Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Howling Head Islands Map
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Howling Head Islands Map

Em 2 coleções por Sunesha
Cities Skylines: Modcollecton for YouTube Series
53 itens
Howling Head Island's extended recommend mod list
11 itens
A Polynesian inspired map. A very niche map, tricky map, little land, a lot of water, boats everywhere map, totally unrealistic and very detailed. Form over function, I consider myself more artist than engineer. I sinked over 300 hours creating this from scratch(Should also account the time of me learning to make map, so yeah this my first)

Made for my youtube channel to help others learn how to do maps and and to play it on my channel.

All kind of feedback is welcome. Send a screenshot, share if you do some gaming videos or just rate it. If you want to complain, please do, I need know if you think something is wrong and I will try to fix it. I am not my map, so I will not take it personally.
Map statistics
2 / 4 incoming road connections used
2 / 4 outgoing road connections used
2 / 4 train connections used
4 / 4 ship connections used
4 / 4 plane connections used
31780 / 250000 trees used
1060 / 50000 props used
Suitable area for building: 30%
Design choices and general info:
  • Realism was never considered, stuff are designed look real but aesthetics ruled my choices
  • Designed for natural disasters and Industries DLC. Access to underwater resources, breaking point disasters for certain areas in certain situations
  • Limited access to land-based transport (Just 1 highway and railroad connect) to encourage use sea based transport and other alternatives
  • Extensive ship paths, should in theory cover the whole islands
  • Starting tile is the biggest for fast and easy start. It should be easy to get all milestones. The island's last milestone ist around 33-34k
  • Made for smaller island communities rather than one big city
  • Kept the area you are able to build to only a third of a 25 tile map. Was designed to work with just the default 9 tiles but user feedback have makes me to recommend to use 25 tile mod which I tested most in my playtesting. 9 tiles is a subpar play experience on this map.
  • Different areas are susceptible to Tsunamis and flooding. Starting area is located on a gentle slope at higher altitude and naturally protected.
  • Rocky Island which is rich in oil is suffer below sea level areas(Risk/Reward). The howling head island is very flat and near sealevel. Floody mountain is as it namesake, it floods naturally in periods and more so if you install a dam. So you better be aware ;)
  • A plug and play 1600w dam, for fun and profits at the Floody mountain. I did not really had room or some way to fit in dams in my design. So designed floody mountain to fit in my map design without giant floods running through my map and to have at least one place that uses max altitude
  • I designed special harbor staging areas with quays if people want use them. This mostly that I get little tears in my eyes just think that people would smack down cargo harbors on top my shallow long beaches. Also as it is reminder that boats are cool on map with more water than land.
  • Features the world's largest round about inside a volcano. This is mostly that always wanted a place where you naturally would build ring like city area
  • Optional moat in the volcano(See guide video how to install it). This was personal thing I want for myself. But I knew it would not be for everybody
  • So much trees everywhere, well I was inspired by Polynesian islands. There is alot of trees.
  • Three volcanos, I went overboard after this map was partly inspired by Aogashima( ). The only town in the world living inside a volcano. So yeah, my map three times cooler. ;)
  • Only using in main game assets for decorating with help trees, rocks and props. To avoid introducing diffrent experiences for diffrent map users. I humbly considered that most people just happily pave my beautiful arranged design without a thought and just be annoyed that they got 3 new versions of a tree when they already have a preferred version
Recommended themes and mods
Vanilla Tropical theme
This works very well, it just look different
Mossy Mountain
I used this halfway through the map as main theme.
Purchase it!
Allow you to buy tiles in any order and at any time
All 25 Areas purchasable
Allow you to buy up to 25 tiles instead of vanilla 9
Daylight Classic
In vanilla the game has to warm(yellow) colors and is awfully bright. For purists, it could be worth mention that this mod just make the game look like it did before After Dark DLC
My Youtube series about this map
Sunesha's let's create map series, creating Howling Head Islands
Sunesha playing on Howling Head island
About the map Author and how this map came to be
I always wanted to record a cities skylines playthrough for my YouTube channel. The problem was there was no map that really inspired me to record.

So after I browsed around steam and read MrMiyagi's map guide. I also played his excellent maps. This convinced me that I was able to actually create map. My old modding skills consisted of creating textures in 1998 for Quake. My resume was doing all textures for Ninja Quake and a lot clan skins. Lets just cut it short, it was pain to do that in 98. I actually did a lot work by painting stuff pixel per pixel, considered torture by most people. We had throw rocks at pixel per pixel, 256 colors, black was my favorite color. Number 0, so I didnt have to buy new 20 kilos computer screen. Filters where called eyecandy and nerds was not cool. OK enough the nostalgia.

