Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Create and upload new mods and assets to add new buildings, items, and game mechanics to Cities: Skylines. Explore new maps and share save games.
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Containing item: "JOUKINAMI FM (CSL Music Mod)"
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Showing 1-30 of 56 entries
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ALL Music mods
Collection by StayHungryStayFoolish
This is a collection of ALL music mods. There are 450+ music mods (with daily new ones) and I was looking for a list, which I can choose from. Since I found no such a list, I did it myself for the community and I will maintain it. Follow&like! Remember: th
Custom Music Mod and Music packs
Collection by [OG]CombatMedic02
CSL Music Mod and additional music packs. Just subscribe and activate to add new music to the game. You can create your own music packs very easily and publish them on Steam Workshop. Visit the CSL Music Mod workshop page where you can find links to tutori
K's 1970's/80's Mega Pack - Part 1
Collection by C. Justice
Welcome to my Mega Pack which is going to try and replicate that of a Skylines imagined 70's/80's theme. I have been meaning to release this for some time but due to the way that Steam adds mods to collections (tedious took me over an hour clicking! :P) th
All Musics ( - 2020/04/12)
Collection by stmSantana
All musics. (YYYY/MM/DD) Required MOD CSL Music Mod Another list MODS other than Music are here, All Mods
BTN Music
Collection by BrowncoatTrekky
Welcome to the CS Music collection on the BTNetwork This collection is comprised of any vehicle, building or any other asset which is iconic to, influenced by, or created for the purpose of paying homage to a particular piece of music.
Personal list, european style
Collection by Spyro
Personal list used in my city. Contain a lot of vehicles, and a few important mods pour Cities Skylines. Mod included: Metro Overhaul mod, TRaffic manager, CSL music mod...
Cool Mods
Collection by CaddyShack
These are the current mods (and LUTs) I keep around in my game or kept for the future; some of these mods are absolutely essential for my gameplay. Not all of these are active all at once, and you should definitely not download all of them at once without
cyber boi 2
Collection by Perfect Thomas
Wake up samurai
Cities: Skylines
Collection by Aldaris
Federation of Wayne
Collection by RonnyNitr0
Beach, and Rural mostly.
Trial & Error Assets
Collection by Neverminder
Just a selection of things i've tried and unsubscribed or kept, none of these are certain to be working together- this is purely for my own recordkeeping. A lot of these require mod files that are not in this collection. There is some music mods mixed in h
Basic Tools
Collection by Unicorn
Something useful tool
Collection by 那些年错过的人头
Wronk's Music Mods
Collection by Wronk
Sick beats right here.
Collection by Prankstar
Collection by Callumbowyer14
Collection by ChoiYu Sng
Collection by Cpt-Jinxy
星空海拓的《Cities: Skylines》电台收藏
Collection by 星空海拓
这个合集用以收藏星空海拓自己用的《Cities: Skylines》电台。
Collection by N I S M O
I highly recommend using Skyve mod manager
All mods v2
Collection by apilanca
All mods v2
Collection by Flabuk
Collection by Salty_EyEs
Collection by 7COULERU
All Items (pre-refresh) Pt 2
Collection by Editfish
part two (continuation)
20220127 all installed (pre-refresh)
Collection by Editfish
list of all my subscribed assets, props, maps, and mods before refreshing (20220127) Will also want to review favorites and update road networks
Collection by 我一充钱,快乐七天
Collection by WalkedAxis1177
Logan Use This One
ChromeClaws Modcollection
Collection by Lord Prisma
Radio Stations
Collection by GreenMay
Nada como uma boa musica
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