Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Create and upload new mods and assets to add new buildings, items, and game mechanics to Cities: Skylines. Explore new maps and share save games.
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Showing 1-30 of 951 entries
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Fast Food Nation
Collection by KingLeno
Skyland Mall
Collection by KingLeno
Springwood 1987 - mods & assets -
Collection by Two Dollars Twenty
The official mods and assets list for the city of Springwood. What city of Springwood? This one - Massive thanks to the modders and creators. You're all champions and deserve medals. Thank you for ma
PHTN Assets Collection
Collection by PHTN
Collection by agusingnavy
Sorted by author. If you press the "subscribe to all" button ««»» Good luck with dependencies The Mod you need Name Link Ploppable RICO
Planned City Assets
Collection by Silv
PHTNGaming Mods and Assets Collection
Collection by PHTN
My assets and mods used in my first Cities Skylines project City of Westdale Check out full playlist here:
New Toulouse Collection
Collection by Tazer
Welcome to the city of New Toulouse which is a city based in the Southeast United States, more specifically inspired by New Orleans Louisiana. I don't recommend that you download everything at the same time because it'll probably give you an error.
Cleyra - Asset Collection
Collection by creativeDEX
Restaurants / Bars / Pubs
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This collection contains Restaurants, Bars and Pubs.
Susam Sokağı
Collection by ravenwits
Youtube serisinde kullandığım modlar!
Columbia City: Assets Collection #1
Collection by Pres
This is the first of two asset collections for my Columbia City YouTube series. Asset collection #2: Mods collection: Asset
Bowser Bay Assets
Collection by James
Assets I'm using in Bowser Bay Mods: Roads:
California Series (buildings)
Collection by imperstar
Collection by 东青
Calavera Beach - Assets Collection
Collection by Pres
This is the assets collection for my Calavera Beach YouTube series. I recommend not hitting "subscribe to all" and instead choosing individual assets you want to use unless you have a very powerful computer.
City of the Future - Assets
Collection by LordDeimosIV
Sunset City 2
Collection by Two Dollars Twenty
Collection 2 of the mods and assets I use/plan to use in my YouTube series: Sunset City Watch here:
Assets List II
Collection by agusingnavy
Sorted by author. Peace out.
Sin City
Collection by m4gic
This really is a tale of two cities. Great wealth and desperate poverty living side by side -- is it any wonder we have this problem with violent crime? You'll have to manage the seething tensions between rival mobs and gangs even while you keep the city c
Cities: Skylines A'M Series Assets 2
Collection by Ay'
All assets used in my series.
US/LA Buildings
Collection by Realname
Altos de Amancay (Ski Center)
Collection by Strictoaster
City Tour/Cinematics: Watch the creation of this project (in Spanish):
Khali Assets/Props
Collection by Totof947
Better Unique Building
Collection by HatsuneKid
Beautiful appearance, excellent model details and textures.
Custom Unique Buildings
Collection by Four Elements
This is a collection of Unique Buildings created by some wonderful asset creators. I use them a lot in almost every city I build
Pittsburgh, PA
Collection by crypticpresage
A collection of assets associated with the American Rust Belt city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Southern California
Collection by matthiaspowerbomb
The best assets on the workshop, curated to fit into a realistic coastal Southern California metropolis filled with the new and the old, the rich and the poor, the flourishing and the destitute, the gentrified and the decaying, and everything in between.
Cgameworld All Mods and Assets (City Build)
Collection by Cgameworld
A collection of every mod and asset I use in my City Build Series savegame. This collection has almost 1000 items in it so it will take a while to load. City Build YouTube series:
US Shops & Stores - Commercial Collection
Collection by Blackfrost
Collection of shops, stores and all kinds of low density commercial buidlings to fit an U.S. American theme. Necessary decorations (props, trees etc.) are included in this collection. --- Selection by Blackfrost For updates and more follow me on Facebook,
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