Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

82 人が評価
CLRV streetcar (TTC, tram)
Assets: Vehicle
2.890 MB
2016年2月18日 14時25分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
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CLRV streetcar (TTC, tram)

The Canadian Light Rail Vehicle (CLRV) is type of streetcars that used by the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) in Toronto, Canada. The CLRV is a single-module vehicle.

Capacity: 45 (you can change it with IPT).

Donate please if you like it! :)
19 件のコメント
GATOR17 5月12日 8時45分 
its a shame they are no longer around, i use to ride them many years ago. they are basically buses on rails because its a high floor tram
Mechalic 2018年8月4日 17時04分 
@Sebastianek the trams you're thinking of are PCC trams that were in fact in Saint-Étienne, but the ones in Toronto are CLRV which are only in Toronto. CLRV stands for Canadian Light Rail Vehicle.
Sebastianek 2018年7月30日 16時16分 
my favourite tram !! reminds me of my teenage days in St.Etienne France.
They were the only trams there for years...
AleX_BY  [作成者] 2016年3月1日 23時27分 
@Mechalic, well it is possible to made trams with default trailers, but not with custom. :D This is bug, so we are waiting to patch.
Mechalic 2016年3月1日 15時00分 
Oh that sucks, though the default trams made by the developers, they are a 3 section tram, how did they manage that?
AleX_BY  [作成者] 2016年3月1日 14時49分 
@Mechalic, unfortunately it is impossible to make multisections trams at this moment. :(
Mechalic 2016年3月1日 14時31分 
I live in Melbourne, the city with the worlds largest tram network, we have these new trams, built in Melbourne called the E-Class, if I knew how to do modelling I would make them, though as you do, just making a suggestion if possible. Heres a pic :,_2013.JPG
Captain-No 2016年2月21日 14時28分 
thank you so mutch...they can be sort otherwise so badly
AleX_BY  [作成者] 2016年2月21日 14時25分 
@Captain-NO, added :)
Captain-No 2016年2月21日 14時10分 
(Tram) :-)