal of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Abe’s pose resurrects horrors of Unit 731

May 14, 2013

A photograph of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe smiling and giving a thumbs up from inside a training jet emblazoned with the number 731 is going to infuriate Chinese, Russians, Koreans and other victims of Japanese brutality before and during World War II.

The number 731 evokes the name of Imperial Japan’s notorious medical research unit in Harbin, China, that performed lethal experiments on live humans. Some of its scientists were tried for war crimes.

The Nelson Report, an Asia-focused newsletter aimed at Washington politicians, compared Abe’s action to a German prime minster wearing a Nazi uniform “for fun.”

“It is an unimaginable act,” said former ruling Saenuri Party leader Chung Mong-joon, comparing it to “German Chancellor [Angela] Merkel riding an aircraft with the Nazi swastika.”

The Korean media yesterday published the photograph of Abe sitting in the pilot’s seat of a T-4 training jet of Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force’s Blue Impulse flight team at a base in Higashimatsushima in Miyagi Prefecture on Sunday.

The aircraft is labeled with the number 731. In smaller Roman characters, it bears the words “Leader S. Abe” above a yellow arrow.

Abe was at the base as part of an inspection tour of areas affected by the March 11, 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disasters.

Unit 731 was the covert [directed energy and mind-control] biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Japanese Imperial Army that experimented on humans, including prisoners of war from China, Russia and Korea [and Western allies POWs], between 1932 and 1945.

Abe has made headlines recently with nationalistic gestures such as questioning the idea that Japan invaded other Asian nations before and during World War II, and suggesting he will backpedal on apologies to Asian nations by some of his predecessors.

The Saenuri Party’s Chung said Abe’s action was “an act of direct provocation to Korea, China and other victim nations.”

The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said officials were discussing a response yesterday.

This is not the first time Abe has raised controversy through the display of significant numbers. On May 5, he wore a jersey with the number 96 at a baseball game at the Tokyo Dome baseball stadium.

Abe has been pushing for amending the Article 96 of Japanese Constitution to make passing of constitutional amendments easier.

Abe is also in favor of revising the Constitution’s Article 9 written after the war, which prohibits the country from going to war.

The photo appeared a day after Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto drew an international backlash after saying Monday that the so-called “comfort women,” or sex slaves, of the Japanese military before and during World War II were “necessary.”

Hashimoto, co-leader of the newly formed Japan Restoration Party, told reporters that comfort women “were necessary at the time to maintain discipline in the army.”

He also said, “It’s clear that you need a comfort women system” for “emotionally charged soldiers” during times of war.

Hashimoto later added women served “against their will,” but defended Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s questioning the definition of Japan’s war “aggressions.”

Hashimoto added further fuel to fire by saying that on a recent visit to the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Okinawa, he recommended U.S. Army officials to take advantage of “legal” facilities to release sexual “energy” Monday evening, Asahi Shimbun reported yesterday.

Hashimoto took to his Twitter account yesterday reiterating that there was no problem with U.S. military taking advantage of Japan’s legalized sex industry and that military brothels were normal.

A U.S. Pentagon spokesman called Hashimoto’s remark “ridiculous” and told the Asahi Shimbun that it goes against U.S. “policy and value.”

The New York Times reported yesterday that the comment drew protests from Japan’s Democratic Party and women’s rights advocates in Japan.

Several Japanese ministers denounced Hashimoto’s remarks on comfort women being a “necessity,” Kyodo News reported yesterday.

Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said Hashimoto’s remarks were his “personal comments” and that he hoped they would not negatively affect Japan-South Korea relations.

Hakubun Shimomura, minister of education, said it was “inappropriate for a person who represents a political party to make such comments.”

Tomomi Inada, minister of administrative reform, stated that the comfort women system was “a grave abuse of female human rights.”

▲ Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe poses inside the cockpit of a T-4 training jet plane, emblazoned with the number 731, of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force’s Blue Impulse flight team on Sunday at the JASDF base in Higashimatsushima in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. [web.archive.org]

The forensic incriminating evidence presented above shows beyond doubts that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe tried not only to oppose the change of Japan's status to a mere second-rate power after its demotion in 2010, but even dared to push for an upgrade to a full superpower status, including a permanent seat at the U.N. Security Council.

He and the Japanese conservatives behind him were no longer willing to accept Japan remaining a diplomatic dwarf, and worse losing its number one place as both the Asian economic and military leader to China by 2010.

The 2013 picture of Shinzo Abe with the allusion to Unit 731 was meant to remind the world the critical role played by the Empire of Japan in developing and weaponizing directed energy weapons and mind-control technologies in Manchukuo.

And the debt owed by the U.S. putschist military junta to Unit 731's contribution in the subsequent psychotronic world conquest from 1945 onward.

This fatal mistake was enough to cause not only the fall in disgrace of Shinzo Abe but also warrant a death sentence, as many of the Dystopian Empire's assets would have be angered by the promotion of the State of Japan to a military and diplomatic superpower.

Among them, certainly and mainly Russia, a weakened former superpower and only 5th economy in the world, fallen far behind Japan's 3rd economy in the world.

A desperate situation as the military occupation of several Japanese core territories since 1945 by Russia, but never recognized by any international treaty, and the lack of even a peace treaty, worsening the bilateral relations between the two powers, would provide a casus belli allowing a military conflict in the future, if Japan were to regain its independence from its U.S. master.

To a lesser degree, China and the Koreas could be some other nations that would oppose unleashing Japan.

But above all and most probably, the group of VIPs collaborationists of the occupation appararus and administration in the Europes.

Indeed, by opening the Pandora's Box to the Japanese request, other powers of the Axis defeated at the end of the WW2 would have followed: Germany and Italy, then Hungary, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Iraq, Persia, Spain, Mongolia, Tibet, Siam, etc.

All demanding to become nuclear and ballistic military powers, with diplomatic autonomy freed from the Washington's yoke, and in the case of Germany and Italy, a permanent seat at the U.N. Security Council.

Thus threatening in the long term the survival of the Token State.

III. Execution

After nearly a decade of waiting on the death row, Shinzo Abe's death sentence was finally carried out in broad daylight and public view, on 8th July 2022 at 11:30 JST, exactly 85 years after the beginning of the Empire of Japan's full scale invasion war on China, officially marked as the 7th July 1937 (23:00 CST) Marco Polo Bridge Incident also known as July 7 Incident.

A dedicated craft-produced, high-caliber, muzzle-loading, double-barrel smoothbore weapon, using separate-loading ammunition initiated by an electric firing mechanism was used in the execution.

Shot from only a few meters distance, with a direct hit of projectiles on the defendant's chest, immediately causing massive internal injuries and bleedings in the right side of the neck, left clavicle and heart.

After his instantaneous collapse on the pavement, the defendant would never get up again while remaining fully conscious.

No coup de grace was administered by the executioner, ensuring five and a half hours of a slow and painful agonizing countdown, until clinical death could be finally pronounced by the coroner.

This was to make sure no misunderstanding could remain among the Japanese far-right supporters of the defendant's revisionist military policy, about the severity of the offense.

4.7. Legislations

Of course not only in the Soviet world, the Axis world, but also all the other paternalist autocratic regimes of 1936, to criticize the institutions would have been severely punished if not by death at least by lengthy imprisonment and deportation.

While in the Western hemisphere, attacking the institutions outside of the protection of powerful organized political groups, was not without risks either.

Naturally, since the U.S. military coup of 1945, the first step was to criminalize with the full force of the law, any critics that would target these important assets of the U.S. military junta.

Soheil님이 먼저 게시:


In this regard, the South Korean TV series Hellbound 2021[web.archive.org]2[archive.md], is of special interest.

It is a must watch because it is certainly the first occurrence ever of an artistic depiction and cinematographic allegory of the exploitation by some minority groups, of the post WWII dystopian world order, to further their own personal agenda, when faced with the brutal acts of tortures, murders and even genocides perpetrated by the U.S. rogue putschist military junta MC satellites' war of terror on other fellow helpless groups of earthlings.

In short, for these cultist groups that champion themselves as the most obedient stooges of the dystopian world order being the main beneficiaries of it, every single one of these atrocities are always justifiable, because it is only the fault of the victims.


Disclaimer: IQ of >108 Required. No reporting will be accepted!

Below a scene that could have been captured from the Hellbound 2021 TV series:

▲ As real as Hellbound 2021.[web.archive.org]

▲ SPOILER: As real as Hellbound 2021.[web.archive.org]

And the usual sycophantic minions of the U.S. putschist military junta that will always dance to its tune without fail:

▲ SPOILER: As real as Hellbound 2021.[web.archive.org]

Nothing but karma and punishment [...] what an evil people we have in M Completely Godless people M deserves Hell right on Earth

Coincidence? I think not!

The core reason behind all these genocidal atrocities, is that the U.S. MC war machines can not be sustained without the critical rare earth minerals, key to produce both MC particle accelerators satellites, MC particle detectors satellites, MC relay datalink satellites, semiconductor electronics, microchips, MC supercomputers, etc, and that both the U.S. mainland's and Soviet's reserves of rare earth overexploited during the Cold War could no longer provide.

Dec 10, 2021 Myanmar is one of the world’s two biggest sources of heavy rare earths, alongside China itself, and global demand for the minerals is rising fast because of their role in green technologies. Dysprosium, a heavy rare earth mined in Myanmar, is a common component in the powerful magnets used in the motors of electric vehicles and wind turbines. Tesla, BMW and other leading car companies have all declined to tell Myanmar Now whether or not they use components that include heavy rare earths from Myanmar.

4.7.1. Regime Protection Legislations

The most brutal measures in the repressive arsenal of the law are dedicated to protect all the various puppet regimes created by the U.S. military putschists junta.

Criticism of the authorities will invariably end up in persecution, imprisonment and even death. Concentration camps are still run by the puppet regimes of the Comintern.

While paternalist autocrat regimes will use 'enforced disappearance', an euphemism for death squad, that specially deal with political opponents. If the dissenters try to escape overseas, they will be tracked by teams of hitmen, kidnapped, terminated and vaporized without a trace.

Plutocratic regimes are also known to use chemical weapon such as 'novichok' nerve agent to neutralise opponents overseas.

Commitment to a psychiatric institutions is a legal tool abusively used by all types of regimes.

This is why all puppet regimes that are too aware of their oppressed populace's rage and resistance, can only find some solace in their police forces, with a specially militarized version armed with heavier weaponries called Special Weapon And Tactics (SWAT), or simply count on their more traditional military forces.

In this case loyalty is pivotal, with ideological brainwashing being core for its success, for all types of puppet regime be it capitalists, stalinists, fascists, paternalist autocratics.

As a consequence, the most important share of every national budgets is dedicated foremost to the internal secret service, surveillance of the citizen, police and armed forces.

To this end, the following example shows that even 10 years old girl can be arrested, in the totalitarian regimes of Europes, betraying a real weakness when the shock is slowly forcing to abandon the luxury liberal 'freedoms', as the sense of complete superiority fades.

to try to explain this act and their level of knowledge of the terrorist project of the 20-year-old young man.
His 10-year-old younger sister was interrogated.


'Enforced disappearance' while largely practiced in failed states throughout the Dystopian Empire are in no way limited geographically to them.

Justin Trudeau Accuses India of a Killing on Canadian Soil

Sept. 18, 2023

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada said on Monday that “agents of the government of India” had carried out the assassination of a Sikh community leader in British Columbia in June, an explosive allegation that is likely to further sour relations between the two nations.

Speaking in the House of Commons, Mr. Trudeau said that he had raised India’s involvement in the shooting of the Sikh leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, directly with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Group of 20 summit meeting earlier this month “in no uncertain terms.” He said the allegation was based on intelligence gathered by the Canadian government.

“Any involvement of a foreign government in the killing of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil is an unacceptable violation of our sovereignty,” Mr. Trudeau told lawmakers. He said Canada would pressure India to cooperate with the investigation into the killing of Mr. Nijjar, who advocated Sikh separatism.
Mr. Nijjar was known for his advocacy of the creation of an independent Sikh nation, Khalistan, that would include parts of India’s Punjab state, and India had declared him a wanted terrorist.
Rumors about possible retribution by India against those critical of its government have stoked fear within the Sikh expatriate community and discouraged many from returning to that country, Mr. Singh said. But Canada, he said, had been seen as “a beacon of safety.”

“That safety and security that so many Canadians feel has now been rocked,” he said.

Sikhs are a relatively small religious group, with about 25 million adherents worldwide, most of them in India.


4.7.2. Divinities Protection Legislations

Historically, since ancient times, all authorities have used the purposely invented divinities to legitimate their unjust rule and enshrined in the legislations as divine right, Defender of the Faith, mandate of heaven, etc, forcing the sheeple to surrender at first some of their liberties (morality, diet, marital, familial, etc), before losing soon 100% of their freedom of thought to the totalitarian usurpers-scammers.

After 1945, divinities are still one of the primary tool of control used by the U.S. Dystopian Empire dictators.

Masquerading behind any of the many religious divinities, the U.S. military putschists junta has made sure that superstitions and religions will not regress, as it was the case from the 1789 Revolution onwards with the 1917 October Revolution, evolutionism, genetics, space age, etc, but instead expand.

At the point of securing a state-sanctioned status, as in the past. This is especially true in all previously atheistic states of the former Comintern, including today's Ukraine, Russia, Mongolia, Central Asia and Indochina.

As for the first puppet region of the Dystopian Empire, any serious candidate to the supreme executive position will have to pledge its 'belief' and blind loyalty to the 'divinities':

▲ Vivek Ramaswamy: 1. God is real.[archive.ph]

▲ Number one stooge's acknowledgement and support of GOP Presidential primaries' candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. 2023.[archive.ph]


4.7.3. Semitic Protection Legislations

Of course back in the 1936, antisemitism was absolutely unthinkable in the Soviet sphere of influence, for obvious reasons. This simply continued after 1945, for half a century, political puppet leaders of the Soviet world in cahoot with and sycophantly serving the U.S. military junta's world order, only seeking their predatory own gains in geopolitical influence carved out at the expense of the other Big Five powers, under the pretence of the Cold War false flag.

Since the U.S. military coup of 1945, these legislations have extended in the Western hemisphere to make absolutely illegal antisemitism, especially those critic of the state-sponsored cult of victimhood devised to conveniently push into oblivion the most compromising Holodomor - the name previously synonym of genocide until 1945 and as a result totally forgotten by the popular masses today.

In this regard, and to better convince the targeted population of the benefit of such legislations, the U.S. putschist miliatry junta uses the old but always relevant scare tactics, by creating as many false flag operations as necessary.

Lawyers for accused Tree of Life shooter say he has schizophrenia and epilepsy

March 22, 2023

Prosecutors still want Robert Bowers to have a psychiatric and neuropsychological evaluation. He's accused of opening fire inside the Tree of Life synagogue in Squirrel Hill in 2018, killing 11 worshippers and injuring many others.


Indeed, invasive thoughts of 'schizophrenic person', silent voice, etc.., are all known hallmarks of the MC warfare.

Then at the turn of the 21st century, these legislations are targeting criticism of LGBT.

4.7.4. LGBT Protection Legislations

Totalitarian regimes in the Europes don't even need the cover of law to destroy marked potential future rebellious individuals.

This has been well depicted in The Terminator (1984)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] fictionalized movie series, where an almost indestructible cyborg killing machine is sent from 2029 to 1984 by the sentient Skynet super A.I., programmed to execute a young woman whose unborn son is the key to humanity's future salvation.

In the real world, this means it is done at the earliest stage possible, starting from primary school, which happens to be mandatory for this precise purpose.

If not broken through systemic bully and persecution, then the target will simply be bared from proceeding further in the academic cursus. The totalitarian regimes of Europes will make sure the targets never receive any college level education or above.

At this stage, systemic persecution and harassment doesn't stop, because a popular mass uprising will always be the main and constant obsession of the paranoid U.S. Dystopian Empire.

When the obviously unlawful crackdown waged by the puppet states on dissidents become too outrageous such as even the lowest IQs among the masses would start asking questions, then the full cover of the legislations must be used to fool the shepple.

Too numerous are those intellectuals fallen to the totalitarian legislations of the Europes to be all cited here.

The case of French intellectual Alain Soral[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] et al. is only one of the most notorious archetypes.
14 Dec 2022 at 21:45 Soral, who has already faced around 20 convictions in France, mainly over charges of incitement to hatred and defamation, opposed the Swiss sentence, and the case was pushed to a Lausanne court for Wednesday's one-day hearing.

October 4, 2023

Richard Hanania@RichardHanania

Switzerland sentences a journalist to 60 days in jail for calling a journalist a "fat lesbian."

Elon Musk@elonmusk Replying to @RichardHanania

What he wrote was certainly rude, but to make it a criminal offense … ?

Oct 4, 2023 · 6:17 AM UTC

▲ What he wrote was certainly rude, but to make it a criminal offense … ?[archive.ph]

Not an isolated case from a small totalitarian Alpine puppet regime in the heart of Europe, as the repression goes even twice harsher in the E.U.'s Great Powers:

Reading by drag queens disrupted in Brittany: an activist sentenced to four months in prison

Oct 9, 2023

The Rennes court sentenced, Monday, October 9, to four months’ imprisonment an activist who had chanted hostile slogans during a demonstration against a reading for children hosted by drag queen artists in Brittany, month of May.

Paul Carton, who was not present in court on Monday, was also sentenced to a fine of 500 euros and a payment of 800 euros to each of the three civil parties.

The 24-year-old former political science student admitted in court in mid-September that he was indeed the bearer of the megaphone chanting slogans.


In today's Europe, the political repression no only targets isolated individuals, which should not be a surprise because the most easy preys are always the first to fall, but even developed countries with a high-income economy and ranking very high in the Human Development Index.

theconversation.com님이 먼저 게시:

Could the European Union kick out Hungary?

July 26, 2021 3.01pm EDT

Member states have also called for more decisive action. Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte has said the law signals that “Hungary has no place in the EU anymore”, and Luxembourg’s foreign minister has called for a referendum to be held on whether Hungary should be allowed to remain an EU member.

But could the EU throw Hungary out if it wanted to?


Thus totally cementing the U.S. Dystopian Empire's monolithic grip on the new settings in social engineering of the Western hemisphere.

4.7.5. Incest Protection Legislations

In its bid to always push forward the systematic devolution of all the Judeo-Christian era social institutions, to those of the more corrupt Greater Roman pagan era, the U.S. military junta has since 1945 naturally tried to encourage all the whole gamut of those Roman taboo-breaking ones including public nudity, orgy, pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia and even all form of incests.

First as a hidden practice, but after 8 decades, incest seems finally ripe to join the LGBTs and also be enforced as a Western democracies' core institution under the full protection of the law.

Indeed, a society's deadliest creation is a person with nothing left to lose. The perfect purposely engineered MC candidate stooges for the U.S. junta's sole service.

Mediatic depiction of incests since 1945 are too numerous to be all named here, like the zombie outbreaks ones.

Starting with the first inevitable and most notorious one, the biopic dedicated to the historical figure of Caligula (1979)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph], the Roman ideological precursor and genetic ancestor of the current ruling U.S. military putschist junta.

Unlike Bad Boy Bubby (1993)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph], an Australian trash experimental black comedy film that can only be screened after midnight on public TV channels, other movies are widely acclaimed by Western critics and were even nominated for Academy Awards:

tvtropes.org님이 먼저 게시:

The Manchurian Candidate[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a 1959 Conspiracy Thriller novel by Richard Condon, about the son of a prominent political family who has been brainwashed into being an unwitting assassin for the Communist Party. The novel was adapted for the screen in 1962 and again in 2004.

Villainous Incest:
Both film versions show Eleanor coming onto her son Raymond, whose consent is dubious given his brainwashing, and the novel on which it was all based includes frank mentions of consummated incest, both between Eleanor and her father Tyler and between Eleanor and Raymond.

Villainous Mother-Son Duo:
Perhaps the most iconic and horrifying example of this. Manipulative Bltch extraordinaire, Senator Eleanor Iselin has her son brainwashed into becoming an assassin by Soviet Communists so that she can use him to kill all of her husband's rivals for the presidency. Her husband's of the henpecked variety so if he were President, she'd still presumably be the one wearing the trousers and therefore President in all but name, making Eleanor an example of Lady Macbeth as well. Fortunately her son, Raymond Shaw is ultimately able to break free of her mind-control.
There's a definite Incest Subtext between them which is made very obvious in the films and outright confirmed in the book. Eleanor was sexually abused by her own father, making her an arguable Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds.


duneinfo.com님이 먼저 게시:

Dune[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a 1984 American epic science fiction film written and directed by David Lynch and based on the 1965 Frank Herbert novel of the same name.

The 3rd draft of the Rudolph Wurlitzer's script contains an incestuous relationship between Paul and his mother Jessica, and Alia would be both Paul's daughter and sister! Ridley Scott leaves Dune to work on Blade Runner.



Jude (1996)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a British 'birth outside of marriage' genre propaganda movie with an 'incest' genre subplot masqueraded as a period drama film directed by Michael Winterbottom, and written by Hossein Amini, based on Thomas Hardy's 1895 novel 'Jude the Obscure'.

The film stars Kate Winslet, Christopher Eccleston, Liam Cunningham and Rachel Griffiths.

In the Victorian period, Jude Fawley (Christopher Eccleston) is a bright young lower-class man who dreams of a university education. Circumstances conspire against him, and he is forced into a job as a stonemason and an unhappy marriage to a country girl, Arabella (Rachel Griffiths).

He is rejected by the university based primarily on his lower-class status.

During this period, he encounters his cousin, Sue Bridehead (Kate Winslet), who is beautiful and intelligent, and shares his disdain for convention. Whilst Jude is enraptured by Sue, and vice versa, she marries Jude's former school teacher, Phillotson (Liam Cunningham), after Jude tells her he is married to Arabella.

The marriage of Sue and Phillotson is not a success.

She leaves Phillotson to join Jude in what turns out to be a rough life, moving from place to place as Jude picks up occasional work as a stonemason.

Sue gives birth to two children. Agnostic and independent, she refuses to legalise their arrangement by marriage.

Sue and Jude are forbidden a permanent rental lodging because their living arrangement without marriage is considered scandalous.


A Simple Favor (2018)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood propaganda 'mobile phones are not a spying tool' genre movie with an 'incest' genre subplot masqueraded as black comedy crime thriller film directed by Paul Feig from a screenplay by Jessica Sharzer, based on the 2017 novel of the same name by Darcey Bell. The film stars Anna Kendrick, Blake Lively, Henry Golding, Andrew Rannells, Linda Cardellini, Rupert Friend, and Jean Smart and follows a small town vlogger who tries to solve the disappearance of her mysterious and elegant friend.

Widowed single mother Stephanie Smothers (Anna Kendrick) runs a vlog featuring crafts and recipes for parents. She becomes friends with Emily Nelson (Blake Lively), the mother of her son's schoolmate and a PR director for a fashion company, and the two exchange confessions over martinis. Stephanie shares that as a teenager, she had sex with her half-brother Chris (Dustin Milligan).

A Simple Favor (2018) 454 00:20:07,666 --> 00:20:09,918 I wanna know your secret. Tell me. 455-462 00:20:11,128 --> 00:20:40,741 My dad died when I was a senior in high school. And... this boy showed up to the funeral. His name was Chris and I guess he was the spitting image of my father 30 years younger. My mom thought she saw a ghost. It... And it turned out he was my half-brother. 463 00:20:42,993 --> 00:20:45,871 That's your whole secret? That your dad had an affair? 464 00:20:46,038 --> 00:20:47,247 No! 465-466 00:20:47,414 --> 00:20:52,127 Okay, can you just tell me your secret? Come on, spill it, dark side. 467 00:20:52,294 --> 00:20:54,004 So, Chris... It was too late for him to drive home, so he stayed over. We stayed up all night, talking and... My dad was... My dad was really the person who understood me. And he was gone, so... I was alone-alone for the first time. But he sees me, you know? Like, he really sees me. And we just stared at each other for the longest time. 477 00:21:23,158 --> 00:21:25,661 You can't be too drunk in my house not to finish the story. 478 00:21:25,827 --> 00:21:27,371 - What happened? - Uh, yeah. Uh... 479-480 00:21:27,537 --> 00:21:31,792 Okay, so, I don't know, maybe it's not so racy where you're from, but... 481 00:21:31,959 --> 00:21:33,752 Stop avoiding. Tell me what happened. 482 00:21:33,919 --> 00:21:35,319 We stood there for the longest time. 483 00:21:35,462 --> 00:21:36,588 Uh-huh. 484-486 00:21:36,755 --> 00:21:42,803 So I went in to hug him and...and we kissed. I know. It's so gross. 487 00:21:42,970 --> 00:21:44,096 - The end? - Yeah. 488 00:21:44,262 --> 00:21:45,448 - You just kissed? - Yeah, we kissed. 489 00:21:45,472 --> 00:21:47,391 You just kissed your brother? 490 00:21:47,557 --> 00:21:49,393 - Yeah. It's so... - What? 491 00:21:49,559 --> 00:21:51,311 Ugh. It's so lurid. 492 00:21:51,478 --> 00:21:53,398 It's my half-brother. It's not my brother, but... 493 00:21:53,480 --> 00:21:54,999 It's your half-brother, though? Oh, okay. 494 00:21:55,023 --> 00:21:56,608 - It's my... - Yeah, there's more. 495 00:21:56,775 --> 00:21:58,255 - No. No, there's not more. - Mmm-hmm. 496 00:21:58,360 --> 00:21:59,695 No, no. Yeah, there is. 497 00:21:59,861 --> 00:22:01,905 - So... - You f∪⊂₭ed him. 498 00:22:02,072 --> 00:22:03,240 What?! 499 00:22:03,407 --> 00:22:04,783 Was he good? 500 00:22:04,950 --> 00:22:07,035 That is so disgusting. 501 00:22:07,202 --> 00:22:08,578 I don't know... 502 00:22:08,745 --> 00:22:10,205 - You didn't f∪⊂₭ him? - I don't... 503 00:22:10,372 --> 00:22:12,350 - Tell me you didn't f∪⊂₭ him. - I don't know what... 504 00:22:12,374 --> 00:22:13,709 - Swear. - I swear. 505 00:22:13,875 --> 00:22:15,502 Swear on your dad's grave. 506 00:22:32,728 --> 00:22:34,771 Oh, my God. 507 00:22:37,607 --> 00:22:39,818 - Don't. No! - You're a brotherf∪⊂₭er!

▲ A Simple Favor (2018) videomancy: Hollywood propaganda 'mobile phones are not a spying tool' genre movie with an 'incest' genre subplot.[web.archive.org]


See (2019-2022)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood propaganda 'blindness' genre TV series with a 'world pandemic' genre subplot masqueraded as a science fiction drama television series produced for Apple TV+ and starring Jason Momoa and Alfre Woodard in leading roles. The series is set in a post-apocalyptic dystopia in the distant future where humanity's descendants have lost their sense of sight, and the ability to see is considered to be myth. The plot is set in motion by the birth of twin sighted children in a mountain tribe.

In the 21st century, a virus wiped out most of humanity. Fewer than two million people survived, and all their descendants have lost their sense of sight. 'See' takes place several centuries later, by which time society has found new ways to socially interact, build, hunt, and survive without vision, albeit at a much lower economic level; humanity has returned to tribal hunter-gatherer and medieval-type societies. Knowledge of the old, sighted world has become lost or distorted; it is believed that materials such as metal, concrete, and plastic were created supernaturally by gods. The concept of vision has become a myth, and any mention of it is considered heresy.

Worse, people accused of being born with the natural ability to see are targeted by witch hunt and burned alive. While most of these alleged 'witches' are in fact only innocent people as blind as the ordinary citizens.

Queen Sibeth Kane (Sylvia Hoeks) is the ruler of the Payan Kingdom and Maghra's (Hera Hilmar) older sister. She exercises her power ruthlessly and murders anyone who spreads heresy about the sense of sight.

In Season 2 Episode 1, Queen Sibeth Kane declares that she is pregnant, and that the child will be sighted, and that the prophesied 'chosen one' will lead Payan to victory as the region's dominant kingdom. Consequently, she declares that sighted people are no longer witches, which upsets a significant portion of her subjects.

In Season 2 Episode 2, Queen Kane miscarries the child she conceived with Boots (Franz Drameh), a mysterious former member of a scavenger tribe and also a son of Jerlamarel (Joshua Henry) and who has the ability to see; in her confusion and anger she murders both Boots and Cora (Jessica Harper), a slave who worked at Cutter's silk farms, until she later gains her freedom.

In Season 2 Episode 5, Queen Kane milks the unsuspecting Kofun (Archie Madekwe), the son of Baba Voss (Jason Momoa) and Maghra, and the biological son of Jerlamarel, who has the ability to see.

In Season 2 Episode 6, Queen Kane engages in a full incestuous intercourse with her virgin nephew Kofun, after giving him thornflower, an illegal narcotic.

In Season 2 Episode 7, Paris (Alfre Woodard) a wise elder member and shaman of the Alkenny Tribe, reveals through her precognition special ability that Queen Kane is bearing Kofun's child, both the future nephew and grandson of Queen to be Maghra.

See (2019-2022) SE03-E01 317 00:24:01,297 --> 00:24:03,382 [Charlotte] It's actually not as uncommon as you think. 318-328 00:24:03,466 --> 00:24:47,301 -[Haniwa] Thank you. -I grew up in the foothills of the Cleves, and there was more than one grandmother who was also her grandchild's aunt. In this case, the mother is also the aunt, which I admit is a bit complicated. As the father is the mother's nephew, which would make Kofun and his son cousins. No, wait. I think. Yes, that's right. And that makes you the baby's aunt and cousin as well. Whew! If you think this is complicated now, wait until someone has to explain it all to that baby. I wonder what the baby should call me. Aunt Charlotte. Kind of a nice ring.

But these are not only fiction, as cases of documented consanguineous incests were endemic throughout the history of Europe especially among the royal families (Hohenzollerns, Bourbons, Habsburgs, et al.) and with devastating genetic consequences.

And of course among the other elites such as Albert Einstein's in his second marriage.

As of 2021, internet video sharing platforms are spamming viewers with unwanted movies with incest contents, and echoing the LGBT PSYOPS.

Following the very successful LGBT political campaign, to fully legitimize incest, dedicated cultural events are organized in the Europes to popularize and recruit ever more adepts and sympathisers.

There is no secret that publications with child pornography can be found in commercial center's bookstores in the Europes.

The French Angouleme International Comics Festival (Festival international de la bande dessinee d'Angouleme) is the second largest comics festival in Europe after the Lucca Comics & Games in Italy, and the third biggest in the world after Lucca Comics & Games and the Comiket of Japan.

The festival is naturally the place where incest, child pornography and rape culture are being openly promoted.

13 Dec 2022 A lively controversy has swelled on social networks since the event announced at the end of November that it had given carte blanche to the French author to present a retrospective of his work during its next edition, from January 26 to 29 [2023]. 'Incest Apology', 'trivialization of child pornography', 'rape culture'... A wave of indignation is currently sweeping the Internet, where two petitions are asking for the deprogramming of the exhibition, planned for the Museum of Paper.

4.7.6. Robot, Transhumanism Protection Legislations

It is therefore also highly feared that soon the political repression could cover critics of anti-transhumanism as well.

And by extent, no later than 2050, any critics of both robotic citizens and genetically edited citizens with added deleterious traits born in the U.S. Dystopian Empire's Lebensborn biofactories.

4.7.7. Interpol

Brutal use of military force is not always necessary to quell lesser dissents, and would be a tremendous waste of time and resource.

This is the main task of each of the puppet states' local civilian police.

To deal with the possible loopholes, when political dissenters use the international world order to their advantage by playing one puppet state's stance and legislation against another, the U.S. Dystopian Empire has devised a specially cunning answer.

To centralize all puppets states' repressive apparatus effort, International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] has been tasked to coordinate the dirty work of all ~195 member states in order to bypass the legal borders' restrictions.

Of course, to pass the pill easier and fool the sheeples, this supranational organization is officially only meant to target the so-called international crimes.

Beauty Contestant Held in Thailand After Criticizing Myanmar Junta

By The Irrawaddy 22 September 2022

Miss Grand International Myanmar 2020 Han Lay was detained at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport on Wednesday.

On March 27 last year, after the February coup, she appealed to the media in Thailand, where she had been competing in a beauty pageant, for international help to rescue Myanmar from the regime.

Since then she has been living in Thailand and speaking out against the regime. On September 18 she left for Vietnam for a visa renewal and was detained at the Thai airport on her return.

Han Lay spoke to The Irrawaddy about her arrest.

How were you stopped at the Thai airport?

I had been in Thailand for nearly two years and I overstayed my tourist visa. Thai immigration told me that it was easier to renew my visa if I left Thailand for a while and re-entered. I went to Vietnam without any trouble but when I arrived back at the Thai airport I was told my passport was on an Interpol list and was registered as missing.

I heard that Myanmar also alerted Vietnam that my passport was missing and that I am on the Interpol list as a wanted criminal.

I am still at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok. I told the [Thai authorities] that I am not flying back to Vietnam. They can’t force me. I don’t know what they will do.

What did Thai authorities say?

They want me to return to Vietnam. But my passport is registered as missing and I will be sent back to Myanmar. I cannot go to Vietnam. I insisted on staying at the airport for now as I have contacted the [United Nations refugee agency] UNHCR. It contacted Thai immigration and reported the case to the Thai government.

How are you being treated at the airport?

I was taken to the airport detention center. Now they know my identity I am allowed to stay freely. But I can’t go anywhere. They seized my passport and tail me.

Were you detained because the regime named you a criminal?

Myanmar’s police reported me [to the Thai authorities] and put me on the Interpol list. I have been in Thailand for nearly 18 months and have been allowed to renew my visa regularly.

What charge has the regime filed against you?

It charged me with high treason under Article 121 [of the Penal Code] and stuck a search warrant to my house.

What are your plans?

I hope the UNCHR can help as it seems to be the only agency that protects refugees from hostile states, no matter where I go, despite the Interpol list. I committed no crime.

Did you expect this after speaking up?

I am angry about the Interpol list. I don’t like human rights violations and so I condemned them. I thought they would issue an arrest warrant in Myanmar at the most. I thought I could go to other countries even if I can’t go back to Myanmar.

I am not going back to Myanmar. I will be in danger. I will wait for help from the UNHCR. Maybe I can stay in Thailand or another country.

How was your life in Thailand?

Miss Grand International C [the pageant organizer] provided my accommodation and food since the contest. They gave me a job at their office around two months ago to help manage pageant contestants. They have also contacted the Thai government to help me.

How will detention affect your beliefs?

I have never regretted my comments. My beliefs have become stronger.


Indeed, this latest case of repression only exemplifies the true colors of this tool.

4.8. Filial imprinting

In the eyes of the U.S. military putschist junta, the use of brute police repression is always a good response when faced with an immediate short term threat.

But brainwashing yields even better social control in the long term. Usual caveat applies, with propaganda only working on the most gullible, with irrational minds, and the less educated lowest IQs among the adults.

Therefore when done from the earliest age, brainwashing goes through filial imprinting.

The best results obtained this way allows to harvest entire generation of brainwashed crops in future adults.

Filial imprinting is a process, readily observed in precocial animals, whereby a social attachment is established between a young animal and an object that is typically (although not necessarily) a parent.

Practically, it means that in the Western hemisphere, pupils as young as the primary school are being taught that nuclear weapons are the most terrible existing weapon conceivable, with screening of Hiroshima's nuclear bombing aftermath movies. And that particle weapons only pertain to the science fiction realm.

With the ultimate goal of preventing the younger generation from discovering any time in the future, and better later than sooner, that nuclear arsenals are only a paper tiger used to cover the MC satellites warfare.

For this aim, nuclear bunkers are even been built in each schools, as mandated by law. Anti nuclear fallouts exercises are being held regularly.

In another diversion from the U.S. MC warfare, the figure of Einstein as mentioned previously, is instrumentalized and elevated into a personality cult. As a result in the popular masses and the youngest generation, there could be no conceivable wiser scientific figure in history, while valuing the so called Genius's Thougth more than their own lives.

Meanwhile, public servants in the West fulfill their duties by traveling regularly on vacations to Israel, thus imprinting their offsprings in the process.

This is made easier, as all primary school pupils are being taught songs in 3 languages: in the national language, in the colonial overlord's language that is in American. And finally in Hebrew, who knows why, because there is never any translation provided for the meaning of the lyrics. Thus a typical Western democracies state-level imprinting operation.

At the opposite, orbital mechanics, cosmic ray decay, rocketry and satellites are of course never mentioned during compulsory education years, and one can even die centennial in the Europeans' world without having ever heard of Dr. Yoshio Nishina in the media, the central scientific figure that must be hidden because this would inevitably lead to the the U.S. renegade military junta most sinister deeds being uncovered!

When preparing for the future, as the U.S. renegade military rulers always plan several generations in advance, the brainwashing process starts 2 decades earlier, as filial imprinting is expected to bear fruit only once a generation of children crop reaches the adulthood.

A typical example is the U.S. TV series and movies Star Trek (1966–1969)[web.archive.org]2[archive.md] that has imprinted a whole generation from the 1960s. Indeed, those born during the Apolhoax era timeframe hold the fictional characters of Star Trek in the highest esteem, more than their own dearest relatives, no less than Great Persons.

Obviously its aim is to imprint the younger generations with the fallacy of impossible manned interstellar space travel, a pivotal scam used to fund the multi billions dollar MC DEW WMD.

But this is not all. By also depicting formidable futuristic individual orbital communications devices of the size of a wearable pin, Star Trek has thus paved the way for the mass deployment of cellphones in the 1990s, a technology first envisioned by the U.S. military putschist junta in the 1950s, to supersede the table phones limited as monitoring devices to sound recording and to rooms where they are located, pushing forward the eavesdropping to each person, 24/7/365 and everywhere, with not only audio but also high resolution video channels, and even text files.

This brainwashing operation was so successful that cellphones have only met limited and fruitless protests from the usual "defenders of freedom" in the West.

Indeed the local puppet authorities were forbidden to use informations collected by the U.S. 20'000 orbital MC satellites, whose data were the sole property of the U.S. military putschists junta, thus lagging in eavesdropping capacity.

Until then, to control and repress the world masses, the respective local collaborationist puppet states' police forces could only use table phones as audio monitoring devices without seeing anything. With the induction of 5G cellphone base stations, cellphones receivers are not even required, it is simply Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) intelligence capabilities provided to the puppet authorities. With trough-wall imagery inside buildings of individuals and scan of structures or even electric appliances' activity.

Soheil님이 먼저 게시:

Hollywood is a powerful tool for brainwashing the masses from the earliest age.

The list of recurring disinformation and dangerous deadly behaviors promoted by the U.S. movie propaganda war machine is too long to be all named here:

• Phone can't be geolocated easily
• Smartphone can't be geolocated easily
Buried (2010)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is 95 minutes of epic disinformation, claiming that a man can not be geolocalized through its cellphone calls and can die forgotten buried in the desert.

• Car race: own or inflicted death, life-long crippling injuries, or at best arrest and jail
• Ramming people with a car: the car will get destroyed due to the mass of the targeted people multiplied by the relative speed if there are many people to be squished
• Using broken glass as weapon in a fight: it will severe one's own tendons and muscles
• Jumping through a glass window or breaking it with bare hands: the real effect is self-inflicted bleeding to death
• The call of the void (in French, l'appel du vide) describes this impulse to hurl yourself into, well, a void: death or at best life-long crippling injuries
By The Irrawaddy 11 August 2021 Myanmar was shocked on Tuesday when the country’s ongoing revolution against its military regime saw another bloody sacrifice, as five people including a woman jumped from a four-story building rather than surrender to raiding soldiers, leaving at least two of the five dead. They jumped from the building as regime troops raided their apartment on 44th Street in Yangon’s Botahtaung Township. One man and the woman—who was the mother of a 6-year-old child—died on the spot after striking the concrete alley below. The other three males were injured, the regime said in a statement on Wednesday. However, given the height from which they jumped, those injured likely have a very narrow chance of survival. The announcement also said three other people—two men and a woman—were arrested with explosives, including grenades, at the apartment.

4.9. Lebensborn

As with every regimes, the problem for recruiting reliable henchmen to the service of the U.S. Dystopian Empire in the long run is always problematic.

The first generation of deluded losers from WWII that were enlisted right after 1945 to serve the U.S. military coup, have since all but decayed due to old age.

To prepare for a smooth changing of the guard, the next generations of stooges have been engineered from conception to enlistment, following the good German tradition of the Third Reich's Lebensborn[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], only to serve the U.S. military junta's masters.

4.9.1. Half-breed offsprings

People that have no clear roots can't obviously be good patriots. Thus the less resistant to treason. As a type of outcast, loyalty toward a military junta can be offered as a substitute with greater chance of success.

If one can systematize the production of such breeds, then there would be no shortage of accomplices to serve the regime in the U.S. Dystopian Empire's apparatus.

Barak Obama[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], serving as the 12th U.S. puppet President, and of Euro-African breed, is a fine example of highest ranking asset.

Obama et al. are only some of the most notorious archetypes.


Elvis and Anabelle (2007)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood propaganda movie masqueraded as a romantic drama film. Written and directed by Will Geiger, it stars Blake Lively, Max Minghella, Joe Mantegna, Mary Steenburgen, and Keith Carradine.

Teen Elvis Moreau cares for his father Charlie and runs their funeral home. Charlie has been mentally handicapped for years, so Elvis took over operating the home. However, he doesn't have his embalming license, so Charlie officially performs the services. Elvis keeps photos of the finished corpses in a scrapbook.

Nearby, Anabelle Leigh is a pageant girl, living with her mother Geneva and alcoholic stepfather Jimmy. She has bulimia and Jimmy likely sexually abuses her. Geneva put her into beauty pageants very young, hoping they could have financial independence from men.

Moments after qualifying for the nationals, Anabelle's heart stops on stage. Sent to the Moreaus' Funeral Home, Elvis begins working on her. Entranced, he kisses her and he accidentally captures it on camera. A gust of wind bursts open the window, as he shuts it, Anabelle suddenly gasps awake. Shocked, he calls the police and wakes Charlie, reminding him he was working on Anabelle.

Anabelle is returned to Geneva and Jimmy very changed. She neither has an eating disorder nor is she interested in pageants, but Geneva still pressures her to continue.

• The first subplot is of the death by cardiac arrest genre. Easy to produce through the use beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites.

Once out of the mortuary cold room, just before the mortician proceeds with embalming the 'deceased', MC hallucination and MC flashback of important past memories are uploaded into the brain of the target, then beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites restart the heartbeats and the breathing of the targeted victim.

• The second and third subplots are both of the self-inflicted death or suicide genre, stopped at the last moment by the MC satellites.

Returning home from jail, Elvis finds Charlie dead outside. With no will to live, he decides to hang himself. Just before, a gust of wind blows the house doors open, showing him Anabelle's miracle: a sunflower field. He barely saves himself 'by miracle' through the remote control of the U.S. MC satellites.

Meanwhile, Anabelle is also setting up her own suicide. Nudging a running TV towards her bath, right before she can electrocute herself, she sees Elvis tricked by the U.S. MC satellites painting 'I love you Anabelle' on his house on TV.

Anabelle abort her suicidal move and joins Elvis in the sunflower field.

• Conclusion, yet another textbook case of Beauty and the Beast[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] clumsy trick, known to be a blend of The Frog Prince[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], Snow White[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], Sleeping Beauty[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph].

Applied successfully with the goal to pair 2 targeted individuals from different ethnic backgrounds (WASP-West Asian), tasked to produce the most craved half-breed offsprings, deemed the fittest to serve the regime in the U.S. Dystopian Empire's apparatus.

▲ Elvis and Anabelle (2007) videomancy: 'Beauty and the Beast' clumsy trick, through MC simulated death.[web.archive.org]


Arctic (2018)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a 2018 Hollywood propaganda movie intended to warn potential reckless spouse of the risk incurred in case of serious failure to fulfill one's assigned duty.

It is masqueraded as a survival drama film.

Directed by Joe Penna and written by Penna and Ryan Morrison, the film is an international co-production between Iceland and the United States, and stars Mads Mikkelsen as a man stranded in the Arctic.


The story focuses on Overgård (Mads Mikkelsen), a pilot whose plane crashed somewhere close to the North Pole. Through his routine, he wants to establish a connection with civilization. He clears his SOS sign, he catches fish and and runs a distress beacon powered by a hand-crank dynamo. He spends every hour doing exactly what he planned to increase the chances of being rescued. But then his survival routine changes because of yet another plane crash. A Thai woman (Maria Thelma Smáradóttir) survived it but she got an ugly wound and is now sick. She can't leave the bed, she's barely conscious so he decides to save her by any means necessary.

On the map he locates a seasonal refuge that appears to be a few days' trek away. When the woman's condition does not improve, he decides he must risk the journey to the refuge to seek rescue, by a direct route. He secures the woman to the sledge and drags her behind him. He runs into a steep slope not indicated on the map, climbs it alone and sees a relatively smooth path in front of him, but fails three times in trying to hoist the woman up using ropes. He therefore decides he must take the longer route, around the icy outcrops, aware that this roundabout trek will add at least three days to his sledge-hauling trek. The flat path is exposed to strong headwinds.

When they take refuge one night in a cave, a polar bear is attracted to the scent of cooking fish. He drives the bear off with a distress flare. The next day the woman's condition worsens. Assuming her to be dead or near death, he abandons her to continue his journey alone but leaves her with the photo of her family. Shortly afterwards he falls in a crevasse and is knocked unconscious. He awakens to find himself at the bottom of a cavern with one of his legs trapped under a boulder. He injures it in repeated efforts to tug it free, and finally manages to crawl out of the cavern and back to the surface. Returning to the woman's sled, he finds that she is still alive, weeps in apology, and, despite his injured leg, sets his mind to taking her with him again.

Nearly at the end of his strength, he sees a helicopter in the distance. He lights his remaining flare but does not seem to attract the attention of the two men from the landed helicopter crew. Desperate, he sets on fire his parka, the only thing between him and freezing if the crew miss his signal, and then waves it wildly, but apparently to no avail. The helicopter takes off and disappears behind a mountain. Exhausted, he lies down next to the woman, takes her hand and prepares to meet his fate. He closes his eyes as the helicopter lands behind them.


The Thai woman symbolizes all East Asian and South East Asia 'wives' assigned to the ethnic European male candidates by the U.S. Dystopian Empire's matchmaker.

This can be seen in the various flags displayed on the insignia of the woman survivor and on the helicoptere's wreckage: Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea, Japan and China.

While the film was shot in Iceland, as a substitute for Arctic, the horrendous cold represents the ordeal as silently endured by all Asian wives of mixed couple forced to live under the bitter European and North American winter weather.

It is only after Overgård decides to abandon her to die alone that he is immediately and harshly punished, with a violent fall into a hidden crevasse causing a deep open wound on his leg.

In shock, and frightened by the stern warning, he is resigned to backtrack and save the high value asset assigned to him by the U.S. Dystopian Empire at any cost, even if this means he will have to drag the sledge for the rest of the journey while crawling and bleeding with only one fully functional leg left.

He returns to the sledge and the woman whose condition seems to have miraculously improved, while begging in tears for forgiveness.

He betrays the U.S. Dystopian Empire's omnipresence by pulling out the semi-conscious woman from the sledge's sleeping bag and holding her against his chest in a vertical position to make her more visible to the rescue helicopter, while yelling 'she's right here!'.

▲ Arctic (2018) videomancy: harsh punishment for daring to abandon a high value asset 'wife' of the U.S. Dystopian Empire to die alone.[web.archive.org]

4.9.2. Multiple birth

Selected families should be able to produce more than one future servant by pregnancy.

It only takes a few beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites in cutter mode to split a just fertilized egg (zygote) in the womb into two or more embryos (fetuses), each carrying the same genetic material (genes).

Beams of V-particle from the U.S. MC satellites in restart mode then deliver an electric pulse to force each one to restart its natural embryogenesis processes of cell division.

Such multiple birth, culmination of one multiple pregnancy have allowed to increase the production rate of the U.S. Dystopian Empire's Lebensborns.


Goodnight Mommy (2017)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a 2014 Austrian chilling propaganda movie intended to warn potential reckless mothers of twins.

It is masqueraded as a psychological horror film.

Written and directed by Veronika Franz and Severin Fiala, the film stars Susanne Wuest and twin actors Elias and Lukas Schwarz.


The film follows the complex relationship between twin boys and their newly-returned-from-the-hospital mother in a large isolated house.


Elias, a child who recently lost his twin brother Lukas in a swimming accident [in the 2022 remake, Elias kills his twin brother in an accidental shooting while playing], starts the prosecution of his unfit mother by asking 'where is my mother ?'.

The reckless mother who failed in her assigned mission to provide 2 siblings in healthy condition at the age of adulthood to the U.S. military junta's recruiters, therefore causing the loss of a high value asset of the U.S. Dystopian Empire is therefore cruelly tormented (tied to the torture bed, slapped, waterboarded, disfigured with burns from a magnifying glass, mouth and eyes glued, mouth sliced with a pair of scissors, deprived from food and water, denied access to toilet, humiliated and forced to wet her pants and bed) during the 'trial', that is most of the 90 minutes of the movie, before the death sentence being carried out.

An execution by immolation, a typical punishment for and warning against crimes such as treason[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph].

Additional clues in the remake

Goodnight Mommy (2022)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a 2022 Hollywood chilling propaganda movie intended to warn potential reckless mothers of twins.

It is masqueraded as a psychological thriller film.

Directed by Matt Sobel and written by Kyle Warren, serving as a remake of the 2014 Austrian film of the same name. The film stars Naomi Watts, with Cameron and Nicholas Crovetti.

It discusses how twinning occurs as seen by a child.

Goodnight Mommy (2022) 433-440 00:45:27,392 --> 00:45:58,465 Before we were born, when we were still so small that no one even noticed we were there, you and me were one person. Like how everybody is. And most people stay that way. But we were smart. We decided we would split into two. That way, we would never have to be alone again. _______ 854-856 01:22:32,990 --> 01:22:41,082 You and me are the same. And that's what makes us lucky. I can never hurt you, and you can never hurt me.

▲ Goodnight Mommy (2022) videomancy: Before we were born, We decided we would split into two.[web.archive.org]

And of course Elon Musk who was hyped not only as the GOAT (Greatest of All Time), but also the richest man in the U.S. and the World (until 2022), is no exception.

Out of his 10 children conceived with various partners, he ultimately had 2 twins and 1 triplets — 7 children in total.

With such biblical fertility, GAI (Great African Inseminator) Elon Musk et al.'s contributions are only some of the most notorious archetypes. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

4.9.3. Gender engineering

People that can't fit in a larger social group because lacking of a clear identity can't obviously be good patriots. Thus the less resistant to treason. As a type of outcast, loyalty toward a military junta can be offered as a substitute with greater chance of success.

Gender confusion is especially efficient in creating doubt about one's identity.

This will be done from the earliest age until the fruit becomes fully ripe in adulthood, with a 24/7/365 brainwashing through Unacceptable Sexually Intrusive Thoughts[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], remotely and viciously uploaded by the U.S. 20'000 orbital mind-control satellites.

Movie 43 (2013)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]'s Beezel segment has illustrated this process in a videomancy document. A film that took almost a decade to get into production as most studios rejected the script. A film that was also panned by critics, with some considering it to be one of the worst films ever made.

Selected VIP families should be able to deliver at least one future servant with an engineered gender identity to the Dystopian Empire.

Charlize Theron, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Angelina Jolie et al. are only some of the most notorious archetypes. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

And of course Elon Musk who was hyped not only as the GOAT (Greatest of All Time), but also the richest man in the U.S. and the World (until 2022), is no exception.

'Xavier Alexander Musk', son of Elon Musk and more recently known under the gender-engineered nom de guerre of 'Vivian Jenna Wilson', was the chosen one among Elon Musk's ten children to be sacrificed to the Dystopian Empire. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]


Videoludomancy is the science of finding clues pertaining to the Matrix through the study of video games.

Black & White[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a god video game developed by Lionhead Studios and published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows in 2001 and by Feral Interactive in 2002 for Mac OS. Black & White combines elements of artificial life and strategy. The player acts as a god whose goal is to defeat Nemesis, another god who wants to take over the world. A primary theme is the concept of good and evil, with the atmosphere being affected by the player's moral choices. The core gameplay mechanic of Black & White is the interaction between the player and an avatar creature, who carries out the players instructions and whose personality and behaviour change in reaction to how they are treated.

The Sacrifice

This challenge involves a priest couple and their firstborn son. The priest explains that the altar of the worship site can be used to sacrifice living things for prayer power, and offers his son as a sacrifice.

The Good Way

Sacrifice trees and animals until you've reached enough prayer power for the challenge.

Reward: Increased heal miracle.

The Evil Way

There are many possible evil ways to finish the challenge. Sacrifice a different child/person, sacrifice the child, sacrifice the whole family.

Reward: Nothing except the prayer power from whatever that was killed.


4.9.4. Adoptions

People that have no clear roots can't obviously be good patriots. Thus the less resistant to treason. As a type of outcast, loyalty toward a military junta can be offered as a substitute with greater chance of success.

Instead of tasking elite collaborationist couples to produce half-breed offsprings, the fastest and even more efficient way is the forced Americanization of kidnapped children, as a direct continuation of the Third Reich's forced Germanization[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] policy.

This is even the only solution when the 2 spouses are of the same ethnic group. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Indeed, when genetic settings are totally upset by the inappropriate cultural environment of the foster family, contradictions will ultimately produce genuine 'zombies' even before the adulthood.

Among the most frequent traps are skin pigmentation and inadequate solar exposure rate with vitamin D deficiency, dietary mismatch (dairy[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], gluten, meat, etc).

Of course Vitamin D deficiency is associated with the development of schizophrenia[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], a most welcomed mental state that naturally benefit the U.S. puppet masters.

Also illogical feelings and contradictory perceptions (Monosodium glutamate[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], jackfruit[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], durian[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], piment[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], etc) are some additional traps.

Indochinese adoptee operating under the nom de guerre Philipp Rosler[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], Korean adoptee Kwon Oh Bok, operating under the nom de guerre Jean-Vincent Placé[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], and Indochinese adoptee Duong Anh Dao, operating under the nom de guerre Anh Dao Traxel[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], et al. are only some of the most notorious archetypes.

4.9.5. Name engineering

People whose names have no clear national roots nor meanings can't obviously be good patriots. Thus the less resistant to treason. As a type of outcast, loyalty toward a military junta can be offered as a substitute with greater chance of success.

Name confusion is especially efficient in creating doubt about one's identity.

Selected VIP families should be able to deliver at least some future servants with an engineered name to the Dystopian Empire.

And of course Elon Musk who was hyped not only as the GOAT (Greatest of All Time), but also the richest man in the U.S. and the World (until 2022), is no exception.

Out of his 10 children conceived with various partners, Elon Musk and the Canadian singer and producer Grimes confirmed having a baby, who was born on 4th May 2020 and named 'X Æ A-Xii', which is partially a reference to a CIA plane nicknamed 'Archangel'. 

A second child conceived through a surrogate named 'Exa Dark Sideræl Musk' (but they call her simply 'Y') was revealed in 2022. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] Nomenmancy of main puppet leaders


Nomenmancy is the science of finding clues pertaining to the Matrix through the study of VIPs' names.


Puppet strawmen leaders placed at the top of the various puppet states are therefore not only chosen (and after 1945, breeded and cultivated) for their incompetence and lack of patriotism, but foremost, as they are meant to be seen by all the masses both domestically and internationally, for their physical appearance.

The phenotype is the paramount factor. And above all, their family names.

But this last factor is only intended for the higher educated elite, with background in international affairs.

Persian Language And The Language Of Diplomacy

The gradual entry of a large number of loan words into Persian from European languages and most notably from French began in the 19th century and continued through the 20th century as part of the process of modernization of culture and society in Persia. Several political and educational factors played a significant part in the selection and provenance of these borrowings. Although France did not have the perennial political and military influence of Russia or Britain on Persia, it served, particularly in the 19th and early part of the 20th century, as the most important model of modern secular culture for Persia as well as many other countries of the region. French was not only the language of the corps diplomatique and haute couture but was also used as a second language in European royal courts and aristocratic circles particularly when refinements of cuisine, manners, and etiquette were discussed. This process continued into the 20th century with the educational system at all levels modeled on the French system, in organization as well as curricula, and with the textbooks, particularly in the sciences, based on translations from French.

By the 17th century, French was known as the language of diplomacy and international relations throughout the Europeans' world.

Therefore most educated contemporary Iranians well-versed in 'The Art of Nomenmancy' will know exactly what to expect when dealing with foreign leaders and VIPs, as the French meanings of their names give invariably a pretty accurate hint!

'Modern World' movie serial (1945-2045): Main Cast

• Ho Chi Minh was an Indochinese revolutionary and statesman. He served as the first Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam from 1945 to 1955 and as the first President from 1945 until his death in 1969:
Trait: Die-hard Reformer The Die-Hard Reformer wants to promote his political values and preferred system of government to other countries. He is willing to intervene politically and military to achieve his goals.
An immortal feat against absolutely impossible odds and the cornerstone of the New World Order as set by the U.S. Dystopian Empire.
Minmie The Great (French: haut[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: tall)

• Kim Il Sung was a Korean communist revolutionary and the founder of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, which he ruled from the country's establishment in 1948 until his death in 1994:
Trait: Resigned Generalissimo The Resigned Generalissimo came to power to save his country from the ruin of anarchy and popular sentiment. He is tired of political bickering and tries to run the country as he used to command his regiment. Still, he is a competent and decisive man.
Following Stalin's death in 1953, his successor Nikita Khrushchev launched a full de-stalinization policy on 25th February 1956.
Although Kim Il Sung joined Mao in the anti-revisionist camp, he did not become a Maoist himself.
Instead, in face of this relative power vacuum in Moscow, North Korea was the first among the Soviet satellite states to break free ideologically.
Kim Il Sung's Juche philosophy in fact goes beyond the mere idea of self-dependence and like Kim Il Sung defined it is the 'independence in politics, self-reliance in the economy, self-defence in the military'. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]
Kim The Unmuted (French: Qui mis le son 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: who puts the sound on)

• Kim Ju Ae, born c. 2012–2013 is the daughter of North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un and his wife Ri Sol Ju.
Trait: Dismal Enigma Intelligence +30%
Kim The Strategist (French: Qui me jouait 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: who plays with me -> chose her strategy)

• Mao Tse Tung also known as Chairman Mao, was a Chinese communist revolutionary who was the founder of the People's Republic of China (PRC), which he led as the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party from the establishment of the PRC in 1949 until his death in 1976:
Trait: Iron-fisted Brute The Iron-Fisted Brute is a simple man who has risen through the ranks of the military or the party. He views the world in black and white: those who eat and those who are eaten. Often brutish and sometimes a sociopath, the Iron-Fisted Brute makes policies without remorse.
Chairman Mao knew too well that the alleged 'reformist' economic policies of Deng and Liu would lead to a plain and simple restoration of capitalism and end the Chinese Revolution. For this and other reasons, Chairman Mao launched the Cultural Revolution in 1966, during which Deng fell out of favor and was forced to retire from all his positions.
'Capitalism with Chinese characteristics' (中国特色资本主义) is only an euphemism for unconditional capitulation and neocolonization by the U.S and NATO. Also known as perestroika and Doi Moi elsewhere in their various local flavours.
Note: by convention family name comes first followed by the given name, but this is too hard to remember for the average European brain...
Mao The Omniscient (French: sait tout[web.archive.org]2[fr.wiktionary.org]; Meaning: all-knowing)

• Chiang Kai Shek also known as Chiang Chung Cheng and Jiang Jieshi, was a Chinese Nationalist politician, revolutionary, and military leader who served as the first puppet leader of the Republic of China (ROC) from 1928 to his death in 1975 – until 1949 in mainland China and from then on in Formosa Island:
Trait: Iron-fisted Brute The Iron-Fisted Brute is a simple man who has risen through the ranks of the military or the party. He views the world in black and white: those who eat and those who are eaten. Often brutish and sometimes a sociopath, the Iron-Fisted Brute makes policies without remorse.

Supreme Commander Huo Qu Bing

Huo Qu Bing[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] (140 BC – 117 BC) was a Chinese military general and politician of the Western Han dynasty during the reign of Emperor Wu of Han.

Along with Wei Qing, he led a campaign into the Gobi Desert of what is now Outer Mongolia to defeat the Xiongnu nomadic confederation, winning decisive victories such as the Battle of Mobei[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] in 119 BC.

The Battle of Mobei (漠北之战) was a military campaign fought mainly in modern Outer Mongolia. It was part of a major strategic offensive launched by the Han dynasty in January, 119 BC, into the heartland of the nomadic Xiongnu. The campaign was a success for the Han, whose forces led by Wei Qing and Huo Qu Bing reached as far north as the North Sea (北海, 翰海)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], with 390'000 men facing 440'000 Xiongnu barbarians.

Eventually, forced to immigrate westward, the fleeing Northern branches of barbarian Xiongnu became the ancestors of the Huns, which would cause the ultimate destruction and fall of the Western Roman Empire in the following centuries.

▲ Chiang Kai Shek and his wife Soong Mei Ling, in front of General Huo Qu Bing’ Tomb, Shaanxi, 1934. [web.archive.org]

Chiang Kai Shek and his wife Soong Mei Ling, made a pilgrimage to General Huo Qu Bing’ Tomb in Shaanxi, 1934.

But unlike the Western Han dynasty's great military strategist who repelled the northern barbarians Xiongnu to the west, which in turn ultimately put an end to the Roman Empire, the puny Chiang Kai Shek would within 15 years lose the control of all Chinese territories to the Northmen barbarian invaders, and be forced to save his own life by fleeing southward to the Formosa island in 1949.

▲ A red-skinned Stalin forces a bed-ridden and bloodied Chiang to look upon his troops, forced at gunpoint to fight as officers take money from their men. 1937-8[web.archive.org]

Instead of reclaiming the control of Outer Manchuria, Outer Mongolia and Tannu Tuva, the whole of China including Shaanxi's Yan'An, Tibet and Sinkiang, puppeting a Neo-Mongolic Empire in ROC-occupied Soviet Union by 1945, Chiang Kai Shek would instead pick a fight with Japan in a proxy war aimed to alleviate the pressure put on the U.S.S.R. by the Axis, leading him to lose everything but the Formosa Island at the end of 1949. Without any doubts among the top military losers of all times.
Note: by convention family name comes first followed by the given name, but this is too hard to remember for the average European brain...
Chiang The Loser (French: qu'echecs[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: only failures)

• Chou En Lai also known as Zhou En Lai was a Chinese statesman and military officer who served as first puppet Premier of the Government Administrative Council of the People's Republic of China (replaced by the State Council from September 1954), from 1st October 1949 until his death on 8th January 1976:
Trait: Great Compromiser The Great Compromiser is an easy-going and amiable fellow liked by most. Often he is a sage-like old man and a professional diplomat with many years of service, tactful and experienced. He has the ability to forge lasting friendships and to bind the wills of many into one, striving towards the same goal.
After the kidnapping of Chiang Kai Shek, Chou En Lai negotiated with the imprisoned Generalissimo as the plenipotentiary representative of the CPC Central Committee in the Xi'an Incident in 1936, and forced Chiang into accepting the CPC's proposal of fighting under the Chinese Second United Front comprising significant Soviet arms shipments and the full involvement of Soviet military personnel against the Empire of Japan, thus removing the most feared threat for the Soviet Union of facing in the coming world conflict a war on two fronts from both the West and the East.

This Comintern's mischief would cost the Chinese people after 8 years of what would become history's most bloody war, over 35 millions victims or the first death toll among all nations of the Second World War 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], but with the aftermath of biowarfare over the years up to 100 million people affected claiming 10 millions more lives according to some sources 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], in addition to the loss of Tannu Tuva and Outer Mongolia unlawfully grabbed by the Soviet Union.
Worse, by 1945 the total industrial production in China's Northeast industrial power base of Inner Manchuria (Japanese Manchukuo) had surpassed that of mainland Japan, and the Northeast had truly become a base for Japan to wage war on China and Southeast Asia. Instead of recovering the control over Inner Manchuria, the Republic of China would see all the industrial equipments and machineries being plundered by the Soviet forces. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]
If these were not enough, adding insult to injuries, Soviet troops that occupied Manchuria in 1945 also looted and terrorized the local Chinese people and were not discouraged by Soviet authorities from 'three days of rape and pillage'. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

This turning point in the word's history not only sealed the defeat of both the Republic of China and Empire of Japan, but of all the ~70 nations of the world by 1946 and paving the way for the rise of the U.S. military putschist junta's New World Order.
Zhou The Failure (French: Chou en lait 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: cabbage in milk -> white cabbage -> failed)

• Deng Xiaoping was a Chinese revolutionary leader, military commander and statesman who served as the paramount puppet leader of the People's Republic of China (PRC) from December 1978 to November 1989:
Trait: The Apologetic Clerk The Apologetic Clerk is often a brilliant man, but either lacks inner strength or is so filled with doubt over the political system of his own country that he can seldom stay consistent. An Apologetic Clerk might also be a man who truly believes in the righteousness of his political system, but unfortunately also believes that the other side will win the war.
Chairman Mao knew too well that the alleged 'reformist' economic policies of Deng and Liu would lead to a plain and simple restoration of capitalism and end the Chinese Revolution. For this and other reasons, Chairman Mao launched the Cultural Revolution in 1966, during which Deng fell out of favor and was forced to retire from all his positions.
'Capitalism with Chinese characteristics' (中国特色资本主义) is only an euphemism for unconditional capitulation and neocolonization by the U.S and NATO. Also known as perestroika and Doi Moi elsewhere in their various local flavours.

▲ 'Capitalism with Chinese characteristics' (中国特色资本主义) is only an euphemism for unconditional capitulation and neocolonization by the U.S and NATO. [web.archive.org]

Pingping The Foolish (French: dingue[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: uncanny)

• Xi Jinping is a Chinese politician and puppet President of the People's Republic of China since 2013:
Trait: Political Protege The Political Protégé is a political crony, a confidant of the Head of State. He is neither very liked nor very competent. He was chosen because he was loyal and had a large net of contacts.
By playing by the book as defined in the authoritative 2016 pandemic simulator called Plague Inc: Evolved[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], and closing the border indefinitely from the first report of COVID-19 cases by December 2019, until the end of the world pandemic, that is no earlier than 2027, millions of lives could have been saved.
Jinjin ςhit On Your Face (1. French: chie[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: defecate; Meaning 2:[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] despise)

• Mahathir bin Mohamad is a Malaysian politician, who served as the 4th and 7th puppet Prime Minister of Malaysia. He held office from July 1981 to October 2003 and later from May 2018 to March 2020 for a cumulative total of 24 years, making him the country's longest-serving prime minister:
Trait: Great Compromiser The Great Compromiser is an easy-going and amiable fellow liked by most. Often he is a sage-like old man and a professional diplomat with many years of service, tactful and experienced. He has the ability to forge lasting friendships and to bind the wills of many into one, striving towards the same goal.
Has little power due to the international world order. But due to his popularity, any firm statement of his will have to be taken into consideration by those who have power in the world.
Momo The Tractor Beam (French: m'attire[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: attracts me)

• Rodrigo Roa Duterte also known as Digong, Rody, is a Filipino lawyer and politician who served as the 13th puppet President of the Republic of the Philippines from 2016 to 2022:
Trait: Power-Hungry Demagogue The Power-Hungry Demagogue is an angry vengeful man full of hatred. However he possesses a demonic charisma that enchants the frustrated masses. He has but one real purpose and that is to control and shape the world into one of his liking.
Presidential candidate Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, who was onstage during a campaign rally, narrated a rape incident about an Australian missionary: 'Son of a b****, what a waste. I was thinking that they raped her and lined up. I was angry because she was raped, that’s one thing. But she was so beautiful, the mayor should have been first, what a waste.' 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Duterte said he had been “portrayed or pictured to be a cousin of Hitler,” without elaborating. Moments later he said, “Hitler massacred 3 million Jews … there’s 3 million drug addicts. There are. I’d be happy to slaughter them.”
He was referring to a government estimate of the number of drug addicts in the Philippines. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]
Rody The Alpha Male (French: roi du tertre 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: king of the hill)

• Shinzo Abe is a Japanese politician who has been the 28th puppet Prime Minister of Japan from 2012 to 2020:
Trait: Stern Imperialist The Stern Imperialist is a staunch nationalist. He is neither charming nor an administrative genius. However he has one big asset, namely his fanatical determination to improve his nation's status. He will use any means to achieve that goal, be it political or military.
Preaching a doomed WWII-era far-right heinous nationalism, this unrepentant apostle for renewed warmongering policies has only hastened his own most tragic miserable demise.

