The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Trova i migliori mod per il tuo gioco
Cercare ed installare i tuoi mod preferiti è ancora più facile di prima. I creatori di mod godono anche di un processo semplificato per caricare i mod direttamente su Steam. Clicca qui per scoprire come.
Ability to hide mods
With the thousands of mods available on the Skyrim Workshop, it would be nice to be able to have a "reverse" subscription list, where you can hide mods you are not interested in. It would make return browsing much less arduous than the state it is in right now.
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Just dont subscribe to the ones you not interested in :) Plus press the new tab for the lastest mods :) Then use the sub cats by ticking them :) Don`t need it
Well of course I'm not going to install mods I don't want, that's silly. But when I want to revisit categories of mods, I don't want to see the same old mods I passed over previous times. I skipped them for a reason.
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Data di pubblicazione: 15 nov 2012, ore 18:29
Messaggi: 2