Steam Greenlight
Greenlight Search Suggestions
Allow our "Customize your queue" options to be saved from one visit to the next.

Allow us to filter out certain things (ie I don't like FPS or Platformers but if I check the box for RPGs they'll both pop up frequently). This would allow for better targeted games in our ques and considering the number of submissions would be a welcomed improvement for voters and developers.

This is probably just wishful thinking but a system like Netflix is attempting to develop for better matching recommendations with users would be awesome (and could also be applied to the Steam Store helping to bring less visible games of the library forward for more sales).
Последно редактиран от greywolf00; 23 март 2013 в 17:58
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Unfortunately a problem through out Steam many corners You are not the first.
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Дата на публикуване: 23 март 2013 в 7:50
Публикации: 1