Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Containing item: "Freightliner Class 66 Intermodal"
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Showing 1-30 of 262 entries
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Freight Trains
Collection by Acc3ss Violation
Updated for After Dark. A collection containing all freight trains that I made.
Cities Skylines: The Ultimate Collection (Vehicles)
Collection by Balthoraz
REVISION LOG: REV 0004 - Added - Added - Added
Best of British: UK Vehicles Collection
Collection by Macwelshman
Best of British: UK Vehicles Collection This is collection of the best Vehicles to use in a UK city. Many are specific to the UK but also other assets will work well in a British town despite having been created for other countries. If you have any suggest
UK Trains
Collection by CSR Brewski
A selection of trains operating (or have operated) rail services in the UK
Random Train Trailers Trailer Pool
Collection by Acc3ss Violation
Contains most assets which are used by Random Train Trailer's default trailer collections. This doesn't necessarily mean they will automatically have their trailers randomized, just that their trailers are used in the default trailer collections. Configs a
Better Vehicle
Collection by HatsuneKid
Beautiful appearance, excellent model details and textures.
UK Assets
Collection by girlfromverona
A collection of assets for use in building UK-based towns/cities. Some of the buildings aren't actually British, but I feel that they fit the theme anyway. ;)
UK trains
Collection by Grazeit2319
A collection of all the UK trains on the workshop at the moment..
Complete Industrial Rail
Collection by Luetin
A comprehensive set of Industrial Rail assets that can be used for any city
Isle Of Wight Collection - UK series 1/2
Collection by PuggamingIOW
Isle of Wight Uk Series Mods Assets - 1/2 2/2 Macwelshman’
Useful Mod
Collection by HatsuneKid
With them, CitiesSkyLines is more integrate.
British Vehicle Set
Collection by Spence!
Vehicles which will complement British cities or regions. Prop versions aren't included. Use Tree & Vehicle Props mod to (optionally) create a prop version of every vehicle asset. Props are only included for specific cases where I want to place the vehicle
Personal list, european style
Collection by Spyro
Personal list used in my city. Contain a lot of vehicles, and a few important mods pour Cities Skylines. Mod included: Metro Overhaul mod, TRaffic manager, CSL music mod...
British Trains
Collection by Florid Monkey
A collection of my favourite British Trains and Metros.
Midsomer - Vehicle Collection
Collection by uncle ron
Optional planes, trains and automobiles for the Midsomer map. Ships **There is no shipping in the rivers. You have the option of adding shipping lines in-game using the mods Unlimited Outside Connections (Beta), More Network Stuff, Advanced Vehicle Options
Australian assets galore
Collection by D a y a n
This pack contains all the required assets to create an authentic aussie landscape.
Celtic City build
Collection by Construction_Gamer
Mods and assets used during the building of Celtic City, a Youtube build series by Construction Gamer Celtic City on Youtube: Construction Gamer blog: https://constructiongamingyt.blo
All things British
Collection by bbrks
A collection of mods to make your game feel a little more homely. Includes British themed buildings, intersections and others. England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, UK, United Kingdom.
vehicles ect
Collection by Beast
vehicles ect
UK Style
Collection by TyIsRedacted
Metsel's Train Collection
Collection by MetselThijs
A lot of Trains.
QCAlex Cities Skylines Collection 11-09-2021 #2
Collection by QCAlex
Collection by EatThePorg
British collection of British things
QCAlex Cities Skylines Collection 27-02-2021 #1
Collection by QCAlex
Collection by QCAlex
All my subscribed mods for Cities Skylines
Collection by Shuttle
Collection by ThetAngryTurtle
Collection by ommireid
Compatible Mods/Assets
Collection by Nemmeh
A collection of mods and assets that work together. YOU WILL NEED AT LEAST 16GB RAM (and(if you don't have 16GB) /or a paging file/linux SWAP file/drive (which I use for this) - make sure it's on SSD for best performance, it takes A LONG TIME TO LOAD and e
Collection by lewisthefirefighter_999_112
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