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Core Game Mechanics: Debris
2.772 KB
2018年5月4日 9時17分
2018年5月27日 11時02分
3 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Core Game Mechanics: Debris

ExNihil 作成の 1 件のコレクション
CGM Core Collection
3 アイテム
This is a small mod that fixes/boosts the way debris works in Vanilla and really helps the AI. Its an updated version of my 1.9 ExMechanics mod and it will be a part of CGM: Technologies when that mod is finished.

Mod Content
The mod fires an event whenever a new technology is researched. If the given empire does not have the prerequisite techs for the technology – which can only happen with components, it runs an effect that grants these prerequisites. Thus – debris in effect give you ALL the technologies that lead up to a component, not just the latest version. For example, if you have Red Lasers and you suddenly research Gamma Lasers, you will get all the techs between these two as well.

This mod has in-built synergy with the largest component mods:
It works with these mods using global flag checks, and if any or all of these mods are available, uses APIs installed in these mods to check and if necessary grant these mod’s tech as well.

Why does this help the AI?
This helps the AI because the AI - in vanilla at least, is not set up to ignore lower tier techs when it has the higher tier techs. Although the player can ignore them, and for players this is first and foremost a QoL improvement mod, for the AI it really changes research priorities and help improve their game. Furthermore, there is a field called "upgrades_to" on component templates. This field dictates how components upgrade upwards. If the AI has holes in the upgrades_to chain it may cause issues with fleet upgrades and the like. Thus this also help improve AI ship design and upgrade performance.

This mod is 100% compatible with everything. It doesn’t touch any vanilla file. You can turn it on/off at will. It is also 100% savegame compatible.

The mod doesn't impact performance in any noticable way. It uses the on_tech_increased on action trigger, and doesnt do anything on monthly pulses. It works perfectly for both SP and MP games.



32 件のコメント
Sh4dowBlad3 2021年5月5日 2時47分 
Does any1 know whether this still works post 3.0.*. I liked the idea of this mod but its moot if it doesnt serve a purpose anymore since it wont be updated. If it still works im just changing mod descriptor file
Sneaky Peeky 2020年4月7日 17時45分 
Aus1rathia 2019年12月29日 23時54分 
6E4.4C0DDF8B9CD8's fork seems to work fine at 2.5.1
petrovytsh 2019年11月23日 8時49分 
Update to 2.4/2.5?
Time Lord 2019年10月7日 14時56分 
Moe Mod Compilation
Greetings, And thank you for the creation of this awesome mod! I love it and wish to keep playing with it. However I have a request. After the recent Megacorp update I feel as though the game went a poor direction design wise. Portrait sizes are to small and many other things. As such I am playing with version 2.1.3 before the update. If possible can I have access to the mod version that supports V 2.1.3? I have a “Moe Mod Compilation” That it is apart of that I wish to keep playing with. Thank you for your time and consideration! “ Mod Compilation link
Crescidious 2019年9月16日 8時18分 
@ExNihil update?
Nerule 2019年8月31日 21時18分 
SuNseT`gReeN 2019年3月21日 5時43分 
Is there any news about the mod update?
WariousGaming 2019年2月3日 2時42分 
ExNihil any news about this mod yet? ;)
Gerishnakov 2018年12月29日 5時32分 
I would imagine 2.2 shouldn't affect this too much.