Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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[DEPRECATED] Large Flag of Canada
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Assets: Prop
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774.477 KB
2015년 10월 21일 오전 9시 45분
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[DEPRECATED] Large Flag of Canada

A large Canadian flag prop that can be placed alongside your assets.

This mod is deprecated, please subscribe to the Canadian Flags Mod instead.
댓글 3
APeeler  [작성자] 2015년 10월 26일 오전 11시 59분 
You can only build props in the asset editor. In game, props only show up as part of an already existing building. You can always try BloodyPenguin's More Beautification Mod
Longhaul 2015년 10월 26일 오전 1시 17분 
this along with some other props are not showing up ingame...any idea's?
Captain-No 2015년 10월 21일 오전 10시 05분 
fit well in the -Canada- all in one Collection:
thank you, Thumbs up