Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Betterchat Problems with changing Atags Colors
After i changed the Colors in Atags for the groups everything worked it showed the color and everything but after i restarted the server this error appears after writing a chat comment:

[BetterChat] lua/includes/util/color.lua:17: bad argument #1 to 'min' (number expected, got nil)
1. min - [C]:-1
2. Color - lua/includes/util/color.lua:17
3. InsertColorChange - lua/betterchat/client/vguipanels/drichertext.lua:1169
4. messageDirect - lua/betterchat/client/channels/channels.lua:574
5. messageDirect - lua/betterchat/client/channels/channels.lua:506
6. message - lua/betterchat/client/channels/channels.lua:424
7. Call - lua/betterchat/client/formatting.lua:525
8. defaultDarkRPReceiver - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/chat/cl_chat.lua:30
9. func - lua/betterchat/client/compatibility.lua:39
10. unknown - lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:32
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