Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Containing item: "SkyConnect Airport Shuttle Train"
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Showing 1-30 of 281 entries
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bsquiklehausen's Train Collection
Collection by bsquiklehausen
This is a collection of the trains that I have made for Cities: Skylines! They are mostly American prototypes, and all have full compatibility with both base game color variations and After Dark nighttime lighting effects!
Gramercy Mod and Asset Collection #1
Collection by bsquiklehausen
Here is the official asset and mod collection for Gramercy! Watch here at
FBS Airport Project (Jay's Picks)
Collection by bsquiklehausen
An asset amalgamation assembled allowing airport advancements.
Ferrisburgh Mods/Assets
Collection by Tazer
Here are the mods and assets I'm using in my YouTube series Ferrisburgh. Link to my channel:
Cities Skylines: The Ultimate Collection (Vehicles)
Collection by Balthoraz
REVISION LOG: REV 0004 - Added - Added - Added
Assets List II
Collection by agusingnavy
Sorted by author. Peace out.
Better Vehicle
Collection by HatsuneKid
Beautiful appearance, excellent model details and textures.
Foye - All Required Mods/Assets
Collection by Chris6d
All required mods and assets for my Foye city, a series on YouTube, which you can watch! The savegame for Foye is included in this collection! If you subscribe to everything here, and still have trouble loading up the city, check the city's page for more i
Cgameworld All Mods and Assets (City Build)
Collection by Cgameworld
A collection of every mod and asset I use in my City Build Series savegame. This collection has almost 1000 items in it so it will take a while to load. City Build YouTube series:
Transports : Rail systems vehicles & Stations
Collection by dude1973
Train, trams, metro : rail systems vehicles + stations + assets
American Vehicles
Collection by ECNoMercy
Collection by B4NK35
Atlanta Assets
Important mods and assets
Collection by alexm.poland
My most important asset and mods WARNING! For more collections that i use scroll down
Trains and Train Stations
Collection by ChuckKully
My Subscribed Assets
Collection by flexxmatthews
Listing of my subscriptions in C:S.
American Trains and Metro
Collection by D a y a n
This pack contains North American monorails, passenger and freight trains as well as metro. The use of Metro Overhaul, Advanced Vehicle Tools and Improved Public transport 2 mods is highly recommended.
citisskylines vehicle
Collection by SZK02
Cities Skylines Assets
Collection by flexxmatthews
Listing of all my assets.
Trains, Trams, Metros, Ships, Monorails and Ferries
Collection by LemonsterOG
These are trains, tram, metros, ships, monorails and ferries I use in the game. You can see my full list of collections by Clicking Here Note: I did not create any of these items. The artists (and they truly are artists) deserve all the credit. Please take
Verkehr/Traffic - PKW, LKW, Bus, Bahn, Straßen, Parkhäuser, Hafen
Collection by claurech
Verkehr/Traffic - PKW, LKW, Bus, Bahn, Straßen, Parkhäuser, Hafen
Concordski's C:S Mods and Assets
Collection by concordski
For friends to use in collaboration projects and all citybuilders
Collection by PetahGriffin
Cargo, Transport, and Metro Trains
Cities Skylines "NYC Transit"
Collection by chihaeru
A collection of vehicles, stations, and other assets/props to create New York City and surrounding's transit system.
Gotham City pt 2
Collection by Duke of Darkness
You cant get enough mods! .......unless your computer burns down.....
My New Mods/Assets for Creative Cities
Collection by ScoringStew2
My mods & assets that I use for creative cities
NBB Assets List
Collection by SonTyp
DEUTSCH Alle Assets sollten mit der aktuellen Version von Cities: Skylines kompatibel sein. Sollte der Loading Screen Mod irgendwelche Objekte nicht finden, dann wurden diese entgültig aus dem Workshop entfernt. Das Spiel lässt sich trotzdem problemlos spi
C:S Mods and Assets #1
Collection by baChewieChomp
My complete loadout for C:S. I CAN NO LONGER ADD ITEMS TO THIS COLLECTION - Steam appears to have a limit somwhere around 2300-2400 Another collection (#2) has been made Using for backup to restore elsewhere - but will continue to be updated. Everything he
Basic Modifications
Collection by Senator Iris
Just a few basic mods. Some styles, mods and assets that will enhance your experience. Mainly focuses on a semi-realistic US Styled gameplay. Oh, almost forgot about the few hundred street lights! PS: Small Prison Camp experience available.
Brad Cage Bruh Update
Collection by TheTiminator
Collection by Lost-Compass
mes mods
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