Hand of Fate 2

Hand of Fate 2

Does fate favor you, Game Master?
Create and submit all-new encounters, challenges, equipment, traits, and more and shape your own adventures in the Game of Life and Death.
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shiva  [developer] 2 Aug 29, 2018 @ 4:50am
I'm the programmer at Defiant responsible for the modding tools, and I've been working on a mod for HoF2. It started as a way to more thoroughly test the modding tools, find pain points, and otherwise just walk a mile in a designer's shoes. I've always enjoyed a little writing though, so I figured while I was doing it, I may as well make a thing.
For anyone who wants to check it out, it can be found here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1461367093