Orcs Must Die! 2

Orcs Must Die! 2

Craft Your Own Spellbook
Modify and share your own Spellbook items like traps, trinkets, weapons, and character costumes. Create custom waves of enemies for Orcs Must Die! 2 fortresses. Read the Starter Guide for more information.
WDF Jan 3, 2015 @ 7:26am
Issues with timing and onslaughts files
I've been having issues creating a mod using custom .timings and .onslaughts files, I'm trying to add waves and enemies to the existing maps but the game does not seem to use my custom timings and onslaughts file. All other mods (that do something similiar) I've downloaded from the workshop have the same issue...

I know my mod is being loaded because I get the laucher and the "mod enabled" in the corner when I play, and if I add a modded xml file for a weapon/trinket/whatever to my mod, I will have the modded weapon in game.

So I'm guessing it is either a path/naming issue, or the timings/onslaughts files are being replaced by something else after the mod loads...

The timings and onslaughts files are located in "My Documents\Robot Entertainment\OMD2\MyMods\HarderMaps\mod\game\onslaughts" as the modding tutorial suggest. So far I have been trying with only TheEdge.timing and TheEdge.onslaught

I've also tryed re-installing OMD2 just in case it was some random files in my OMD2 folder, didn't change anything...

Anybody else ever had this issue?
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Oddball 4 Jan 5, 2015 @ 12:44pm 
May I ask, what you're trying to modify/add in The Edge onslaught?

I ask because when I tried to add Orc Archers to the mix, they wouldn't spawn. I believe you can only modify mobs that naturally spawn in the level, so for example, you can only edit the amount of mobs, and which order they spawn. Granted, I'm no expert on modding, so the fact that archers won't spawn may just be a problem on my part.

It's definitely not a pathing issue, you've got that part down correctly.
Last edited by Oddball; Jan 5, 2015 @ 1:16pm
WDF Jan 5, 2015 @ 1:14pm 
I tried a few things actualy (which none of em worked...)

At first I added a few extra waves, with a basic cut&paste of the existing ones. Then after that I reverted to the original files, and just added new enemy types.

I'll have to try modding just the number of orcs in the existing mobs to see if this works or not, I'll update as soon as I can test it out at home.

Would be a bummer tho if we cannot add extra waves/enemy types....
WDF Jan 5, 2015 @ 3:39pm 
Soooooo ...

Ends up my problem was the text editor used (Notepad is evil...), as soon as a .timing or .onslaught file is saved in notepad it is no longer recognized by OMD2. Weird thing since the other .xml files I changed never had any issues.

Bottom line, use a real text editor such as notepad++ or TextEdit to mod game files :)

Oh and FYI, yes, you can add waves and enemy that do not naturaly spawn in a level :)
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