Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Containing item: "American High Speed Passenger Train"
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Showing 1-30 of 347 entries
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bsquiklehausen's Train Collection
Collection by bsquiklehausen
This is a collection of the trains that I have made for Cities: Skylines! They are mostly American prototypes, and all have full compatibility with both base game color variations and After Dark nighttime lighting effects!
PHTN Assets Collection
Collection by PHTN
PHTNGaming Mods and Assets Collection
Collection by PHTN
My assets and mods used in my first Cities Skylines project City of Westdale Check out full playlist here:
New Windsor - Assets Collection [2/2]
Collection by Pres
This is the second of two asset collections for my New Windsor YouTube series. COLLECTION 1/2: NOTE: If you don't have a great computer and 24GB+ of RAM, I recommend that you pick and choose
Gramercy Mod and Asset Collection #2
Collection by bsquiklehausen
Here is the second official asset and mod collection for Gramercy! Watch here at
Boston Assets & Mods
Collection by Redtherobot
Collection of required Assets and Mods needed to run my Boston recreation city. First time doing this so if I messed up somewhere, sorry!
Building an American city in Cities Skylines
Collection by Ichika421
All the custom content you need to build a nice looking and elaborate American city in Cities Skylines. It includes American roads, buildings, power lines, transportation, traffic signal poles, city facilities, etc.
Collection by 冽凛ccc
取消“一键订阅全部”功能。 依据自己电脑配置适量挑选订阅。 1-32 公交车模型 33 磁悬浮轨道 34-57 单轨列车模型 58 中国高铁轨道 59-151 火车列车模型 152-217有轨电车模型 218 粒子着色器 219-272 地铁列车模型 273 无轨电车AI 274-313 无轨电车模型 (留意部分模型的所需DLC内容支持以及所需MOD支持) 一个啥也不知道的小冰-----------------持续更新
Trains and Train Stations
Collection by ChuckKully
Nazareth (Mods & Assets)
Collection by hockadicadie
These are the mods and assets used for my NY inspired city Nazareth
Trains & Stations & Rails & Props
Collection by Overlord
Everything related to trains, rails, train and cargo stations
US theme
Collection by doryan.hamet
Collection of several objects and mods, buildings, parks, roads, services, vehicles... to make a beautiful american-themed city with a central business district (CBD) and its suburds.
American Trains and Metro
Collection by D a y a n
This pack contains North American monorails, passenger and freight trains as well as metro. The use of Metro Overhaul, Advanced Vehicle Tools and Improved Public transport 2 mods is highly recommended.
sub items
Collection by outstandinggamer
Futuristic city
Collection by thebudda27
For your future and cyberpunk city needs
Collection by Titansaw007
A vehicle collection for myself
Concordski's C:S Mods and Assets
Collection by concordski
For friends to use in collaboration projects and all citybuilders
Washington DC
Collection by lifefordance
New England / Northeast city
Collection by Lamar
Cities: Skylines - American Transport, Trucks and Cars
Collection by Resist and Bite
Cities Skylines "NYC Transit"
Collection by chihaeru
A collection of vehicles, stations, and other assets/props to create New York City and surrounding's transit system.
American Trains
Collection by themeatballhero
American trains and necessary required files (if any)
Collection by ves.munich
jackskellington6_CS's Subscribed Assets
Collection by jackskellington6_CS
Assets that jackskellington6_CS subscribes to WARNING! If you subscribe to all, you will need 64 GB of RAM!
Collection by Yue
mods cities skylines
Collection by caloco06
Collection by Miyamizu
Collection by lewisthefirefighter_999_112
Seattle - Boston | Assets
Collection by itsKAZU0
American Pack
Collection by Vortigaunt Steve
Want a prominent American theme in your city? This pack has everything and more! Still a work in progress, suggestions for mods are appreciated. (no I didnt make these)
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