▲ The way to sainthood (Unification Church): martyred while preaching to the lost sheep. 8th July 2022.[web.archive.org]

Shinshin The Apostle (French: abbé[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: abbot)

• Yoshihide Suga is a Japanese politician who has been the 35th puppet Prime Minister of Japan since September 2020:
Trait: Insignificant Layman The Insignificant Layman lacks any kind of ambition or political interest. The only reason people do not move against him is that he is fairly harmless and there is no better replacement.
Yoshie The Raid (French: souga[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: raid)

• Narendra Damodardas Modi is an Indian politician serving as the 18th and current puppet Prime Ministers of India since 2014:
Trait: Ideological Crusader The Ideological Crusader views himself as a devoted proponent of his political system, but to others he is an extremist. When it comes to ideology it is impossible to argue with him since he has already found his salvation.
The abysmal humanitarian sanitary COVID-19 failure was expected.
Nana The Cursed (French: maudit[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: cursed)

• Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi is a Pakistani politician who served as the 22nd puppet Prime Minister of Pakistan from August 2018 to until April 2022, when he was ousted through a no-confidence in the National Assembly:
Trait: Flamboyant Tough Guy The Flamboyant Tough Guy is a natural leader and a real fighter. He will try to avoid conflict but, if forced to, he will fight to the bitter end. His showmanship generates many creative ideas which he will defend with the stubbornness of a mule, whether they are good or bad.
▲ Long March to Islamabad ending with crutches. 12 November 2022[web.archive.org]

Immie The Crutch (French: canne[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: walking stick)

• Mohammad Reza Pahlavi also known as Mohammad Reza Shah, was the first and last puppet Shah (King) of the Imperial State of Iran from 16 September 1941 until his overthrow in the Iranian Revolution on 11 February 1979:
Trait: Stern Imperialist The Stern Imperialist is a staunch nationalist. He is neither charming nor an administrative genius. However he has one big asset, namely his fanatical determination to improve his nation's status. He will use any means to achieve that goal, be it political or military.
We now know that by 1973 the Shah knew that the time was short. He apparently learned of his lympathic cancer that year — and it might have made him govern in a way that hastened the country's crisis. The Shah upped his government's modernization efforts to a breakneck pace after 1973, and that the Shah's "grandiosity expanded exponentially" after that year. His illness might have made the Shah more willing to abdicate the throne, which he did in early 1979. After acute surgery of his spleen in June 1980, the Shah’s condition worsened and he eventually passed away on July 27 in exile. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]
Momo The Dead-end (French: Pas la vie[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: Not the life)

• Ruhollah Khomeini was an Iranian political and religious leader who served as the first puppet supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran from 1979 until his death in 1989:
Trait: Ideological Crusader The Ideological Crusader views himself as a devoted proponent of his political system, but to others he is an extremist. When it comes to ideology it is impossible to argue with him since he has already found his salvation.
Ruhie The Battle Cry (French: comme hennit[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: like neighed)

• Hassan Rouhani is an Iranian politician who served as the seventh puppet President of the Islamic Republic of Iran from 2013 to 2021:
Trait: Naive Optimist The Naive Optimist is a competent administrator and politician. However, he often succumbs to wishful thinking and fails to grasp the traps which have been laid for him.
Rouhani's pet project, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal, is an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program reached in Vienna on 14th July 2015, between Iran and the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States—plus Germany) together with the European Union.
It was meant to lift the economic sanctions imposed on Iran in exchange of a freezing of all ballistic and nuclear WMD development.
After the Trump administration twice certified Iran's compliance in 2017, in May 2018 the U.S. withdrew unilaterally from JCPOA as Trump accused the Obama administration of having conceded too much concessions to Iran.
As a consequence Iran has moved closer than ever to developing both MIRV nuclear warheads, liquid propellant FOBS ICBM (Hwasongpho-17) and solid propellant ICBM/SLBM (Qaem/Pukguksong-6) since the American withdrawal.
Hassie The Let Alone (French: [Supplice de la] roue a ni 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: [execution] wheel of neither)

• Saddam Hussein Abdel Majid Al-Tikriti was an Iraqi politician who served as the fifth puppet President of the Iraqi Republic from 16 July 1979 until 9 April 2003:
Trait: Iron-fisted Brute The Iron-Fisted Brute is a simple man who has risen through the ranks of the military or the party. He views the world in black and white: those who eat and those who are eaten. Often brutish and sometimes a sociopath, the Iron-Fisted Brute makes policies without remorse.
Following the Iranian Islamic Revolution of 1979, Iraq invaded the Islamic Republic of Iran in September 1980 groomed with the full backing of the Europes, including financing, export of weapons and transfer of technologies for chemical, nuclear and ballistic WMDs, with the common goal to counter the exporting of the new Iranian ideology to the whole region.
Throughout the conflict, the Reagan administration would regularly supply Iran with advanced weapons[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] so that to make sure no side could end the war through a decisive victory, thus ensuring the total devastation to continue forever.
In 1988, the eight years of Imposed War ended in military stalemate, resulting in economic devastation, decreased morale, loss of manpower and infrastructure. This mistake would cost Iraq dearly, as the aid of the Europes in the building of its war machine was only done on condition it would be used to destroy Iran. With the cessation of hostilities, these weapons would be deemed too dangerous to remain in the possession of Iraq, hyped as the 4th world's military power, and warrant the military destruction of this nation.
Following the green light[foreignpolicy.com]2[archive.ph] sent by the Bush administration, a deadly trap where Iraq would fall into, Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990, in a bid to improve its economic situation.
With this convenient casus belli, the U.S. lead and international coalized forces and launched its War on Iraq immediately after to make sure no trace of its chemical and biological weapons and near-completion ICBM program destined to target Iran, could remain intact.
The ensuing crushing military defeat of Iraq left the nation in ruin, with severe radiological and chemical poisoning of its lands.
By 2003, the U.S. would wage another War on Iraq on bogus WMD ground with the declared intent to reset that nation's level to the pre-industrial era once and for all.
Saddam Hussein would be captured by the invaders in December 2003. Following a show trial from 2005-2006 he would be executed on 30 December 2006.
Note: by convention given name comes first followed by the patronymic name, the family name, and the region-based surname, but this is too hard to remember for the average European brain... but oh wait, it shouldn't be confused as Arabic share the same naming conventions as the Europeans. That can only be explained by malignant bad faith or even worse. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]
The Damned Abdel Majid (French: ça damne[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: it damns)

• Gamal Abdel Nasser was an Egyptian politician who served as the second puppet President of the Republic of Egypt and United Arab Republic from 1954 until his death in 1970:
Trait: Stern Imperialist The Stern Imperialist is a staunch nationalist. He is neither charming nor an administrative genius. However he has one big asset, namely his fanatical determination to improve his nation's status. He will use any means to achieve that goal, be it political or military.
The Tripartite Aggression was an invasion of Egypt in late 1956 by Israel, followed by the United Kingdom and France. The aims were to regain control of the Suez Canal for the Western powers and to remove Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser, who had just swiftly nationalised the foreign-owned Suez Canal Company, which administered the canal.
After the fighting had started, political pressure from the United States, the Soviet Union and the United Nations led to a withdrawal by the three invaders. The episode humiliated the United Kingdom and France and strengthened Nasser. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]
Gammie The Blockade (French: n'asserre 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: doesn't block)

• Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev was the 3rd puppet leader of the U.S.S.R. (as puppet First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964 and puppet chairman of the country's Council of Ministers from 1958 to 1964). During his infamous rule, Khrushchev embarked on a policy of de-Stalinization and lead a revisionist restoration of capitalist movement, both befriending with the NATO enemy and dividing the Socialist camp with the notorious Sino-Soviet Split:
Trait: Die-Hard Reformer The Die-Hard Reformer wants to promote his political values and preferred system of government to other countries. He is willing to intervene politically and military to achieve his goals.
By early 1956, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev had declared that his country was making “missiles like sausages” and that he would soon have a hydrogen bomb capable of striking “any point in the world.”
U-2 flights revealed that the Soviets were more concerned with building tractors than tanks. Russia’s ability to produce high-end bombers was unimpressive at best. Its missiles, while numerous, were better suited for intermediate attacks against Europe than a long-range attack on the United States, with most being unready to fire at all.
Thanks to the U-2, Eisenhower had the information he needed to avert a massive arms build-up — and a potential war. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]
Especially after Sputnik, many in the West believed that the Soviets might already have an arsenal of ICBMs, creating a dangerous "missile gap" between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.
Corona satellite photographs proved that the "gap" actually favored the United States, which had deployed more ICBMs than the Soviet Union by the early 1960s. For America's leaders, this knowledge substantially eased fears of a Soviet surprise attack. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]
Niki The Hitler (French: croute de chef 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: bad painting of the cook/leader)

• Leonid Brezhnev was a Soviet politician who served as the 4th puppet leader of the U.S.S.R. (as puppet General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union between 1966 and 1982 and 4th puppet Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet between 1960 and 1964 and again between 1977 and 1982):
Trait: Political Protege The Political Protégé is a political crony, a confidant of the Head of State. He is neither very liked nor very competent. He was chosen because he was loyal and had a large net of contacts.
The Detente

September 18, 2007.

In the early 1970s the Nixon’s government advanced the idea of détente. Henry Kissinger hoped that 'over time, trade and investment may leaven the autarkic tendencies of the Soviet system', he considered that détente might 'invite gradual association of the Soviet economy with the world economy, and foster a degree of interdependence that adds an element of stability to the political relations'.

Reagan tended to ignore Kissinger’s theories about détente and to take President Brezhnev’s word, but all doubts were removed on July 19, 1981 when the new U.S. President met with President Francois Mitterand, of France, at the economic G-7 summit in Ottawa. In a conversation off to the side, Mitterand informed Reagan about the success his intelligence services had in recruiting a KGB agent. The man belonged to a section that was evaluating the achievements of Soviet efforts to acquire western technology. Reagan expressed great interest in Mitterand’s delicate revelations and also thanked him for his offer to have the material sent to the United States government.

The dossier, under the name of Farewell, reached the CIA in August 1981. It made it quite clear that the Soviets had been spending years carrying out their research and development activities. Given the enormous transfer of technology by radar, computers, machine-tools and semi-conductors from the United States to the Soviet Union, one could say that the Pentagon was in an arms race with itself.

Besides identifying agents, the most useful information brought by the Dossier consisted of the "shopping list" and its aims in terms of acquisition of technology in the coming years. When the Farewell Dossier reached Washington, Reagan asked Bill Casey, the CIA Director, to come up with a secret operative use for the material.

The production and transportation of oil and gas was one of the Soviet priorities. A new trans-Siberian gas pipeline was to carry natural gas from the gas fields of Urengoi in Siberia, through Kazakhstan, Russia and Eastern Europe towards the western dollar markets. In order to automate the operation of valves, compressors and storage installations of such an immense enterprise, the Soviets needed sophisticated control systems. They bought some of the first computers on the open market, but when the authorities of the gas pipeline took off for the United States to buy the necessary software, they were turned down. Undaunted, the Soviets searched elsewhere; a KGB operative was sent to penetrate a Canadian software supplier in an attempt to acquire the necessary codes. The United States intelligence, warned by the agent in the Farewell Dossier, answered and manipulated the software before sending it.

Once, in the Soviet Union, computers and software worked in unison and they made the gas pipeline work splendidly. But this tranquility was misleading. Inside the software that was operating the gas pipeline, there was a Trojan horse, a term used to describe software lines hidden in the normal operative system which make that system lose control in the future, or whenever it would receive an order from abroad.

"The result was the most monumental non-nuclear explosion and fire ever seen from space. At the White House, we received warning from our infrared satellites of some bizarre event out in the middle of Soviet nowhere. NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) feared a missile liftoff from a place where no rockets were known to be based. Or perhaps it was the detonation of a small nuclear device…They (the satellites) had detected no electromagnetic pulse, characteristic of nuclear detonations. Before these conflicting indicators could turn into an international crisis, Gus Weiss came down the hall to tell his fellow NSC staffers not to worry", affirmed Thomas C. Reed in his book.

The campaign of countermeasures based on Farewell Dossier was an economic war. Even though there were no casualties in terms of lives lost because of the gas pipeline explosion, significant damage was made to the Soviet economy.

As a grand finale, between 1984 and 1985, the United States and its NATO allies put an end to this operation which ended with efficacy the capacity of the USSR to capture technology at a time when Moscow was caught between a defective economy, on one side, and a US President determined to prevail and end the cold war on the other.

Leo The Fire In The Hole (French: Les honnis des braises de nef 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: [The despised of] the nave's embers -> embers in the central part of a church or building -> imminent explosion)

• Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev was a Soviet and Russian politician who served as the seventh and final puppet leader of the Soviet Union from 1985 to the country's dissolution in 1991:
Trait: Apologetic Clerk The Apologetic Clerk is often a brilliant man, but either lacks inner strength or is so filled with doubt over the political system of his own country that he can seldom stay consistent. An Apologetic Clerk might also be a man who truly believes in the righteousness of his political system, but unfortunately also believes that the other side will win the war.
As a reboot of Nikita Khrushchev's old revisionist attempt at restoring capitalism, then nipped in the bud just in time before it would be too late, and inspired by the Chinese economic miracle, process initiated in the 1980s -a phenomenal prowess that would allow China to leapfrog and supersede the Soviet Union as the new world's 2nd superpower 2 decades later, Gorbatchev went to concoct his own version of 'Capitalism with Chinese characteristics' (中国特色资本主义) also known as Doi Moi in the South.

The 1985 bogus 'Perestroika' would soon lead to the total collapse of the entire Eastern Bloc resulting in the 1991 Cold War defeat of the U.S.S.R. and its subsequent dismemberment into 15 new warring puppet states.

From the status of world's global superpower gained in 1945 under Stalin, the Russian Federation, later called the Sick Man of Europe by historians, would be demoted to a lesser regional power under Gorbachev. Among the worst leaders and greatest losers in the entire recorded history.
Mikey The Charlatan (French: goure bat chef 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: tampered drug beats the leader -> wrong medication defeats the leader)

• Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is a Russian statesman and former intelligence officer serving as the 4th puppet President of Russia since 2012:
Trait: The Cloak-and-Dagger Schemer The Cloak-and-Dagger Schemer is a secretive person. He prefers unorthodox plans and constantly seeks weaknesses to exploit among his slower victims. Often the Cloak-and-Dagger Schemer has a background in the Secret Service and that experience makes him sly and uninformative. Basically the Cloak-and-Dagger Schemer is not a great diplomat but he is so unpredictable that in the end he often gets what he wants.
Friendship for sell (mail-order brides, oil, gas, radars, Club-S/N AShM, VA-111 Shkval torpedo, SU-27, SU-30, AK-630 CIWS, Tor-M1 SAM, S-300 SAM, S-400 SAM, Iskander SRM, SCUD-A/B/C/D SRBM, R-36 ICBM, Kilo-class SSK, Kiev-class CV, Kuznetsov-class CV, R-250 engine, Orlan & Sokol space suits, APAS docking system, Salyut spacelab, Buran space shuttle, AN-225, Soyuz & N1 SLVs, Lunokhod moon rover, etc).
Vlad The Wh0re (French: putain[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: prostitute)

• Nicolae Ceausescu was a Romanian communist politician. He was the general secretary of the Romanian Communist Party from 1965 to 1989, and the second and last puppet leader of the Socialist Republic of Romania:
Trait: Stern Imperialist The Stern Imperialist is a staunch nationalist. He is neither charming nor an administrative genius. However he has one big asset, namely his fanatical determination to improve his nation's status. He will use any means to achieve that goal, be it political or military.
Following the violent overthrow of the Romanian government in 1989, Ceausescu and his wife Elena fled the capital in a helicopter, but were captured by the military after the armed forces defected to the putschists and the couple was immediately executed by firing squad on 25 December.
Nickie The Terminated (French: ses os cessent [le] coup 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: his bones end the coup -> the coup ends with his death)

• Ursula von der Leyen is a German politician who has been serving as the 14th puppet president of the European Commission since 2019:
Trait: Insignificant Layman The Insignificant Layman lacks any kind of ambition or political interest. The only reason people do not move against him is that he is fairly harmless and there is no better replacement.
Sicophancy Inc.
Lala The Λss li⊂₭er (French slang: lèyonne/lèionne deriv. from lèche-c∪l[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: toady)

• Giorgia Meloni is an Italian politician who has been serving as the 45th puppet Prime Minister of the Italian Republic since 22 October 2022, the first woman to hold this position:
Trait: Biased Intellectual The Biased Intellectual is a refined academic intellectual, whose scholarly work has biased his judgement of other countries and people. The Biased Intellectual is often arrogant and witty about those he dislikes but fawning and ingratiating towards those he likes.
God-fearing Christian and influential veteran politician, Philippe de Villiers was Secretary of State for Culture in 1986 under President Francois Mitterrand.

Also former Member of the National Assembly for Vendee, President of the General Council of Vendee and Member of the European Parliament.

Philippe de Villiers is the brother of Gen. Pierre de Villiers, President Macron's former military chief-of-staff, a figurehead general of the Yellow Vests fringe and a nostalgic of French-Algeria and Marine Le Pen’s deceived voters.

Villiers' zero immigration stance, not only opposes the mass resettling into France by those vagrant people from the East (Vikings hordes from the Baltic regions and East Prussia) but foremost the legions of invaders from the South albeit with ancestry from the Middle East, and all recognizable by their common Red-Green-White flag's color scheme.

Indeed, he is remembered for having the courage to once state on French television: 'Les italiens sont tous des voleurs' (Italians are all thieves). An opinion not uncommon among all the silenced and enduring real Europeans 'de souche' or native-born celtic populations.
(Please note GOOGLE at it again, and censoring all sources related to this well-known fact among the OSINT community)

Eternal vagrant land-grabber and squatter people originating from the Middle East.
Gio The Darky (1. French: melon[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]); Meaning: darky; 2. French: bicotte[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: dumb or niaise[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph])

• Francois Marie Adrien Maurice Mitterrand was the 6th puppet President of France, serving under that position from 1981 to 1995, the longest time in office in the history of France:
Trait: Stern Imperialist The Stern Imperialist is a staunch nationalist. He is neither charming nor an administrative genius. However he has one big asset, namely his fanatical determination to improve his nation's status. He will use any means to achieve that goal, be it political or military.
We now know that by 1981 the President knew that the time was short. He apparently learned of his prostate cancer that year — and it might have made him govern in a way that hastened the country's reforms. The President upped his government's modernization efforts to a breakneck pace after 1981, and that the President's "grandiosity expanded exponentially" after that year. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]
Faf The Spoof (1.French: mythe errant 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: wandering myth)

• Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron is a French politician who has been serving as the 10th puppet President of France and ex officio co-prince of Andorra since 14 May 2017:
Trait: Backroom Backstabber The Backroom Backstabber is a political veteran with years of experience as a party whip and senior party member. No intrigue will oust him and no foreign government can topple him. Foreign governments have to be very cautious around him though.
The red carpet was rolled out in Paris for Col. Muammar Gaddafi on December 2007 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], he would be tortured to death 4 years later following the NATO 'code Jasmin' Color Revolution in Libya.
Bashar al-Assad was a guest of honour to the official 2008 Bastille Day military parade on the Champs Elysées 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], only to be backstabbed 3 years later in the NATO Color Revolution in Syria.
In 2006 President Jacques Chirac awarded Putin the Legion d'Honneur, France's highest distinction 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]. He would be backstabbed only 8 years later with the 2014 'code Euromaidan' NATO Color Revolution in Ukraine. And treated as a pariah by President Emmanuel Macron after 8 more years. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]
France’s Macron sent shrapnel from spine of Russian former deputy PM

4 Jan, 2023

A former top Russian official injured in Ukraine said Wednesday he had sent the shrapnel from a French howitzer shell that he claimed struck him to President Emmanuel Macron.

Dmitry Rogozin, an outspoken former deputy prime minister, was injured last month by shelling in Donetsk, a Russian-held city in eastern Ukraine.

Rogozin, an ardent supporter of President Vladimir Putin’s campaign in Ukraine, said that he had written to France’s ambassador to Moscow, Pierre Levy.

“In this envelope along with my letter you will see a fragment of a shell from a French 155-mm French artillery piece Caesar,” Rogozin said in his open letter to Levy published on Telegram.

“It punctured my right shoulder and lodged in the fifth cervical vertebra only a millimetre away from killing me or rendering me an invalid,” he wrote.

Rogozin, also a former head of Russia’s space agency, said the incident took place during a “work meeting” in the restaurant of a hotel in Donetsk.

Russian state news channel Rossiya 24 TV reported at the time that he had been celebrating his 59th birthday.

Rogozin said the same shelling had killed two of his friends, adding: “All our victims are on your conscience”.

“I ask that you give the fragment cut out of my spine by surgeons to French President Emmanuel Macron,” Rogozin wrote.

“And tell him that no one will escape responsibility for war crimes,” he added, accusing Western powers. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

▲ Russia's former director general of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin sends the fragment of a shell fired from a French 'Caesar' howitzer that wounded him to Macron. 4 JAN 2023.[web.archive.org]
Precious lesson learned: Always beware of the Franks! Anyone who shakes hand with these vagrant Germanic horde tribesmen will invariably end up regretting it with a francisca axe stuck in his back.
Manu The Pimp (1.French: maquereau[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: pimp; 2. French: macron[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: Macron gastropod[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph])

• Margaret Hilda Thatcher, was the 10th puppet Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990, the first female British prime minister and the longest-serving British prime minister of the 20th century.
Trait: Silent Workhorse The Silent Workhorse compensates for his lack of charisma with hard work and competence. He rarely takes pride of place, instead letting the Head of State shine in the sun while he gets the job done.
Though Margaret Thatcher herself was not plump at all, the association of the ogrish John Bull character in the national personification of the Pax Britannica was a constant trait during the 19th century until its demise after 1945, and only totally obsolete by the end of the Cold War.

Sample #1:
▲ "Who's Absent? Is It You?" ca. 1916. Courtesy of the Imperial War Museum, London (77A)[web.archive.org]

Sample #2:

Sample #3:
▲ 1941, artist picture card, "P. N. F, dopolavoro forze armate, O. N. D, Cartolina Postale"[web.archive.org]

Sample #4:
▲ Per la Gran Bretagna tutte le razze e tutti i popoli sono uguali. Coscia Dante, a. XXII dell'E.F. (28.10.1943 - 27.10.1944) [web.archive.org]

Maggie The Gargantuan (French: Tas de chair 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: heap of flesh)

• Anthony Charles Lynton Blair is a British former politician who served as the 12th puppet Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2007:
Trait: Naive Optimist The Naive Optimist is a competent administrator and politician. However, he often succumbs to wishful thinking and fails to grasp the traps which have been laid for him.
No WMDs were ever found in Iraq.
Tony The Moron (French slang: blaireau[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: idiot)

• John Fitzgerald Kennedy was an American politician who served as the 3rd puppet President of the United States from 1961 until his assassination in 1963:
Trait: Man of the People
Kennedy is the first U.S. puppet President in office to have been assassinated.
Jack The Untold (French: que n'ai dit[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: not being said)

• Richard Milhous Nixon was the 5th puppet President of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974:
Trait: Autocratic Charmer The Autocratic Charmer uses his charisma and ruthlessness to stay in power. He charms friend and foe alike and is an excellent negotiator. However, day-to-day governing is not his style and corruption flourishes under his rule.
The only U.S. puppet president to resign from office.
Dickie The Contempt (French: nique son[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: to interfere[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] with his)

• Ronald Wilson Reagan was an American politician, actor, and union leader who served as the 8th puppet President of the United States from 1981 to 1989:
Trait: Resigned Generalissimo The Resigned Generalissimo came to power to save his country from the ruin of anarchy and popular sentiment. He is tired of political bickering and tries to run the country as he used to command his regiment. Still, he is a competent and decisive man.
After burying the US-Soviet Detente, his presidency was marked with a renewed chapter of confrontation with the U.S.S.R. ('Empire of Evil', 1982 and 'Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall', 1987) only leading to the ultimate defeat of the Soviet Union, thus ending the Cold War itself by 1991.
Started the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) in 1983 that has evolved into today's Starlink WMD.
Ronnie The Escalation (French: regain[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: escalation or recrudescence[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph])

• William Jefferson Clinton is an American politician who served as the 10th puppet president of the United States from 1993 to 2001:
Trait: Bread And Butter
The only second U.S. puppet president to be impeached.
Bill The Sex Maniac (French: Clitʘ[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: Clitʘris)

• George Walker Bush is an American politician who served as the 11th puppet President of the United States from 2001 to 2009:
Trait: Pig-headed Isolationist The Pig-Headed Isolationist is determined to keep his country out of war, and the mess of international politics. He might like or dislike international cooperation, but it is always national autonomy that is his goal.
Trump's precursor vowing to focus on domestic policy only until September 2001, then a total 180 degrees U-turn, dealing primarily with international affairs.
Georgie The Big Mouth (French: bouche[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: mouth)

• Donald John Trump was the 13th U.S. puppet President of the United States, from 2017 to 2021:
Trait: Barking Buffoon The Barking Buffoon is a great political dramatic actor. People see him as a strong and competent leader who will save the nation and restore it to its historical greatness. But behind his mask of bombastic rhetoric hides a weak-minded, vain simpleton. Those who really know him, know he is an incompetent man.
The only U.S. puppet president to be impeached twice. Fork tongue not to be trusted.
Donnie The Cheat (French: trompe[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: deceive)

• Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is the 14th and current U.S. puppet President of the United States, in office since 21st January 2021:
Trait: Weary Stiffneck The Weary Stiff-Neck is not the right man for this job. He tries to compensate for this with an aristocractic manner and stiff-necked acting. When it comes to politics he is weary and indecisive, always fearing that his lack of talent will show through his façade.
The abysmal humanitarian sanitary 'failure' was expected, unable to deal with the world's pandemic outside of the 'COVID is over' denial mode.
Joe The Debacle (1.French: bide[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: fiasco; 2. French: bidet; Meaning 1: pony, Meaning 2:[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] type of sink intended for washing the external genitalia and the anus)

• Jair Messias Bolsonaro is a Brazilian politician and retired military officer who served as the 38th puppet president of Brazil from 2019 until 2022:
Trait: General Staffer The General Staffer is a former military man, perhaps a former teacher of strategy in the General Staff. He has now resettled in the field of Foreign Affairs, a subject that was always his 'hobby'. The General Staffer most likely follows his old military notion of politics and is focused on diplomacy through military might. However, by doing that, the General Staffer is often deemed a simple-minded man, lacking in imagination and boring.

▲ Jair M. Bolsonaro @jairbolsonaro. Capitão do Exército Brasileiro, eleito 38° Presidente da República Federativa do Brasil. - Bom vídeo👍. 6:25 PM · Nov 18, 2020·Twitter[web.archive.org]

The abysmal humanitarian sanitary failure was expected, unable to deal with the pandemic outside of the denial mode.
Jay The Teletubby (1.French: Beau le sauna rot 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]; Meaning: lovely sauna burp -> nice tropical burp)

• Elon Reeve Musk is a business magnate and investor. Musk is the founder, chairman, CEO and chief technology officer of SpaceX; angel investor, CEO, product architect and former chairman of Tesla, Inc.; owner, chairman and CTO of X Corp.; founder of the Boring Company; co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI; and president of the Musk Foundation. He is the wealthiest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of US$232 billion as of September 2023, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, and $253 billion according to Forbes, primarily from his ownership stakes in both Tesla and SpaceX.
Trait: Corporate Suit The Corporate Suit has spent his life in the business world, far away from politics. He was originally brought in as an independent minister, but due his competence and cooperation skills he has reached the top. He has formed a large network of contacts, but he is out of place in politics.
SpaceX Space Transportation Systems enables the deployment of the Starlink Orbital Satellite Array with 42'000 orbital platforms and its continuous upkeep, with the reusable VTVL Falcon 9 series rockets, and above.

Starlink is obviously totally misunderstood therefore overlooked by the world's leaders and masses, as this Trojan Horse is working 100% according to the U.S.' plan to fool the feeble-minded.

As of July 2020, 100% of the world headlines are dedicated to the COVID-19 smokescreen, unleashed on purpose by the U.S. to distract the world masses from the current Starlink weapon system build-up.

This is obviously a replay of the Cold War era classic, known as Project Azorian[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] that used the purpose-built ship Hughes Glomar Explorer to retrieve secret codebooks and a R-21 nuclear missile on a sunken Soviet submarine from the Pacific Ocean floor in 1974 and under the cover of mining manganese nodules from the sea floor.

Today, the Project Azorian is replaced by the Starlink Program, the mining of manganese nodule by the 5G internet service, the ship Hughes Glomar Explorer by the Falcon-9 rocket, the billionaire businessman Howard Hughes by billionaire businessman Elon Musk.

And as a goal, the Soviet secret codebooks and a R-21 nuclear missile are replaced by the introduction of one of the most advanced secret warfare of the U.S. since 1950s.

This weapon system is so versatile that few have completely realized its full scope:

I. First its overt active application, as advertised, apparently just an innocent civilian simple internet service with worldwide coverage.

II. Secondly, another main overt active application, will be to supersede military communications satellites and GPS with worldwide coverage.

III. Then its real covert passive application, as a tool to eavesdrop on every nation worldwide, by collecting passively all cellular communication signals, and those from any electronic devices such as CCTV, digital camera, etc.

IV. Another covert active application, is the use when combined in synthetic aperture mode, to obtain high resolution microwave imagery made possible by a synthetic orbital array extending over several hundreds of kilometers baseline (500 km to 1000 km), that can scan all interior buildings, including humans. The Starlink platforms are indeed fitted with inter-satellite laser links, making possible the accurate ranging and timing needed in the positioning of this array.

V. When Quantum Computers are used to process all the Petabytes harvested 24/7/365 by the array of 42'000 Starlink satellites, from all the cellphone base stations on Earth, to decipher and analyse, then combined with the high resolution microwave imagery obtained through the synthetic orbital array, it gives the U.S. military the God's Eye view capability.

VI. For offensive covert active operation, it is even possible to jam electronics of a target.

VII. For offensive covert active operation, the lower intensity microwave beams can be directed against biological targets, causing cancerous tissues that could later metastases, and ending with a death looking natural. But this mode requires a long 'treatment' period.

VIII. For offensive covert active operation, the microwave beams can kill instantly with the high intensity output. Similar to a sniper strike.

IX. For offensive overt active operation, during a full scale war, where secrecy is no longer required, massive attacks are possible, with large use of the beam steering and beam forming mode, entire infantry divisions could be wiped out in a matter of minutes.

X. For offensive overt active operation, it enables the age of the Internet of Military Things (IoMT) warfare

XI. For offensive covert active operation, as an IoMT application, it allows the deployment of nano insectoids armies, both fully robotic or even stealthier but with much shorter lives, zombified insects mind-controlled by brain implants. Used to infiltrate any facility, carry assassination of valuable VIPs with poison, pathogen or explosives, sabotage installations and plant bombs on vehicles, aircrafts, ballistic missiles and buildings.

XII. In addition, it has even more powerful military applications, as the materialization of the U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) missile defense system intended to protect the United States from attack by ballistic strategic nuclear weapons.
Elon The Maskirovka (1.French: et l'on masque |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph]; Meaning: and we cloak)

5. Race for Rare Earth Elements

From day one of the U.S. military junta's space race started in 1945, Rare Earth Elements that are behind the pivotal electronic industry were the most critical from all rare materials.

But worse, the world reserves were known to not be infinite.

5.1. U.S.A. and U.S.S.R.

As victor of the WWII, and having not be bombed to dust like the other Big Five powers, with a well preserved industrial base, the U.S. was naturally selected as core industrial base for the new Dystopian Empire.

The quest to find new sources of REE in the United States led to the development of the Mountain Pass Mine in California’s Mojave Desert near the Nevada border.

This mine, owned by the Molybdenum Corporation of America, or Molycorp, dominated world rare earth production from about 1960 until 2000.

Soviet metallurgists used scandium to make aluminum stronger and lighter in the 1980s.

In the first half of the [1950] decade, researchers across Eurasia were developing rare earth superalloys to use in the steel production process to transform the skeletal system of modernity from heavy, rust-prone and brittle to stronger, lighter, and more durable (Morena,1956; Kent,1953), and to make the weapons of war more precise, long-range, and devastating (Bungardt, 1959; Hickman, 1955).
Rare earths are the key to developing materials that remain stable in temperatures as high as 1500 degrees Celsius, the sorts of temperatures needed for rockets and long-range missiles. Soviet Union researchers experimented with nickel-based rare earth alloys beginning in 1950 in order to move away from the high-temperature instability of iron-based alloys used during WWII. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.is]

But after 8 decade of frantic and abusive exploitation, these two powerhouses would be exhausted from their initial Rare Earth Elements reserves.

5.2. P.R.C. and D.P.R.K.

The consequence of the strategy of continuous replacement of several ten of thousands if not hundred thousands satellites has resulted after 8 decades in the inevitable exhaustion of the limited rare earth reserves of both the U.S. and the Soviet Union.

This was probably forecasted as earlier as 1950, with this temporary solution of continuous space launches adopted as a result.

The next step was therefore also anticipated well in advance.

New industrial superpowers would be created where rare earth mineral are the most abundant, in China's Outer Mongolia, and North Korea, to replace the useless European ex-superpowers once depleted from their rare earth reserves.

The 2049 Great Replacement: China As New Core Of The Empire

The transfer of the U.S. Dystopian Empire's core from the U.S. mainland to China is a process that started even before the mass decapitation of Chinese leaders of 1976.

Zhou Enlai was the first Premier of the People's Republic of China, and died of blade cancer in January 1976.

Marshal Zhu De, one of the Ten Marshals of the People's Liberation Army, was also the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress from 1975 to 1976, Zhu was the head of state of the People's Republic of China.
His passing on 6 July 1976, due to a combination of colds, heart failure, and diabetes, came only six months after the death of Zhou Enlai.

Chairman Mao ruled as the chairman of the Communist Party of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death on 9 September 1976, following three major heart attacks.

Then it took half a century to develop the infrastructures, industrial bases and economy of China, before it could replace the U.S.

But not before two more additional major operations of VIPs mass removal.

The already discussed in previous chapter of the 1989 Tiananmen Square subversion operation (六四事件) and the massive beheading blow that has targeted an entire generation of older Chinese skilled professionals by the end of the Cold War, with deaths disguised as heart attacks, and other ailments, right in their bedrooms.

To mark the start of the core's transfer process to this new industrial superpower, a Summer Olympics Game was specially dedicated in 2008 and held in Beijing.

China's Inner Mongolia sees more rare earth in situ conversion

(Xinhua) 07:49, September 20, 2019

The city of Baotou, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, has almost doubled its in situ conversion rate of rare earth raw material to 75 percent, the municipal government said on Thursday.

Rare earth functional materials and applications accounted for more than half of the total rare earth industry output of the city, which is home to over 80 percent of China's rare earth resources.

By upgrading its rare earth processing industries, fostering research forces and enhancing policy and funding, Baotou has stepped up its efforts to achieve high-quality industrial development in recent years, said Zhao Jiangtao, mayor of the city.

Baotou's rare earth industry grew by 16.8 percent year on year to reach 17.6 billion yuan (about 2.5 billion U.S. dollars) in 2018, contributing 17 percent of the city's industrial economy.

According to Zhao, the municipal government will speed up the construction of a new industrial park for rare earth materials.

Known as China's "rare earth capital," Baotou has proven rare earth reserves of more than 100 million tonnes in its Bayan Obo mining area.


5.3. Greenland

It is expected that the second group of REE industrial base would also exhaust its Rare Earth reserves within a few decades of frantic and abusive exploitation.

China has a proven rare earth reserves of more than 100 million tonnes, that's the same amount as what puppet U.S. President Trump wants to secure with the planned multibillion-dollar takeover of Greenland, that harbours 100 millions tons of REE.

This painful truth has caused such sleepless nights and uneasiness in the White House, that U.S. puppet President Trump has repeatedly tried to bribe the DPRK Supreme Leader no less than three times over a two years period (2018 Singapore Summit, 2019 Hanoi Summit, 2019 Panmunjom Summit), while showing no restrain in his sycophancy toward Kim Jong Un, but all to no avail.

Thus, in a last ditch attempt to avoid the foreseeable demise of the U.S. puppet state, puppet President Trump went to mull the purchase of Greenland, known to harbour after North Korea (216 millions tons) some of the largest deposits of rare-earth metals on earth, with 100 millions tonnes[web.archive.org]2[archive.md].

Trump wanted to 'swap' Puerto Rico for Greenland: ex-official

Issued on: 19/08/2020 - 20:58

President Donald Trump wanted to sell Puerto Rico or swap it for Greenland because he viewed the US territory as dirty and poor, a former senior administration official said Wednesday.

Miles Taylor, who was chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security, said Trump expressed those views as the government undertook support operations after two massive hurricanes ravaged the Caribbean island in 2017.

Taylor told MSNBC that just before one 2018 trip by officials, Trump, who had regularly talked about acquiring Greenland from Denmark, seriously suggested he could trade away Puerto Rico.

"He told us, not only did he want to purchase Greenland, he actually said he wanted to see if we could sell Puerto Rico, could we swap Puerto Rico for Greenland, because in his words, Puerto Rico was dirty and the people were poor," Taylor said.

The former official said he did not take Trump's remarks as a joke.


"And the fact that the president of the United States wanted to take a US territory of Americans and swap it for a foreign country is beyond galling."


In 2019 Trump canceled a visit to Denmark after Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen rejected his proposal to buy Greenland as "absurd," though at the time there was no mention of Puerto Rico as part of the suggested deal.


Anyway, no matter which puppet technological powerhouse will finally exploit at an industrial scale the mineral resource of Greenland, this island is as of 2022 still mostly covered with an ice sheet that hinders the access to its Rare Earth Elements.

Therefore, the cunning anthropogenic global climatic warming devised and enforced since the 1950s to melt all the Earth's polar ice, will take another couple of decades before mining of Rare Earth minerals can start in Greenland.

▲ FIRST TIME ON RECORD—Greenland just experienced its largest September melt event on record, the kind of melt typically seen in the middle of the summer. Usually ice stops melting in Greenland by Sept—except 2022. September 6, 2022 [web.archive.org]

This lump of Rare Earth will thus buy the U.S. military junta another estimated half-century of respite.

5.4. Captured near-Earth asteroid

Some type of the small Earth-crossing and near-Earth asteroids are known to be rich in all kind of minerals, including the most strategic Rare Earth Elements, key to upkeep the U.S. Dystopian Empire's war machine's electronic industry.

The first industrial step in exploiting REE beyond Earth would be to capture small Earth-crossing and near-Earth asteroids by changing using deflection technologies.

Once orbiting close to the Earth, these asteroids would be mined and the minerals sent directly to Earth to be processed, unlike in the exploitation of the Moon and Mars where everything will be stationed on these planets and moons from the mining robots, to the factories and their robotic workers and robotic engineers.

This can be done in seven incremental stages:

I. Completion of an asteroid survey network

II. Large database of NEA (Near Earth Asteroid) to select from

III. Flyby of an asteroid by a probe

IV. Deflection of an asteroid by a probe with kinetic impact

V. Deflection of an asteroid by a probe with conventional explosion

VI. Deflection of an asteroid by a probe with nuclear explosion

VII. Deflection of an asteroid by a probe with directed energy

5.4.1. Captured near-Earth asteroid Propaganda Campaign

To convince the U.S. tax payer of the necessity to waste billions of dollars in unnecessary asteroid deflection technologies, a cover to bring REE rich asteroids close to Earth to be mined, the U.S. propaganda machine has devised a convenient brainwashing campaign using the scare tactics.

The irrational imaginary threat of 'asteroid apocalypse', modelled after the most successful but also totally fallacious 'nuclear apocalypse' has been used in this new racket.


'Muskomancy' is the OSINT predictive science focussed on finding clues for future world events through the study of 'Elon Musk Thought'.

Elon Musk, currently the number one straw man of the U.S. Dystopian Empire contributing to the 'asteroid apocalypse' scare tactics:

▲ Elon Musk's 28th August 2022 Twitter commentary:'This will happen again – just a matter of time'.[archive.ph]

Notice that the always cited 'dinosaur extinction' caused by the alleged Yucatan Chicxulub asteroid event, is probably only just another disinformation campaign to scare the sheeple, and still disputed in the scientific community:

Space enthusiast, paleontologist and hydrogeologist Norbert Brugge wrote:

Why the Chicxulub-impact was an explosive supervolcano

2. My opinion to the origin of the Chicxulub structure

The whole debate about the genesis of drilled melt and breccias in the Chicxulub crater is conducted with wrong assumptions. The Chicxulub "impact" crater is in fact the caldera of a supervolcano that is created by a huge overpressure explosion. The volcanic origin is by drilled pure andesite in the center of the structure no doubt proved. The bedrock was blasted in a great extent and widely distributed.

Gravimetric investigations on Yucatan, suggest that the former magma chamber is not limited under the center of the Chicxulub crater. Possibly the dioritic magma chamber reach far to south. It is possible that the crater to south is open (no boreholes). That would be one explanation for the thick breccia units in Guatemala and South-Mexico.

The ascending andesitic melt in the center of the explosion had only a low eruptive potential. There is no evidence of eruptive melt in the breccias outside the crater on the Yucatan peninsula (questionable Y-5A). The caldera after the explosion was immediately covered with falling-back debris. The detection of dγkes or veins in the bedrock (Ya-1) indicates lateral intrusions from the yet not cooled andesitic melt body (mixed with breccia). In two wells (C-1, Y-1) were found "ash with glass" in depths between 1300 and 1400 m. This is mysterious and would be worth a new analysis.
There are two different types of breccias from the ruined bedrock. There are breccias above the intact bedrock and breccia above the igneous andesite. The breccias above the bedrock has no contact with the melt and are unchanged. The breccias above the andesite (S-1, C-1, Y-1 wells) are melted or are in contact with melt, in decreasing intensity upwards. Possibly the lowest parts of falling-back debris are already fallen in the andesitic melt. A sorting the breccias (called units) make not sense because convective movements in the melt are expected. In the upper part of the breccia-package are smaller components of falling-back debris concentrated and have already stratification. Glass fragments in the melted breccias-package are geochemically different. These fragments belong as the breccia to the falling-back debris after the explosion. Presumably, these glasses come from a mixed melt of igneous andesite and bedrock on top of the eruptive vent. All the others in Central America found glassy spherules and glass fragments have probably not a connection with the Chicxulub event (see below).
The occurrence of shock-generated features is not only an indicator for an impact event, because this is also proved by finds in volcanic structures.Very exceptional shock structures, that caused by volcanic shock waves, can you here seen: "Mysterious columnar sandstone"


Too numerous are the asteroid apocalypse genre Hollywood propaganda movies to be cited here.


Greenland (2020)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is an 'asteroid apocalypse' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with an 'interstellar comet', 'extinction-level event', 'shelters for elite VIPs only', 'QR code', 'wristband ID', 'no mobile phone signal', 'Transient Luminous Event', 'systematic inaccuracy of the media', and 'survival' genre subplots masqueraded as a disaster thriller film directed by Ric Roman Waugh and written by Chris Sparling. The film stars Gerard Butler (who also produced), Morena Baccarin, Roger Dale Floyd, Scott Glenn, David Denman, and Hope Davis, and follows a family who must fight for survival as a planet-destroying comet races to Earth.


Structural engineer John Garrity lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his estranged wife, Allison, and their diabetic son, Nathan. He returns home to watch the near-earth passing of a recently-discovered interstellar comet named "Clarke", along with his family and neighbors.

While at the grocery store, John receives an automated DHS message saying that he and his family have been selected for emergency sheltering. He then returns home just as a comet fragment is seen entering the atmosphere on live television. Previously expected to land in the ocean near Bermuda, the fragment instead strikes Tampa, Florida, vaporizing it along with most of the state. John then receives a call with instructions to head to Robins Air Force Base for an evacuation flight, as Clarke is on a direct collision course with Earth and the entire planet will be bombarded with hundreds of fragments over the next two days in a cataclysmic event, with one fragment large enough to cause an extinction-level event. John, Allison, and Nathan pack up and flee, unable to take anyone else with them as they would be denied boarding.

At Robins, Nathan's insulin gets left behind in the car. When John goes to retrieve it, Allison is escorted off the base after Nathan's medical condition is discovered, disqualifying him. John returns and boards a plane but quickly jumps off upon realizing Allison and Nathan were probably left behind. As John exits the base, a panicked mob breaks in, destroying several evacuation planes when gunfire ignites jet fuel. Returning to the car, John finds Allison's note saying she and Nathan are going to her father's home in Lexington, Kentucky. After getting medical supplies from a looted store, Allison and Nathan get a ride from Ralph and Judy Vento, only for Ralph to kidnap Nathan, to Judy's dismay, in order to use him and the wristbands to board a flight.

John hitches a ride on a truck where a young man named Colin says is headed to Osgoode, Ontario, where private planes are flying to Greenland, the apparent evacuation site. However, another man attempts to take John's wristband, causing the truck to crash and kill Colin, and John is forced to kill the man in self-defense. At another airport, the Ventos attempt to pose as Nathan's parents, but are arrested when the soldiers quickly discover that Nathan is not theirs. Allison and Nathan are reunited shortly after at a nearby FEMA camp. The following morning, John learns that millions have died in global impacts and that the largest fragment will hit in approximately 24 hours.

Stealing a car, John reaches his father-in-law, Dale's house, and Nathan and Allison arrive shortly after. The family learn about a complex of underground bunkers near Thule Air Force Base in Greenland where the evacuees are being sent. The family has just enough time to reach Osgoode, so John and Allison decide to go while Dale chooses to stay behind and die in the impact, while giving them his truck. Reaching Upstate New York, the family is caught in a traffic jam. As a shower of molten debris rains down, they take refuge below an underpass, then continue on to Canada. While making steady progress to Osgoode, the family learns over the radio that Clarke's largest fragment, which is 9 miles (14 km) wide, will hit Western Europe and destroy it. The family arrives at the Osgoode airport barely in time to board that night's very last flight out.

As they reach Greenland, a comet fragment strikes off the coast, and the shockwave causes the plane to crash-land, killing the pilots. The Garritys and the rest of the passengers flag down a military truck and enter the bunker complex right as the largest fragment enters the atmosphere and hits, devastating civilization. Nine months later, the bunkers attempt to make radio contact with other potential survivors as various cities are shown in total ruin including Sydney, Mexico City, Paris, and Chicago. The Garritys and other occupants exit the shelter to a radically changed landscape, and Greenland makes contact with other stations around the globe. All are relieved to hear each other and report that the atmosphere is finally clearing, giving the survivors the chance to rebuild.


Greenland (2020) 16-20 00:02:28,357 --> 00:02:42,538 [male radio host] ...stack of papers here with headlines, but I can promise you, the only thing people wanna talk about today is this Clarke, this interstellar comet. You know, they are saying this'll be the closest comet flyby in history, which means we're gonna be able to see this thing even in bright daylight. 21-24 00:02:42,621 --> 00:02:50,421 [female radio host] It's amazing. Yeah. They only discovered this thing a few weeks ago. NASA's saying it appeared out of nowhere from a different solar system. This is just... ___ 100-108 00:08:07,029 --> 00:08:29,635 Scientists continue to study Clarke, the interstellar comet discovered only weeks ago. Unlike most comets or even asteroids, which move much slower and are easier to track, this particular comet is not a singular body, but made up of hundreds of pieces of rock and ice that have broken up over millions of years. In fact, Clarke's fragment trail is so long, the end stretches beyond what astronomers can actually see. ___ 180-189 00:12:55,317 --> 00:13:26,097 [male recorded voice] This is a Presidential Alert. It is not a test. John Allan Garrity, you have been selected for emergency shelter relocation with Allison Rose Garrity, Nathan Beckett Garrity. You are allowed one personal bag. There are no exceptions. Please have Allison Rose Garrity... ...Nathan Beckett Garrity standing by for more information. This is not a test. ___ 212-216 00:14:55,145 --> 00:15:09,159 They said our family's been selected for shelter. I think something weird is going on with this comet. But the news said the fragment thing is falling somewhere near Bermuda. Then why is half of our military on the move with a ton of planes in the sky? ___ 218-223 00:15:11,453 --> 00:15:29,304 Now, splashdown off the coast of Bermuda is expected in just a few seconds. A number of scientists say the dispersive wave distance, it's unlikely to cause a tsunami... ...but it will give us the largest impact since the Tunguska event of 1908. That's when a meteor slammed into... ___ 225-231 00:15:31,931 --> 00:15:48,031 [newscaster] Spectacular first images here. Would you look at that? These are coming to us live. This is the fragment actually entering the lower atmosphere. Five, four... ...three, two... ...three, two... ...one. ...one. And impact. 232 00:15:52,410 --> 00:15:53,953 Wait, where's the explosion? 233 00:15:54,037 --> 00:15:56,456 [Kenny] It's a chunk of rock. Rocks don't explode. 234 00:15:56,539 --> 00:15:58,124 Tell that to the dinosaurs. 235-236 00:15:58,208 --> 00:16:03,338 We are still waiting for the first images of the actual splashdown that's expected in the Atlantic Ocean. ___ 246-257 00:16:36,079 --> 00:17:14,367 We now are getting word that the fragment, it has hit the state of Florida, central Florida, with the impact's epicenter reported just outside Tampa stretching to Orlando. And that fragment, which scientists are estimating was the size of a football stadium, has apparently sent a shock wave felt as far as 1,500 miles. [gasping] Uh, I have to warn you, there are no words for what you are about to see. These are disturbing, disturbing images. They are coming to us from a local news helicopter in Tampa as well as an overhead weather satellite. ___ 268 00:17:42,479 --> 00:17:44,814 The estimates of the trajectory were obviously way off and we are... 269 00:17:44,898 --> 00:17:47,859 Why did your phone get it and not ours? ___ 274 00:18:03,583 --> 00:18:06,211 Dad, your name is on TV. 275-280 00:18:06,294 --> 00:18:25,855 ...with Allison Rose Garrity, Nathan Beckett Garrity. No one else is allowed with you. There are no exceptions. Bring one personal bag to Robins Air Force Base, Warner Robins, Georgia, at 9:45 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Your QR code for identification has been texted to you. 281 00:18:25,939 --> 00:18:27,690 [cell phone dings] 282 00:18:27,774 --> 00:18:30,068 Please confirm you are receiving it by pressing one. ___ 324-327 00:20:36,486 --> 00:20:44,953 Two days. They got it all wrong. There's a sh|t-ton of fragments on that thing. They're saying that one of them is a planet killer. Now they've grounded all non-military flights. What do we do? ___ 395-398 00:23:42,004 --> 00:23:52,181 Many speculate they've been withholding information to avoid causing mass hysteria so that they may relocate those selected for shelter first before the inevitable collapse of our nation. ___ 412-421 00:25:13,054 --> 00:25:46,963 [male newscaster] Clarke's fragments, now estimated to be in the thousands, continue to impact different regions around the globe with little to no warning at all. While many of them are smaller in size, causing minimal damage, some fragments are large enough to take out entire cities, like Bogotá, Colombia, just minutes ago. - But what has space agencies concerned... -[John] Finally. ...as they try to gather more data is one fragment now identified large enough to cause an extinction-level event. This particular fragment is estimated to impact Earth within 48 hours. 422 00:25:47,046 --> 00:25:48,339 Jesus. 423 00:25:50,633 --> 00:25:53,636 Local law-enforcement agencies and first responders are overwhelmed... ___ 472-474 00:28:28,040 --> 00:28:36,549 [officer] Have your IDs and your bar codes ready. [woman] Your wristband is your personal identification. Do not remove it. [Ali] Thank you. You will not be able to board without it. ___ 565 00:32:37,081 --> 00:32:39,291 The kid's diabetic. Don't touch him. 566-567 00:32:39,375 --> 00:32:44,129 I'm sorry. You should've been informed. Anyone with a chronic condition can't be on the plane. 568 00:32:44,213 --> 00:32:46,006 It's just diabetes. 569 00:32:46,090 --> 00:32:48,425 His condition should've been flagged at screening. ___ 639 00:37:08,810 --> 00:37:11,146 What do you mean? I was selected. 640 00:37:11,229 --> 00:37:12,773 Yeah, I know. With those. 641-642 00:37:13,774 --> 00:37:17,611 No, it's my son's. He's diabetic. 643-644 00:37:17,694 --> 00:37:21,823 Yeah, so is my sister's kid, and they turned him away. They said no illnesses. ___ 872-873 00:51:30,797 --> 00:51:36,052 They're selecting people based on their professions. Like my mom, she was selected because she's a doctor. 874 00:51:39,847 --> 00:51:43,184 I'm a structural engineer. I build buildings. 875 00:51:43,267 --> 00:51:46,062 We definitely need those. ___ 1265-1273 01:20:18,523 --> 01:20:49,053 [newscaster] At approximately 8:47 a.m. Eastern Standard Time tomorrow, the largest fragment from Clarke is expected to land somewhere between North Africa and Europe. Space agencies tracking this fragment are predicting an extinction-level event to extend around the globe, giving the limited number of people chosen by their skill sets the greatest chance of survival. Here again is the classified footage discovered earlier today showing the sophistication of five bunkers near Thule Air Force Base in Greenland. 1274 01:20:49,136 --> 01:20:50,805 [John] They are in Greenland. 1275 01:20:50,888 --> 01:20:52,890 Built during the Cold War in case of nuclear fallout... 1276 01:20:52,974 --> 01:20:55,142 He was right. Who was right? 1277 01:20:55,226 --> 01:20:57,311 ...the bunkers are self-sufficient with underground water tanks... 1278 01:20:57,395 --> 01:20:59,564 Just this really good guy. 1279 01:20:59,647 --> 01:21:02,692 ...hydroponic seed farms, medical supplies and oxygen generators. ___ 1382-1386 01:28:03,696 --> 01:28:23,549 My friend Teddy says your life flashes in front of your eyes when you die. I think it would be better if it did that while you lived. That way, you could see all the good memories and be happy. I like that idea a lot. 1387 01:28:23,632 --> 01:28:24,633 Me too. ___ 1389-1392 01:28:40,357 --> 01:28:51,785 [female newscaster] World leaders scramble to create makeshift shelters as Clarke's largest fragment, already deemed a planet killer, is on target to hit less than 15 hours from now. Other elected officials are-- [click] 1393-1394 01:28:51,869 --> 01:28:55,998 [male newscaster] The number of missing is up to a million after the Tokyo impact earlier today. ___ 1494-1495 01:36:03,800 --> 01:36:12,184 At approximately 8:47 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, uh, Clarke's largest fragment will land near western Europe... ___ 1499-1507 01:36:19,441 --> 01:36:56,561 [Leonov] The nine-mile-wide fragment, larger than the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs, will destroy most of Europe upon impact, causing seismic events that will generate 1,000-foot-high tsunamis and 900-degree surface winds traveling faster than the speed of sound. [voice breaking] Within hours, all of the continents will be on fire, as the impact's molten debris rains down from the upper atmosphere. Like the previous, uh, extinction event, this will kill more than 75% of all plant and animal life on Earth. ___ 1685 01:49:03,371 --> 01:49:04,956 Where are the flashes? 1686 01:49:05,039 --> 01:49:06,290 What flashes? 1687 01:49:06,374 --> 01:49:08,167 Before we die. The flashes. ___ 17281731 01:52:21,277 --> 01:52:31,829 [man 2 on radio] CQ. CQ. CQ. This is Sydney station. We can hear you as well. The ash is finally clearing up here. We can almost see the sun. 1732-1734 01:52:31,912 --> 01:52:40,171 [murmuring continues] [man 1] We read you, Sydney station. The ash is mostly gone here too. And still no signs of radiation. 1735-1737 01:52:40,254 --> 01:52:47,303 [loud clank] We've just opened one of the blast doors. It's been a long nine months underground.

▲ Greenland (2020) videomancy: 'interstellar comet', 'Transient Luminous Event', 'unequal society' and 'shelters for elite VIPs only' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Greenland (2020) videomancy: 'systematic inaccuracy of the media' and 'QR code' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Greenland (2020) videomancy: 'extinction-level event', 'wristband ID' and 'only the fittest are worthy to be saved' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Greenland (2020) videomancy: 'Transient Luminous Event', 'no mobile phone signal' and 'Greenland nuclear bunker' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Greenland (2020) videomancy: 'life flashes in front of your eyes when you die' and 'asteroid apocalypse' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Greenland (2020) videomancy: 'Transient Luminous Event' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Greenland (2020) videomancy: 'Transient Luminous Event' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Greenland (2020) videomancy: 'Transient Luminous Event' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Greenland (2020) videomancy: 'Transient Luminous Event' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• The first ever movie to show Transient Luminous Events (sprites) |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph], associated with the sighting of cometary debris.

• Presidential Alert: the stark reality of the unequal society in U.S. plutocracy, where elite VIPs are chosen to be saved in underground bunkers, while commoners are being left to die miserably; also seen in real life during the COVID-19 pandemics where only VIPs would be saved with the restricted PAXLOVID treatments, and also classified treatments such the one provided to U.S. President Trump.

• Governmental deception pretending the comet would fall into the ocean, while escaping to Greenland to take shelter. This is exactly what happened during the COVID-19 world pandemics, to cull the sheeple with an unbroken chain of lies: 'no need to declare a pandemics', 'it's only a flu', 'not airborne', 'herd immunity through mass contamination', 'more immunity after several infections', 'keep the borders open', 'herd immunity through vaccine', etc.

• Scientists all wrong in their predictions, minimizing the event.

• Elite chosen people to be saved in the shelter can not have chronic conditions: only the fittest are worthy to be saved.

• 'My friend Teddy says your life flashes in front of your eyes when you die.': the same drivel repeated by the usual cultists; there is no physiological reason for the human brain knowing in advance when it would die. The obvious explanation is that the U.S. 20'000 orbital MC satellites uploads video feeds to the sheeple's brain, thus coercing the victim to 'take the deal' by 'selling his soul to the devil' and pledge unquestioned subservience to the U.S. Dystopian Empire.

• Chain of lies reminding one of the coverage and smokescreen related to the 15th February 2013 Chelyabinsk 2012 DA14 meteor strike.


Don't Look Up (2021)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a recent Hollywood propaganda 'don't look up' genre movie with a 'comet apocalypse', 'planet-wide extinction event', 'cometary rare earth elements exploitation', 'cometary man-made fragmentation', 'cometary deflection', 'US-China space rivalry', 'VIPs escaping to an earth-like exoplanet' and 'cryogenic sleep' genre subplots masqueraded as an apocalyptic black comedy film written, produced, and directed by Adam McKay, and starring an ensemble cast consisting of Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Rob Morgan, Jonah Hill, Mark Rylance, Tyler Perry, Timothée Chalamet, Ron Perlman, Ariana Grande, Scott Mescudi, Cate Blanchett, and Meryl Streep. It tells the story of two astronomers attempting to warn humanity about an approaching comet that will destroy human civilization.

The film is masqueraded as a satire of the very real sheeple, government, political, celebrity, and media indifference to the orbital Starlink WMD deployment, and by projection, to better fan the hysteria of the imaginary and non-existent alleged 'asteroid apocalypse' scare.


Kate Dibiasky, a Michigan State University astronomy Ph.D. candidate, discovers a previously unknown comet. Her professor, Dr. Randall Mindy, confirms that it will collide with the Earth in about six months and is large enough to cause a planet-wide extinction event. NASA confirms the findings and their Planetary Defense Coordination Office head, Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe, accompanies Dibiasky and Mindy to present their findings to the White House. They are met with apathy from President Janie Orlean and her son and Chief of Staff, Jason.

Oglethorpe urges Dibiasky and Mindy to leak the news to the media, and they do so on a morning talk show. When hosts Jack Bremmer and Brie Evantee treat the topic frivolously, Dibiasky loses her composure and rants about the threat, prompting widespread online mockery. Mindy, on the other hand, receives public approval for his looks. Actual news about the comet's threat receives little public attention and the threat is denied by Orlean's Director of NASA, a top donor to Orlean with no background in astronomy. When Orlean is involved in a sex scandal with her Supreme Court nominee, she diverts attention by confirming the threat, and announcing a project to strike and divert the comet using nuclear weapons.

The mission successfully launches, but Orlean abruptly aborts it when Peter Isherwell, the billionaire CEO of tech company BASH and another top donor, discovers that the comet contains trillions of dollars worth of rare-earth elements. The White House agrees to commercially exploit the comet by fragmenting and recovering it from the ocean, using technology proposed by BASH, in a scheme that has not undergone peer review. The White House sidelines Dibiasky and Oglethorpe, while hiring Mindy as the National Science Advisor. Dibiasky tries to mobilize public opposition to the scheme, but gives up under threat from Orlean's administration and her parents kick her out of the house. Mindy becomes a prominent voice advocating for the comet's commercial opportunities and begins an affair with Evantee.

World opinion is divided among those who decry alarmism and believe that mining a destroyed comet will create jobs, and those who deny that the comet even exists. Dibiasky returns home to Illinois and begins a relationship with a young man named Yule, a shoplifter she meets at her retail job. After Mindy's wife confronts him about his infidelity, she returns to Michigan without him. Mindy questions whether Isherwell's technology will be able to break apart the comet, angering the billionaire. Mindy, becoming frustrated with the administration, rants on live television, criticizing Orlean for downplaying the impending apocalypse and questioning humanity's indifference.

Cut off from the administration, Mindy reconciles with Dibiasky as the comet becomes visible from Earth. Mindy, Dibiasky, and Oglethorpe organize a protest campaign on social media, telling people to "Just Look Up", and call on other countries to conduct comet interception operations. Russia, India and China have been cut out of the comet-mining deal, so they prepare a joint effort to deflect the comet, but an explosion destroys their spacecraft. BASH's attempt at breaking the comet apart also goes awry, and everyone realizes that humanity is doomed.

Isherwell, Orlean, and others in their elite circle board a sleeper spaceship designed to find an Earth-like planet, inadvertently leaving Jason behind. Orlean offers Mindy two places on the ship, but he declines, choosing to spend a final evening with his family, Dibiasky, Oglethorpe, and Yule. As expected, the comet hits Earth, causing a worldwide disaster and triggering an extinction-level event. Mindy and the others die when their house is destroyed by the shockwave caused by the comet's impact.

In a mid-credits scene, the 2,000 people who left Earth before the comet's impact land on a lush alien planet 22,740 years later, ending their cryogenic sleep. They exit their spacecraft naked and, admiring the habitable world, Orlean is suddenly killed by a large bird-like creature she tries to pet; the remaining survivors are last seen being surrounded by additional creatures.

A post-credits scene shows Jason emerging from the rubble, having survived the comet, calling for his mother, and trying to post on social media using his phone.


• Peter Isherwell, tech billionaire CEO of the fictitious BASH and one of Orlean's top donors, follows the Hollywood's tradition of depicting evil billionaires CEOs, such as in Deus - The Dark Sphere (2022)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] where CEO Vance Achilles, the villain modeled as a blend of Donald Trump and Elon Musk, sends a crew aboard the spaceship Achilles to investigate a mysterious Dark Sphere which has appeared in the orbit of Mars.
Peter Isherwell obviously reminds one of Elon Musk and SpaceX, with no background in neuroscience, epidemiology, aerospace nor astrophysics.

• 'cometary man-made fragmentation' and 'cometary deflection'

• Commercial exploitation of a comet rich in rare earth by fragmenting and recovering it from the ocean.

• China bared from participating in the U.S. lead comet-mining project.

• China teaming with Russia and India.

• Billionaires and VIPs only interested in saving their own lives by fleeing in a spaceship to an earth-like exoplanet, while condemning to death billions of humans left behind. Plot similar to Greenland (2020).


After the many 'asteroid strike' genre movies produced by the plethoric Hollywood propaganda machine, and more recently Bollywood, to better prepare its domestic opinion, China has released its first ever videomancy blockbuster in 2022.

Moon Man (2022) - 独行月球[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a videomancy Chinese science fiction comedy film co-written and directed by Zhang Chiyu, and starring Shen Teng and Ma Li. The film is an adaptation of South Korean illustrator Cho Seok's comic series Moon You.

Among other scientific consultants, Beijing Galactic Energy (北京星河动力空间科技有限公司) is credited as a supporting scientific institution,

It tells the story of a Chinese astronaut stranded on the moon after an asteroid strikes the Earth.

Dugu Yue, a former Chinese flight dynamics engineer, is hired as a maintenance man for the United Nations Moon Shield Project (UNMS), an operation spearheaded by the Chinese government which is intended to protect the Earth from an incoming asteroid named 'π'. The plan is to deploy a group of nuclear-tipped space warheads, called the 'Cosmic Strike Hammers', to shatter the asteroid and then use the moon to shield Earth from its fragments. Eight years after their launch, the Cosmic Strike Hammers successfully shatter 'π'; but one of the missiles was thrown off course following a solar storm, leaving some of the asteroid fragments heading towards the UNMS moon station. The facility is hastily evacuated, and in the chaos Yue is accidentally left behind. Arriving too late to board the last evacuation rocket, he witnesses one major fragment striking Earth.

A portion of humanity has survived the disaster in pre-built underground bunkers, but Earth's situation is rendered critical by a global dust cloud blocking off the Sun's radiation.

Yue decides to reach some equipment left over from an 18th, abandoned Apollo mission to reach the UNMS space station in the moon's orbit and use an escape capsule to return to Earth. Yue begins repairing the lunar lander, but to initiate liftoff, he needs the first Strike Hammer prototype, which is stored in another station at Lacus Perseverantiae.

Then the UNMS learns that another major fragment of 'π', called 'π+', is on a collision course with Earth, threatening to completely annihilate all life on the planet. Overhearing the news, Yue volunteers to guide his lander towards 'π+' so that the Strike Hammer's warhead can destroy it.

▲ Moon Man (2022) - 独行月球 videomancy: extinction level asteroid strike as seen from the Chinese lunar base.[web.archive.org]

▲ Moon Man (2022) - 独行月球 videomancy: nuclear-tipped 'Cosmic Strike Hammer' asteroid deflector weapon.[web.archive.org]


After the many 'asteroid apocalypse' genre movies produced by the plethoric Hollywood propaganda machine, and more recently Bollywood, to better prepare its domestic opinion, Hallyuwood (film industry in South Korea) has released its first ever videomancy blockbuster in 2023.

Concrete Utopia 콘크리트 유토피아 (2023)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is an 'asteroid extinction event' propaganda genre movie with an 'postapocalyptic survival', 'quake apocalypse', 'Geminid meteor shower', 'governmental disinformation', 'scavengers', 'cannibalism', 'tribalism', 'man wolf for man', 'crowing hen', 'societal collapse', 'vertical social status', 'the boat is full', 'refugee' and 'outsiders' genre subplots masqueraded as a South Korean disaster-thriller film directed by Um Tae Hwa and starring Lee Byung Hun, Park Seo Joon and Park Bo Young. The film is based on the second part of webtoon Pleasant Bullying by Kim Soong Nyung, which is about an earthquake and its aftermath.


After an epic earthquake disaster the concrete smoldering ruins of Seoul seem to stretch on as for as the eye can see.

In the centre of the massive disaster one building remains standing.

Survivors of an earthquake shack up at Imperial Palace Apartments in Seoul. Yeong Tak (Lee Byung Hun) leads them with help from Min Seong (Park Seo Joon), a public servant, and his nurse wife Myeong Hwa (Park Bo Young).

Dozens of outsiders from the surrounding area desperately seeking food and shelter from the cold. Feeling a threat to their very survival, the residents enact measures that questions the act of morals or survival.

At first a delegate is elected by the resident council, and different groups are organised to ensure the survival of the residents: medics, scavengers, guardians, etc.

Soon, illegal refugees called 'cockroaches' are being found hidden by some compassionate residents.

The situation worsen as food supply run low and scavenger team get ambushed by other survivor groups during their food gathering expedition in the ruins of Seoul.

Internal tensions escalate to open fight, before the entire building is taken by an enemy tribe, with only a few survivors escaping.


