Orcs Must Die! 2

Orcs Must Die! 2

Craft Your Own Spellbook
Modify and share your own Spellbook items like traps, trinkets, weapons, and character costumes. Create custom waves of enemies for Orcs Must Die! 2 fortresses. Read the Starter Guide for more information.
Trap Scaling
I want to scale a trap (make it twice as big).

I added the 3 <Scale>2.0</Scale> tags and modified the <TriggerVolume> tag.

Everything works and everything is scaled. Except one thing: The trap when placed still only takes the room of the old trap (before scaling). And when the player places them too close together they overlap and cause graphical glitches.. What setting did I miss to increase the collission size for the placement as well?


EDIT: nevermind I found it... it's in the <gear> tag...
Last edited by Squirting Elephant; Sep 8, 2014 @ 2:02pm