Steam Greenlight
Funixis 27 lutego 2014 o 6:00
i have an idea for a game
okay so we all know minecraft right? we all know about how a piece of code can build you a different world everytime you play it... we all have heard roguelike ... hell i dont even know what that means roguelike?... so is LIFE roguelike? when you die its really gameover? you lose all your stuff... this is not my point..
now there be this new game called naissance ... a great piece of game... i think its quite short but looks amazing.

now i've been wondering could you take grafix like that and make a randomly generated abstract labyrinth game... we've seen many likes in 2d platformers....with powerups and multiple paths to choose... hookshoot wall running double jump triple jump....all sorts of trinkets you could get during the course of your way out of the ever changing maze. and with the game giving optional routes for players who have the ability to do a specific task to proceed onward
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AusSkiller 27 lutego 2014 o 8:02 
You could, there's nothing that would make it technically difficult, but it probably wouldn't be too good. The reason Naissance looks good is because an artist has lovingly crafted the world with interesting and unique details, procedurally generating a world requires the world to follow a fairly rigid set of rules so you lose most of the interest and uniqueness of them leaving them feeling kind of samey and boring. For some games that can work well when the world is less of a focus point like in action games or games where you are shaping the world yourself like Minecraft/Terraria/ect, but for a game about navigating a labyrinth the world (in this case the labyrinth) probably has too much focus and players will very quickly tire of seeing the same kind of features everywhere.

The gameplay would likely also fall short, there's a lot of thought and iteration involved in designing good levels, no procedurally generated level is ever going to be able to compare to that of one crafted by a proper level designer, there are just too many human elements that go into how a level feels to play that are too hard to quantify for a procedural generation algorithm. For instance areas that require a high degree of skill to reach should offer a player an appropriately good reward, but it's very hard, if not impossible, to determine how hard it is for a player to do something without having someone actually play test it, and there are just too many possibilities to properly test with procedural generated levels. Sometimes something that looks really hard on paper turns out to be very easy or something easy on paper turns out to be very hard, and if you don't offer the appropriate rewards for the effort player spend reaching them then players will quickly feel like their effort is not being acknowledged by the game and will stop trying to explore hard to reach areas, and this can lead to players missing necessary items for progression and getting frustrated with their lack of progress.

The best option for a game like you describe would be to do something a bit like what Rogue Legacy does, where you don't procedurally generate the levels, you get artists and level designers to create different rooms, then you procedurally piece together the rooms in a different way each play through. That way you can play test the rooms properly to ensure effort is rewarded appropriately, but you still get a different experience each time. Of course the tradeoff is that even with a large number of rooms players are likely to frequently encounter the same rooms on subsequent play throughs so exploration is going to be less enjoyable the more you play.
Funixis 27 lutego 2014 o 10:36 
i want naissance 2000 infinitum quantum physics in the 4th dimention revolution...but im just starting to learn about coding games
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Data napisania: 27 lutego 2014 o 6:00
Posty: 2