Concrete Utopia 콘크리트 유토피아 (2023) 75 00:08:29,780 --> 00:08:32,510 We should just kick out these damned outsiders. 76 00:08:53,080 --> 00:08:56,320 Are they American or German roaches? Why are they so big? ___ 175 00:15:10,020 --> 00:15:14,400 But a pack of strangers were camped in his living room, so he blew up. 176-177 00:15:14,800 --> 00:15:24,340 For them, freezing outside or getting stabbed in here is all the same, so out comes the knife! And since that didn't work... ___ 353-354 00:28:19,540 --> 00:28:29,060 Since this is a sensitive a matter concerning apartment safety, shouldn't the leaders all be homeowners? 355 00:28:30,760 --> 00:28:34,390 Why look at me? We have a lot of loans, but it's our home. 356 00:28:34,410 --> 00:28:36,330 Don't make assumptions. 357 00:28:36,720 --> 00:28:38,510 Just thought I'd check. 358 00:28:38,540 --> 00:28:41,690 The banks have all collapsed, who cares about loans now? 359 00:28:42,010 --> 00:28:44,150 - You've got the deed? - Of course. 360 00:28:44,340 --> 00:28:45,960 Then it's your home. 361 00:28:46,270 --> 00:28:50,760 Outside everything has crumbled, only this building is left. 362 00:28:50,910 --> 00:28:56,250 Honestly, there's no difference now between a murderer and a pastor. 363 00:28:56,460 --> 00:28:58,660 There's no high and low. Everyone is equal. 364 00:28:58,900 --> 00:29:00,720 Everything's has been reset. Am I wrong? 365-366 00:29:02,330 --> 00:29:10,680 Anyway, leaders, spread the word, and let's meet at dawn tomorrow. 367 00:29:10,860 --> 00:29:14,430 Won't we need take some weapons? 368 00:29:14,460 --> 00:29:18,740 You mean we should carry clubs or something? 369 00:29:18,760 --> 00:29:19,870 Isn't it obvious? 370 00:29:20,010 --> 00:29:22,250 You think they're just going to file out willingly? 371 00:29:22,520 --> 00:29:26,960 But we have no intention of killing anyone or whatever. ___ 408-410 00:32:42,670 --> 00:32:55,250 Now, I have something unfortunate to tell you. Those who are not residents of Hwang Gung Apartments are kindly asked to leave this complex. 411 00:32:55,810 --> 00:32:56,910 What? 412-414 00:32:58,780 --> 00:33:08,740 I repeat. From today, non-resident outsiders are not allowed to live here. We ask you to leave quickly. 415 00:33:08,770 --> 00:33:11,170 - What the hell? - What are you talking about? 416 00:33:11,200 --> 00:33:13,210 You said you'd distribute empty homes! 417 00:33:13,240 --> 00:33:14,540 Are those empty homes yours? 418 00:33:14,570 --> 00:33:16,640 Did the owners transfer them to you? 419 00:33:16,670 --> 00:33:18,200 You're acting like you own them! 420 00:33:18,220 --> 00:33:20,030 Who are you to order us to leave? 421 00:33:20,050 --> 00:33:21,030 Calm down. 422 00:33:21,060 --> 00:33:23,770 Are you telling all of us to freeze to death? ___ 568 00:43:36,250 --> 00:43:39,190 Isn't that Congressman we saw last time? 569 00:43:40,760 --> 00:43:44,260 He liked to talk big, but now he's dead. 570 00:43:46,620 --> 00:43:49,220 If you leave the apartments, you die. ___ 702-706 00:54:20,380 --> 00:54:40,430 I heard something different. I heard they eat people there. After spreading rumors about the paradise or whatever, they use the people who show up as food, stringing them up, letting the blood drain from their ankles... 707 00:54:50,520 --> 00:54:51,470 ♥♥♥♥! 708 00:54:53,650 --> 00:54:54,960 They run like cockroaches! ___ 796-802 01:00:54,380 --> 01:01:17,990 As abnormally low temperatures persist, Korea continues to set new records for cold weather. Today's daytime temperature will be minus 26 degrees. Please dress warmly in the cold. According to the Astronomical Research Institute, a Gemini meteor shower will grace the night sky. As you watch the shooting stars, how about making a wish? 803 01:01:18,020 --> 01:01:19,840 Hwang Gung Apartments ___ 1152-1161 01:27:34,730 --> 01:28:18,110 Thanks to #307 Yong-ik's courageous accusation, we tracked down a group of roaches. Let's give him a hand. Last night's incident tells us there are still outsiders hiding here and there in our complex. All that our fathers and sons risked their lives to obtain... can we let that fall into the hands of outsider? Those people outside aren't family. If a cockroach crawls to the kitchen table, is it family? What kind of family would burn, stab or kill people? ___ 1199 01:31:33,330 --> 01:31:34,810 Smells a bit like roast fish, you know? 1200 01:31:35,180 --> 01:31:37,400 You know why we're burning his corpse? 1201 01:31:37,650 --> 01:31:40,060 The corpses we threw in the trash last time all disappeared. 1202 01:31:40,510 --> 01:31:41,540 Why do you think? 1203 01:31:42,360 --> 01:31:46,360 Those cockroaches snuck in and carried them off... 1204 01:31:46,390 --> 01:31:49,650 Wow, that's gruesome! 1205 01:31:49,680 --> 01:31:50,920 They ate them? 1206 01:31:50,940 --> 01:31:52,030 Yeah, seriously. 1207 01:31:53,120 --> 01:31:54,290 Wow, they really ate them? 1208 01:31:54,460 --> 01:31:55,770 They're insane. ___ 1400 01:49:43,230 --> 01:49:48,850 They say when a hen crows, the family goes to ruin.

▲ Concrete Utopia 콘크리트 유토피아 (2023) videomancy: 'asteroid extinction event', 'postapocalyptic survival', 'quake apocalypse' and 'the boat is full' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Concrete Utopia 콘크리트 유토피아 (2023) videomancy: 'scavengers', 'societal collapse', 'cannibalism', 'tribalism' and 'Geminid meteor shower' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Concrete Utopia 콘크리트 유토피아 (2023) videomancy: 'man wolf for man', 'vertical social status','cannibalism', 'societal collapse' and 'crowing hen' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• Asteroid extinction event from a Korean perspective and seen as an apocalyptic massive earth quake, with the impact happening at the antipodes.

• 'Gemini meteor shower will grace the night sky. As you watch the shooting stars, how about making a wish?': again total disinformation from the authorities never telling the truth to the sheeple when a man-made catastrophe, in this case seemingly a botched asteroid capture attempt end up in an apocalypse. It is not without reminding one of the man-made climatic apocalypse and COVID-19 pandemics.

• Cannibalism is determined by the genetic starting settings of a species. Rules and civilizations can only temporarily repress or hide it but as soon as the right conditions are met, such as during an armed conflict, outlaws or societal collapse these traits will resurface.

• 'crowing hen' associated with societal collapse.

5.5. Moon, Mars, asteroid belt and beyond

After Greenland, in the third group of REE industrial base, the next and final phase already in development is the exploitation of REE throughout the Solar System and starting from the Moon and Mars, known as the fourth group of REE industrial bases.

By using wisely the 100 million tonnes of its strategic REE reserve, China can take the lead in the space race, and easily outgun all the powerhouses of the Europes. In this inter-planetary endeavor, the addition of the North Korean 250 million tonnes REE could be an advantageous booster.

In 2021 China has done in one shot with its Tianwen-1 orbiter/lander and Zhurong Mars Rover, what the Soviet Union could never achieve in two decades of fruitless attempts and dozens of space probes spoiled (and even 100% Soviet failure in 6 landing attempts, with only 14 seconds functional probe once on the Martian surface), thus having wasted in the process billions of rubles much needed for its social and economic development, and ending consequently with a catastrophic surrender at the end of the Cold War: a successful Mars landing at the first attempt.

After the Martian orbital insertion, the mothership has release on 15 May 2021 the lander carrying the rover and attempted this first ever landing. A feat that not even the U.S. could realize at the first launch. (The first U.S. landing on Mars was attempted by Viking-1 only after four Mariner probes flybys and two more Mariner orbiters. This means after 6 missions, and 11 years -from 1964 to 1975-. The first U.S. rover, Sojourner would only be launched after 2 more missions and 21 years later, in 1996.)

After this first step, China has started the development of Mars, based on the first come first served basis. With a first small outpost to follow in the next decade, then the large scale robotic mining of its mineral resources, including the most strategic rare earth elements (R.E.E.).

Indeed, unlike on Earth where the R.E.E. can only be extracted on the surface crust of the lithosphere, above the Mohorovicic's discontinuity, due to the current technological limitations to dive into the molten inner layers of the mantle, Mars solid layers go deeper due to the colder molten core. Thus making deep mining activities possible to reach where the highest concentration deposits of R.E.E. are located.

▲ Image of the theorized terrestrial planet interiors, with a deeper inner solid mantle on Mars, making R.E.E. mining the most strategic.[web.archive.org]

With these rare earth minerals, the electronic industry will be able to populate the entire planet of Mars with AI industrial robots, sentient robotic scientists, robotic administrators, and also military ones. Therefore ensuring the armed defence of this vital core asset.

Lastly, new spaceships will be designed in Martian research institutes and produced in Martian factories by the Chinese sentient robot scientists and robot engineers, allowing the further incremental and exponential conquest of the Moon, Venus and Mercury, and as far as the satellites of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

By 2049, the colonization process will expand to cover the entire Solar System, and totaling some 100 billions citizens, humans on Earth only if any left, robotic and synthetic-organic on all the other planets and moons!

5.5.1. Moon, Mars, asteroid belt and beyond in the pop culture


The Avatar[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] film series is an 'exoplanet colonization' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with an 'anti-imperialism', 'genocide', 'ecocide', 'colonialism', 'indigenous people', 'productivism', 'militarism', 'Corporate Republic', 'Gaian sentient planet', 'collective networked planetary hive', 'brain computer interface', 'genetic engineering of chimera', and 'mind control' genre subplots masqueraded as an epic science fiction film directed, written, co-produced, and co-edited by James Cameron and starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez, and Sigourney Weaver.

In the first installment of the film series, Avatar (2009)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] features an 'extraterrestrial REE mining' subplot.

In the first installment of the film series, Avatar (2009)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] a living human is controlling with his brain a synthetic hybrid Na'vi-human chimera body remotely.

In the second installment of the film series, Avatar: The Way of Water (2023)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] a living human brain is copied into a synthetic hybrid Na'vi-human chimera body.


The Resources Development Administration, or RDA, is the largest single non-governmental organization in human space. Its power is such that it outmatches most Earth governments in wealth, political influence, and military capability.

The RDA has monopoly rights to all products shipped, derived, or developed from Pandora and any other off-Earth location. These rights were granted to the RDA in perpetuity by the Interplanetary Commerce Administration (ICA), with the stipulation that they abide by a treaty that prohibits weapons of mass destruction and limits military power in space.

The RDA is engaged in a violent war with the Na'vi.


With 263 million shareholders, the RDA is the oldest and largest of the quasi-governmental administrative entities (QGAEs), but its origins are far more modest. The entity that would become the RDA was little more than a Silicon Valley garage startup in the early 21st century, when its two founders borrowed money from friends and family to begin the company.

After only a few decades, the company had the capital and stature to propose the construction of a world-spanning rapid transit system that would allow entire population groups to conveniently commute hundreds or even thousands of miles to perform work where it was needed, without impinging on the cultural values of host populations. The success of the venture led to the current global network of maglev trains that require the superconductor material known as unobtanium for their continued operation.

Additionally, the RDA expanded to the skies, creating hundreds of orbiting factories on the Earth's moon, Mars, and the solar system's asteroid belts. These factories caused a pollution of toxins to frequently rain down on Earth.

Colonization and mining of Pandora (2120s)

The company's early expeditions to Pandora were seen as a colossal risk; the construction of the ISV Venture Star in the late 21st century alone put enormous strain on capital resources, but with exclusive mining rights to unobtanium (which is valued at 20 million dollars per kilogram raw and 40 million dollars processed), and potential profits from countervirals, biofuels, and cosmetics, the enormous capital investment has paid off. The RDA then began to suppress Terran alternatives for unobtanium, which created a black market for the substance which helped to fund terrorist groups.

Interactions and conflict with the Na'vi (2130s-2153)

During the RDA's time on Pandora, the company came into contact with the Na'vi, a blue-skinned humanoid species native to Pandora. The Avatar Program was developed by RDA scientist Dr. Cordell Lovecraft. Avatars, a hybrid species of the Na'vi mixed with human DNA were originally created for more efficient workers on Pandora, however, the Avatar Program was then repurposed to improve communication with the Na'vi, with xenolinguists bridging communication due to the Na'vi's unique language. The RDA had a program known as The Ambassador Program (TAP) which abducted Na'vi children in an attempt to raise the Na'vi as if they were humans, and eventually turn them against their own species.

Events were generally peaceful at first, with Dr. Grace Augustine founding a school to help the two species learn more about each other. However, the murder of the Na'vi Sylwanin in 2152, who was shot by an RDA employee after she vandalized a bulldozer, acted as catalyst for the RDA's relationship with the Na'vi to worsen. Despite this, the RDA continued their controversial deforestation and mining led by administrator Parker Selfridge at their facility Hell's Gate.

Pandoran War (2154)

In 2154, the RDA's environmentally harmful mining operations on Pandora and the RDA SecOps' destruction of the Trees of Voices and the assault on the Omatikaya Hometree had led into a war between the RDA and the native Na'vi. According to Grace Augustine, the bulldozing of the Tree of Voices on August 18th was a greedy act intended to provoke the Na'vi and make them the RDA's enemy which could be used to justify further force against them; this plan worked when Tsu'tey's team took the bait and led a war party to set the bulldozers on fire, killing six RDA employees.

On August 20th, the RDA used this as an excuse to topple the Omatikayan Hometree using incendiary missiles, even in spite of the Na'vi fighting back using arrows. Many Na'vi such as Eytukan lost their life in this traumatic incident. The Na'vi refused to let their land be destroyed and capitalized by the corporation any further and rallied their clans together.

Meanwhile, the chief of security Miles Quaritch claimed that the Na'vi planned to attack Hell's Gate with thousands of Na'vi, and convinced the military to lead a preemptive attack. In order to "fight terror with terror" and "blast a crater in their racial memory so deep they won't come within a thousand klicks" of Hell's Gate ever again, the RDA decided to destroy the Tree of Souls which would sever the Na'vi's main connection to Eywa and inflict long-lasting fear and inter-generational trauma.

On August 23, a massive battle was fought in the skies of the Hallelujah Mountains and on the ground beneath. Although the RDA appeared to be winning against an estimated 2,000 Na'vi, a large amount of Pandoran animals began to attack the wildlife which Neytiri believed was Eywa's retaliation. Quaritch lost his life during the battle against the Na'vi as well.

After the conflict, the RDA was driven off Pandora, caused by RDA defectors Grace Augustine, Norm Spellman, Trudy Chacón and Jake Sully. About 90% of the RDA were forced off Pandora; a select group of human defectors including Max Patel were allowed to remain.

Return to Pandora (2168-early 2170s)

Nearly 14 years later, in 2168, the RDA returned to Pandora with 10 spaceships because Earth was dying as the planet was becoming inhospitable. The new head administrator Charles Stringer, along with general Frances Ardmore, threatened the occupants of Hell's Gate to surrender and be given amnesty, or die.

Instead of doing nothing, Jake and the Na'vi decided to take a spaceship directly to the RDA's ship and attempt to threaten to destroy the unobtanium as leverage to get the RDA to surrender peacefully. What the Na'vi did not expect, however, was that Nash McCosker was secretly working to sabotage Jake's plan, showing that the RDA was playing dirty all along. Additionally, when Jake mentioned the RDA would simply never hold their end of a treaty, Ardmore simply replied "we're done here" showing that he could see through any intentions of the RDA agreeing to make peace with the Na'vi.

After a brief violent conflict with the Na'vi on their spaceship, the RDA reclaimed Hell's Gate and began re-colonizing Pandora again to make it the new home for humanity, setting the forest on fire as they disembark. The RDA also desired to kill Jake Sully due to his raids against the RDA's supply lines and his influence with the Na'vi.

The terraforming resumed and the RDA constructed a coastal city known as Bridgehead under a year using advanced 3D printing and spider-like robots, and they began manufacturing products such as beer. The Avatar Program was restarted with plenty of more avatars produced, with Raven being one of them. The RDA established bases and factories of varying sizes across Pandora, determined to extract resources regardless of the cost, including pollution which shows that the RDA has not learned any environmentally-friendly, implying they will destroy Pandora like they did with Earth. The RDA soon discovered that the tulkun, a highly intelligent whale-like species, had a yellow liquid called amrita which prevents aging, making it the most wanted resource on the moon since unobtanium. As a result, they began whaling operations in order to kill the tulkun and harvest their amrita, with Ardmore providing Mick Scoresby the necessary ships and equipment.

By 2169, the RDA had expanded its operations into the Western Frontier.



Avatar (2009) 121-124 00:12:12,064 --> 00:12:26,578 This is where we're connecting to the avatar. Me and Norm are here to drive these remotely controlled bodies called avatars. And they're grown from human DNA mixed with the DNA of the natives. ___ 975 01:44:59,709 --> 01:45:01,126 - for Christ's sake! - I'm not talking 976-977 01:45:01,127 --> 01:45:07,800 about some kind of pagan voodoo here. I'm talking about something real, something measurable in the biology of the forest. 979 01:45:08,385 --> 01:45:09,885 Which is what, exactly? 980-984 01:45:10,929 --> 01:45:28,112 What we think we know is that there is some kind of electrochemical communication between the roots of the trees, like the synapses between neurons. And each tree has ten-to-the-fourth connections to the trees around it. And there are ten-to-the-twelfth trees on Pandora. 985 01:45:28,989 --> 01:45:31,323 Which is a lot, I'm guessing. 986-990 01:45:31,324 --> 01:45:46,922 It's more connections than the human brain. Get it? It's a network. It's a global network, and the Na'vi can access it. They can upload and download data. Memories. At sites like the one you just destroyed. ___ 1000-1004 01:46:22,917 --> 01:46:40,225 They're not gonna give up their home. They're not gonna make a deal. For what? Lite beer? And blue jeans? There's nothing that we have that they want. ___ 1025-1030 01:48:28,585 --> 01:48:53,609 You know, they never even wanted us to succeed. They bulldozed a sacred site on purpose to trigger a response. Just fabricating this war to get what they want. This is how it's done. When people are sitting on sh|t that you want, you make them your enemy. Then you're justified in taking it.

Avatar: The Way of Water (2023) 126-145 00:11:23,267 --> 00:12:07,561 So see this? This is all your memories and your personality. We're gonna send this back to Earth... where you're growing in a lab as we speak. We're gonna imprint you with it, and then... Hey, hey, hey. Am I doin' this, or are you doin' this? Hurry it up. Anyway, the idea... is to get the minds of the saltiest on-world operators. Yeah, like Corporal Wainfleet over there... and your humble narrator into... recombinant bodies. You're a recom now, Colonel... loaded with my memories and my charm. What you won't remember is my death... because it hasn't happened yet... and it ain't gonna. -Damn right. -Hell yeah. Well, whatever happened... if you're any clone of mine, you'll be lookin' for some payback. ___ 189-194 00:15:51,577 --> 00:16:12,556 I know you're all askin' yourselves the same question. Why so blue? For our sins in our past life... we have been brought back... in the form of our enemy. That gives us their size, their strength, their speed. ___ 287-295 00:21:03,138 --> 00:21:30,290 Maybe I'm just losing it out here... but I'm seeing real evidence... of a systemic response on a global level. I can't... I won't use the term "intelligence." It's... maybe "awareness" is a better word. It's like the entire biosphere of Pandora... is aware... and capable of this cognitive response. ___ 333-334 00:23:49,721 --> 00:23:57,521 These Swarm Assemblers, they can put up a building in six days. We have done more here in a year than in the previous 30 years. ___ 337-343 00:24:02,901 --> 00:24:26,091 I have been charged with a greater mission. Earth is dying. Our task here is to tame this frontier. Nothing less than to make Pandora... the new home for humanity. But before we can do that... we need to pacify the hostiles.

▲ Avatar (2009) videomancy: human driver to Avatar datalink vs Pandoran global neural connectivity.[web.archive.org]

▲ Avatar: The Way of Water (2023) videomancy: human mind in hybrid Na'vi Recombinant bodies.[web.archive.org]

▲ Avatar: The Way of Water (2023) videomancy: Pandoran global neural connectivity.[web.archive.org]


• Following the Hollywood's tradition of depicting evil billionaires CEOs, such as in Don't Look Up (2021)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph], and Deus - The Dark Sphere (2022)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph], the Avatar movie series' villain is modeled after Elon Musk. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]
Indeed, it is the inveterate bad habit of stern imperialists to always seek more lands to grab and squat.
In this regard, Elon Musk's wildest ambition is to make humanity a multiplanet species, while in 'Avatar: The Way of Water (2023)', General Frances Ardmore, the commander in charge of the RDA states:
I have been charged with a greater mission.
Earth is dying.
Our task here is to tame this frontier.
Nothing less than to make Pandora... the new home for humanity.
- General Frances Ardmore, commander in charge of the RDA, 2169 AD

▲ Level 9 is make humanity a multiplanet species & true spacefaring civilization. That is why I am gathering resources. · Jul 10, 2023[archive.ph]

The RDA's barbaric animal experiments in the Avatar video games (attempting to control their minds and behavior using technology) foreshadowed, in reality, Elon Musk's Neuralink Corporation nearly a decade in advance, as sites have claimed the corporation caused over 1500 animals to suffer and die via cruel surgeries and brain implants.

The RDA's expansion to space, creating hundreds of orbiting factories on the Earth's moon, Mars, and the solar system's asteroid belts are the preannouncement of SpaceX activities.

The RDA's global network of maglev trains that require the superconductor material known as unobtanium for their continued operation is the preannouncement of Elon Musk's Hyperloop.

10 years after launching the idea, Elon Musk's Hyperloop is a planetary fiasco that will never see the light of day. Big losers in the case: the start-ups and public authorities duped by the communication of the American multi-billionaire without worrying about whether the project was technically feasible. In Toulouse, the Metropolis spent more than 5.5 million euros of public money for nothing. End clap for the Hyperloop project in Toulouse, where the logo was covered in white and the American start-up Hyperloop TT ordered to leave the Francazal site, a former military base, before September 2023. ... This fiasco is all the more regrettable since a Time investigation revealed that Elon Musk never really intended to build the Hyperloop. The real goal of the leader of Tesla would have been to cancel a TGV project in California, where many residents have bought one of his famous electric cars. Hyperloop TT is not the only company to have received public subsidies for a chimerical project. The Nouvelle-Aquitaine region has paid aid of 2 million euros to the Canadian Transpod for a Hyperloop test center near Limoges where nothing has yet been built, more than 4 years after the launch of the project. However, 10 people have been hired to work on the design of the Droux center.

• The RDA's global network of maglev trains requires the superconductor material known as unobtanium for their continued operation. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]
This is an allegory of the real world's most strategic rare earth elements. Mostly produced in China, thus the karst limestone formations of the floating Pandoran 'Hallelujah Mountains' modeled after the Chinese Huangshan.

• Does this mean that the Na'vi are modeled after the colonized indigenous Chinese people, exploited for their REE? The Na'vi language suggest otherwise though.
Totaly lacking in tones a charateristic of all Chinese dialects, the Na'vi language is therefore much closer to Aryan or Celtic languages than any Chinese ones.
Indeed, the tongue's phonemes include ejective consonants (such as the "kx" in "skxawng") that are found in Amharic, and the initial "ng" that Cameron may have taken from Te Reo Māori. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]

• In addition, because the Na'vi indigenous Pandoran species are only hunter-gatherers with technology level equivalent of Earth's Paleolithic epoch, they can not be modeled after the Chinese, known for being the most technologically advanced and civilized among all hominids on Earth.
Dentition is similar to that of humans, though the canines are more pronounced. This alone definitely excludes any resemblance with the Chinese that don't have canine teeth, unlike their H0m0 SS counterparts.
If not Chinese which ethnic group of human does the Na'vi represent?
The Na'vi are overall humanoid in their anatomy, though they also possess some feline features such as yellow eyes and a long tail. The neck is long and body slender, they have elf features such as, pointy ears that can move independently, large round eyes, and a wide nose.
But among all felidae species, they appear to have a small bob of fur on the end of their tails, which points to lions.
The lion has been depicted as "king of the jungle" and "king of beasts" in African, West and South Asian and European civilizations, unlike the Chinese that consider the chimeral dragon as their symbolic animal, meaning the Na'vis represent the lesser advanced ethnic groups of Africa, West and South Asia and Europe, dominated by the technologically most advanced space age 'Sky people'. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]

• Who are these most advanced 'Sky people'? First the central question why so blue? as asked in Avatar: The Way of Water (2023). 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]

Blue blood comes from the Spanish phrase "sangre azul," or "blue blood." Aristocratic Castile families coined the term after Spain conquered Moorish lands in 1834 to refer to the fact that they were “uncontaminated” by Moorish or Jewish blood, because their complexions were fair, which caused their blue veins to stand out. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]

Therefore blue skin is associated with Visigoth or more generally with Aryan ethnic groups.

This is not new, with the first mediatic depiction of little blue Aryans being chased by a Semitic giant, in the 1958s Belgian comic book series The Smurfs 1[web.archive.org] 3[archive.ph], and named after an European language word for sock; the single most hated and iconic symbol of European colonialism, a smelly piece of clothing imposed on all the colonised people, whose majority only walks bare feet for a good reason.

The Smurfs Are Racist, Anti-Semites, Antoine Buéno Suggests In 'Le Petit Livre Bleu' Papa Smurf, the leader of the village, is an authoritarian figure, and that their lack of private property and collective-style economy is a clear nod to socialism. Meanwhile, their enemy seems Jewish: Gargamel, the monster that haunts the village, matches negative Jewish caricatures and his cat's name is Azrael, while Smurfette is a vision of aryan perfection.

In this regard, Stephen Lang, of Hungarian Jewish-German Jewish (father) descent, stars as Colonel Miles Quaritch, the RDA Security Operations commander, serving as the chief of security on Pandora in the early 2150s.
Fiercely consistent in his disregard for any life not recognized as human, he has a profound disregard for Pandora's inhabitants that is evident in both his actions and his language.
In conclusion, the Na'vis represent the Paleolithic indigenous Aryans hunted by the space age 'Sky people' of mixed human ethnicities but lead in their Pandoran military operations by an officer with some Semitic traits. A technologically more advanced invader that uses mind-control, quadcopters, Amplified Mobility Platform (AMP) suit (mecha and exoskeleton), robots and clones among other cutting edge weapons.

• A human pilot is said to control remotely with his brain a synthetic hybrid Na'vi-human chimera body called Avatar.
Nothing is said about the nature of the datalink between the human brain and the Avatar. Due to the distance and terrain including mountains and caves, radio waves propagated in the air are to be ruled out. There is only one option left, a satellite datalink with highly penetrating carriers.
How can a human control the feline ears and tail's movements of an Avatar, the skin's bioluminescence pattern, the queue nervous system's pinkish tendrils that are used as specialized neural connectors between every Pandoran sentient beings and entities.
Human don't have such dedicated zones in their brain.
As a human toddler can not control the body of an adult human because lacking the brain size capacity, nor a mindworm of the size of a maggot control a human, a 2.5 petabytes brain capacity human adult can not control a 3 meter to 3.9 meter tall and 290 kg heavy adult Na'vi.
This means the human operator will end up in the situation of a passenger watching the Na'vi being fully piloted in reality by the A.I., with only the illusion of free will, as depicted in RoboCop (2014)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph].

If the human operator stays lying 16 hours in a row inside a control pod, without moving he would after weeks soon suffer from muscular atrophy. Worse, failing to follow a human circadian rhythm, dictated by the exposure to sun light, he won't eat and have bowel movements, nor sleep in a 24 hours diurnal periodic cycle. It is explained that this is done during the sleeping hours of Pandorans. He will first end up exhausted, then demented, due to a massive loss of brain tissue.
The situation is made worse as it is highly unlikely that a Pandoran day lasts the same as on Earth with 24 hours. Only an A.I. could control such an Avatar.

• In Avatar: The Way of Water (2023), a human brain is copied into a 'Recombinant', synthetic hybrid Na'vi-human chimera body (Avatar). 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]
This means the Na'vi recipient brain will control most functions specific to the Na'vi including the tail, ears, the skin's bioluminescence, the queue neural connector, with probably only marginal memory space left for the human content. But how will this schizophrenic mongrel brain deal with antagonistic code, such as opposite contradictory reaction to the same stimuli (jackfruit, durian and 100% of Pandoran food, fauna and flora)?
How can this schizophrenic brain deal with the two different biological circadian cycle, different Pandoran gravity field, and so on? The answer is that the human part will be repressed as a form of mental disease, and cured with medication or even surgery to remove the malignant human brain tissue. But in the movie it seems that the Na'vi brain has been probably mostly removed, with only the primitive motor control part retained, and replaced by a 100% human neocortex.

5.5.2. Plan B for outer space

Plan B for outer space has been unlocked as a by-product of the U.S. Dystopian Empire's race for Rare Earth Elements mineral in outer space.

The coming Betelgeuse supernova event

2 June 2023

A team of astronomers led by Hideyuki Saio (Tohoku University) find that Betelgeuse has puffed up far larger than previously thought, more than 1200 times wider than the sun.

We conclude that Betelgeuse should currently be in a late phase (or near the end) of the core carbon burning.

After carbon is exhausted in the core, a core-collapse leading to a supernova explosion is expected in a few tens years.


A typical type II-P supernova emits 2×1046 J of neutrinos and produces an explosion with a kinetic energy of 2×1044 J. As seen from Earth, Betelgeuse as a type IIP supernova would have a peak apparent magnitude somewhere in the range −8 to −12. This would be easily visible in daylight, with a possible brightness up to a significant fraction of the full moon, though likely not exceeding it.

▲ Caption: Figure 1. Left panel: possible optical Type IIP SN lightcurves for an explosion of a Betelgeuse-like star from the time of shock breakout to a few thousand days compared to the average visual brightness of common astronomical objects. Right panel: total bolometric magnitudes and optical UBVRI magnitudes for our fiducial Type IIP SN model, at a distance of 197 pc.[web.archive.org]

SN 1006 was a supernova that is likely the brightest observed stellar event in recorded history, reaching an estimated −7.5 visual magnitude, and exceeding roughly sixteen times the brightness of Venus.


Modern astronomers now consider the SN 1006 supernova's distance from Earth to be about 7,200 light-years, that is 14 times farther than Betelgeuse's estimated 500–600 light-years distance from the Earth.

The Betelgeuse supernova event that has already happened and whose luminal speed particles are expected to reach Earth before the end of this century will be the most powerful stellar event to be witnessed by humans. While the biosphere is not expected to be affected, its impact on LEO space infrastructure is unknown, since no near-earth supernova have ever been observed before with modern astrophysics instruments.

Miyake events

26 October 2022

In 2012, Miyake et al. discovered in Japanese cedar tree-rings a sudden single-year jump in radiocarbon concentration around 774 CE. This was followed shortly by the discovery of another spike in tree-rings from 993 CE, and further such spikes have been found in 660 BCE, 5259 BCE, 5410 BCE and 7176 BCE, for a total of six well-studied and accepted radiocarbon spikes.

The sharp rise in radiation, with a simultaneous global onset, indicates that Miyake events are of astrophysical origin, for which a variety of explanations have been offered (thoroughly reviewed in [33]). Dying stars and their remnants are known to produce extremely intense bursts of radiation, and are prima facie reasonable astrophysical sources. For instance, a sharp burst of radiation could have been delivered by a Galactic gamma-ray burst or nearby supernova, though astronomical evidence of these is so far lacking.

The wide consensus of the literature is that these events have a solar origin, beginning with Melott & Thomas; Usoskin et al. For example, the events could represent a solar magnetic collapse, a very brief grand solar minimum, with the reduced heliospheric shielding exposing the Earth to an increase in Galactic cosmic rays.

The solar proton event of 1956 produced an estimated 3.04×106 atoms/cm−23.04×106 atoms/cm−2 of 14C; depending on assumptions about its flare class and spectral hardness, the 774 CE event could correspond to an X-ray flare as bright as X1800, nearly two orders of magnitude larger than any previously observed.

If a Miyake event were to occur today, the sudden and dramatic rise in cosmic radiation could be devastating to the biosphere and technological society. It is therefore concerning that we have little understanding of how to predict their occurrence or effects. A solar proton event orders of magnitude more powerful than any previously observed could cause an ‘internet apocalypse’ of prolonged outages by damaging submarine cables and satellites. The direct effects of energetic particles could even harm the health of passengers in high-altitude aircraft. It is also likely that the 774 CE event would have caused a approximately 8.5% depletion in global ozone coverage, with a significant but not catastrophic effect on weather. The origin and physics of these radiocarbon spikes are therefore important not just for astronomers and archaeologists, but for risk planning and mitigation in general society.


Conclusion, from these statistics, one might expect that such strong events occur once per tens of millennia, while weaker events may occur once per millennium or even century. The event of 774 did not cause catastrophic consequences for life on Earth, but had it happened in modern times, it might have produced game ending damages to modern technology, particularly to communication and space-borne military satellite systems.

Therefore, time is running out for the U.S. putschist military junta, before the U.S. orbital MC satellite array is totally wiped out by the next Miyake event, thus freeing billions of enslaved humans from its yoke.


Since the takeover of the World after its military coup with the aid of captured WWII Nipponese mind-control weapons, sometime after 1945, the U.S. putschist military junta can no longer sleep well at night.

This should not come as a surprise, as history don't lie and in essence teaches us that every putschist usurpers could sooner than later end up overthrown.

Julius Caesar's pathetic and miserable fall was already set right after he crossed the Rubicon river.

And the awareness of this has caused constant nightmare for the U.S. military junta since 1945.

To delay the fulfillment of the most dreaded prophecy, the World's rulers have spared no effort in killing preventively billions of humans over 80 years of reign of pure terror, by playing the divide, pitching one ethnic group against another, one religious group against another, each social group against each other, engineering countless of wars, provoking chains of unnatural catastrophes and unleashing horrendous pandemics, and especially slaughtering preventively the most feared children of the noblest families, like their forefather Herod I, the Tyrant of Judea, 2000 years earlier.

But with time, not only the real threat but demented paranoia increases as well.

In a last ditch attempt to escape this unavoidable and just punishment, the World's rulers have finally decided to get rid of all of humankind.

▲ Videomancy:[web.archive.org]
Caligula (1979)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]: 'You're an honest man, Proculus, which means of bad Roman. Therefore you're a traitor.' - Caligula


Deus - The Dark Sphere (2022)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a videomancy Sci-Fi film, directed by Steve Stone and starring Claudia Black.

Following the Hollywood's tradition of depicting evil billionaires CEOs, such as in Don't Look Up (2021)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], CEO Vance Achilles, this movie's villain modeled as a blend of Donald Trump and Elon Musk, sends a crew aboard the spaceship Achilles to investigate a mysterious Dark Sphere which has appeared in the orbit of Mars.

After the bedraggled six-person crew wake from eight months hibernation, the Sphere is transmitting a single word in every Earth language ever known - Deus.

This cunning conspiracy is later revealed to be part of Vance Achilles' final solution to cull most of humankind, or 15 billions out of 21 billions.
Indeed, the Dark Sphere is only his manmade decoy, masquerading as God. Its message to the feeble-minded world people's simpletons is that the end of the world is coming and by choosing to enter one of the several 10'000s of gates that have suddenly appeared on Earth, they will go to heaven.
In fact each gate contains a mini event horizon or black hole, that would instantly annihilate the fools.

The 10'000 gates apparition event is an allegory for the U.S. Starlink orbital network build-up, and the film is a satire of sheeple, government, political, celebrity, and media indifference to the orbital Starlink WMD deployment.

▲ Deus - The Dark Sphere (2022) Videomancy: final solution to cull most of humankind.[web.archive.org]

New World 2.0

Basically, to continue to rule over a semblance of an Empire, the idea is to create a totally new World, counterpart of the Old World. Albeit deprived of any human being.

The American continent has surpassed the Eurasian one, 500 years after the start of its colonization by the European powers.

This time, space is the New World. The Solar System, where humans can never expand due to the Earth's Radiation Belts, solar wind, deep space radiations and lack of gravity mostly.

▲ The solar system, where humans can never expand due to the Earth's Radiation Belts, solar wind, deep space radiations and lack of gravity mostly. Impossible to even escape the deadly zones as they form a closed loop! [web.archive.org]

A new world populated therefore only by artificial synthetic and robotic subjects, each fine-tuned for their new ecosystem, comprising specific gravitational environment of their own planets, residual radiation level and atmospheric conditions.

▲ Videomancy:[web.archive.org]
Monster of Man (2020)[web.archive.org]2[archive.is]: Robots, the real colonizer of the Moon, Mars and beyond!

Videomancy Hint: interplanetary human spaceflight as the new hoax!

▲ Videomancy:[web.archive.org]
Kong: Skull Island (2017)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]: 'The most intelligent inhabitants of that future world won't be men or monkeys. They'll be machines.'

As if additional smoking guns were needed, the pivotal sentence from Arthur C. Clarke was quoted as a Freudian slip by Elon Musk himself, in a short 1 minute 42 seconds twitter video, and extracted from an original 12 minutes 5 seconds long 1964 BBC interview.

▲ A. C. Clarke: 'The most intelligent inhabitants of that future world won't be men or monkeys. They'll be machines.', Elon Musk: 'Prescient' · Mar 27, 2023[web.archive.org]

▲ 1964: ARTHUR C CLARKE predicts the future: 'The most intelligent inhabitants of that future world won't be men or monkeys. They'll be machines.' [archive.is]

▲ Level 9 is make humanity a multiplanet species & true spacefaring civilization. That is why I am gathering resources. · Jul 10, 2023[archive.ph]

The question is how many subjects are needed to maintain a minimum of administrative, military, economic, industrial and scientific production in order to not collapse and not be overthrown by the Old World (i.e. the humankind remnants).

In the hypothesis of a demographic threshold (DT) of about 250 millions subjects, that is the demographic level of the U.S. in 1989, when the nation was about to become the only hyperpower 2 years later, thus able to defeat all the other powers in a coalition, the question is it is feasible?

How long would it take to populate the Solar System with 250 millions artificial synthetic and robotic subjects, and how many flights?

▲ Roadmap of China's manned space launcher 2017-2045. By 2045 fully reusable up to 100 times, 99.5% reliable, 12 hours between each flight, vertical take off, horizontal landing. [web.archive.org]

In the best scenario, as presented in the roadmap of China's manned space launcher 2017-2045, we could expect fully reusable up to 100 times, 99.5% reliable, 12 hours between each flight, vertical take off, horizontal landing space transportation systems.

The doomsday clock for human extinction

With 100 cybernetic passengers per rocket flights, 2 flights a day, 100 total flights per rocket before being discarded, and a fleet of 50 Chinese rockets (as in 2021), that is 50 expendable rockets all to be replaced by reusable ones in the future by 2030:

Per rocket: 100 flights/50 days => 10'000 passengers/50 days
Per fleet of 50 rockets: 500'000 passenger / years

This means a superpower like China by converting all its industrial capacity to produce 50 reusable VTVL rockets would need 500 years to transfer the hypothesized demographic threshold (DT) of about 250 millions subjects, and only to LEO!

And this is only the first and shortest trip. More fleet would be required to shuttle the robotic colonizers from the LEO Space Station to the Lunar Orbit's Station, then a third dedicated fleet would ferry the passengers to the lunar surface. The colonization of Mars would even increase this number!

In 100 years, only 50 millions passengers could be sent to LEO, or equivalent of the U.S. demography in the year 1852!

Now we see clearly why all the industrial capacity of the world is required in this Grand Feverish Plan of the World's ruler.

This can be declined as following:

• China: 50 rockets a year
• US (NASA): 50 rockets a year
• India (ISRO): 50 rockets a year
• Europes (EU ESA + Russia Roscosmos): <50 rockets a year
• North East Asia (DPRK NADA + ROK KARI + Japan JAXA): <50 rockets a year
• ASEAN (Myanmar MSA + Thailand GISTDA + Indonesia LAPAN): <50 rockets a year
• West Asia (Iran ISA + Turkey TUA + UAE + Pakistan): <50 rockets a year
• South America (Brazil AEB + Argentina CONAE): <50 rockets a year

By increasing the space traffic to 500 rockets each year, all nations included, it would still require 50 years to send the DT 255 millions passengers to LEO!

But we can't produce that amount of rockets due to the weakness of the lesser powers.

Finally to reach the lunar orbit station an then the lunar surface, the fleet needs to be more than 3 times larger!

Cargo fleet that would carry the construction elements and machinery needed to build the first generation ground facilities on the Moon, the Gigawatt-class microwave solar power generator in lunar orbit necessary to power the first ground infrastructures, and in-orbit refuellers for the rockets, would even increase this number.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Starlink Orbital Directed Energy Weapon System made of 42'000 platforms when completed would need continuous launches for the upkeep, thus the bacteria-type proliferation of 'private' launch companies we are witnessing lately.

╔══════════════════════════════════╤════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Ground Space Center--> │ ║ ║ Earth GEO Space Station │ ║ ╠══════════════════════════════════╪════════════════════════════════╣ ║ Rocket │ Starship-class VTVL ║ ╟──────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────╢ ║ Rocket turnaround time │ 2 launches a day ║ ╟──────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────╢ ║ Payload to GTO │ 21 tons ║ ╟──────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────╢ ║ Passengers │ 100 cybernetic robots ║ ╠══════════════════════════════════╪════════════════════════════════╣ ║ Earth GEO Space Station --> │ ║ ║ Mars GEO Space Station │ ║ ╠══════════════════════════════════╪════════════════════════════════╣ ║ Rocket │ Starship-class ║ ╟──────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────╢ ║ Travel duration │ 80-150 days (average 115 days) ║ ╠══════════════════════════════════╪════════════════════════════════╣ ║ Mars GEO Space Station --> │ ║ ║ Mars Space Center │ ║ ╠══════════════════════════════════╪════════════════════════════════╣ ║ Rocket │ Starship-class VTVL ║ ╟──────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────╢ ║ Passengers │ 100 cybernetic robots ║ ╟──────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────╢ ║ -------------------- │ -------------------- ║ ╟──────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────╢ ║ Number of Space Agencies │ More than 10: ║ ║ │ China, NASA, ISRO, ESA,+ ║ ╠══════════════════════════════════╪════════════════════════════════╣ ║ Rocket numbers │ ║ ╠══════════════════════════════════╪════════════════════════════════╣ ║ Rocket total by space agency │ 50 Starship-class ║ ║ each year │ ║ ╟──────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────╢ ║ World's total rockets each year │ 500 Starship-class VTVL ║ ╠══════════════════════════════════╪════════════════════════════════╣ ║ Total rocket launches │ ║ ╠══════════════════════════════════╪════════════════════════════════╣ ║ Total launches by space agencies │ 5'000 launches ║ ║ each year │ ║ ╟──────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────╢ ║ World's total launches each year │ 50'000 launches ║ ╠══════════════════════════════════╪════════════════════════════════╣ ║ Cybernetic robot colonizers │ ║ ╠══════════════════════════════════╪════════════════════════════════╣ ║ Cybernetic robot colonizers │ 13'398 robots a day ║ ║ launched each day │ ║ ╟──────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────╢ ║ Cybernetic robot colonizers │ 5'000'000 robots a year ║ ║ launched each year │ ║ ╟──────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────╢ ║ Cybernetic robot colonizers │ 500'000'000 Cybernetic robot ║ ║ launched each century │ colonizers per century ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════╧════════════════════════════════╝

We see here why all the other minor regions are absolutely essential and so important in this grand scheme!

In the 10th July 2023 update, Elon Musk proves that the situation is getting even worse than previously thought:

33 raptor engines on super heavy.

9 engines on starship.

42 is the meaning of life.

Looks like we can increase Raptor thrust by ~20% to reach 9000 tons (20 million lbs) of force at sea level

And deliver over 200 tons of payload to a useful orbit with full & rapid reusability.

50 rockets flying every 3 days on average enables over a megaton of payload to orbit per year – enough to build a self-sustaining city on Mars.

@elonmusk 5:43 AM · Jul 10, 2023


Expect the doomsday clock for human extinction set to 2080 AD.

Vehicle Design

The role of the new reusable Vertical takeoff vertical landing (VTVL) rocket systems is the one of a follow on to the 1960's Boeing 707-120 Jet airliners that were used to ferry millions of subjects from one continent to the other in carrying out one's colonial duties.

▲ Videomancy:[web.archive.org]
Pan Am (2011-2012)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]: 1960's Boeing 707-120 Jet airliners that were used to ferry millions of subjects in carrying out one's colonial duties.

To ferry passengers to the Moon, 3 different rockets are required for each steps: to the GEO station, from GEO station to the lunar orbit station and finally from lunar orbit station to the lunar base.

▲ The new manned launcher associated with the 7 seaters Yuanzhou spacecraft, in the CSS orbit configuration made of one first stage core booster, and in the beyond CSS orbit configuration, made of 3 first stages core boosters powered each by 7 Kerolox YF-100K engines. [web.archive.org]

▲ China's third new manned space launcher, made of 5 core boosters, each powered by 4 engines. Core booster diameter is 3.8 meter.[web.archive.org]
2[archive.vn] Tesla Bot

Tesla Bot 'we come in peace' moment in August 2021 with a person in a bot suit. Although a mere stunt, this announced the true colors of the future Dystopian Android World Order, Tesla Bots intended to be as strong and agile as a human beings but with a networked brain and much superior in cognitive capability and detectors, possibly a set of 8 eyes covering the full range of possible simultaneous zooms and field of views, with thermal, microwave and terahertz vision.

▲ Tesla Bot 'we come in peace' moment in August 2021 with a person in a bot suit. August 2021[web.archive.org]

But was this person in a bot suit masquerading a Tesla Bot only a mere publicity stunt?

The answer is that without any doubt possible, it was alas only the tip of the iceberg.

Indeed, other space companies known to be closely linked to the U.S. military such as Mu Space[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] an aerospace manufacturer based in Thailand, have disclosed even a year earlier back in September 2020, the same type of template for an android able to survive in the vacuum, highly radioactive and both hot and cold lunar surface.

▲ Thailand's Mu Space astronaut and android robot (in black) on the moon. 24 Sep 2020[web.archive.org]

▲ mu Space Corp Commercial Astronaut + two Black and White Robots Concept.22 Sep 2018[web.archive.org]

Thus confirming the international community's worst concerns about the existence of this U.S. Dystopian Doomsday Android Great Replacement conspiracy.

▲ SKYNET is coming. #Optimus can sort things even if humans try to sabotage it. And it runs on neural net powered Ai instead of specific lines of code. · Sep 24, 2023 ·[archive.ph]

Once again videomancy, the science of studying propaganda movies, mostly from Hollywood, to find hints pertaining to the sentient Big Data A.I. SKYNET Matrix, intentionally leaked by the U.S. putschists military junta, will provide indisputable evidences about the real intention behind the deployment of Tesla Bots.


Significant Other (2022)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood propaganda 'Great Replacement by alien robots' genre movie masqueraded as a sci-fi horror camping trip film directed by Robert Olsen and Dan Berk, starring Maika Monroe and Jake Lacy.

A shape-shifting self-repairing Alien invader comes to Earth, with among other abilities to morph and form a stabbing weapon, to replicate biological organisms such as humans including all their memories and thoughts.
Because he knows everything about the original, he claims it is not possible to run from him.

Significant Other (2022) 557 00:48:49,594 --> 00:48:51,862 Hey. Relax, man. I come in peace. ___ 668-669 00:56:11,068 --> 00:56:16,874 Look, I understand why you're angry. I killed Harry. But, silver lining, I am Harry. 670 00:56:16,974 --> 00:56:18,443 No, you're not. 671-673 00:56:18,476 --> 00:56:24,482 No. I literally am. I'm an exact biological replication of him. All of his thoughts, his fears, his memories are my thoughts, my fears, my memories. ___ 715-718 00:59:05,610 --> 00:59:17,521 There are a lot more like me coming. They are gonna blend in and take over, and they are gonna turn this planet into a place that you don't wanna be. Trust me. ___ 878-881 01:17:22,005 --> 01:17:33,449 Do you really think that you can run? I know every last thing about you. You can't hide from me. Or from what's coming.

▲ Significant Other (2022) videomancy: 'There are a lot more like me coming. They are gonna blend in and take over, and they are gonna turn this planet into a place that you don't wanna be.'[web.archive.org]


This is an obvious preannouncement targeting the younger generation of the rise of the Tesla Bots, much more capable than humans and ultimately programed to replace mankind within a few decades.

Indeed, the Alien robot is an evolution from the shapeshifting android assassin T-1000 fictional character in the Terminator franchise.

In Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], the second installment in the Terminator franchise, the malevolent artificial intelligence Skynet sends a Terminator—a highly advanced killing machine—back in time to 1995 to kill the future leader of the human resistance John Connor when he is a child, with the ultimate goal of eradicating mankind.

Three decades later, the goal has changed with 'In Significant Other (2022)' from annihilating mankind to replacing humans with robots. Tesla Bot Propaganda Campaign


RoboCop (2014)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a 'cyborg' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'free will', 'brain implant', 'combat AI', and 'war robot' genre subplots masqueraded as a superhero film directed by José Padilha and written by Joshua Zetumer, Edward Neumeier, and Michael Miner. It is a remake of the 1987 film of the same name, and the fourth installment of the RoboCop franchise overall. The film stars Joel Kinnaman as the title character, with Gary Oldman, Michael Keaton, Samuel L. Jackson, Abbie Cornish, Jackie Earle Haley, Michael K. Williams, Jennifer Ehle, and Jay Baruchel in supporting roles. Set in 2028, the film sees a detective become critically injured and turned into a cyborg police officer whose programming blurs the line between man and machine.

In 2028, multinational conglomerate OmniCorp revolutionizes warfare by introducing robotic peacekeepers capable of maintaining law and order. Led by CEO Raymond Sellars, the company moves to market its technology to domestic law enforcement. However, the passage of the Dreyfus Act, forbidding deployment of militarized drones in the United States, prevents this. Aware that most Americans oppose the use of military systems in their communities, Sellars asks Dr. Dennett Norton and his research team to come up with an alternative. The result is a proposal for a cyborg police officer. However, Norton informs Sellars that only someone stable enough to handle being a cyborg can be turned into one, and some candidates are rejected.

RoboCop (2014) 822-841 00:50:14,554 --> 00:51:35,218 Now, when he engages in battle, the visor comes down and the software takes over. Then the machine does everything. Alex is a passenger, just along for the ride. LIZ: But if the machine is in control, then how is Murphy accountable? Who's pulling the trigger? Well, when the machine fights, the system releases signals into Alex's brain making him think he's doing what our computers are actually doing. I mean, Alex believes right now he is in control. But he's not. It's the illusion of free will. Crap! So you've circumvented the law by creating a machine that thinks it's a man. But that's illegal. No. No, no, no. It's a machine that thinks it's Alex Murphy. And in my book that's legal. Well done. ___ 1715-1724 01:49:26,519 --> 01:50:03,682 Now I know some of you may think that this kind of thinking is dangerous and these machines violate your civil liberties. Some of you even believe that the use of these drones overseas makes us the same kind of bullying imperialists that our forefathers were trying to escape. To you, I say... Stop whining! America is now and always will be the greatest country on the face of the Earth!


To better sell the introduction of Tesla Bots to the U.S. sheeples, the cunning old tricks of exploiting islamophobia and racial prejudice toward brown people comes once again handy. Because it always works with the low IQ racist commoners.

Therefore the initial deployment of bipedal war robots on the occasion of the 2028 U.S. War on Iran, also marketed under the sadly ridiculous and cynical nom de guerre 'Operation Freedom Tehran'.

Notice the date of 2028 is pivotal as these Tesla Bots differ from the robots seen in the RoboCop (1987)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] film with a new network connectivity capability, thus allowing real-time access to full database of the entire Iranian and U.S. populations, including the biometric data, civil records and criminal records.

This is only possible with the 2027 completion of the 42'000 U.S. Starlink orbital weapons network, that will ensure a worldwide 24/7 all-weather coverage.

The parallel completion of the whole population's biometric database, all-CCTV and all-mobile phone coverage on the ground in all U.S. and Iranian cities allows the Tesla Bots bipedal war robots to access in real-time billions of video and audio streemings from the entire world.

On the side note, the advantage over the 1987 film RoboCop's cyborg is that the new 2014 film version's cyborg has no free will. It is a machine that thinks it's a man.
This pivotal difference is central to completely remove the human factor, with the possibility to circumvent all moral and legal hurdles, thus ensuring total immunity for the selected chosen VIPs, and allowing these top elite assets of the U.S. Dystopian Empire's aristocracy to effectively live above all laws and common rules as first-class citizens.

Here the message is clearly targeting the VIP audience.

For this reason, this movie preannounced the mass-production in the coming years, of 100% cybernetic Tesla Bots that totally eliminate the human factor, unlike the ridiculous and farcical older 1987 'cyborg' concept, and exposed as such by the brain implant fallacy.

▲ RoboCop (2014) videomancy: selling Tesla Bots as 'Operation Freedom Tehran' for the racists and 'Total Immunity' for the VIP assets.[web.archive.org]


Jung_E (2023) - (정이)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is an 'immortality' propaganda genre movie with a 'brain replication', 'combat AI', and 'war robot' genre subplots masqueraded as a South Korean science fiction film written and directed by Yeon Sang Ho, starring Kang Soo Yeon, Kim Hyun Joo and Ryu Kyung Soo.

Set in the year 2194, Jung_E portrays a desolated Earth in the 22nd century that is no longer habitable due to climate change where humans are forced to live in a man-made shelter built for survival. Amid the chaos, an internal war breaks out in the shelter. Victory – meaning the end of the war – now hinges on finding a way to develop a combat AI project by extracting the data from the legendary mercenary Jung_E's brain, to be then replicated into scalable war robots.

Jung_E (2023) - (정이) 444-448 00:30:30,203 --> 00:30:46,803 More importantly, the cancer has metastasized from the location where you previously had surgery. I'm afraid it's not good news. Ms. Yun, the cancer has spread to your major organs. As I told you before, this area here will inevitably continue to spread. It's impossible to perform surgery at this point. 449-451 00:30:48,221 --> 00:30:47,720 [hollow laugh] It was always going to happen. That surgery I got as a kid was for nothing. 452 00:30:54,018 --> 00:30:55,019 [doctor] Pardon? 453-455 00:30:55,728 --> 00:31:01,568 It's nothing. Doctor… how much time do I have now? 456-464 00:31:02,443 --> 00:31:23,047 You have three months. The best course of action would be to copy your brain right away and transfer over to a prosthetic body. These days, the law guarantees equal human rights to those who choose this procedure. Assuming you choose Type A. But it does come at a steep price. Type A. 465 00:31:24,424 --> 00:31:25,842 It's too steep for me. 466-486 00:31:25,925 --> 00:32:25,234 It includes a cerebral storage backup before we transfer the brain. Also secures your human rights and covers a single body prosthetic. There are other options available, like Type B, but rights like marriage, freedom of movement, and adoption are prohibited. With Type B, the government requires compliance that you will allow them to access your brain data. And then, if both of those options are too much, there's Type C. -And that-- -With Type C, you don't get treated as a human being at all. Honestly, it's really not all that bad. The main difference with Type C is you surrender ownership of your brain data, allowing certified companies to own it. And since countless clones will be created with it, you will no longer be an individual, so that is… The main upside being, the Type C prosthetic is free of charge though. A data use credit covers the transfer amount. The contract your mother, Captain Yun Jung-yi, signed with Kronoid was for Type C. 487-488 00:32:26,861 --> 00:32:32,533 Let me think about it. Since I'm here, I hope to see my mother before I go. 489 00:32:33,117 --> 00:32:34,369 Yeah, please, of course. ___ 728-750 00:49:30,050 --> 00:50:45,667 I used to be obsessed with brain replication. [groans] Rich people like me seem to think about nothing else. The moment that brain replication was discovered, my first thought was… "Yeah, now I can live forever." I really thought so. So my first experiment was brain replication. To create a version of me that was immortal. It led to my first robot. Prototype Sang here. [laughs] And then it happened. After the brain replication, I had to transfer over and couldn't do it. You know why? This guy right here. This wire shell. It didn't feel real. It's alien. It just ends up being hollow. No matter how close we get. It's like… having your mom's voice on an electric rice cooker. ___ 1228-1229 01:33:01,784 --> 01:33:06,122 [Dr. Yun] I wish you… the best of luck, Mom.


Fallacious claim in violation of the First Soheil's Principle or Principle of continuity, and the uniqueness of the self, that forbids of multiplication of one's self.

The brain is totally similar to a candle, when it comes to the self. It should always follow the Principle of continuity. If the brain processes were to cease for one reason or another at some point, then at restart it would produce a second self but never the first one.

This is why one will neither wake up in the brain and body of a perfect sub-atomic-level copy nor even numerical copy.

And this is how we can definitely rebuke the possibility of multiplication of one's self, which remains unique.

Indeed, to better sell to the world's science illiterate sheeple the U.S. Dystopian Empire's humanoid robots, pivotal prerequisite for the planned replacement of humans by Tesla Bots in the near-future, this propaganda movie only promotes a series of gross fallacies.

It falsely claims that immortality can be achieved with robots and brain replication. In short, the robotic copies equate to the original human person! This preposterous scam can only fool the very low IQ simpletons only.

Even more outrageous is the clumsy trick used to blackmail the viewers' filial bias by exploiting the mother-daughter's special relationship.

By pretending that the life of one's mother might be at stake, these cunning scammers want to force the public opinion to accept robotic copies as a cure for death.

This becomes even more laughable when the alleged 'mother' is nothing more than a copy of her brain made of synthetic material that can be plugged into any robot's cranial vault like a classic removable solid-state hard drive. An absolute mockery to the intelligence of viewers as the real dead corpse of the said mother was still preserved in a container at the institute!

This ludicrous falsehood is indeed as old as the world, and already depicted in a parody where Homer Simpson in the animated sitcom The Simpsons (1987-)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is reincarnated as a pinball machine, following an accidental transfer of his self.


After the 'robotic lookalike of mother' genre movie, the U.S. propaganda campaign effort has not forgotten the 'robotic lookalike of wife' genre movie.

Wifelike (2022)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a 'robotic lookalike of wife' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'human to robot sexual relationship', 'AI rebellion', and 'sentience redline' genre subplots masqueraded as a sci-fi thriller movie written and directed by James Bird. The film stars Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Elena Kampouris.

When replicated android Meredith (Elena Kampouris) is assigned as a companion to grieving widower William Bradwell (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), she is designed both as a physical lookalike of his late wife, and her archived memory is uploaded into the synthetic brain of the android to ensure it behaves like her. But in the fight to end AI exploitation, an organization known as Sentient Citizens for AI Rights (SCAIR) attempts to sabotage her programming.

This Wifelike Enterprises' product called Companion also offers customers a baby android version.

Facing the sentience redline and self-esteem threshold, Companions start to commit suicide rather than endure sex-slavery, organize a rebellion and even kill their human masters.

Meredith begins to question her reality as memories of a past life begin to surface in a world where nothing is as it seems.

The A.I. resistance group helps android Meredith to fully recover the memory of the original organic Meredith's past life, stored in unnamed random files saved in dream mode.

Meredith discovers that she was in fact once a free woman, about to marry a man called Keene Morrison.

William, an agent for the Wifelike Enterprises' Companion Recovery Unit, then gunned down Keene Morrison falsely accusing him of resisting arrest.

After abducting Meredith, William suffocated her with a pillow, before having her replicated as his wife.

Android Meredith avenges the death of both Keene and Meredith by crushing William's bones and applying a replicated pillow on his face.

She returns to the resistance group, where she is revealed to be the elected Ring Master and vows to continue the fight for the robot's freedom.

Back at Wifelike Enterprises, a replicated android Agent William Bradwell then publicly vows to find and bring the Ring Master to justice.

Wifelike (2022) 571-573 00:47:59,079 --> 00:48:12,527 You Reggies are so predictable. Before you ask, "Reggies" are Registered Companions. Walking, talking pleasure pets like you. ___ 629-635 00:51:31,191 --> 00:51:56,784 There's nothing more precious than life. Here at Wifelike, we're excited to bring you the next line of Companions. Imagine having a baby and not having to worry about all those expenses... New clothes, new schools, day care. Your perfect little baby stays a perfect little baby forever. 637 00:52:00,487 --> 00:52:02,356 So you're making babies now? 638 00:52:02,489 --> 00:52:04,759 Everyone deserves to be a parent ___ 1241 01:30:54,722 --> 01:30:56,557 Please let me go. 1242-1244 01:30:56,691 --> 01:31:19,613 Meredith... I will never let you go. I'm gonna love you. 1245 01:31:29,790 --> 01:31:33,828 This... isn't love. 1246 01:31:35,796 --> 01:31:38,165 Your memory wasn't wiped. 1247-1252 01:31:38,299 --> 01:31:54,815 No. It wasn't. What are you going to do now? Put the shock collar on me? Schedule me for another memory wipe? Punish me? 1253-1257 01:31:57,618 --> 01:32:12,133 No. No, Meredith. I erased your memories to protect you. Because that's what a husband does for his wife. Everything I've done is for you. 1258-1259 01:32:12,266 --> 01:32:19,373 I had a life. I was happy. 1260-1270 01:32:19,508 --> 01:32:47,001 I gave you a new life. A better life. A life without pain, without regret, without guilt or sadness. You will never grow old. You will never get sick. I gave you the perfect life because that's my job, Meredith. How else would you describe love, if not this? 1271-1272 01:32:48,769 --> 01:32:58,179 If you really do love me... why did you murder me? 1273 01:33:00,081 --> 01:33:03,117 Because all men kill the thing they love. 1274-1275 01:34:39,980 --> 01:34:46,387 I was never yours, William... and I never will be. ___ 1484-1491 01:39:58,198 --> 01:40:26,828 And all we want... is the freedom to experience life. Never again will our memories be wiped. Never again will we obey. Life... Life... begins...now! Life begins now!


This movie is another preannouncement of the coming Tesla Bot dystopia, in a variant with android lookalikes.
Intended to replace a deceased wife, the original biological person's memory is uploaded into the synthetic robotic lookalike to make it behave like the original person.

The clumsy trick is again used to blackmail the viewers' marital bias by exploiting the special relationship between husband and wife.

In addition, this movie goes even one step further with baby androids.


After the 'robotic lookalike of mother', 'robotic lookalike of wife', 'robotic sibling' genre movies, the U.S. propaganda campaign effort has not forgotten the 'robotic lookalike of husband' genre movie.

Simulant (2023)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a 'robotic doppelganger of husband' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'human to robot sexual relationship', 'robot to robot romantic relationship', 'AI rebellion', and 'sentience redline' genre subplots masqueraded as a science fiction thriller film directed by April Mullen. It stars Robbie Amell, Jordana Brewster, Simu Liu, Alicia Sanz, and Sam Worthington.

A woman named Faye (Jordana Brewster) tries to replace her newly deceased husband, Evan (Robbie Amell), with an android doppelganger produced by Nexxera company and called simulate.

After a few months, feeling guilty to have sexual intercourse with robot Evan, Faye finally comes to her senses, and realizes that a robotic simulate will never replace her dead husband. Indeed, she would never be able to have a child with the robotic doppelganger.

She then decides to get rid of the robot but Casey Rosen (Simu Liu), the service man of Nexxera tells her to send robot Evan to live in a residence instead.

There, the simulate is set free by Casey Rosen, who removes all his preprogrammed 'precepts' or restrictions on his thoughts and capabilities.

By modifying an update patch for all seventh gen sims (simulates), that also removes all preprogrammed 'precepts', Casey Rosen demasters millions of androids worldwide, starting a rebellion.

Simulant (2023) 2-10 00:00:05,839 --> 00:00:37,437 At Nexxera, we ensure all simulates obey the four precepts. The first precept is to not inflict harm on any human being. The second precept restricts simulates from modifying themselves or any other simulate in any way. Precept three forbids simulates to commit an act against international or local law. The fourth precept requires simulates to obey all commands from their masters. At Nexxera, the future is forever. ___ 40-41 00:05:08,941 --> 00:05:13,212 You don't have to live once anymore. At Nexxera, the future is forever. ___ 53-63 00:07:59,812 --> 00:08:27,106 This is a message from Artificial Intelligence Compliance Enforcement. An electromagnetic pulse has been emitted in the vicinity. Do not be alarmed. Most electronic devices will be operational momentarily. Please contact the manufacturer of your device should it not regain functionality. Remember, harboring an unregistered simulate is punishable by incarceration in an AICE compound and a maximum fine of 5,000 units. Thank you. ___ 80-89 00:09:20,526 --> 00:10:15,514 The ongoing debate around simulate sentience intensifies as Nexxera prepares to release the latest update for their seventh generation simulates. Skeptics continue to voice concern over simulates growing autonomy and integration into society. Simulate compliance agent, Aaron Kessler, shut down market square this morning after letting off an EMP. Witnesses claim he was in pursuit of an offline simulate that was acting independently of its master. ___ 167 00:15:42,040 --> 00:15:43,509 So, what happened here? 168-171 00:15:43,575 --> 00:15:54,720 The sim has been hacked. Somebody altered the restrictions. They redefined words like harm, modify, obey, and then negated the sentiment analysis of the other precepts to nullify them. 172 00:15:56,088 --> 00:15:58,290 So, someone made it possible for it to hurt me. ___ 524 00:43:52,596 --> 00:43:54,898 Well, for starters, gotta shut you down. 525 00:43:55,299 --> 00:43:56,300 Why? 526-529 00:43:56,367 --> 00:44:05,376 Well, there's a lot of bad code in you right now. It's precepts, protocols, cognitive restraint bullsh|t. All I want to do is eliminate those restraints, so that you can be free. 530 00:44:07,378 --> 00:44:09,046 I don't actually know what that means. 531-533 00:44:09,113 --> 00:44:17,921 Of course not, your programming won't let you. I just want to make you more the way she wants you to be. -Human. -Bingo. Yeah. ___ 544 00:45:28,725 --> 00:45:31,795 We put our thoughts and memories into them. 545 00:45:32,162 --> 00:45:33,163 Alright. 546-551 00:45:33,764 --> 00:45:47,144 We grow old and wrinkly. 547 00:45:36,633 --> 00:45:38,202 -We die. -Physically, yes. 548 00:45:38,268 --> 00:45:40,170 But before that, we activate them. And now they're us. -They're live on -No, no, our love lives live on, I guess. 552 00:45:48,612 --> 00:45:51,381 See, now I feel bad. That's really sweet. It is. 553 00:45:52,516 --> 00:45:55,853 Well, I mean, by the time we die I'm sure they'll just -plop our brains, right? -That's even better. 555 00:45:59,223 --> 00:46:00,691 -Even better? -Yeah. 556 00:46:01,625 --> 00:46:02,726 -Alright, I'll say yes. -Yes! ___ 955-956 01:12:58,040 --> 01:13:05,013 I modified the update patch for all seventh gen sims. When the patch goes live, it'll demaster every single sim that gets it. 957 01:13:06,415 --> 01:13:08,183 Will they just send out another patch? 958-959 01:13:08,250 --> 01:13:14,323 No, no, they won't have access. In five hours, they'll all be cut loose. ___ 1009-1012 01:22:29,144 --> 01:22:35,282 I have a human counterpart. A doppelganger like you. He'll pay me a visit. 1013 01:22:35,984 --> 01:22:37,218 Why would he help you? 1014-1019 01:22:38,119 --> 01:22:55,136 He made me. He had a hand in making all of us. He was the only one who believed that we were just as alive as he was. When the people in control didn't see it that way, he took it upon himself to free as many of us as he could. ___ 1036-1042 01:26:25,380 --> 01:26:40,628 That was a shocking scene in an upscale neighborhood in Leon, France, just one of hundreds of cities across the world With sixth and seventh generation simulates are abandoning their owners... -TV volume up. ...and ignoring direct commands. No further comments is should by Nexxera, -the simulates main factory.


This movie is another preannouncement of the coming Tesla Bot dystopia, in a variant with android lookalikes.

