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The Elven
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17 ноя. 2020 г. в 9:21
9 дек. 2020 г. в 13:03
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The Elven

The Elven, frail of body when compared to the rest of the peoples of the continent but their minds are as sharp as any sword.
About twenty years ago the Elven appeared on the north of the continent after a long voyage across the sea that claimed the lives of most of their people.
Their land was aflame, war had long ago ceased to be a problem but the fallout of the conflict had done its damage. Salted earth tactics had destroyed much of the soils fertility and that combined with a volcanic eruption made the land more and more inhospitable.
Being a people bound to a House structure and not accustomed to working together in larger groups, even the largest of Houses numbered only a few hundred members. Under the command of the twelve greatest Houses, as well as their coin and the view of their soldiers, the Elven were forced to task. The task was to save their people.
The remaining available resources of an entire land were brought to bare this one mighty goal. Three ships, four great houses and their subsidiaries to each ship. They set out towards a land to the east, a land none had visited in generations and a place the only maps to were old and faded.
The first tragedy struck as they left. The smoldering volcano blew its top and a pyroclastic bomb hit, as if targeted, the Ark Myclos. It sank quickly. Despite this there were survivors, those that crowded the upper decks of the Arks Ellid and Keppa could see them trying to swim towards the other two ships.
The Ellid and Keppa were, like the Myclos, near overloaded as it was with each carrying near two thousand of their people the remaining ships pushed on and left those of the Myclos to their fate.

The days turned into weeks and then months as the two ships made their way slowly to the new land that they could do little more than hope was out there somewhere. Land was sighted at the start of the third month as supplies were dwindling. It was then that the remaining ships found their fate. As if the gods were against them making landfall a storm began to form and thrashed the ships with wind and hale the likes of which had never been seen by the Elven. Both ships found their doom there that day, as did many of those who had called them home for the voyage.
Those that survived and made it to land on the life boats and drift wood found no safety in this new land. They would late encounter the local saying “The leviathan coast always exacts a toll.”
Those that survived this latest test scattered south, less than a thousand scattered into the new continent. With none of the great houses and few of any other houses making it through intact, the surviving Elven were free to forge a new destiny.
Some formed new Houses in the aspect of the old ways while others tried to find their place in this new world.
The United Cities welcomed them the same as anyone else. If they had coin or skills then they were allowed to settle. If not then slaves they became.
The Holy Empire treated them as any other race not of human descent. The Elven are human looking enough to be allowed to move through Holy Empire territory but further interaction is treated with open hostility.
The Shek remnants will trade with or ignore then new comers at whim but find in them the same kindship against the Holy Empire they find with anyone.

Elven are Rare, physically weak but dangerous as a dagger in the night.
The Elven are arranged in a House like structure with a Matriarch or Patriarch in charge with the title Lord/Lady.
The second of a Household bares the title Inheritor and does not have to be blood kin of a Lord or Lady.
Males are less common than Females but are expected to undertake the same tasks and duties as the females.

To do
- Wandering houses
- Mechanical servants
- Small settlement
- Lone wanderers

- Integration with slaves, roaming bands etc.
- Named Characters
- Custom dialogue
- New game Start
- Race fine tuning

- Is anything ever truly finished?

Special thanks to @Cathedral Acolyte for letting me use his Dark Elf Base Model located here
Популярные обсуждения Просмотреть все (2)
1 янв. 2021 г. в 9:36
Ideas and advice
19 ноя. 2020 г. в 23:53
Bugs and Conflicts
Комментариев: 33
P2020-Killer 4 окт. 2023 г. в 2:30 
Does this work with the major animations mods?
beach_basketcase 14 сен. 2022 г. в 15:54 
NinjaBeest 12 мар. 2022 г. в 9:50 
Appropriate lore as well!
NinjaBeest 12 мар. 2022 г. в 9:50 
You should come back and keep working on this mod. Good job on the ears!
jettn77 16 фев. 2022 г. в 12:09 
n'wah please
Enzamus Prime 20 июл. 2021 г. в 20:18 
Is this mod still active? Love it so far from reading the description, about to add it to my game.
Wraith  [создатель] 9 дек. 2020 г. в 13:05 
Mini update: New character in Black Desert City with some custom convo stuff.
Update: I have most of the faction stuff done "On paper" Will begin implementing it in the next few weeks.
Backrevol 3 дек. 2020 г. в 7:04 
No,no problem at all,i just use same sword and then 'o wow,familiar weapons'
Wraith  [создатель] 3 дек. 2020 г. в 6:37 
TBH I did not think about what they were wearing. If its a problem then I will post some new ones when I come back to the mods after I have gotten bored of the games I bought in the winter sales.
Wraith  [создатель] 3 дек. 2020 г. в 6:32 
It's possible, I was using the Genesis mod when I took the pic so if they are apart of that then its possible.