Homeworld Remastered Collection

Homeworld Remastered Collection

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Playable Kadeshi V1.7 October Update
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Playable Kadeshi V1.7 October Update

HWRM V:2.0 Important Message: Very imprtant news. There be an upcomming patch for Homeworld Remastered. As we learned from the previous mega patch that changed the mod structure, it casued all mods to stop working. I belevie that it will happen again but as of now, i dont know how much it will be.

I beg you people to report any bugs that my mods might have, may it be ingame, or crashing due to them so i can take a look at them and hope that i can fix them.

Stay tuned for me and i thank you, deeply, in supporting my mod with your subscribing and playing them. If the new patch brings in something really exciting new features, expect some really epic stuff!

This mod allows you to play as the Kadeshi, The guardians of the Nebula, and is part of my mod collection of race mods that
all have one thing in common. While there are superior mods out there that does this kind of job much better, my
mods are made for users who doesnt want anything complex or to heavy. While the popular mods out there gives you alot
to play with, my mods are made by only with stock content from the game, thus rendering the mods light weight, easy to use and download.
Similar to my Turanic Raiders mod, this race also includes a few non garden ships to even out the odds with the standard races.
While playing as the kadeshi, you noticed that the race has its own voice for its command ship.
Now that task of giving it a new voice wasnt difficult, but it took time, so i hope you enjoy it.
Unlike my Turanic Radiers mod however, i was unable to use the actual Race slot for the Kadeshi, and was forced to replace an existing race, wich was Taiidan (Sorry for you Taiidan players out there.).
The Kadeshi currently have Progenitor ships as buildable.
Swarmers acts as Anti Fighter and Corvette ships fighters, while not as effective against capital ships.
Advanced Swarmers acts as Anti Capital Ship fighters while not as effective agaisnt fighter class ships.
The MultiBeam Frigate, while has an intensive firepower, lacks alot of armor to blance it acordingly.
The Progenitor Keeper is an extremely powerful ship on itself, thus has been rebalanced.
The swarmers and advanced swarmers have the neat ability to know when to dock with a FuelPod Frigate, so to maximize
the battle potential of your swarmers, make sure you keep your FuelPod Frigate near them (and build more of them if possible).
---What is new---
V1.7 October Update
*Brought back the Peasant Pod with a new paintjob. Thus fixing problems with harvesting.
*Boosted The MultiBeam Frigate's armor signifintely
*Gave the Fuel Pod frigates the ability to repair frigates and capital ships.
V1.6 October Update
*Added a massive shipyard ship that serves as an endgame unit, called Hand of God.
*Fixed The problem with the harvesters from docking with the Mothership. Thanks to LeviathansWrath for his help!
*Removed the Peasant Pod from the game, and gave the resource collecting ability for the Fuel Pod Frigates. See the Known bugs tab below for vital information.
*Due to the strength of The Keepers, the price of building them has been changed from 5500 to 9500
*Removed the old Taiidan Resource collector from the Construction Tree of The Kadeshi.
V1.5 August Update
*Converted and fixed the mod to work on the latest version of HWRM
*The race now finaly is balanced with research tree.
*The Resoruce Collectors have been replaced with Peasant Pods, wich acts as the resoruce collectors know.
-----Known Bugs-----
When building The Hand of God, it does not hyperspace after being built but just appears
where the Needleship is.
At this current version, you can only build around 40 or swarmers. I dont know what causes this bug for now, but i will find out and fix it someday.
Since the swarmers are now built as duo squads, the FuelPod Frigate acts as each Duo Squad is a induvidual ship, thus causing teh duo ships to merge eachother upon docking.
Not as gamebreaking as it sounds since upon undocking, they return to normal.
To an extremely strange and rare reason, any built swarmers mgiht attack eachother or allies, but has so far only happened to a single user.
If you also get this, please report it and explain when it happened and such.
Stay tuned for more updates!
127 Komentar
LeeObee 18 Okt 2019 @ 1:46am 
Appreciate the response Sasha! Means allot! Life first my friend!
Mama Sasha  [pembuat] 17 Okt 2019 @ 6:54pm 
I wish i could do that, but as of now, i dont have the drive nor the time to do it. The thing about the Kadeshi mod, is that unlike teh Turanic Raiders mod i made, this one was actualy alot trickier to get it to work.