So I had brilliant idea, I will document and learn about map making and share it with my viewers on my channel( ). This is like creating 2 things at same time. Then I play the map on my channel.

So it my in my framework reference modding creating a map for skylines is easy but probably very time consuming. I estimated it would take 100 hours to create a hand crafted map from scratch. I was stupid, looking back, 300 hours uncounted hours something. Yes it is easy, but it took a lot more time and knowledge that never thought I needed. Everything is easy if you have time and patience.

Documenting my progress and what I learnt of map making on my channel has been reward in itself too. Simply this map was made for my extremely small viewership at YouTube. But I thought I should let other people chance to play it too.

To create something for nothing from nothing, that is something you can never buy, can only be shared.

19 comentários
schmuckythecat 8 dez. 2021 às 23:26 
There are abandoned houses and monuments all over the map, most of which I incorporated into parks themed around them. On the crescent islands that are almost all too steep to build I chose a monorail connector and then dirt and 1U roads wherever they would fit to low density housing. One island had an abandoned house next to a rock monument shaped like Stonehenge. The house became a witches hut, the henge became her altar. I added a water feature at the top with another rock arch. Where it crossed the road, the water formed a pond, so I added an animal spawning point for dolphins, with rocks allowing water to flow out, but not the dolphins. They were the witch's pets.

Thanks again! Funnest map I've played on. The geography is just a little extreme.
schmuckythecat 8 dez. 2021 às 23:26 
I loved playing on this map! Thank you for making it.

I managed to make so many cool parks and campuses. That big giant crater (the second one, not the main one) became my sewage outflow until it filled up. Then I built a recreational park with a rim road. An amusement park built into a crater shaped poop lake! Awesome!

On another mountaintop I placed a spiraling pedestrian path until at the very top there is a Chinese temple. To get the angles right on the path I didn't even use road anarchy, just continual trial and error. At the very top I did have to use MoveIt to place the temple.
Caprisun229 6 abr. 2021 às 12:12 
The island needs a little more work I can tell all ready maybe keep working on the map it self such as the roads terrain etc I don't see how I can build on it and i play skylines all most every day since it came out also play simcity 4 as well so whats that tell u.
CesarKiller 19 jan. 2019 às 16:42 
I dont know how to put pictures here. Thanks for the replies!
Sunesha  [autor] 17 jan. 2019 às 10:02 
Thank you, in my head I understood like "sour" thumb. So it was double translation problem for me ;)

Cool, I am glad you like it too =)

I probably do more maps in the future, but next one will probably be a ravine mountains snow map.
m4gic 16 jan. 2019 às 16:24 
and "sticking out like a sore thumb" is because you can't easily bend a sore thumb, so it remains straight, and is therefore sticking-out from the rest of the hand, especially if someone is curling all fingers into a fist, the thumb sticks out. Hence, the saying.
m4gic 16 jan. 2019 às 16:20 
Don't get me wrong, it is a beauty. I am glad I found and subscribed to it and I may return to it in the future. If you want to make a smaller version of the idea, one that would have all buildable land and resources in a 9-tile area, that would be fantastic!
Sunesha  [autor] 16 jan. 2019 às 1:34 

This is all fair critique

1. Yes, I agree it is unrealistic. I never designed any part of this map with realism in mind. More esthetics and geography influenced by real stuff.

2. Thank you. I will update my description. I think you are right, after thinking about it. If you buy all 8 squares on the main island, the ninth square would just buy you nothing useful. You are right, this map need the 25 tile mod.

I mostly based 9 tiles so it would be possible to build. Honestly, I playtested mostly with 25 tiles and designed around it but made it possible to build much smaller island in 9 tiles.

Shame it didn't work well for you. I may misled you by my description and I thank you sharing your experience. I will be updating my description to say people should be using the 25 tiles. I misjudged the default 9 tile playability

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences. It will help others to avoid wasting time, that is in your situation.
m4gic 15 jan. 2019 às 17:19 
Absolutely beautiful, but I have two issues:

1. the caldera is unrealistic. it may make for a pretty circle-city, but i don't think anyone would construct a city in a caldera, and it doesn't make sense logistically, anyhow, so I guess what I am saying is that the lack of realism regarding the caldera is an issue for me.

2. I was looking for an island map that I could play with the default 9 tiles so i can build a city and pursue the Steam acheivements I still need to earn. Your map needs the 25 tile or full map mod, which would make steam achievements unavailable for me...

So, after playing for a couple hours on your beautiful map I am afraid I am back to the Workshop looking for a map where I can make the city I want to make using the default 9 tiles.
Sunesha  [autor] 15 jan. 2019 às 6:17 
That's good news. I begun to worry things I touched with move it mod would break things for some users. Thanks for all help