Rain World
78 人が評価
The Glacier
6.935 MB
2023年12月29日 19時24分
2月15日 18時53分
7 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
このアイテムを使用するには、 DLC が必要です。

The Glacier

The messenger Slugcat exiled in this land has the ability to control ice, which is the last legacy bestowed upon it by the god.

◇ Hold pick-up to transform spear into icespear by consuming one grid of food
Icespear will freeze and stop the attacking creature, and can be used three times
◇ The movement speed of creatures approaching you will be slow (the captured creatures are not included in this category)
◇ Hold down jump in the air to glide for a period of time
◇Pressing the S to generate an ice shield by consuming three grid of food that can withstand damage once, with a maximum limit of two【Obtain after seeing FP】
◇Something interesting will happen if you swallow bomb
◇ Inability to consume scavenger
◇Cyan Lizard permanent hate

Known issues:
△ cloak

Future plans:
Add scavenger partners

Finally, Glacier is my Slugcatoc and it is not allowed to use this setting for all purposes other than re-creation.
Part of the art thanks to Vokka and Lucky!

I would like to express my gratitude to the creators and friends who have provided me with help and support:
Thank you to Seron for providing me with guidance on the direction of mod production in his column <Slugbase Beginner's Guide from scratch> on Bilibili.
Special thanks to Harvie, NuoPu, ShanKa, and QED for providing a lot of code examples and assistance in my module production process,
Without their help, this module would not have appeared.


2024.2.16 update
Fixed saving error,Added some options.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (2)
3月16日 19時54分
Magenta Lizard
2023年12月31日 2時17分
Magenta Lizard
48 件のコメント
OzzieJ38 5月7日 12時39分 
Update: whole game refuses to open
OzzieJ38 5月7日 12時35分 
blackscreens whenever i try to play it
masro  [作成者] 3月30日 18時50分 
I gave up, I can't fix it
shmega licker 3月30日 12時12分 
+cool cat
-crashes game upon death
ERROR2401 3月19日 10時53分 
I really hope this gets updated to work on the latest version.
Starfangirls 2月24日 10時50分 
Tried to use it and it broke my game and wouldnt let me play ._. oof.
Gamma 2月8日 21時20分 
Hello, just wanted to ask if there was a custom world-state or ending art. I haven't seen any comments confirming or denying so figured I'd ask.
yoshi and artificer hugger 1月7日 16時50分 
ok honestly this slugcat looks pretty cool but honestly i felt like i just got trolled when i saw this mod i thought it was a custom region mod but its just a custom slugcat mod im still ok with it i will try it out but still i feel like i got trolled a little bit!
KryptRunner8481 1月7日 11時23分 
Also, I don't know if it was due to some incompatibility, but it screwed up my keybinds. Pretty cool mod tho
KryptRunner8481 1月7日 11時21分 
Ooh, maybe you could do something to the mod that made it start at some point during The Saint's time?