Legend of Grimrock

Legend of Grimrock

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Použijte Editor kobek pro vytvoření zcela nových dobrodružství a výzev pro ostatní hráče. Zaplňte své kobky hádankami, pastmi nebo úplně novými předměty, monstry a prostředím s vlastní grafikou a zvuky! Pro více informací klikněte zde.
One man party?
Is there any way to limit the player to just one character, and possibly a pre-made character for the dungeon itself?
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How do I go about forcing that?
Don't know if you are still looking for an answer to this but heres what I used

for i=2,4 do party:getChampion(i):setEnabled(false) end
party:getChampion(1):setStat("dexterity", 25)
party:getChampion(1):setStat("willpower", 14)
party:getChampion(1):setName("Evante Morecari")
party:getChampion(1): trainSkill("assassination",50,true)
party:getChampion(1): trainSkill("daggers",10,true)


just stick that into a script entity and it will reduce the party to a single custom character although you may want to edit it to fit your purpose.
Thanks, been wondering about this. Will give it a shot.
Check out the "The Characterizer" mod. It let's you modify a party including the number of active characters.
LocalFire původně napsal:
Don't know if you are still looking for an answer to this but heres what I used

for i=2,4 do party:getChampion(i):setEnabled(false) end
party:getChampion(1):setStat("dexterity", 25)
party:getChampion(1):setStat("willpower", 14)
party:getChampion(1):setName("Evante Morecari")
party:getChampion(1): trainSkill("assassination",50,true)
party:getChampion(1): trainSkill("daggers",10,true)


just stick that into a script entity and it will reduce the party to a single custom character although you may want to edit it to fit your purpose.
Thanks for the script :steamthumbsup:
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