Age of Wonders 4

Age of Wonders 4

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Performance Stripper
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42.071 MB
Mar 13 @ 12:31pm
Apr 2 @ 8:33am
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Performance Stripper

Fixes bugs in layouts and tactical maps to improve performance. In addition assets are stripped from maps and resources to improve fps even further.

Frontend_Scene.rpk -> fx -> Frontend Portal removed
-> Frontend PortalFogGround removed
-> FireSides2 removed
-> FireSides3 removed
This removes part of the portal on the titel screen, increasing performance during the creation of a new game.

UnitTransformation_Scenes.rpk -> Scene: Unit Transformation + Scene: Unit Enchantment -> Entity Definitions -> BackgroundDef switched and realigned
-> magic fire all scaled to zero to hide them
Changed background for transformation and enchantment scene to the simpler background of the unit info screen.

ItemForgeScreen.xaml MainSceneRenderScaleModifier
TomeOfWondersScreen.xaml MainSceneRenderScaleModifier
UnitPanel.xaml MainSceneRenderScaleModifier
HeroRecruitmentScreen.xaml MainSceneRenderScaleModifier

Setting MainSceneRenderScaleModifier to zero hides for example the strategic map when looking at fullscreen layouts like the tome of wonder or the item forge. Normally the map is drawn first and then the layout is drawn on top completely covering it.

Fallen Tower Map Removed braziers, purple light columns, spiral staircase, fade black blockers

Tomb Map Removed bones, spiderwebs, lights and fog

Secret Temple Map Removed fog, lights, fade black blockers
Razuhl  [author] Mar 24 @ 9:51pm 
@eharper256 The entire scenery is a single model so it's all or nothing. I can alternatively remove the fog on the floor and the detached fires to clean up the scene. The fog on the missing stairs is needed to create a sense of depth.

You can also edit the mod by copying the steam mod into your local modding directory(folder name must match ".acp" files name). Launch the mod tools from the launcher, open the local mod and then "tools" -> "resource editor". Open rpk-file in your aow4 installation listed under "Changes" and right click the entry. Select "remove mod". Save and done. The changes for rpk-files are saved in the mods acp file, the file you opened is not changed.
eharper256 Mar 24 @ 10:51am 
Seems to remove an awful lot of the title screen; it's now a mostly grey void with floating flames and the portal only spewing fog onto an invisible platform.

That said, the rest of the options certainly do seem to improve performance with little loss. My PC was great 5 years ago, but lagging behind a bit now, so this is appreciated.

Would you consider a version that isn't quite so vicious on the title-screen? At least give it a floor? :D
Agent Fox Moulder Mar 16 @ 1:12pm 
Ay, I was so excited for a moment reading this title.