Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Collection by 如履薄冰
特别提示: 2022年2月26日更新,现在合集里面基本都是最新可以用的MOD,本MOD合集合适刚玩造景的朋友,如果是新手玩家玩经营的话没必要全部订阅!都是比较基础的,全都很有用,一些不怎么用的上的占用配置的我都没放进来。B站有很多大佬有新的视频,大家可以去看看 订阅MOD和资产之前请退出游戏,等下载完成以后在进入游戏,然后在模组里面把MOD开启才能正常使用噢(本合集所有MOD我全部订阅了,无报错) 游戏报错的朋友请看这个帖子: ----
Treasure & Hunt compatible modlist from PazarCity
Collection by StayHungryStayFoolish
Modlist compatible with the Treasure & Hunt 1.17.1-f4 patch released on 21st June 2023! 221 mods work together! Other modlists are partial and not up-to-date. The essential or basic mods could interfere with the ones you could add later ... Please be aware
Limitless Cities 3.0
Collection by Varana
**UPDATED for v1.7.0-f5 (Mass Transit patch)** This is a great compilation of "must have" mods I have check out, tested and made sure they work together properly. I will keep this collection updated and I will add mods as they are developed, discovered or
Penguin's Transport Realism Project
Collection by BloodyPenguin
BloodyPenguin's mods and assets that improve functionality of transport networks Become a patron or donate in PayPal (using a card or your paypal balance)
[Bilibili] 天璇OvO 大都会实况模组
Collection by CalvinYC
我是天璇OvO,B站up主,欢迎关注~ 此合集为大都会实况用到的模组,供大家参考。 不建议新手一键订阅,订阅不会用的模组只会给自己带来烦恼!
Cities: Skylines | Omnibus
Collection by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Collection by 小明
都是我自己在用的MOD 实测无冲突,建议选择性的订阅
YUMBL's Mod List
Collection by YUMBL
YUMBL's currently active mods. Subject to constant changes.
Collection by 雲飛竜
城市天际线,必备实用MOD合集。此合集的MOD可以在游戏中帮助玩家解决99%的难题。可以解决大数据,交通,工作,建造,规划,经营,初级造景等问题。没有这些MOD您的游戏体验将会大大下降。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 不要一口气全部订阅,先弄懂每一个都是做什么的,以防游戏崩溃、兼容等问题。 --------------------------
Ten Top Mods for Modding Beginners in Cities Skylines (2021)
Collection by Biffa
Ten Top Mods for Modding Beginners in Cities Skylines (2021)
PHTNGaming Mods Collection
Collection by PHTN
My mods collection i used in my Cities Skylines project City of Westdale Checkout my series here:
Collection by 冰冰
新手模组推荐最新 正在正常使用中的模组,暂时没有问题,请按照自己的需求,以及电脑的配置,适量选择订阅, 模组不定时更新后,游戏自带了模组检测功能,本合集内模组若有绿色提示非报错,可正常进游戏使用, 模组功能简介如下, 1. Harmony 2.2-0:绝大部分mod的前置、依赖mod 2. Loading Screen Mod Revisited 1.0:新加载器,在加载游戏时检查资产,加快加载速度 3. 81 Tiles 2 TESTING:新81格,解锁25格、81格,自带免水管、电线 4. Game Cities: Skylines Let´s Play Mods - Funktionalität
Collection by tomdotio
Eine Liste der Mods, die ich für unser Let´s Play verwende:
Industries Collection
Collection by James
All the workshop items I use in my Industries let's play
Essential Mods 'n' Assets
Collection by Two Dollars Twenty
Every mod and asset I can't live without. Enjoy!
Samivostok Mods & Asset List
Collection by Sam Bur
The mods and assets I use in the Skagun series on youtube. As time goes on I will add more to this collection. Please also have A LOOK AT THE COLLECTIONS I have linked at the bottom of the page. These linked collections are also what i have downloaded. Enj
City 5 Assets / Mods
Collection by James
Assets and mods used in my 5th LP city.
煌煌煌煌上 - 模组合集
Collection by 煌煌煌煌上
QQ1群已满,请加2群:935227784。 2023年10月4日更新: 移除: 将原第17个模组 真实人口【Realistic Population】移除,这个模组容易破坏平衡,不建议使用。 将原第20个模组 太阳光线【Sun Shafts】移除,这个模组不常用。 将原第44个模组 道路替换器【RON, the network replacer】移除,这个模组不常用。 将原第52个模组 路肩高度调节器【Curb Height Adjuster】移除,这个模组不常用。 将原第53个模组 中式道路贴图【Roa
Collection by 小乎乎
请根据需求来,不要一次订阅所有!!! 不然极易出现卡顿闪退!!! 在5/23更新后,游戏自带模组检测功能,现阶段无参考意义,本合集内模组若有绿色提示并非报错,可正常进游戏使用 该合集模组功能较多,包含有特殊用途模组,如有不会使用的模组请暂不订阅,模组使用教程请在抖音搜索 “小乎乎玩天际线 ” ,模组教学视频陆续更新。 小乎乎都市天际线交流QQ1群:310833313,2群:772021579,如果觉得该合集还不错,请帮忙点个赞👍点个收藏,持续更新不迷路。 模组功能简介如下,按顺序排列:  Harmony 2
Collection by 请你喝阔落!
ImperialJedi Mod List
Collection by ImperialJedi
Collection by 四季枫叶
四季枫叶 直播常用模组 2023年1月25日更新
imperatur - mods, theme, lut
Collection by imperstar
All my mods, themes, luts, maps etc.
再建香港計劃 - Hong Kong Operation
Collection by Kingston
此記錄了我建造香港時所使用的模組,而未來香港模組(Cyberpunk)可前往 Here is when I built the Hong Kong with I used a modern version mod, and a Cyberpunk version you can go here: 香港地圖(Steam Workshop) Hong Kong map(Steam
Chratos - A Ilha
Collection by Chratos
Nessa nova série de Cities Skylines iremos fazer algo inédito. Como seria construir uma metrópole no meio do oceano em uma ilha totalmente isolada sem nenhuma conexão rodoviária ou ferroviária com o estrangeiro? Conseguiremos garantir o fluxo de passageiro
CityWokCityWall's MARS Assets
Collection by citywokcitywall
Welcome to Cities Skylines: MARS! This is the complete asset & mod list used in CityWokCityWall's Cities Skylines: MARS YouTube Series. Every single thing that I subscribe to before I open up the MARS save game can be found here. How to Set Up: DLCs used i
Mods of 2020
Collection by Sam Bur
A collection of essential mods, 2020 edition.
Strictoaster's Mods (No Assets)
Collection by Strictoaster
These are some of the mods I generally use in my Cities Skylines projects.
25+ Super Mods Graphiques et de Confort pour 2021
Collection by Koinsky
Série de 25+ mods graphiques et de confort de jeu, créée pour ma série sur la ville de Victoire.
Littletown Mods
Collection by Sanctum Gamer
This is a collection the mods used in Littletown, my series running on my YouTube channel. Check it out here:
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