Legend of Grimrock
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Having trouble scripting!
Okay I seriously just don't understand the scripting side at all it is so dam confusing because I
am an supreme uber noob at this. I can't even use scripting to get A single lever to open A single door! Seriously!

If some someone could please just tell me the correct formula for this basic of basic script it would help me get started. Please help I am getting so frustrated! Thanks.
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WOW! Nobody answered your question? Sorry...

You do not need to use scripts to make doors open or even to insert sounds and messages when secrets are found.

To get a lever or button to open a door, you need to link the button to the door and tell it what to do. It's simple, but let me get back to you. I'll need to take a few notes so i am using the correct terminology and item names. I'll be back to explain how to get levers and buttons to work unless you find out sooner.

Like I said, you do not need to script to make a full blown adventure. It helps for the more complicated stuff and complex puzzles, but it is not needed. Maybe to end a game it is though. Still playing around with the editor myself.

I'll probably just confuse you more on the programming side. I'm just learning scripting myself. Here are some links that I hope will help you a little bit. If not, there are other links from their site to others...


Отредактировано Suma; 19 ноя. 2014 г. в 20:12
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Дата создания: 7 ноя. 2014 г. в 19:34
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