Steam Greenlight
Happy Birthday Greenlight!
I'm going to take a different tack to the other thread, hopefully with a more positive angle.

Thanks to everyone who's stuck it out grinding through 1600+ submissions over the last year, as well as everyone who's joined in that time, and thanks for the many, many discussions here on the forum. Greenlight would not be what it is now without your input. Hence, Steam has changed as well (slowly, I grant) because of what Greenlight has accomplished through your actions. The decisions made here will affect Steam's direction into the future, so keep it up!

Congratulations and many thanks to TomB, Alden and the Greenlight crew that put up with our whinging, moaning and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ over the last year, with apparently insufficient resources, deadlines to meet, manage an entire curating system while still finding time to implement new features. All without conspicuous office consumption of alcohol (or so the rumour goes) Well done.

Last, but not least, kudos to the many developers who are the reason Greenlight exists. As flawed as it can be, without Greenlight we would not have even known about so many great and fantastic projects, and I'm sure many would never have seen light of day or garnered the success they have without Greenlight drawing attention to them.

Not everyone can be Greenlit, but even those who have not have raised their profile and even become successful perhaps without needing Steam at all. Store acceptance is of course, the holy grail, but it's not the entire world. Keep at it, and you'll find success eventually.

Finally, once again, Happy Birthday Greenlight, and I enjoin everyone to enjoy cake day in celebration!
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Affichage des commentaires 1 à 15 sur 65
I like this thread much better.
Happy Birthday Greenlight. May there be many more games.
I brought the party hats and possibly spiked punch!
good luck
Here's to another year of success (I hope)!
Mindwedge a écrit :
If this thing makes it to 2 years old, I'm going to be calling for infanticide (someone had to snap the mutual admiration society meme). ...

Spoilsport /raspberry

Yes well it isn't all unicorns and rainbows. We've had to fight uphill to get basic functionality (like a FAQ, sticky thread, actual moderators, subscribe to an entry, etc). Overall, I'm happy with where it is if the GL team can keep up their form into the future, and especially if they can improve efficiency even more.
It'd be nice if the Concepts section got some of that basic functionality like moderation you mention. When junk, trolling and requests can sit in there for months, it doesn't look a lot like an 'efficiency' problem.
Just started my steam account, everything is totally awesome :D
Burp cooongggratuulations ............Burb! I love all of you.
jeslyck a écrit :
Burp cooongggratuulations ............Burb! I love all of you.
At least someone's enjoying the punch...
I love you too to to chug chug! ...............................who are you?
Just a guy who probably didn't spike the punch bowl.
< >
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Posté le 29 aout 2013 à 14h41
Messages : 65