Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Containing item: "QuartierM - Office, lvl 1, 1x4"
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QuartierM - a growable building set
Collection by Titan
This is a building complex in the centre of Dresden (Germany). It combines Stores in the ground and 1st floor and apartments in the upper floors. Originally it was built in the 1950s during the communist era. However the style could also very well exist in
Elbflorenz - Architecture of Dresden
Collection by Titan
Buildings of Dresden - A Collection The Assets are not only made by me, but also by other creators. The structure of that is as follows: Important landmarks other ploppable buildings Growables from Dresden Props and Networks Also linked are collections of
Honorable Mentions
Collection by Leo Mystic Magic
All the assets that I had to cut from my game because of computer capacity. These are all assets that I would subscribe to if I had more ram / computer capability. You may enjoy some of these more than my other top picks. Enjoy!
Global Buildoff (1 of 2)
Collection by Flux
Sin City
Collection by m4gic
This really is a tale of two cities. Great wealth and desperate poverty living side by side -- is it any wonder we have this problem with violent crime? You'll have to manage the seething tensions between rival mobs and gangs even while you keep the city c
Asset list 4
Collection by Sparks
Old Town / Altstadt
Collection by Shenira
Es geht mir um ein abwechslungsreiches, historisches Stadtbild. Die Stadt sollte schön anzusehen und funktionsfähig sein. Unter diesen Aspekten habe ich die Auswahl meiner Objekte getroffen. Schönheit ist natürlich subjektiv, aber mir machen diese Workshop
Modern Latin America
Collection by m4gic
Latin America is a truly gargantuan place. It encompasses a good chunk of North America, virtually all of Central and South America and the lion's share of the Caribbean Isles. Some say it stops at the border of the USA and Mexico...but it's more of a meld
German Growables compiled by Filzbiber
Collection by Filzbiber
Collection of buildings from Germany. WARNING: Do not subscribe to all items in this collection, unless you have AT LEAST 16GB of RAM. Otherwise your game might not work anymore.
Collection by Scania Trucks West-Africa A/S
A big collection of offices that will make your city a central district for trading and work! This collection is outdated, but still includes some of the best offices available at the time
Villages Collection: Soviet city
Collection by monnikje
Introduction Welcome! This is a small collection of buildings of the same theme. You can use this collection without any further dependencies: everything you need, so all assets, props and mods required, to have a village in this style is included in this
Archangel's Collection of Wall-to-Wall
Collection by Archangel
Collection by Hussar
Ok bruh
East Germany
Collection by Stephenfisher2001
Here Are East Germany Stuff, Vehicles, And More WITH SOVIET PACK!!!! 1949-1990
Croshy's 2017 German/EU Diversity, Tweaks, Enhancements
Collection by TheCroshy
UPADATED FOR Greens City Patch (Addon not needed) ! ! Do not forget to activate All Workshop Mods and the European Building Theme in the Content Manager for this to work ! This is a Collection of Guildings, Assets, Tweaks and changes to give the game a mor
Modern Latin America Commercial / Office
Collection by m4gic
Modern America (Small City/Town)
Collection by PongoBongo
WIP Collection This collection represents smaller cities and towns in America. Residential and Commercial districts are finished (for now). This pack will not include many tall buildings, and most buildings will top out at 5-6 stories (with a few exception
天际线 办公区
Collection by 真宫寺鬼狐
天际线 办公楼皮肤合集,无需MOD!
My assent
Collection by Mansfield
Collection by otterable
A collection for Binz.
Collection by Kemza
Germany (3/3)
Collection by ⭐Kaiser⭐
Realistic Mod Collection by ProfessorHen
Collection by ProfessorHen
Einige Assets kann man nicht in Kollektionen hinzufügen. Die folgenden Sachen müsst ihr noch zusätzlich abonnieren: Nursing Homes with Eldercare Pack: Die Kollektion ist noch in Arbeit und w
German Collection #6 - Offices
Collection by mateusz.kunda
Sixth part of the big German collection, this one includes offices (only the growable ones). Actually to make it orderly it should be #4 after all the zones but I've simply forgotten about it! :D
OFFICE | Wall-to-Wall
Collection by MikeSkylines
Collection of wall-to-wall office buildings. I do not recommend to subsrcibe them all, just find the most suitable ones for your build. All my other collections can be found here: MikeSkylines | MASTER COLLECTION Looking for stand-alone offices? Try THIS c
Cities Skylines Modpack von Kuro
Collection by Kuro
Eine auf meinem PC funktionierende Modcollection, möglicherweise muss man CS 3-4 Mal starten
Italian Cities
Collection by Marvinos
Houses and buildings for an city in Italian style
kolekcja 2
Collection by KeePuf
O limicik to 1000 ciekawe
City Skylines European Assets and Mods
Collection by Thorsten
Collection by WAKALAKAJAKA
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