Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

35 人が評価
Tram: TICS GT6
Assets: Vehicle
5.075 MB
2020年2月2日 5時22分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
このアイテムを使用するには、 DLC が必要です。

Tram: TICS GT6

Gregor Vukasinovic 作成の 2 件のコレクション
Dryas' Tram Depot
81 アイテム
Dryas' Transport Museum
22 アイテム
The 1990s and 2000s saw the use of classic DÜWAGs end gradually across Germany. While many units ended up being scrapped, hundreds of units also found new homes in various Eastern European countries that just recently had been set free from the claws of communism, and were in dire need of rolling stock.

One such example was the city of Timisoara in Romania, where several DÜWAGs from, among others, Düsseldorf served a few more years.

This train has doors on the right hand side only. Cims can get on/off from the left side, it will look glitchy though.

whole train:
Vmax: 70 km/h
Capacity: 100 pax
Tris: 3701 (LOD: 90)
Textures: 2048x1024 DISC

If you like this mod (or any mod in fact), us content creators would be very thankful if you gave it a thumbs up. It really makes a difference!

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Tags: TICS Timisoara Romania Bahn train Zug Düwag GT6 trailer
4 件のコメント
Gregor Vukasinovic  [作成者] 2020年2月16日 7時39分 
Nur das Snowfall DLC
Abraham 2020年2月16日 7時38分 
wie ist es möglich die Trams zu nutzen? Braucht man dazu ne Mod?
Vielen Dank!
Hasel 2020年2月4日 12時14分 
great job!
also, you considered adding versions from different cities in eastern Europe?
meltingpot 2020年2月2日 7時32分 
Amazing work!! I never thought I'd see my city's tram being added to the game. Check out the refurbished Wegmann GT4 - "Armonia" tram, if you're curious modelling that one as well.