Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

TLS Community Update Testing Initiative
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Tsuey  [developer] Sep 27, 2020 @ 10:45am
ShowUpdate() Guide :: Interactive Changelog
You can visually render all the VScript map changes by following these steps:

  1. Right-click L4D2 in Steam Library > Properties > "SET LAUNCH OPTIONS..."
  2. Enter "-dev" (without the quotes) into the textbox
  3. Load any map via console, like "map c8m1_apartment versus"
  4. In console type "script ShowUpdate()"
  5. In console type "sb_all_bot_game 1" to prevent server shutdown

Using "versus" the above will render everything, but note that "coop" won't have new Infected ladders and will also have far less shortcut/exploit fixes -- "survival" has a small amount of exclusive clips for specific maps.


Using the -dev parameter is NOT RECOMMENDED as it will disable Achievement earning, but is more efficient. If you wish to have the best of both worlds, run ShowUpdate manually by entering this into console:

script_execute z_developer_showupdate

Here's a simple example of what that looks like for exploit fixes:


And here's a visualization of Dead Air 5's PvP-exclusive planecrash content:


When activated, this appears in console to explain what every color means:

SHOW UPDATE DEMO MODE _____________________ CLIP (blocker) color coding: RED Everyone PINK Survivors GREEN SI Players BLUE SI Players and AI LT BLUE All and Physics Other color coding: LT GREEN Brush (blocks LOS & hitreg) ORANGE Navigation blocked YELLOW Trigger volume WHITE Infected ladder clone BLACK Lump and _commentary.txt blockers Drawn boxes marked "ANGLED" unpreventably block Physics. Adjust box opacity with "script g_BoxOpacity = #" (0-255). Use "r_drawclipbrushes 2" or 1 to see BSP-baked brushes. Recommended tester binds: bind [ "script ShowUpdate(); r_drawclipbrushes 2" bind ] "script HideUpdate(); r_drawclipbrushes 0" Recommended "map mapname versus" test environment: "jointeam 2; sb_all_bot_game 1; sb_stop 1; god 1; director_stop" Exit with "script HideUpdate()" (if used with nav_edit and director_debug this also stops their flickering). If you use a make_ function, run ShowUpdate() again to apply changes.


As of Sept 24th's release, the original changelog can be found here:

L4D2 Map Fix and PvP Changelog


MrFailzz made a Coop/speedrunner-focused changelog with navmesh changes here:

Last edited by Tsuey; Jan 26, 2021 @ 4:57pm