

57 ratings
Tags: Hero, Abilities
File Size
1.532 MB
Jul 14, 2021 @ 6:33pm
Jul 18, 2021 @ 9:28am
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Adds in over 15 new abilities into the game.
About 7 for warrior, 6 for hunter, and 4 for mystic.
All (except 2) abilities have upgradable versions.

Adds various buffs, attacks, and utility skills to the warrior, hunter and mystic.
Strong new attacks, self-cast buffs that have drawbacks, and targetable and global utility buffs.

New engage attack, armor shred and stun attack, and various team buffs for warrior.
Small hidden/grayplane support for hunter and various ranged passives and new rapid shot.
Summon, heal, and AoE debuff, and AoE charged attack ability for mystic.

This mod may not be balanced and some skills may be more much stronger or weaker than others.
All abilities should be usable with no crashes.

Please feel free to comment any bugs you find or suggestions
I will prioritize gameplay bugs over things like typo or text errors.

-Abilities- (Very basic descriptions because I'm a busy man)

Hunter Hawksight: Grant target +10 stunt and ranged accuracy for 1 turn.
Upgrade: The effect is now doubled.

Hunter Hiddenstrike: 30% chance of entering grayplane when turn ends. If you are in grayplane as the turn ends +2 speed and +10 stunt until next attack.
Upgrade: Gives +2 flank damage when ending in grayplane.

Hunter Keensight: Grant +6 attack range, perception and 1 bonus damage for 2 turns.
Upgrade: Gives +10 range, perception, and +2 bonus damage instead.

Hunter Rapidshot: Fire your bow up to 3 times, shots do 50%, 75%, 100% damage respectively.
Upgrade: Stunting on any shot grants +30 stunt for the next shot in the chain.

Hunter Shadeshot: Up to 3 times a combat, Shoot an enemy once with a 33% chance to blind the target. 100% on stunt.
Upgrade: Shots now limited to 2 instead, but blinds with 100% chance on hit. Shadeshot can now blind for 2 turns with a 50% chance.

Hunter Stationary: Pin yourself for 2 turns, but gain +1 bonus damage and 10 accuracy.
Upgrade: Attacks in stationary have a 30% chance to refund an action, and now grants +20 stunt.

Mystic Dusk: Spread gloom in a cone shape to enemies, lowering their damage based on the enemies in range.
Upgrade: Dusk now does damage and inflicts hobbled for 1 turn.

Mystic Raise summon: Raise a summon, but heavily debuffing yourself for 3 turns. The summon gains health and damage based onyour spelldamage and potency.
Upgrade: The summon is much stronger overall.

Mystic Rejuvenate: Heal a target adjacent unit for 1 to 5 health +potency. 2 times a combat.
Upgrade: Heals an additional 1 to 3 health and 2 armor/warding for 2 turns.

Mystic Blizzard: Spend 1 turn to channel at a large area striking it next turn with ice.
Upgrade: Now deals more damage depending on how many targets are hit. Now has a 50% chance to stun.

Warrior Berserk: For 1 turn, take 33% of your max health as damage and lose 5 accuracy and gain 1 bonus damage per health taken. (This ability will always leave you at 1hp if you don't have enough)
Upgrade: No upgrade.

Warrior Embolden: A successful kill grants all heroes +2 armor and block for 2 turns. More kills refresh duration.
Upgrade: Kills now grant +1 temp health which can stack (no duration), and now grants +3 armor instead of 2.

Warrior Reckless: Once per combat take 50% of your max health as true damage: For 2 turns. Attacks now cost 1 action point, and kills grant 1 action point up to 3 for the whole duration.
Upgrade: No upgrade.

Warrior Vanguard: Grant adjacent allies +15 block and +1 armor. (Aura)
Upgrade: Range increases by 1, now additionally gives +15 dodge and +1 warding.

Warrior Headsmash: Gain 1 armor and smash your head into the enemy, dealing 10% of your block as damage, and stunning yourself and them for 1 turn.
Upgrade: Headsmash now stuns them for 2 turns, and can shred 2 armor at a 50% chance.

Warrior Rousing Strike: Strike an enemy and taunt them for 1 turn. Gain 1 bonus damage for your next attack.
Upgrade: Gives +2 bonus damage instead. Applies weakening: enemy deals less damage.

Warrior Tremors: Stomp the ground hobbling yourself for 1 turn, and dealing damage in an area around you for half your level and half your max health.
Upgrade: Range increases by 1, enemies hit at hobbled for 1 turn.

Man that was a lot of typing.
Anonymous Sep 11, 2022 @ 5:56pm 
Thanks! @armeddreams
Wanna be friends in discord?
Anyways, heres the link to my version of the update
armeddreams  [author] Sep 11, 2022 @ 8:39am 
No problem, feel free.
Anonymous Sep 11, 2022 @ 5:25am 
@Kinasin @casbury2111 also idk if you two still care any more but I tested both upgraded and un-upgraded version just now and all three shots applies shred

also @armeddreams mind if I post the updated mod's link here?
Anonymous Sep 9, 2022 @ 1:59pm 
armeddreams  [author] Sep 9, 2022 @ 9:39am 
I'm not really updating this mod anymore, so feel free to copy it into your own and make changes if you want.
Anonymous Sep 9, 2022 @ 1:32am 
Mind if i try to balance it and fix up all the descriptions?
Kinasin Jul 9, 2022 @ 11:06am 
so does this work with piercing shot?
casbury2111 Jul 4, 2022 @ 1:55pm 
the armor shred on piercing shot + doesn't apply to rapid shot, I accidentally submitted this as a bug report thinking rapid shot was vanilla but I figure the best place to report this bug is the comments here
Robur Velvetclaw Apr 26, 2022 @ 12:20am 
WILL you be revising this mod soon? Wildermyth just had an update which tweaked Warrior abilities and some mods now prevent warriors from using certain abilities, ie Zealous Leap.
Thank you for your time.
Mis Nomer Mar 24, 2022 @ 2:58am 
I really like a lot of these abilities and I have been a little bit desperate for some more abilities to add onto the game, however, I keep stumbling over small typos or clumsy word choices in the ability descriptions. I know it sounds a little petty, but it's enough to pull me out of the immersion a little, and does make it seem a little less polished compared to the base game. I reckon this mod could benefit from a decent proof-reader IMO. That's the only thing that's really stopping me from fully embracing this mod - it's otherwise a great mod.