Dola Lokatora

Dola Lokatora

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19 listopada 2021 o 21:15
9 grudnia 2021 o 23:05
Listy zmian: 3 ( zobacz )

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This mod currently adds 7 symbols and 1 item, which are designed to be able to pivot into different builds.

Kindergartener is common, gives no coins, and transforms into High Schooler after 7 turns.

High Schooler is uncommon gives 1 coin, and transforms into College Student after 13 turns.

College Student is rare and gives 2 coins, but more importantly can transform into other rare symbols based on what she's adjacent to:
-Peaches turn her into Mrs. Fruit
-Ores turn her into a Geologist
-Oysters turn her into a Diver
-Beer turns her into a Bartender
-A treasure chest turns her into a Pirate
-A Hex of Thievery turns her into a Witch
-And if you let her turn counter hit 20, she'll turn into a Professor

The Professor is very rare, starts at 4 coins, and gains 1 more for every 5 turns that pass. She also triples the value of any adjacent textbooks or ebooks

Supporting this build are the book symbols:

Textbooks are common, give 1 coins, and increase the turn counter of adjacent students of any kind- including the professor- by 5. They're destroyed in the process, and give 10 coins when destroyed.

Ebooks are rare, and give 3 coins. They advance adjacent students' turn counters by 2, but aren't consumed.

Library Cards will instantly destroy themselves, and spawn 3 books. Usually it'll be textbooks, but you might get lucky!

Lastly, the G.E.D. is an uncommon item that will instantly transform any human that doesn't have a counter into a High Schooler. No shame in going back and getting an education!

I also really wanted the G.E.D. to be triggered on manual destruction- similar to how items like the booster pack work- but it doesn't seem possible with the current effects? As it is it kinda plays like an essence item.
Could probably use more support items in general, to make the "pure academia" build more viable. Probably at least an item that buffs book values? More ways to spawn loads of books?
Komentarzy: 30
donny sunrise 13 stycznia 2023 o 10:57 
has this mod been fixed?
Beast257 2 grudnia 2022 o 1:35 
I assume the API has updated since this was uploaded, as modifying a symbol's type (at least to vanilla symbols) doesn't seem to function correctly anymore - which means the college student transformations are not working correctly. I've had more luck destroying/removing the symbol and adding an appropriate new one.
Jiji 5 listopada 2022 o 2:18 
Yep same problem with NavoNerd. I hope it gets fixed cuz i love the concept of this mod. Keep it going!
NavoNerd 21 października 2022 o 16:05 
College student bugs out when trying to evolve into professor while also trying to become any of the other jobs it can turn into. Turns into a question mark that does nothing. Had this happen twice, once with diver transformation and another with geologist transformation.
Elkian Lionblood 2 września 2022 o 16:08 
I tried cancelling individual details of various mods and I'm still getting ? instead of usable Symbols :(
Eyelikegiants 23 lipca 2022 o 17:53 
This is awesome! But please specify in the description that it is not compatible with 'I heard you like ores'!
Sage✩ 15 marca 2022 o 18:50 
Same here bro i got the college kid and it totally bugged!!!!!
PurpleCat 15 marca 2022 o 18:39 
Uh when the college student tried to transform I just got the question mark symbol
xxxmelficexxx 12 lutego 2022 o 21:28 
I like the mod but it has too many bugs or conflicts
Bubbadoo🦈🌺 31 stycznia 2022 o 16:07 
I am assuming it's actually the ore tweaks mod since that one changes how geologist works
My guess is that mod assigns a different value to point to the new geo while this mod looks for the old one and is unable to find it resulting in the question mark