Age of Wonders 4

Age of Wonders 4

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+2 Ranks from Bannerlords
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Jan 17 @ 12:27pm
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+2 Ranks from Bannerlords

In 1 collection by Kaige
Kaige's Mods
46 items
Changes Bannerlords to give +2 ranks to units recruited from the Rally of Lieges rather than cutting the cooldown of it to 1/2.
Uledrith Apr 20 @ 2:30pm 
When selecting traits during the creation phase, my description is not updated to the one you show in your screenshot. It shows the old one. I'm using a dragon lord so I'm not sure if that makes a difference.
Dc Feb 4 @ 10:12am 
This makes sense as you don't need to recruit from lieges pool every other turn and the fact your economy usually isn't strong enough to do anyway makes og bannerlords kinda useless.
SDgamer Jan 17 @ 2:32pm 
for those care about balance, this mod will make it so that when you get the respective Order Empire Skill with the Banner Lords trait, any units recruited from the Rally of the Lieges system will start at rank 4 with this mod. This will be very strong when paired with Wonder based units such as Ogres and when a Gold Wonder is cleared out, Dragons