The Jester
 Ten wątek został przypięty, więc pewnie jest ważny
Bag_Piper  [producent] 2 sierpnia 2019 o 22:20
Map tips. [For those who are stuck, or want less challenge]
How to find favorite book? Walk on or right next to an object you want to interact with, and click like the dialogue says. (For me, there is sometimes a strange bug that makes so you have to click on two dialogue start hotspots to get the first one to play, and the second one will also play right after).

How to make enough sound to attract the guard? Grab the banjo item that is on the table, then walk right up against the bars and drop it at your feet.

How to make it through the poison filled vents? There is a opening grate on the floor down one of the vent pathways. If you make your character roll around corners fast enough you can get there in time.

How to do other parkour things? There are scratches indicating where to go. Some places they are less visible than others.

How to kill all the guards on level four and six? Killing them is optional, so you can sneak past some of them.

How to climb to the roof of the tower on the last level? It wasn't made very clear, but you can wall jump off the side of one of the windows somewhere under the flags and get on a ledge. Here's a video on it:
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Bag_Piper; 14 sierpnia 2019 o 21:57
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Hey could you post a video of how to do the last bit on the tower I see what your talking about but really don't think its possible no offense there's just not enough space on the ledge to work with.
utilityguy 14 sierpnia 2019 o 16:29 
Number one tip: It's okay to lower the difficulty Slow motion does wonders for reaction time.

Początkowo opublikowane przez scarletwolf134:
Hey could you post a video of how to do the last bit on the tower I see what your talking about but really don't think its possible no offense there's just not enough space on the ledge to work with.

I just beat that part. A lot it relies on you climbing the edge portion of the window's pillar to then jump behind you and grab the ledge. After that, and jumping to the ledge beneath the flag pole, you simple need to jump-climb up the wall and then jump back to sidegrab the flag-pole. That should get you up to where it's strait-forward to do the rest.
Sampo'sBigNaturals 14 sierpnia 2019 o 18:38 
I have it set on the lowest difficulty I still can't do it I've played this game for years its not a question of skill i just still have no idea what to do can I get at least a picture because this makes 0 sense in text form I've gotten onto the to the window sill but don't know where to go from there there isn't enough space in order to climb up the side of the window I've tried you can't stand in front of where I think to climb up
Bag_Piper  [producent] 14 sierpnia 2019 o 20:41 
@scarletwolf134, I'm working on making a short clip for that part, it will take just a little bit.
Bag_Piper  [producent] 14 sierpnia 2019 o 22:10 
a dead meme 5 października 2019 o 15:43 
i dont know how to drop weapons or items
Bag_Piper  [producent] 5 października 2019 o 19:45 
@0516jeremyborchert, You hold down the left mouse button and press Q.
Dunkelschwamm 17 listopada 2019 o 2:42 
I gotta say, I loved this campaign but if it weren't for the video here I would have given up at that last bit of the tower climb. I had essentially tried to do what is exactly in the video for over an hour and assumed I was doing the wrong thing and began looking for different ways to make the climb. Even once I saw the video and knew exactly what to do I found that it took several attempts of the character slipping on narrow ledges, the edges above the window just simply not being grabbable for several tries in a row, and the geometry of the tower shoving my character's trajectory away from the tower during the jump from the window ledge to the wooden box under the flag... before I finally made it up to the top. By the time I got there it hardly felt worth what followed, but on the upside the campaign had built enough good will in me along the way that I was willing to endure this insanely frustrating obstacle to see it through to the end.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Dunkelschwamm; 17 listopada 2019 o 3:29
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