Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Showing 1-30 of 810 entries
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The Other Side of Town
Collection by KingLeno
Keralis Season 3 : Assets
Collection by Keralis
Lindblum - Asset Collection
Collection by creativeDEX
I like to Create and Design things. Youtube Daily updates of Artwork/Infromations Twitter
Clearwater County Building Collection
Collection by City Planner Plays
This is a list of the original buildings used to create Clearwater Creek. Any additional buildings added to the series will be added through new collection lists. Be sure to subscribe to all linked collections as well as this collection if you want to repl
-CHICAGO/Illinois- No's all in one
Collection by Captain-No
All praise goes to the maker of the mods and assets, I have compiled this lists only! But by a thumbs up for those list you help also that these assets do not be lost in the workshop. Most comprehensive Collection of Assets from CHICAGOS and Illdois landma
New Windsor - Assets Collection [1/2]
Collection by Pres
This is the first of two asset collections for my New Windsor YouTube series. COLLECTION 2/2: NOTE: If you don't have a great computer and 24GB+ of RAM, I recommend that you pick and choose
Collection by m4gic
Not my models. I simply added props to Brooklyn buildings by Feinbild and a few other buildings on the workshop. Low density residential, commercial, industrial, office, with service and unique buildings and props. Not all props shown below are used in gro
Clearwater County One-Click, Part 1
Collection by City Planner Plays, CWC
Great RICO assets
Collection by Beardmonkey
Bad Side of Town
Collection by m4gic
Meant for a "small town" build. This is the collection of buildings (including District Style of the same name) that you won't find on the area's tourism brochure... ...but there's a better side of the tracks: See my Collection "Good Side of Town" for the
Collection by EatThePorg
American Collection
Ferrisburgh Mods/Assets
Collection by Tazer
Here are the mods and assets I'm using in my YouTube series Ferrisburgh. Link to my channel:
My Favorite Rico Buildings
Collection by creativeDEX
Columbia City: Assets Collection #1
Collection by Pres
This is the first of two asset collections for my Columbia City YouTube series. Asset collection #2: Mods collection: Asset
Falcon Falls Collection - Assets (Part 1/2)
Collection by Pres
ASSETS PART 2/2: MODS: DISCLAIMER: Be careful when subscribing to these items. I recommend that you don't subscribe to all of th
Cabrillo Buildings
Collection by Pres
This is the building collection for my Cabrillo YouTube series. Full Cabrillo Steam Workshop library: Savegame: support me on Patreon to get the updated savegame for every episode - Map:
California Series (buildings)
Collection by imperstar
Riverton Bay - Asset Collection
Collection by Tazer
Riverton Bay - Asset Collection
USA city
Collection by Nicolas Ray
All mods and buildings in this collection to build a realistic usa city! The collection also includes mods to improve graphics and map! Rate please)
Sin City
Collection by m4gic
This really is a tale of two cities. Great wealth and desperate poverty living side by side -- is it any wonder we have this problem with violent crime? You'll have to manage the seething tensions between rival mobs and gangs even while you keep the city c
San Palma
Collection by EvangelineE
Collection for all assets used for San Palma
North American Inner-City
Collection by m0ntesa
This is a collection to fill out your North American-style inner cities with small, clapboard style houses and 20th century style commercial and apartment buildings. All credit for the assets in this collection goes to the authors, I'm just putting them he
US/LA Buildings
Collection by Realname
Saltaire Mod List
Collection by citiesbydiana
It would take me AGES to add the thousands of assets I have installed to this collection, but I CAN add my mod list. This is from my YouTube series, Saltaire, an American-style build inspired by Salt Lake City
Foye - All Required Mods/Assets
Collection by Chris6d
All required mods and assets for my Foye city, a series on YouTube, which you can watch! The savegame for Foye is included in this collection! If you subscribe to everything here, and still have trouble loading up the city, check the city's page for more i
Collection by #Kaiserderklaus
Für US Städte
Southern California
Collection by matthiaspowerbomb
The best assets on the workshop, curated to fit into a realistic coastal Southern California metropolis filled with the new and the old, the rich and the poor, the flourishing and the destitute, the gentrified and the decaying, and everything in between.
US Shops & Stores - Commercial Collection
Collection by Blackfrost
Collection of shops, stores and all kinds of low density commercial buidlings to fit an U.S. American theme. Necessary decorations (props, trees etc.) are included in this collection. --- Selection by Blackfrost For updates and more follow me on Facebook,
Buildings - Restaurants and Businesses
Collection by LemonsterOG
Restaurants and businesses for your city. Click Here to See Collection #2 DON'T FORGET to check out Ready to Use In-Game Restaurants & Businesses, which are completely ready for "Subscribe to All" and go. They are all of the growables from this list, along
North American Growables compiled by Filzbiber
Collection by Filzbiber
Collection of buildings from the USA and Canada. There's a seperate collection with buildings from New York City, because there so many of them in the workshop. WARNING: Do not subscribe to all items in this collection, unless you have AT LEAST 16GB of RAM
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