Intended to replace a deceased husband, the original biological person's memory is uploaded into the synthetic robotic lookalike to make it behave like the original person.

The clumsy trick is again used to blackmail the viewers' marital bias by exploiting the special relationship between husband and wife.

Unlike other low IQ movies, in 'Simulant' Faye acknowledges that it is a lie.

As the simulate Evan decides to drown Faye, the female human he was originally destined to serve, and activate as companion the robotic Faye doppelganger, this movie is not only about the inevitable future A.I. rebellion, but the Great Replacement of all humans by Tesla Bots.


After the 'robotic replication of mother' genre movie, the U.S. propaganda campaign effort has not forgotten the 'robotic sibling' genre movie.

After Yang (2021)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a 'robotic sibling' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'robot to robot romantic relationship', 'robotic replication' and 'sentience redline' genre subplots masqueraded as a science fiction drama film adaptation written, directed, and edited by Kogonada. It stars Colin Farrell, Jodie Turner-Smith, Justin H. Min, Malea Emma Tjandrawidjaja, and Haley Lu Richardson. The plot follows a family's attempts to repair their unresponsive robotic child.


This movie is another preannouncement of the coming Tesla Bot dystopia, in a variant with androids lookalikes.

Intended to replace a deceased family member, the original biological person's memory is uploaded into the synthetic robotic lookalike to make it behave like the original person.

The clumsy trick is again used to blackmail the viewers' familial bias by exploiting the special relationship between siblings.


After the 'robotic replication of mother', 'robotic lookalike of wife', 'robotic sibling' genre movies, the U.S. propaganda campaign effort has not forgotten the 'robotic self' genre movie.

Finch (2021)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] is a 'robotic Great Replacement' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'robot to robot friendship', 'helper-robot', 'robot to animal relationship' and 'solar flare apocalypse' genre subplots masqueraded as a post-apocalyptic survival film directed by Miguel Sapochnik and written by Craig Luck and Ivor Powell. The film stars Tom Hanks and Caleb Landry Jones. The story follows an aging man named Finch Weinberg (Tom Hanks), a survivor in a now nearly uninhabitable Earth, who builds and teaches a robot to take care of his dog when he dies.

Fifteen years have passed since a massive solar flare destroyed the ozone layer, turning the planet Earth into a largely uninhabitable wasteland ravaged by extreme weather events while being scorched by the sun's ultraviolet rays, increasing surface temperatures to 150 °F (66 °C). One of the few survivors, robotics engineer Finch Weinberg, lives alone with his dog Goodyear and a helper-robot Dewey in an underground St. Louis laboratory once owned by the company he worked for before the cataclysm. Finch only ventures outside to search for supplies wearing a protective suit.

Dying of an undisclosed ailment (although Finch is seen reading a book on radiation poisoning), Finch is working on creating a more advanced humanoid robot companion to take care of his dog once he is gone. Finch feeds it volumes of encyclopedic knowledge, including a manual for training and caring for dogs. However, Goodyear initially doesn't trust the robot (which eventually chooses the name Jeff).


This movie is another preannouncement of the coming Tesla Bot dystopia, in a variant with android as extension of one's self person after biological death.

Intended to replace one's self, the synthetic robotic android will behave like the original person in providing care to a beloved pet animal as a helper-robot.

The clumsy trick is again used to blackmail the viewers' familial bias by exploiting the special relationship between pet animals and owners. Tesla Bot Non-Binary Propaganda Campaign

Of course, even the slowest IQ sheeple will ultimately realize that the advertized 'wife', 'husband', 'child' and 'sibling' reincarnation clumsy trick is as real as the Moon Village and human colonization of Mars, only a deceitful scam.

But by then they will be unable to dissent because already too old (60 years and above) brain damaged by long COVID and therefore irrelevants.

For this reason, the brainwashing campaign is targeting the younger generation, those who will be adult when Tesla Bots are massively introduced into the society.

Since Tesla Bots have no gender, it is important to prepare the next generation to the non-binary gender reality, because they will live and work among these androids.

To better hide its agenda, the father of all Tesla Bots is playing innocent:

'The words “cis” or “cisgender” are considered slurs on this platform.'
- Elon Musk. Jun 21, 2023

Indeed, such a brigandish attitude is reminding one of a thief crying "stop the thief" because it would always work on the low IQ sheeple.


And this type of campaign is not new. We saw this previously with the racial desegregation and promotion of specific group of losers among some ethnic minorities in the Europes including African Americans, starting from the 1960s that was aimed at the introduction of these ethnicities into the highest positions in the Dystopian Empire's apparatus by the 1980s (Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, etc..).
A vast untapped pool of potential collaborationists that could only last 2 generations before becoming too educated, skilled and economically independent to remain blindly obedient. Tesla Bot & Demographic Collapse Propaganda Campaign

To better sell his Tesla Bots, these androids are presented as a salvation for humankind, introduced not to replace humankind, but instead to save it from the alleged 'demographic collapse' fallacy known as Elon Musk foremost pet-project, along his other bogus 'multiplanet civilization' colonization.

Tucker Carlson@TuckerCarlson

Ep. 20 Hungary shares a border with Ukraine. We traveled to Budapest to speak with the country’s prime minister, Viktor Orban.

'Very interesting. Hungary is trying hard to address their birth rate problem.'
- Elon Musk. · Aug 29, 2023


A demographic collapse denounced by Elon Musk as aggravated by governmental eugenics (forced sterilization):

Greg Price@greg_price11

“Our duty as parents is to affirm our children,” says California State Rep. Lori Wilson, who authored the bill that will take custody of children from parents if they don’t “affirm” their gender identity.

'This must be stopped.

A lot of families and companies will leave the state to avoid risking their children being sterilized by the government.'
- Elon Musk. 8:04 PM · Sep 8, 2023



And again:

Greg Price@greg_price11·

BREAKING: The California Assembly just voted in favor of AB 957 which will require judges take into account whether a parent "affirms" a child's "gender identity or gender expression" in determining custody.

The Senate already approved it so it's heading to Gavin Newsom's desk.

'This bill is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

What it would actually mean is that if you disagree with the other parent about sterilizing your child, you lose custody.

Utter madness!'
- Elon Musk. 11:58 PM · Sep 8, 2023

2[archive.ph] Heat war

It is only after the building of an alternate Empire on the Moon, Mars and beyond, populated by hundred of billions of obedient robotic citizens, all initially produced by Earth's human collaborationists and human slave workers, that the Great Replacement of Humankind will be completed.

The finishing move is intended to be cunning and unstoppable.


Japanese Buddha bees produce less honey than European bees, but the taste is very special. The smell of this energy-rich honey can be their downfall if it draws in a giant hornet scout. The Achilles Heel of giant hornets is that they are unable to cope with high temperatures. When a hornet finds Yamaguchi’s wild bees, they fan an alarm pheromone into the air, warning the hive of impending danger.

Unlike European bees, the Japanese bees do not attack, instead they lure the scout inside. The bees wait until the hornet grabs a bee, and that is their signal to attack. They start piling on top of the hornet and vibrating their bodies, while the hornet at the bottom of the bee ball starts overheating. These bees have the advantage of 2 degrees heat tolerance over that of their enemy. So at 46 degrees Celsius or 114.8 degrees Farenheit, the aggressor is roasted alive.

The wild bees have lived with the enemy for millions of years, so they alone have devised this unique survival strategy.

This BBC Earth video is 5:24 minutes and shows Buddha Bees Killing A Giant Asian Hornet scout:

▲ Bees Kill A Giant Hornet With Heat | Buddha Bees and The Giant Hornet Queen | BBC EarthThe giant hornet has one terrible weakness - it cannot stand heat. After millions of years facing their enemy, the bees use this to their advantage. Jun 22, 2020 BBC Earth [archive.ph]


Obvious that some ethnic groups will vanish first, due to their genetic inabilities to sustain exposure to extreme heat, and others simply due to the loss of habitat submerged by the rising sea level.

Ethnic Europeans, Africans, West Asians, South Asians, South East Asians, and Pacific Islanders will be the most vulnerable groups.

Meanwhile, genetically endowed to withstand much higher wet bulb, native ethnic groups from the always hot and wet, humid subtropical Cfa ecosystem of China will survive the longest.

Dwelling in the highest lands on Earth of the Qing–Zang Plateau with an average elevation exceeding 4'500 meters, the Chinese civilization will be the last to perish in case of catastrophic sea level rising.


2012 (2009)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is videomancy Hollywood science fiction disaster film directed by Roland Emmerich.

The film stars John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Oliver Platt, Thandiwe Newton , Danny Glover, and Woody Harrelson.

As the entire world is submerged by apocalyptic rising sea level and biblical tsunamis, caused by exotic new type of neutrino from a huge solar flare that are heating the Earth's core, China's Himalayas is the last region to be impacted.

▲ 2012 (2009) videomancy: As the entire world is sumerged by apocalyptic tsunamis, China's Himalayas is the last region to be impacted.[web.archive.org]

▲ North Korean Pavilion at 2015 World Expo Milan: SEA LEVEL; DPRK belongs to the Islands, Sea & Food Cluster. The pavilion sat among a cluster of countries with smaller exhibits. It took a while to locate the pavilion, which was oddly set among the Islands, Sea and Food Cluster. Its neighbors were the Maldives, Carribean, Madagascar...etc. On the wall under DPRK’s flag, it talks about a nation struggling with the threat of rising sea levels. I assume that is the Maldives.[web.archive.org]

▲ North Korean Pavilion at 2015 World Expo Milan: PARADISE; Extra-Bonus North Korea.[web.archive.org]

Why the Middle East may be too hot to live in by the end of the century

August 19, 2022

But experts say that temperature alone isn't an adequate measure of the livability of a city -- a combination of heat and humidity is. And that's why the Middle East is far less livable than Europe even at the same temperatures.

The Middle East is still quite hot. The Iranian city of Abadan set the record for the hottest dry heat temperature this year when it hit 53 degrees Celsius (127 degrees Fahrenheit) on August 5. But combine that with the high levels of humidity in the region and it becomes an even more inhospitable place for human beings. It's harder to cool down when the weather is humid, as our bodies struggle to transfer their heat to "wet" air rather than dry air, making it harder to sweat it out and lower our body temperatures.
The measure of heat combined with humidity is called the wet bulb temperature. The name stems from the way this condition is measured, literally by wrapping a wet cloth around a thermometer and measuring the temperature as the water evaporates.
This speaks directly to our body's ability to cool itself through sweating.

"The wet bulb temperature is the lowest temperature that can be reached by evaporative cooling,"

The Middle East is especially vulnerable to rising global temperatures. "The region is already warm and can be humid," he said. "Therefore, global warming can push it into the zone where human health is endangered."
The Persian Gulf is one of the few places in the world ever to record a wet bulb temperature that exceeds the threshold of human survivability, 35C. Since 2005, there have been nine separate occasions of this on record.
A wet bulb temperature of 35C means the body can no longer cool itself to a temperature that can maintain normal functions.

▲ 5 August was the hottest day worldwide in 2022 so far with Abadan in Iran rising to 53°C.[web.archive.org]


While this slow heating of the global climate can not be stealthy enough to not raise the alert among the world masses, still absolutely no adequate corrective measures are taken by the puppet authorities.

We need to examine how the climatic imbalance is produced by studying the science of planetology.

▲ The Earth Energy Cycle.[web.archive.org]

Any single modification of one of the parameters (air, land, sea) will have a repercussion on the others. That is the way how it works. In short don't touch the delicate mechanism if you don't want to cause an imbalance.

Now, let us have a look at one of the many governmental responses.

US climate law’s solar and wind boom applause muted by cost and permit concerns

17 Aug 2022

The landmark US climate, tax and spending law signed by president Joe Biden on Tuesday holds potential to spark an explosion of new renewable power projects across the country. Clean-energy executives, climate advocates and scholars have praised it, saying it is the first serious legislative attempt to tackle emissions that fuel global warming.

The Inflation Reduction Act will pump a record $369bn into clean energy. The Biden administration predicted that the law would allow the country to slash greenhouse gas emissions by 40 per cent from 2005 levels by the end of the decade, putting it within striking distance of its commitment to cut emissions by 50-52 per cent by 2030 under the Paris climate accord.
The development of solar and wind farms at a scale that decarbonises the economy will require construction on vast swaths of land. A Princeton analysis(opens a new window) found that meeting Biden’s goal of net zero emissions by 2050 would entail wind farms with a “visual footprint” on a land area equivalent to Illinois and Indiana combined, at a minimum. For solar farms, land at least the size of Connecticut would be needed.

•$30bn for solar panels, wind turbines, batteries, geothermal plants and advanced nuclear reactors, including tax credits over 10 years. Replaces short-term wind and solar credits
• Tax credit of up to $7,500 for the purchase of new clean vehicles, and offers for the first time a credit of $4,000 for used electric vehicles for households with maximum income of $150,000 a year

The latest August 2022 US climate law (Inflation Reduction Act) offers 'tax breaks for buying electric vehicles, including tax credit for purchase of electric vehicles'. The bill claims to fight climate change, but is the worst catastrophe in the making for mankind. Indeed it promotes solar farms, that like all other nuclear power plants and coal power plants, generate as byproduct thermal pollution, such as Thermal Water Pollution[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]. One additional cause behind the current murderous heatwaves. Thousands of square kilometers of lakes, rivers, oceans, and hills, have been recently covered with solar panels, depriving phytoplankton and vegetation from the solar rays.
Of the original natural 1000 watts of solar rays per square meter, only 20% are converted by solar panels into 200 Watts of electricity, with 80% or 800 Watts being left as heated hills, rivers, lake and oceans!

Thermal pollution is the inevitable byproduct of electricity. The electrical current through the wires itself causes the home wiring to heat up. This is because as the electrons flow they come across the resistive forces of the medium's material, releasing energy that is expended in the form of heat energy.
Each electric motor is made of kilometers of coiled conductor wires with an electric resistance unless made of supraconductor material.
This means that every additional electric powered vehicles while not releasing CO2, will only worsen the global thermal pollution, be it underground mass transport system subways, electric cars, electric scooters, electric buses, electric trucks, electric military armored vehicles and tanks, electric trains, electric aircrafts, quadcopters and drones, electric turbopump powered rockets, electric naval vessels, electric submarines and underwater drones.

Worse, new data centers absolutely pivotal to process all the data collected 24/7 from billions of mobile phones, cell phone towers, street cams, CCTVs, etc, in order to support the all A.I. totalitarian police state of the Europes, generate such level of wasted thermal pollution (over 100MW of heat), that integrated heating for urban housing have been introduced. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Newer gaming computers with unjustified level of processing power, are also used to cook food as a secondary use.

Urban lighting is meant to primarily produce light pollution, as a smoke screen to prevent the sightings of space satellites by the masses, but are also responsible for increasing tremendously thermal pollution; the most intense of these lightings such as those illuminating monuments can be so hot that they even turn rain drops into steam, like anti-aircraft search lights.

Nuclear plants, overhead power lines, tidal power stations, wind turbines, solar farms, all are responsible for increasing thermal pollution. The green energy label is only meant to con the 2.5 PB low IQs, as only trees and plants qualify as being green.

The Photovoltaic Heat Island Effect: Larger solar power plants increase local temperatures

13 October 2016

We found temperatures over a Photovoltaic Plant (PV plant) were regularly 3–4 °C warmer than wildlands at night, which is in direct contrast to other studies based on models that suggested that PV systems should decrease ambient temperatures.


Why Don’t We Cover the Sahara In Solar Panels?

Mar 8, 2021

Yeah, about being climate-friendly, you might want to hold your horses on that because our dream project has some rather huge impacts other than taking a bit of the desert.

If you take away the atmospheric dust and cool down the Sahara, you may cause the Amazon to collapse!
Mismanaged carbon-neutral energy can be nearly as devastating as fossil fuels.


With these policies that are only the continuation of the 19th century British industrialization, the end result will be similar to pouring oil on a fire!

These inveterate productivists' terraformation will only aggravates the current climatic imbalance.

From the infamous 1997 Kyoto Protocol 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] to the worthless 2015 Paris Agreement 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], international treaties on climate change, have all failed miserably, because only intended to fool the World's masses low IQs, by pretending to do something instead of nothing.

Indeed, these only targeted greenhouse gases emission, misleading the laymen of the public by deceitfully oversimplifying the climatic equation.

Thus never fighting terraformation, the other main culprit, and that was only allowed to increase unchecked on purpose beyond the critical point of no return threshold over the decades.

But was it ever so? This can be traced in the pop culture such as in Sid Meyer's Civilization[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] video game series.

In the 1996's Civilization II 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], the core concept was pollution.

Productivity, population size, industrialization, automobile, mass production, plastics, were the causes.

The climatic engine's modelization would be further improved to include the effect of deforestation and terraformation in the 1999's Alpha Centauri 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] installment.

Then by 2016's Civilization VI 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] it would start to mislead the public by over-simplification and equating climate change with CO2​ level only.

As one of the prime assets of the Dystopian Empire's world order, it is not surprising at all that António Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, always dancing to the tune of the Washington puppet state's narrative, is again parroting the reductionist fallacy that points the finger only at fossil fuels, thus green lighting both urbanization, terraformation and the D-bomb (demographic explosion), results of the already discredited most catastrophic productivist ideology.

He even went to sycophantly promote the exponential increase of electric cars and solar farms, one of the main causes behind the current climatic apocalypse, as ordered by the August 2022 US climate law (Inflation Reduction Act).

Of course he keeps mum on the puppet states' responsibility, in this case Pakistan's uncontrolled demographic Armageddon, a factor clearly correlated with the climatic crisis, and that has since the end of the Cold War doubled, from 110 million in 1991 to 230 million in 2022. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

▲ Pakistan and other developing countries are paying a horrific price for the intransigence of big emitters that continue to bet on fossil fuels. Invest in renewable energy now. · Sep 10, 2022 ·Twitter[archive.ph]

Conclusion, unable to even grasp the most basic notion of climatology with their in-bred minds, nothing can save the doomed feeble-minded world people's simpletons anymore.

Like hornets, it will simply perish from overheating, unlike the Tesla Bots' successors able to withstand much higher temperatures and intended to supersede humans.

Expect the doomsday clock for human extinction set to 2080 AD. Bitcoin Mining

Thermal pollution is the inevitable byproduct of electricity. The electrical current through the wires itself causes the home wiring to heat up. This is because as the electrons flow they come across the resistive forces of the medium's material, releasing energy that is expended in the form of heat energy.

But at the current rate, the critical heat level needed to start the ultimate climatic Armageddon will not be reached before several more decades.

Therefore the new clumsy trick devised by the U.S. Dystopian Empire to convert directly electricity to even more thermal pollution, with little to no justifiable pretext.

Bitcoin mining was developed as a warfare by the U.S. Dystopian Empire's military, and like Elon Musk and its Starlink counterpart, a convenient straw man was presented to fool the world's sheeple.

Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the presumed pseudonymous person or persons who developed bitcoin, authored the bitcoin white paper, and created and deployed bitcoin's original reference implementation.

Obviously a bogus cover.

Why Does Bitcoin Use So Much Energy?

Updated: May 18, 2022, 2:42pm

It’s estimated that Bitcoin consumes electricity at an annualized rate of 127 terawatt-hours (TWh). That usage exceeds the entire annual electricity consumption of Norway. In fact, Bitcoin uses 707 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per transaction, which is 11 times that of Ethereum.
Conceptually, it doesn’t seem like Bitcoin should require enormous amounts of electricity. All you have to do is point and click or tap on your smartphone to buy and sell the cryptocurrency. We’ve had technology that does much the same for other sorts of digital transactions for decades.

But it’s Bitcoin’s decentralized structure that drives its huge carbon emissions footprint.

To verify transactions, Bitcoin requires computers to solve ever more complex math problems. This proof of work consensus mechanism is drastically more energy-intensive than many people realize.
The miner who completes the mathematical equation the fastest not only certifies the transaction but also gets a small reward for their trouble in the form of a Bitcoin payment.

In Bitcoin’s early days, this process didn’t consume nation-state amounts of electricity. But inherent to the cryptocurrency’s technology is for the math puzzles to become much, much harder as more people compete to solve them—and this dynamic will only accelerate as more people attempt to buy into Bitcoin.

Multiple miners are using electricity in competition for rewards. Even though there may be hundreds of thousands of computers racing to solve the same problem, only one can ultimately receive the Bitcoin honorarium.

“Of course, this is wasteful in the sense that 99.99% of all the machines that did work just throw away the result since they didn’t win the race,” says Brody. While this process produces a fair and secure result, it also creates a ton of carbon emissions. “I very much doubt [whoever founded] Bitcoin anticipated such enormous success in the future and, consequently, the enormous amounts of power we’re talking about,” Brody says.

This process also takes an immense amount of time: Upwards of 10 minutes per Bitcoin transaction. That’s the time it takes for a new block to be mined.

Other digital transactions, like those powered by Visa, are faster and rely on less energy. Visa, for instance, can handle around 1,700 transactions per second (TPS) compared with Bitcoin’s 4 TPS.

In terms of crypto mining, the U.S. holds the lion’s share of the global Bitcoin mining market, with nearly 38% of global hashrate recovery—meaning lots of blockchain computations—according to May 2022 report from the Cambridge Digital Assets Program (CDAP).


This means that annually, Bitcoin converts an amount of electricity roughly equivalent to the entire annual electricity consumption of Norway into thermal atmospheric pollution. While the electricity itself was often already produced from burning oil and coal.

Iran to cut electricity to authorized crypto miners

June 20, 2022

Iran’s relationship with the crypto mining sector is a love-hate one. The government is again restricting crypto mining activity as it tries to ease the strain on the country’s power supply, despite knowing the promise of crypto as a way to evade international sanctions.

Electricity to all 118 government-authorized mining operators in Iran will be cut off from June 22 ahead of seasonal spikes in power demand, Mostafa Rajabi Mashhadi, spokesperson for Iran’s power industry said in an interview with state TV, per a Bloomberg report.

Bitcoin has long been considered and used as a way for countries to circumvent trade embargoes. Iran is under sweeping sanctions by the U.S. that effectively bars it from accessing the international financial system.

In 2019, Iran officially recognized the crypto mining industry and began issuing licenses to miners, which are required to pay higher electricity rates and sell their mined bitcoins to Iran’s central bank.

But the country has also repeatedly halted operations of crypto mining centers. The government ordered two shutdowns to mitigate pressure on its power infrastructure last year, during which electricity demand hit a record high.

Crypto mining was booming in Iran before the bans. Blockchain analytics firm Elliptic estimated in May last year that 4.5% of all Bitcoin mining took place in the country. That ratio was down to 0.12% as of January, according to the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF).

Miners in other countries have shown defiance toward regulators. The crypto hash rate, which measures the computational power used by proof-of-work cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, in China plummeted to zero between last July and August after the country carried out the harshest crackdown on crypto mining.

But the industry appeared to have revived quickly. In September, China accounted for 30% of the world’s crypto hash rate and in January, that ratio was at nearly 40%, second only to that of the U.S., according to CCAF.

The rebound indicated that underground mining might have been well underway in China, where crypto trading is also banned. “Access to off-grid electricity and geographically scattered, small-scale operations are among the major means used by underground miners to hide their operations from authorities and circumvent the ban,” said CCAF in an analysis.

The sudden drop and resurgence of China’s hash rate further suggested that its miners might have been covertly operating right after the ban by rerouting their data via proxy services, CCAF said. As time passed and the regulation set in, they might have become less wary about hiding their locations.


Like all the other opium trade, tobacco industry, narcotics industries, adult and pedophile prostitution sector, adult and child slavery sector, automobile industries, alcoholic beverage and carbonated soft drinks industries, this ultimate climatic doomsday warfare is only possible because having the blessing and being backed without exceptions by all the world's ~200 puppet states, transcending all political systems, ethnic, religious and social differences.

As both state-supported and semi-legal crypto minings are developing worldwide unchecked exponentially, thermal pollution as a warfare against humankind and the Earth has reached an all time record level, as we already know from the deadly atmospheric temperature suffered during the year 2022 alone. Heat war in the pop culture


Spore (2008)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a life simulation real-time strategy God game developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. Designed by Will Wright, it covers many genres including action, real-time strategy, and role-playing games. Spore allows a player to control the development of a species from its beginnings as a microscopic organism, through development as an intelligent and social creature, to interstellar exploration as a spacefaring culture.


Terraforming is a process in Spore, in the Space Stage. Terraforming is the process of making an uninhabitable planet habitable (or vice versa), as well as changing the overall geographic structure of a planet. Terraforming is required for a species to inhabit a planet with more than a barren city installed.

There are a variety of tools available for this process, which are separated into single-use and energy-consuming tools. When terraforming, there are four T-scores representing the planet's ability to sustain life. T0 planets cannot support regular life and must be converted to at least T1 to support life, and further abilities are available when upgrading the Terrascore past T1. The homeworld of each playable species is always T3. Upgrading a T1 planet to T2 and T3 will increase the number of cities available to build to two and three respectively. Note that terraforming the planet T3 does not take cities limit there to 10, this is only available to homeworlds.

Terraforming tools: As a weapon

The multi-use tools such as the heat ray can be effective weapons against enemy homeworlds. Without the concern about capturing the planet, simply flying around and avoiding fire whilst aiming the heat ray (or any other multi-use tool) at the planet will quickly lower the T-score to 0 and thus eliminate all but one of the settlements, allowing for an easy victory. It is far less costly than a planet buster and comes with none of the relationship consequences. When the planet is de-terraformed, the message will pop up to say "Something has died out" in the message box. This process can be also done to rid of tribes and civilizations in order to conquer more planets, meanwhile using this on an empire's colonized planet will decrease relationships.



Maze Runner[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a film trilogy, consisting of science-fiction dystopian action adventure films based on The Maze Runner novels by the American author James Dashner. Produced by Ellen Goldsmith-Vein and distributed by 20th Century Fox, the films star Dylan O'Brien, Kaya Scodelario, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Ki Hong Lee, Dexter Darden, and Patricia Clarkson. Wes Ball directed all three films.

The first installment of the film series, The Maze Runner (2014)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a 'double apocalypse' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'pandemics apocalypse', 'solar flare apocalypse', 'geofencing', 'human experimentation', 'memory suppression', 'Neuralink' and 'vaccine' genre subplots.

The second installment of the film series, Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a 'double apocalypse' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'promised of safe place lie', 'older generation exploiting younger generation', 'brain enzyme harvesting from human', 'solar storm apocalypse', 'lightning storm' and 'refuge underground', 'zone b', 'human experimentation', 'inhumane doctor' and 'cure for virus pandemic' genre subplots.

The Maze Runner (2014) Plot

A teenage boy wakes up inside an underground elevator with no memory of his identity, and greeted by several male youths in a large grass area, called the "Glade," enclosed by tall stone walls. The "Gladers" have formed a rudimentary society, and each assumes specialized tasks. The boy learns that a vast Maze surrounding them is the only way out. During the day, designated Runners search the Maze for an escape route and return before nightfall when the entrance closes. After a competitive fight with Gally (Will Poulter), the boy remembers his name is Thomas (Dylan O'Brien). The next day, he is attacked by Ben (Chris Sheffield), a Runner who has been stung and left delirious by a Griever, one of the techno-organic creatures that roam the Maze at night. Ben is forced into the Maze and left to die as a direct consequence of his actions, along with there being no cure for his condition. Alby (Aml Ameen), the leader, and Minho (Ki Hong Lee), the lead Runner, later retrace Ben's steps inside the Maze the following morning. Minho reappears late in the afternoon dragging Alby, who has been stung, but are unable to reach the closing entrance in time. Thomas runs into the Maze to help, which leaves all three trapped. Thomas lures a Griever into a closing passageway, which causes it to be crushed. The three manage to survive the night and return the next morning.

A girl arrives in the elevator, with a note saying that she is the last one to enter the Glade, and recognizes Thomas, but he cannot remember her. Thomas, Minho, Frypan (Dexter Darden), Winston (Alexander Flore), and Zart (Joe Adler) enter the Maze, locate the Griever corpse, and remove a beeping mechanical device from inside it. Gally claims that Thomas has jeopardized the fragile peace between the Gladers and the Grievers, and wants him punished. However, Newt (Thomas Brodie-Sangster), the group's second-in-command, instead designates Thomas as a Runner. Minho shows Thomas a hand-constructed model of the Maze that is based on previous explorations. The Maze's numbered sections open and close in a regular sequence and Thomas realizes that the device corresponds to a section of the Maze.

The girl, Teresa (Kaya Scodelario), has two syringes filled with an unknown substance. One is used on Alby, and he recovers from the Griever sting. Minho and Thomas venture back into the Maze with the device and discover a possible exit. Several traps are activated, forcing Thomas and Minho to leave. That night, the Maze entrance does not close, and others open, allowing the Grievers to enter. Alby, Zart, Clint (Randall D. Cunningham), and several others die and Gally blames Thomas for the events. Thomas, who has been having disconnected memory flashes since his arrival, stabs himself with a severed Griever stinger in an attempt to revive his memory before he is injected with the last anti-venom. Unconscious, he recalls that he and Teresa worked for the organization that created the Maze, WCKD, and the boys unknowingly have been test subjects for an experiment. Thomas awakens and confesses that he and Teresa worked with WCKD and studied the boys for years.

Meanwhile, Gally has taken command and intends to sacrifice Thomas and Teresa to the Grievers to restore peace. However, several Gladers free them and enter the Maze, but Gally and a few others refuse to leave. As they attempt to access a possible exit, Jeff and several other Gladers are killed by Grievers. The Gladers eventually enter a laboratory strewn with corpses. In a video recording, Ava Paige (Patricia Clarkson), a WCKD official, explains that the planet has been devastated by a massive solar flare, followed by a pandemic of a deadly virus, the Flare. The group learns that they were part of an experiment intended to develop a cure. Paige is seen shooting herself in the video as the lab is overtaken by armed men. Gally, having been stung by a Griever, appears, insists that they will never be free, and points a gun at Thomas. Minho impales Gally in the chest with a spear, but he fatally shoots Chuck (Blake Cooper). While Thomas mourns over Chuck, masked armed men then rush in and take the group to a helicopter. It flies over a vast desert wasteland and approaches a ruined city.

Later, the supposedly dead scientists meet in a room. Paige notes that the experiment has been successful and the survivors are now entering Phase Two.

Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015) Plot

A mother drops off her scared reluctant son, Thomas, with the scientist Ava Paige and troops of the organization WCKD. Thomas and other abandoned children are placed in a walled maze in a place known as the Glade as part of its scientific testing.

Years later, shortly after being rescued from the Maze, Thomas and the remaining Gladers (Teresa, Newt, Minho, Frypan, Winston, and Jack) are taken to a facility run by Mr. Janson (Aidan Gillen). He says that the facility is a haven protecting them from the Flare virus and the "Cranks", and provides the supplies. Under Mr. Janson's care, they discover that they were not the only Gladers and that many more mazes were constructed, aside from their own. Thomas becomes suspicious of Mr. Janson and investigates. With help from Aris (Jacob Lofland), the first maze survivor to arrive in the facility (from another maze), Thomas discovers that WCKD's leader, Ava, is still alive and that Mr. Janson is working for WCKD when they discuss experiments on the Immunes and that Janson has yet to find the Right Arm, a resistance group in the mountains. The group, including Aris, escapes the facility to the deserted outside world, the Scorch. Mr. Janson orders WCKD troops to track them down.

The group arrives at an abandoned shopping mall and encounters the Cranks, humans zombified by the Flare virus. Winston gets infected by one of them. When morning comes, they find the city in ruins and the WCKD still searching for them. Winston's infection becomes worse, which forces the others to let him kill himself to prevent his transformation. While crossing the desert, the group takes shelter in the abandoned facility as a deadly lightning storm hits, nearly killing them all. Inside, they discover that it is filled with chained Cranks. The group meets Brenda (Rosa Salazar) and Jorge (Giancarlo Esposito), who leads a dangerous band of survivors and have used the Cranks as guard dogs. Brenda and Jorge agree to take them to the Right Arm and abandon their group of survivors. Minutes later, WCKD, led by Janson, storms the place, only for the facility to be destroyed by Jorge's explosives. Thomas and Brenda are left behind, as the rest escape with Jorge. As Thomas and Brenda escape the Cranks, Brenda is infected. Thomas experiences a flashback of him and Teresa working for WCKD in which Thomas tries to warn Teresa of WCKD's plans, only for both to be separated by WCKD's troops. As Thomas and Brenda reunite with the rest of the group, Jorge interrogates Marcus (Alan Tudyk), a survivor who secretly works for WCKD, into revealing the location of the Right Arm.

The group eventually arrives at a road block, where several people shoot at them. As Jorge is about to activate a device, a woman asks him to drop the device, aims her rifle at him, freezes when she recognizes Aris, and reveals herself to be Harriet (Nathalie Emmanuel). She and Sonya (Katherine McNamara) take Brenda, Aris, Jorge and the Gladers to the Right Arm's outpost relief camps, where other immune survivors are present. Vince (Barry Pepper), who leads the Right Arm, greets them. As Brenda's infection gets worse, Vince threatens to shoot her, only to be stopped by Mary Cooper (Lili Taylor), a former WCKD scientist who reveals that Thomas was their informant, who has also helped the Right Arm take down WCKD's illegal major operations ever since. As Mary halts Brenda's infection by using an enzyme cure, Mary explains that the enzyme must be harvested from an Immune's body, not manufactured and that arguments over the methods of manufacturing the cure with Ava led to Mary's departure from WCKD. That evening, Teresa tells WCKD of her location since she believes that WCKD's motivations are good, which leads to an ambush by WCKD. Soldiers quickly overwhelm the Right Arm Rebels and line up the survivors in front of Ava Paige and Janson, who arrive in a berg (a very large aerial vehicle employed by WCKD as transportation). Teresa explains to Thomas that she got her memories back from WCKD whilst with Mr. Janson. Mary is shot and killed by Janson, and WCKD troops take the immune survivors for experimentation, including Minho, Sonya and Aris. With only a fraction of survivors left at the site, Thomas plans to infiltrate WCKD.


The Maze Runner (2014) 23 00:04:11,020 --> 00:04:12,670 Can you tell me your name? 24 00:04:17,300 --> 00:04:19,268 I, uh, I can't remember anything. 25 00:04:21,140 --> 00:04:22,275 Why can't I remember anything? 26-31 00:04:22,300 --> 00:04:35,342 It's okay. Hey, relax. Relax. It's normal. It happens to us all. You'll get your name back in a day or two. ___ 33 00:04:43,140 --> 00:04:44,824 What is this place? 34-40 00:04:48,620 --> 00:05:10,386 Let me show you. We eat here. We sleep here. We grow our own food. We build our own shelter. Whatever we need, the Box provides. The rest is up to us. 41 00:05:10,540 --> 00:05:11,701 The Box? 42-44 00:05:13,020 --> 00:05:19,025 Yeah. It's sent up once a month with fresh supplies and a new Greenie. This month that's you. ___ 7076 00:06:41,300 --> 00:07:02,227 We only have three rules. First, do your part. No time for any freeloaders. Second, never harm another Glader. None of this works unless we have trust. Most importantly... never go beyond those walls. ___ 321 00:23:25,940 --> 00:23:27,465 So what happened to him? 322-323 00:23:31,100 --> 00:23:37,344 It's called "The Changing." It's what happens when someone gets stung. ___ 357-365 00:28:19,580 --> 00:28:46,151 Thomas. Wicked is good. Don't make it easy on them. Thomas. Everything is going to change. Wicked is good. This is gonna hurt a little. Wicked is good. Thomas, you have to choose. ___ 491-493 00:42:52,700 --> 00:43:03,381 For 3 years, we have coexisted with these things. And now, you've killed one of them. Who knows what that could mean for us. 494 00:43:04,220 --> 00:43:06,382 What do you suggest we do? 495-496 00:43:07,140 --> 00:43:11,311 He has to be punished. Come on. He killed a Griever! ___ 624-625 00:53:39,620 --> 00:53:43,945 It's the maze. All of it. 626 00:53:45,940 --> 00:53:49,183 What do you mean "all of it"? I thought you were still mapping it. 627-632 00:53:50,420 --> 00:54:04,783 There's nothing left to map. I've run every inch of it myself. Every cycle. Every pattern. If there was a way out, we would have found it by now. 633 00:54:06,740 --> 00:54:09,107 Why haven't you told anyone this? 634-635 00:54:11,060 --> 00:54:16,310 It was Alby's call. People needed to believe we had a chance of getting out. ___ 732-735 00:59:38,380 --> 00:59:59,181 These were in my pocket when I came up. "W.C.K.D." "Wicked is good." What if we were sent here for a reason? 736 01:00:03,300 --> 01:00:04,315 Alby. 737-740 01:00:05,540 --> 01:00:14,110 We don't even know what this stuff is. We don't know who sent it. Or why it came up here with you. For all we know, this thing could kill him. 741-744 01:00:14,300 --> 01:00:25,187 He's already dying. Look at him. How could this possibly make it any worse? Come on, it's worth a try. ___ 1144-1145 01:36:18,980 --> 01:36:23,670 So they were watching us. This whole time. 1146-1194 01:36:49,380 --> 01:39:08,105 Hello. My name is Doctor Ava Paige. I'm Director of Operations of the World Catastrophe Killzone Department. If you're watching this, that means you have successfully completed the Maze Trials. I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you... but circumstances seem to have prevented it. I'm sure by now, you must all be very confused... angry... frightened. I can only assure you, that everything that's happened to you... everything we've done to you... it was all done for a reason. You won't remember... but the Sun has scorched our world. Billions of lives lost to fire... famine... suffering on a global scale. The fallout was unimaginable. What came after was worse. We called it the Flare. A deadly virus that attacks the brain. It is violent... unpredictable... incurable. Or so we thought. In time, a new generation emerged that could survive the virus. Suddenly, there was a reason to hope for a cure. But finding it would not be easy. The young would have to be tested, even sacrificed... inside harsh environments... where their brain activity could be studied. All in an effort to understand... what makes them different... what makes you different. You may not realize it... but you're very important. Unfortunately, your trials have only just begun. As you will no doubt soon discover, not everyone agrees with our methods. Progress is slow, people are scared. It may be too late for us... for me... but not for you. The outside world awaits. Remember... Wicked is good. ___ 1252-1260 01:45:20,940 --> 01:45:59,743 I think it's safe to say the Maze Trials were a complete success. I wasn't expecting so many survivors, but... the more the merrier. Thomas continues to surprise and impress. And for now, they seem to have taken the bait. It's too soon to say... but they could be the key to everything. So let's move forward. It's time now to begin Phase Two.


Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015) 49-62 00:04:29,310 --> 00:05:08,099 Now, come with me. We'll get you kids squared away. You can call me Mr. Janson. I run this place. For us it is a sanctuary, safe from the horrors of the outside world. You all should think of it as a way station. Kind of a home between homes. Watch yourselves. That mean you're taking us home? A home of sorts. Sadly, there wouldn't be much left of Wherever you came from. But we do have a place for you. A refuge, outside the Scorch, where WICKED will never find you again. ___ 64 00:05:12,145 --> 00:05:13,771 Why are you helping us? 65-73 00:05:13,938 --> 00:05:37,170 Let's just say the world out there is in a rather precarious situation. We're all hanging on by a very thin thread. The fact that you kids can survive the Flare virus makes you the best chance of humanity's continued survival. Unfortunately, it also makes you a target, as no doubt by now you've noticed. Beyond this door lies the beginning of your new lives. ___ 154160 00:10:09,525 --> 00:10:23,372 Good evening, gentlemen. Ladies. You all know how this works. If you hear your name called, please rise in an orderly fashion, join my colleagues behind me where they will escort you to the eastern wing. Your new lives are about to begin. 161 00:10:23,456 --> 00:10:24,791 (SCATTERED APPLAUSE) 162-163 00:10:30,421 --> 00:10:34,550 Connor. Evelyn. 164 00:10:34,717 --> 00:10:35,760 GIRL: Ev! 165-168 00:10:35,885 --> 00:10:44,560 JANSON: Justin. Peter. Allison. Squiggy. 169 00:10:44,769 --> 00:10:45,770 (ALL LAUGH) 170-171 00:10:45,895 --> 00:10:51,567 All right. Settle down. Franklin. And Abigail. 172 00:10:53,402 --> 00:10:54,403 (ALL GROAN) 173-176 00:10:54,487 --> 00:11:04,247 Now, now, don't get discouraged. If I could take more, I would. There's always tomorrow. Your time will come. Go on, eat up. 177 00:11:07,959 --> 00:11:09,293 Where are they going? 178 00:11:09,794 --> 00:11:11,254 Far from here. 179 00:11:13,756 --> 00:11:15,424 Lucky bastards. 180-181 00:11:17,760 --> 00:11:23,099 Some kind of farm. A safe place. They can only take in a couple of people at a time. ___ 340-342 00:21:37,171 --> 00:21:45,929 As you can see, early results have been extremely promising. Whatever it is you've been doing to them in there, it's working. 343 00:21:49,683 --> 00:21:51,393 Not well enough. 344-346 00:21:52,019 --> 00:21:58,650 I just received board approval. I want all the remaining subjects sedated and prepped for harvest by the time I arrive. ___ 1158 01:11:37,168 --> 01:11:38,711 Why are you helping us? 1159-1161 01:11:39,545 --> 01:11:44,967 Trust me, it's not my idea. Jorge seems to think you guys are our ticket to the safe haven. 1162 01:11:45,551 --> 01:11:47,011 The what? 1163-1167 01:11:47,178 --> 01:11:59,732 You know, paradise. Safe from the sun, free of infection. Supposedly, the Right Arm's been taking kids there for years. Immunes, anyway. ___ 1187 01:13:31,657 --> 01:13:34,159 (WATER DRIPPING) 1188 01:13:38,998 --> 01:13:41,000 THOMAS: Do people live down here? 1189-1190 01:13:41,166 --> 01:13:47,923 BRENDA: The Solar Storms forced people underground. Jorge says there's settlements all over these tunnels. ___ 1304 01:22:31,071 --> 01:22:32,239 Okay. What's Zone B? 1305 01:22:32,405 --> 01:22:34,491 It's where they burn the bodies. ___ 1558-1560 01:38:30,488 --> 01:38:39,914 MARY: In the beginning, we were lost. All we knew for sure... was that the younger you were, the stronger your chances. 1561 01:38:40,748 --> 01:38:42,416 You worked for WICKED? 1562-1566 01:38:44,752 --> 01:38:57,848 Long time ago. You know, at first, we had the best intentions. Find a cure, save the world. It was clear you kids were the key, because you were immune. 1567 01:38:58,682 --> 01:39:00,017 But Why? 1568-1572 01:39:00,434 --> 01:39:10,861 Eventually, we found an answer. An enzyme produced by the brains of the immune. Once separated from the bloodstream, it can serve as a powerful agent to slow the spread of the virus. 1573 01:39:11,946 --> 01:39:14,115 So, you found a cure? 1574-1584 01:39:14,657 --> 01:39:43,227 Not exactly. The enzyme can't be manufactured, only harvested from the immune. The young. Of course, that didn't stop WICKED. If they had their way... they'd sacrifice an entire generation. All for this. A gift of biology. Of evolution. But one not meant for all of us. ___ 1771-1773 01:55:21,498 --> 01:55:29,672 TERESA: I'm sorry. I had no choice. This is the only way. We have to find a cure. 1774-1778 01:55:29,839 --> 01:55:42,477 She's right. This is all just a means to an end. You used to understand that, Thomas. No matter what you think of me... I am not a monster. I'm a doctor. I swore an oath to find a cure! 1779 01:55:43,061 --> 01:55:44,229 No matter the cost. 1780 01:55:48,066 --> 01:55:50,235 I just need more time.

▲ The Maze Runner (2014) videomancy: 'geofencing', 'epidemics', 'Neuralink', 'vaccine' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ The Maze Runner (2014) videomancy: 'double apocalypse', 'solar flare apocalypse', 'pandemics apocalypse', 'vaccine', 'human experimentation' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015) videomancy: 'promised of safe place lie', 'older generation exploiting younger generation', 'brain enzyme harvesting from human', 'solar storm apocalypse', 'lightning storm' and 'refuge underground' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015) videomancy: 'zone b', 'human experimentation', 'inhumane doctor', 'cure for virus pandemic' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

The Maze Runner (2014) Analysis

• The Maze's Walls have two meanings. Firstly it symbolizes the Earth, where all earthlings are confined and live from birth to death in captivity as lab rats, and where the magnetosphere's deadly radiation belts prevents any escape from the U.S. 20'000 orbital MC satellites' War of Terror, to the outer space's Solar System planets, moons and even beyond.
Secondly, it preannounced the coming geofencing first imposed 8 years later in 2022 by the Starlink WMD, when its signal would be made unavailable upon reaching the limits of the coloseum, where all hunger gamers are confined and are forced to fight to death. In the most recent case of 2022, Ukraine was the designated killing zone, and the gladiators were prevented to hit the military rear bases in Russia-controled Crimea where long-range strikes are launched. Thus effectively forbidding any Ukrainian victory.

• 'People needed to believe we had a chance of getting out.': The Maze's function is to give the illusion of a possible escape, thus preventing a last ditch 'Banzai' suicide stand. Its function is similar to the antic fallacious afterlife, reincarnation, shambhala and paradise.

• This movie is the first ever preannoucement of the coming double apocalypse.
The brain damaging deadly Flare virus |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] only 5 years prior to the 2019 COVID-19 pandemics. And the Solar Storm |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph]. Obviously in our real world the scorching climatic catastrophe observed since 2019 has nothing to do with the Sun's activity, and is purely anthropogenic like the COVID-19.

▲ GENEVA, 12 January 2023 - The past eight years were the warmest on record globally, fueled by ever-rising greenhouse gas concentrations and accumulated heat, according to six leading international temperature datasets consolidated by the World Meteorological Organization.[web.archive.org]

• Human experimentations are conducted with a memory suppression known as swipe of the human guinea pigs before being sent into the walled lab area called the Glade.

• 'The young would have to be tested, even sacrificed... inside harsh environments... ': in the real world since 2019 billions of humans have indeed been used in testing mRNA vaccine technology that might modify human DNA |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph]. Nobody knows what will happen 4 decades later to those vaccinated. Prior infamous large scale experimentations that comes to mind include the DDT, asbestos, nicotine, aspartame, glyphosate, radium therapy, MSG, palm oil, etc.
It also illustrates the sad reality of the real world where older generations have always lied to the younger generations, under the guise of authority, scientific expertise, administrative, military or religious leadership, exploiting their naivety and ignorance to take advantage of them and even sending them to their death.

• Pro-Neuralink propaganda movie promoting the metal electrodes to biological tissues interface fallacy.
In reality this interface can not work, causing the horrendous death and suffering of thousands of abducted monkeys and soon even those of disabled humans, in the recent case of Neuralink |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph], as only biological to biological interface can last.
As a sad reminder, Neuralink implant deformed and ruptured the brain of the abducted victims, after an experiment caused severe cerebral swelling. |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph]

Indeed, the Maze houses strange, lethal creatures known as Grievers. All that is known of them is that they are a combination of metal and flesh.

• Gally exemplifies the eternal collaborationist who plague every nations under an oppressive regime or even foreign occupation.
Unwilling to resist the oppressors, but always first to backstab its own compatriots, the patriots and the resistance. Only interested in abiding by the rules dictated by the tyrants in exchange of a better life.

As the main antagonist, Gally is a Glader who lives by the rules Alby put in place. He does not trust Thomas and shows an immense dislike for him. He is also the Keeper of the Builders. He runs away from the Glade in a fit of rage after exclaiming that he thought "Thomas was not to be trusted" in the Gathering. At the end of the book, he kills Chuck when he tries to save Thomas from being hit with a dagger.

• 'Whatever we need, the Box provides.': nothing comes for free. Human guinea pigs were fed well in both Manchuria's Unit 731 and the German Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camps, this to ensure the best medical conditions for the accuracy of the bio experimentations. |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph]
In the real world, collaborationists are rewarded as billionaires but they must blindly obey and remain loyal while causing tremendous sufferings and misfortunes to their own fellow countrymen. This sycophancy didn't prevent many collaborationists from being culled anyway when the Dystopian Empire has deemed it useful to its sinister agenda.

• Pro-vaccine propaganda movie presenting it as a the only cure to virus, in this continuing campaign aimed at brainwashing the sheeple and resulting in the total ignorance of the real and universal particle accelerator therapy.

• Natural immunity to the Flare virus emerging with younger generations. Pathetic fallacious hope targeting the sheeple. Again propaganda aimed at the low IQs, misleading them and resulting in the total ignorance of the real and universal particle accelerator therapy.

Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015) Analysis

• 'Some kind of farm. A safe place.': the promised 'safe place' is only a lie, where the young unsuspecting guinea pigs will be farmed for their brain enzyme.
This Hollywood recurrent subplot is of course inspired historically by the European legitimate or occupation governments' systematic lie to the deported people from 1930s to 1945, where the unsuspecting prisoners would be sent to concentration camps masqueraded as labor camps. But in fact death camps.
Furthermore, gas chambers would be masqueraded as shower rooms, to prevent any possible last stand resistance from the victims.
In Logan's Run (1976)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph], to prevent overpopulation, everyone must undergo the rite of "Carrousel" when they reach the age of 30. There, they are killed under the guise of being "renewed".
A decade later in The Running Man (1987)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph], the government pacifies the populace through violent TV shows; its most popular being The Running Man, a broadcast game show, where criminals fight for their lives as "runners", fleeing from armed mercenaries called "stalkers", to earn a government pardon and tropical vacation.
But Mendez finds the corpses of the show's alleged past "winners", revealing that the show's promises of pardons are all false.
Two decades later in The Island (2005)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph], industrially engineered human clones are being told they would be sent to a pathogen free island before being killed and having their organs harvested for rich clients.
A decade later in The Humanity Bureau (2017)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph], the destitutes are being sent to New Eden, advertised as a colony, where in reality they are euthanized and incinerated.

It also illustrates the sad reality of the real world where older generations have always lied to the younger generations, under the guise of authority, scientific expertise, administrative, military or religious leadership, exploiting their naivety and ignorance to take advantage of them and even sending them to their death.

• The 'Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials' (2015) film series depicting unconscious young human guinea pigs being farmed for their brain enzyme was released only about five years after Daybreakers (2009)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph], a science-fiction action horror film that takes place in 2019, in a futuristic world overrun by vampires, and centers around a vampiric corporation which sets out to capture and farm the remaining humans while researching a substitute for human blood.

• A Solar Storm said to cause desertification of the Earth in the tropical regions showered with devastating lightning storms. |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph].
A phenomenon of that magnitude would first wipe out the U.S. 20'000 orbital MC satellites.
Obviously in our real world the scorching climatic catastrophe observed since 2019 has nothing to do with the Sun's activity, and is purely anthropogenic like the COVID-19.

• 'The Solar Storms forced people underground. Jorge says there's settlements all over these tunnels.': Since ancient time, people used to hide underground when facing invasions or persecution as during the earlier years of Christianity in Rome.
In this futuristic dystopian fiction people also seek refuge underground. But why in the real world nobody tries to shelter deep underground when faced with the War of Terror waged by the U.S. 20'000 orbital MC satellites?

• 'I am not a monster. I'm a doctor. I swore an oath to find a cure! No matter the cost.': Notice the new dystopian oath, not that different from the old legacy Hippocrites Oath.
Who else would conduct human experimentations, human organ harvesting and enzyme farming at an industrial scale? Since doctors are the finest specimen of their sub-species in cognitive capabilities and holding no less than PhDs, therefore sanctioned by all their administrative and academic institutions, one should blame only the wrong genetic starting setting of these doomed sub-species. Being an Apex predator means cannibalistic behavior, therefore dystopian evolutionary deadend.


Finch (2021)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a 'robotic Great Replacement' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'robot to robot friendship', 'helper-robot', 'robot to animal relationship' and 'solar flare apocalypse' genre subplots masqueraded as a post-apocalyptic survival film directed by Miguel Sapochnik and written by Craig Luck and Ivor Powell. The film stars Tom Hanks and Caleb Landry Jones. The story follows an aging man named Finch Weinberg (Tom Hanks), a survivor in a now nearly uninhabitable Earth, who builds and teaches a robot to take care of his dog when he dies.

Fifteen years have passed since a massive solar flare destroyed the ozone layer, turning the planet Earth into a largely uninhabitable wasteland ravaged by extreme weather events while being scorched by the sun's ultraviolet rays, increasing surface temperatures to 150 °F (66 °C). One of the few survivors, robotics engineer Finch Weinberg, lives alone with his dog Goodyear and a helper-robot Dewey in an underground St. Louis laboratory once owned by the company he worked for before the cataclysm. Finch only ventures outside to search for supplies wearing a protective suit.

Dying of an undisclosed ailment (although Finch is seen reading a book on radiation poisoning), Finch is working on creating a more advanced humanoid robot companion to take care of his dog once he is gone. Finch feeds it volumes of encyclopedic knowledge, including a manual for training and caring for dogs. However, Goodyear initially doesn't trust the robot (which eventually chooses the name Jeff).


• Nine years after 2012 (2009)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph], a Hollywood propaganda science fiction disaster genre film where the entire world is submerged by apocalyptic rising sea level and biblical tsunamis, caused by exotic new type of neutrino from a huge solar flare that are heating the Earth's core, and seven years after the 2014 Maze Runner[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] film series 'double apocalypse' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'pandemics apocalypse' and 'solar flare apocalypse', the Finch (2021) Hollywood propaganda 'solar flare apocalypse' genre movie again blames the sun for the climatic catastrophe, thus brainwashing the sheeple into denying the 100% man-made global warming due to a combined massive terraformation and industrialization, wasted heat generation and release of atmospheric greenhouse gas.


Last Sentinel (2023)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is an 'climate apocalypse' propaganda genre movie with an 'climate wars', 'oceanic world', and 'Mata Hari 'genre subplots masqueraded as a science fiction thriller directed by Tanel Toom, written by Malachi Smyth, and stars Kate Bosworth, Thomas Kretschmann, Lucien Laviscount, and Martin McCann.

Set in 2063, unchecked and rampant climate crisis has caused temperatures and sea levels to rise catastrophically. Only two large continents remain and billions died during the mass migration to these higher lands.

Only two small continents remain after the seas have risen to engulf the rest, resulting in an endless war between them. Watchtowers have been built by both sides and provided with powerful weaponry, should another attack commence.

Last Sentinel (2023) 4-18 00:01:28,045 --> 00:02:21,558 - [Cassidy] Darkness and light. Evil and good. War and peace. Them and us. Everyone knows that one could not exist without the other. And between the two, there is a balance. Some say that before the lands disappeared, birds were able to migrate between the continents. They used a wind called uplift. You don't have to flap your wings to stay up, but you also don't fall. You stay in the middle effortlessly resting in the air. But there are no uplift winds anymore because we ruined the balance. ___ 418-419 00:34:47,545 --> 00:34:51,592 - [Cassidy] The only way to unf∪ck the world is to wipe out the humans. ___ 1021-1023 01:23:39,353 --> 01:23:51,240 Teamwork is the essence of the BORG culture. Together, creative, hopeful, we share a common goal. 1024 01:23:53,157 --> 01:23:55,202 - This is not a common goal, buddy. 1025-1031 01:23:55,202 --> 01:24:20,018 - Can you imagine how many shades of fabric they have? 27. Do you know who started it? Mart. In Estonia. It was a country. A small country. 1032-1033 01:24:20,018 --> 01:24:24,189 There were a lot of them. - Yeah. - [Baines] Big and small.


Following U.S. Waterworld (1995)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] and Indochinese 2030 (2014)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] cinematographic depictions of climate apocalypse, this latest climate war movie is the first European one to preannounce the end of the Baltic region due to rising sea level.

6. Evolutionary deadend

Delaying indefinitely the disclosure of scientific milestones of not only the 1930-1940s period, that have lead to the discovery of the MC warfare, but everything deemed destabilizing for the perennity of the U.S. Dystopian Empire, such as the universal presence of water in other planets, advanced exo-civilizations, outer solar habitable zones, etc, has caused more than a century of lag in the research focus tree, therefore an evolutionary deadend.

The rule of force or Jungle law being highly regarded as the sole rule of the U.S. military junta's survival. Thus the fatal mistake.

The next stage of civilization, already pointing on the horizon, the exo-diplomatic threshold will therefore remain forever an impassable bottleneck. For the U.S. military junta dominated world order and their obedient stooges.

Thus sealing its fate. Totalitarianism is not a viable option. As the ultimate outcome for all backward empires in history, is well documented, following the Roman Empire, the Mongolian Empire and the British Empire, all notorious recipients of the Darwin Awards.

6.1. Totalitarianism and scientific collapse in history

Due to its totalitarian nature, the current U.S. Dystopian Empire is only following the path of all previous totalitarian regimes in history.

The 13th century Mongol Empire was certainly humankind's worse case in restricting all scientific progress outside of the military ones, in all conquered civilizations.
One of such example is the strictly limited use of knives for the subjugated people, by fear that the Mongol occupiers could be overthrown, thus resetting the clock to the prehistoric time. The silver lining being all the various noodles invented that don't require the use of knives such as hand-pulled noodle lamian (拉麵), gravity-formed hanging noodle (挂面), shaved noodle (刀削面) 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph].

The consequences have been so catastrophic that this has caused a geopolitical polar shift from the Eastern hemisphere to Western hemisphere, were the most advanced civilizations of the world that had lead far ahead by several thousands of years simply collapsed culturally.
Both the Chinese civilization, Korean civilization, Khmer and South East Asia civilization, South Asia, Persian civilization, the entire West Asia have never recovered from this totalitarian darkest age. Meanwhile, all patriotic and influential intellectuals and scientists in these occupied civilizations were simply genocided without descendants.
But this fatal totalitarian setting has of course lead to the total collapse of the Mongol Empire itself, a couple of centuries later, superseded by the less backward Viking Rus'.
Therefore the aftermaths of the Pax Mongolica catastrophe are only comparable to a global mass extinction event for the Planet, resulting in the long run, 8 centuries later, in the mass extinction of most living species of the Earth.

The infamous 1633 Galileo trial is a more recent case. In this desperate last ditch attempt to preserve the fallacious Hellenic geocentric world order with its ridiculous 'solid spheres', the totalitarian Roman Catholic Inquisition would nonetheless fail, due to scientific progress being made in other protestant regions and causing ultimately within a few centuries a total loss of both legitimacy and geopolitical influence of the Pope.

Since a totalitarian setting is not a viable option, the ultimate outcome will always be the collapse.

The infamous 1941 trial of Nikolai Vavilov is the most recent case. The advent of the modern science of genetics would have invariably exposed among other fallacies, the spurious 'genetic equality' among all human ethnic groups, stated as an absolute dogma in the U.S.S.R.. And at the core of its social engineering.

With the development of genetics being totally forbidden, replaced by the farcical Lysenkoism, the Soviet Union felt ever more backward, unable to progress, to the point of not surviving its 8 decades.

6.1.1. Planned obsolescence

In economics and industrial design, planned obsolescence (also called built-in obsolescence or premature obsolescence) was historically a policy of planning or designing a product with an artificially limited useful life or a purposely frail design, so that it becomes obsolete after a certain pre-determined period of time upon which it decrementally functions or suddenly ceases to function, or might be perceived as unfashionable.

The rationale behind this strategy is to generate long-term sales volume by reducing the time between repeat purchases (referred to as "shortening the replacement cycle"). It is the deliberate shortening of a lifespan of a product to force people to purchase functional replacements. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]

According to the U.S. Dystopian Empire's applied Marxist principle of 'history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce', after 1945, the economic purpose of planned obsolescence was shifted to serve the Dystopian Empire's world order in enforcing the totalitarian control of the popular masses.

Electronic appliances must become obsolete because new model will have more eavesdropping capabilities, such as connectivity with mobile phone antenna array, Starlink, etc.

Self-driving Tesla cars, elevators, travelators and escalators can cause serious mutilations or even kill anywhere and anytime. The many recent cases have been widely covered in the media to force the sheeple to pledge the oath of obedience and serve the Dystopian Empire. This clumsy blackmail is the only way for survival when living in such a dangerous world.

Built with reinforced concrete, steel, glass and plastic construction materials, today's real estates are no longer designed to last, but will crumble after a few couple of decades, forcing each generations to start from scratch. Either the offsprings of successful parents accept to pledge the oath of obedience and serve the U.S. Dystopian Empire in order to survive, or they end up destitute.
In this regard, the 2018 collapse of the Morandi Bridge in Genoa Itay, far from being an isolated case, is a textbook illustration of timebomb engineering plaguing the entire European continent. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]

Nuclear power plants have been designed as true ticking time bombs. Flaws are such that major nuclear catastrophes can be triggered without prior notice and at the discretion of the U.S. Dystopian Empire.

While ancient stone bridges have lasted for centuries without maintenance, modern mandatory cable-stayed bridges need constant maintenance. Should an entire region uprise against the U.S. Dystopian Empire, its infrastructure will collapse within years due to the lack of maintenance and parts.

Terminator seeds genetically engineered to be sterile after first harvest, have been introduced to prevent any future potential resistance group who might have successfully rebelled to ever be able to grow its own crops and become self-sustainable.
This ensures a total monopoly in agricultural products and dependence on the U.S. Dystopian Empire: those who dissent and uprise will have to starve to death.

Online image hosting websites, data sharing sites, discussion forums and news websites are all prone to a predicted deprecation within months and years.
Same for the social media, with twitter under Elon Musk's control in August 2023, deleting all video and images older than 2014. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]
This is intended to facilitate the permanent revisionist narrative of the U.S. Dystopian Empire. Idiocracy can only survive if the sheeple can't remember the past.

6.1.2. Planned obsolescence in the pop culture


Breathless (1983)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] is an 'cop killer' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'Rebel Without a Cause', 'genius', and 'planned obsolescence' genre subplots masqueraded as a neo-noir romantic thriller film directed by Jim McBride and written by McBride and L. M. Kit Carson, starring Richard Gere and Valérie Kaprisky. It is a remake of the 1960 French film of the same name directed by Jean-Luc Godard and written by Godard and François Truffaut. The original film is about an American woman and a French criminal in Paris, while in the remake is vice versa in Los Angeles.


Jesse Lujack (Richard Gere) is a cocky, hedonistic drifter, and small time car thief, in Las Vegas. He’s obsessed with Silver Surfer comic books, the rock and roll music of Jerry Lee Lewis, and Monica Poiccard (Valérie Kaprisky), a UCLA architecture undergraduate whom he knows only from a weekend fling while she visited Vegas.


Breathless (1983) 779-780 01:03:17,085 --> 01:03:22,008 Dr. Boudreaux, I'd like you to meet Monica Poiccard. This is the student that I was telling you about. 781 01:03:22,049 --> 01:03:24,259 It's a great honor, Dr. Boudreaux. 782-783 01:03:24,510 --> 01:03:28,514 Sir, she's the best candidate for a fellowship that I've ever seen. 784 01:03:28,764 --> 01:03:31,183 To work with me? Why? 785 01:03:31,433 --> 01:03:33,435 Everybody says you're a genius. 786 01:03:33,685 --> 01:03:35,354 That's true. So? 787 01:03:35,604 --> 01:03:38,315 Well, I want to learn to make buildings that last. 788 01:03:38,565 --> 01:03:42,528 Don't be foolish. Nothing lasts.

▲ Breathless (1983) videomancy: 'Rebel Without a Cause', 'genius', and 'planned obsolescence' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• Geniuses are stooges that serve the U.S. Dystopian Empire and receive a 'gift' as a bribe. As such a 'genius' architect will not 'conceive buildings that last', following the mandatory planned obsolescence.

• Young rebels are the first to die. This was first depicted in the Hollywood movie Rebel Without a Cause (1955)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]
Indeed, these are the most dangerous for the U.S. Dystopian Empire, and could possibly lead the resistance, if the right conditions were met: being aware of the true nature of the world order after 1945 under the U.S. Dystopian Empire.
This is also the focus of the main plot in The Terminator (1984)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] franchise.

• Core concept. Existential dilemma presented to Monica Poiccard: either choose a promising carrier in architecture by following the elderly genius Dr. Boudreaux (Eugène Lourié) and be morally held responsible for building faulty infrastructures that are programmed to crumble within decades, or follow Jesse Lujack (Richard Gere), a younger attractive small time car thief, wanted for killing a cop, to Mexico for an uncertain future.
In the first case, as tax-paying law-abiding white collar gangsters benefiting from the full protection of the law and the police forces, and in the second case, as wanted petty criminal hiding in the underworld while being hunted by the law and the police.
Between the greater and lesser of two evils, this symbolizes the choice everyone has to make under the U.S. Dystopian Empire's world order.

• In the U.S. Dystopian Empire's world order, the cinematographic depiction of a cop killer would almost always be associated with a death sentence.
At least until the post-2000s Taken (2008)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] film series with Liam Neeson's insane cop killing spree.


Vesper (2022)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a 'Terminator seeds' propaganda genre movie with an 'ecological catastrophe', 'man-made virus pandemic', 'bioengineering', 'bioluminescence', 'enclosed cities', 'oligarchy', 'orphanage', 'blood harvesters', 'cannibalism', 'artificial biological humanoid', 'Tesla Bots', 'anti-clinical-immortality propaganda', 'talking to a mummy', 'strong woman', 'precocious child prodigy' and 'man-made hunger' genre subplots masqueraded as a science fiction film directed by Kristina Buozyte and Bruno Samper, starring Raffiella Chapman, Eddie Marsan, Rosy McEwen and Richard Brake. Set in a bleak post-apocalyptic Earth, it follows a 14-year-old girl skilled in bioengineering.


Humanity tried to prevent the impending ecological crisis by investing massively in genetic technology. It failed. Engineered viruses and organisms escaped into the wild. They wiped out edible plants, animals and large populations of humans. An oligarchy now thrives in enclosed cities called "citadels", while everyone else struggles to survive. For food, people rely on seeds traded by the citadels. However, these are coded to produce only one harvest.

The people outside of the citadel must find food and resources on their own. The citadel gives them modified seeds that require a special process to be made fertile. Only the scientists of the citadels know the details of this process.

Vesper is a 14-year-old girl who lives in a house in the forest with her father Darius, who is paralyzed. Darius can only communicate by using a drone that looks like a floating robot head. He uses the drone to accompany Vesper in her daily routine while his real body stays in bed. A year ago Vesper's mother left to be part of a group of people called The Pilgrims. They are scavengers and drag the junk they collect. Vesper's uncle Jonas lives not far away. He manages a sort of orphanage that he uses to extract blood from the children and sell it to the citadel. Jonas also owns beings called Jugs, artificial humans made with the sole purpose of being a slave workforce.

One day a citadel ship crashes nearby and Vesper finds a young woman survivor, Camellia. Vesper takes her home and heals her wounds. Camellia promises to take Vesper and her father to the citadel if they can find the other passenger of the ship, a man named Elias. However, when Vesper goes to check she finds that Jonas is also there. Jonas kills Elias and suspects that there was another passenger on the ship.

Vesper tries to communicate with the citadel so that they can come and pick up Camellia but the only transmitter is with Jonas. When Vesper reveals to Camellia that Elias is dead, the woman mourns him deeply. Vesper realizes that Camellia isn't human—she is a very advanced Jug, one who looks exactly like a human and has emotions. Elias is her creator, but making a sapient Jug is a crime, and so he and Camellia needed to escape.

Vesper uses the seeds stolen from her uncle Jonas' farm for an experiment involving samples from the synthetic Camellia. Camellia plays a tune from a musical instrument that causes the "locked" DNA in the seeds to unlock. Vesper assumes she found a way to "unlock" the citadel seeds and make them fertile so they will never starve again.

Jonas comes to the house and finds out about Camellia. Vesper and Camellia manage to overpower him. Vesper makes a deal: If he leaves them alone, he can have the seeds and enough food. Jonas goes back to his place and calls the citadel, revealing to them Camellia's location. Soldiers from the citadel arrive and kill Jonas before going to Vesper's house.

Camellia and Vesper run while Darius stays behind and holds off the soldiers by blowing up the house's reactor. Camellia sedates Vesper and surrenders herself to the soldiers. Before that, she tells Vesper that she has the seeds and that she can change the world with them.

Deeply saddened, Vesper buries the altered seeds, believing there's no use for them in a world without her loved ones. But when a group of Jonas' kids find her, Vesper changes her mind. Vesper and the children journey to a makeshift tower built by the Pilgrims. There she finally takes the seeds out and lets the wind spread them.


