Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Containing item: "Melbourne Retail Core Edwardian Aus 1x2 L1 + L2 LC"
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Showing 1-30 of 144 entries
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Melbourne City Buildings
Collection by trist14222
A growing collection of buildings for an Australian City Centre, based mainly on buildings around Melbourne,Australia.
Melbourne Assets
Collection by Zekiarsu
A collection of all assets located in Melbourne, or specifically based off buildings/roads/other things found throughout the city. Some notable Melbourne icons in the collection include: Eureka Tower Rialto Towers Australia 108 Flinders Street Station Melb
Aussie Assets
Collection by Two Dollars Twenty
G'day I have searched this workshop far and wide for the best Aussie assets. And here they are! To see these assets in action visit my Youtube channel and hit that bloody subscribe button like and mosquito on a Sun burnt shoulder, mate.
Australian Inner City Shops
Collection by trist14222
Calavera Beach - Assets Collection
Collection by Pres
This is the assets collection for my Calavera Beach YouTube series. I recommend not hitting "subscribe to all" and instead choosing individual assets you want to use unless you have a very powerful computer.
Trist14222 All Items
Collection by trist14222
PROJECT 2100 Assets
Collection by Dr. Com
PROJECT 2100 is a futuristic city with a strong focus on urban planning and quality of life. Built as a planned city in the late 21. century, this city is the most modern city on the face of this planet. --- I do NOT recommend pressing the "subscribe to al
Late 1800s To Early 1900s American Complete Collection
Collection by Doge1067
A collection to make your cities feel and look classic! Includes growables, unique buildings, vehicles, and transport buildings. The picture above demonstrates the kind of city you can make using this pack. If you think an asset should be added or if you h
Art Deco
Collection by crypticpresage
Art Deco, sometimes referred to as Deco, is a style of visual arts, architecture and design that first appeared in France just before World War I. Art Deco influenced the design of buildings, furniture, jewelry, fashion, cars, movie theatres, trains, ocean
Collection by Sparks
Cork Buildings #1
Collection by AntonioBernal
First collection of buildings used for my Cork recreation. Link to the Official Savegame Videos of this build
Asset list 2
Collection by Sparks
Heimstadt Buildings
Collection by w_jkoopman
A collection of buildings used in the Heimstadt series. Make sure to check out the linked collections at the bottom!
Chivic's Japanese city
Collection by chivicvtec
Australian assets galore
Collection by D a y a n
This pack contains all the required assets to create an authentic aussie landscape.
Buildings E06 neoclassicism
Collection by Zeroekran
A collection of buildings in the Neoclassicism styles, including Palladianism, Classical and Greek revival, Empire Style and others. Categorization based on Owen Hopkins' "Architectural Styles: A Visual Guide"
NZ/AU Assets
Collection by August1612
Fairview Mods and Assets
Collection by Stegar
Mods and assets for my American themed Youtube Series. There are more than just American themed assets though. There all sorts of buildings, some Australian and UK style ones as well. Support me on Patreon: Check out the intr
Exotic/Tropical Growables compiled by Filzbiber
Collection by Filzbiber
Collection of buildings from South America, Australia, Dubai and some tropical islands. WARNING: Do not subscribe to all items in this collection, unless you have AT LEAST 16GB of RAM. Otherwise your game might not work anymore.
Collection by PaperClip
Perth 1:1 (ver3)
Collection by TurboCobra
The assets I've used to recreate Perth at a 1:1 scale in Cities Skylines, attempt 3 at a workshop collection so I can actually work on other things lol
Villages Collection: Oceanian suburb
Collection by monnikje
Introduction Welcome! This is a small collection of buildings of the same theme. You can use this collection without any further dependencies: everything you need, so all assets, props and mods required, to have a village in this style is included in this
ONE-CLICK | Australia
Collection by MikeSkylines
Collection of assets for Australian themed city build. This collection includes a basic set of all kinds of assets (buildings, services, props, roads, vehicles...) for a certain theme. Collection can be used as an one-click subscription (Subscribe to all),
City of Melbourne Collection
Collection by mayorwont
Assets used for my City of Melbourne 1:1 build. This is not a comprehensive list of assets used in the build, just those specific to the region, see my generic asset collections that I use as well. WIP
Collection by Deltair
Collection by Levith
For when I want to build London
New Zealand Assets
Collection by InfernalSpotRitual
Comprehensive collection of all mod assets (excluding maps) that relate to Aotearoa/New Zealand cities; including specific local assets to more generic brands and housing that can be found here. Includeds linked collections. Updated every few months.
Collection by 樺太人
Melbourne Playthrough
Collection by Wubbz
I am going to be rebuilding Melbourne in my own special way and have mods to re-imagine and help building it.
Joe's Commercial
Collection by Darth Modus - God of Richards
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