Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

广州增城 (Zengcheng)Lv7.3
Warhawk Nov 18, 2023 @ 8:16am
广州增城 (Zengcheng) Lv7.3 (Zengcheng, Guangzhou, China). Quality: 7/10, Difficulty: 7.5/10, Length: Very Long. Played On Expert.
广州增城 (Zengcheng) Lv7.3 (Zengcheng, Guangzhou, China) is a strange, long, and lewd, but overall enjoyable Custom Map.

Zengcheng has a number of prominent lewd oddities (lewdities) present.

The Witches on this map are mostly Wandering Witches, and are highly-numerous, (seemingly) speed-boosted whilst running, and are all reskinned as skimpy large-breasted anime girls with jiggle physics.

There’s also an infamous secret custom dildo melee weapon that you can find on this map, hidden in one of the several Anime-Witch brothels, which can stun-lock Anime-Witches and Tanks.

And there’s also additional sexual themes, implied sex via in-map ragdoll posing, and ecchi-style anime posters present in various locations.

Don’t play on Zengcheng if you get offended by anime lewdness/sexual themes.

Besides the lewd and sexual themes, Zengcheng is set in the alleys, streets, and interiors of a large city; with each Chapter being Very Long and jam-packed with random dead-ends and interiors that lead to nowhere.

As a result, you should expect to be confused and get lost a lot on Zengcheng (in one spot you even have to break your way through a random window oddly placed in a wall in order to progress, which is not made very clear).

Normally long and confusing Chapters would make a map a lot more difficult, but Zengcheng is notably quite generous on supplies, especially Fireworks, Gas Cans, Propane Tanks, Pills, Adrenaline, and guaranteed Laser Sights (which you can find all over the place on this campaign, often next to AK47s and Military Sniper Rifles).

However, Zengcheng’s generosity notably does not include ammo, which can be fairly scarce at times, relative to the size of the Chapters.

Another notable oddity is that Zengcheng doesn’t have any normal Ammo Piles outside of Safe Rooms, but instead disguises ammo as odd props such as garbage bins, trash bags, and bags of dog food. So be sure to go around and rub your face on every bag/receptacle in the map.

Other random oddities of Zengcheng include: there’s white Alarm Cars that don’t sound an alarm if you shoot/stand on them, Tanks can punch a lot of cars, trucks, and other vehicles that they normally wouldn’t be able to move, some cars can be shot in order to cause them to explode massively (stand far back as you do so), and there’s a number of speakers you can interact with throughout the map; which blast deafeningly loud oriental music (but somehow don’t summon hordes).

Zengcheng also notably doesn’t have any Gauntlet events, which lowers its relative difficulty.

Zengcheng’s Finale is an easy Defend-Tank-Defend-Tank-Tank. You can safely hold atop a tower with a mounted gun in the Finale area, where Common Infected and even Tanks struggle to path up and reach you. There’s also plenty of Fireworks to spread around and use on the Tanks or the large clumps of Common Infected that spawn.

The helicopter escape vehicle also lands right next to the main holdout area (you'd logically assume that they would have made use of their gigantic, impressive bridge set piece for the escape, but they didn't), thus making it an easy escape.

For more Expert Custom Map Reviews and ratings, see my full Collection here. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2252724380
Last edited by Warhawk; Dec 17, 2023 @ 10:37pm
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qwik666 (DK) Nov 19, 2023 @ 7:51am 
th. nice game :winter2019happybulb:
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