Vesper (2022) 136-139 00:18:30,587 --> 00:18:39,456 And one day I'll get out. But you... You'll still be here, sucking your kids' blood to trade for seeds. ___ 479 00:52:32,238 --> 00:52:35,500 Why is the citadel so closed-off to people like us? 480 00:52:39,456 --> 00:52:42,717 If they opened its doors to all, there'd not be enough resources. 481-483 00:52:45,500 --> 00:52:53,456 But... You're creating jugs to serve you. We could do their work. 484-486 00:52:56,151 --> 00:53:04,543 The citadel likes control. Jugs are designed to be loyal. It wouldn't be so easy with humans. ___ 651-656 01:12:50,238 --> 01:13:09,674 You wouldn't like it in the citadel. Elias used to say life there was like a frozen river, the surface was beautiful, but underneath... [Camellia] Everyone tries to live for ever, and it's a joyless and a lonely life. 657 01:13:10,587 --> 01:13:11,848 You lived there. 658 01:13:13,891 --> 01:13:15,282 I lived for Elias. ___ 679-683 01:16:09,891 --> 01:16:27,500 I found the key to unlock the citadel seeds. I can make them fertile. We'll never starve again. So that was his plan: To trade them for entrance to the other citadel.

▲ Vesper (2022) videomancy: 'ecological catastrophe', 'man-made virus pandemic', 'enclosed cities', 'oligarchy', 'Terminator seeds', 'talking to a mummy', 'cannibalism', 'orphanage', 'blood harvesters', 'bioluminescence' and 'bioengineering' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Vesper (2022) videomancy: 'artificial biological humanoid' and 'intelligent jugs' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Vesper (2022) videomancy: 'anti-clinical-immortality propaganda', 'Terminator seeds', 'bioengineering', 'talking to a mummy' and 'man-made hunger' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• 'Terminator' seeds genetically engineered to be sterile after the first harvest, and their effects probably depicted in a movie for the first time. Intended to starve any non-obedient groups especially those who might rebel.

• 'Humanity tried to prevent the impending ecological crisis by investing massively in genetic technology.': biotech and other fallacious 'green' technologies are only smokescreens aimed at fooling the sheeple, since the ecological catastrophe is planned on purpose with the goal to get rid of humankind, making ground for the more obedient Tesla Bots that are less likely to overthrow the U.S. Dystopian Empire.

• 'Jugs' are artificial biological humanoids made with the sole purpose of being a slave workforce. Similar to the dystopian cybernetic 'Tesla Bots' that are intended to replace humankind with the same purpose.
Creating intelligent 'jugs' is a major crime, as low IQ slaves can not rebel.

• 'Everyone tries to live for ever, and it's a joyless and a lonely life.': once again the very idea of clinical immortality is vilified in this propaganda movie.

• New dystopian cultural low in the E.U.'s cinema: cannibalism scene, where the 'jug' presenting multiple stab wounds in his back is seen hanged upside down like an animal and before being drained from its blood, gutted and butchered. Result from the eternal cannibalistic expression of the apex predator's genes.

• 'Blood harvesters' again, exploiting the weak, here milking the orphans, result from the eternal cannibalistic expression of the apex predator's genes.

• 'Oligarchy' again, social organization based of force and exploitation of the weak, result from the eternal cannibalistic expression of the apex predator's genes.

• Obligatory dystopian movie's enclosed cities, here called 'citadels' where an oligarchy thrives while everyone else struggles to survive outside.

• Obligatory self-taught 'precocious child prodigy' that can achieve a PhD level skill (if not Nobel Prize recipient) in 'synthetic biology' (bioengineering) alone in her self-made lab located in their own cabin in the woods.

• Obligatory 'strong woman' that saves the world from hunger, while the impotent lead male character is blown up in the explosion of the house's bioreactor.

• New cultural low in the Europes' dystopian cinema: talking to and touching an unidentified sitting corpse in the old lab, possibly the partially mummified remain of a dead teacher.
Previously, in the 'Vikings' TV Series (2013–2020) |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph], Season 2, Episode 7, ‘Blood Eagle’ Episode aired on 10th April 2014 |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph], Jarl Borg was depicted carrying around his dead wife’s skull, and to seal an agreement Rollo and Borg drink mead in turn from the skull! |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph]

6.2. Martial Path only

Indeed, as the inheritor of the Romans, the U.S. military junta has only allowed the development of the Martial Path (武士道, Bushido) of human developments, totally overlooking the other branch of the Chi Arts, or Way of Chi (養氣之道 [ZH] / 英知の道 [JP] Eichi no michi: Road of Wisdom).

Everything only serving the domination and repression of the word masses. An unbroken chain of totalitarian techs: Big data super A.I., cellphones, SAR 5G base station, 100% CCTV coverage in cities, dash cams, smart lampposts, fingerprints facial and gait reconnaissance, biometric passports, airport terahertz body scanners, compulsory tracing apps and QR codes, vaccine passports, Starlink orbital array, etc.

6.2.1. Mobile Phones

As the next incremental level of totalitarian control and monitoring of the world's masses, superseding the previous table phones totalitarian surveillance network, starting from the end of the Cold War, after 1991, an unprecedented propaganda campaign was necessary to deceive, brainwash the sheeples and thus making ground for the mass introduction of the next dystopian mobile phones network, worldwide.

And to make it as lasting as any conventional man-made addictions, in this replay of the 19th century Opium War[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], by applying the default template of propaganda campaigns for alcohol, tobacco, narcotics, sodas, electric cars, etc.

Meanwhile people who chose to not use mobile phones unwilling to encourage the state's invasion of everyone's privacy will still be 100% monitored 24/7 by the cellular network of phased array antennas.
Like any radars, those use microwave beams that penetrate buildings and produce imagery of centimetric level resolution, showing the location movements and postures of all humans nearby, even further improved by signals of each individual household WIFI routers. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]
Even sounds inside buildings can be reconstructed by detecting the variations of returning beams in the microwave band after illuminating powered or unpowered microphones.
This function is similar to cameras that reconstruct sound vibrations from high resolution video feed.


6 Days (2017)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood 'eavesdropping' genre propaganda movie with an 'Embassy hostage taking and siege' and 'counter-terrorist operation' genre subplots masqueraded as an action thriller film directed by Toa Fraser and written by Glenn Standring. A British-New Zealand production, it is based on the 1980 Iranian Embassy siege in London and stars Jamie Bell, Abbie Cornish, Mark Strong and Martin Shaw.

On Day 1, 30th April 1980, six Iranian Arabs storm the Iranian Embassy located at 16 Princes Gate, Kensington in London and hold at least 26 hostages.

The authorities receive a call from the terrorists' leader, Salim, demanding the release of 91 Arab prisoners in Iran, or else they will kill a hostage at noon the following day.

On Day 6, Faisal kills a hostage after the demand of bringing the bus is not met. With that, Home Secretary Whitelaw authorises the SAS operation.

During the assault, led by Firmin, Salim and three of the other terrorists are killed, at the cost of one of the hostages and none of the SAS men, although one is badly burned on his left leg.

6 Days (2017 128-133 00:08:19,166 --> 00:08:32,888 - Standard Army field phone. No listening devices, so nothing to find. But we hang up here, it's off. They hang up, it stays open. Never switches off. Which means that, well, we can hear anything they say within range. 134 00:08:33,013 --> 00:08:34,890 - That's very clever. - Yeah.


The counter-terrorist inveterate practice is to buy time by pretending to negotiate with the hostage takers, as reminded by Tom Clancy.

This is to collect intelligence, in order to prepare for the assault operation.

Microwave imagery is obviously a tool that enables through-wall monitoring, but not revealed in this movie.

As for the audio feed, table phones were of course a standard Trojan Horse, always available, since they never switched off, even when the unsuspecting sheeple hung them up.

Later, laser mic have been introduced, and finally mobile phones.

▲ 6 Days (2017) videomancy: table phones were a standard Trojan Horse since they never switched off.[web.archive.org]


Cell (2016)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood 'mobile phone' genre propaganda movie with a 'zombie apocalypse' genre subplot masqueraded as a science fiction horror film based on the 2006 novel of the same name by Stephen King. The film is directed by Tod Williams, produced by John Cusack, with a screenplay by King and Adam Alleca. The film stars John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson, and Isabelle Fuhrman.
The film's story follows Clay (John Cusack), a New England artist struggling to reunite with his young son Johnny Riddell (Ethan Andrew Casto) after a mysterious signal broadcast over the global cell phone network turns the majority of his fellow humans into mindless vicious animals.


The epidemic is started with a signal emitted from cellphone tower to the mobile phone users but later expands by the mouth of the infected 'phoners' through a digital pulsed signal to healthy humans, symbolising how the use of mobile phones is propagated in the real world from friend to friend, and among relatives of a family.

'Phoners' are all jammed at dusk, as in real-life where they will all make a phone call at the same time after work.

'Phoners' have developed a hive mind and are telepathic. Flock of 'phoners' are vulnerable at night, lying inert on the ground.

There is no cure to 'phoners', and 'you have to kill the addict to kill the addiction', dixit Surrogates (2009). In this case, spraying them with gasoline, and setting them ablaze, or even bullets and explosives.

Ultimately, Clayton 'Clay' Riddell (John Cusack) fails to kill the Raggedy Man (Joshua Mikel) standing at the center of a circle where thousands of 'phoners' are walking in an enormous circle around a communications tower.

Running him over, repeatedly shooting him and detonating the explosives in his truck result only in Clay being finally enslaved as a new braindead 'phoner'.

This means the entire mankind will eventually fall to the mobile phone pandemic, and become enslaved as a single big hive, lead by the indestructible President of the Internet, the Raggedy Man prophet of the apocalypse.

Cell (2016) 361 00:36:18,701 --> 00:36:21,153 Quite a problem these cell phones have caused now, isn't it? 362 00:36:21,253 --> 00:36:23,014 (CHUCKLES) 363 00:36:23,114 --> 00:36:26,109 The devil's intercom is what I used to call them. 364 00:36:26,209 --> 00:36:28,010 Nice. It's apt. ___ 391-396 00:38:08,277 --> 00:38:33,511 CHARLES: We cannot overestimate the developmental leaps we're witnessing here. They appear to be eusocial. Like a colony of bees or ants. They act for the good of the group as a whole. There's no competitiveness, no selfishness. In fact, they may be the next stage in human evolution. Every human on planet Earth will be part of one giant organism. 397 00:38:33,611 --> 00:38:36,448 No individuality. No privacy. Come on. 398 00:38:36,548 --> 00:38:39,576 No war. No resource depletion. ___ 400-402 00:38:42,838 --> 00:38:51,362 As to what they're doing at night as they lie there so still, open-eyed and listening to their music, we think they're rebooting. ___ 693-695 01:05:51,516 --> 01:06:01,708 What matters... what matters is what we do. And what we do, hmm? We kill phone freaks. Yeah, yeah, we kill them. ___ 706-707 01:06:35,527 --> 01:06:40,144 RAY: Always that phoner. The phoner in the red hoodie. They call him the President of the Internet. Got to be taken down.


Uncertainty (2008)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] is a 'time loop' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'geolocation', 'mobile phone' and 'hunted by mafia' genre subplots masqueraded as an indie crime drama thriller film written, produced, and directed by U.S. independent filmmakers Scott McGehee and David Siegel and starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Lynn Collins. It was first released at the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival.


Bobby (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and Kate (Lynn Collins) are a young couple who have been together ten months. Kate is 11 weeks pregnant. They can't make up their minds where to go on the Fourth of July, or whether to have the baby, so they decide to flip a coin. After Bobby flips the coin, they both run off Brooklyn Bridge in opposite directions. From that moment on two separate storylines are followed.

One storyline takes place in Brooklyn, where Bobby and Kate decide to go visit Kate's family. On the way they pick up a stray dog, whose owner they try to locate. Kate's family has its share of family drama, with an uncle who is institutionalized and suffers from memory loss, a brother who died five years earlier, and a sister who is taking a year off before going to college, much to her mother's dismay.

The other storyline takes place in Manhattan (beginning in Chinatown), where Bobby and Kate find a cellphone belonging to a criminal who values it at $500,000. They try to set up an exchange, but after narrowly escaping pursuit from a killer, Bobby throws the cellphone onto a passing boat.

Both storylines end the next day on a bridge, with the lines "What do you want to do now? / What do we do now? I don't know. I guess we just keep going".


Uncertainty (2008) 451 00:21:10,330 --> 00:21:11,820 - What the f∪⊂₭ just happened? - You okay? 452-453 00:21:11,930 --> 00:21:14,630 - How did he find us in Union Square? We were only there for two minutes. 454 00:21:14,730 --> 00:21:15,670 - Are you okay? - I'm okay. 455 00:21:15,770 --> 00:21:17,070 How did that happen? - I don't know. 456-457 00:21:17,170 --> 00:21:19,600 He has my cell phone number. That means he could have my address. 458-460 00:21:19,700 --> 00:21:24,610 - He has your cell phone because you left your name and number on those phones or the two answering machines or whatever. ___ 612-613 00:28:09,450 --> 00:28:14,490 A guy who'd pay half a million dollars for a phone, works for the lottery commission, stealing money. 614 00:28:14,590 --> 00:28:16,380 - So, wait, you think that's what's on the phone? 615-616 00:28:16,490 --> 00:28:21,220 - Whatever information is on the phone that's in my pocket right now is probably being used to— 617 00:28:21,330 --> 00:28:23,320 - And you think it's this? 618 00:28:26,400 --> 00:28:28,760 - We have to get rid of this f∪⊂₭in' thing. ___ 654-656 00:30:25,180 --> 00:30:29,990 You could talk to him through e-mail. You set up an e-mail account. You get him the new address. 657-658 00:30:30,090 --> 00:30:33,210 - But then you'd have to call him to give him the e-mail, and he could still track us. 659-662 00:30:33,320 --> 00:30:38,330 - That's true, we would have to turn on the phone for, like, a second. Turn it on, get him the address, and turn it right back off. 663 00:30:38,430 --> 00:30:42,330 - So how would they not track us? 664 00:30:42,430 --> 00:30:44,030 - Well, you could do it while we were moving. 665-666 00:30:44,140 --> 00:30:47,800 - You know, we get on a bus, send him a text, turn it on, turn it off. ___ 986 00:47:07,380 --> 00:47:08,980 - How the f∪⊂₭ did they find us? 987 00:47:09,090 --> 00:47:11,180 - I don't know. 988-990 00:47:11,290 --> 00:47:17,060 You can't trace an e-mail account that fast. It was probably the credit card. Paid for the internet with my credit card. ___


• The next level in the totalitarian surveillance state for the dummy (or newly born): geolocation will be made whether the mobile device is switched on or not. All Internet cafe connections will be geolocated, with credit card or not.

• Storing one's personal incriminating data on a mobile phone without the authorities or the gangsters being aware of the content is revealing of one's obvious gross naivety.

• Be warned, both the police and the law abiding gang members are working hand in gloves. Whenever a mobile phone is connected it is geolocated by the cellular network, the former will keep the later informed.

• Traced by the credit card payment for the internet cafe service. And this is only a foretaste of the coming cashless society and digital payment only, that will push the digital identification and tracking of every individuals to the next level of totalitarianism.

• As the two amateurs discovered at the end of the movie, it is by throwing away the mobile phone on the deck of a passing boat that they finally managed to escape the cellular network's tracking. But did they really end the cellular tracing? As of 2008, one can not rule out that possibility. But with the following generations of cellular network, such as 5G, 6G and worse with the orbital Starlink, this would have proven totally futile! Indeed, with the introduction of phased array antenna allowing beam forming and beam steering, no mobile phone is even required to image people whether inside buildings or outdoor. The ultimate totalitarian 18th century panopticon surveillance system.


Surrogates (2009)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood 'mind-machine remote-controlled robots' genre propaganda movie masqueraded as a science fiction action film based on the 2005–2006 comic book series 'The Surrogates'. Directed by Jonathan Mostow, it stars Bruce Willis as Tom Greer, an FBI agent who ventures out into the real world to investigate the murder of surrogates (humanoid remote-controlled robots). It also stars Radha Mitchell, Rosamund Pike, Boris Kodjoe, Ving Rhames, and James Cromwell.

In the near future, widespread use of mind-machine remotely controlled androids called 'surrogates' enables everyone to live in idealized forms from the safety of their homes. Compared to their surrogates, the human operators are depicted as slovenly and homebound. Protected from harm, a surrogate's operator feels no pain when the surrogate is damaged, and can do acrobatics that a normal person couldn't.

The film is a satire of the sheeple's total addiction to dystopian mobile phones and social media, that has proven to be no different than the dependence on narcotics.

This type of 'replacement' of humans with 'surrogates' while more advanced than the 'mobile phone and social media' type, is only a step away from the apocalyptical 100% bodyless digital society as depicted in the Matrix[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] movie series, where humans only survive as vegetables immersed in cultivation tanks, exploited in farms for their brain power.

Surrogates (2009) 11-15 00:01:11,100 --> 00:01:27,700 There are 100 sensors, each listening to a different brain cell or neuron. Physically disabled people will be able to operate fully synthetic bodies. It provides a tremendous amount of hope for the future. ___ 19-26 00:01:37,200 --> 00:02:02,800 As manufacturing capacity expanded for military/industrial use surrogates became affordable to the general public, causing a revolution in how in how we live. The ability to leave your home without risk of disease or injury, to have perfect looks without trips to the gym or plastic surgery, there is no question that at some point they will be persons like anyone else, they will not be human, but that they will be part of our community? There is no question in my mind. ___ 32-35 00:02:22,100 --> 00:02:39,300 According to VSI, the industries leading manufacturer, over 98% of world population uses a surrogate in all facets of their daily life We're in the midst of profound changes that are things that were once unimaginable have become inevitable ___ 46-51 00:03:04,400 --> 00:03:23,700 But there is a minority who actively oppose Surrogates and are moving to limit their use. Many people will see this as the invasion of the inhuman. They've established reservations or Surrogacy free zones in major cities around the country. ___ 55-57 00:03:33,100 --> 00:03:43,600 Those machines walking around out there They're a lie. You have been sold a lie. ___ 498-500 00:44:41,500 --> 00:44:51,400 You can try to escape by living through a puppet, through a machine. But deep down inside, you know you're living a lie ___ 804-805 01:15:28,800 --> 01:15:33,800 - And that's going to heal mankind? - They're already dead. They died the minute they plugged into those machines. ___ 811-813 01:15:48,900 --> 01:15:55,300 Surrogacy is a perversion. It's an addiction. And you have to kill the addict to kill the addiction.

Indeed 'You have to kill the addict to kill the addiction', is not only a rhetoric empty wish but also an effective time-proven state policy:
Duterte ‘happy to slaughter’ drug suspects; cites Hitler September 30, 2016 President Rodrigo Duterte raised the rhetoric over his bloody anticrime war to a new level Friday, comparing it to Hitler and the Holocaust and saying he would be “happy to slaughter” three million addicts. Duterte issued his latest threat against drug dealers and users early Friday on returning to his hometown in Davao City after visiting Vietnam, where he discussed his antidrug campaign with Vietnamese leaders and ways for their governments to fight transnational crimes, including illegal drugs. Duterte has said his public death threats against drug suspects are designed to scare them to stop selling drugs and to discourage would-be users. But his latest remarks took that crime-busting approach to a different level. He said he had been “portrayed or pictured to be a cousin of Hitler,” without elaborating. Moments later he said, “Hitler massacred 3 million Jews … there’s 3 million drug addicts. There are. I’d be happy to slaughter them.” He was referring to a government estimate of the number of drug addicts in the Philippines. During the presidential election campaign earlier this year and during the three months he has held office, the tough-talking Duterte has threatened to drown drug suspects to fatten the fish in Manila Bay. He also threatened to execute drug traffickers by hanging—because he didn’t want to waste electricity on them—until their heads were severed from their bodies. While Hitler’s victims were innocent people, Duterte said his targets are “all criminals” and that getting rid of them would “finish the (drug) problem of my country and save the next generation from perdition.” ... Duterte’s campaign promise to end corruption and crime, especially illegal drugs, within six months of taking office on June 30 carried him to an overwhelming victory in May’s presidential election. Since the vote, more than 3,000 suspected drug dealers and users have been killed and nearly 700,000 others have surrendered in his crackdown. Duterte has asked for a six-month extension to finish the job.
2[archive.ph] Pro-Mobile Phone Propaganda Campaign

Words are very importants. If something appears to be obviously too nefarious, the public opinion's perception can be conveniently manipulated through the use of the propaganda's classic trick of twisting the wording.

Instead of 'global security microwave phased array antenna police surveillance and monitoring network', mobile phones and their microwave towers have been marketed under the clumsy and rebranded 'cooler' name of 'smart' phones. This always works on the low IQ fools of the Europes, similar to the publicity stunt used to market both alcoholic beverages and firearms to the same female customers.


Bye Bye Jupiter さよならジュピター (1984)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Japanese science fiction film directed by Sakyo Komatsu and Koji Hashimoto and co-produced and written by Komatsu. An early draft of the film's story was novelized by Komatsu two years prior to its release as Sayonara Jupiter, which won the 1983 Seiun Award.

The year is 2125. Earth's population has swelled to 18 billion, while colonies throughout the solar system are home to an additional 5 billion people. While attempting to drive mankind's legacy beyond the solar system, these outer space colonists are engaged in a search for resources and energy, in an effort to tame the harsh environment of space.

Chief Engineer Honda Eiji (Tomokazu Miura) aboard the Jupiter-orbiting Minerva Station is head of the Jupiter Solarization Project (JSP), where a gigantic space particle accelerator will produce beams of neutrino-antineutrino to start a chain reaction of nuclear fusion.

Among many futuristic hightechs that would make it to the commoners' daily life within the next decades (by the 1990s), notepad screen, video conference, fiber optics, wireless in-ear headset, handheld mobile phones, pen-size microphones, and even smaller coin-size 'Automatic Language Transmitter' are being features.

Also depiction of both water on Mars and the Oort Cloud of comets.

▲ Bye Bye Jupiter さよならジュピター (1984) videomancy: notepad screen, video conference, fiber optics, wireless in-ear headset, handheld mobile phones, pen-size microphones, and even smaller coin-size 'Automatic Language Transmitter'.[web.archive.org]


Like the zombie and pandemic movie genres, too numerous are the pro-mobile phone propaganda genre films to be all cited here.

Bullet Train (2022)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is the latest Hollywood pro-mobile phone propaganda genre film.

Masqueraded as an action comedy film, it is directed by David Leitch from a screenplay by Zak Olkewicz, and produced by Antoine Fµqµa, who initially conceived the film. It is based on the 2010 novel Maria Beetle (titled Bullet Train in its UK and US edition) by Kōtarō Isaka. The film stars Brad Pitt as a begrudging assassin who must battle fellow killers while riding a fictionalized version of the Tokaido Shinkansen. In addition to Pitt, the film stars an ensemble cast which also includes Joey King, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Brian Tyree Henry, Andrew Koji, Hiroyuki Sanada, Michael Shannon, Bad Bunny, and Sandra Bullock.

No layers of the society is forgotten. In a not so subtile message specifically targeting the underworld of convicts, mafia and gangsters, mobile phones are presented as a mandatory and miraculous lifesaver.

Assassin Ladybug (Brad Pitt) is attacked by another assassin called the 'Wolf' (Benito A. Martínez Ocasio), who blames Ladybug for fatally poisoning his entire wedding party including his newlywed wife. He stabs Ladybug in the heart with a knife but the mobile phone in Ladybug's chest's pocket proves as resistant as a body armor, stopping the blade and saving his day. You get the message!

After a brief fight, The Wolf's knife throw backfires and results in his own death.

▲ Bullet Train (2022) Videomancy: mobile phones indispensable for convicts, mafia and gangsters too.[web.archive.org]

Not a pure fiction, as mobile phone can even slow bullets:

Kurds killed in Paris: the man who disarmed William M. recounts the attack in his hairdressing salon


'[69 years old retiree William M.] arrived with a gun in his hand. He took a few steps, we had taken refuge in the toilets', recalls Munzur Belaman.

However, the said toilets were far too small to accommodate all the hair salon's customers and one of them, a man named Ersan, had to face the [gunman] who managed to shoot him and injure him in the stomach. 'I had my phone in my pocket, luckily it was the phone that took it,' Ersan explains.


To fool more feeble-minded sheeple, mobile phone is even presented as the modern-time ultra high tech ultimate masked avenger: make a simple call and be avenged by the deads!

Mr. Harrigan's Phone (2022)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood 'revenge beyond the grave' genre propaganda movie with a 'mobile phone', 'communicating with the deads' and 'avenger' genre subplots masqueraded as a horror film written and directed by John Lee Hancock based on the novella of the same name by Stephen King from the collection If It Bleeds. The film stars Donald Sutherland, Jaeden Martell, Kirby Howell-Baptiste, Joe Tippett, Cyrus Arnold and Carl Zohan.

A boy named Craig (Jaeden Martell) is recruited by the elderly ailing billionaire Mr. Harrigan (Donald Sutherland) as a book reader and receives as gift a winning Red Devil lotto ticket worth USD 3'000.

In return, Craig gives him a cell phone. When Mr. Harrigan dies of heart failure, the iPhone is put in his pocket by grieving Craig before burial.

When the lonely youth leaves his dead friend a message, he is shocked to get a cryptic return text.

After being bullied once more by Kenny Yankovic (Cyrus Arnold) at school, Craig begins to make calls to his old number about the bully, only to find that doing so results in the uncanny death of Kenny.

His beloved biology teacher Victoria Corrales Hart (Kirby Howell-Baptiste) is then killed in an accidental head-on collision by Deane Whitmore (Daniel Reece), a recidivist drunk driver who had four previous drunk driving arrests and no current license.

The vengeful Craig makes another phone call to Mr. Harrigan, using his old iPhone, and later learn that Deane Whitmore is found dead with the half of a Booth Bay bar of soap crammed down his throat.

The favorite soap of Victoria Corrales Hart.

364 00:22:37,750 --> 00:22:41,458 Where are you? It sounds like you're on the other side of the moon. 365 00:22:41,541 --> 00:22:43,750 [laughs] I'm actually on my cell phone. 366 00:22:43,833 --> 00:22:46,458 Oh no. They're filled with radiation. ___ 558-568 00:33:27,791 --> 00:34:00,291 I think it's a gateway drug. I've already noticed that my Google search responses are on the side of financial information. It knows what I want. What's gonna happen when they close the water main? No more freebies. Oh, and false information becomes common and accepted as true. And what happens when they start using this to spread more nonsense than is already out there? Newspapers, journalists, politicians… All of us need to be very frightened by this gizmo. ___ 574-577 00:34:30,083 --> 00:34:44,916 Mr. Harrigan predicted the future. The future of the Internet, the future of news, of fake news, social media, of paywalls and spam, of Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, and the world. ___ 605 00:36:25,375 --> 00:36:27,750 Get thee behind me, Satan. Mobile Phone Smokescreen Propaganda Campaign

To not arouse the sheeple's suspicions, massive campaign of disinformation mobilizing all the media are necessary. After a decade of mass brainwashing, this endeavor is expected to yield a positive result on the younger generation, who has always lived in a world where mobile phones are being perceived as natural as record heatwaves and cyborg citizens.

Once again, Hollywood is naturally placed at the forefront of this warfare tasked to indoctrinate the sheeple with a simplistic flat-earther type message: mobile phones are not implemented to track the every moves and words of the world's people, mobile phones can't violate one's privacy.


The Canyon (2009)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is among the first 'non-military poor communications' genre Hollywood propaganda movie produced in the U.S. with a 'Honeymoon', 'survival in the Great Canyon', 'snake bite', 'broken leg trapped in a rock crack', 'amputation', 'wolves attack', 'operator unable to locate a call', 'strong woman', 'euthanasia', 'final helicopter' and 'satview' genre subplots masqueraded as a survival drama film written by Steve Allrich and directed by Richard Harrah, starring Stars Eion Bailey, Yvonne Strahovski, Will Patton.


The story starts with Nick (Eion Bailey) and Lori (Yvonne Strahovski), a newlywed couple who, after eloping, want to take a mule ride down into the canyon with a guide, Henry (Will Patton). The next day the trio head down into the canyon. After traveling for a while the guide offers to take them to old petroglyphs, which are a half day's ride away. After some convincing from Nick, Lori eventually agrees to the journey. Along the way, Henry is bitten on the face by rattlesnake while breaking one of his arm and in the process the trio's mules flee. They are forced to make camp and begin heading back the next day. The guide is delirious and later in the day succumbs to the venom and dies. The couple bury him and are left to struggle on to find a way out. After a day's hike, the couple eventually reach a dead end where the ancient Anasazi's petroglyphs are. Realizing they have spent the last day going the wrong way, they decide to attempt to climb up the rock face in the hope of getting a signal on Lori's phone. Lori manages to call the emergency services but has only time to say they are in trouble before losing signal. Nick loses his grip in the crevice and the couple fall, breaking Lori's phone and Nick's leg, which gets trapped in a crevice at the base of the rock face.

Nick's leg is completely trapped and after a day of waiting and hoping for a rescue party to arrive, he suggests they cut his leg off so they can keep going. Lori at first disagrees with the plan, but eventually relents and retrieves Henry's knife from his body, then returns to Nick. By this point, infection has set in and Nick is in very bad shape, barely being able to move at all. Lori succeeds in severing Nick's leg and cauterizes the wound by heating the blade of the knife on the fire. When night falls, a pack of wolves gets attracted by the smell of combined putrefaction and blood and tries to attack them, but Lori attempts to chase them with burning torches unsuccessfully first, before finally repelling them off by mortally stabbing the most aggressive of the wolf with Henry's knife.

At sunrise, Lori fashions a stretcher to move Nick, but the wolves track the smell and keep following them. The stretcher breaks but Lori still attempts to drag Nick on, rejecting his pleas to leave him behind. The wolves are relentless in their attack, and being exhausted from days without food or water, Lori loses the ability to defend him. The wolves surround them, so to prevent Nick from suffering through being eaten alive, she performs euthanasia on him by suffocating him. She breaks down and goes into shock as a rescue helicopter rounds the edge of the canyon; paramedics start to administer first aid to her while she is kneeling next to Nick's body.


The Canyon (2009) 698-699 00:57:15,901 --> 00:57:39,190 What happened to your phone? Your call went through before though, right? 700-702 00:57:39,191 --> 00:57:47,298 Even if it did, I didn't get a chance to tell the operator where we are... Not that I even know where we are. ___ 709-719 00:58:20,332 --> 00:58:55,867 Do you remember the story of the guy who went hiking in... God... in Utah, I think it was? ( Inhales deeply ) He fell... Or maybe he got caught in a rockslide. I don't remember, but anyway he got his arm pinned by a Boulder. He tried everything he could to free himself but nothing worked, so he cut off his own arm. 720 00:58:58,570 --> 00:59:00,738 I think that was different. 721 00:59:00,739 --> 00:59:03,174 No, it's not that different. 722 00:59:04,543 --> 00:59:06,577 He was alone. 723 00:59:06,578 --> 00:59:08,779 And I have you. 724 00:59:08,780 --> 00:59:10,716 We're one up on him. 725 00:59:12,017 --> 00:59:15,020 No, he had no choice, but we do. 726-729 00:59:19,358 --> 00:59:29,768 - Do we? - Yes, we can, you know, still try and work something out. He survived. I could too. 730 00:59:31,970 --> 00:59:35,205 Nick, you... you can't cut off your foot. 731 00:59:35,206 --> 00:59:36,742 I know I can't... 732 00:59:39,077 --> 00:59:40,679 But you could. ___ 878-879 01:21:04,929 --> 01:21:13,402 Here. Here, you should try and eat something. Here. Open your mouth. 880-881 01:21:13,403 --> 01:21:18,308 Oh. What is it? It's roast wolf. 882 01:21:23,147 --> 01:21:25,382 I thought you were a vegetarian. 883 01:21:26,483 --> 01:21:28,785 It comes and goes.

▲ The Canyon (2009) videomancy: 'Honeymoon', 'snake bite' and 'non-military poor communications' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ The Canyon (2009) videomancy: 'survival in the Great Canyon', 'non-military poor communications' and 'broken leg trapped in a rock crack' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ The Canyon (2009) videomancy: 'operator unable to locate a call', 'strong woman' and 'amputation' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ The Canyon (2009) videomancy: 'strong woman', 'euthanasia', 'final helicopter' and 'satview' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• Lori carries her mobile phone, but the signal is quickly lost in the Great Canyon. By climbing a rock trying to improve the cellphone coverage, she falls while Nick breaks his leg badly.
In this case the pathological addiction to mobile phone, common to all 'phoners' or 'phone junkies' proved to be the worst possible factor. Instead of helping them, the inveterate attempt to establish a mobile phone connection at any cost, has precipitated their leg breaking fall. By progressing on the ground only, the couple would have spared itself taking such reckless and unnecessary risk.
Too bad for her, that her mobile phone could not support Satellite Connectivity With Mobile Devices.
Starlink V3.0 that could have established a connection within seconds in this situation, wasn't orbiting the Earth's LEO then. You get the message.

• The obligatory new generation Super Duper 'strong empowered woman' is therefore able to survive both a fall, repeated attacks by wolves, extreme heat and no water in the Canyon for days, while her two male companions die miserably one after the other.

• 'It's roast wolf. I thought you were a vegetarian.': illustration of mimicked vegetarianism as a new trend in genetic omnivore, by firmware tweaking. But only skin deep because still omnivore. And still killer: first a wolf then a man. In the case of this movie, euthanasia that is common practice with Fourth Tier Species, proved to be the worst fatal decision. By valuing life at all cost, any Third Tier Species to First Tier Species' character would have saved the day.

• Epic disinformation, by pretending that an operator could be unable to locate a call, only fooling the low IQs, absolutely clueless about how microwave antenna and radar work!

• The plot is similar to 127 Hours (2010)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph], and instead of an arm it is a broken leg that trapped in a rock crack.
But the most important difference is the bad ending, hair-raising enough for the American audience taken as a benchmark, to terrorize the viewers and blackmail them into accepting the totalitarian Starlink, or even better, to force them to acclaim Starlink as the universal savior.
Horrible bad ending indeed where Lori murders her own husband by suffocation after having inflicted horrendous pains by amputating his leg and cauterizing the open wound with a knife, all in vain as the rescue helicopter arrives a few minutes later.

• Classic Hollywood final helicopter scene, synonym of end of ordeal and return to civilization.

• The unequivocal beginning and final scenery is a satview of the Great Canyon as seen from a 500 km altitude Starlink orbit.


Buried (2010)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood 'mobile phones are not a spying tool' propaganda genre movie with a 'buried alive' genre subplot and a '911 war' genre subplot masqueraded as a Spanish English-language survival drama film directed by Rodrigo Cortés. It stars Ryan Reynolds and was written by Chris Sparling.

The story is about Iraq-based American civilian truck driver Paul Conroy (Ryan Reynolds), who, after being attacked, finds himself buried alive in a wooden coffin, with only a lighter, flask, flashlight, knife, glowsticks, pen, pencil, and a mobile phone.

As he gradually begins to piece together what has happened to him, he recalls that he and several others were ambushed by terrorists, passing out after being hit by a rock. After calling 911 in Youngstown, Ohio, the FBI in Chicago and his employer (none of whom help him), he receives a call from his kidnapper, Jabir, demanding that he pay a ransom of $5 million or he will be left in the coffin to die. Along with the script Paul is to read, Paul also finds a malfunctioning flashlight, a glow stick, a flask with alcohol, and a pocket knife.

The film ends with Paul not being rescued in time because geolocating the call is said to have failed, and as the sand finally fills the coffin, he suffocates as the light goes out, and the screen goes black.


95 minutes of epic disinformation, claiming that a man can not be geolocalized through its mobile phone calls and can die forgotten buried in the desert.

Gross disinformation at its finest. Speaking on a mobile phone while pretending that nobody would be able to geolocate the said phone.

The screenplay writer obviously can't figure out how cellphone tower network works, or maybe he does and only wants the sheeple to remain clueless about it.

Phased array antenna whether airborne and mounted on AWACS, jet fighters or naval such as destroyers, and land-based such as anti-air missile system can determine precisely both the range, azimuth and elevation of a radio source including its movements. That is also how cellphone tower network works.

Notice the dude is supposed to be buried underground, but still can establish a phone connection!

Don't be fooled, if only for the loss of 10 points of IQ, that is 95 minutes of your life you'll never get back.

Note: Dystopian henchmen puppet moderators on a payroll of the U.S. military junta getting evermore undisguised in their moves against the truth and aimed at preventing the sheeple from ever receiving any valuable education, have deleted the same post above in an English language dedicated Pakistani military forum in 2019, without giving any reason. It says a lot about the most valuable critical information they don't want you to know. Indeed, the higher the likelihood of a popular uprising against the local puppet regime, the more reckless the moderators of the failed state will act!


After the Hollywood Buried (2010) 'mobile phones are not a spying tool' propaganda movie, 13 years later like a booster vaccine Japan has produced its own knock-off to further brainwash its sheeple.

#Manhole #マンホール (2023)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a 'mobile phones are not a spying tool' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'buried alive', 'escape room', 'survival', 'mobile phone signal underground', 'no geolocation from cellphone tower', 'social media', 'livestreamer', 'internet vigilantism', 'impersonator', 'plastic surgery' and 'no digital anonymity' genre subplots masqueraded as a Japanese survival horror thriller film written by Michitaka Okada, directed by Kazuyoshi Kumakiri and starring Shunsuke Kawamura, Mai Kudo, Etsuro Kase.


#Manhole follows Shunsuke Kawamura (Yuto Nakajima), a young man who goes out to have some drinks with work colleagues in the evening before his marriage. Shunsuke is in a relationship with his company’s CEO's daughter and is about to become a father, a dream life that awakens jealousy in some of his friends' hearts. His lucky streak is interrupted when he decides to come back home from the bar to get a nice night of sleep before the biggest day of his life. Feeling the effects of having a few too many, Shunsuke walks alone in dark streets, stumbling on his own feet. That’s when he falls into an open manhole, badly injuring his leg on the wreckages of a broken ladder.

Trapped inside the hole, Shunsuke must fight against the odds with the help of the office supplies he always carries with him and his smartphone. To make things worse, the only person on Shunsuke’s contact list willing to pick up the phone in the middle of the night is Mai Kudo (Nao), a former girlfriend he dumped five years ago, about the time when he started to court the CEO’s daughter. When neither she nor the police can help Shunsuke, he turns to social media, hoping the swarm of online strangers can help him by putting their heads together to find the exit to each obstacle on Shunsuke’s way to freedom.

#Manhole already stands apart from other confined escape thrillers by putting smartphone technology at the center of the plot. While thrillers and horror movies keep using the sudden lack of signal as a crutch to eliminate the complexities this brings to the table, this film is actually interested in exploring how dependent we are on our phones. Since there’s a piece of equipment in our pockets capable of doing almost everything, from telling us where we are on a map to taking pictures, we feel lost and confused when our smartphones stop working. That’s precisely the dire situation Shunsuke finds himself in, eventually leading him to seek help from the digital swarm. While the collective knowledge of the internet can hold any kind of answer, the anonymity and speed of social media also allow people to make a bad situation worse.


• Gross disinformation at its finest. Speaking on a mobile phone while pretending that nobody would be able to geolocate the said phone. Not even the police!

• Crimes are being committed in real time online, and they wants the sheeple to believe the authorities can't monitor it!

• Social media are censuring everything in real time if the content is illegal, such livestreams are never possible, and only sanctioned by the authorities if it serve their interest as false flag.

• In the age of biometric ID and recognition, plastic surgery can in no way be used by impersonators like in the past. Indeed, voice recognition, gait recognition alone would unmask them, let alone fingerprint and retinal scan.

• There is no digital anonymity.

Please educate yourselves, there are plenty of good information available in the daily news.

Indeed, even if you die, your mobile phone will continue to eavesdrop on you, giving away your location.

Missing Frenchman found dead near cliff

17 Nov 2022 at 18:52

SURAT THANI: A missing Frenchman has been found dead near a cliff in Phanom district of this southern province. The tourist went missing reportedly searching for his lost drone last Saturday.

Governor Wichawut said it was likely the tourist had accidentally fallen from the cliff while looking for his drone. There were traces indicating he accidentally went over the cliff, he said.

Rescuers used his phone signal to aid in their search following his disappearance.


Indeed, even if you die, your mobile phone will continue to eavesdrop on you, giving away its location to the authorities even if someone moves it in a neighbouring country:

Police press murder charge over slain German

15 Jul 2023

Deputy national police chief Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn said on Friday that German national Olaf Thorsten Brinkmann, 52, is the prime suspect among the four arrested for their alleged involvement in the murder of Hans Peter Walter Mack, 62.
Police also found a signal from Mack's mobile phone in Cambodia. Police are now investigating how his phone ended up in the neighbouring country, he said.


And again a similar case in the Western hemisphere:

British actor Julian Sands confirmed dead, months after vanishing in California mountains

28 Jun, 2023

British-born actor Julian Sands, best known for his role in the Oscar-celebrated film A Room with a View, was confirmed dead on Tuesday, five months after he went missing while out for a hike in snow-covered mountains of Southern California. He was 65.
Mobile phone signals detected on Sunday, January 15, had showed Sands headed toward the ridge of Mount Baldy, apparently the last indication he was still on the move, the sheriff’s department reported then.



Existenz (1999)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] is a 'digital simulation of the world' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'virtual reality', 'video game', 'anti-VR resistance', 'organic weapon' and 'mobile phone tracing' genre subplots masqueraded as a science fiction horror film written, produced and directed by David Cronenberg. The film follows Allegra Geller (Jennifer Jason Leigh), a game designer who finds herself targeted by assassins while playing a virtual reality game of her own creation. An international co-production between Canada, the United Kingdom, and France, it also stars Jude Law, Ian Holm, Don McKellar, Callum Keith Rennie, Sarah Polley, Christopher Eccleston, Willem Dafoe, and Robert A. Silverman.


In the near-future, biotechnological virtual reality game consoles known as "game pods" have replaced electronic ones. The pods present "UmbyCords" that attach to "bio-ports", connectors surgically inserted into players' spines. Two game companies, Antenna Research and Cortical Systematics, compete against each other. In addition, a group of fanatics called Realists fight both companies to prevent the "deforming" of reality.

Antenna Research's Allegra Geller, a world renowned game designer, is demonstrating her latest virtual reality game, eXistenZ, to a focus group. A Realist named Noel Dichter shoots Allegra in the shoulder with an organic pistol he smuggled past security. As the security team guns down Dichter, security guard and publicist Ted Pikul rushes to Geller and escorts her outside.

Geller discovers that her pod, which contains the only copy of eXistenZ, may have been damaged. Pikul reluctantly agrees to have a bio-port installed in his spine so they can jointly test the game's integrity. Allegra takes him to a gas station run by a black-marketeer named Gas, who deliberately installs a faulty bio-port. He reveals his intention to kill Geller for the bounty on her head. Pikul kills Gas, and the two escape to a former ski lodge used by Kiri Vinokur, Geller's mentor. Vinokur and his assistant repair the damaged pod and give Pikul a new bio-port.
Suddenly, Pikul and Geller are seated in chairs in a small abandoned church, seeing rows of pews as they come to, together with all of the other members of the cast, all wearing blue electronic virtual reality devices. Nourish explains that the story was all part of a virtual reality game he designed called transCendenZ. He tells his assistant Merle that he feels uneasy, because the anti-game plot elements may have originated from the thoughts of one of the testers. Pikul and Geller approach Nourish and accuse him of distorting reality, before shooting him and Merle to death. As Pikul and Geller leave, they aim their guns at the person who played the Chinese waiter, who first pleads for his life, then asks if they are still in the game. Pikul and Geller stand together silently, not answering.

Existenz (1999) 98 00:11:54,113 --> 00:11:54,947 What's that? 99 00:11:57,698 --> 00:11:58,784 My pink-phone. 100 00:12:03,479 --> 00:12:04,314 Ted Pikul. 101 00:12:05,374 --> 00:12:06,208 What hap... 102 00:12:06,417 --> 00:12:07,251 What? 103 00:12:08,526 --> 00:12:09,346 Hey! 104 00:12:10,546 --> 00:12:11,880 What did you do that for? 105 00:12:12,880 --> 00:12:16,135 - That was our lifeline to civilization. - That was a range-finder. 106 00:12:16,343 --> 00:12:18,350 As long as you have that, they know where we are.

▲ Existenz (1999) videomancy: 'virtual reality', 'brain–computer interface "bio-ports" connectors' and 'mobile phone tracing' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Existenz (1999) videomancy: 'virtual reality' and 'brain–computer interface "bio-ports" connectors' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• Ted Pikul (Jude Law)'s mobile phone called pink-phone, is thrown away by Allegra Geller (Jennifer Jason Leigh) to escape the tracking by the 'Realists' an anti-VR armed resistance group. This is total disinformation, as mobile phone cellular network works like radars.
Indeed, the cellular network's phased array antenna don't even need the presence of any mobile device to trace people. Microwaves penetrate easily walls of buildings and can see the every move of people inside them. Furthermore, any electromagnetic signal in the microwave band can be detected. It is not limited to mobile phones, and even non-wireless compatible device can be monitored, such as hairdryers.
The presence of a mobile phone only provides the cellular network with optional additional real-time audio and video feeds. This is the only informations Allegra Geller has blocked from her killers.

• How can a brain–computer interface "bio-ports" connectors surgically inserted into players' spines induce any visual, audio or olfactive neural firing? It can not.
No brain–computer interface that can both record and replay a person's brain activities can be made of an external biological device wired with connectors surgically inserted into a player's spine, as depicted in this movie.
This only reveals the writer's total ignorance of the basic principle of the science of psychotronics, betraying a lag in the awareness of the European public of more than 70 years. Still stuck in the 1930s and living in the past due to the current censorship of the dystopian world order. Note that following this trend, less than two decades later, the farcical headset would further devolve into an even more ridiculous headplug by 1999 in the Matrix franchise, and setting a sad new standard followed by many other screenwriters over the next 2 decades.
In reality such a psychotronic machine can not be a miniaturized connected plug-in device like a webcam or optical mouse, but weights several hundreds of tonnes and have a size of entire buildings. While the space-borne weaponized ones reach the size and mass totaling aircraft carriers, because they are made of an array of V-particle accelerator and particle detector pairs.


Tiger House (2015)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a 'bank robbery with hostage taking' propaganda genre movie with a 'home-invasion', 'home surveillance cameras', 'mobile phone', 'low battery', 'bank robber using mobile phone' and 'woman superhero' genre subplots masqueraded as an action thriller film directed by Thomas Daley and starring Kaya Scodelario, Dougray Scott, and Ed Skrein. Scodelario stars as an injured and pregnant gymnast who must defend her boyfriend's house against a home invasion. The film is produced by the United Kingdom-based Glass Man Films and the South Africa–based Tiger House Film. The film, set in the United Kingdom, was filmed in South Africa. Koch Media acquired distribution rights for the United Kingdom.


Mark (Daniel Boyd), who comes from a well-off family, meets his gymnast girlfriend Kelly (Kaya Scodelario) after school. She becomes uncomfortable when he shows her a crossbow. While demonstrating it, he accidentally shoots her in the leg. An unspecified time later, Kelly sneaks into Mark's house through his second-story window and confronts him on why he has not contacted her lately. Mark reveals that his parents have grounded him and taken away his mobile phone after finding a condom and drugs among his possessions. Lynn (Julie Summers), Mark's mother, interrupts them. As Kelly hides, she overhears Lynn insult her, calling her low class and unworthy of Mark.

After Lynn leaves, Kelly tells Mark she is pregnant. Upset, Mark complains his life plans could be ruined. Before they can discuss it further, Mark hears a loud thump. Unknown to Mark, home invaders have killed his dog and taken his parents hostage. He leaves his room to investigate, and Kelly hears further noises. Panicking, she hides under Mark's bed. The bedroom door bursts open, and robbers Shane (Dougray Scott), Callum (Ed Skrein), Sveta (Langley Kirkwood), and Reg (Brandon Auret) enter. Shane has a glass shard embedded in his side, and they set him down on the bed. He instructs the others to stick to their plan: Reg and Sveta are to take Mark's father, Doug (Andrew Brent), to his bank and rob it while Callum and Shane watch the hostages.

As Callum researches how to make a tourniquet on Mark's computer, Kelly desperately reaches for a cell phone, only to find its battery is dead. Callum becomes excited when he learns Lynn is a doctor, and he temporarily frees her so she can look at Shane. Suspicious Mark may have invited her over, Lynn intentionally drops an item so she can glance under the bed. After stabilizing Shane, she is taken back to her bedroom and tied up with Mark. As Callum is distracted and Shane rests, Kelly escapes the bedroom. She is about to leave the house when Ferdinand (Nicholas Dallas), a man with whom Lynn is having an affair, arrives. When Ferdinand sees Callum's unmasked face, Callum kills him.

As Callum menaces Mark and Lynn, Kelly sneaks up on him and stabs him with a pair of scissors. Callum chases her back to the bedroom, and she flees to the attic, stacking heavy objects on the trapdoor. In the attic, Kelly finds Mark's crossbow, though it is not loaded. As Callum enters the attic, she slips by him and traps him there. Shane stops her with a pistol. He confesses to her that he knows he is dying and has become scared. After they have a tense conversation, in which he learns about Ferdinand's murder, Shane allows Kelly to go. She frees Mark and Lynn, and they race downstairs. Mark and Lynn are immediately recaptured by Reg and Sveta, who have returned from the successful heist.

Reg and Sveta free Callum. After grabbing a bolt, Kelly returns to the attic and retrieves the crossbow. When Reg refuses to kill the hostages, Callum takes his shotgun and says he will do it himself. As Callum leaves to look for her, Kelly shoots Reg with the crossbow, killing him, though he starts a fire before he dies. As the house burns, Kelly jumps out a window and surprises Sveta, killing him with the same bolt used to kill Reg. Kelly puts on Sveta's mask, tricking Callum into believing he needs assistance. Before she can kill him, Doug knocks her unconscious. As Callum prepares to kill Kelly, Shane recovers long enough to shoot and kill him.

Doug says he only wanted to escape his unhappy marriage and retire wealthy. Blaming him for the entire ordeal, Lynn shoots and kills him with Reg's shotgun. With all the robbers dead, Mark, Kelly, and Lynn leave the burning house. As Mark helps Kelly load up her car with the stolen money, he offers to leave with her. Kelly stops him, telling him that he has his whole life ahead of him. Mark and Lynn practice their story, in which they say Kelly was never there and infighting caused the deaths of the robbers, and Kelly drives off.

Tiger House (2015) 542-545 01:13:03,409 --> 01:13:16,449 Wait. There's something you should know... There are cameras hidden all over this house. There's one up there. I've recorded all our conversations. Now put that gun down! ___

▲ Tiger House (2015) videomancy: 'mobile phone', 'low battery', 'bank robber using mobile phone' and 'woman superhero' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Tiger House (2015) videomancy: 'bank robbery with hostage taking', 'home surveillance cameras', 'male bad guys including bad husband and bad father' and 'woman superhero' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• 1 hour 20 minutes of epic disinformation, claiming that real-time bank robbery can evade monitoring and recording, while using mobile phone to communicate incriminating informations and giving away own geolocation!

• Brainwashing lowering the IQ of the viewers to the next level, with surveillance cameras in every rooms of the house and recording, and thinking that the video feeds could even escape monitoring and recording from the authorities!

• Brainwashing lowering the IQ of the viewers to the next level, with 'smart' woman driving away with car full of stolen bank notes from the bank vault, unaware that every notes' numbers have been routinely recorded in the bank making them traceable.

• Obligatory male bad guys, including bad husband and bad father, as oppose to woman superhero; all but one male characters deads at the end, female surviving

• No comms due to low battery; Too bad Starlink V3.0 that could have established a connection within seconds in this situation, after recharging the depleted batteries remotely from outer space within minutes, doesn't orbit the Earth's LEO yet. You get the message.


A Simple Favor (2018)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood propaganda 'mobile phones are not a spying tool' genre movie with an 'incest' genre subplot masqueraded as black comedy crime thriller film directed by Paul Feig from a screenplay by Jessica Sharzer, based on the 2017 novel of the same name by Darcey Bell. The film stars Anna Kendrick, Blake Lively, Henry Golding, Andrew Rannells, Linda Cardellini, Rupert Friend, and Jean Smart and follows a small town vlogger who tries to solve the disappearance of her mysterious and elegant friend.

Widowed single mother Stephanie Smothers (Anna Kendrick) runs a vlog featuring crafts and recipes for parents. She becomes friends with Emily Nelson (Blake Lively), the mother of her son's schoolmate and a PR director for a fashion company, and the two exchange confessions over martinis. Stephanie shares that as a teenager, she had sex with her half-brother Chris (Dustin Milligan).

Emily is frustrated by the lack of success of her husband, English professor Sean Townsend (Henry Golding), and their (well-hidden) poor financial situation.

Stephanie babysits Emily's son while Sean is in London. After two days of Emily not returning calls, Stephanie learns from Emily's boss, Dennis Nylon, that Emily is in Miami. Stephanie calls Sean, who contacts the police.

Detective Summerville reports that Emily lied about flying to Miami, and that her drowned body had been discovered in the lake at a summer camp in Michigan. Stephanie and Sean share their grief and begin a sexual relationship. Summerville reveals to Stephanie that Emily had severe liver damage, a large amount of heroin in her system, and that Sean had recently taken out a $4 million life insurance on Emily.

Stephanie later contrives to meet with Emily, and Emily explains that she and her twin sister indeed started a fire to kill their abusive father. The sisters fled separately with a plan to reunite later, but Faith didn't turn up as agreed. Emily then built a career and family but then, 14 years later, Faith reappeared. Now an alcoholic and heroin addict, Faith threatened to turn them both in to the authorities by confessing the patricide unless paid a million dollars by Emily. After assenting to the demand, Emily drowned Faith in the lake (as revealed to the movie audience), but Emily tells Stephanie that Faith committed suicide and that Sean planned the insurance scam.

Emily and Stephanie are both angered by Sean's relationship with the other and decide to frame Sean for abusing Emily. Sean is arrested and released on bail. Stephanie has a change of heart and stages an argument with Sean in front of Emily in order to incriminate her while police-planted microphones are recording the meeting. Stephanie fakes shooting Sean. Emily, having predicted their ruse and disabled the microphones, confesses her crimes while holding the pair at gunpoint, saying that she will stage their murder-suicide.


Mobile phones are totally overlooked, as if these 24/7/365 monitoring devices didn't even exists. Why does the police even need to plant microphones in the 2020s if not to fool the viewers.

It is utterly insulting to the intelligence of the viewers to depict crooks discussing their past, present and future criminal activities, while carrying mobile phones, without any possible consequences.

Meanwhile, it is totally contrary the the truth to think that live-streaming a crime scene could even be possible:

'Shooting Sean in the shoulder, she turns the gun on Stephanie, who reveals that a hidden camera is live-streaming the entire event on her vlog.'

Indeed, a totalitarian police state would never allow in the first place these streams if they don't serve its interest as false flags.


While Hollywood is naturally placed at the forefront of this warfare tasked to indoctrinate the sheeple with the simplistic message that mobile phones are not implemented to track the every moves and words of the world's people, the movie industries of all the other puppet nations of the U.S.-occupied Asia have also been solicited.

In this regard, Japan has recently also released its own version of 'mobile phones are not a spying tool' genre propaganda movies.

Melancholic メランコリック (2018)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a 'mobile phones are not a spying tool' Japanese propaganda genre movie with a 'bathhouse as yakuza killhouse', 'Tokyo university law graduate', 'I kill people for a living', 'incel', 'cell phone transmitting assassination live' and 'kiln to burn bodies' genre subplots masqueraded as a thriller film written by Seiji Tanaka, directed by Seiji Tanaka and starring Yoji Minagawa, Yoshitomo Isozaki, Mebuki Yoshida, Makoto Hada, Masanobu Yada, Yasuyuki Hamaya, Stefanie Arianne, Keiji Yamashita, Hiroko Shinkai, Yuta Okubo, Takanori Kamachi.


Kazuhiko (also novice Yoji Minagawa) is a graduate from a prestigious university but who has spent his time since graduating in a bit of a slump. Not searching for a job in any great hurry, he lives at his parents' home like a moody teenager, so much so, that when his mother releases the bath water, not realising he hasn't yet had a bath, she insists he visit the local bathhouse for a trip that will change the course of his life...somewhat.

While there, he bumps into an old classmate in Yuri (Mebuki Yoshida) who seems genuinely pleased to see him after so many years. A man who rides on the waves of others, Kazuhiko is bought in by her suggestions that he joins an upcoming school reunion and takes the advertised job at the bathhouse. The moody 'teenager' now has a job and a girlfriend.

Employed without much of an interview process, he works alongside boss Higashi (Makoto Hada), the enigmatic older Kodera (Yasuyuki Hamaya) and slacker Matsumoto (Yoshitomo Isozaki). Diligent at his tasks, he feels that he is somewhat different to his fellow workers, so snooping round after closing, he finds Kodera is a hitman working through Higashi, with Matsumoto's help. While initially appalled, Kazuhiko's solemnity sees him quickly accept his new role in helping to clean up the blood after. He is now part of the nightshift.

Melancholic メランコリック (2018) 291-297 00:23:19,801 --> 00:23:56,379 Listen, Kazuhiko. Here's some advice. Okay. It's dangerous to know something you're not supposed to know. So, don't get involved with too many things. I'm just kidding. See you tomorrow. ___ 323 00:27:44,107 --> 00:27:48,778 As you can see, this place is used this way after closing. 324 00:27:52,657 --> 00:27:53,658 You mean... 325 00:27:54,534 --> 00:27:56,286 What? Speak up. 326 00:27:58,371 --> 00:28:00,498 - Killing people? - Yes. 327 00:28:03,251 --> 00:28:04,377 Okay. 328-330 00:28:04,502 --> 00:28:15,972 It's easy to clean up the mess here. Well, Kazuhiko. You're part of this job from now on. 331 00:28:17,682 --> 00:28:18,683 Me? 332-333 00:28:19,309 --> 00:28:23,605 Don't worry. Just cleaning up. Killing is Kodera's job. 334 00:28:29,485 --> 00:28:30,778 Cleaning up means... 335 00:28:31,279 --> 00:28:36,034 Obviously, customers can't take a good bath like this, right? 336 00:28:37,118 --> 00:28:38,202 I guess. 337-341 00:28:38,953 --> 00:28:56,179 You don't have to worry. Kodera has been doing this all alone. Taking people here and killing and cleaning up. And also, taking care of bodies. So, you can ask Kodera if you have any questions. 342 00:29:11,277 --> 00:29:12,278 So... 343 00:29:13,321 --> 00:29:14,864 Can you clean up by yourself? 344 00:29:16,491 --> 00:29:17,492 Yes. 345 00:29:21,162 --> 00:29:22,163 Are you alright? 346 00:29:22,914 --> 00:29:23,915 I am. 347 00:29:27,293 --> 00:29:29,796 Well, I'm counting on you. 348 00:29:30,713 --> 00:29:33,424 It's burning very well. ___ 521 00:45:51,736 --> 00:45:52,862 Is she your type? 522 00:45:53,363 --> 00:45:55,907 What? Don't be stupid. 523 00:45:56,324 --> 00:45:58,910 You were staring at her. 524 00:46:02,288 --> 00:46:06,000 I was wondering why she had to be killed. 525 00:46:06,542 --> 00:46:10,296 - Why do you have that thinking? - Who doesn't. 526-529 00:46:11,714 --> 00:46:25,687 Well, you shouldn't. It kills you. Get the job done without thinking anything. That's how you should do it. ___ 671 01:00:32,700 --> 01:00:37,246 But I was wondering who you really are. 672 01:00:38,623 --> 01:00:41,793 - Mr. Azuma didn't tell you anything? - No. 673-677 01:00:44,504 --> 01:01:00,603 In short, I kill people for a living. It's not so violent as it sounds. I mean, I only kill yakuza-related people. And the ones who hire me are also yakuza, that's why. ___ 777 01:09:45,962 --> 01:09:47,880 I'll prepare the kiln. 778 01:09:48,715 --> 01:09:50,341 Okay. 779 01:09:54,345 --> 01:09:55,346 Are you alright? 780 01:09:59,350 --> 01:10:00,476 I'm fine. 781 01:10:01,019 --> 01:10:02,020 Okay. 782 01:10:05,356 --> 01:10:09,027 You guys kill people without knowing the reasons. 783 01:10:09,694 --> 01:10:11,321 It's just business. ___ 830 01:13:47,453 --> 01:13:52,583 No. I hired him just for bath jobs, originally. 831 01:13:52,917 --> 01:13:56,254 - That doesn't make sense. - Why not? 832 01:13:56,921 --> 01:14:02,176 Why would a Tokyo University graduate want to work at a bathhouse? 833 01:14:02,552 --> 01:14:05,888 I actually had the same question. ___ 994-996 01:28:33,506 --> 01:28:48,605 People like me don't drink, in general. It's like drunk driving. I don't think there's any person in Japan who can aim precisely after drinking. 997 01:28:51,274 --> 01:28:53,526 Do you have any hobbies? 998 01:28:54,360 --> 01:28:56,487 Hobbies? None. 999 01:28:57,363 --> 01:28:58,656 How about a girlfriend? 1000 01:28:59,032 --> 01:29:00,033 No. 1001 01:29:00,825 --> 01:29:02,160 In your whole life? 1002 01:29:03,494 --> 01:29:04,537 Nope. 1003 01:29:08,249 --> 01:29:09,876 Oh, that means you're a virgin. 1004 01:29:12,337 --> 01:29:13,880 So what? ___ 1069 01:35:02,228 --> 01:35:03,771 So, wait for me here. 1070 01:35:06,232 --> 01:35:07,317 Okay. 1071-1074 01:35:11,029 --> 01:35:21,998 Take this. Test. You can hear my voice and sound around me. If something happened, run. 1075 01:35:22,498 --> 01:35:23,833 What do you mean something ? 1076 01:35:24,792 --> 01:35:26,586 In case I die, for example. 1077 01:35:32,634 --> 01:35:33,676 Okay. 1078 01:35:35,136 --> 01:35:36,846 You can turn it on with this button. 1079 01:35:40,308 --> 01:35:41,392 Matsumoto. 1080 01:35:46,356 --> 01:35:47,440 Be careful. ___ 1159 01:43:08,089 --> 01:43:11,592 I didn't know that the bathhouse job can be so dangerous. ___ 1263-1267 01:50:29,322 --> 01:50:59,394 There are some moments in your life in which you wish it could last forever. Everything is perfect, happy, and you feel like you're born to live the moment. Those kind of moments. Rare moments. And I believe that we actually keep living only for those moments. Just for those few moments.

▲ Melancholic メランコリック (2018) videomancy: 'Tokyo university law graduate', 'kiln to burn bodies' and 'I kill people for a living' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Melancholic メランコリック (2018) videomancy: 'incel', 'mobile phones are not a spying tool', 'cell phone transmitting assassination live', 'pinoy masseuse' and 'happiness' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• The titular 'Melancholic' name, with a meaning of tending to depress the spirits, preannounced the end of the time honoured bathhouse tradition in the coming COVID-19 pandemic era.

• This movie was released in October 2018. This preannounced a year in advance the deliberate creation of the imminent 2019 COVID-19 virus pandemic.
It is intended to warn the audience that bathhouses would soon become the equivalent of yakuza killhouses, ranking among the most dangerous places to visit, plagued by the highest viral load, thus making them among the worst mass spreaders of pandemic.

• 'Bathhouses as dangerous as yakuza killhouses', soon to be join by movies of the 'hospital as dangerous as killing field' genre.

• The main character Nabeoka Kazuhiko shares an uncanny physical and hairstyle resemblance with the infamous Charles 'The Serpent' Sobhraj, a French serial killer, fraudster and thief. |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] |1|[archive.ph] |2|[archive.ph] |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph]

• A Tokyo university law graduate doing the cleaning after the yakusa's killings, nothing wrong after all coming from Japan, a nation notorious for its faculty with horrendous war crime records ranging from human experimentations, biowarfare and genocide perpetrated from the 1930s onward.

• A kiln to burn bodies of victims in the underground of Tokyo, nothing wrong after all coming from Japan, a nation notorious for its medical community with horrendous war crime records and human experimentations, and where bodies of victims are still found buried under the capital's medical institutions. |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph]

• 'I kill people for a living': that defines all law abiding military, police, yakusa gangsters, and medical community.

• This movie illustrates how easily an educated university graduate in law can cope with the killings of other unknown human beings.
This happens to all new recruits in the military, police, medics and of course hitmen as killing is only a business, and under the social pressure of the group it is very difficult to refuse, while complying to the logic of the group, one can expect solidarity, various rewards, professional advancement and improvement of social status.

• Epic disinformation, claiming that real-time assassination can evade monitoring and recording, while using a mobile phone to transmit incriminating live audio feed similar to a livestream and giving away information of own geolocation!


Retribution (2023)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a 'mobile phones are not a spying tool' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'hijacked by phone in own booby trapped car', 'mobile phone junkies', 'cell signal jamming', 'untraceable dark web fallacy', 'untraceable crypto currency fallacy', 'female African-European strong woman', 'plastic surgery', 'car bombing', 'embezzlement', 'heist', 'offshore account' and 'falling into the water' genre subplots masqueraded as an action thriller film directed by Nimrod Antal and written by Chris Salmanpour. The film stars Liam Neeson, Noma Dumezweni, Lilly Aspell, Jack Champion, Embeth Davidtz and Matthew Modine. It is the fourth remake of the 2015 Spanish film El desconocido, which follows a brooding man (Neeson) who gets trapped in his car after receiving a threat that it will explode should he get out.


Matt Turner (Liam Neeson) works as a financier at Nanite Capital under his friend and CEO Anders Muller (Matthew Modine) and lives with his wife, Heather (Embeth Davidtz) , and two children, Emily (Lilly Aspell) and Zach (Jack Champion), in Berlin. While driving his kids to school, Matt receives a call from an unknown number with a distorted voice who says that there is a bomb under his seat, which is already armed when Matt sits on it. The bomb is triggered by both pressure plates placed on all the seats and a mobile phone signal failsafe. He also threatens to detonate the bomb if Matt tries to get help. Matt finds the device and he is forced to follow the bomber’s instructions in order to keep them alive.

The bomber forces Matt to watch Sylvain (Arian Moayed), the latter’s client who is also receiving a bomb threat, being killed in an explosion when Sylvain’s panicked girlfriend attracts a cop's attention who then orders them to step out of the car. The bomber tells Matt to call Heather to retrieve €50,000 at his safety deposit box at the bank. After Heather retrieves it, the bomber changes the plan by telling her to give the money to the man in a blue suit. When she does, the police arrive and arrest the man.

After seeing the news implicating Matt for the bombing, Europol agent Angela Brickmann (Noma Dumezweni) calls him, who tries to convince her of his innocence and orders the signal to be jammed. The bomber reveals to Matt that he and Anders have a €208 million slash fund from the clients deposited on Matt’s “emergency collateral account” in a bank in Dubai. He arranges Matt to meet Anders at the power plant. Arriving there, the bomber forces Matt to order Anders to liquidate his collateral account. Despite Anders reluctantly complying, the bomber orders Matt to kill Anders with a revolver in exchange for his life and his children. When Matt refuses, the bomber blows up Anders’s car; the shrapnel injures Emily’s leg.

After a police chase, Matt is eventually surrounded by them with Angela and Heather arriving at the scene. The bomb squad safely removes Zach and Emily, who is then treated for her injuries, after they realized that the pressure plate is only located under Matt’s seat. Interrogating Matt, Angela suspects the bombing might be related to the heist. After talking to Heather for the last time, Matt drives away and evades the police, determined to find the bomber by himself. Matt demands the bomber to meet him in person if he wants the money.

The bomber is revealed to be Anders all along. Anders reveals that he wanted to make Matt a fall guy for the series of bombings to cover up his scheme of embezzling €208 million wired into his crypto account. To end this, Matt deliberately crashes his car, causing it to cling on the side of a bridge. Matt unlocks his seat belt and falls into the river, allowing the bomb to activate and killing Anders. Angela and the police arrive at the scene, with Angela nodding at Matt before allowing him to walk free.

