Tabletop Simulator
Tabletop Workshop
Create and import your own content, discover new and exciting games, and take your tabletop gaming experience to a whole new level.
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Content from Games Workshop and Steve Jackson Games
Tabletop Simulator allows for its users to create almost anything within the game, and we have spent years supporting and improving this feature of the game. This freedom allows real-life tabletop games to be recreated digitally, and not always with the permission of the owners of that intellectual property (IP). Games Workshop and Steve Jackson Games have reached out to us and Steam and asked that firmer restrictions be put into place to prevent their IP from being placed into the Steam Workshop.

Effective immediately, any IP that belongs to Games Workshop or Steve Jackson Games that is placed into the Workshop will be removed. We are sorry this has become necessary. Please always reach out to the rights owner of a game you want to develop for Tabletop Simulator for permission before posting content publicly in the Steam Workshop.

Thank you for your understanding,
Berserk Games


Does this mean any existing content will be removed?
If the Workshop entry is a recreation of either Steve Jackson Games IP or Games Workshop IP, it will be removed. No other content will be removed as part of this initiative.

What if I put it back up?
Don’t, please. We have exactly 0 interest in punishing anyone for trying to enjoy Tabletop Simulator, but the rights holders have the right to file DMCA claims against content containing their IP. Getting DMCA “strikes” on your Steam account can cause you to lose the ability to contribute to the Steam community at large.

Did you delete my game that isn’t by one of these two companies?
Berserk Games does not have the ability to file DMCA claims against Steam Workshop items. Berserk Games is only removing content posted by these two specific companies at their specific request.

How do I know if it is safe to post X game?
Reach out to the publisher or the creator of the game and ask their permission. We have heard many positive responses from publishers about having their titles in Tabletop Simulator.

If you remove my game, am I in trouble?
If you receive a notification that you received a DMCA strike on your account, that is bad. Avoid that in the future. However if your upload just vanishes due to being deleted, there is no negative consequence besides the fact that it is no longer hosted in the Steam Workshop. Just remember, re-posting it could land you a DMCA strike from the IP holder.