TrackMania² Valley

TrackMania² Valley

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 Denne tråd er blevet fastgjort, så den er sikkert vigtig
Alinoa  [udvikler] 3 17. juli 2013 kl. 7:37
Q: How to upload something to the workshop?
This is really simple. Go to the Editor category on the main menu of the environment related to the content that you want to upload. Then click on the “Share files” button. Select the file that you want to send on the WorkShop and click on “OK”.

The file will be directly uploaded on the WorkShop and the link for the file will be displayed. When you click on it, you’ll be able to modify several parameters like the title, the visibility, or add additional pictures and/or a Youtube video.

Q: What can I upload to the workshop?
You can now upload several kinds of materials into the Steam Workshop such as:
Game modes
Title Packs

Q: How do I download and use items I find on the workshop?
That is the simple thing. All you have to do is subscribe the things you want in the workshop. You can even do that on your tablet via your web-browser or from an cyber café and once you are home the game will download all the nice things you subscribed to for you.

Q: My item just got rejected. Why?
We will not accept items that contain offensive imagery or any copyrighted or trademarked material.
Sidst redigeret af Milk; 19. juli 2013 kl. 3:11
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Viser 1-3 af 3 kommentarer
LazyCunt 18. juli 2013 kl. 16:25 
僕の名前 (仮) 1 25. juli 2013 kl. 5:10 
Q: How to update version of track? When I click publish it uploads map 2nd time, with 0 views and subscribes.

Q: how to put Stadium, Canyon and Valley tracks into single collection?
Alinoa  [udvikler] 3 25. juli 2013 kl. 7:23 
Q: How to update version of track? When I click publish it uploads map 2nd time, with 0 views and subscribes.

Actually the item update doesn't update your workshop item for the moment. It's how the workshop currently works. A better update system would be great but I don't know if these changes will be implemented.

Q: how to put Stadium, Canyon and Valley tracks into single collection?
It's not possible as TM² Stadium and TM² valley are different titles.
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