Dungeons of Dredmor

Dungeons of Dredmor

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Give modders some idea's :D
Does anyone have any ideas for a mod on DoD? Someone might make it. :)

- Jellp
Laatst bewerkt door Jellp; 5 sep 2012 om 22:00
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DoD need a gun. Lot of guns if they can see fit.
Might be, but I will need to make it a wand. I cannot make a "Gun" type of item. But I like the idea.
Songkranw, I made a release of mny guns mod. It only contains a pistol at the moment. But there will come more! Link to Gunz&No Bulletz: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=81205189
Hai. Can you make a mod that increases the inventory?
Gnep, sorry. The game does not have the ability to mod in extra inventory space as far as I know.
maybe a stink/swamp spirit based mod,a mutation based mod , a toad based mod or a wererat based mod
changeling skills,i.e: the ability to feed off love and shapeshift into diffrent monsters (feeding off love only works if you are the same monster type as the target e.g: diggle to diggle)
Not sure for both of them, I might make new monsters with a bit of a swamp theme. But im not sure what I can do.
How about a skill built around the Fry Cook. One of his abilities might be similar to the burglar ability to summon a supply of lock picks but the Fry Cook summons a supply of cooking oil to throw. He could have an area effect attack called "Watch Your Step" that makes the floor around him "slippery" so monsters loose movement and accuracy.
Maybe mod which increases smthing crafting weapons and shields (crossbows?), like bolts - with lvl 6 tinkering you get ingeneosly scythed (forgot correct word) bolts instead of normal ones - this can be with smithing weapons, shields and tinkering crossbows - you get better things instead of crafting normal ones if you have better lvl. Example - you get worst sword with smithing lvl 0, rough with lvl1, normal with 2-3, fine with 4-5 and artifact swords with 6-8 (smithing with clocwork knight skills or mods). All of that for 2-3 ignots.
>:3 I might take a look at all the ideas later. Very busy with the Gunz&No Bulletz mod. :o
How about a Traveling Salesman skill tree that could summon Brax for a couple turns so you could sell things anywhere?
How about a version of teleport that takes you to the nearest stairs, up or down. Of even a random set of stairs.
Randomnessu, might be possible. but you wont be able to quick sell. Another option is that he'll become hostile to you for no reason.
wpb30635, Stairs are hard coded and cannot be found as far as I know.
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