The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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"Sun Damage only when target is undead" help
I'm trying to make some Sunhallowed Elven Bolts that don't do AoE damage, and only do ANY sun damage at all to undead creatures. How exactly would I do this? I intend for these arrows to be normally effective vs. living enemies (i.e. bandits, dragons, sabre cats, etc) but a one-shot-kill to anything undead. That I believe I can do with a simple enchantment effect of somewhere around 5mil sun damage. The part I need help with is making it only do any of that damage to undead creatures - not even a small percentage to living ones.

If I can get the coding working, I'll put together a custom crossbow bolt and even a quiver for these.
Dernière modification de Carnaxus; 4 janv. 2013 à 14h04
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I was just looking in the CK at the Dawnguard axe and from what I saw you need to write a custom script for that. I haven't started writting scripts with Papyrus yet, but follow this link and go to "The Scripter". Hope that helps.
Y'know...sometimes just messing around with stuff helps. Apparently the effect on the Sunhallowed Arrows contains two sun damage effects: one for the living, one for the undead. I just removed the human damage, raised the undead damage about 4.99mil, and added a condition to make sure the user has equipped the Sunhallowed Bolts (I had to place the enchantment on a crossbow instead of on the bolts *sigh*). Testing now. If this works, I'll start working on the custom models.
Didn't work. Game loaded fine, found the crossbow fine, even picked it up fine. Went to equip it, scrolled to it...insta-CTD. No error message, no pause. Just instant crash.


Great!...Anyone want the .esp file to check if I did something extremely noobish?
Dernière modification de Carnaxus; 4 janv. 2013 à 14h46
GMRC Carnaxus a écrit :
Didn't work. Game loaded fine, found the crossbow fine, even picked it up fine. Went to equip it, scrolled to it...insta-CTD. No error message, no pause. Just instant crash.


Great!...Anyone want the .esp file to check if I did something extremely noobish?

GMRC Carnaxus a écrit :
raised the undead damage about 4.99mil,
This is your problem.

I did a similar thing with a sword and a 'Bonus damage to X' enchantment.
Made it craftable so it was easy to get in game and as soon as I scrolled over the item, Boom, CTD. I tried this a few times, just to make sure it wasn't just coincidence.
Turns out the game just can't handle massive numbers when enchanting is involved.

Try it with a lower figure.

EDIT: Re-reading your posts... Did you actually have the enchantment figures showing on the Crossbow?
Dernière modification de Kendrick_Yes; 4 janv. 2013 à 15h44
I don't know if it showed up or not, the game crashed the moment I scrolled to it. I thought the damage might be the cause, but I wanted to check. I'll lower it. What would be suitable for both the game engine and a one-shot-kill on any undead at any level? 50k?
Dernière modification de Carnaxus; 4 janv. 2013 à 16h06
No idea, I was doing it purely as a test so just lowered the figure.

If it's just display you might be able to get away with just typing a description on your Crossbow, thus removing the text applied automatically by the enchantment.
Already put a description on it. "Just for the Sunhallowed Bolts."

I'm planning on trying to use the scripts from the Arrow Enchantments mod to put the enchantment on the bolts themselves instead of on the crossbow so they'll be universal (and I won't have to change every single godsforsaken crossbow in the game >.>).
Fixed the crash, but the damage isn't working. Crossbow is equally wimpy vs. living and undead targets whether I use the sunhallowed bolts or not.
I can't exactly offer much help with enchantments on the bolts themselves.
I suppose (If you haven't already) you could look at Mehrunes' Razor and see if the insta-kill enchant could be altered.
The only other thing I can suggest is doing something like how the Silver Sword and Greatsword work. (A script that adds a perk that governs the extra damage to undead that they do)
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Posté le 4 janv. 2013 à 14h03
Messages : 9