The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Race limbs and torso invisible when applied to npc
My friend wanted me to retexture a khajiit to look all cartoony-like, and all seemed ok until I applied a NPC to be that race. His head is the only thing visible when applied to a race. He is also a floating head ingame, I just don't know why this is happening. It looks fine in the race, but not the npc. Here's a screenshot of the problem. I don't have a screenshot from ingame, but I doubt that that even matters.

This seems to have fixed itself.
Ultima modifica da AwfulLuz; 13 set 2013, ore 17:10
Data di pubblicazione: 12 set 2013, ore 19:08
Messaggi: 0