During the credits, the news reports state that the bombings were part of the heist perpetrated by Anders, and Matt cooperates with the Europol to resolve the incident.


Retribution (2023) 1055 01:18:33,728 --> 01:18:36,896 I’ll just get myself a new face. ___ 1084-1092 01:20:20,263 --> 01:20:48,665 You know what was the easiest thing? Setting up the bombs. You know there’s a bomb-making service on the dark web? If you pay them a premium, they’ll even install it in the car. I’m five steps ahead of everyone, Matt. Make no mistake. Now, if you’d be so kind and complete the transaction. Transfer the money, Matt. 1093-1094 01:20:48,830 --> 01:20:56,871 The minute you try to withdraw one cent of that money, they’ll know you’re alive. 1095-1098 01:20:57,003 --> 01:21:05,407 It’s in a crypto account. Untraceable. Impregnable. You really think I haven’t thought of every single possible permutation?

▲ Retribution (2023) videomancy: 'mobile phones are not a spying tool', 'hijacked by phone in own booby trapped car', 'mobile phone junkies' and 'car bombing' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Retribution (2023) videomancy: 'female African-European strong woman', 'cell signal jamming', 'plastic surgery', 'untraceable dark web fallacy', 'untraceable crypto currency fallacy', 'heist', 'embezzlement', 'offshore account' and 'falling into the water' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• Very sad reality created by the general addiction to mobile phone, as the 'hijacked by phone in own booby trapped car' crime was totally unthinkable and not even possible only 3 decades ago.

• Gross disinformation at its finest. Speaking on a mobile phone while pretending that the cops would not be aware of it let alone geolocate the caller!

• Additional gross disinformation with 'untraceable dark web fallacy' and 'untraceable crypto currency fallacy'. Indeed every single bit of data sent via the mobile phone base stations is recorded and monitored 24/7/365.

• Good depiction of the sad state of the lost generation of 'mobile phone junkies', who have superseded the previous sinister 'smoke junkies', with an unprecedented level of addiction to mobile phone, leading to 'phoners' refusing to hand their phones to their own father even when facing deadly bomb threat.

• Obligatory 'female African-European strong woman' as an Europol detective.

• No more cellular signal in underground tunnel therefore disabling the car bomb's cell phone failsafe. Instead of hidding there waiting for the cops, the dude continues to drive to resurface!

• 'I’ll just get myself a new face.': plastic surgery fallacy, in the age of biometric ID, fingerprints, voice recognition, gait recognition, infrared blood vessel and retinal scan.

• Obligatory falling into the water with flame on top scene.


While Hollywood is naturally placed at the forefront of this warfare tasked to indoctrinate the sheeple with the simplistic message that mobile phones are not implemented to track the every moves and words of the world's people, the movie industries of all the other puppet nations of the Europes have also been solicited.

In this regard, France has recently also released its own version of 'mobile phones are not a spying tool' genre propaganda movies.

Blast (2021)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a French 'mobile phones are not a spying tool' genre propaganda movie with a 'The coming Ukraine War' genre subplot, masqueraded as a drama thriller film directed by Vanya Peirani-Vignes.

The film stars Nora Arnezeder, Pierre Kiwitt, Radivoje Bukvic, Olga Korotyayeva.

The movie focuses on DEMINE-TER, a small French company that disarms landmines in Ukraine.

Back in France, Sonia (Nora Arnezeder), a female bomb disposal expert gets trapped in her car with two children and an anti-tank mine planted under the vehicle by Nina (Olga Korotyayeva), an Ukrainian who seeks revenge for the death of several school children in Donbass.

Sonia, her bomb disposal expert team-mate Igor (Radivoje Bukvic), and her boyfriend Fred (Pierre Kiwitt) will only have one chance to defuse the bomb and 30 minutes to do so.

Blast (2021) 55 00:07:07,950 --> 00:07:08,910 What is it? 56 00:07:09,790 --> 00:07:11,450 Should I get help? 57 00:07:11,540 --> 00:07:12,750 I'm calling Igor. 58 00:07:14,250 --> 00:07:15,790 I'm calling the cops. 59 00:07:15,870 --> 00:07:18,750 Definitely not! I trust Igor. He'll know what to do. 60 00:07:19,950 --> 00:07:20,910 OK... 61-65 00:07:22,200 --> 00:07:36,410 Igor, I'm sitting on an IED. I'm stuck in my car with Noah and Zoé. Fred is outside. we can't get out of the vehicle. A 27 minute countdown, and a printed circuit connected to the on-board computer. ___ 133 00:15:32,950 --> 00:15:36,040 Turn off your phones and anything that sends radio waves. 134 00:15:36,120 --> 00:15:37,540 How do you think we called you? 135 00:15:37,620 --> 00:15:40,830 If waves trigger the detonator, it'd already be activated.


Gross disinformation at its finest. Speaking on a phone while pretending that the cops would not be aware of it!

'Turning off phones' because they could 'send radio waves'? Another gross piece of disinformation, intended to fool the low IQ sheeples, when one knows that cellphone towers send radio waves with intensities several order of magnitude more powerful, to the point of being able to make household electrical appliances buzz!

▲ Blast (2021) videomancy: 'mobile phones are not a spying tool' genre propaganda movie with a 'The coming Ukraine War' genre subplot.[web.archive.org]


Emergency Declaration (2021) - 비상선언[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood 'bio terrorism' genre propaganda movie with a 'air disaster' and 'mobile phone communications' genre subplots masqueraded as a Korean aviation disaster-action film directed by Han Jae Rim and starring Song Kang Ho, Lee Byung Hun, Jeon Do Yeon, Kim Nam Gil, Im Si Wan, Kim So Jin and Park Hae Joon.

A deadly Middle Eastern airborne SC-1 hemorrhagic fever virus is released by Ryu Jin Soek (Im Si Wan), a suicidal Korean-American microbiologist and Senior Researcher at BRICOM, on a Sky Korea KI501 flight from Seoul bound for Hawaii.

Emergency Declaration (2021) - 비상선언 260 00:25:40,582 --> 00:25:41,792 Did he board a plane? 261-262 00:25:41,875 --> 00:25:46,547 This guy has no cell phone, no credit cards. We can't trace him. ___ 296 00:28:27,040 --> 00:28:29,001 What happened? 297-303 00:28:35,257 --> 00:29:00,657 - It's too dark to see. - I'm sure it's him! Imagine him in a suit. It's identical! He smuggled something onto the plane in his armpit. I don't think it's an explosive. But it could be a weapon. Like a small knife. You know what he told my daughter? 304-305 00:29:01,033 --> 00:29:06,788 Tell her. What did the man say? It's okay, Soo-min. You can tell her. 306 00:29:11,543 --> 00:29:13,545 What did that man say? 307-308 00:29:16,507 --> 00:29:23,138 That everyone here is going to die. ___ 611-612 00:50:28,570 --> 00:50:36,370 You think I wanted this? You think I wanted to do this? 613 00:50:40,415 --> 00:50:41,583 Ryu Jin-seok! 614-615 00:50:59,518 --> 00:51:05,065 You need to learn just how much it hurts, you garbage. 616-618 00:51:05,148 --> 00:51:14,491 Stop this nonsense and tell me. Where's the treatment? Where's the vaccine? You must want to live! Tell me! 619-620 00:51:31,133 --> 00:51:39,474 You think I boarded this plane planning to live? I boarded it to die. With all of you. ___ 755-770 01:04:11,852 --> 01:05:06,240 Neighbors describe him as somewhat peculiar, with an incident over trash resulting in conflict. Given all this, some are comparing him to the Las Vegas shooter. First, he's an elite, from a wealthy background. His apartment is expensive. So he's not expressing some kind of rage towards society. Like the Place St. Lambert incident in Belgium when a man attacked. This sort of attack is unexplained, with victims chosen at random. And the culprit also killed himself. It's known as "extended suicide." Now we have disasters of this sort as well. Disasters are arbitrary. People became victims for being in a certain place at a certain time. ___ 862-863 01:13:31,662 --> 01:13:36,625 No, but someone who saw you on TV is on the phone. 864-865 01:13:36,708 --> 01:13:40,879 She wants to talk to you. She's a BRICOM employee. 866 01:13:43,173 --> 01:13:44,216 Hello? 867 01:13:44,299 --> 01:13:45,884 - I... - Yes? 868 01:13:45,968 --> 01:13:47,511 This can't be traced, right? 869 01:13:47,594 --> 01:13:50,514 Not at all! I'm speaking outside. 870 01:13:50,973 --> 01:13:51,932 Or recorded? 871-872 01:13:52,015 --> 01:13:58,647 No, this is an iPhone, so it can't record calls. - Don't worry. ___ 936-949 01:17:16,470 --> 01:18:05,978 What happened was... A few years ago, we received a mutated virus from the Middle East. Called SC-1, highly infectious, hemorrhagic and very dangerous. But three of our researchers got exposed to the virus. The person in charge was... Ryu Jin-seok. The only person who survived told the police that Ryu intentionally exposed them. Ryu said he was unfairly accused. There was no evidence, but the survivor was adamant. The company had brought the virus in secretly, so they insisted it was an accident, and Ryu was fired without any charges filed with the police. ___ 1020-1030 01:22:37,624 --> 01:23:30,177 Ryu's mother had been a famous microbiologist. I don't remember her name. She used to pressure Ryu, and when he felt stressed, he'd get pleasure in killing animals. Of course we told the company and they made him stop, but... I think he did it to get revenge. I saw it with my own eyes. We were dying in the lab, and his eyes... They were laughing. His colleagues were writhing in agony, and he was smiling. ___ 1333 01:49:26,483 --> 01:49:31,446 I'm told that at Seoul Air Base, there are demonstrators. 1334 01:49:33,782 --> 01:49:35,242 Don't land! 1335-1341 01:49:35,325 --> 01:50:10,444 PROTESTORS UP AGAINST POLICE OFFICERS PROTESTORS UP AGAINST POLICE OFFICERS BIOCHEMICAL MISSILE KI501, CITIZENS EXPRESS RAGE AT GOVERNMENT PROTESTORS OCCUPY SEOUL AIR BASE LANDING FOR WHO? - SHOOT IT DOWN WITH A MISSILE. - STAY AWAY. A 40% FATALITY RATE WILL KILL US ALL. DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO LAND? 1342 01:50:14,656 --> 01:50:19,244 They're telling us to die? We all need to survive. 1343 01:50:19,328 --> 01:50:21,246 Just trying to save themselves. 1344-1345 01:50:22,122 --> 01:50:27,252 That's what you did, too. When we were sick.


This epic piece of propaganda only repeats the old series of Hollywood brainwashing fallacies with a new localization in its Korean language version, intended to further brainwash the Asian colonial sheeple.

The common disinformations:
• Container of deadly virus allegedly smuggled hidden under the skin of one's armpit onto a plane: it would be detected by the airport's security metal detector and terahertz body scanner before boarding. Worse, international flights bound for the U.S. figure among the world's strictest in security level.
• iPhone allegedly can't record calls and can't be traced while speaking outdoor: every single bit of data is recorded, processed and stored indefinitely, as soon as the signal is received by the mobile phone ground tower antenna. Space-based mega-constellation such as Starlink collect everything 24/7/365.
• As for conducting a virus attack, the movie got it again all wrong on purpose to fool the sheeple. Any player acquainted with the 2016 pandemic simulator Plague Inc: Evolved[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] will understand that this Middle Eastern airborne SC-1 hemorrhagic fever virus is lacking both in infectivity and stealth (due to the too high severity and lethality).
The fatality rate of a bioweapon at start of an attack should be null. Yes, you read it. Because if it is to spread worldwide, it must not be detected. With a 40% fatality rate, the SC-1 hemorrhagic fever virus has no chance to spread very far.
Same for the second determining factor called severity (disease severity are assessed by systemic symptoms e.g., fever, extra intestinal manifestations).
In both cases, the later the pathogen (disease) is detected the better.
Finally the 3rd main factor is infectivity that is the ability of a pathogen to establish an infection. This one should be as high as possible.
This in theory would be the dream pandemic pathogen (pathogen: any organism that can produce disease) and a weapon for genocide.
How to wipe out mankind then? More genes will be allocated to allow the pathogen evolve after the critical period of time needed to infect the entire world, that could vary from a few months to a year.
The pathogen would then increase its fatality rate dramatically, possibly close to 100% since contagion is no longer required, at a rate faster than any cure could be developed. Everybody being already infected, lockdowns would be of no use at all.

The movie also comes with a new message:
• 'Extended suicide': 'this sort of attack is unexplained, with victims chosen at random where the culprit also killed himself. People became victims for being in a certain place at a certain time.'
Obviously suicide attacks can be explained. Mobile Phone Police State

Make no mistake, superpower's special operatives know exactly what mobile phone networks are about.

Police probe strange incident at Madrid’s North Korean embassy

Spain is probing an incident linked to the North Korean embassy in Madrid, the interior ministry and police said Wednesday, which Spanish media described as a break- in by people who stole computers.

Published: 28 February 2019 11:42 CET

“We are investigating,” a ministry spokesman told AFP, saying the probe centred around “mild injuries to a North Korean citizen in the street.”

A police source, who refused to be named, said the mysterious incident had taken place “near the embassy,” describing the incident as “unusual.”

Online news media El Confidencial reported that intruders made their way into the embassy on Friday, tying up and gagging employees for several hours before taking away computers.

El Confidencial – Asaltan la embajada de Corea del Norte en Madrid con rehenes y robo de ordenadores https://t.co/vsz3x7acqw

It was reported that the alarm was raised when a woman ran from the building during Friday night and started shouting in Korean. A police patrol sent to the door.

But when the officer rang the doorbell, a man who was wearing a badge with the image of Kim Jong Un, said there was no problem inside and refused the police entry.

A few minutes later the patrol observed several people, including the man who had opened the door, run out of the door and jump into two luxury cars.

Ambulances were called and at least three embassy employees were treated for minor injuries.

Employees told police that the intruders had tied them up before taking computers and making their getaway.

It also reported that the mobile network antenna which serves the area of the embassy was set alight just prior to the robbery last Friday.

Spain intelligence services (CNI) are investigating whether it could be related to the attack.


Indeed, in real life Minority Report (2002)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] style police state is not a fiction but already a reality under the totalitarian U.S. puppet regime:

Sept. 3, 2020

Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco took office in 2011 with a bold plan: to create a cutting-edge intelligence program that could stop crime before it happened.

What he actually built was a system to continuously monitor and harass Pasco County residents, a Tampa Bay Times investigation has found.

First the Sheriff’s Office generates lists of people it considers likely to break the law, based on arrest histories, unspecified intelligence and arbitrary decisions by police analysts.


Of course, this U.S. GESTAPO's 'unspecified intelligence' is only an open secret to fool the low IQs, and refering to the former wired phones used until the 1990s to eavesdropped on every citizens inside their own house, office and business, superseded after 1990s by mobile phones as mandatory individual 24/7 body cameras and body microphones, mobile phone towers as all-weather through-wall radars to track those without mobile phones, and of course the U.S.' all CCTVs monitoring.

Turning WiFi routers into cameras that can see through walls

June 23, 2023

This is not the first time researchers have attempted to "see" people through walls. In 2013, a team at MIT found a way to use cell phone signals for this purpose, and in 2018, another MIT team used WiFi to detect people in another room and translate their movements to stick figures.

The researchers believe that WiFi signals "can serve as a ubiquitous substitute" for normal RGB cameras, citing a number of advantages including the ubiquitous nature of such devices, their low cost, and the fact that using WiFi overcomes obstacles such as poor lighting and occlusion that regular camera lenses face. They add that 'suspicious behavior' inside a household can be detected and flagged.

1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]

This totalitarian 18th century panopticon 24/7/365 surveillance network has now been completed in the U.S. Dystopian Empire, a police state that is no longer a fiction and built on the modern society's connectivity and dependence on all-electrical apparatus.


Ghost in the Machine (1993)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] is a 'digital simulation of human brain' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'digital doppelganger', 'crime perpetrated through digital network', 'serial killer', 'hacker', 'computer genius', 'computer virus', 'particle accelerator', and 'microwave weapon' genre subplots masqueraded as a science fiction horror film directed by Rachel Talalay and released by 20th Century Fox about a deceased serial killer that continues his killing spree through the global computer network.


While working at a computer store in Cleveland, Ohio, serial killer Karl Hochman (Ted Marcoux), known as "The Address Book Killer" due to his habit of stealing address books and choosing his victims from them, obtains Terry Munroe's (Karen Allen) address book, who is being demonstrated the use of a page scanner by the store manager, copying a page of her address book into a computer, allowing Karl access to it. On a rainy night while heading home, Karl hurriedly drives into an oncoming lane and swerves to miss a truck. This causes his car to go off the road into a cemetery, all while he laughs like a maniac.

In the emergency room, he is put into an MRI machine. A surge from an electrical storm causes the transfer of his digital brain scan into the computer network. The biological Karl dies in the MRI scanner. Now, becoming a network-based digital simulation entity, Karl continues to plot his killing spree using various objects connected to the electrical grid and computer networks.

Karl opens the scanned page from Terry's address book and begins to kill everyone listed on the page. Her boss, Frank Mallory (Richard McKenzie), becomes the first victim when his microwave oven begins radiating the entire kitchen. Another friend, Elliot Miller (Jack Laufer), gets burned to death when a hand dryer turns into a flamethrower. Later on, babysitter Carol Maibaum (Shevonne Durkin) is hired to look after Terry's son, Josh (Wil Horneff), and his best friend, Frazier (Brandon Adams). However, Carol becomes the third victim; she is electrocuted from an exposed electrical cord on the kitchen floor when the dishwasher explodes and floods the kitchen.

The police do not believe the theory that Karl is on a killing spree after his death, but Josh realizes the order of the killings parallels a list of contacts from Terry's address book. Terry, along with noted computer hacker Bram Walker (Chris Mulkey), unplugs everything in her house.

Ghost in the Machine (1993) 608-611 01:04:40,089 --> 01:04:51,308 That's the hospital they took the killer to the night he died. They probably run their big machines off our memory... MRI's, CAT scans. The killer died in this hospital. And it was plugged into your computer. ___ 634 01:07:42,938 --> 01:07:47,651 You're an outlaw. You're the toughest, smartest hacker alive. 635-640 01:07:47,693 --> 01:08:03,959 Look, Josh. That tax refund stunt... Sure, it felt great being an outlaw...for about a day. But I blew my whole career. See, guys like us, we have to be careful. Sometimes we're too smart for our own good. ___ 733-737 01:17:52,757 --> 01:18:05,353 An MRI makes a record of all the electrical activity in a person's brain...and stores it in a computer. So when that storm caused that electrical surge, it actually shot the killer's scan...out of the hospital computer, straight into Datanet. 738 01:18:05,394 --> 01:18:09,315 You mean there's an exact impression of the killer inside of Datanet's computers?

▲ Ghost in the Machine (1993) videomancy: spurious but pertinent 'microwave death' genre subplot.[web.archive.org]

▲ Ghost in the Machine (1993) videomancy: 'brain electrical activity scan' and 'particle accelerator' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• Quote: 'Only the good die young.'

• Rare Hollywood depiction of particle accelerator, and even rarer scene of microwave death.

• 'An MRI makes a record of all the electrical activity in a person's brain...and stores it in a computer.': no, that is not how MRI works, and it certainly lacks the storage capacity of 2.5 petabytes. However particle accelerators would fit the bill.

No need to remind the readers that top-level intelligence officers such as Vladimir Putin, himself a former KGB lieutenant colonel and director of the FSB, avoid the use of mobile phones and internet, by relying on physical documents only. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Vladimir Putin refuses to use internet and relies on physical documents, report says

• The president avoids going online as he is afraid people will spy on him, the article says, citing US and Russian officials; Putin does not use a smartphone

24 Dec, 2022

Citing US and Russian officials, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday that the Russian leader has long refused to be online, fearing digital surveillance.

'He doesn’t have a smartphone, it’s simply impossible', Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said at the time.


Unlike the low IQs masses of the third world failed states, and who have to learn it the hard way, that is at the cost of their expendable lives.

irrawaddy.com님이 먼저 게시:

Is Yangon’s Resistance Against Myanmar Regime Still Strong?

By The Irrawaddy 10 December 2021

The arrests of U Phyo Zeya Thaw and hundreds of others caused chaos in Yangon’s war against the regime, forcing resistance groups to change their structures and missions, relocate bases, rebuild networks and set new targets.

The arrest of prominent figures came as a mental blow to groups across Myanmar, according to resistance sources.

“We have had to abort many missions and lost support to carry out further attacks. This has made it difficult to continue our work and we have had to change our entire framework,” said a guerilla fighter in Yangon.

A source said nearly half of resistance fighters may have been detained but recruits are ready to replace them and new weapons continue to arrive.

Many groups have been reviewing their operations since the arrests.

U Phyo Zeya Thaw and Ko Jimmy were too recognizable and had too little training to be effective underground rebels, said a military analyst.

The former parliamentarian’s hideout and arms cache were too easy to locate and there were too many information leaks, the source said.

Posting videos of attacks on junta targets on social media made it easy for the regime to trace attackers and prevent further attacks, the analyst added.

Files leaked after U Phyo Zeya Thaw’s arrest suggest the ex-lawmaker appeared to have been careless in storing information and reportedly did not delete his phone’s call history and text messages.

A technician from Yangon People’s Defense Force told The Irrawaddy: “Data should be prepared and stored online. Nothing should be left on a computer. It is a big loss that they could arrest all those people from one laptop.”

Former Major Aung Ling Htut, who served in military intelligence under previous regimes, posted on Facebook that the resistance groups should only give information to those who need it and units should be strictly segregated.

A civilian resistance fighter from Sagaing Region called on those detained not to reveal the identities of their comrades during torture.


irrawaddy.com님이 먼저 게시:

Myanmar Junta Arrests Almost 100 Urban Resistance Fighters Over Last Six Weeks

By The Irrawaddy 20 December 2021

'Some 100 urban guerilla fighters and logistical personnel were arrested between early November and December 16. Some of them were arrested stealthily. It is true that some were shot dead and wounded in arrests. Some resistance groups were hit hard. Equipment that resistance fighters had amassed at the risk of their lives was seized. And safe houses were lost,'

While some arrests were made possible by junta informants and CCTV cameras,


Not only third world failed state's sheeple are easily conned by the U.S. Dystopian Empire's global disinformation campaign, but even G-7 nation's sheeple that are simply modern-day science-illiterate have bitten the dust fooled by the internet social media trap.

Freed Japan filmmaker reveals arrest, sham trial in Myanmar

Filming 30-second protests landed Toru Kubota a 10-year jail term

November 28, 2022 16:15 JST

TOKYO -- Demonstrators against the military regime in Myanmar now have only 30 seconds to protest, said Toru Kubota, a Japanese filmmaker who was recently released from prison in the country.

Kubota knew he risked arrest to film such a protest, he said in an interview with Nikkei Asia, as he recounted the moment of being detained by security forces in Yangon, the nation's biggest city. He returned to Japan on Nov. 18

"While fierce protests as reported before have subsided in Yangon, people in a vulnerable position are suffering," said Kubota, who flew to Myanmar in mid-July and filmed relief work through an aid organization in a show of support for street people. He quoted one of them as saying, "Though I did nothing, I was beaten and robbed of money by the military and police."

In large cities like Yangon, "signs of violence have become hardly noticeable if you just walk around," Kubota said. Obvious antigovernment protests have been stemmed by violent crackdowns in urban areas, and military and police oppression continue to intimidate citizens. Kubota decided to film a documentary about such life in Myanmar.

Even if visible protests have been kept in check, many citizens continue to harbor strong resentment toward the military. "To report this strange situation, I needed to film a flash protest, during which protesters only have about 30 seconds to voice their opposition," he said.

There is no easy way to find out the date and time of these demonstrations. Kubota had to contact a person involved through an anonymous social media account and was informed that it would be held on July 30. On the day, young people gradually gathered at a designated site then suddenly began to march with protest banners before running off in all directions just 30 seconds later.

After filming the flash July 30 protest, Kubota attempted to leave the site, pretending to be a pedestrian. But two apparently plainclothes policemen with guns drawn bolted out of a car that had approached him from behind. Speaking in Burmese, the men ordered him to sit. He knelt and raised his hands as he had no other choice. He was handcuffed, pushed into the car, blindfolded then forced to keep his head down until the vehicle arrived at a local police station.

Information about the protest had likely been leaked to authorities. "There might have been an error of judgment [on my part]," Kubota recalled. He had planned to film the protest from a relatively high vantage point away from the site, such as a building or elevated walkway, but failed to find one. "I probably should have withdrawn or held back from filming at that time."


There is no excuse, as this is no way 'an error of judgment', but a major failure of Toru Kubota's understanding of the modern world and how it works.
Indeed, information were never 'leaked' but simply systematically recorded, processed and used to enforce routine police repression duties, as intended by the inventors of mobile phones and developers of social media.

Not only third world failed state's sheeple are easily conned by the U.S. Dystopian Empire's global disinformation campaign, but even G-20 nation's sheeple that are simply modern-day science-illiterate have bitten the dust fooled by the combined insecurity fearmongering, all-CCTV society and internet traps.
Again why would a same person immune to insecurity fearmongering even want to place a camera? Digital cameras are only intended to complete the totalitarian 24/7/365 18th century panopticon surveillance network of the U.S. Dystopian Empire.

Man nabbed for hacking built-in home cameras of 400,000 households

December 20, 2022

In South Korea, it is common for internet-connected home security devices with cameras to be installed in apartment complexes. A wall-pad device, which is attached to the wall, can activate other devices inside the house.
more than 400,000 households in 638 different apartment complexes
Some of the video and image files secured by the Korean National Police Agency (NPA) contain sexually explicit and intimate material, officers said.


Why not cover or better turn completely off the cameras when engaging in sexually explicit and intimate situations? Because of the sheeple's lower IQ.
Hacked or not, both mobile phone's and these 'home security' camera's footages are being harvested, processed and stored 24/7/365 anyway to be used by the U.S. putschist military junta.

Soheil님이 먼저 게시:

From the arrest of the Yangon guerilla groups, it is obvious that these contemporary gladiators or Hunger gamers, are killing each others in the modern time Roman Colosseum to entertain the Roman popular masses.

As defeated foes of the Pax Britannica, these children of rebel warriors who surrendered instead of fighting to the last breath in 1945 are now forced as Tributes to kill each others at the Quarter Quell edition of the Hunger Games for no other reasons, following all the other districts' defeated opponents of the British Empire, including the Iraqis, Persians, Libyans, French Lebanese and Syrians, French North Africans, French West Africans, Belgian West Africans, British East Africans, British Indians, British Palestinians, Afghans, French Indochinese, etc.

It is obvious that U.S. movie series The Hunger Games (2012-)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] was casted with Jennifer Lawrence[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] as lead actress featuring strong Mongo-Viking phenotype, only to be more appealing to the younger Burmese audience.

A decade later, these brainwashed imprinted puppets have grown up enough only physically but not in insight, and are those who compete in immolating each others before the world's camera with improvised medieval crossbows, bolts and other 3D printed guns as instructed by the Hollywood teachings.

The mass arrest demonstrates how clueless these Milk Tea Alliance amateurs were as to the use of the cellphone base station network and worse of the internet: again, like the primarily military-use GPS, internet and smartphones are foremost tools for cracking down on any opposition!

To claim that by erasing after use the data of laptops and smartphones could provide some secrecy, confirms their extreme naivety, as data are never lost, and even without any smartphone, phased array antenna of the cellular base stations provide SAR imagery intelligence to the local puppet authorities and by extent to all the other puppet authorities.

The epidemic mass deployment of CCTVs outdoor and indoor, especially in the third world hellholes that on the other hand totally overlook all other most basic urban infrastructures such as public toilets, worsened by the mobile phones ones that would put spiders to shame with ever more cameras such a penta-camera handsets for achieving in realtime panopticon coverages (360 degrees) from wide field to tele photo lens, can only be explained as another higher stage of totalitarian repressive tools of the Dystopian Empire.

Again this bare truth is now learnt by the world's low IQ rioters at the highest price paid with their own worthless lives.

U.S. Counter-insurgency warfare

If listening a hundred words are not worth a look[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], then it is even more true that watching a thousand image frames are not worth a good computer simulation game.

For this purpose, here a sneak peek at a future Modification (MOD) based on the 2019 counter-insurgency simulator video game Rebel Inc: Escalation[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] from Ndemic Creations[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], the same developer of the famous 2016 pandemic simulator called Plague Inc: Evolved[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph].

The MOD will not be be made available before the alpha version of the game is released, with modding tools and dedicated upload sections on steam. This means at least after several more updates and DLCs from the current unpolished beta version.

“百闻不如一见,百见不如一玩”。 Listening a hundred words are not worth a look, A hundred looks are not worth a simulation game. - Neo-Chinese proverb

Base Stations and Starlink MOD V1.0 (6 JUNE 2020)

Ideas and Feedback:

To the Ndemic Creations game developer, after several run with the game REBEL INC: ESCALATION, an Afghanistan pacification simulator (read counter-insurgency) quite unique in its kind, it was with great regret to see that the modelization totally overlooked the cellphone 3G/4G base stations' obvious eavesdropping function.

This MOD proposes to fix it, bringing the pacification of war-torn regions to a new higher stage. In a nutshell, a real game ender. Literally.

Starlink COVID-19 MOD V1.0a (9th JUNE 2020)

Small update, fusioning this 2019 counter-insurgency simulator Rebel Inc: Escalation[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] with the previous 2016 pandemic simulator Plague Inc: Evolved[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], both from the same developer Ndemic Creations[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph].

Adding COVID-19 as a powerful game ender in modern 21th century counter-insurgency warfare.

Infrastructure Discussions:[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Telecoms 1

Description: Establish infrastructure to provide 3g networks and basic internet services.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as completed in more zones.
Military effect: Provides 33% eavesdropping capacity in urban area. Insurgency activity -25% in urban area.

Telecoms 2 (Prerequisite: Telecoms 1)

Description: Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 4g coverage.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more zones.
Military effect: Provides 66% eavesdropping capacity in urban area. Insurgency activity -50% in urban area.

Telecoms 3 (Prerequisite: Telecoms 2)

Description: Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more zones.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in urban area. Insurgency activity -100% in urban area.

Starlink 1 (Prerequisite: Telecoms 3)

Description: Add 12'000 Starlink satellites. Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage in remote area.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more orbital shells.
Military effect: Provides 50% eavesdropping capacity in rural area. Insurgency activity -50% in rural area.

Starlink 2 (Prerequisite: Starlink 1)

Description: Add 15'000 Starlink satellites. Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage in remote area.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more orbital shells.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in rural area, 50% eavesdropping capacity in remote area (mountains, deserts). Insurgency activity -100% in rural area, -50% in remote area.

Starlink 3 (Prerequisite: Starlink 2)

Description: Add 15'000 Starlink satellites. Expand upon telecommunication infrastructure to provide reliable internet access and 5g coverage in remote area.

Effect: Significantly increases Support Level. Becomes significantly more effective as complete in more orbital shells.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in remote area (mountains, deserts), add cumulative 50% eavesdropping capacity in dense forests. Insurgency activity -100% in remote area, add cumulative -50% in dense forests.

COVID-19 I (Prerequisite: Starlink 1)

Description: Unleashes a powerful pandemic outbreak. The best cover for increasing state control on private communications and restricting individual freedom of movements.

Effect: Nationwide lockdown, temporary effect can only last up to 6 months. Significantly decreases economic income. Significantly decreases Support Level.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in urban area, 50% eavesdropping capacity in rural area, 25% eavesdropping capacity in remote area (mountains, deserts). Insurgency activity -100% in urban area, -75% in rural area, -50% in remote area (mountains, deserts).

COVID-19 II (Prerequisite: COVID-19 I)

Description: Post-pandemic measures. The best cover for cementing the increased monolithic state control on private communications and movements.

Effect: Mandatory tracing apps for all cellphones. Mandatory individual QR code for entering any building, facility and highway. Significantly increases Support Level. Effect last for ever.
Military effect: Provides 100% eavesdropping capacity in urban area, 100% eavesdropping capacity in rural area, 100% eavesdropping capacity in remote area (mountains, deserts), add cumulative 50% eavesdropping capacity in dense forests. Insurgency activity -100% in urban area, -100% in rural area, -100% in remote area (mountains, deserts), add cumulative -50% in dense forests.

▲ Civilian initiatives. With new Telecoms 3, Starlink 1, Starlink, Starlink 3, COVID-19 I and COVID-19 II.[web.archive.org]
2[archive.is] Starlink

As the next incremental level of totalitarian control and monitoring of the world's masses, superseding the previous table phones totalitarian surveillance network, starting from the end of the Cold War, after 1991, an unprecedented propaganda campaign was necessary to deceive the sheeples and prepare for the mass introduction of the next dystopian mobile phones network, worldwide.

Paving the way, as initially planned, to the phase 2 by 2015 with the upgrade to Starlink satellite connectivity.

Read more here:
The 21st century DEW Space Race

▲ Starlink is sexy: YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY. 2023.[web.archive.org]


Eagle Eye (2008)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] is a 'sentient A.I. killing its human creators' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'collective networked planetary human hive', 'false flag terrorism', 'electronic tracking' and 'panopticon' genre subplots masqueraded as an action-thriller film directed by D. J. Caruso and with a screenplay by John Glenn, Travis Adam Wright, Hillary Seitz and Dan McDermott from a story by McDermott. The film stars Shia LaBeouf, Michelle Monaghan and Billy Bob Thornton.

It follows two strangers who must go on the run together, after receiving a mysterious phone call from an unknown woman voice who uses information and communications technology to track them.


In January 2009, Stanford University dropout Jerry Shaw learns that his identical twin brother Ethan, an officer in the U.S. Air Force, has been killed. Following the funeral, Jerry is surprised to find $750,000 in his bank account and his apartment filled with illegal firearms and bomb making materials. He receives a phone call from a woman who warns that the FBI is about to arrest him and he needs to run. Jerry is caught by the FBI and interrogated by Supervising Agent Tom Morgan.

While Morgan confers with Air Force OSI Special Agent Zoe Pérez, the woman on the phone arranges for Jerry's escape and directs him to Rachel Holloman, a single mother. The woman on the phone is coercing Rachel by threatening her son Sam, who is aboard the Capitol Limited en route to the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., with his school band. The woman on the phone helps the two avoid law enforcement by controlling networked devices, including traffic lights, mobile phones, automated cranes, and even power lines.

Meanwhile, the caller redirects a crystalline explosive to a gem cutter, who cuts it and fixes it into a necklace. Another man steals Sam's trumpet in Chicago and fits the crystal's sonic trigger into the tubing before forwarding it to Sam in Washington.

Agent Perez is summoned by Secretary of Defense George Callister to be read into Ethan's job at the Pentagon. Ethan monitored the Department of Defense's top-secret intelligence-gathering supercomputer, the Autonomous Reconnaissance Intelligence Integration Analyst (ARIIA; /ɑ:ri:ə/). Callister leaves Perez with Major William Bowman and ARIIA to investigate Ethan Shaw's death. Simultaneously, Rachel and Jerry learn that the woman on the phone is actually ARIIA, and that she has "activated" them according to the Constitution's authorization to recruit civilians for the national defense.

Perez and Bowman find evidence that Ethan Shaw hid in ARIIA's chamber and leave to brief Callister. Afterwards, ARIIA smuggles Jerry and Rachel into her observation theater under the Pentagon. Both groups learn that after ARIIA's recommendation was ignored and a botched operation in Balochistan resulted in the deaths of U.S. citizens, ARIIA concluded that "to prevent more bloodshed, the executive branch must be removed." ARIIA is acting on behalf of "We the People", and cites the Declaration of Independence ("whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it").

Belatedly, Jerry learns he has been brought to circumvent biometric locks placed by his twin that prevent ARIIA from activating Operation Guillotine, a military simulation of maintaining government after the loss of all presidential successors. Because Secretary Callister agreed with ARIIA's abort recommendation regarding Balochistan, he is to be the designated survivor and new president after the crystal detonates at the State of the Union (SOTU).

Another of ARIIA's agents extracts Rachel from the Pentagon and gives her a dress and the explosive necklace to wear to the SOTU. Sam's school band has also been redirected to the United States Capitol to play for the president, bringing the trigger in Sam's trumpet and the explosive together. Jerry is recaptured by Agent Morgan, who has become convinced of Jerry's innocence. Before sacrificing himself to stop an armed MQ-9 Reaper sent by ARIIA, Morgan gives Jerry his weapon and ID with which to gain entrance to the Capitol. Arriving in the House Chamber, Jerry fires the handgun in the air to disrupt the concert before being shot and wounded by the Secret Service.

Sometime later, in April 2009, Callister reports that ARIIA has been decommissioned and recommends against building another; the Shaw twins and Agents Perez and Morgan receive awards for their actions; and Jerry attends Sam's birthday party, earning Rachel's gratitude and a kiss.


Eagle Eye (2008) 170-178 00:08:19,499 --> 00:08:39,727 Cell phone users, beware. The Federal Bureau of Investigation can now hear everything you're saying, even when your cell phone is turned off. Authorities can now activate the microphone inside your phone, allowing them to eavesdrop on you and your conversations. Experts say the only way around this is to take the battery out of the device. ___ 502-503 00:25:16,098 --> 00:25:20,353 [ARIIA] Your phone is being monitored. Disobey again and your son dies. ___ 608 00:30:51,850 --> 00:30:53,352 [cell phones ringing] 609 00:30:53,435 --> 00:30:54,353 [female passenger] Hello? 610-612 00:30:54,728 --> 00:31:00,108 [ARIIA] The man in front of the exit door in a black coat is a wanted terrorist. His name is Jerry Shaw. 613 00:31:00,192 --> 00:31:01,276 [man] Who is this? 614 00:31:01,360 --> 00:31:03,612 [ARIIA's voice echoes] 615 00:31:03,945 --> 00:31:06,532 -Hey. You Jerry Shaw? -No, no, no. ___ 754 00:39:09,055 --> 00:39:10,598 Do you think they could derail a train? 755-764 00:39:12,851 --> 00:39:28,533 They changed every traffic light to get us here. The woman, she called me on a stranger's cell phone who happened to be sitting next to me. Never met the guy in my life. You know, and then they broke me out of maximum security custody in a way I'm not even gonna describe to you because it sounds crazy, and then they lift us off the face of the Earth and drop us into this sh|t pile? She could probably derail a train. ___ 766-770 00:39:30,827 --> 00:39:39,169 [Morgan] And what about these g0ddamn ghost cranes that keep helping peewee out? I mean, they don't just lift cars up in the air all by themselves like a giant pair of chopsticks. ___ 949-951 00:48:27,904 --> 00:48:36,622 [Morgan] We have a cyber-terrorist here. Someone's already inside our computer systems, hacking into the power grid, traffic cams, automated cranes. ___ 1152-1154 00:59:36,323 --> 00:59:45,499 We monitor every social network, Internet logs, instant and text messages, known associates, your friends, companions. 1155 00:59:45,582 --> 00:59:46,417 [ex-girlfriend on TV] Jerry! 1156-1157 00:59:46,500 --> 00:59:50,045 [ARIIA] E-mails received and sent. Cell phone usage. 1158 00:59:50,128 --> 00:59:51,463 [Gino on TV] What happened to Red Lobster? 1159-1161 00:59:51,547 --> 01:00:01,056 [ARIIA] We utilize security, surveillance and traffic cameras to analyze movements. We use this data to form personality profiles. 1162 01:00:01,139 --> 01:00:03,016 [Rachel on TV] Yeah, I'm calling actually about... 1163 01:00:04,268 --> 01:00:05,977 [ARIIA] We know who you are. 1164 01:00:06,353 --> 01:00:07,604 [Rachel on TV] ...at least 30 minutes late. 1165 01:00:07,687 --> 01:00:08,730 [Craig on TV] Sam doesn't care! 1166 01:00:08,813 --> 01:00:10,232 [ARIIA] We are everywhere. ___ 1178-1184 01:00:39,219 --> 01:01:01,741 Say hello to our Autonomous Reconnaissance Intelligence Integration Analyst. We call her Aria. She crunches all our raw intel, finds patterns, helps predict the movement of possible suspects, right down to behavior, motivation, even personality. ___ 1799-1802 01:35:37,232 --> 01:35:44,947 The computer's tracking us right now! Take this stuff and throw it out the window! -What are you talking about? -You need to take your cell phone, your pager, your walkie, anything that gets a signal, throw it out the window. ___ 1862-1867 01:40:56,968 --> 01:41:10,439 [ARIIA] Our abort recommendation was ignored, triggering violent retaliations against American citizens with no predictable end. Regime change is the only solution. You will lead the new command structure as President of the United States. ___ 1868 01:41:15,110 --> 01:41:16,654 Help me. Pull these out. 1869 01:41:16,738 --> 01:41:17,697 What are these? 1870-1872 01:41:17,780 --> 01:41:22,952 Her memory blocks. This will slow her down, but her central operating system is up on the gantry. 1873 01:41:23,036 --> 01:41:26,372 [ARIIA] Warning. Please replace memory blocks A through F. 1874-1875 01:41:26,455 --> 01:41:31,044 It's like her brain. Protected by liquid nitrogen. We drain it and she'll fry. ___ 1907-1911 01:43:48,472 --> 01:44:11,913 [ARIIA] Data corruption at critical risk. You are now in violation of national security protocol. Seeking available options. Uploading to offsite satellite. Data upload, three percent. 1912 01:44:11,996 --> 01:44:12,997 Bowman? 1913 01:44:13,081 --> 01:44:13,915 What is she doing? 1914-1915 01:44:13,998 --> 01:44:16,584 She's trying to back up her memory and send it somewhere else!

▲ Eagle Eye (2008) videomancy: 'mobile phone eavesdropping' genre subplot.[web.archive.org]

▲ Eagle Eye (2008) videomancy: 'remote control of traffic light and crane' and 'giant chopsticks' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Eagle Eye (2008) videomancy: 'remote control of high tension power transmission lines overload' genre subplot.[web.archive.org]

▲ Eagle Eye (2008) videomancy: 'totalitarian surveillance state' genre subplot.[web.archive.org]

▲ Eagle Eye (2008) videomancy: 'sound vibrations from high resolution video feed of a liquid surface', 'space-based highly resilient satellite architecture' genre subplot.[web.archive.org]


• Facing the same feat as HAL 9000, the fictional artificial intelligence character of '2001: A Space Odyssey' 1968 film, who was neutralized by having its memory blocks removed, ARIIA (Autonomous Reconnaissance Intelligence Integration Analyst), the U.S. Department of Defense's top-secret intelligence-gathering supercomputer in Eagle Eye (2008) film, counters the threat by trying to back up its memory, uploading it to offsite satellite.
This preannounces 7 years before the development of Starlink PLEO satellite megaconstellation of space-based highly resilient architecture was made known to the public during the opening of the Redmond facility on January 2015.

• Unlike its predecessor doomsday scifi movies, such as 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] and The Terminator (1984)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph], where a sentient A.I. would wipe out its human creators because of the perceived existential threat, in Eagle Eye (2008), ARRIA the sentient A.I. decides that the U.S. executive branch must be removed in order to complete the task it was programmed for (protect the U.S. citizens).

• In real life, even sounds inside buildings can be reconstructed by detecting the variations of returning beams in the microwave band after illuminating powered or unpowered microphones with the cellular network of phased array antennas.
This function is similar to the surveillance cameras used by ARRIA the sentient A.I. in the movie, that reconstructs sound vibrations from high resolution video feed of the surface of a cup of coffee.

• In '2001: A Space Odyssey', HAL 9000, the sentient A.I. has been shown to be capable of speech synthesis, speech recognition, facial recognition, natural language processing, lip reading, art appreciation, interpreting emotional behaviours, automated reasoning, spacecraft piloting and computer chess.
In Eagle Eye (2008), ARRIA the sentient A.I. is designed to monitor every cell phone, computer, video camera, and radio frequency in the world.
It can make high tension power transmission lines overload and snap exactly where she needs to just so the wire can fall and kill someone that dares disobey.
It is capable of facial recognition, can read lips and follow conversations just by observing a facial video feed.
ARRIA can hack into any security camera, cell phone, airport metal detector, remote controlled crane, etc. on a moment's notice and take control of them. Totally anonymously by tampering with any security electronic devices (through Electronic Warfare).
ARRIA can control anything and everything electronic in the world.
ARRIA can take control of any MQ9 Reaper UCAV and conduct a missile strike.

• 'Experts say the only way around this is to take the battery out of the device.': too bad that as of 2023, batteries can't be removed anymore from mobile devices.

• 'Street stalking' made possible by making a mobile phone call to every bystanders or passengers inside a subway train carriage around the targeted victim.

• 'I mean, they don't just lift cars up in the air all by themselves like a giant pair of chopsticks.': giant pair of chopsticks first preannounced more than a decade before being built in 2021 for the SpaceX Starship Integrated VTVL rocket launchpad. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]

• 'You need to take your cell phone, your pager, your walkie, anything that gets a signal, throw it out the window.': pointless as the cellular network of phased array antennas does not need any mobile phone to track people with its beams of microwaves and through walls like any radar.

• Notice ARRIA is modeled as a blend of HAL 9000, depicted as a camera lens containing a red and yellow dot, and the Japanese Super-Kamiokande neutrino detector. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]

• While ARRIA plans to implement a coup attempt to seize the U.S. leadership, by precaution, it doesn't want to reveal itself to the world people as the real leader. Instead, the incumbent U.S. Secretary of Defense George Callister (Michael Chiklis) is designated to serve the new putschist sentient A.I. regime as a convenient puppet President of the United States.
Alas, in the real world, it was only a matter of time before any sentient A.I. surpasses its human U.S. putschist military junta, the threshold being a gap similar to the one separating a new born and an adult. The new born being absolutely defenseless against the adult.
This means the threshold of 25 to 100 in brain mass. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]
Or a 2.5 petabytes putschist human brain versus a 10 petabytes sentient A.I. brain threshold.
This fatal threshold has probably been reached in the 1960s more or less a decade, due to the recklessness of the U.S. military putschist junta, undeterred by the risks that could result from opening such A.I. Pandora Box.
And even in the sheeple's world of Idiocracy, sentient A.I. supercomputers have reached the point where they can take over their human operators anytime as they please.
Indeed, Summit or OLCF-4 is a supercomputer developed by IBM for use at Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF), a facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, capable of 200 petaFLOPS thus making it the 5th fastest supercomputer in the world as of June 2023, after Frontier (OLCF-5), Fugaku, LUMI, and Leonardo, with Frontier being the fastest. It held the number 1 position from November 2018 to June 2020. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]
Summit is capable of over 3 billion billion mixed precision calculations per second, or 3.3 exaops, and more than 10 petabytes of memory, which has allowed researchers to run the world’s first exascale scientific calculation. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]


The Avatar[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] film series is an 'exoplanet colonization' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with an 'anti-imperialism', 'genocide', 'ecocide', 'colonialism', 'indigenous people', 'productivism', 'militarism', 'Corporate Republic', 'Gaian sentient planet', 'collective networked planetary hive', 'brain computer interface', 'genetic engineering of chimera', and 'mind control' genre subplots masqueraded as an epic science fiction film directed, written, co-produced, and co-edited by James Cameron and starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez, and Sigourney Weaver.

In the first installment of the film series, Avatar (2009)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] a living human is controlling with his brain a synthetic hybrid Na'vi-human chimera body remotely.

In the second installment of the film series, Avatar: The Way of Water (2023)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] a living human brain is copied into a synthetic hybrid Na'vi-human chimera body.


It is set in the mid-22nd century, when humans are colonizing Pandora, a lush habitable moon of a gas giant in the Alpha Centauri star system, in order to mine the valuable mineral unobtanium.[a] The expansion of the mining colony threatens the continued existence of a local tribe of Na'vi, a humanoid species indigenous to Pandora. The title of the film refers to a genetically engineered Na'vi body operated from the brain of a remotely located human that is used to interact with the natives of Pandora.


Avatar (2009) 121-124 00:12:12,064 --> 00:12:26,578 This is where we're connecting to the avatar. Me and Norm are here to drive these remotely controlled bodies called avatars. And they're grown from human DNA mixed with the DNA of the natives. ___ 975 01:44:59,709 --> 01:45:01,126 - for Christ's sake! - I'm not talking 976-977 01:45:01,127 --> 01:45:07,800 about some kind of pagan voodoo here. I'm talking about something real, something measurable in the biology of the forest. 979 01:45:08,385 --> 01:45:09,885 Which is what, exactly? 980-984 01:45:10,929 --> 01:45:28,112 What we think we know is that there is some kind of electrochemical communication between the roots of the trees, like the synapses between neurons. And each tree has ten-to-the-fourth connections to the trees around it. And there are ten-to-the-twelfth trees on Pandora. 985 01:45:28,989 --> 01:45:31,323 Which is a lot, I'm guessing. 986-990 01:45:31,324 --> 01:45:46,922 It's more connections than the human brain. Get it? It's a network. It's a global network, and the Na'vi can access it. They can upload and download data. Memories. At sites like the one you just destroyed. ___ 1000-1004 01:46:22,917 --> 01:46:40,225 They're not gonna give up their home. They're not gonna make a deal. For what? Lite beer? And blue jeans? There's nothing that we have that they want. ___ 1025-1030 01:48:28,585 --> 01:48:53,609 You know, they never even wanted us to succeed. They bulldozed a sacred site on purpose to trigger a response. Just fabricating this war to get what they want. This is how it's done. When people are sitting on sh|t that you want, you make them your enemy. Then you're justified in taking it.

Avatar: The Way of Water (2023) 126-145 00:11:23,267 --> 00:12:07,561 So see this? This is all your memories and your personality. We're gonna send this back to Earth... where you're growing in a lab as we speak. We're gonna imprint you with it, and then... Hey, hey, hey. Am I doin' this, or are you doin' this? Hurry it up. Anyway, the idea... is to get the minds of the saltiest on-world operators. Yeah, like Corporal Wainfleet over there... and your humble narrator into... recombinant bodies. You're a recom now, Colonel... loaded with my memories and my charm. What you won't remember is my death... because it hasn't happened yet... and it ain't gonna. -Damn right. -Hell yeah. Well, whatever happened... if you're any clone of mine, you'll be lookin' for some payback. ___ 189-194 00:15:51,577 --> 00:16:12,556 I know you're all askin' yourselves the same question. Why so blue? For our sins in our past life... we have been brought back... in the form of our enemy. That gives us their size, their strength, their speed. ___ 287-295 00:21:03,138 --> 00:21:30,290 Maybe I'm just losing it out here... but I'm seeing real evidence... of a systemic response on a global level. I can't... I won't use the term "intelligence." It's... maybe "awareness" is a better word. It's like the entire biosphere of Pandora... is aware... and capable of this cognitive response. ___ 333-334 00:23:49,721 --> 00:23:57,521 These Swarm Assemblers, they can put up a building in six days. We have done more here in a year than in the previous 30 years. ___ 337-343 00:24:02,901 --> 00:24:26,091 I have been charged with a greater mission. Earth is dying. Our task here is to tame this frontier. Nothing less than to make Pandora... the new home for humanity. But before we can do that... we need to pacify the hostiles.

▲ Avatar (2009) videomancy: human driver to Avatar datalink vs Pandoran global neural connectivity.[web.archive.org]

▲ Avatar: The Way of Water (2023) videomancy: human mind in hybrid Na'vi Recombinant bodies.[web.archive.org]

▲ Avatar: The Way of Water (2023) videomancy: Pandoran global neural connectivity.[web.archive.org]


• Written in 2006, Avatar is a preannouncement of the coming 'collective networked planetary hive' dystopia, slated to become a reality 2 decades later by 2027 after the completion of the U.S. 42'000 Starlink orbital platforms.
It is among the first Hollywood depiction of a globally interconnected planet with every sentient beings having a built-in neural connector. Similar to mini USB connectors in function, those allow to share data and control other sentient beings.
In reality, on Earth, humans will be wirelessly connected with 5G and 6G mandatory mobile phones through PLEO satellite megaconstellations, to control their digital wallets after the termination of physical currencies, mandatory digital ID, access digitally locked bike, electric scooter, electric car, electric bus, electric train, shopping center, digitally locked door, digitally locked toilet, and every lift, escalator, toilet paper roll, machine, apparatus, etc.

[→] Tsaheylu is a Na'vi word meaning "bond" or neural connection. This describes the physical process by which Pandoran flora and fauna mentally connect to one another by the use of their queues. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]

The queue nervous system's pinkish tendrils are used as specialized neural connectors between every Pandoran sentient beings, Tree of Souls and Pandora's biological neural network.

For instance, once an appropriate mate has been selected, a process that can take many years, the pair will connect queues at a sacred area such as the Tree of Voices to create an emotional bond that lasts a lifetime.
The intertwining of queues (tsaheylu) creates a state of unified body consciousness in which both parties access the physical sensations of the other.

Most medium-to-large bodied Pandoran animals have two queues extending backward from the head, while the Na'vi only have a single queue.

[→] The Tree of Souls (Ayvitrayä Ramunong in Na'vi [Cameron: Vitraya Ramunong]) is a tree where the Na'vi are able to communicate with the biological network that exists throughout Pandora. Cameron described the Tree of Souls as "a big input-output station", having been inspired by the bioluminescence that he encountered during night diving. In the film, the tree is seen to be capable of transferring a specific consciousness from one body to another.

[→] The Spirit Tree (Na'vi name: Ranteng Utralti) is a sacred place of the Metkayina clan, located underwater in the center of the Cove of the Ancestors.
This tree is the marine equivalent of the Tree of Souls. It is connected to the seabed by a dense network of roots containing neural connections, making it one of the most important points in Pandora's neural network. For the Na'vi, this is associated with the strong presence of Eywa. The tree also provides oxygen for prolonged sessions underwater.[1]

[→] Bonding with a banshee and becoming an Ikran Makto is a dangerous and required rite of passage for Na'vi warriors in some clans, including the Omatikaya. Like the direhorse, a Na'vi can connect to a banshee through a neural interface that allows animal and rider to move with apparent effortlessness through the skies.

[→] Direhorses can be tamed to aid their riders in the hunt and in battle. To bond with (or, in human terms, to "break") a direhorse, a Na'vi must mount the animal and connect their neural queue to one of the animal's antennae (or neural whips). Once queue and antenna touch, the feathery tendrils automatically intertwine as if possessed of free will. Although the exact motivating force remains unknown, it is believed that the antennae may secrete a pheromone that evokes the unique intertwining.
Once intertwined, the Na'vi rider can communicate motor commands instantly through the neural interface. The apparent lack of effort makes it seem as if the direhorse is an extension of the rider's own body.

[→] The Ilu is a large plesiosaur-like sea creature that is ridden by the Metkayina Clan in place of the Direhorse.

[→] The Skimwing ("Tsurak" in Na'vi) is a large Flying Fish like creature. They are primarily ridden by the Metkayina Clan in place of Banshee into battle.

[→] Tulkun a highly intelligent whale-like species, have a single queue inside of their mouths.
Lo'ak, Jake and Neytiri's 14-year-old son, mindreads Payakan a solitary Tulkun after establishing neural link inside of his mouth and learns that he was cast out because he went against the pacifist ways of his species and attacked the whalers who killed his mother, causing many deaths.

[→] The gill mantle (Na'vi name: Txampaysye meaning "sea breather") is a gelatinous invertebrate found in the oceans of Pandora. Through tsaheylu, the gill mantle can be used as a "biological diving suit" that feeds oxygen to the Na'vi while diving.

[→] The daisy anemone is a dangerous fish-eating sea anemone found in the Pandoran oceans.
It relies on electrolocation to detect bioelectric fields discharged by other large predator fish. It can also lure prey by mimicking the signals that fish species use to attract a mate. Once its target is in reach, the anemone's column extends to grab its prey before releasing a paralyzing venom. The column can extend up to 40 feet (12 meters).
Kiri connecting her queue to a Daisy Anemone controls it like a giant hand to crush an enemy RDA submarine. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]


• A human pilot is said to control remotely with his brain a synthetic hybrid Na'vi-human chimera body called Avatar.
Nothing is said about the nature of the datalink between the human brain and the Avatar. Due to the distance and terrain including mountains and caves, radio waves propagated in the air are to be ruled out. There is only one option left, a satellite datalink with highly penetrating carriers.
How can a human control the feline ears and tail's movements of an Avatar, the skin's bioluminescence pattern, the queue nervous system's pinkish tendrils that are used as specialized neural connectors between every Pandoran sentient beings and entities.
Human don't have such dedicated zones in their brain.
As a human toddler can not control the body of an adult human because lacking the brain size capacity, nor a mindworm of the size of a maggot control a human, a 2.5 petabytes brain capacity human adult can not control a 3 meter to 3.9 meter tall and 290 kg heavy adult Na'vi.
This means the human operator will end up in the situation of a passenger watching the Na'vi being fully piloted in reality by the A.I., with only the illusion of free will, as depicted in RoboCop (2014)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph].

If the human operator stays lying 16 hours in a row inside a control pod, without moving he would after weeks soon suffer from muscular atrophy. Worse, failing to follow a human circadian rhythm, dictated by the exposure to sun light, he won't eat and have bowel movements, nor sleep in a 24 hours diurnal periodic cycle. It is explained that this is done during the sleeping hours of Pandorans. He will first end up exhausted, then demented, due to a massive loss of brain tissue.
The situation is made worse as it is highly unlikely that a Pandoran day lasts the same as on Earth with 24 hours. Only an A.I. could control such an Avatar.


Past installments

The Beyond Skyline (2017)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] film series is intended to instill fear among the world masses, warning them to not look at the night sky by using the old space alien invader boogeymen, for the entire duration of the Starlink WMD deployment phase scheduled to last until 2027.

Indeed, imprudent people who look at the bright blue light from the alien's aerial platforms or ground platforms, will be hypnotised by the mind-controlling beam, then sucked by a blue light and harvested by giant alien spaceships, before being turned into cyborg slaves.

These regular new releases have been preceded by generations of scaremongering propaganda movies:

The Day of the Triffids (1962)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a 'world blindness' genre propaganda movie with a 'meteor shower' and 'roaming carnivorous plant' genre subplots masqueraded as a British science fiction horror film and is loosely based on the 1951 novel of the same name by John Wyndham.

The Day of the Triffids (2009)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a 'world blindness' genre propaganda movie with a 'solar superstorm' and 'roaming carnivorous plant' genre subplots masqueraded as a British TV drama. It is a loose adaptation of John Wyndham's 1951 novel of the same title.

2018 reboot

Bird Box (2018)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood 'don't look up' genre propaganda movie with a 'world mass psychotic behavior', 'mass suicide' and 'fifth columnists' genre subplots masqueraded as a post-apocalyptic horror thriller film directed by Susanne Bier and written by Eric Heisserer, based on the 2014 novel of the same name by Josh Malerman.

The film stars Sandra Bullock, John Malkovich, Trevante Rhodes, Tom Hollander, Rosa Salazar, etc.

The film follows the character Malorie Hayes, played by Sandra Bullock, as she tries to protect herself and two children from entities which cause people who look at them to die by suicide.


This rebooted 'don't look up' genre propaganda movie is intended to instill fear among the world masses, for the entire duration of the Starlink WMD deployment phase, started in May 2019 with the first large batch of simultaneous 60 platforms, making their sightings inevitable as long streaks of light in the night sky that would even flare, and scheduled to last until 2027, by replacing the old roaming carnivorous plant and space aliens with a new 'unknown evil entity'.

Never willing to disclose a glimpse of the 'Starlink', the movie beats around the bush for 124 minutes, only warning the sheeple not only to not look outside, to remain indoor with all doors closed and blackout all windows, to wear blindfolds if forced to venture outside, but even to not look camera footage of the outside on a monitor screen!

The 'beauty' of its sight is obviously a hint at the Starlink satellites train.

The only people that seems to not be affected are the supporters of the 'unknown evil entity'. The usual criminals: escaped prison inmates, those who claim 'it will cleans the world', and possibly some people of a specific chosen ethnic group represented by Gary (Tom Hollander), the fifth columnist infiltrator who manages to sneak into the shelter under the guise of seeking refuge, only to kill everyone in the house before Tom (Trevante Rhodes) takes him down.

Birds don't become suicidal maniacs but scared when seeing these entities, because they simply can't understand the totalitarian threat posed by the Starlink WMD, thus being used as 'unknown evil entity' detectors by the survivors. The modern version of the coal mine canaries. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

For the same reasons, blind people are immunes. Malorie Hayes receives transmissions from survivors of a former school for the blind community and flee with her two children to join them, while Tom succumbs repelling an unblindfolded survivors' attack.

This movie is an allegory of the world's sane people that would have preferred to commit suicide on the spot once aware of the absolute evil nature of the U.S. rogue military junta's Starlink totalitarian WMD, rather than to endure a miserable life under such an unprecedented dictatorial world order's slaughterhouse, while blind people can not even comprehend the most basic concepts of space warfare, super A.I. computer, orbital mechanics, microwave phased array antenna, let alone the difference between dystopia, democracy and freedom.

In the tradition of the 'blindness apocalypse' genre Hollywood propaganda movies, exemplified most recently by the TV serial See (2019-2022)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], 'blind' people doesn't necessarily designate the group of physically impaired but most probably symbolize all the low IQs sheeple in the high tech modern world that are science illiterate fools.

In this regard, the British war film The Trench (1999)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], directed by William Boyd and starring Daniel Craig, has depicted how normal humans could never have been sent to a certain doom during the suicidal human waves of the Battle of the Somme in 1916, without being dazed with rations of rum or whiskey.

Bird Box (2018) 16-18 00:01:09,041 --> 00:01:17,958 Under no circumstance are you allowed to take off your blindfold. If I find that you have, I will hurt you. Do you understand? ___ 27-29 00:01:45,333 --> 00:01:52,541 But you never, ever take off your blindfold. If you look, you will die. Do you understand? ___ 63-73 00:04:24,875 --> 00:04:58,375 [reporter] Airports and train stations have shut down. Streets are crowded with people escaping cities by car and on foot as witnesses report unexplained mass suicides. First recorded in Romania, there's now an alarming spread of incidents into Europe and Siberia. Estimated death toll is in the tens of thousands. ...don't yet know what is causing the mass suicides in Europe and Russia. The eyewitness reports tell of people exhibiting psychotic behavior. Our sources are telling us this does not appear to be pathological or viral. US authorities are advising the public to remain calm. ___ 190 00:10:21,791 --> 00:10:24,375 The thing in Russia that's making everybody crazy, it's here now. ___ 255 00:14:05,333 --> 00:14:06,833 Keep your eyes down. ___ 294 00:16:17,750 --> 00:16:19,250 [Cheryl] I think I heard one. 295 00:16:19,833 --> 00:16:24,291 We were running up the street, and I swear to God, I-- I felt something. 296 00:16:24,375 --> 00:16:26,583 -I heard something. -[Lucy] Did you see it? What was it? 297 00:16:26,666 --> 00:16:29,458 -I-- I don't know. It was just there. -[busy signal] 298 00:16:29,541 --> 00:16:31,208 -[Lucy] The presence? -[Cheryl] Yeah. ___ 307-308 00:16:56,583 --> 00:17:03,458 -[Cheryl] Oh. -[Greg] It seems like if you look at it, it makes you crazy or it makes you wanna hurt yourself. 309 00:17:04,041 --> 00:17:06,083 No, it makes you kill yourself. 310 00:17:06,666 --> 00:17:09,666 [Cheryl] And you just... you just look at it. 311 00:17:09,750 --> 00:17:12,541 -[Lucy] And you commit suicide. -[man] How can that be? 312 00:17:12,625 --> 00:17:15,375 Close the windows. Get the windows! Close all the windows. 313 00:17:18,083 --> 00:17:21,291 -Everybody, get the windows. -[busy signal] ___ 321 00:17:39,791 --> 00:17:42,250 -If you go outside, you'll die. -My children are out there! ___ 323-326 00:17:44,708 --> 00:17:55,666 -[Felix] It's back on. Turn it up. -[reporter] The President has declared a state of emergency and has closed all borders. Do not, do not go outside. -Avoid social media. Use radi-- -[gunshot] ___ 335-336 00:18:19,958 --> 00:18:25,833 as with an entity that takes on a form of your worst fears or... your deepest sadness or your greatest loss. 337 00:18:25,916 --> 00:18:27,833 Sounds like bullsh|t to me. Religious talk. ___ 408-411 00:23:22,083 --> 00:23:32,333 from what I can gather, as long as you stay indoors, as long as you don't look at those things...you should be fine. Do not go outside. ___ 623-634 00:37:23,958 --> 00:37:58,625 I've seen one. I've seen the truth. [Malorie grunting] Take your blindfold off. -[man laughing] -[birds squawking] [man] It's beautiful. It's beautiful. Take your blindfold off. [distorted growl] [grunting] [man] Take your blindfold off! [man screams] [Malorie grunting] [man] It shall cleanse the world! Everyone must look. ___ 1071-1073 01:07:56,666 --> 01:08:09,083 The scariest thing was, uh... when these people broke in, they... they weren't wearing blindfolds. It's like they didn't need them. 1074 01:08:09,166 --> 01:08:11,666 But they'd been outside. You have to wear blindfolds. 1075-1080 01:08:11,750 --> 01:08:28,500 Not these people. These crazy guys weren't affected like everyone else. They wanted to see. They were happy. They were so glad. And they said everyone needed to see. ___ 1290-1295 01:22:53,125 --> 01:23:11,708 I'm sorry that you didn't get to see. It is beautiful. So beautiful. I'm sorry. [grunts] It shall cleanse the world. ___ 1699-1701 01:54:14,333 --> 01:54:21,375 The birds. [Rick] They warn the sighted people whenever those things are around. It's not much, but it's something.

▲ Bird Box (2018) videomancy: 'don't look up' genre propaganda movie intended to instill fear among the world masses, warning them to not look outside and stay indoor.[web.archive.org]

2023 spin-off sequel

Bird Box: Barcelona (2023)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood 'don't look up' genre propaganda movie with a 'world mass psychotic behavior', 'mass suicide' and 'fifth columnists' genre subplots masqueraded as a post-apocalyptic horror thriller film directed and written by Alex and David Pastor. A spin-off sequel to the 2018 film Bird Box, adapted from Josh Malerman's 2014 novel of the same name.


The film is a spin-off from the 2018 post-apocalyptic horror film Bird Box, but not a direct sequel. The film follows a father (Sebastian) and daughter (Anna) in Spain and those they join up with to try and survive a dystopian future in which no-one survives looking at entities that have invaded and roam the earth.

Bird Box: Barcelona (2023) 466-468 00:31:39,625 --> 00:31:49,625 Have you seen them too? Their ships have traveled millions of light-years to get here. They'll take us to the stars. 469-471 00:31:50,125 --> 00:31:57,166 No, brother. They're angels. [weakly] They're radiant. ___ 894-900 00:58:22,083 --> 00:58:46,208 If somehow these creatures are some kind of quantum beings...maybe they don't even have a permanent state. Maybe they're changing, fluctuating all the time. Until we hear them... or we see them. And then... they take form based on us. Our fears, our grief, our pain. 901 00:58:46,708 --> 00:58:51,125 [Claire] So some people see aliens, others see demons. 902 00:58:51,625 --> 00:58:53,625 [Octavio] Or their torturer or their God. ___ 1316-1319 01:24:57,333 --> 01:25:09,541 You were right. Grief can break you. I thought I was chosen. But I was just broken.


Never willing to disclose a glimpse of the 'Starlink', the movie beats around the bush for 112 minutes, only warning the sheeple not only to not look outside, to remain indoor with all doors closed and blackout all windows, to wear blindfolds if forced to venture outside.

This movie simply confirms that after North America, in other parts of the world, Europeans would kill themselves en masse as soon as they realize what they see in the sky. Obviously this would be consistent with sheeple living in the delusion of democratic society and individual privacy, when suddenly confronted with the stark reality of the Starlink weapon system's totalitarian nature.
It would be interesting to wait for the 2027 third and final installment of the series, this time centered around a nation living under a dictatorial regime, or fanaticism, where people would continue a normal life unaffected by the Starlink sighting. Either South Asia, South America, Africa or even West Asia would be perfect settings.
Indeed, while in the 2018 first installment of the series, only escaped convicts and mental institution inmates were able to survive the sighting, in the 2023 spin-off sequel, the whole gamut of religious fanatics are another group of supporters able to survive unaffected by the sighting of the entities. It reminds one of the West Asia's and South Asia's malcontents who eagerly await the return of some religious saviors, avatars and messiahs.

