SFO: Three Dragons (SFO:三龍)
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Venris  [developer] Apr 19, 2020 @ 1:31am

- tweaked battle camera for both higher and lower view

- changed how weather impacts visibility on the battlefield – fighting in heavy fog and with multiple armies might provide quite a bit surprises

- updated visuals for certain units

- fixed autoresolve calculation to take unit quality more into account than amount of missile units or sheer numbers


- Oversee Region – new stance that replaces Double March; order you commander to spread his troops across province to boost Public Order, decrease build cost and construction time while taking all movement points; be aware…not all commanders will be happy to be relegated to such mundane tasks

- slight increase to build cost and construction time

- reworked all unit prices and upkeep

- last two city tiers are now more viable options

- reworked unit size – militia and peasant units have higher man count than regular and elite units

- adjusted bonuses from equipment and characters to better play along with new stats

- slightly lowered Public Order penalties for very high population in cities, this makes them more viable to expand after 8th city level

- salaries – Salaries reduced for characters without a government position

- replenishment – Dragon and Palace Guard units have penalties to replenishment like Imperial units

- redeployment – redeployment cost is heavily discounted by basic military branch reforms. It should be a much cheaper option to deploy existing troops than to recruit new ones.

- administrators – main settlement branches now grant an administrator slot, so every commandery should have an administrator

- ministers – most minister positions have new effects that scale with character level (Sun Ce mechanic)

- rebuilt reform tree – Han reform tree has been rebalanced:
- add more risk/reward to choosing reform branches – bonuses can come with downsides
- reform effects should therefore be more impactful
- reform effects will be more thematically tied to the reform description
- more infrastructure requirements for certain reform branches

- recruitment changes:
- heavier emphasis on military branch for unlocks
- infrastructure requirement for reforms means need both infrastructure & reforms for units
- Dragon units now only recruitable by their associated element


- reworked how duel outcomes impact battle – while effects are heavily toned down, they last for longer
- tweaked hero/general abilities and skills to more reasonable amounts, creating a bit tougher challenge in late game due to less overpowered character builds
- improved durability and provided more standard unit size to generals bodyguard

Cavalry Grades:

- Instead of typical light/medium/heavy – cavalry performance is linked more to type and quality of horses used by soldiers to better reflect history

- Common horse – cheap, poor quality animal, it is slow and has low mass, used by militia grade units

- Trained horse – standard quality animal, decent speed and mass; used by regular cavalry regiments

- Steppe horse – effective and easy to maintain, very good speed but low mass, used by Nomadic units

- Noble horse – elegant and of large stature, it has very good speed and high mass; used by more elite cavalry units

- Noble Armoured horse – speed is sacrificed for even higher mass and additional protection, used by elite cavalry units

- Noble Cataphract horse – lowest speed of all cavalry units, which makes up with being fully armoured

- Heavenly Cataphract horse – largest and rarest animals imported from distant lands, able to rider over any opposition


- kill animations enabled for regular units

- every single combat stats has been changed!

- unit gain strength mostly through experience rather than through commander/tech/building buffs

- added passive “Retreat” ability to all units; once unit routs it gets 25% speed bonus but -25% armour penalty

- Yellow Turban units gain passive “Zeal” ability; it increases stats of YT units when their morale is high but lowers them if morale goes down – this represents religious fervor of combatants that lack proper military training; puts higher emphasis on various support units of Yellow Turbans

- reworked fatigue system – it takes much longer to tire units down but penalties are increased – this helps with AI fatigue management and makes system more important than having every unit exhausted after 1-2 minutes of melee

- reworked morale system – units will react more to overall situation on the battlefield, while it takes longer times to get units broken due to casualties, you should not see nearly destroyed regiments constantly coming back from rout

- AI cavalry will try to constantly cycle charge and remain in melee with infantry only for few seconds

- unit mass reworked, there will be a noticeable difference if light cavalry slams into light or heavy infantry

- cavalry charge is less likely to have “bowling ball” effects when charging into stationary or braced units for more realistic depiction
- cavalry will refuse to charge into braced units with charge negation/charge reflector, with only few horses running into infantry formation – this adds more realism while also makes AI cavalry less suicidal

- bigger emphasis is put into melee combat, lowered important of ranged combat

- changed effects of deployables; caltrops are meant to slow down enemies and lower their charge bonus rather than kill dozens of units

- tweaked spacing values for a bit more combat formations

- horse archers are unable to use flaming arrows

- reworked formation bonuses

- removed shield armour as a stat – shields provide melee protection and missile block chance

- added “Bonus vs Cavalry” to unit stats