Steam Greenlight
TheBeardedQuack 25 jul. 2013 às 18:21
I wanna make a game for steam so, what should the story be about steam members?
I'm working on a full game engine from scratch and it's been in development for about a year and I'm getting a fair amount of work done but I still can't think of a decent story or platform idea.

So since my first huge project is intended for steam I thought I'd ask what you guys really like? (I'm not going to do any sport games or such... I like stories)

Just one thing... It has to be awsome XD
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A mostrar 1-15 de 64 comentários
Snaeng 25 jul. 2013 às 18:57 
What's the intendet genre?
TheBeardedQuack 25 jul. 2013 às 19:02 
Well that's the problem...
I know the things that I don't fancy doing, like sport, FPS, TBS, etc
I do like fantasy themed things and generally but the genre's just gonna fit a story really.

The thing is I can still develop the engine even without knowing a project outcome, but knowing what the outcome is will help me if certain features need implementing... (Also the fact that although I'm smart enough to program, I'm useless with creativity for the story)
Skoardy 25 jul. 2013 às 19:03 
Zombies. Apparently every game on Greenlight has to be about zombies. I think it's one of the rules. "You must submit one video, at least four screenshots and your game must be about zombies." or something. case you're missing the gist, don't make your game about zombies - they've been done to (no pun intended) death.
TheBeardedQuack 25 jul. 2013 às 19:06 
Firstly if you put the brackets there, we all know that it's deliberate.
And yeah I noticed all the zombies... The first idea of making a game (the idea came about 2 years ago) was about zombies, but there's too many who had the same idea, so NOT ZOMBIES
Gorlom[Swe] 25 jul. 2013 às 23:28 
Originalmente postado por SatsumaBenji:
Firstly if you put the brackets there, we all know that it's deliberate.
And yeah I noticed all the zombies... The first idea of making a game (the idea came about 2 years ago) was about zombies, but there's too many who had the same idea, so NOT ZOMBIES
Make a game about Voodoo zombies instead of the brain eating virus or curse zombies. That would be different enough :B1:
Última alteração por Gorlom[Swe]; 25 jul. 2013 às 23:29
C0untzer0 26 jul. 2013 às 0:01 
Originalmente postado por SatsumaBenji:
I wanna make a game for steam so, what should the story be?
Gorlom[Swe] 26 jul. 2013 às 0:20 
Originalmente postado por C0untzer0:
Originalmente postado por SatsumaBenji:
I wanna make a game for steam so, what should the story be?
Oh definetly. Can't make a good game unless you are passionate about the story.
Kayarath 26 jul. 2013 às 1:43 
It helps to be among simalar minds. Consider joing the IGDA and meeting fellow aspiring designers!
BargonSpaceman 26 jul. 2013 às 2:13 
Try drawing or write a simple story and build on the story or drawing. If your stuck try looking at previous games that are popular as a refrence. (But don't mimic it). By the way games are not limited by story. It can be good without story if it is done right.
Última alteração por BargonSpaceman; 26 jul. 2013 às 2:13
Gorlom[Swe] 26 jul. 2013 às 3:58 
Originalmente postado por Redunknown1:
Try drawing or write a simple story and build on the story or drawing. If your stuck try looking at previous games that are popular as a refrence. (But don't mimic it). By the way games are not limited by story. It can be good without story if it is done right.
Can you give an example of a game without a story done right? or that comes close at least.
Última alteração por Gorlom[Swe]; 26 jul. 2013 às 3:59
C0untzer0 26 jul. 2013 às 7:25 
Originalmente postado por GorlomSwe:
Originalmente postado por Redunknown1:
Try drawing or write a simple story and build on the story or drawing. If your stuck try looking at previous games that are popular as a refrence. (But don't mimic it). By the way games are not limited by story. It can be good without story if it is done right.
Can you give an example of a game without a story done right? or that comes close at least.
Gorlom[Swe] 26 jul. 2013 às 7:37 
Ah right I forgot the build your own adventure genre (most likely because of bias dislike for that particular genre :p). my bad, continue.

Última alteração por Gorlom[Swe]; 26 jul. 2013 às 7:38
TheBeardedQuack 26 jul. 2013 às 9:58 
Terraria, Minecraft, Audio Surf, Sport games...
No story, I only asked for story because I think it could lead to great ideas but I'm happy making something like true indie (Super meat boy for example) which are just progressively harder puzzles.

tbh I thought more people would be enthusiastic to answer because I imagined this to be like "I have an idea for a game but I have no idea how to make games", I would be doing all the work after all, I just need an idea :(
Skoardy 26 jul. 2013 às 10:04 
Maybe you could team up with someone from Concepts. There seems to be an overabundance of people with extravagant ideas and absolutely no hope in hell of ever bringing them to fruition.
Meowcat 26 jul. 2013 às 10:07 
An Scients Fiktion Srory Loke Star Craft :)
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Postado a: 25 jul. 2013 às 18:21
Comentários: 64