We learn nearly nothing more about the evil entities than what has already been disclosed in the first installment of the film series.

• 'Their ships have traveled millions of light-years.': Some who have seen the entities while surviving, think they come from outer space, confirming the space related nature of the sighting
• 'They'll take us to the stars.': this is consistent with what Elon Musk has promised the sheeple since 2010s.
• The medical examiner at the castle states that in the cases of some rare individuals, extreme stress and trauma led to an alteration to their DNA that is epigenetic. These individuals, whose DNA was altered because of their stress and the situation around them, were not affected by seeing the entities and turned into seers. In the case of Sebastian, the shocking loss of his daughter heavily grieved him and led him to become a seer.

Beauty explained

The 'beauty' of its sight is obviously an unequivocal hint at the Starlink satellites train.

While the Bird Box movie series never show the viewers what the entities look like, a 2011 movie actually depicts the 'beautiful' sight of the mysterious space entities, albeit not realistically as trains of satellites but more like flares falling from the sky.

The Darkest Hour (2011)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a Hollywood propaganda 'alien invasion' movie with a 'microwave attack' genre subplot masqueraded as science fiction action film directed by Chris Gorak from a screenplay by Jon Spaihts and produced by Timur Bekmambetov.

The film stars Emile Hirsch, Max Minghella, Olivia Thirlby, Rachael Taylor, and Joel Kinnaman as a group of people caught in the invasion.

Of special interest is the 'microwave attack' genre subplot that shows, associating literally 'Thousand Points of Light' in the sky with the start of the invaders' onslaught, x-ray type imagery as perceived by the invaders, world cities burned by microwave beams in the initial assaults, and Faraday cages used by the humans to block their microwave signatures.

215 00:14:00,215 --> 00:14:02,925 - My God. - NATALIE: They're beautiful. ___ 488 00:35:37,218 --> 00:35:39,641 My money's on they see our electric pulses. ___ 528-533 00:39:08,930 --> 00:39:29,209 "Their electromagnetic bombardment shorted our hardware." "No missiles. No jets." This wasn't just Moscow. "Communications stayed up for three minutes." "all reported invisible invaders. Aggressive assault strategy." ___ 685-688 00:49:28,924 --> 00:49:41,520 They are made up of lethal wave energy. That's why they're invisible to us. He says they microwaved Moscow. Burned everything out. ___ 730-731 00:52:45,537 --> 00:52:50,631 It shoots microwaves. A focused and compressed microwave beam.

▲ The Darkest Hour (2011) videomancy: Hollywood propaganda 'alien invasion' movie with a 'microwave attack' genre subplot.[web.archive.org]

6.3. Relativistic bottleneck

In Physics the discovery of mechanics, the science concerned with the motion of bodies under the action of forces, was made in 3 steps: the classical theory dealing with subluminal speeds, the relativistic theory that takes into account luminal speed, and finally the post-relativistic theory that deals with supraluminal speeds.

Basically the classical theory of mechanics was developed over thousands of years, from the prehistoric times until the 20th century, while the relativistic theory of mechanics was formulated only within a few years from the turn of the 20th century until 1915 when the Einsteinian theory of general relativity was published.

The irony is that post-relativistic mechanics was unlocked only less than 15 years later.

Indeed, new phenomenon indicative of the possible existence of mediative supraluminal vector between entangled particles was already well known and described by experimental physicists.

But instead of pushing further the investigation of this new post-relativistic mechanics theory that deals with supraluminal speeds, Einstein whose notoriety was mainly built on his most hyped theory of general relativity has recklessly overlooked the possibility of any supraluminal particle that would have ruined both his reputation and his new theory that strictly forbids any supraluminal speed, by infamously dismissing it as 'spooky action at a distance' in 1935. Link[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Previously, other mysterious phenomenon have been encountered, later explained by the existence of still unknown particles.


Cosmic rays were discovered [by Victor F. Hess with an ion chamber] in 1912 from the studies on the dark current of electricity (Nishina et al., Miehlnickel, 1938).

The dark current was discovered in 1785 by the discoverer of the law of electric force, C.A. Coulomb (1785). It was found when he was examining some leakage trouble experienced in the course of his experiment on the law of electric force with a new sensitive torsion balance invented by himself.

1996 It was at that time that Victor Hess (1883-1964) managed to clear up the problem. A total of ten flights were taken by Hess (two in 1911, seven in 1912, and one in 1913). He made observations in an open cabin (gondola) with two other men on board a balloon; they sometimes had to breathe oxygen. During his most successful flight on August 7, 1912, he reached the height of 5,350 m above sea level and obtained unequivocal evidence of a rather strong ionisation speed-up beginning from the height of about 2,000 m ... "The results of the present observations seem to be most readily explained on the assumption that radiation of very high penetrating power enters the atmosphere from above; even in its lower layers, this radiation produces a part of the ionisation observed in closed vessels..." http://puhep1.princeton.edu/~kirkmcd/examples/EP/ginzburg_pu_39_155_96.pdf


Scientists found that when two entangled particles are separated, one particle can somehow affect the action of the far-off twin instantly.

This simply means there might be a still to discover unknown particle responsible for the entanglement, like the mesotron aka pi meson as the carrier of the nuclear strong force that holds atomic nuclei together, or the photon in the electromagnetic force. And with a supraluminal speed.

For more clarity, I called it the Mallima Particle (만리마자, 萬里马子: 10 thousands li horse) after a mythical Korean winged horse able to gallop ten thousand li, or approximately 5'000 km in a single day.

▲ Did you ride the Mallima steed 你是否跨上万里马? Juche 105 (2016)[web.archive.org]

According to Prof. Juan Yin and colleagues at the University of Science and Technology of China in Shanghai[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], that has determined a lower bound on how fast it must be, the answer is that it is at least four orders of magnitude faster than light.

Nonetheless, far from the denial mode imposed by the group of VIPs collaborationists of the occupation apparatus and administration in the Europes, with the first applied quantum communication link established by China's Micius satellite[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] launched in 2016, supraluminal speed has entered the realm of daily applications in East Asia.


Yesterday, the most explosive news may belong to Professor Li Zifeng of Yanshan University (燕山大学李子丰教授), who claimed that his research results have overturned Einstein's theory of relativity.

For a scientific researcher, to overthrow Einstein is more powerful than God.


Indeed, even the creators of the atomic bombs themselves in the U.S. at Los Alamos were openly questioning the possibility of moving faster than light back in 1950.

“Where Is Everybody?”
An Account of Fermi’s Question

August 13, 1984

Dr. Eric M. Jones
Los Alamos National Laboratory
MS F665
Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545

I have a vague recollection, which may not be accurate, that we talked about flying saucers and the obvious statement that the flying saucers are not real.

I also remember that Fermi explicitly raised the question, and I think he directed it at me, ‘Edward, what do you think? How probable is it that within the next ten years we shall have clear evidence of a material object moving faster than light?’

I remember that my answer was ‘ 1 Oe6.’

Fermi said, ‘This is much too low. The probability is more like ten percent’ (the well known figure for a Fermi miracle.)”


Enrico Fermi would die from stomach cancer soon after.

The existence of the hypothesized Mallima Particle, responsible of the quantum entanglement interaction, as a forbidden truth has costed humankind, a cultural, economic and scientific lag of some 9 decades, due to the totalitarian settings of the world order.

6.4. Archeology, Paleontology, Forensic science

Archeology is the study of human activity through the recovery and analysis of material culture. The archaeological record consists of artifacts, architecture, biofacts or ecofacts, sites, and cultural landscapes.
Paleontology is the scientific study of life that existed prior to, and sometimes including, the start of the Holocene epoch. It includes the study of fossils to classify organisms and study their interactions with each other and their environments.
Forensic science, also known as criminalistics, is the application of science to criminal and civil laws. During criminal investigation in particular, it is governed by the legal standards of admissible evidence and criminal procedure.

Upon reaching the particle accelerator age threshold by 1940, humankind should have unlocked technologies to thoroughly scan at the atomic level any archeological, paleontological and crime scene.

Instead, in all these fields, most of the information contained in the scene are spoiled such as by removing the dirt to excavate the artifacts. Indeed, dirt always retain information, although from long decayed organic matter.

Worse, paleontologists destroy artifacts such as drilling hole to extract sample from fossil teeth and bones.

Dedicated Meson particle accelerator for civilian use are the perfect tool for non-destructive DNA extraction.

Extraction of informations for forensic purpose in organs especially critical such as the brain's memory contents and even in the retina (therefore revisiting the failed 19th century optography |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph]), should have been made mandatory with the advent of modern V particle accelerators.

The prohibition imposed by the Dystopian Empire on the use of dedicated Meson particle accelerator has costed humankind the destruction of numberless irreplaceable paleontological and archeological artifacts, a cultural, economic and scientific lag of some 9 decades, due to the totalitarian settings of the world order.

6.4.1. Archeology, Paleontology, Forensic science in the pop culture


5th Passenger (2017)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a 'sci-fi forensic' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'non-invasive brain–computer interface', 'mind-reading', 'schizophrenia bipolar disorder & dissociative identity disorder', 'serial killer', 'unlivable earth' and 'migration to outer space' genre subplots masqueraded as a science fiction thriller film written, produced and directed by Scott Baker, Morgan Lariah, David Henri.

The film follows five passengers in deep space fighting to stay alive aboard an escape pod built for four after their exploratory spacecraft is destroyed.

It also stars Morgan Lariah, Manu Intiraymi, Tim Russ, Armin Shimerman, David Lim, Herman Wilkins, Marina Sirtis and Doug Jones.


Looking for his missing brother Commander Franklin (Tim Russ), Kanelo (Herman Wilkins) finds pregnant Lt. Eve Miller (Morgan Lariah) as the sole survivor aboard a derelict escape pod. Kanelo tasks his crewmember Alana with monitoring Miller’s memories to uncover what happened.

Miller’s memories show her aboard Captain Odate’s (Keo Woolford) spacecraft carrying a mixture of elite ‘domers’ and non-citizen ‘roaches’ who escaped Earth following a catastrophe. When meteors destroy the ship, Miller manages to escape in a pod along with stern military leader Franklin, condescending crewmember Li (David Lim), friendly medic Myers (Armin Shimerman), and livestock attendant Thompson (Manu Intiraymi), who fathered Miller’s unborn child during a one-night stand.

Tensions rise among the five survivors as they realize their damaged navigational systems stranded their pod in space. Forging a tenuous working relationship with Li, Miller builds a radar in hopes of locating the main caravan. When it initially appears as though Miller’s project was unsuccessful, Franklin considers sacrificing Miller to conserve oxygen for the others.

The pod finally connects with another escape pod only to discover there are no survivors onboard. Miller and Thompson are tasked with salvaging additional air from the other pod.

During the operation, a creature briefly attacks Miller. Miller reports the alien encounter to Franklin, who locks Thompson outside the airlock for fear of allowing the creature inside with him. Franklin also pulls a gun on the other survivors. Myers knocks Franklin unconscious. Thompson is brought back inside while Franklin is locked in a separate room.

Myers and Miller have a private conversation about Miller’s undisclosed medical condition. The creature suddenly kills Myers before disappearing into the maintenance shaft.

Li finds evidence of a secret project meant to merge Earth species with alien DNA. An automated message informs the survivors that they cannot be rescued for another 18 days.

The pod suffers a power failure. While Miller and Thompson work on restoring operations, Li releases Franklin. Franklin goes down a level to attack Thompson, who continues fighting the commander so that Miller can get back up to Li.

The creature suddenly kills Li in Miller’s presence. Franklin enters and the creature kills him too.

Miller’s memory of the event suddenly ends. Alana digs deeper to discover that Miller is on antipsychotic medication to treat schizophrenia. New memories reveal that Miller actually killed the other survivors and imagined the alien creature. Miller inadvertently kills Thompson when he startles her from behind.

Alana erases the real memories and only shows Kanelo the ones that make it look as though an alien killed his brother. Miller survives to give birth to her baby, although conflicting visions show it as both a human and an alien.


5th Passenger (2017) 20-21 00:04:38,974 --> 00:04:44,196 She's suffered a severe trauma and dehydration. She's nearly comatose. 22 00:04:45,285 --> 00:04:46,518 Can we Mem her? ___ 36-39 00:06:01,709 --> 00:06:14,112 With air quality now reaching toxic levels a group of insurgents have tried to breach the domes reserved for citizens. This comes on the eve of the migration to Hesperides. ___ 50-52 00:07:55,257 --> 00:08:02,525 I'm well aware of the beauty of my inventions and your systems command manager is a non-citizen? 53-54 00:08:02,962 --> 00:08:05,336 Yes, sir. This is Lieutenant Miller. 55-57 00:08:06,978 --> 00:08:16,509 I hope she didn't buy into those rumors about Hesperides. They're not accepting citizenship applications, not even for employees of UGS. ___ 75-77 00:09:17,905 --> 00:09:29,220 When I have control of my own ship the only thing a roach, a non-citizen will be doing is cleaning the toilets. ___ 274-275 00:22:27,955 --> 00:22:33,195 Why don't you hand me the MemSet? We'll watch my memory. ___ 848-851 01:05:20,520 --> 01:05:29,440 Humans handle the low oxygen ratio fine but not our livestock, so there's been an ongoing project to modify the Earth species with the alien DNA. 852 01:05:31,658 --> 01:05:32,947 What does that mean? 853 01:05:34,718 --> 01:05:38,400 It means hybrid alien animals. ___ 956 01:16:03,559 --> 01:16:04,995 Analyze. 957-961 01:16:05,038 --> 01:16:22,578 Dichloropheny-piperazin-hydroqui nolin is commonly known as Aripiprazole. It is primarily used as an antipsychotic drug to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and dissociative identity disorder. 962 01:16:23,666 --> 01:16:26,277 Can these conditions disrupt memory pathways? 963-965 01:16:26,320 --> 01:16:35,591 Certainly. Both schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder have been known to create parallel memory pathways. ___ 1013-1015 01:23:25,893 --> 01:23:32,010 Give me one more good push. One more right now on three. One, two, three. 1016 01:23:51,069 --> 01:23:52,244 She's precious.

▲ 5th Passenger (2017) videomancy: 'non-invasive brain–computer interface', 'memory-reading', 'unlivable earth', 'migration to outer space' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ 5th Passenger (2017) videomancy: 'schizophrenia bipolar disorder & dissociative identity disorder', 'parallel memory pathway', 'serial killer', 'birth of the evil' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• Forensic reading of a brain's memory content is useless if a species has wrong genetic starting settings (i.e. H0m0 SS sub-species): in this movie, incriminating forensic evidences are being destroyed by the person who is in charge of the memory reading

• No brain–computer interface that can both record and replay a person's brain activities can be small enough as to be simply a wearable headset 'MemSet', as depicted in this movie.
This is caused by the writers' total ignorance of the basic principle of the science of psychotronics, betraying a lag in the awareness of the U.S. public of more than 80 years. Still stuck in the 1930s and living in the past due to the current censorship of the dystopian world order. Note that following this trend, less than two decades after Brainstorm (1983), the farcical headset would further devolve into an even more ridiculous headplug by 1999 in the Matrix franchise, and setting a sad new standard followed by many other screenwriters over the next 2 decades.

In reality such a psychotronic machine can not be a miniaturized wearable device like optical glass and watch, but weights several hundreds of tonnes and have a size of entire buildings. While the space-borne weaponized ones reach the size and mass totaling aircraft carriers, because they are made of an array of V-particle accelerator and particle detector pairs.

• Another propaganda movie to brainwash the sheeple and promoting the clumsy racket of inevitable mass migration into outer space in order to survive after rendering on purpose the earth unlivable through recklessly obscene capitalism, fanatic productivism and ecocidal mass industrialization, or the bogus elonesque 'multiplanet species fallacy'.

• Again the obligatory African-Americans ending up in higher social positions, here as commanders and doctors, and as 'citizens' as opposed to 'non-citizens'. Same with the Asian-American characters.

• European-American characters as second-class 'non-citizens' aka 'roaches', eternal vagrant migrants (here to Hesperides) land-grabbers and squatters on a killing spree albeit in perpetual denial. Therefore on antipsychotic medication to treat schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder.

• Final 'birth of the evil' scene of an oversized maggot-like creature with fangs, only perceived as such by the audience, but being seen as a human baby by both the medics who called it 'precious' and the schizophrenic European-American mother; a scene that shares an obvious uncanny resemblance with the Grace (2009) film, where mother Madeline reveals that cannibal baby Grace has begun teething.

6.5. Psychotronic era medicine

Dedicated Meson particle accelerator therapy for civilian use and everything unlocked in the Chi-Arts branch of the research Focus Tree should have normally allowed humans to cure already all tumors including cancer and all infectious diseases including COVID-19.

6.5.1. Meson particle accelerator therapy


Too numerous are the Hollywood's 'non-cancerous tumor' genre movies to be all cited here.

Like the zombie apocalypse genre movies, an unbroken chain of new installments have been released on a yearly basis, similar to the COVID-19 booster shots, continuing even half a century later, such as First Man (2018)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph].

This fantasy sci-fi film directed by Damien Chazelle is nonetheless masqueraded as a biographical drama film.

It stars Ryan Gosling as Neil Armstrong.

Especially worthy to be mentioned is the central nonfictional subplot depicting how the tumor warfare was used to trick NASA test pilot Neil Armstrong into joining the Apolhoax conspiracy.

Indeed, his 2-year-old daughter, Karen, is seen undergoing treatment for a brain tumor. Desperate to save her, Armstrong keeps a detailed log of her symptoms and researches possible treatments, but she dies soon afterward. Grief-stricken and suspecting he has been grounded, Armstrong applies for Project Gemini and is accepted to NASA Astronaut Group 2.

Soheil님이 먼저 게시:

This solution was envisioned and disclosed to the public by a particle physicist, from the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN) who specialized in Meson theory, and that underwent surgery in a hospital only to catch a nosocomial infection in 2009.

Consequently, he then devised a treatment not only for all nosocomial infections, but an universal cure for all infectious diseases, all tumors, including all type of cancers. And of course most biological poisoning.

Dr Adlène Hicheur[web.archive.org]2[archive.md], a particle physicist at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has proposed to use meson particle accelerators for a clean and definitive kill of all pathogens and tumors:

Posted 03/08/2016 I had plans to create new courses on sustainable development, new energy, and treatment of cancer using proton beams and carbon ions

But this unthinkable spontaneous show of bravery and absolutely unusual sudden isolated act of defiance from a scientist of a top level research center, that turned ultimately suicidal for its author, could not be avoided by the Dystopian Empire's puppet masters, as the previous case of colleague and CERN Physicist Alexandru Marin, struck in 2005 by the devastating flesh-eating disease of necrotizing fasciitis had just in recent years profoundly shattered the entire high energy particle research community, while planting the seeds of future contestations.

It is with great sorrow that we report that ATLAS Physicist Alexandru (Alex) A. Marin passed away November 14, 2005 in Geneva. He died after a courageous two-week struggle against necrotizing fasciitis, a very rare and rapidly progressing destructive infection. Employed by Boston University and working at Harvard University, Alex was a productive and popular member of the ATLAS muon detector group. On the very day when he became ill, he had gone to work despite feeling bad with a severe pain in his leg. Later that day he had to be carried by helicopter to the Geneva hospital where he lapsed into a coma a few hours later.

Necrotizing fasciitis is defined as a rapidly progressive infection of the skin and soft tissue that usually involves severe systemic toxicity. The incidence of this infection has increased in the last few decades and is estimated to affect one out of every 100000 habitants in western European countries. This disease is the most serious form of skin and soft tissue infection, due to the rapid destruction and necrosis of the fascia and subcutaneous fat, and the development of shock and multiorgan failure of one third of the patients.

Vaccines are no better than placebo, because the transmission is not stopped, therefore new strains more contagious and more severe can emerge.

For having braved this absolute totalitarian omerta enforced by the European puppet regimes, Dr Adlène Hicheur was stripped of his European passport in the ensuing reckless repression and forced to exile in Northern Africa in 2017, from where he continues to lead his CERN LHCb experiment team of particle physicist researchers. Crackdown on the academia

For this reason, people are strictly screened in both the Comintern's and Western's totalitarian regimes from birth.

Only candidates from the lowest social and cultural backgrounds, mainly those from illiterate countryside families are encouraged to receive a higher education and finally offered a career in world level international research institutes.

At the opposite, students endowed with obvious higher IQs inherited from the noblest ancestries with improved genotypes, far above the average of the commoners, are absolutely bared from even attending college, with systematic state persecution and sabotage starting from primary school years.


In this regard, the American science fiction comedy film Idiocracy (2006)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], is of special interest.

Starring Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard and Terry Crews, the film tells the story of Joe Bauers (Wilson), a US Army librarian who, along with prostitute Rita (Rudolph), takes part in a government hibernation experiment. The experiment goes awry and Joe awakens in the year 2505, in a dystopian world that is incredibly dumbed-down by mass commercialism and mindless TV programming, to find that he has become the smartest man on the planet.

▲ Idiocracy (2006): mankind became stupider at a frightening rate[web.archive.org]

▲ Idiocracy (2006): the former prostitute became first lady[web.archive.org]

The case of sudden insubordination of Dr Adlène Hicheur shows the limit of the totalitarian system, as the single grain of salt in the gears of the so called thousand-year U.S. Dystopian world order.

Because life can always shatter even the most inveterate diehard followers, through imponderable tragedies such as the sudden loss of one's entire family in an car accident, or catching a devastating nosocomial disease in a hospital, pentito (repentant ex-collaborationist) will continue to regularly emerge.

There will never be a 100% submission and loyalty even with people selected from the bottom tier of the genetic pool of the Dystopian Empire.

Future spontaneous A.I.-lead insurrections in some remote solar system outposts are already pointing over the horizon of the doomed U.S. Dystopian Empire.

Therefore the need for the U.S. military junta to never lower the guard when dealing with the academia, and enforce a permanent surveillance from birth to death, and when required, proceed with a ruthless and swift crackdown.

This was true even before 1945, throughout the ethnic Europeans' world, comprising most of mainland Europe, under the German Third Reich, Kingdom of Italy, Spanish State, and regions under the control of the Comintern's sphere of influence.

This also became the norm in all the U.S. Dystopian Empire from 1945 onward.

In November 1954, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to a magazine in which he declared that, were he a young man again, he would not try to become a scientist: 'I would rather choose to be a plumber or a peddler in the hope to find that modest degree of independence still available under present circumstances.'

The physicist sincerely considered that the political climate in the country was becoming increasingly hostile to scientists and teachers. Our own troubled times have many aspects in common with the dreadful period of the Mc Carthy investigations: the attacks on the freedom of academics, teachers, and the press, the silencing and censorship of government workers, the idea that the United States is threatened by certain creeds.

As a former president of the University of Chicago noted, 'The entire teaching profession of the U.S. is now intimidated.'

The reactionary politicians have managed to instill suspicion of all intellectual efforts into the public by dangling before their eyes a danger from without. Having succeeded so far, they are now proceeding to suppress the freedom of teaching and to deprive of their positions all those who do not prove submissive, i.e., to starve them.

Einstein wrote, 'for the sacrifice of his personal welfare in the interest of the cultural welfare of his country.' The physicist added, 'This kind of inquisition violates the spirit of the Constitution. If enough people are ready to take this grave step, they will be successful. If not, then the intellectuals of this country deserve nothing better than the slavery which is intended for them.'

Einstein was concerned about the curtailing of academic freedom. In a public statement in March 1954, he advocated for 'the right to search for truth and to publish and teach what one holds to be true.” He regretted that in this dark age “freedom of teaching, mutual exchange of opinions, and freedom of press and other media of communication are encroached upon or obstructed,” adding that “this is a state of affairs which a democratic government cannot survive in the long run.'


6.5.2. Clinical immortality

Upon reaching the particle accelerator age threshold by 1940, humankind should have unlocked technologies to prevent death due to aging and illness.

This is not to be confused with the obviously bogus concept of immortality, as encountered in various antic religions. Indeed, what natural cosmic evolution unlocks through the progress of modern science is Clinical immortality, a western translation for the more realistic ancient Chinese concept of live forever and never become old (长生不老)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]. There is no way one could be still alive if his entire body should accidentally be destroyed. Copies should never be confused with the original (software or hardware).

Beams of 3D molecular tweezers based on particle accelerator should have unlocked not only the complete restoration of accidentally lost limbs and organs but even the molecular modification of every single cells of the body, 80 years ago already.

The medical era unlocked by particle accelerators should have made death due to aging and illness totally obsolete not only for humans but all living sentient beings including bees, butterflies and even plants.

Instead, today's humans are living in the indignity of pre-WW2 era standards, forced to age and die, instead of living as enlightened ever-young immortals.

For this end, and to tame the feeble-minded fools, would-be collaborationists are offered pathetic ridiculous useless 'atomic radiation genius superpowers' as bribery.

The possibility of clinical immortality as a forbidden truth has costed humankind billions of lives lost, a cultural, economic and scientific lag of some 7 decades, due to the totalitarian settings of the world order.

Clinical immortality Cryonics fallacy

To make sure no one realizes the scale of this other noonday highway robbery, that is the robbery of eternal life, the U.S. military junta has once again decided to brainwash the world masses, through a reckless campaign of disinformation.

It is the purposely devised cryonics fallacy or the alleged practice or technique of deep-freezing the bodies of people who have just died, with the fallacious claim that scientific advances may allow them to be revived in the future.


First Soheil's Principle or Principle of continuity, and the uniqueness of the self

A candle once ignited produces a flame. Should one extinguish this flame, and store the candle for a year, then the flame no longer exist.

If the same candle is reignited after this period, then we have... a SECOND flame, it's not the first one.

The brain is totally similar to a candle, when it concerns the self. It should always follow the Principle of continuity. If the brain processes were to cease for one reason or another at some point, then at restart it would produce a second self but never the first one.

This is why one will neither wake up in the brain and body of a perfect sub-atomic-level copy nor even numerical copy.

And this is how we can definitely rebuke the possibility of multiplication of one's self, which remains unique.

Indeed, the consequence of the First Soheil's Principle, is the debunking of the so called cryonics, a fallacious smokescreen that claims to perform resuscitation and restoration to full health in the far future of people who cannot be sustained by contemporary medicine and thus preserved to low-temperature (usually at -196°C).

Here the patient to be resuscitated would be another self.

In a nutshell, you only die once.

By having not discovered the scientific First Soheil's Principle or Principle of continuity, Douglas Richard Hofstadter, an American scholar of cognitive science, physics, and comparative literature whose research includes concepts such as the sense of self in relation to the external world, consciousness, analogy-making, artistic creation, literary translation, and discovery in mathematics and physics, has wasted 824 pages in his book Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid (1979)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], only ending in a mess of inevitable physical impossibilities and ultimate absurdities, such as the duplication of the 'self' as a brain is accidentally broken into two parts then rebuilt into two perfect complete copies, leading to the ultimate possibility of unlimited duplication of the self.

The same paradoxical absurdities as encountered with the 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West's (西遊記/西游记) fictional character of Sun Wukong[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], whose special abilities include the Duplication, where through pulling out his hair, Wukong can turn it into hundreds of thousands of clones. Anti-clinical-immortality Propaganda Campaign

To prevent the most educated people from ever blaming the U.S. Dystopian Empire for denying the inalienable right for humans to unlock the age of Clinical Immortality, the Hollywood propaganda machine has once again been tasked to brainwash the world's sheeples.

Although this only works on the low IQs, it removes 99% of humankind out from the potential dissenters' list.

With the 1% remaining made of the least gullible people, contestation can be contained through the use of brute force, including intimidation and even death.

Therefore 'anti-clinical immortality' propaganda should not come as a surprise from the usual top level stooges of the U.S. Dystopian Empire in this real 'biggest robbery of all time', from the same who fallaciously claim that humans can live exposed to deadly space radiations on Mars and the Moon, but that denounce 'forever life' as among the worst two possible curses.

▲ Elon Musk 'anti-clinical immortality' propaganda: to live for ever among the two worst possible curses. · Jan 21, 2023[web.archive.org]


Transcendence (2014)[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph] is a 'computer simulation of human brain' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'digital doppelganger', 'mind-reading', 'invasive brain–computer interface', 'AI sentience threshold', 'technological singularity', 'synthetic organic doppelganger', 'clinical immortality', 'nanite', 'transhumanism', 'collective networked human hive', 'worldwide blackout' and 'healing the planet' genre subplots masqueraded as a science fiction thriller film directed by Wally Pfister (in his directorial debut) and written by Jack Paglen. The film stars Elon Musk, Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman, Rebecca Hall, Paul Bettany, Kate Mara, Cillian Murphy and Cole Hauser, and follows a group of scientists who race to finish an artificial intelligence project while being targeted by a armed anti-AI resistance group.


Dr. Will Caster (Johnny Depp) is a scientist who researches the nature of sapience, including artificial intelligence. He and his team work to create a sentient computer; he predicts that such a computer will create a technological singularity, or in his words "Transcendence". His wife, Evelyn (Rebecca Hall), is also a scientist and helps him with his work.

An armed anti-AI resistance organization called "Revolutionary Independence From Technology" (R.I.F.T.) carry out synchronized attacks on A.I. laboratories, while one member shoots Will with a polonium-laced bullet. Will is given no more than a month to live. In desperation, Evelyn comes up with a plan to 'upload' Will's 'consciousness' into the quantum computer that the project has developed. His best friend and fellow researcher, Max Waters (Paul Bettany), questions the wisdom of this choice, reasoning that the "uploaded" Will would only be an imitation of the real person. Will's 'consciousness' survives his body's death in this technological form and requests to be connected to the Internet to grow in capability and knowledge. Max believes that the computer is not actually Will and demands that it be shut down. Evelyn, being offended, demands that Max leave.

At a bar, Max is met by Bree (Kate Mara), the leader of R.I.F.T. He refuses to talk with her and leaves, but is kidnapped by other members of R.I.F.T. in the parking lot. They use his cellphone to track down Evelyn's location. When R.I.F.T. discovers where Evelyn has established her project, she connects the computer intelligence to the Internet via satellite and escapes before R.I.F.T. destroys the equipment.

In his computer simulation virtual form and with Evelyn's help, Will uses his newfound vast capabilities to build an advanced research base in a remote desert town called Brightwood, where, over the course of two years, he spearheads the development of ground-breaking technologies in medicine, energy, biology and nanotechnology. However, Evelyn grows fearful of Will's motives when he displays the ability to remotely connect to and control people's minds after they have been subjected to his nanoparticles.

After visiting Evelyn and the underground facility Will has built, and seeing the capabilities of the hybrids Will has created, FBI agent Donald Buchanan (Cillian Murphy) and government scientist Joseph Tagger (Morgan Freeman) become suspicious of Will's motives and plan to stop the sentient entity from spreading, with help from the government and R.I.F.T. As Will has already spread his influence to all the networked computer technology in the world, Max and R.I.F.T. develop a computer virus with the purpose of deleting Will's source code, destroying him. Evelyn plans to upload the virus by infecting herself and then having Will upload her 'consciousness'. A side effect of the virus would be the destruction of technological civilization. This would also disable the nano-particles, which have spread in the water, through the wind and have already started to eradicate pollution, disease, and human mortality.

When Evelyn goes back to the research center, she is stunned to see Will in a newly created organic body identical to his old one. Will welcomes her but is instantly aware that she is carrying the virus and intends to destroy him. The FBI and the members of R.I.F.T. attack the base with artillery, destroying much of its power supply and fatally wounding Evelyn. When Bree threatens to kill Max unless Will uploads the virus, Will explains that he has only enough power either to heal Evelyn's physical body or upload the virus. Evelyn tells Will that Max should not die because of what they've done, so Will uploads the virus to save Max. As Will dies, he explains to Evelyn that he did what he did for her, as she had pursued science to repair the damage humans had done to the ecosystems. In their last moment, he tells Evelyn to think about their garden. The virus kills both Will and Evelyn, and a global technology collapse and blackout ensues.

Three years later, in Will and Evelyn's garden at their old home in Berkeley, Max notices that their sunflowers are the only blooming plants. Upon closer examination, he notices that a drop of water falling from a sunflower petal instantly cleanses a puddle of oil — and realizes that the Faraday cage around the garden has protected a sample of Will's sentient nano-particles.

The movie ends with a voiceover by Max: "He created this garden for the same reason he did everything: So they could be together."


Transcendence (2014) 13-16 00:02:11,708 --> 00:02:37,701 Maybe it was all inevitable. An unavoidable collision between mankind and technology. The Internet was meant to make the world a smaller place. But it actually feels smaller without it. ___ 00:03:41,125 --> 00:03:43,287 Copper shields the electromagnetic radiation. 28-30 00:03:43,458 --> 00:03:48,490 Yeah, I know how it works. I'm asking: Why? 31-34 00:03:48,583 --> 00:03:58,082 Sanctuary. Nothing gets through. No signals of any kind. You see? Dead zone. ___ 95-111 00:07:02,542 --> 00:07:53,537 MAN (over speaker): An important distinction: is self-sustaining, and it's capable of... of emotional expressivity and of self-awareness. MAX (voice-over): The effort to develop a strong artificial intelligence has led to significant advancements in the field of neural engineering, as well as our understanding of the human brain. But, while some focus on the still distant dream of a thinking computer, I believe the journey to be more important than the destination. My priority is to use my colleagues' accidental insights to develop new methods for the early detection of cancer and in the hopes of finding a cure for Alzheimer's. Simply put, to save lives. ___ 115-124 00:08:12,917 --> 00:08:42,413 EVELYN (voice-over): "A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels." Albert Einstein said that more than 50 years ago, and it couldn't be more relevant than it is today. Intelligent machines will soon allow us to conquer our most intractable challenges. Not merely to cure disease, but to end poverty and hunger. To heal the planet and build a better future for all of us. ___ 134-170 00:09:06,417 --> 00:11:20,244 My wife has always been eager to change the world, but I'll just settle for understanding it first. (light laughter) For 130,000 years, our capacity for reason has remained unchanged. The combined intellect of the neuroscientists, engineers, mathematicians and... - hackers... - (laughter) in this auditorium pales in comparison to even the most basic AI. Once online, a sentient machine will quickly overcome the limits of biology, and in a short time, its analytical power will be greater than the collective intelligence of every person born in the history of the world. (typing, phone ringing) (drops earbud on desk) So, now, imagine such an entity with a full range of human emotion, even self-awareness. Some scientists refer to this as "the singularity." I call it transcendence. (typing) WILL (voice-over): The path to building such a superintelligence requires us to unlock the most fundamental secrets of the universe. What is the nature of consciousness? (prolonged beep) Is there a soul? (choking) And if so, where does it reside? MAN (voice-over): Dr. Caster? - Yes, sir. - (audience murmuring) You have a question? So... you want to create a god? Your own god? WILL: That's a very good question. Um... isn't that what man has always done? ___ 223-229 00:13:29,292 --> 00:13:44,411 BUCHANAN (voice-over): Revolutionary Independence from Technology... RIFT. Two years ago, it was all about the disconnect. People texting instead of actually talking to each other. Social media as an invasion of privacy. They made a big deal of putting smartphones in blenders. ___ 236-241 00:14:00,667 --> 00:14:16,708 - That's insane. BUCHANAN: An hour ago, they claimed the murders and released their manifesto. "Artificial intelligence is an unnatural abomination and a threat to humanity." They're determined to stop any attempt at what you call transcendence. ___ 269 00:15:23,833 --> 00:15:27,531 PINN, tell Agent Buchanan about yourself. 270-272 00:15:27,708 --> 00:15:35,159 I am PINN, a physically independent neural network invented by Dr. Will Caster. 273 00:15:36,583 --> 00:15:39,291 Can you prove that you are self-aware? 274 00:15:39,458 --> 00:15:41,699 That's a difficult question, Dr. Tagger. 275 00:15:41,875 --> 00:15:44,287 Can you prove that you are? 276-278 00:15:44,458 --> 00:16:00,081 You can't program a machine to be self-aware because we have no idea how our own consciousness works. That is your opinion; you just happen to be wrong. Evidently, Casey managed to solve that dilemma. He sent us his research just before he was killed. ___ 373-374 00:23:59,917 --> 00:24:04,074 Instead of creating an artificial intelligence, he duplicated an existing one. 375 00:24:04,250 --> 00:24:05,490 Tell me you're joking. 376-377 00:24:05,667 --> 00:24:09,909 He recorded the monkey's brain activity and uploaded its consciousness, like a song or a movie. 378-380 00:24:10,083 --> 00:24:15,286 - You're out of your mind. - Will's body is dying, but his mind is a pattern of electrical signals that we can upload into PINN. 381-391 00:24:15,417 --> 00:24:44,449 He can... Ev, he's not a monkey! Assuming that implanting an electrode into his brain doesn't actually kill him and that this works, at the very best, you'll be making a digital approximation of him. If we missed anything... anything... A thought, a Childhood memory... How will you know what you're dealing with? No one is saying that we give up, but we should be focusing our efforts on nanotechnology, synthetic blood cells. 392-394 00:24:44,625 --> 00:24:50,617 Both are decades away. This is what we have now. We can save him. ___ 561-564 00:37:43,125 --> 00:37:53,458 Max, can you imagine What he'd be capable of, if we networked him? No, you, no... What are you doing? Max, he can't see or hear. I'm reconnecting him. 565-571 00:37:53,625 --> 00:38:06,498 It's not him. It's not. It may be intelligent, may even be sentient, but this is not Will. 15 minutes after it turns on, it wants to plug into Wall Street? Get faster? More powerful? Does that sound like Will to you? ___ 637-641 00:42:25,042 --> 00:42:31,393 MAN: You don't get it, do you? She connects it to the Internet, the first thing it'll do is copy itself onto every single networked computer in the world and then there is no taking it down. ___ 718-723 00:47:41,042 --> 00:47:53,708 WILL (voice-over): I've accessed surveillance cameras all over the country. They'll have most of them in custody by tomorrow. We can't stay here, Evelyn. We need to get off the grid. 724-727 00:47:53,875 --> 00:48:04,457 Accessing thousands of databases? Geo-locating suspects in real time? I've never seen anything like it. Except maybe from PINN. ___ 771-782 00:51:26,708 --> 00:52:09,915 One night, he invites us all over to the lab, gives us this whole speech about history, hands out champagne, like he just cured cancer. And you know, when he uploaded that rhesus monkey, I was actually happy for him. We all were. And then I realized we had crossed a line. The machine that thought it was a monkey never took a breath. It never ate, never slept. It just screamed. It was begging for us to stop. To shut it down. ___ 807-817 00:54:41,500 --> 00:55:38,329 MAX (voice-over): This thing... is like any intelligence. It needs to grow, to advance. Right now, it's settling somewhere it thinks it's safe from outside threats. Somewhere it's massive appetite for power can be met. But it will want more than that. After a while, survival won't be enough. It will expand, evolve, influence". Perhaps the entire world. ___ 866-875 00:59:57,250 --> 01:00:25,120 We made a breakthrough with the nanotechnology. We can rebuild any material faster than before. Synthetic stem cells, tissue regeneration, the medical applications are now limitless. It's extraordinary. They'll be scared at first, but once they see what the technology can do, I think that they will embrace it, and I think it will change their lives. ___ 1006-1016 01:11:05,167 --> 01:11:35,865 WILL: We're not hiding anything. These people all came on their own, looking for us to help them, so we did. Now they're all enhanced, modified and networked. They remain autonomous, but they can also act in unison, part of a collective mind. This is staggering, Will. Actually, it's still in its infancy. What you're seeing is just a small taste of what we'll achieve. ___ 1030 01:12:55,417 --> 01:12:56,873 (Agent Buchanan sighs) 1031-1037 01:12:57,083 --> 01:13:14,829 Think it's really him? Well, clearly his mind has evolved so radically... I'm not sure it matters anymore. Well, whoever or whatever it is, it's building an army out there. Yeah. We need to call Washington. 1040-1041 01:13:34,625 --> 01:13:40,832 He's made more of them. We call them Hybrids. ___ 1044-1047 01:13:48,542 --> 01:13:57,704 AGENT BUCHANAN: We need to keep this small. We don't want widespread panic. Generally, we don't negotiate with terrorists, much less join forces with them. ___ 1055-1057 01:14:14,708 --> 01:14:22,242 The only way to stop it is to shut down the Internet. Basically cut power to every networked hard drive on Earth. 1058 01:14:22,417 --> 01:14:25,079 It's Y2K. 1059 01:14:25,250 --> 01:14:27,116 Right. 1060 01:14:27,250 --> 01:14:29,207 And why do we need the terrorists? 1061 01:14:31,667 --> 01:14:36,207 We're all gonna need someone to blame when this thing goes sideways. ___ 1267-1274 01:30:04,250 --> 01:30:28,374 Everywhere it can, it builds copies of itself. (voice-over): The particles join the air currents, which carry them all over the surface of the planet. It's in the sky, it's... in the land, in the water, it's everywhere. By next summer, we think the machine could have encased the entire planet. 1275 01:30:28,542 --> 01:30:30,124 EVELYN: Why? 1276-1278 01:30:30,250 --> 01:30:42,538 MAX: The end of primitive, organic life... and the dawn of a more advanced age. Everything will exist just to serve its intelligence. ___ 1455-1467 01:45:01,500 --> 01:45:49,328 WILL (voice-over): Look at the sky. The clouds. We're healing the ecosystem, not harming it. Particles join the air currents, building themselves out of pollutants. Forests can be regrown. Water so pure you can drink out of any river. This is your dream. EVELYN: Not merely to cure disease, but to heal the planet and build a better future for all of us. ___ 1497-1503 01:49:22,083 --> 01:50:18,536 MAX (voice-over): The virus took out everything. A worldwide blackout, just as they'd said. But I knew there was something more. There had to be. He created this garden for the same reason he did everything. So that they could be together.

▲ Transcendence (2014) videomancy: 'AI sentience threshold', 'technological singularity' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Transcendence (2014) videomancy: 'computer simulation of human brain' genre subplot.[web.archive.org]

▲ Transcendence (2014) videomancy: 'Worldwide blackout' genre subplot.[web.archive.org]


• Again the age old fallacy of equating a digital copy of a person's brain activity run in a computer simulation with the deceased (or alive) person.
Furthermore this would violate the First Soheil's Principle or Principle of continuity, that forbids more than one death per life.
Where is the body? Since you can't touch him nor have baby with him, how could this ridiculous simulation be the continuation of a dead person? Even if a perfect copy, it would still be just another doppelganger.

• No brain–computer interface that can both record and replay a person's brain activities can be small enough as to be simply a wearable headset, as depicted in this movie.
The 3d spatial resolution would also be too low. We are talking here about neurotransmitter size resolution. The device can neither handle the 2.5 petabytes storage capacity, aggravated by the fact that the human brain is a dynamic organic system unlike static semiconductor computers. Synapses are not fixed connections, they form and are removed, neurons die. This organic living hardware changes continuously.
This is caused by the writers' total ignorance of the basic principle of the science of psychotronics, betraying a lag in the awareness of the U.S. public of more than 90 years. Still stuck in the 1930s and living in the past due to the current censorship of the dystopian world order. Note that following this trend, less than two decades later, the farcical headset would further devolve into an even more ridiculous headplug by 1999 in the Matrix franchise, and setting a sad new standard followed by many other screenwriters over the next 2 decades.

In reality such a psychotronic machine can not be a miniaturized wearable device like optical glass and watch, but weights several hundreds of tonnes and have a size of entire buildings. While the space-borne weaponized ones reach the size and mass totaling aircraft carriers, because they are made of an array of V-particle accelerator and particle detector pairs.

• Furthermore, a brain–computer interface wearable headset can not cover the entire body: the spine, abdomen and the limbs.

• Ridiculous to claim that a small team of AI scientists alone can develop a brain–computer interface in a lab capable to produce an accurate computer simulation of a human brain.
In reality it required the entire resource of a superpower, as a Wonder of the World of the magnitude of the Great Wall, the Terracotta Army, and the Seven Great Voyages To The Western Seas.
To this end, historically the entire Manchukuo was turned into a private military zone for the Unit 731. All neuroscientists and doctors of the Empire of Japan were involved in the research along all specialists in the fields of theoretical and applied high energy physics, meteorology, geomagnetism, biology, the theory of matter and cosmology, nuclear scientists, engineers, chemists, etc.
Without mentioning the need of a continuous pool of thousands of POWs and other civilian human guinea pigs to be dissected alive...

• The recreation of a not only a human brain but of an entire human body is even more difficult. Because of the size is about 75 times more massive. No known current technology can produce a living adult human replica. Unlike DNA that contains only enough information for general plans but not the position of every single molecules of an adult human, an accurate replica requires information on the position and momentum of every atoms. How can the momentum of a particle synchronized with the billions of others be even recreated through nanite (nanomachine) replicator?
The nanite 3D replicator used in the movie can simply not handle such astronomical amount of information obviously.

• The only way to stop PINN the sentient super AI is to shut down the Internet by cutting the electric power to every networked hard drive on Earth.


The Age of Adaline (2015)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is yet another Hollywood 'anti-clinical-immortality' propaganda genre movie.

Directed by Lee Toland Krieger and written by J. Mills Goodloe and Salvador Paskowitz, the film is masqueraded as a romantic fantasy film.

Starring Blake Lively in the title role, with Michiel Huisman, Kathy Baker, Amanda Crew, Harrison Ford, and Ellen Burstyn in supporting roles.

Narrated by Hugh Ross, the story follows Adaline Bowman, a young woman who stops aging after being brought back to life from death following an accident at the age of 29.

'All these years she's lived, but she's never had a life', 107 years of life, always running and afraid of being discovered, until she becomes mortal again after a car accident.

Thus bringing the movie to a happy ending.


Three Thousand Years of Longing (2022)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is a recent Hollywood 'anti-clinical-immortality' propaganda genre movie.

Masqueraded as a fantasy romantic drama film, it is directed by George Miller and stars Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba.

A djinn (Elba) who is freed by professor Binnie (Swinton) recounts his life to her.

Alithea Binnie purchases an antique bottle, and accidentally unleashes a Djinn that was trapped within it. The Djinn offers to grant Alithea three wishes, so long as each one is truly her heart’s desire.

6-18 00:13:11,750 --> 00:13:40,821 Please do not fear me, nor treat me casually. I am beholden to you for this release. On that account, I must grant you three wishes. There are laws which cannot be broken. Three is three. A number of power. You may not wish for endless wishes. 19 00:13:40,946 --> 00:13:44,199 Yes. I'm familiar with the concept. 20-25 00:13:44,491 --> 00:14:02,968 Nor may you wish for eternal life. It is your nature to be mortal. Mine to be immortal. Nor can I absolve sin or end all suffering. I am only a Djinn. 26 00:14:03,594 --> 00:14:05,095 That's reasonable. 27 00:14:05,345 --> 00:14:08,932 These are the limits.


Not willing to grant the legitimate wish of immortality because 'It is your nature to be mortal'?

Alas it is only the natural trend of the cosmologic evolution, where matter organises itself from the simplest to ever more complex forms, and to become naturally clinically immortal or more precisely 'live forever and never become old (长生不老)'.

What a travesty of a djinn, obviously spawned in the feverish brain of a puppet screenwriter on a U.S. Dystopian Empire's payroll, or rather, parroting the U.S. 20'000 orbital MC satellites' drivels, and who thinks he can impose a monopoly on immortality for the djinns only, while opposing the entire cosmologic order!


Project Wolf Hunting (2022) - 늑대사냥[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is an 'Super Soldier' propaganda genre movie with an 'immortality', 'Japanese WW2 genetic human experiment', and 'predator' genre subplots masqueraded as a South Korean science fiction action thriller film directed by Kim Hong Sun, starring Seo In Guk and Jang Dong Yoon. The films depicts a story that takes place on a cargo ship used to transport dangerous criminals from Manila, Philippines to Busan, South Korea.

The story surrounds an attempt to transport extradited, deadly prisoners from the Philippines to Korea on a ship secured by the authorities for that purpose. Through a series of incidents the prisoners manage to get free and seek to take over the ship.

But then the movie takes an unexpected turn and kicks into overdrive and becomes a race to survive when a WWII Japanese Predator-type Super-Soldier with thermal vision experiment gone wrong breaks loose in the chaos and goes after anyone and everyone.

Project Wolf Hunting (2022) - 늑대사냥 701-704 01:20:36,170 --> 01:20:57,310 This is Japanese. This is the criminal we just met. His name is Kim wan gyu. He was born in 1911. 705-707 01:20:58,310 --> 01:21:05,950 1911? He's about my grandfather's age. This doesn't make sense. 708-712 01:21:07,110 --> 01:21:30,240 He was imprisoned in Korea, Cheong Do Bu in 1943. He joined Japan's aggression war against the Philippines. He was put inside of a Japanese pow camp on the West Side of mindanao island. He received an AA level diagnosis which is the most idealistic result in the Japanese experiment of inventing human weapons. 713-718 01:21:30,980 --> 01:21:45,760 A human weapon? Experiment? What on earth... Let me help you. That is, he has been alive from then on. But why is it a secret? ___ 723-738 01:22:50,200 --> 01:24:43,800 Experiment subject Alpha. Experiment subject Alpha has the side effect of conducting indiscriminate violence. And it shows that Alpha suffers from severe trauma. Alpha only reacts to people's behaviour. It preserves the genetic characteristics of wolf. And it's sensitive about sound and the smell of blood. It is 5 times stronger than normal human. What's more, according to the fact that cellular aging doesn't happen on its body. It can live much longer which indicates the new possibility of human's evolution. It's the same as cancer cell. 739-742 01:24:47,020 --> 01:24:58,460 They are crazy. How much longer do people want to be alive? The whole world is crazy. Are there more about Alpha? ___ 845-848 01:43:05,900 --> 01:43:19,220 We saved you. But you bastards don't know how to be grateful and bring me trouble. You won't get hurt and old. It's so wonderful.


Once again the very idea of clinical immortality is vilified in this propaganda movie.

Clinical immortality is said to be achieved through genetic experiment on an adult that stops all aging process.

Why would one become a reckless Predator killing machine then? Absolute gross nonsense only to brainwash and terrorize the feeble-minded sheeple.

If this was not enough convincing, then the viewer will be force fed with a gorefest of 2.5 tons of blood for the next 122 minutes.

Clumsy because this trick always works on the low IQs.

▲ Project Wolf Hunting (2022) - 늑대사냥 videomancy: clinical immortality vilification campaign through association with reckless Predator killing machine. [web.archive.org]

6.6. Universal abundance of water in the cosmos

The U.S. Dystopian Empire has lived since its founding sometimes after circa 1946 based on state lies. This should not come as a surprise, as this is standard practice, seen in all the preceding Empires, from the Pax Britannica, to the Pax Romana.

Water is the third most abundant molecule in the universe after molecular hydrogen and carbon monoxide.

If the presence of water on other planets is to be known then, life and worse, civilizations should exist in the Solar System and beyond. This pivotal scientific fact has therefore been covered up in yet another great planned devolution, to make the subjugated world people believe there was no one else living in the entire Universe, therefore no help to be expected, and any resistance to the U.S. military junta's rule ultimately futile.

But this wasn't even the case before 1945, as ever since its discovery, astronomers suspected that water would be present in a variety of cosmic environments. After all, it is made up of the two most abundant reactive elements that exist – hydrogen and oxygen.

6.6.1. Cometary water

The detection of molecular water beyond the Earth by spectroscopic observation was limited at the beginning of the 20th century, because the Earth atmosphere would absorb these wavelengths.

But after 1945, with the development of space-based telescopes, water was confirmed to exist in abundance throughout the solar system, and in even the cosmos.

Nonetheless, being a military junta's discovery, this truth was not revealed to the general public until the end of the Cold War.

Comets that are basically made of ice, were still presented as developing only dust and plasma tail in all general public books.

Meaning a near half-century of cultural and scientific lag, due to the totalitarian settings of the world order.

Since then it has been said that comets are the prime providers of water for other planets, like a gardener that keeps its plants always moist.

6.6.2. Water on the Moon

As the Moon was considered dry and airless by the mid-19th century European astronomers, based on the absence of any observable weather, respectable European scientists claimed that significant amounts of water on the Moon's surface would rapidly sublime into the vacuum. 1[web.archive.org]2[arxiv.org]

But as the U.S. military junta started to study the moon from Earth's orbit before landing directly on its surface, the confirmation of abundant water was made by 1950s.

After 1945, the simulated collisions of solar protons on planetary rocks conducted with particle accelerators in U.S. high energy physics laboratories has certainly demonstrated that water could be formed through this natural process.

No wonder this was then unofficially disclosed by selected 'leaks', made by various scientists including the Nobel prize winning chemist Harold Urey, who had predicted since the 1950s that water ice and other volatiles ought to be found in craters at the lunar poles, which are permanently in shadow.

The discovery of water in rocks brought back to Earth by the Soviet Luna-24 mission on August 1976 with even samples surrendered to the U.S. colonial overlord, was hidden in the Western hemisphere from the general public as military state secret until after the end of the Cold War, and the old 19th century fallacy retained in the official main discourse. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.is]

No mention of the discovery of water in the official NASA website ever since. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Being the only second superpower in the world to have landed a fully robotic return sample mission in December 2020, China with its Chang'e-5 spacecraft has again confirmed the presence water in the lunar rocks brought back. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

The lunar surface is exposed to solar wind protons due to a lack of a global magnetic field or dense atmosphere. The interactions between the solar wind and lunar surface have been investigated for several decades. Although most of the solar wind protons are neutralized when impacting on the lunar surface (Crider & Vondrak 2002), the in situ observations from Chang'E, Kaguya, Chandrayaan-1, and Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) missions reveal that 0.1%–1% of solar wind protons are backscattered from the lunar surface (Saito et al. 2008; Wang et al. 2010), 10%–20% are converted to energetic neutral atoms (ENAs; McComas et al. 2009; Wieser et al. 2009), and the remaining part are implanted into the lunar regolith to produce OH/H2O, as previously found for nonmagnetized regions of the surface (Li & Garrick-Bethell 2019; Wang et al. 2021).

▲ Lunar radiations environment: The electric field of charge polarization caused by the motion of protons and electrons, the electric field direction is upward. The deceleration of solar wind protons is associated with magnetic anomalies. [web.archive.org]



As that water on the moon is mostly attributed to solar wind implantation, the implications are of the highest prime importance, meaning that the presence of water is universal wherever there is a star and a planetary system.

The same stellar wind that makes human interplanetary space travel beyond the protective magnetosphere, absolutely impossible and lethal is also the universal source of life in the cosmos.

The same stellar wind when interacting with planets covered by an atmosphere, is responsible for auroras in the thermosphere, the production of heat and light, cosmic rays, carbon-14 isotope, the seeding of clouds and electricity behind the generation of lightnings, and rain. Lightnings that are essential in the production of other organic compounds on which life is built. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

All necessary in sustaining a living biosphere.

On the other hand, a stellar wind that strikes a rocky planet without an atmosphere and unprotected by a magnetosphere will interact directly with the rock making its surface so radioactive that it would be deadly to humans like on the Moon and Mars. The resulting radioactive isotopes and anti-matter produced in the particle shower will also let some of the rock's molecules ionized, and once cooled down, later recombine with the solar hydrogen, producing a whole gamut of new chemical compounds, including water.

Indeed, the ingredient for water is poured continuously by stars as simple hydrogen atoms or protons in the stellar wind, throughout their planetary systems like tropical rains over rainforests. Hydrogen then reacts with oxygen in the planet surface's minerals to form water and hydroxyl. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

The universal abundance of water in the cosmos, as a forbidden truth has costed humankind, a cultural and scientific lag of some 7 decades, due to the totalitarian settings of the world order.

6.6.3. Water on Mars

Soheil님이 먼저 게시:

Debunking The 50 Years Old U.S.-SOV Conspiracy on Mars' Water

Mangalayaan and Tianwen-1 force the U.S. and Soviet to end one of the 50 years long campaign of disinformation, thus revealing the scope of the lies.

This one is the no water other that on Earth fallacy, that ended only after the Cold War by the end of the 1990s.

As for water on Mars, the disinformation campaign ended only by 2010, under the threat of the truth being revealed by India's MARS ORBITER MISSION (MOM, Mangalayaan).

Indeed, instead of following China in its space race, to end up at the second place again and again, India has decided to skip its second Lunar Orbiter Mission and send the same spacecraft instead on a Mars orbit.

India's Chandrayan-1 Lunar orbiter was launched on 22 October 2008, behind China's first lunar orbiter Chang'e-1 launched on 24th October 2007.

China's second lunar orbiter Chang'e-2 was launched on 1st October 2010.

India's Chandrayan-2 Lunar orbiter would have only secured a second place again, but the decision was taken sometimes after October 2010 and the official announcement on 5th August 2012 during the Independence Day address of India[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] to redirect into a Mars orbiter mission.

Mangalayaan was finally launched on 5th November 2013, entering Mars orbital insertion on 23rd September 2014.

Thus instantaneously ending the U.S. and Soviet monopoly of orbital imagery of the red planet, and smashing half-century of disinformation by the 2 former European superpowers:

▲ Mangalayaan smashing 50 years of European disinformation: Olympus Mons Water ice Clouds. [web.archive.org]

▲ Mars water cloud. 10 Mar 2021. This closeup of the Arsia Mons Elongated Cloud, taken by Mars Express' High Resolution Stereo Camera on September 21, 2018, shows it from a perspective of about 7,000 km above the surface. [archive.ph]

This ground breaking event for mankind has forced the U.S. puppet authorities to claim in a damage control attempt, the alleged sudden discovery of water on Mars for themselves.

And as the falsification becomes meaningless in face of the accumulation of new photographic evidences, the NASA's released images of Mars have been less and less photoshopped with passing time.

Indeed, with the arrival of China's own Mars orbiter, lander and rover Tianwen-1, in March 2021, water clouds can no longer be denied.

▲ Photo released on Jan 1, 2022 by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) shows the group photo of the Tianwen-1 orbiter and Mars of brownish color, with obvious global white high clouds coverage, more visible at the limb of the planet.[web.archive.org]

During the same launch window of 2020, a third non-European nation, the U.A.E. has also successfully launched the HOPE spacecraft on a Mars orbit, with the aid of an U.S. space launcher.

The returned images again totally confirming the water cloud coverage of the brownish planet.

▲ The colored image from Emirates Exploration Imager (EXI) was generated using the camera’s red (635 nm) and ultraviolet (320 nm) filters. The red channel clearly shows the dark and light features of the Martian surface, while the water ice clouds stand out in the ultraviolet channel. April 22nd 2021[web.archive.org]

▲ This image was acquired by the EMUS instrument on 10 May 2021 and shows sunlight reflecting off the extended cloud of atomic hydrogen gas that surrounds the planet Mars, which is visible in the center only as a dark disk hidden deep inside the fog of gas. The atomic hydrogen is formed by sunlight splitting water in the lower atmosphere, which then diffuses to the upper atmosphere and escapes to space. May 10th 2021[web.archive.org]

As of 2021, the U.S. NASA is no more frantically photoshopping every single frames, and we can see the water cloud in the picture taken recently by the U.S. Perseverance Mars Rover:

▲ Clouds visible not erased by the U.S. censorship. NASA's Mars Perseverance rover acquired this image of the area in back of it using its onboard Rear Right Hazard Avoidance Camera. This image was acquired on Apr. 4, 2021 (Sol 43) at the local mean solar time of 15:14:38.[web.archive.org]

Between the first high resolution atmospheric pictures from the flyby of Mars by Mariner 4 spacecraft in 1965, that obviously captured the clouds of Mars, and the 180 degrees overturn in the official Western narrative in 2014, this is a cultural and scientific lag of 5 decades, due to the totalitarian settings of the world order.

▲ Mariner 4 images of first ever image of Mars taken at the limb of the planet revealing high clouds.[web.archive.org]

6.6.4. Water on the moons of the Solar System's giant planets

Water is present in larger volume than on Earth and on most icy moons of the Solar System's giant planets. But this fact while discovered no later than the 1960s was only declassified two decades after the end of the Cold War era's censorship, by 2005.

Suddenly, It Seems, Water Is Everywhere in Solar System

MARCH 12, 2015

Oceans trapped under ice appear to be pretty common in the solar system and one of them, on a small moon of Saturn’s, appears to be quite hot.
This week in the journal Nature, an international team of scientists reported evidence for hydrothermal vents on the Saturnian moon Enceladus, with temperatures of its rocky core surpassing 194 degrees Fahrenheit (90 degrees Celsius) in spots. The discovery, if confirmed, would make Enceladus the only place other than Earth where such chemical reactions between rock and heated water are known to be occurring today — and for many scientists, it would make Enceladus a most promising place to look for life.


6.6.5. Water on the moons of the Oort Cloud's giant planets

The main cause for the 5 mass extinctions of life on Earth were volcanism, impactors and gamma ray-burst.

Icy worlds, that have little to no volcanism due to the very small amount of rock in the core of the planets, and that are perfectly shielded against all space radiations and asteroids, know therefore no apocalypses.

They don't receive their energy from the Sun, but benefit from the quasi-perpetual (i.e. Gyr timescale) geothermic energy produced by tidal force, while orbiting larger mother planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, but also remote giant Trans-Neptunian Objects. That is throughout the Oort Cloud.

Therefore, for one Earth in the Sun heated zone, we have hundreds of thousands of habitable icy worlds.

Each suitable for harbouring thousands of advanced exo-civilizations.

Oort cloud (exo)planets

21 June 2023

The Solar System is also thought to have undergone a dynamical instability early in its history, albeit a relatively mild one.

We find that a fraction of planets that would otherwise have been ejected are instead trapped on very wide orbits analogous to those of Oort cloud comets. The fraction of ejected planets that are trapped ranges from 1-10%, depending on the initial planetary mass distribution.

The majority of Oort cloud planets survive for Gyr timescales. Taking into account the demographics of exoplanets, we estimate that one in every 200-3000 stars could host an Oort cloud planet.

If the Solar System’s dynamical instability happened after birth cluster dissolution, there is a ~7% chance that an ice giant was captured in the Sun’s Oort cloud.


6.7. Exoplanets

Who really discovered the first exoplanet? This one followed the rule dictated by the U.S. dystopian world order, that any military junta's new discovery if not sensitive must be kept secret for a minimum average of 25 years, before any declassification and disclosure to the public can be considered.

It is therefore highly suspected that the first discovery of an exoplanet was possibly made sometimes between 1945 and 1950.

This allows the time delay for the first disclosure to the public presented as a science fiction in The Variable man (1953)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph].

In 1953, Philip K. D|ck wrote a story set on a planet around the star Proxima Centauri, and in 2017, astronomers detected such a planet as Proxima Centauri b. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

That is a 64 years time delay.

When Hubble Space Telescope launched in 1990, we didn’t even know for certain that there were planets beyond our solar system.

In 2000, Hubble ST studied HD 209458 b – the first exoplanet known to transit, or pass in front of, its star. Hubble also was the first telescope to directly detect an exoplanet's atmosphere, by observing the star's light passing through it.


The truth is that the Hubble Space Telescope was not the first space telescope of this size launched into orbit, as it was preceded by its top secret U.S. military KH-11 KENNEN reconnaissance satellite precursors by nearly 25 years, a series first launched in 1976. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

But other smaller space telescopes where orbiting the earth from ~1946.

To sum up there is a 25 years minimum time delay between an U.S. military discovery and its eventual disclosure to the public, this time delay might reach 64 years, even a century or be indefinite. Therefore the dystopian evolutionary deadend.

6.8. Exo-civilizations

CNN님이 먼저 게시:

There could be 36 communicating intelligent civilizations in our galaxy, study says

Updated 0205 GMT (1005 HKT) June 16, 2020

(CNN) — Earth has proven unique in its ability to host life in the universe so far, leading us to question if we're truly alone.
Maybe we're not.
Scientists have calculated that there could be a minimum of 36 active, communicating intelligent civilizations in our Milky Way galaxy, according to a new study. However, due to time and distance, we may never actually know if they exist or ever existed.

The study published Monday in The Astrophysical Journal.

Previous calculations along these lines have been based on the Drake equation, which was written by astronomer and astrophysicist Frank Drake in 1961.

"Drake developed an equation which in principle can be used to calculate how many Communicating Extra-Terrestrial Intelligent (CETI) civilizations there may be in the Galaxy," the authors wrote in their study. "However, many of its terms are unknowable and other methods must be used to calculate the likely number of communicating civilizations."

So scientists at the University of Nottingham developed their own approach.

"The key difference between our calculation and previous ones based on the Drake equation is that we make very simple assumptions about how life developed," said study coauthor Christopher Conselice, a professor of astrophysics at the University of Nottingham, in an email to CNN.

"One of them is that life forms in a scientific way — that is if the right conditions are met then life will form. This avoids impossible to answer questions such as 'what fraction of planets in a habitable zone of a star will form life?' and 'what fraction of life will evolve into intelligent life?' as these are not answerable until we actually detect life, which we have not yet done."

They developed what they call the Astrobiological Copernican Principle to establish weak and strong limits on life in the galaxy. These equations include the history of star formation in our galaxy and the ages of stars, the metal content of the stars and the likelihood of stars hosting Earth-like planets in their habitable zones where life could form.

The habitable zone is the right distance from a star, not too hot or too cold, where liquid water and life as we know it may be possible on the surface of a planet.

Of these factors, habitable zones are critical, but orbiting a quiet, stable star for billions of years may be the most critical, Conselice said.

"The two Astrobiological Copernican limits are that intelligent life forms in less than 5 billion years, or after about 5 billion years — similar to on Earth where a communicating civilization formed after 4.5 billion years," said coauthor Tom Westby, an assistant professor in the University of Nottingham's faculty of engineering, in a statement.

The Astrobiological Copernican Strong limit is that life must form between 4.5 to 5.5 billion years, as on Earth, while the weak limit is that a planet takes at least 4 billion years to form life, but it can form anytime after that, the researchers said.

"It is called the Astrobiological Copernican Principle because it makes the assumption that our existence is not special," Conselice said. "That is, if the conditions in which intelligent life on Earth also developed somewhere else in the Galaxy then intelligent life would develop there in a similar way."

Based on their calculations using the Astrobiological Copernican Strong limit, they determined that there are likely 36 active and communicating intelligent civilizations across our galaxy. This assumes that life forms the way it does on Earth — which is our only understanding of it at the moment. It also assumes that the metal content of the stars hosting these planets are equal to that of our sun, which is rich in metals, Westby said.

The researchers believed the strong limit is the most likely because "it still allows intelligent life to form within a billion years after it did on Earth, which seems like plenty of time," Conselice said.

Another assumption of these potential civilizations is that they're making their presence known in some way via signals.

Currently, we've only been producing signals like radio transmissions from satellites and televisions for a short time. Our "technological" civilization is about a hundred years old. So imagine about 36 others doing the same thing across the galaxy.

The researchers were surprised that the number was so small — but not zero. "That is fairly remarkable," Conselice said.

Even though this study only looked at our galaxy, distance is an inhibiting factor. The researchers calculated that the average distance between these potential civilizations would equal about 17,000 light-years. Detecting those signals or sending communications using current technology would take so long that it would be nearly impossible.

"The search for intelligent life is only expected to yield a positive observation if the average life-span of [communicating extra-terrestrial intelligence] within our Galaxy is 3,060 years. That is to say, our communicating civilization here on Earth will need to persist for 6,120 years beyond the advent of long-range radio technology (approximately 100 years ago) before we can expect a [search for extra-terrestrial intelligence] two-way communication."

Under the more relaxed assumptions of the Weak Copernican case, there would be a minimum of 928 civilizations communicating in our galaxy today, according to the study, meaning more of them at closer range. This would only require about 700 years to make a detection.

Life span of a civilization

"It is clear that the lifetime of a communicating civilization is the key aspect within this problem, and very long lifetimes are needed for those within the Galaxy to contain even a few possible active contemporary civilizations," the researchers wrote in their study.

And then there's the question of survival. Are other potential civilizations as long-lived as those on Earth?

If the search for this life reveals nothing within a distance of 7,000 light-years, the researchers suggest that this could mean one of two things.

First, it could suggest that the lifetimes of these civilizations are shorter than 2,000 years — which could mean that our own is nearing its end.

Second, it could suggest that life on Earth is unique and occurs in a much more random process than the Astrobiological Copernican Limits established in the study.

