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美国海军FFG-62“星座”级巡防舰 USS FFG-62 Constellation-Class Frigate
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美国海军FFG-62“星座”级巡防舰 USS FFG-62 Constellation-Class Frigate

星座级巡防舰(英语:Constellation-class frigate),项目代号为FFG(X),为美国海军计划中的导弹巡防舰,由于原定装备的濒海战斗舰主要为多用途,但美国海军太平洋战力渐趋下风,以至于正规战力不足而展开的取代计划,预计接着在濒海战斗舰末艘开始大量建造工作,此前美国在一系列先进舰艇中引入太多新技术,导致进度不顺,此舰种将会专注于现有技术加强控制生产成本。在2020年4月30日,美国海军宣布芬坎蒂尼集团得标,FFG(X)的设计将以欧洲多用途巡防舰为基础。作战系统为神盾“基线10”版本战斗系统,搭配雷神公司SPY-6(V)3相位阵列雷达。
六个造船厂向美国海军FFG(X)计划提交了概念设计提案。。2018年2月16日,美国海军海上系统司令部宣布,5家获选厂商,并分别和各厂商签署约1500万美元的设计发展合约为FFG(X)制作概念设计。分别为:洛克希德·马丁、奥斯特船厂北美分公司、芬坎蒂尼集团、通用动力、亨廷顿·英格尔斯工业;阿特拉斯北美分公司和蒂森克虏伯海洋系统提出了MEKO A200的设计方案但未入选。2019年5月28日,洛克希德·马丁基于自由级濒海战斗舰的设计退出竞争。
美国海军在2019年6月20日发布FFG(X)最终需求征询(RFP),各厂商需在2019年8月22日之前提交设计回复,9月26日前提交估价回复;美国海军在2020财年从各厂商提案中选择最终获胜者,随即进入细部设计与建造(Detail Design and Construction,DD&C)。
在2020年4月30日,美国海军宣布芬坎蒂尼集团得标。最终设计将参照欧洲多用途巡防舰,并由威斯康辛州的芬坎迪尼马里内特船厂建造。该舰的配备将以既有的配备为主,比如EASR雷达、基线10型神盾战斗系统、Mark 41垂直发射系统等已经在其他军舰上使用并验证过的装备。其目的是加速新巡防舰的设计与建造,并可和其他船舰共用零件,也减少人员训练的问题。

deco_pack_1: sh60:链接:https://pan删除TAC0X2W9Tn汉853qt5ZQKZA字?pwd=80b1

The Constellation class is a class of multi-mission guided-missile frigates under development for the United States Navy as a follow-on to the modular littoral combat ship.The U.S. Navy announced the FFG(X) frigate project in the United States Department of Defense Request For Information (RFI) on 10 July 2017.The U.S. Navy selected five shipbuilders to evolve their designs into a prospective design for the proposed twenty FFG(X) guided-missile frigates.On 30 April 2020, it was announced that Fincantieri Marinette Marine had won the contract with its FREMM multipurpose frigate-based design. The project was later renamed FFG-62 program after the lead ship was named.The U.S. Navy procured the first FFG 62 in FY2020, the next was awarded in April 2021, and the third is planned to be awarded is FY22. The U.S. Navy's proposed FY2020 budget request was $1.281 billion for the procurement of the first FFG 62. The U.S. Navy's FY2020 budget submission shows that subsequent ships in the class are estimated by the Navy to cost $850 to $950 million each in then-year dollars.
The U.S. Navy's intention to buy the first FFG(X) in 2020 did not allow enough time to develop a completely new design for the platform. Consequently, the U.S. Navy intended for the design of the FFG(X) to be a modified version of an existing "parent" ship design.The RFI says, "A competition for FFG(X) is envisioned to consider existing parent designs for a Small Surface Combatant that can be modified to accommodate the specific capability requirements prescribed by the U.S. Navy."
The U.S. Navy wanted a frigate that could keep up with the aircraft carriers and have sensors networked in with the rest of the fleet to expand the overall tactical picture available to the group. "The FFG(X) will normally aggregate into strike groups and Large Surface Combatant led surface action groups but also possess the ability to robustly defend itself during conduct of independent operations while connected and contributing to the fleet tactical grid."
In January 2019, the U.S. Navy announced that the new frigate will have a minimum of 32 Mark 41 Vertical Launch System cells aboard the ship for primarily anti-air warfare for self-defense or escort missions.
The U.S. Navy would like for the ship to be able to:

Destroy surface ships over the horizon,
Detect enemy submarines,
Defend convoy ships,
Employ active and passive electronic warfare systems,
Defend against swarming small boat attacks.

The class will use a Combined Diesel Electric and Gas Hull, Mechanical and Electrical (HM&E) propulsion system which has never been used in any other U.S. Navy ship.[13] The new propulsion system will be required to be tested on land, in order to reduce the risk of engine failure, which has plagued the previous LCS program.

You will need these mods(not in workshop mods):

注意:博福斯SAK-57 MK110舰炮创意工坊内暂无上传,可加入Navalart鸽派现代武器制造所QQ群(群号:645349146)获得,或以奥托·梅莱拉76MM舰炮或其他任意舰炮替代(反正舰体大得很)
Notes:Bofos SAK-57 MK110 Naval gun is not yet uploaded. Plz join Navalart Peace Modern Weapon Modding Group Chat(QQ: 645349146) to get the file or replace the main gun with Oto 76MM or any other gun u like

Update: sak57 has been synchronized to the workshop and added to required items, remember to subscribe.