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Base Level Cap 10
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2 marca 2018 o 20:37
14 września 2021 o 9:22
Listy zmian: 8 ( zobacz )

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Base Level Cap 10


Moves the base level cap from 5 to 10. As well as the absolute level cap to 50.

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Komentarzy: 4
ShinyNobody 31 maja 2021 o 9:16 
Rly nice. Btw do you know a mod that gives tech to give leader more levels because even with the ton of mods i have it sadly goes not that high. Or even buff to exp gain
Iron knight Fe 3 marca 2018 o 0:04 
nice :-)
James Fire  [autor] 2 marca 2018 o 22:05 
The absolute level cap is 50.
Iron knight Fe 2 marca 2018 o 21:58 
is the absolute level cap set to 40 as well as the base level cap set to 10 ?