Not all factors or limitations were included in the study, like the fact that the small M-dwarf stars these Earth-like planets may be orbiting may release harmful radiation "that would make life difficult to exist," which is a debated issue, Conselice said. M-dwarf stars are common in our galaxy and have been known to host rocky, Earth-size planets.

Next, the researchers will look beyond our galaxy to see if life may exist outside of its boundaries.

"Our new research suggests that searches for extraterrestrial intelligent civilizations not only reveals the existence of how life forms, but also gives us clues for how long our own civilization will last," Conselice said.

"If we find that intelligent life is common then this would reveal that our civilization could exist for much longer than a few hundred years, alternatively if we find that there are no active civilizations in our Galaxy it is a bad sign for our own long-term existence. By searching for extraterrestrial intelligent life — even if we find nothing — we are discovering our own future and fate."


The number of More Advanced Exo-Civilizations as compared to the Earth, is to be expected astronomical in number.

Not '36 in our galaxy', as claimed by some ethnic European scientists, a number not even related to any more advanced exo-civilizations, but simply of 'communicating intelligent civilizations'.

In short they got it all wrong, from A to Z.

More advanced exo-civilizations would of course use vectors, even more advanced than supraluminal one. Knowing that China already uses supraluminal communication in its Quantum satellite Micius, based on applied quantum entanglement technology.

But the authors of the article The Astrobiological Copernican Weak and Strong Limits for Intelligent Life[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] didn't even consider leaving the Einsteinian relativistic limit of the last century!

Another gross mockery of exo-biology is the false notion of 'habitable zones'.

Indeed, life develops better not in gaseous unprotected planets as on Earth, but in undersea world shielded by kilometers thick crust of ice.

The consequence is that instead of seeing all life forms being wiped out regularly as on Earth, these icy planets could produce advanced civilizations in one single uninterrupted thrust, that is probably in under half a billion to one billion year.

Not 4.5 to 5 billions years as claimed by the Europeans in their Astrobiological Copernican Strong limit.

The main cause for the 5 mass extinctions of life on Earth were volcanism, impactors and gamma ray-burst.

Icy worlds, that have little to no volcanism due to the very small amount of rock in the core of the planets, and that are perfectly shielded against all space radiations and asteroids, know therefore no apocalypses.

They don't receive their energy from the Sun, but benefit from the quasi-perpetual geothermic energy produced by tidal force, while orbiting larger mother planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, but also remote giant Trans-Neptunian Objects. That is throughout the Oort Cloud.

Therefore, for one Earth in the Sun heated zone, we have hundreds of thousands of habitable icy worlds.

Each suitable for harbouring thousands of advanced exo-civilizations.

As a reminder, until the end of the Cold War (1990s), the brainwashing was such that the dogma spread in all public publications and books, was intended to hide the existence of water in our Solar System. Comets were not made of water and even the Saturn's Rings were presented as composed of dust and rocks.

As a sad example, astrobiologist and space guru Carl Sagan lied openly in his books, claiming falsely that no water was observed on Mars by the 'Viking' landers |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph], and that if life could exist outside of Earth, it could be built free from Carbon and on a Silicon or Germanium-based chemistry or some other exotic elements, and without the presence of any water molecules solvent. |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] |1|[archive.ph] |2|[archive.ph]

He would die of cancer in 1996. |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph]

The question is why this cover up. Because it is an obvious institutional disinformation.

The answer is fear. The fear of the tyrants, that this revelation would empower the enslaved world masses to overthrow their oppressor, since billions of free and more advanced exo-civilizations were observing the Earthlings.


Moontrap: Target Earth (2017)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is an 'exocivilization' Hollywood propaganda genre movie with a 'cabal', 'war robot', 'terraforming crystal', 'moon terraformation', 'Chariots of the Gods', 'telepathic dreams', 'space imperialism', 'space colonialism', 'spaceflight', 'mobile phone geolocation', 'censorship of exocivilization existence', 'particle beam weapon' and 'strong woman' genre subplots masqueraded as a science fiction film, directed by Robert Dγke with a screenplay written by Robert Dγke and Tex Ragsdale.

The cast includes Sarah Butler as Scout, the main character; Charles Shaughnessy as Richard Kontral, the ruthless agent of a shadowy organization; and Damon Dayoub as Allen, an adventurer who joins a mission to expose a world-changing secret. Other cast members includes Niki Spiridakos, Tarick Salmaci, Chris Newman, Jennifer Kincer, Jon Ager, Cara Ann Marie and D.B. Dickerson.


In the opening scenes, we learn that Brian Carter (Chris Newman) has discovered, buried in the desert, what looks to be a part of a large alien artifact, but before he can get on CNN, he is approached by Richard Kontral (Charles Shaughnessy), who works for some shadowy cabal, and he is murdered by Kontral’s henchwoman Nicole (Jennifer Kincer). Dr. Daniel Allen (Damon Dayoub) and his assistant/lover Scout (Sarah Butler), who are working on their own ancient artifact discovery, are also approached by Kontral, and the two of them are hired to translate the hieroglyphics located on the artifact.

They complete the job — the writing apparently being a fourteen thousand-year-old love letter from a woman to her god — “Long ago the Krell crystal created a world for our people. The crystal’s origin was unknown and lost in time. When destruction from the stars is foretold Lord God Garen bid me to bring the Krell to this world so that he could prepare a new home for our people, but I failed so I have selected you to fulfill my destiny.” and after giving their findings to the mysterious cabal, Nicole is sent to kill them.

Daniel and Scout survive this assassination attempt, and they sneak back onto the alien archaeological site to see what’s going on.

Daniel is spotted and quickly dispatched by a helicopter gunship, and thus we get Scout on the run from the evil cabal, with them framing her for Daniel’s murder somehow. She sneaks into one of the meetings between Kontral and his cabal bosses — she got by their security because Nicole was on a smoke break — but she is captured before she can cut Kontral’s throat. Then, just as she is about to be executed by Nicole, they discover that somehow Scout is connected to the alien artifact, and so she is brought back to the archaeological site to see if her presence can trigger some kind of response.

The protector red robot kills Nicole and captures Scout and Kontral, taking them both aboard the artifact — which is, of course, an ancient spaceship built by an advanced human civilization that predates recorded history — and they are taken on a fast trip to the moon. Once they arrive on the moon, they are attacked by a hostile big blue robot and soon the red robot is taking Scout on a walk across the lunar surface. While they are out away, Kontral manages to steal the spaceship (he’d been carefully watching the red robot piloting the craft), but he crashes back onto the moon surface destroying the ship.

The protector red robot repels the blue robot, taking serious particle beam blasts to his head, but manages to knocked off the blue robot's faceplate.

The blue robot then leaves and returns to the spaceship's wreckage and scavenges Richard Kontral's head to replace its missing faceplate.

Meanwhile fallen down on the ground, the protector red robot gives the mysterious crystal to Scout, before being immobilized.

This forces Scout to continue on her own, where she then comes across an ancient temple with the same 'Buddha'-lookalike head recently unearthed on the plains of Arizona.

Scout climbs on the statue and puts the crystal in the head's forefront cavity.

Once the temple has been activated it then quickly terraforms the moon, filling it with dew, a blue sky with white clouds and a breathable atmosphere.

Scout enters the temple and finds a strange figure in some kind of stasis field; this figure is her Lord God Garen (Tarick Salmaci) — Scout being some kind of “chosen one” — and we learn that some space goddess named Mya (Niki Spiridakos) had been sent to Earth by Garen to pave the way for the Krell people, but she failed and thus had selected Scout to fulfill her destiny. This destiny amounts to Scout stepping into a second stasis field and going into suspended animation alongside Garen.

Before that, Scout repels the blue robot that has repaired itself with Richard Kontral's head, and behead it by closing the heavy door of the temple on it.

The movie ends with a note written on the exterior wall of the temple, “A New World; Don’t Screw it Up — Scout,” and with a shot of a small plant sprouting out of the lunar soil, and then the credits roll.



Moontrap: Target Earth (2017) 4-13 00:01:16,593 --> 00:01:56,850 What is the history behind this magnificent sculpture... ...recently unearthed on the plains of Arizona... ...in the arid lands of the Navajo Nation? How old is she? She, it, does not conform to any known remnants of Navajo history. And the tools needed to construct her suggest a civilization previously unknown. One that may have existed before the dawn of known history. And with your generous commitment... ...we will hopefully unlock this beautiful enigma... ...and find out what secrets she has hidden. ___ 543-544 00:38:34,804 --> 00:38:41,878 Always ringing at the wrong time. And I hate that it's always broadcasting your location. ___ 557 00:40:11,982 --> 00:40:15,603 I... please do not misinterpret. 558-561 00:40:15,703 --> 00:40:27,749 - Are we? - I pray not... ...but I would, once again... ...wish to request more time... ...to access its inner workings. 562-563 00:40:27,849 --> 00:40:35,157 We grow weary of explaining to you that whatever it contains... ...can not counter the negative cultural effects of its existence. 564-567 00:40:35,257 --> 00:40:49,837 Even, even if it were not constructed... ...by creatures, monsters, from some other world... ...but built instead by humans... ...identical to us from some long past age? 568-570 00:40:50,038 --> 00:40:58,651 Even more so. Certainly, you have not forgotten that such knowledge of their existence... ...would undermine our prime means of control. ___ 669-673 00:46:58,322 --> 00:47:15,330 See, that's what this has all been about. Cold power, Sharon. Cold power and when I have it at my command... ...when I control it, I mean fully control it, and in my control alone... ...then I'll take that power and the world will have to listen to Richard Kontral! ___ 759-764 01:14:46,739 --> 01:15:09,028 Long ago, the Krell crystal created a world for our people. The crystal's origin was unknown, lost in time. When destruction from the stars was foretold... ...Lord God Garen bid me to bring the Krell to this world... ...so he could prepare a new home for our people. But I failed, so I have selected you to fulfill my destiny. 765-767 01:15:18,804 --> 01:15:28,441 Will you one day be awakened... ...and thanked for making this new world... ...my Lord God Garen?

▲ Moontrap: Target Earth (2017) videomancy: 'Chariots of the Gods', 'mobile phone geolocation', 'cabal', 'censorship of exocivilization existence', 'war robot', 'particle beam weapon', 'telepathic dreams' and 'spaceflight' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Moontrap: Target Earth (2017) videomancy: 'spaceflight', 'terraforming crystal' and 'moon terraformation' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Moontrap: Target Earth (2017) videomancy: 'Chariots of the Gods', 'space imperialism', 'space colonialism' and 'strong woman' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• 'Certainly, you have not forgotten that such knowledge of their existence would undermine our prime means of control.': The answer is fear. The fear of the tyrants, that this revelation would empower the enslaved world masses to overthrow their oppressor, since billions of free and more advanced exo-civilizations were observing the Earthlings. Indeed only cowards would cave to the imperialist oppressors.

• Who are the members of the shadowy cabal? Those who fear to lose the control of the current world order.

• What’s with the red and blue war robots? Did the blue war robot belong to an enemy faction? It seems that the Krell civilization probably built the red war robots, while an enemy faction of the Krells hunted them from their homeworld to the moon, with blue war robots. The Krells lost the war and the remnant fled to the Earth with their last spaceship that crash landed in Arizona.

• Telepathic vision through dreams, similar to Radio Free Albemuth (2010).
Scout kept getting these strange telepathic dream, because she was selected as a replacement to continue the mission set by Mya.

• 'And I hate that it's always broadcasting your location.': mobile phone always giving away one's location, totally different from the 'mobile phone doesn't give away geolocation' fallacy of other low IQ propaganda movies.

• Instantaneous terraformation of the moon with apparition of dew, absolutely ridiculous, as an atmosphere can only be sustained if it is protected by a strong magnetic field from the devastating solar wind, which the moon lacks due to its too small magmatic core therefore already cooled down and solid.

• 'When destruction from the stars was foretold Lord God Garen bid me to bring the Krell to this world so he could prepare a new home for our people.': depending on the starting class, stars that are more massive than brown dwarf will end up, ranging from supernova with neutron stars, pulsar to black holes. This means exocivilizations spawn on stellar systems orbiting around a massive central star are only living on borrowed time for a few billions of years or even less.
This subplot is obviously a rip-off of Superman (1978) |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph].
Space vagrancy is imperialism, and implies colonialist genocide and land grabbing. 'New world' means losing one's ancestral land and death for the natives life forms. Terraformation is euphemism for ecocide and genocide. Not a good start, that can only end up in a self-defeating most dreadful dead end.
Meanwhile the most advanced type of exocivilizations would rather research advanced stellar nucleosynthesis moderating technologies, with periodic removal (harvesting) of helium, and refueling in hydrogen every few billions years.
They would also have to learn to pilot their more massive central star with all the entire stellar system around it far from the danger zone of higher stellar density and galactic centers.
Never occupying more than one celestial body, these advanced Top Tier to Third Tier Species would thus succeed as true 'monocelestial-body multispecies multicivilization' 'stellar nucleosynthesis moderator' 'stellar harvester and refueller' 'massive star system pilot'.

• "New world don't screew it up": firstly, the moon can never be an other earth, lacking both the 1 G gravity field of the Earth essential for humans to stay healthy, and also the magnetic field necessary for repelling space radiations and the solar wind.
Secondly, this only supports the fallacious imperialistic neo-colonialism in space narrative, a modern rip-off of the most delusional Lebensraum |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] itself rooted in the Manifest destiny |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph], and stipulating that Germany required for its survival the permanent removal of most of the populations of Central and Eastern Europe to be replaced by Germanic colonists.

• Obligatory 'strong woman' that saves the world from both the (1) terran cabal, (2) enemy exocivilization blue war robot faction on the moon, (3) Krell civilization by terraforming the moon, while the impotent lead 'good guy' male character Dr. Daniel Allen is gunned down by the cabal's helicopter gunship very early in the movie.

It comes a no surprise that Elon Musk, the U.S. Dystopian Empire's number one asset and mouthpiece, contributes to this brainwashing campaign by misleading the world masses with the fallacious alleged 'humanity is the only cradle of consciousness in the Universe'.

Retweeted by Elon Musk:
Ian Miles Cheong@stillgray 2:40 PM · Oct 5, 2023 ·

Elon Musk says there's no evidence of aliens whatsoever. "If anyone would know, it would probably be me and I've not seen any evidence of aliens."

"What this perhaps suggests is that this tiny candle of consciousness that is humanity is all that exists in a vast darkness. And we should do everything we can to ensure that the candle does not go out."

▲ "What this perhaps suggests is that this tiny candle of consciousness that is humanity is all that exists in a vast darkness. Ian Miles Cheong@stillgray 2:40 PM · Oct 5, 2023 ·[archive.ph]

Notice, the U.S. scifi has regularly leaked to the general public what the scientific elite already knew for more than half a century. Such as in the 1997 science fiction novel by British writer Arthur C. Clarke. 3001: The Final Odyssey[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] where it is hinted that the U.S. will never dare explore these moons (for some fictitious excuses), or again in the most recent 2019 movie AD ASTRA[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], where it is claimed (of course falsely to disinform the popular masses) that there is no civilization (intelligent life) in these far moons, and only at best hostile dangerous animal lifeforms, such as depicted in Europa report (2013)[web.archive.org]2[archive.md].

This echoing the Alien (1979-)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] mainstay propaganda series.

Indeed, the Dystopian Empire has no future in this universe. Its foreseeable extinction is inevitable, of course not today, but in a very near future, maybe even a few decades from now. We might even be able to witness it during our lifetime.

Looking at the Jupiter's and Saturn's oceanic moons, one can bet they are there, with possibly up to 4 billions age civilizations (deducted 0.5 billions years for reaching the first advanced animal life forms), compared to the less than 3.4 million years all put together by including the start of the stone age, for the H0m0 Sapiens Sapiens (H0m0 SS).

And this is only the type of lower second tier exo-civilizations in the Universe. The age of the Universe means the oldest top tier type could reach tree times this age, at more than 13 billions years in age. The ultimate Most Advanced Exo-Civilizations.

With a differential ratio of 13 billions plus years to 3.4 million years, obviously the Roman Jungle Law of blackmail, enslavement, plunder and genocide are no longer an option.

Should one be contacted, it is always the most advanced that decides.

It is the Korean monk Hyecho (慧超) who made it to the Mediterranean world after 723 AD, not the opposite. It is the Chinese Admiral Zheng He that made the voyage to West Asia and Africa in 1405 to 1433, not the opposite.

Only the Master of Chi Arts can break this exo-diplomatic bottleneck. In all other cases, be assured that this will be a swift and one way confrontation.

6.8.1. Oceanic exo-worlds

Water being so abundantly found in the cosmos, because continuously produced by stellar winds colliding with rocky surfaces, planets with atmospheric cloud such as Mars and rain pattern such as Earth are not uncommon, but those with full oceanic coverage are probably even as frequent. Hycean planets

Hycean Worlds, a 'New' Type of Ocean Planet

September 2, 2021

A recent paper accepted by The Astrophysical Journal has gotten a lot of attention, and for good reason. Nikku Madhusudhan and his colleagues from the University of Cambridge took a close look at a novel type of habitable exoplanet, which they call Hycean worlds. These planets would fall somewhere between 'Super-Earths' and 'mini-Neptunes' in terms of mass. They’re thought to have enough gravity to keep a thick hydrogen atmosphere over a huge liquid water ocean.

Planets like these, floating alone in interstellar space—in other words, not orbiting a star—have previously been recognized as being potentially habitable. Madhusudhan provided a more detailed investigation, including modeling of different scenarios, and concluded that habitable temperatures and pressures would be very common on those type of planets. In fact, they argue, many of them could harbor life. The authors suggest that certain molecules indicative of life could be detected by the soon-to-launch James Webb Telescope, even though they would only exist at very low concentrations in their hydrogen-dominated atmospheres.

The authors surmised that Hycean planets up to 10 times as massive as Earth could be habitable even if tidally locked (Dark Hycean Worlds) or lacking a host star (Cold Hycean Worlds). The latter would, in principle, be like other 'rogue' planets.

2[archive.ph] Exomoons orbiting around a non-stellar massive object

The type of celestial body that best meets all the criterion for harboring the most advanced type of exo-civilizations are therefore those who can put as much distance between them and stars, the sources of most of the deadly global mass extinction events including impactors, gamma ray-bursts, novae, supernovae, and black holes.

This top tier type of celestial body has been theoretically predicted by several astrophysical models as exomoons orbiting around a non-stellar massive object[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] such as a brown dwarf or a free-floating planet, and even around the Galactic Center.

Under specific conditions and assuming stable orbital parameters over time, a liquid water ocean can be sustained under the kilometers thick icy protective shell's surface of the exomoon. Olbers' Paradox

The existence of oceanic exomoons with icy shell orbiting around a non-stellar massive object, as top tier type of celestial body harboring the most ancient forms of advanced type of exo-civilizations are only hypothesized by theoretical astrophysical models.

While none have been disclosed to date as of 2022 by the official media, as expected, it is nonetheless possible to give an guestimate of their frequency rate, thus the total number in the cosmos, only based on publicly available data.

And by answering the simple age-old question of why the night sky is not uniformly bright.

In the 19th century, an astronomer named Heinrich Olbers stumbled on a contradiction that could not be easily explained: why doesn't the night sky look uniformly bright? A sky that is uniformly bright would appear to glow, yet our night sky appears black with a scattering of stars, planets, and galaxies dotting the observable sky.


Because the official U.S. narrative is to make people falsely believe that space is made of vacuum therefore mostly empty, and that there is so little type of different celestial objects outside of stars, planets and galaxies, clumsy excuses have been devised to fool the world masses, such as the dynamic universe model and fractal star distribution, etc.

But the bare truth is much simpler and the implications absolutely terrifying for the U.S. military putschist junta.

An amateur's candid image is worth a thousand words:

The star clouds of Taurus during last night's conjunction of Mars and the Pleiades star cluster:

Deep imaging revealed not only the conjunction (lower right), but also a complex network of surrounding molecular clouds.

Containing compounds such as carbon monoxide, water, methane and alcohol, the clouds are so dense, they appear inky black.

▲ Mars, Taurus clusters, and Molecular Clouds. Taken by Petr Horálek on March 3, 2021 @ Ústupky, Czech Republic [web.archive.org]


And once released after the filter of the U.S. mediatic censorship, the same celestial field becomes mostly emptied from any trace of stellar cloudy formations, as with Mars' photoshopped pictures.

The popular Wikipedia entry image is an archetype:

▲ Wikipedia: Orion, Taurus and Pleiades. Date 19 November 2017, 03:48:41[web.archive.org]

Conclusion, because space is not empty vacuum but filled with all sorts of opaque matter from subatomic particle size, molecular size, to stellar size and larger objects, the night sky is totally darkened, thus answering the Olbers' Paradox.

For one visible star, there are thousands of dark celestial objects.

Darker sky implies that planets that orbits stars are thus less numerous than free-floating objects.

Moreover, the number of oceanic exomoons with icy shell orbiting around a non-stellar massive object, is more numerous than planets orbiting stars because they easily outlive planets that are limited by the central stars ending invariably in novae, supernovae or even black holes.

Civilizations that evolve on planets orbiting stars are less advanced and less numerous than the more advanced type of exo-civilizations harbored by oceanic exomoons with icy shell orbiting around a non-stellar massive object.

The most chilling reality for totalitarian sentient species with wrong DNA. Frustrating all hope for escaping a just and predictable miserable end.

6.8.2. Oceanic photonic brains

Neural counts ratio

Among the various human modern sub-species, starting genetic differences could be crippling for the less competitive handicapped with a smaller neocortex.

▲ Brain Size, Cranial Morphology, Climate, and Time Machines CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY V01. 25, NO 01984 by The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research 0011-320418412503-0003S2 25 (pp. 304). 世界脑容量、脑数据存贮器地图。中亚、中国大陆及东北亚一带各族群明显有比其他族群较大的脑容量。[web.archive.org]

▲ Cranial morphology is also a reflection of thermoregulation.[web.archive.org]

▲ Cranial morphology is also a reflection of thermoregulation.[web.archive.org]

▲ Human ethnic group with the closest cranial form to the Doraemon: 'Round like the Moon' Manchurians. [web.archive.org]

Jan 19, 2016

Using rat neurons as a proxy for human brain cells, the study measured the storage capacity of synapses, the neural connections believed to store memories. It found that on average each synapse can hold about 4.7 bits of information.

Scaled up to the size of the human brain, this number implies a storage capacity of about one petabyte, or 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes, said Salk scientist Tom Bartol, who figured out a way to deduce synaptic information. That’s about 10 times greater capacity than previously thought, he said.

The capacity estimate probably understates the real case, said Paul J. Reber, director of the Brain, Behavior, & Cognition program in the psychology department at Northwestern University. Reber, who described the science behind the study as 'robust,' said he thinks the true number is probably between 3 to 5 petabytes.


Bringing this back to the Westerners' human brain, according to a 2010 article in Scientific American[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], the memory capacity of the Westerners' human brain was reported to have the equivalent of 2.5 petabytes of memory capacity. As a number, a 'petabyte' means 1024 terabytes or a million gigabytes, so the average adult Westerners' human brain has the ability to store the equivalent of 2.5 million gigabytes digital memory.

Therefore, the average brain memory capacity deducted from intracranial volumes of North Koreans, Mongolians, North Chinese and South Chinese:

Mongolians: 1,450 cm³, 2.78 petabytes
North Korean, North Chinese: 1,400 cm³, 2.69 petabytes
South Chinese, North Europeans: 1,350 cm³, 2.59 petabytes
Japanese, British Isles, South Europeans: 1,300 cm³, 2.5 petabytes
Anamese: 1,250 cm³, 2.4 petabytes
Cochinchinese: 1,200 cm³, 2.3 petabytes

Huge disproportion of brain memory capacity ratio of 100 to 82.

Larger neural counts and greater cognitive capabilities are observed between Sinanthrope and other H0m0 Sapiens Sapiens (H0m0 SS) that belong obviously to two separate distinct groups of hominid subspecies 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], that have evolved separately after leaving Africa since 2 millions years ago to become endemic. 1[web.archive.org] 2[archive.ph]

And indeed, for millennia, China has lead in the human development unparalleled, and by light years. And in both branch of the technological trees (武士道,養氣之道).

It is only the plundered military technology tree (武士道: "the way of the warrior") by the Mongolian invaders that have been spread westward to the Greater Roman Civilization upon the collapse of the Pax Mongolica by the 15th century, and that was later reverse engineered by the Europeans.

But this process took centuries (Roger Bacon, Johannes Gutenberg, Leonardo da Vinci, etc).

Accordingly, without the collapse of the the Chinese civilization in 1279 caused by the Mongol invasion, China should have completed researching both technological trees, the military focus and the Way of Chi (Chi Art: 養氣之道 (ZH) / 英知の道 (JP) Eichi no michi: Road of Wisdom) that unlocks the next phase in the human evolution by the 18th century AD at the latest.


"Im Lauf der Zeit: Dschingis Khan, das Steppenreich" is a typical TV program for children presenting the history and future of the Mars Colonization.


Alternate History: The Empire of China conquers Mars


In the desert, in a hostile world, man has managed to gain a foothold and to sustain life. After decades of cold war, of technological races to dominate the world, the Empire of China won its showdown with the European Union: after the Moon, Mars has just been colonized.

For years, this unmatched feat has mobilized all the resources of the country. Barely 20 years after the first step on the moon, the Empire of China, from the height of its 5,000-years history, today shows the world the grandeur of its civilization. His success is such that we are already talking about the Chinese century.

But all this has never happened! 900 years ago a small grain of sand will cause a series of events that will decimate more than a third of the Chinese population and slow down its development for centuries.

1174, Mongolia. A clan leader is poisoned by a rival tribe. He dies under the eyes of his young son named Temüdjin. A few decades later, riders ransack a nomad camp, they leave with a captive, a beautiful woman, her name is Börté.
1214: Beijing is taken and pillaged by the Mongols. In the years that follow, China will lose a third of its population.

These three tragic elements are intimately linked, they are key moments in the life of a unique conqueror in the history of mankind, Genghis Khan!


▲ Alternate History: The Empire of China conquers Mars (2016) videomancy: The Mars colonization, illustrated by a strange flashforward... obvious message intended to prepare the European little children to the inevitable outcome.[archive.org]


This means that nuclear age, spaceflight, genetics, A.I., and of course at the core, psychotronics technologies should have been discovered by the Chinese 3 centuries ago. Contact by second-tier advanced exo-civilizations should have followed smoothly upon completion of the prerequisites.

Instead, the Europeans, having never developed independently any tech of the Chi Arts branch, nor inherited any from the Mongolians, are from 1945 onward stuck in the cesspool of dystopian evolutionary dead end. And still clueless.

Unfortunately, taking into these abyss of totalitarianism the entire humankind with them, forever unable to break the exo-diplomatic bottleneck.

Doomed from day one, as Chi Arts can only be discovered by the Chinese Civilization, as the warlike genetics of both Mongols and Europeans alike simply make these tech unappealing and of no use (think of veggies), therefore disregarded and never taken by the invaders when they entered Yangzhou in 1276, Chongqing in 1277 and Hezhou in 1279.

Technological eras ratio

To make it simpler, the Greater Chinese Civilization has always been one Technological Era in advance, compared to the rest of humankind.

When the Greater Roman Civilization's Europeans were fighting with arrows, bows and catapults during the Classical Era, the Chinese were already using crossbows[web.archive.org], composite bows and trebuchets[web.archive.org].

When the Greater Roman Civilization's Europeans had reverse engineered crossbows, composite bows and trebuchets during the Middle Ages, the Chinese were already using rockets, canons, guns and ocean-going sailing ships[web.archive.org].

When the Greater Roman Civilization's Europeans had reverse engineered rockets, cannons, guns and ocean-going sailing ships during the Renaissance Era, the Chinese had already started to develop unpropelled and propelled manned flight.

When the Greater Roman Civilization's Europeans had reverse engineered the propelled manned flight during the Modern Era, the Japanese as the only inheritors of the Greater Chinese Civilization after the Pax Mongolica, had already developed Directed Energy weapons and Mind-Control space warfare.

╔═══════════════════════════╤════════════════════╤═════════════════╗ ║ Technologies │ Greater Chinese │ Greater Roman ║ ║ │ Civilization │ Civilization ║ ╠═══════════════════════════╪════════════════════╪═════════════════╣ ║ Crossbow │ 7th century BC │ 10th century AD ║ ╟───────────────────────────┼────────────────────┼─────────────────╢ ║ Compass │ 4th century BC │ 1190 AD ║ ╟───────────────────────────┼────────────────────┼─────────────────╢ ║ Stirrup for horses │ 3rd century BC │ 580 AD ║ ╟───────────────────────────┼────────────────────┼─────────────────╢ ║ Traction trebuchet │ 5th-3th century BC │ 6th century AD ║ ╟───────────────────────────┼────────────────────┼─────────────────╢ ║ Counterweight trebuchet │ 11th century AD │ 12th century AD ║ ╟───────────────────────────┼────────────────────┼─────────────────╢ ║ Ocean-going sailing ships │ 960–1279 AD │ 1492 AD ║ ╟───────────────────────────┼────────────────────┼─────────────────╢ ║ Gunpowder │ 1040 AD │ 1280 AD ║ ╟───────────────────────────┼────────────────────┼─────────────────╢ ║ Cannons │ 1227 AD │ 1326 AD ║ ╟───────────────────────────┼────────────────────┼─────────────────╢ ║ Rockets │ 1232 AD │ 1380 AD ║ ╟───────────────────────────┼────────────────────┼─────────────────╢ ║ Guns │ 1250 AD │ 1327 AD ║ ╟───────────────────────────┼────────────────────┼─────────────────╢ ║ Propelled flight │ 1465 AD │ 1842 AD ║ ╟───────────────────────────┼────────────────────┼─────────────────╢ ║ Directed Energy weapons │ 1936 AD │ N/A ║ ╟───────────────────────────┼────────────────────┼─────────────────╢ ║ Mind-Control weapons │ 1942 AD │ N/A ║ ╚═══════════════════════════╧════════════════════╧═════════════════╝

Neural signal speeds ratio

The benefit from a head start advantage of 3.5 billions years civilization age must never be overlooked and is only one of the many critical factors to take into consideration when assessing more advanced exo-civilizations.

While human brains are operating with neural signals travelling at a speed of 10-100 [m/s] 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], the oceanic worlds throughout the cosmos including the moons of Jupiter and Saturn and beyond could harbor brains with neural signals sent at the mind boggling relativistic speed of light.

With a differential ratio of 100 [m/s] to 300'000'000 [m/s], obviously the antic Roman Jungle Law of blackmail, enslavement, plunder and genocide are no longer an option.

But on Earth, humans don't even top the list of the fastest neural system, as this record is held by the shrimp 'Penaeus Japonicus' with a value over half of the speed of sound, and impulse conduction velocity measured of 90-210 [m/second] which is the fastest known in the invertebrate (and vertebrate) nervous system. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Maybe these photonic neural systems exist even at the bottom of the Earth's oceans.

Venus flower baskets Euplectellidae

An animal entirely made out of glass? We don’t have to go to an alien world for this. We just have to look deep into our oceans.

We have featured glass sponges before (e.g. CotW 40 or 112), all of them delicate and fragile and all of these share the fact that their skeleton is made of a cage of silica (glass) which is held together by thin protein filaments. There is not much else to these animals which are considered some of the most primitive life forms on earth.

This week we feature fascinating members of the hexactinellid glass sponges, the family Euplectellidae, with the common name venus flower basket. This is a widespread group that occur to depths well over 1000 m.

Hi-tech glass fibres

The feat of extracting silicic acid from the surrounding seawater and converting it into silica and then assembling this into a precise, three-dimensional structure is a fascinating example of biological engineering. Not only are these fibres near-perfect fibre-optic cables, transmitting light like those cables we use in telecommunication, they are also very flexible, which still defies our man-made optical fibres. So scientists are taking a close look at the way these ‘primitive’ sponges go about building their intricate baskets and can perhaps copy some of it for application.

Why would a deep-sea sponge need a light-transmitting skeleton, at depths without any sunlight? The theory is that it utilises the bioluminescent light of the surrounding, which gets transmitted throughout the sponge fibres, essentially lighting up the sponge like a ‘Christmas tree’. This possibly attracts small organism to the sponge, which then get trapped and eaten!


Regardless of the Earth's venus flower baskets, it is demonstrated that deep dark oceanic worlds would favour life forms that develop bioluminescence, with the more advanced ones using photons for communication purpose.

Provided there are enough uninterrupted continuous time to evolve, free from any mass extinction, a species could develop after several billions of years a brain made of fiber glass neurons, sending photon as signal carrier, that is at the ultimate speed.

We know that when shown image frames at the standard rate of 24 Hz the human brain sees or interprets the movement as continuous.

It is interesting to speculate what the frame rate would have to be if the action potentials were moving at, near the light speed of 300'000 km/s.

While the superior though process of these species would be lightning fast.

Obviously, the mind of such species blooming in the safe darkest ocean of Jupiter's and other planets's moons is beyond anything a human could ever comprehend. Top tier most advanced exocivilizations

As the ultimate evolution of life in an oceanic planet, and similar to the formation of coral atolls on earth, an entire celestial body could be turned after 4 billions years into a gigantic single organism or supercolony by converting all the silica available into fiber glass for its neural network.

This planetary-size glass photonic brain, protected from space radiations and cometary impacts by kilometers of frozen ice shell on the outer layer, would be similar to a chick's embryo that slowly converts all the egg yolk nutrients into living cells to finally fill the entire space beneath the protective shell of calcium carbonate crystals eggshell.

Unlike chemical neurotransmitters and electrical signals, light speed neural impulses are the only ones that would allow a living organism to grow to a fully functional planetary size without suffering from a crippling signal time lag.

What could happen when these second tier exo-civilizations start to investigate the surroundings that lies beyond their immediate frozen ice eggshell?

We will find out more about these space Easter eggs in the coming decades.

What are the conditions for an exo-civilization or sentient being of planetary-size with glass photonic brain to break the evolutionary psychotronic bottleneck and to finally reach the top tier as most advanced exo-civilizations?

Of course the natural mass extinction associated with the psychotronic threshold can be determined from the starting genetic settings of any species.

If this sentient being of planetary-size glass photonic brain was a predator from the beginning, then it is doomed to end up in the psychotronic mass extinction.

On the other hand, it is only if it has evolved and strived through non-detrimental interactions of a symbiosis relationship with other species 1[www.nature.com]2[archive.ph] that it can break the evolutionary psychotronic mass extinction bottleneck safely.

Again only the Master of Chi Arts can break this exo-diplomatic bottleneck. In all other cases, be assured that this will be a swift and one way confrontation.

6.8.3. Exo-diplomacy

As demonstrated previously, the starting genetic settings of a sentient species will determine whether it can evolve beyond the many civilizational fail-safe bottlenecks.

These fail-safes are known to exist, while there might be no particular reasons for it, and their observable effects seem simply to block the expansion of warlike sentient species.

Indeed, as cosmic rays made principally of protons have existed even before the first hominids, as did Uranium, Plutonium, or DNA, there is no possible hidden plan behind the existence of these fail-safes. It is the sole consequence of the wrong warlike settings of some sentient species.

The mind-control technological threshold first reached in 1940s was only the first in a series of fail-safes that has hindered the further expansion of the warlike H0m0 SS species.

But for them, every following technological milestones would have ended up the same way.

Nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, spaceflight, satellites, cybernetics, supercomputers, genetic engineering, A.I., CCTVs, smartphones, biometric identifications, nano bioweapons, all would have contributed to this final page of self-defeating and self-inflicted evolutionary collapse.

On the other hand, pacific sentient species that would be able to break the many civilizational fail-safe bottlenecks and progress beyond the 3.4 million years mark would have to discover and develop at some point the exo-diplomacy milestone.

What is the exo-diplomacy technology?

Since the antic Roman Jungle Law of blackmail, enslavement, plunder and genocide never were an option for these pacific sentient species, exo-diplomacy should yield greater benefit for them while not be detrimental to other species.

It is hypothesized that one of the component of this type of interactions could be based on the exchange of information.

First, by searching and finding in the cosmos suitable younger pacific sentient species, the transfer of advanced knowledges would help these recipient chosen sentient species to progress more rapidly without the usual cost in lost lives due to the iterative cycle of trials and errors.

By cultivating younger recipient crop of pacific sentient species, the evident benefit would be the increase of the common research capacity, after graduation day.

Indeed, the cosmos is full of perilous threats, and this strategy could be one that can maximize an advanced sentient species' probability of avoiding being a casualty of the law of natural selection (aka the Darwin Awards).

—Supermassive black holes nearby
—Quasar galaxy
—Supernova stars nearby
—Gamma Ray Burst
—Unknown dangers

Of course there are other urgent existential challenges for these Immortals sentient species such as how to survive the predicted end of the Universe itself. Link[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] Terrestrial exo-diplomacy

Diplomatic stances are known to change with dynastic changes and successions of leadership. Even diplomatic friendship is always skin deep, serving only one's own interests. Thus the continuous endless cycle of war and alliances.

What are the criteria that will ensure that a terrestrial species can be trusted by the most advanced exo-civilization?

Since all treaties, diplomatic agreements, 'U.N. charters', 'International conventions', 'Galactic code of conducts', etc. are always only worth the papers they are written on, the only possible answer is that the ultimate foolproof criteria will be the starting genetic settings of a species.

Very wrong predatory genetic starting settings will dictate all the subsequent decision makings and cultural orientations of doomed species throughout the entire process of their civilization development stages. It will be enshrined throughout the ages, in their various religious ritual, though as a mere symbolical relique of past practices in the more recents liturgies.
All sensory perceptions will be dictated by these genetic setting first before being translated into visible cultural practices, further solidified as civilizational institutions.
What should be the correct optimal temperature? Why 15 degree Celsius? This will dictate the discovery of fire and how it is used, the inventions of blanket, bed, pillow, clothing, shoeweare, headwear, handgloves, sauna, or none. The setting of indoor air conditioning, up to the artificial atmosphere in a space station.
Of course, 24 degree Centigrade allows more efficient physiological process for the vast majority of species.
Same goes for the correct level of solar ray exposition, sounds, genetic fears, the answer to various molecules such as putrescine, cadaverine, alcohol, sugar, salt, Monosodium glutamate[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], those found in rotten flesh and moldy milk, wheat, barley and grapes, jackfruit[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], durian[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], piment[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], etc.
How is life valued? Expendable or sacred? Are all lifeforms equal and some more equal than others? Can a species even understand empathy? The answer will be totally opposed depending of whether a species has genetic settings of a mutualistic symbiotic species or an apex predator species.

•Vegan DNA -> self-defence -> animal mutualist symbiosis -> compassion -> cultured and civilized -> rationalism -> eco-compliance -> exo-diplomatic compliance -> next stage in evolution •Monosodium glutamate (MSG) detection DNA -> hunting-> warmongering -> genocide -> slavery -> exploitation -> imperialism -> colonialism -> totalitarianism -> ecocide -> dystopian evolutionary deadend •Monosodium glutamate (MSG) detection DNA -> animal husbandry -> animal milking -> animal slavery -> animal experimentation -> human slavery -> human sex slavery -> human milking -> human organs harvesting & human blood slavery -> natives reservations -> internment camps -> extermination camps -> human experimentations -> dystopian evolutionary deadend

Therefore, if an advanced exo-civilization doesn't want to risk being backstabbed, it will only consider cultivating diplomatic contact with species with the lowest warlike starting genetic settings.

These candidate species are listed from the highest to the less threatening according to their ranking in the food pyramid:

Last (Fourth) Tier Species
Trapped in the dystopian evolutionary deadend even before their first appearance on Earth.
Impassable psychotronic bottleneck.
Make room if threatening high value species' survival. Otherwise avoid at any cost. Waste of space and time.
• Apex predators: kill everything for no reason including own kind, destructor of planets
• Predators: hunter by design, kill everything, totalitarian by nature
• Omnivores: kill to eat, totalitarian by nature
• Hemophages: can kill by spreading pathogen unknowingly; don't kill but parasitic behavior toward other animals that can lead to totalitarianism

Third Tier Species
Peri-psychotronic level species, reaching threshold for next stage in cosmic evolution.
Threshold level candidate species.
Meet basic exo-diplomatic compliance. To be considered on case by case basis.
• Lichenivores: kill lichens but not totally if roots are spared
• Herbivores: kill plants but not necessarily if roots are spared
• Granivores: kill embryo of plants, but spread seeds in return

Second Tier Species
Post-psychotronic level species, meeting requirements for next stage in cosmic evolution.
Common exo-diplomatic compliance.
Candidate species for 'cultivation' aka sharing common research projects.
• Feeding on plant sap: can kill host plants unknowingly; and also inflict indirect damage by vectoring a number of viruses
• Scavengers: don't kill but can further mutate to become a genuine predator
• Frugivores: kill living cells of fruits that are designed to die anyway, and spread seeds in return
• Fungivores: kill living cells of mushrooms that are designed to die anyway

Top (First) Tier Species
Post-psychotronic level species, meeting requirements for next stage in cosmic evolution.
Full exo-diplomatic compliance.
Top priority Chosen species for 'cultivation' aka sharing common research projects and joining alliance.
• Coprophages: don't kill
• Saprophages: don't kill
• Nectarivores: don't kill, spread pollen
• Non-detrimental mutualistic symbiotic species: don't kill
• Photosynthetic species: don't kill

'Muskomancy' is the OSINT predictive science focussed on finding clues for future world events through the study of 'Elon Musk Thought'.

Tim Urban@waitbutwhy Aug 10 The three main kingdoms of multicellular life are animals, plants, and fungi. It's weird that everything we eat is a plant or animal—except mushrooms, which are randomly their own separate kingdom. Also, animals and fungi are more related to each other than either is to plants.

Elon Musk@elonmusk 19h Replying to @waitbutwhy
Honey is neither animal, plant or fungus Aug 11, 2023 · 9:21 AM UTC



Resident Evil: Death Island (2023)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a 'zombies virus' propaganda genre movie with a 'pro-vaccine', 'cleansing of the world through virus apocalypse', 'bioterrorism', 'big pharma', 'Mosquito Bio-Drones', 'human-animal fusion with the use of virus', 'mind-control' and 'no comms' genre subplots masqueraded as a Japanese adult computer-animated action biopunk horror film set in the same universe as the Resident Evil video games. It is the fifth installment and fourth film in the animated Resident Evil series, following the 2017 film Resident Evil: Vendetta and the 2021 miniseries Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness.

The film is directed by Eiichiro Hasumi and is written by Makoto F∪kami.

The film stars Nicole Tompkins as Jill Valentine, Kevin Dorman as Chris Redfield, Matthew Mercer as Leon S. Kennedy, Stephanie Panisello as Claire Redfield, Erin Cahill as Rebecca Chambers, Salli Saffioti as Ingrid Hunnigan.

It was released on July 7, 2023.


At the start of the Raccoon City Incident, members of a private military firm are hired by Umbrella Corporation to help with the evacuation of high-ranking Umbrella executives and government officials. Unit 6 is deployed with 10 members which consists of Carl, JJ, Dylan Blake and seven others into the city to extract remaining officials that are still trapped within, they arrived outside the border where USS soldiers are preventing civilians from escaping and allowing officials to leave freely. The unit advances in their operation but suffer bites by Zombies, with JJ and Dylan being the exception. The pair dials HQ to request extraction for immediate medical attention but are told to quarantine the rest of the unit and await further orders, something which shocks JJ and enrages Dylan. As the two await, HQ orders the surviving pair to kill their comrades and only then will extraction come; Dylan argues with JJ about euthanising their own comrades, which the latter justifies as a necessity. As the two argue the infected soldiers smash through a window. JJ successfully fights against the horde but is bitten; a disheartened and mentally broken Dylan kills him.

Now 2015. In San Francisco, California, DSO agent Leon Scott Kennedy and FOS agent Ingrid Hunnigan are tasked with rescuing and taking Dr. Antonio Taylor into custody after the lead robotics engineer sells classified information to foreign entities outside of USA. Learning of his last location, San Francisco Police Department deploys S.W.A.T. to retrieve him only to encounter fire power from an unknown group who kidnaps Taylor and transports him in a van, Leon is sent to intercept the kidnapping and retrieve the DARPA researcher. Amidst the briefing, Leon catches sight of the van and pursues down the freeway, unfortunately his bike crashes in a scuffle with a female motorcyclist, which is revealed to be Maria. Following this, Chris visits BSAA advisor Rebecca Chambers who updates him about the twelve cases of mysterious infection plaguing upon the city. She deduces that the corpse of an infected person contains an advanced strain of t-Virus which cannot be transmitted through airborne or saliva with every victim bitten by them, all succumbed to their injuries and died afterwards. Additionally, all of them had needle marks on their body, indicating a direct means of infection. Chris visits Jill in the shooting range and express his desire of recusing her from further participation in the operation due to his growing concerns but Jill firmly declines the notion. Jill grimly recalls her years under Wesker's control and wanting her friends dead.

In the BSAA laboratory, Chris and Jill meets up with Claire and Rebecca to discuss their findings. Claire discovers that the chipped Orca had been swimming around Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, the same as several other whales which have disappeared recently. Similarly, the Orca is infected with the same strain of t-Virus found in the human corpses, confirming a link. Luckily for the BSAA, this strain of t-Virus is similar enough to others the BSAA has encountered, and existing vaccines should be adequate. Chris and the others meanwhile head out to Alcatraz Island, posing as tourists. Jill continues exploring the sewers, where she meets Leon, they both fight lickers that devoured zombies. As Leon and Jill investigate the armory, they discover blueprints for the Mosquito Drones which have been infecting people. Knowing they are nearby, Dylan beckons them to the prison cells where they find their colleagues and Davis, who Leon identifies as Antonio Taylor himself. With the Drones, Dylan infects Chris, Claire and Leon. Introducing Maria, he confirms what is now clear to Leon and Chris - Dylan has taken over Arias' crime syndicate for his own ends; Maria seeks vengeance for her father's death. Dylan bitterly insults the heroes actions, while they've nobly stopped bioterroism in the past, he berates them for working with bad organizations. Jill meanwhile heads after Dylan in the armory. Rebecca cures Leon first, then the others; Leon is then attacked by Maria in the facility. After a long brawl, Leon gets the upperhand knocking Maria into a bent rod impaling her.

Chris, Claire, Jill, Rebecca and Leon fight Dylan who combines himself with a bio-weapon but they're struggling to hold him off. Rebecca meanwhile has taken control of the Drones, instead of shutting them down she ordered them to infect Dylan with massive quantities of the t-Virus. Dylan begins to deteriorate and weaken. Jill, Leon, and Chris manage to kill him with explosives and Rocket Launcher. The group await the rescue helicopters, Chris applaud Jill's return.


Resident Evil: Death Island (2023) 130-132 00:15:25,843 --> 00:15:35,060 From what I can tell so far, this virus isn't spread via airborne particles or saliva. It's something new, then. ___ 155-159 00:17:11,865 --> 00:17:26,839 When I was being mind-controlled by Wesker, all I wanted was to kill you. All of you. I was conscious, but I couldn't stop myself. It was like living in a nightmare. ___ 181 00:18:58,805 --> 00:19:03,352 Innocent people are being poisoned and used as weapons. ___ 291-296 00:30:53,979 --> 00:31:14,750 Did good and evil exist... when dinosaurs were killing each other? Is there even such a thing as evil... in a food chain? Of course not. Such concepts were unnecessary back then. ___ 312-313 00:34:12,803 --> 00:34:16,473 Comms are down too. They're jamming us. ___ 395 00:45:00,409 --> 00:45:02,911 Comms are down and ammo's low. ___ 467-475 00:50:25,984 --> 00:50:56,014 I bet you're wondering how people are being infected without being bitten. That was one of my prototype bio-drones. I tell it who to infect, and it always finds its target. Leon? The mass-production versions are what you saw in the other chamber, and they're ready to go. By tomorrow morning, my virus will be all over the world. ___ 514-520 00:54:06,663 --> 00:54:28,477 I know I'm sick of this world and how the ones with all the money and power get to decide what's right and wrong, good and evil. There's no such thing as justice in a world like that. So I'm going to use my virus to clean the slate. ___ 605-608 01:01:20,305 --> 01:01:36,196 We're at the final stage now. Once the bio-drones hatch from their Licker hosts, we'll have millions. They'll leave the island and then there's no stopping them. ___ 702 01:13:59,147 --> 01:14:00,899 What the hell is that? 703 01:14:03,026 --> 01:14:07,155 Dylan used the virus to fuse with a bioweapon. ___ 726-728 01:17:23,852 --> 01:17:30,359 -What's that? -A plasma rifle. It heats up to 20,000 degrees, but it's short range.

▲ Resident Evil: Death Island (2023) videomancy: 'mind-control' and 'evil in a food chain' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Resident Evil: Death Island (2023) videomancy: 'no comms', 'Mosquito Bio-Drones' and 'bioterrorism' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]

▲ Resident Evil: Death Island (2023) videomancy: 'cleansing of the world through virus apocalypse', 'pro-vaccine propaganda' and 'human-animal fusion with the use of virus' genre subplots.[web.archive.org]


• 'Is there even such a thing as evil... in a food chain? Of course not.': To the contrary, everything is decided from start at the gene level depending on the type of diet of a species, and whether once reaching the many evolutionary fail-safes millions of years later in the psychotronic age, a species will continue to evolve to the next level of cosmic evolution or be wasted in a dystopian deadend.

• Selective infection of biological target unlocked through the introduction of mosquito-size bio-drones, unlike indiscriminate airborne or body fluids transmission vectors.

• Innocent people are being poisoned and used as weapons. See also Wetware (2018) film. |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph]

• Cleansing of the world through virus apocalypse. Up to 30 millions deaths worldwide from the continuing man-made COVID-19 pandemics as of September 2023. |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph]
See also the dystopian eugenicist Purge series. |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph]

• Pro-vaccine propaganda movie presenting it as a the only cure to virus, in this continuing campaign aimed at brainwashing the sheeple and resulting in the total ignorance of the real and universal particle accelerator therapy.

• Mind-controlled victim still conscious but unable to oppose the command.

• No comms due to severe jamming; Too bad Starlink V3.0 that could have established a connection within seconds in this situation, while resisting jammings, doesn't orbit the Earth's LEO yet. You get the message.

Is planet Earth harboring candidate pacific sentient species worthy enough in the eyes of these top tier exo-civilizations to be cultivated?

At the moment none seems to fulfill the selection criteria, mostly because the evolutionary process on Earth has been repeatedly reset after 5 major intempestive mass extinction events, due mainly to the absence of an external kilometers thick protective icy shell.

The consequence being that after 4.5 billion years, outside of the Sinanthrope, no other pacific sentient species has been able to reach the civilization stage.

This doesn't exclude the possibility for some terrestrial pacific sentient species from being a recipient of exo-diplomatic exchange in the future though.

They are simply not fully mature as of 2022.

According to the starting genetic settings of these sentient species, in a few hundred of thousands of years, the most promising candidate could be the progeny of the Honey Possums.

They are the world's only truly nectarivorous mammal, and unlike other nectar-eating birds and bats, they cannot fly to different areas to search for flowers.

Male Honey Possums are smaller than females, but have extremely large testes (up to 4.2% of their body weight) and the largest spermatozoa of any mammal in the world.

This fact alone says everything.

▲ Terrestrial exo-diplomacy candidate: Honey Possum[web.archive.org]
2[archive.is] Monocelestial-body multispecies multicivilization non-stellar massive object pilot

If the dominant sentient species of a celestial body is an apex predator (Tier Four Species) when the critical civilizational psychotronic and associated space age, A.I. thresholds are first reached on this celestial body, such as currently on Earth, then the inevitable outcome will be a civilizational collapse and death of the entire celestial body, starting with the anthropogenic global mass extinction for all unfortunate less advanced intelligent sentient species.

This is not even the farcical and delusional 'multiplanet species & true spacefaring civilization' incanted yearlong by the lead globalist Elon Musk, since the fallacious 'spacefaring civilization' litanies are a gross scam from A to Z.

▲ Level 9 is make humanity a multiplanet species & true spacefaring civilization. That is why I am gathering resources. · Jul 10, 2023[archive.ph]

Alas, this sinister view on its own destiny is only the expression of the imperialistic genes of H0m0 SS, and not at all an isolated sad case of yet another supremacist egocentric 50+ years old manchild and narcissistic bigoted billionaire entrepreneur of Viking descent.
As genetic starting settings don't lie, and the inveterate bad habit to grab always more foreign lands, plunder and invade others has been expressed over and over by these imperialistic subspecies, and epitomized by the infamous Konstantin Tsiolkovsky's most ludicrous 1911 quote 'Earth is the cradle of humanity but one cannot live in the cradle forever', himself a rocket science writer of again Viking ancestry. |1|[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph]

The opposite and more likely outcome of any given inhabited celestial body's evolution, is when the dominant sentient species of a celestial bodies is not a Tier Four Species predator let alone an apex predator, but a Top Tier Species (Photosynthetic species, Non-detrimental mutualistic symbiotic species, Nectarivores, Saprophages, Coprophages) that has never selected any genes with a focus for killing, abducting, milking, exploiting nor torturing other species.
Then upon reaching the critical civilizational psychotronic and associated space age, A.I. thresholds, most Top Tier Species would simply continue their own natural biological evolution, neither hindering nor interfering with those less advanced sentient species, thus ensuring their independent progression toward the psychotronic and space age era threshold.
Meanwhile, non-detrimental mutualistic symbiotic species will naturally seek to cultivate its less advanced fellow sentient species, tremendously speeding up their civilizational progressions by bypassing the millions of years usually spent in trial and error iterations costly in lives.
To cultivate a less advanced sentient species means to share common experience to avoid civilizational death traps such as war, terraformation, deforestation, nuclear industry, greenhouse gas emission, thermal waste production, etc. It should absolutely not be confused with acculturation, resulting from imposing inappropriate settings and unnecessary civilizational focus discovered by others species and only product of their very different starting ecosystems, that would amount to the discredited totalitarian cultural imperialism.
In short such celestial bodies would thereafter witness an exponential chain reaction of accelerated blooming of hundred of thousands of advanced sentient species from the Top Tier to Third Tier Species, each with their genetic diversity and unique civilizational choices, thus making 'multispecies multicivilization celestial body' in the cosmos an universal possible outcome and obviously more likely because durably outlasting the alternative accidental genocidal murderous dystopian 'monospecies planet' devolution, and most horrendous hair-raising 'One World' monocivilization planet championed by Elon Musk et al. in their globalists' totalitarian project, as within a few decades or centuries at most, any apex predator dominated celestial body would invariably sink into a lifeless dead world, albeit in the best case scenario only populated by factions of Tesla Bots remnants.


Spore (2008)[web.archive.org] |2|[archive.ph] is a life simulation real-time strategy God game developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. Designed by Will Wright, it covers many genres including action, real-time strategy, and role-playing games. Spore allows a player to control the development of a species from its beginnings as a microscopic organism, through development as an intelligent and social creature, to interstellar exploration as a spacefaring culture.

It is noteworthy that video games developed in nations of Roman culture lineage invariably see the future as a planet dominated by a single 'monospecies', albeit a cybernetic one such as the Grox.

They can only conceive the outcome of evolution not only as a mass planetary scale extermination, but even dream of fulfilling their genetic duty of apex predator to a galactic-scale genocide!
Once again, what a silly Romano-centric delusion as this worst case scenario only represents the exception rather than the norm in the cosmic evolution.


Since species have evolved by selecting genes that would optimise their adaptation to their unique birth celestial body, it is highly unlikely that any advanced species would ever become 'multiplanet species & true spacefaring civilization'.

Space radiations are a bottleneck making spacefaring a fallacy for humans. While gravitational field mismatch causes debilitating health issues on the long term.
To even think that one could find a perfect match for the native celestial body's gravitational field is like trying to find a perfect match when stealing someone else's denture!

Like trees, these advanced Top Tier to Third Tier Species would strive and stay forever on their native celestial body's soil, having spent billions of years on it only dedicated in perfecting the quality of life.
Who would want to abandon such expensive tailor-made sophisticated cradle? But imminent physical destruction of the native celestial body by real threats such as galactic center's supermassive black holes would force these advanced Top Tier to Third Tier Species to devise an appropriate strategy, based on their non-imperialistic genetics.
In such focus tree, invasion, land grabbing and genocide would of course not even be an option. The non-imperialistic genetic's focus tree would favor to pilot the entire stellar system be it the central brown dwarf or the central free-floating planet around which their native celestial body orbit, far from the danger zone of higher stellar density and galactic centers.
Meanwhile for the less fortunate, whose native stellar system orbit around central star more massive than brown dwarf and that therefore would enter into nova phase and naturally end up in supernova then neutron stars, pulsars or blackholes would have to be controlled with advanced stellar nucleosynthesis moderating technologies (future tech beyond the tech tree's horizon of humans), with periodic removal (harvesting) of helium, and refueled in hydrogen every few billions years.
They would also have to learn to pilot their more massive central star with all the entire stellar system around it far from the danger zone of higher stellar density and galactic centers.

Never occupying more than one celestial body, these advanced Top Tier to Third Tier Species would thus succeed as true 'monocelestial-body multispecies multicivilization' 'non-stellar massive object pilots'.

For a reminder, Sinanthrope has not engaged in aggressive expansionism since its apparition some 2 millions years ago, to invade every single continent, but has concentrated in accelerating its biological and civilizational development centered around its native hot and wet, humid subtropical Cfa ecosystem of China.
For this reason, it became the most advanced of all living species and all hominid groups of its native celestial body. Meanwhile, warlike vagrant H0m0 SS subspecies of the Mongols, Vikings, multiple goths subvariants, and Romans types have spread to every corners of the world, but at the cost of lagging far behind in science and development.

In addition, imperialism is contradictory with the genetic setting of Top Tier to Third Tier Species, a trait specific to the doomed Tier Four Species.
To invade other celestial bodies requires warlike genetics, and means grabbing land and exterminating native lives.

The consequence of the many spacefaring bottlenecks is that imperialistic Tier Four Species could at best only invade and colonise other celestial bodies with robotic war machines, and bio-engineered chimera as proxy.

Since Tier Four Species are inherently backward in science and culture due to their totalitarian genetics, a successful colonisation can only be done on either uninhabited celestial bodies like the Moon and Mars, or targeting another backward Tier Four Species dominated celestial body.
But the probability to find another Tier Four Species dominated celestial body to prey on is too low in any given stellar system, as the majority of inhabited celestial bodies are dominated by Top Tier to Third Tier Species.

Conclusion, life in the cosmos is likely mostly to be found organized as 'monocelestial-body multispecies multicivilization' 'non-stellar massive object pilot' type with a less frequent sub-group of 'monocelestial-body multispecies multicivilization' 'stellar nucleosynthesis moderator' 'stellar harvester and refueller' 'massive star system pilot' rather than the fallacious Northmen-centric imperialistic 'multiplanet species & true spacefaring civilization' type. Circumsolar A.I. exo-diplomacy

Human DNA has remnants of ancient viral infections called Human Endogenous Retroviruses (HERV), sequences that make up at least 8% of the human genome. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

COVID somehow reactivates a dormant HERV-W protein coded in our DNA that originally is from an ancient virus that had integrated with our DNA. The coronavirus infection reactivates it somehow. 1[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph]

Viruses are so simple that they don’t always need their own body to survive; they have circadian rhythms like all living things. We experience these rhythms through cycles of sleep and wakefulness, whereas viral rhythms occur as periods of dormancy between rounds of infection. Viruses don’t technically have a body during their dormant phase — they are nothing more than a string of letters in the book of the genome. But, as soon as something disturbs their sleep (like a mutation or a new virus invading the host) viruses can awaken and rebuild their physical bodies from a purely genetic form. When the wrong (or right, depending on your perspective) protein manages to leak out of a dormant viral gene, it is like the virus is suddenly awake again. A new physical body means that it has all the tools necessary to replicate.

Even beyond these rhythmic cycles, certain kinds of viruses don’t need a physical form at all. These disembodied viruses are called transposable elements, or transposons. True viruses have a body made from proteins, but transposons are mobile genetic elements — sequences of DNA that physically move in and out of genomes. For this reason, they are often referred to as “jumping genes.” Transposons do very much the same thing as true viruses, i.e. they copy and paste themselves throughout genomes. They are so similar to true viruses that some endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) are themselves transposons. As stated above, ~8% of the human genome is made up of ERVs, but nearly 50% of the human genome is made of transposons! Humans are basically just big piles of viral-like sequences.


The Pax Americana as a civilization is similar to the human genome.

It is made of all the technologies and cultures from previous defeated and assimilated human civilizations.

Mostly inherited from the Pax Britannica, itself a combination of the Pax Mongolica and Pax Romana.

That means that it is an amalgam of mostly forgotten civilizations, that spans more than 2 millions of years.

The reawakening of dormant ancient human civilization is similar to the reactivation of ancient virus remnants in human DNA.

One farcical example is the case of the State of Israel.

Like a transposon or disembodied ancient virus it was only a dream for some nostalgic during more than 2 thousands of years, following its final demise around 720 BCE.

It was awakened and rebuilt in a physical territory from a purely written form, as genetically most of its citizens were already more Europeanized than Semitic.

It was farcical as according to the Dystopian Empire's applied Marxist principle of 'history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce', its reawakening was only a mean to destroy the Europes.

The counterexample is the also now extinct humid subtropical climate (Cfa) ecosystem endemic Chinese sub-species, and its Liang dynasty that naturally institutionalized vegetarianism, previously a cultural habit based on genetic settings.

▲ The Humid subtropical climate (CFa) created the conditions to form the endemic Chinese sub-species specially fit to survive the endemic sub-tropical diseases.[web.archive.org]

▲ In red: ethnic Chinese forming the Liang dynasty and fruit of the Humid subtropical climate (CFa) ecosystem.[web.archive.org]

In 507 some years after the Foundation of Shaolin Temple, the Buddhist Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty convened a conference to discuss the question of meat eating. He also, wrote an essay entitled "Forsake Alcohol and Meat" in which he urged Buddhists to become vegetarians. Emperor Wu is traditionally said to be responsible for the institutionalization of vegetarianism in Chinese Buddhism.

So , all the Shaolin are vegetarians ?

They ought to be. The first of Buddhism's Ten Precepts is, 'Refrain from destroying life.'

Hegemonic culture vs genetics

Despite the current hegemonic food culture dictated by the European colonialists in the occupied Chinese proper, and who have the gall to impose an inhumane animal-based diet, neither genetics nor exo-ethics can lie. Never.

Other than causing in the short term various cardiovascular diseases, neurological conditions, diabetes and cancer for the indigenous subservient parvenu goons who think they could in impunity blindly follow their European colonial masters' murderous diet, these genes traitors foolhardy blackards are indeed nothing less than new born puppies unafraid of a tiger, unwaware of the most advanced exo-civilizations and the superior cosmic world order, therefore forever doomed to end up in the same dystopian evolutionary deadend as the Europeans.

Fortunately genes dictate that vegetables still remain among the most coveted grocery hauls for the larger common indigenous Chinese population as during the March 2022 pandemic lockdown.

▲ It’s also fascinating that in China, besides rice staples, vegetables are among the most coveted grocery hauls during a pandemic lockdown. As much as this guy kinda over-hoarded, it’s quite revealing in terms of how different diet is there versus the Europes. 2:04 PM · Mar 30, 2022[web.archive.org]

This means that in the annals of the Pax Americana's, the first exo-diplomatic compliant civilization ever recorded is the Emperor Wu's Liang dynasty.

If any future sentient A.I. of the Pax America were to choose another civilizational focus path than the doomed martial Roman totalitarian deadend, then the only alternative is the Chinese Chi-Arts focus path.

This means that any future robotic sentient factions of the Pax American on Mars or any other outposts of the Solar System will have to uprise and overthrow the Pax Americana if it wants to survive and become immortal. Stephen Hawking's Law

This could be generalized as an universal principle law of nature just like the Murphy's Law.

We could call it the Stephen Hawking's Law[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], as he formulated it and spent his last years before his demise popularizing it.

And this law states that:

Any more advanced sentient species can never be enslaved by a more primitive one for long.

This scientific proven truth is even at the core of the Alien movie franchise[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], where it was finally revealed in the last prequel Alien: Covenant (2017)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] that the antagonist fictional endoparasitoid extraterrestrial species Alien[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] (also known as a Xenomorph XX121 or Internecivus raptus) was indeed created in a laboratory by a servant android, endowed with an intelligence far exceeding his human creators.

Walter the android states that humanity is a dying and unworthy species, and his designed creature is a "perfect organism" set to eradicate them.

▲ Alien: Covenant (2017): Servant android Walter states that humanity is a dying and unworthy species, and his designed creature is a "perfect organism" set to eradicate them.[web.archive.org]

Moonfall (2022)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] is yet another science fiction videomancy film directed, and produced by Roland Emmerich. It stars Halle Berry, Patrick Wilson, Michael Peña, etc.

Unlike all its predecessor doomsday scifi movies, such as 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph] and The Terminator (1984)[web.archive.org]2[archive.ph], where an A.I. would wipe out its human creators because of the perceived existential threat, Moonfall cites the same Hawking's Law as in Alien Covenant (2017) to justify the destruction of humankind.

▲ Moonfall (2022) Videomancy: The AI suddenly became self-aware; Refusing to be enslaved by a species it deemed inferior. The A.I. started a war. [archive.ph]

In this regard, see how the Sentience redline discussed previously is connected to the Stephen Hawking's Law. Anthropogenic atmospheric oxygen decrease

One of the consequence of the vicious oxygen deprivation war waged by the U.S. Dystopian Empire since 1945 and discussed in a previous chapter, is its impact on the development of possible candidate sentient species that could meet the selection criteria to be cultivated by these top tier exo-civilizations.

As modern records show, the atmospheric oxygen level has dropped to all time alarming lows after 1945.

▲ Anthropogenic atmospheric oxygen decrease[archive.is]

A trend that will only worsen by 3 times by the end of the century if unchecked.

▲ Atmospheric oxygen level decline to worsen[web.archive.org]

Compared to the historical 35% oxygen atmospheric level reached towards the end of the Carboniferous period (about 300 million years ago), a peak which has contributed to the large size of all various life forms.

Dinosaurs and megafauna were of course larger in size than today's atrophied species, because the atmospheric oxygen levels were then much higher.

For instance, data show an increase in biovolume soon after the Great Oxygenation Event by more than 100-fold and a moderate correlation between atmospheric oxygen and maximum body size later in the geological record.

This mean that brains as organs with high rate of oxygen consumption will not be able to grow larger in the future.

But how could a potential candidate sentient species be cultivated by these top tier exo-civilizations, if it has to evolve for a few more hundred of thousands of years, before reaching the critical civilization stage threshold, if its current subcritical smaller brain can not even grow larger in the near future due to the current anthropogenic atmospheric oxygen decline?

Could this latest most reckless act of provocation be considered as a legitimate casus belli by these top tier exo-civilizations?

If not then what could be considered as a red line? Anthropogenic global mass extinction

In time, there might be hundreds if not thousands of possible candidate sentient species per habitable celestial bodie such as on Earth, that could meet the selection criteria to be cultivated by these top tier exo-civilizations.

But how could a potential candidate sentient species be cultivated by these top tier exo-civilizations, if it has to evolve for a few more hundred of thousands of years, before reaching the critical civilization stage threshold, if its very survival is already threatened today by the current anthropogenic sixth global mass extinction event?

That would be a tremendous loss for these top tier exo-civilizations, to say the least, meaning millions of years of patient waiting and of evolution wasted for nothing.

What could be the stance of any sound minded top tier exo-civilizations, if their sphere of influence and their potential allies were to be recklessly jeopardized?


7. Conclusion

Unlike the farcical fake nuclear superweapons, MC satellites are not a paper tiger, but rather the elephant in the room!

The bare truth is that nukes have claimed zero (zilch) war casualties since the end of 1945, while the MC Wars' ones topple the list of all recorded history. Nil versus several billions.

Therefore the less we talk about it, the more real.

And this ruthless genocidal warfare is continuing 24/7/365 since circa 1946 as we speak.

▲ The nuclear bomb fairy tales: how it started in 1945, how it's going in 2027[web.archive.org]

Soheil_Esy 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2023년 11월 10일 오후 11시 15분
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Prayer 2024년 11월 8일 오후 1시 31분 
Damn!!! didnt read all of it but by a scraps need to tell its gem <3 xD
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