Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

2,011 ratings
BigCity (25 tiles mod)
File Size
4.895 KB
Jan 15, 2018 @ 10:45am
May 31, 2023 @ 11:54am
4 Change Notes ( view )

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BigCity (25 tiles mod)

Allows cities to be 25 tiles big instead of only 9

  • By default the game only allows you to purchase up to 9 tiles.
  • This mod sets the limit of purchasable tiles to 25, so that you can still expand more once the last milestone has been reached.

  • The mod is not working or does not show up in the game!
    The mod does not have any user interface, the only visible effect is that you can purchase more tiles after the last milestone once it has been enabled. To enable the mod please check the I installed the mod, how do I enable it? section of the FAQ, right below.

  • I installed the mod, how do I enable it?
    Once you've subscribed to it, head to "Content Manager" in the game main menu, select Mods on the left, scroll to this mod, check the on/off checkbox to enable it. That's it.

  • I want to have all 25 tiles unlocked immediately!
    Enable the mod included with the base game to unlock all milestones from the game start if you want to build a large city immediately.

  • What mods does this mod work with?
    Any mod that doesn't make changes to the map size will very certainly work properly.

  • Why only 25 and not 81?
    The game engine was designed to support up to 25 tiles as specified by the official modding API, anything higher requires deeper changes in its core. By not going higher than 25 you ensure your saves will keep working with newer releases of Cities Skylines without depending on the mod being updated if it breaks.

  • I uninstalled this mod, will I still be able to play my save?
    Normally yes, although I can not guarantee it as there's no indication of this in the official modding API. This mod makes no changes to the game engine and simply changes the amount of tiles you can unlock. So if you have a game saved with 25 tiles, even with the mod uninstalled, you should still be able to play it with the full 25 tiles unlocked.

  • Achievements are disabled when I play with this mod, how do I turn them on again?
    Although enabling any mod will disable achievements, you can use the following mod to re-enable them anyways : Please note that this is probably not the only mod that does this, and I have no affiliation with it, nor am I using it, but it seems to be of a pretty decent quality so I'm linking it for people who want to try it out.

Feel free to comment if you have any issues :)

The source code for the mod is available at the BigCity GitHub repository[].
Popular Discussions View All (1)
Jun 26, 2023 @ 12:44pm
"Only one IUser mod is accepted per mod" error
晓_ Dec 21, 2024 @ 11:17am 
frost  [author] Dec 1, 2024 @ 11:46am 
Alright I finally got back access to my PC :) I just tested the mod by itself with the latest game update and it works just fine. If any of you encounters any error I would advise checking for other mods conflicting. Feel free to comment if you have any other issue.
frost  [author] Nov 27, 2024 @ 12:14am 
@FatihSldgn yes it will not have any effect if you don't reach the last milestone.

@Br00dmama thanks for the update! I still haven't had the time to check it, I will try to by the end of the week :)
FatihSldgn Nov 24, 2024 @ 5:00am 
I will try again with all milestones opened mod
FatihSldgn Nov 24, 2024 @ 4:59am 
The mod is enabled but doesn't work. There isn't any effect
Br00dmama Nov 12, 2024 @ 6:25am 
Hey Frost! Your mod is working on my end, I have the new Map Pack 3 and Mountain Village DLC and it works well. Thank you for your work!
frost  [author] Nov 12, 2024 @ 3:07am 
Okay that's weird, I'll check it out once I get back home. Thank you for notifying me of it :)
swag money Nov 11, 2024 @ 8:52pm 
ur mod is flagged as a broken mod gang.. its the mod
frost  [author] Nov 11, 2024 @ 9:24am 
@Arkaine I don't have access to my gaming PC at the moment so I can't test this, although it's very likely that another mod is causing this. I suggest going through your mods one by one to find the one at fault. If you're not using other mods, you can try using steam's game file verification feature. If despite all these checks and with only my mod active you still encounter problems, feel free to create a thread in the mod's discussions where you can put a list of all the mods you're using as well as the error messages you are getting, that way I can help identify the issue.

Please note that any further comments or thread posts containing anything close to swear words will be deleted without notice.
swag money Nov 9, 2024 @ 8:26pm 
broke my game this mod doesnt work at all lol caused atleast 35 errors, didnt work, broke my game and caused infinite loading when backing out to the main menu fix ur mod its shit