

36 ratings
Mass Effect Portaits Updated
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128.680 MB
Aug 9 @ 6:59pm
Aug 10 @ 12:10pm
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Mass Effect Portaits Updated

Mass Effect Portraits Expanded has been updated to align with the games current file structure. Full credit goes to the original creators, LostInACave and Princess Stabbity. My contribution was simply adapting the files for compatibility. If you encounter any issues, please let me know, and I'll do my best to resolve them.

Original Mod is Mass Effect Species Pack - Expanded Edition :
lemurs2 Sep 8 @ 11:37am 
For anyone curious this does not work with the Asari mod.
lemurs2 Sep 3 @ 8:22am 
All of them have invisible clothes. Amusing though.
Jesus Aug 28 @ 6:41am 
Might be a conflict of some kind for me, but the salarian portraits have some invisible clothes
thomasson Aug 17 @ 9:03pm 
Hey, I have a suggestion for the human portrait. You should add the diplomat formals that characters such as Ambassador Udina wears.
イムカ Aug 12 @ 9:46pm 
Are the geth in it?
SharkNFur  [author] Aug 12 @ 3:21pm 
@Ranger I have some origin ideas i have been working on as well for each race. Along with working on getting the geth their own portraits. Still fleshing those ideas out to fit.
Ranger Aug 12 @ 1:37pm 
@SharkNFur was also thinking of making a trait mod to go with it.
Ranger Aug 12 @ 1:36pm 
@SharkNFur Completely fair. In my version they were separated but only because me as a player likes it that way.
SharkNFur  [author] Aug 12 @ 7:47am 
@Ranger That was merely done as ease of access for me. I have multiple packs from different fandoms so to this helps me find them quicker and keeps them more organized. But i could always seperate them respectively while also keeping them lumped together in the single mass effect category. When you start getting massive load orders it helps to have things organized. Helps me test compatibility.
Ranger Aug 12 @ 3:47am 
@SharkNFur Hey I was making a similar update myself but you've beat me to it. The only issue I see with your version is that rather than having the species be in the correct species categories you have the all separated into a Mass Effect category. If you would like the changes necessary to correct that let me know