Victoria 3

Victoria 3

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Imperia Roleplay for 1.5
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Dec 1, 2023 @ 9:53am
Jun 9 @ 9:36am
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Imperia Roleplay for 1.5


Imperia Roleplay is a mod for Victoria 3 aimed at multiplayer playthroughs by compiling multiple mods, adding unique flavor, and balancing mechanics with the goal of enhancing historically accurate story-driven gameplay. It is the main mod for the Victoria 3 community of Imperia Roleplay.
About the mod
Main features of the mod:
  • Roleplay primers which give a summary of a nation’s history at game start.

  • Expanding and balancing laws, with some of our own unique laws such as foreign policy and balancing laws so there are no “meta” laws. For example, public schooling is nerfed and more options such as “Patriotic Schools” are added.

  • Balance gameplay around history, such as making authoritarian and conservative playthroughs viable rather than pushing for modernization and liberalization as the only viable gameplan.

  • Nation specific flavor through state traits and unique journal entries/event chains such as a reworked Tanzimat journal entry for the Ottoman Empire and a similar journal entry for the Qing empire which can contribute to its collapse into warlord states or the centralization of the empire.

  • New nations aimed at encouraging intriguing diplomatic play in a multiplayer setting such as Poland and multiple Qing governors.

As a multiplayer centric mod, we also add many unique mechanics aimed for RP multiplayer games and QoL changes such as:
  • Great Power congress: Great powers can call a Congress based on the Congress of Vienna, in which a GP can request claim to a state, denounce or embargo a fellow power, or recognize a foreign power. Events about the Congress will fire for as long as the Congress is active, simulating interactions between the attendees’ diplomatic teams. Great Powers and Major Powers can vote in the Congress once their mind is made up by supporting, opposing, or abstaining the motion, impacting the vote by the amount of prestige they have.

  • Political Discord: Political Discord is a measure of how disjoint your external and internal politics are. Actions such as allying an ideologically opposing nation will make this number go up, and making decisions in events that go against the politics of your nation will also increase this number. Once the cap of 400 is reached, your nation will implode into many states, representing the many political disagreements within your country causing a civil war and a collapse of centralized government.

  • QoL for Multiplayer: Many other mechanics are balanced around multiplayer games, such as a split bonus to construction depending on your nation rank (10/5/0 for Minor Powers/Major Powers/Great Powers) and disabling the pause button/speed buttons so they are only available to the host.

To improve multiplayer stability, we have compiled and adapted multiple mods that range from QoL improvements to flavor mods, such as:
  • Compact States: Compact state overview which allows player to see all state’s stats in a single window.
  • Guaranteed Independence: Adds a diplomatic action to guarantee or request another nation to guarantee independence, allowing a nation to always aid without using alliances or subjugation.
  • Miniature World: Modifies models to be as true to size as possible, making cities look more realistic in the map.
  • Clear miniature roads: Prevents buildings from spawning on top of roads and rails, adding map immersion.
  • No clouds: Removes clouds which obstruct some cities and improves performance.
  • Dense trade route tab: Changes the trade routes tab into a more compact version.
  • Vibrant water: Visual mod which adds life into Victoria’s 3 oceans with more vibrant colors.
  • Victoria Tweaks: Lightweight mod whose aim is to enhance gameplay experience such as tweaking population growth, small improvement to flavor, among many others.
  • East Asian Namelist Improvement: Fixes many of the East Asian cultures to have historically accurate names.
  • Better Decrees: Adds and renames multiple decrees. We have balanced the cost and multipliers of these based player feedback.

- Github[]
- Imperia RP Development Discord[]
- Imperia RP Community[]

This mod is a passion project developed by:
Lead Developers:
  • hidde0
  • fallonar
  • danarca
- arkaik.0 | emifas | animeminecraftsheep | aleksander108 | .sir_cheese | crushita | dunno | quaza_

With contributions from:
  • dominikusrex

Former lead developers:
  • johnbrown1
  • hammurabae

Former modders:
- banana9050 | supermax9839 | quasarkaese
kikker  [author] May 23 @ 7:07am 
@andrea.dlbrt97 was answered on the main mod page.
andrea.dlbrt97 May 16 @ 6:45am 
I didn't understand ottoman tanzimat "urbanization". Do I have 3 urbanization level in 25% of my states? Or less?
kikker  [author] Mar 22 @ 4:04pm 
@Blue Division AI won't start one but it will vote if the player starts one.
Blue Division Mar 22 @ 1:10pm 
does the vienna congress still function in singleplayer?
Fallonar  [author] Mar 17 @ 8:33am 
@koukouman4ever We actually moved this to be a kind of decision now. Under the diplomacy section there is a "foreign policy" tab now. You simply select which policy to change to (as long as requirements are met) and the IGs will now respond accordingly, but not prevent you from passing the change.
koukouman4ever Mar 14 @ 10:58am 
hey man, in my games icannot change the foreign policy of my country, can you fix this?
Sherlock Bones Jan 30 @ 8:30am 
i love this mod man
Admiral Swaggoth Dec 1, 2023 @ 6:12pm 
Great mod