The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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War of the worlds quest mod. Idea(s) for a mod
I had an idea for a side quest that could get you some cool armor/items or what ever. A quest that would spawn a tripod from war of the worlds, maybe with something to do with the creep cluster {(that red root you find some places in Skyrim) because it looks like that red root in the 2005 film} If someone would create this, I would be so damn happy.
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Except that - War of the Worlds has no small Copy-Right ... so you would have to make something that was not CLEARLY War of the Worlds copy/paste sort of thing. Which a 'spin off' is okay - it just cannot be from already Copy-Righted Material.
jjb-54, you worry too much about copyright. You should read up on the law and its expetions.
Ya - I do - because another On-Line friend just got busted and to quote him: "I should have listened Jj ... as this is costing me $3,500.00 in legal fees and I'm lucky that is all." So I guess if you all have money to pay legal fees for ... I know I sure don't ... well feel free to ignore. Oh, he was doing LoTR mod too ... happened March of this year 2014.

And he thought I was 'over doing it' ... until he got hit.
Ultima modifica da jjb-54; 27 apr 2014, ore 14:38
Is that so? I'd like to know who that friend is and to have a chat with him.
I'll see if I can get that for you - right now - if you have any legal knowledge, you should know certain things are 'off limits' until the case is closed .. that is why I left his name out of it.

But I suppose you would also like to " .. have a little chat with ..."??

Middle-Earth Roleplaying Project mod for Skyrim petitions WB to revoke cease and desist.

Feel free to let me know how that dialog goes for you. LOL .....

-> also, may I ask - What is your legal education in?? Just curious. Cause I'm sure the $3,500.00 legal fees of my friend trump your 'education in the law'.
If you do not feel like sharing the name publicly, please ask him to add me instead.
first 2 comments and its an argument...
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Data di pubblicazione: 27 apr 2014, ore 10:36
Messaggi: 7