When Gearbox did a massive rework of the game, it rendered alot of mods unusable and had to be remade. Also, teh way i made custom ships (Like the Peasant Pod and Hand of God), is unusable with the current version of the game and would crash teh game and i dont know any other method to create custom ships Aside from replacing current ones.

As much as i wish i could retrun to modding, as of now, i cant. The drive isnt there and i hope you understand. Maybe one day but dont hold your hopes up for to long.
LeeObee 17 Okt 2019 @ 10:36am 
2019, Mod still don't work... cant we have a "Lite Fix" please? thanks!
Mama Sasha  [pembuat] 6 Des 2018 @ 1:03pm 
Firstly about the mod. I havent updated my Kadeshi mod in a long time due to the fact that the last few updates made it impossible for me to maintain it. Int he future i may do somehting about it but not now.

Also, for the love of ass, cant you read comments? Both on my steam page, AND on the comment section says specificly not to add me as a friend unless you know me on Discord or Skype. Wasnt i clear enough?

I wrote the comment and my steam page due to the fact that people kept on adding me as a friend. Just becasue you downlaod my mods, doesnt automaticly make us friends. Please respect.
Weimond 6 Des 2018 @ 11:12am 
At the moment ir crashes on launching and I think it seems somewhat unlikely that a new update will break the mods at this point.
Mama Sasha  [pembuat] 27 Apr 2018 @ 9:07am 
I thought it was a coincidence, but it appears that each person who tries to invite me as a friend, plays Homeworld, wich makes me to believe thats the reason they feel compelled to add me due to my mods.

I write this on all my mods now, but for the love of ass, STOP INVITING ME AS A FRIEND! Seriosuly! I made it very clear, and if you really, really want to add me, you either have to get aproved by me on skype or discord, or ask nicely in the comment section atleast. I think it be common sense to atleast ask. This isnt facebook.

Thank you.
Mama Sasha  [pembuat] 9 Apr 2018 @ 11:11am 

Yes, awhile back Gearbox made an update that bricked my mod. I havent updated this mod in a long time. While my other mods worked nicely to be updated and get them working, my Kadeshi mod seems to be the strangest one, as its really wierd how i even get it to work without crashes.

But sadly as of now, my fire for modding is super small at best, almost null. Maybe one day i get this one to work again.
LVV 9 Apr 2018 @ 9:53am 
when starting HWRM it gives me a "general failure". Probably because of a recent update like you mentioned above
Mama Sasha  [pembuat] 12 Des 2017 @ 5:58pm 
Just a little headsup. As of now i havent been able to work on the mods considering how overwhelmed i am at the moment. Im trying to get my creative spirit back one way or another. I do know for a fact that Gearbox hasnt updated the game in a long time so, i souldnt be afraid of making a new update, i just need the fire back.

And also, a request to the community. For the love of The Bentusi, stop trying to add me as your friend on steam. I dont care if you are a special snowflake or think they personaly know me, but i find this behavior to be very agrevating. Unless i given your contact personaly from elsewhere (Such as via Skype or PMs via forums), dont add me, please respect that.

Thank you.
Mama Sasha  [pembuat] 27 Nov 2017 @ 6:00pm 

Believe me when i say this, i hate it when that happens to my mods every damn time there is an update. It usualy never was a problem before, but the last few updates they did they made core changes to the game, and thus made my mods unplayable.

I havent been able to get the kadesh mod running yet, since i need to start over with it. While you wait, i got 2 mods that does work as of this writing. Maybe one day i be able to get the kadesh mod working again, but im not sure as of when.