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Give Me The Good Stuff!
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29. Juni 2017 um 20:29
30. Juni 2017 um 0:33
4 Änderungshinweise (anzeigen)

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Give Me The Good Stuff!

(This is a personal mod not meant for external use!)

Why wouldn't a civilisation that has advanced to space be able to build other kinds of ship-sized kinetic chemical weapons? This mod fixes that by giving all empires that have kinetics or missiles all basic kinetic techs at the start (kinetic empires also get free nuclear missile tech!).

This mod also changes the game's starting date to 1998. Why? Because I can!

There's also a new flag. Don't use it. It's mine.

If you use folk's Auto Auto-Explore, disable that, because this mod also gives you the auto-explore tech. You don't need it twice.
2 Kommentare
Avalanche  [Autor] 8. März 2018 um 0:34 
Since 2.0 changed starting technologies, this mod is redundant. Use folk's Auto-Auto Explore instead.
yobeefjerky 20. Nov. 2017 um 12:26 
I actually really like this mod, it makes early game a little faster by not having to get tech that you really should start with anyways, i've always assumed most species would have kinetic technology and missiles if they have Faster Than Light technology, so this helps.
P.S. i was also a little tired spamming finish_research at the start of my game so i actually had ships that made sense IRL.