Natural Selection 2

Natural Selection 2

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NSL Server Required Mods
Collection by Keats & Yeats
This is a collection of mods required to run on a server hosting competitive matches, scrims, or gathers for the Natural Selection League. Players do not need to subscribe to them, but servers need to include them in their mapcycle. Some of these mods have
Collection by LOSD
全部订阅合集,以及链接的CN服务器MOD合集就能顺畅的进出CN服务器与外服 如果不行请全部取消订阅重新订阅下载。
Server Mods
Collection by Sithe124
Mods to mah sever
Solar Flare NS2
Collection by Kao
Moinmoin Ns2
Collection by whY'not
Server Files NS2 Moinmoin Server
Per page: 9 18 30